Download - Skal International Sunshine Coast 2015 National AGM club report


History and Context• Formed 1995• Large area – Caloundra to Noosa and hinterland region, 100km of coastline– Fertile Food region – lots of green space!– Authentic nature based tourism offerings.

• Winner Club of the Year 2008 and 2010• Currently 30 members – 27 Active, 2 Associate, 1 Life

Nurturing Skal within local cultural context

• Embracing the core values not caught up with the symbols – region demands a more casual approach to “doing business amongst friends”

• Removing the perception of the drinking culture.• Entrust new members with responsibility and the

story telling.• Acceptance of new ideas

Critical Success Factors• Relevance to local industry/region – perceived as

adding value to members and their businesses.• Allowing motivated members to influence the

decision making.• Willingness to change, eg lunch and dinners, fines as

fund raisers.• Respect for the past, but not glued to it.• Persistent, consistent invitation database. Targetting!

Vision for 10 Years• Growth and Sustainability of Membership, eg Underwater World.

– Any loss of membership is result of transfers or disconnection from industry not as a result of perceived lack of relevance.

• Recognised as forum for Sharing of knowledge– Education (eg social media trends)– Linking of experiences, showcasing regions offerings

• Forum for engaged Tourism Professionals, friendship and partnering. (Council, Board, RTO)

• Recognised for providing value to the Community– Charitable support– Voice of tourism in regional development eg Sekisui House

• Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Skal International Sunshine Coast.