Download - Sitecore Fxm presentation


Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0 (XP)

Federated Experience Manager (FXM)What is this beast?~Liam Mepham [email protected]


What isFederated Experience Manager?FXM is an out of the box core feature of the Sitecore platform.Available since Sitecore v7.5, was completely rebuilt for v8.0+

It simply lets you add some Sitecore functionality into a external website.Setup and track goals, profile cards, campaigns and outcomes.Ability to add renderings/sublayouts.Functionality to personalise user journeys.All interactions are tracked into the xDB (analytics).

It lets us mitigate the risk which customers could be hung upon around committing to a full Sitecore build.

~Liam Mepham [email protected]

Federated Experience Manager is a core out of the box piece of functionality which has been available since Sitecore v7.5 where it was a module you needed to install, it was then fully rebuilt for v8.0 and pre baked into the core product.It is a very simple piece of the platform, with quite considerable power if its fully utilised.FXM simply allows you to add sitecore functionality to a external website that you either have development ownership of, or the ability to get JavaScript into the website.It allows us to track goals, assign profile cards, trigger campaigns and outcomes.FXM also allows you to add renderings and sublayouts to the external website that are built within a sitecore instance that's running FXM.All these features are designed to be interacted with, and its all of these interactions data is then tracked into the Sitecore experience database, which is then reported upon, as you will see later.The real selling point to this functionality is the tracking of these interactions and how we could leverage this added insight to mitigate the risk that clients are seeing as the overwhelming factor when talking around a full site migration to Sitecore.

So you must be thinking this must take a considerable amount of time to configure and get working right?2

Setup EffortThis is assuming you have a Sitecore instance with xDB license and the ability to get JavaScript on the external website.Add the generated script to the pages you wish to modify.Register the script with Sitecore FXM.Thats it!~Liam Mepham [email protected]

Its quite the opposite in fact!The setup effort for a local environment is very simple, and a production environment its not much harder!Assuming we are running a sitecore v8.0+ instance with an experience database enabled license file and the ability to get JavaScript onto the page then we are almost there already.We just need to take the JavaScript that the FXM dashboard will produce for us and place this into the code of the website.Then check that Sitecore can find this piece of JavaScript and all should be good.Thats it!.you can then do all them lovely things I have mentioned on the previous slide.So lets see how this actually works.3

Mini demo time..~Liam Mepham [email protected]

I have a short mini demo here, this has been squished together so some parts might seem very rushed and if anything is unclear just reach out to me and I will be more than happy to go over this again.4

What it doesnt do, Gotchas & whats coming.Experience Editor (Formally Page Editor) functionality is quite basic.No workflow integration currently.No path analyser tracking to report the most and least valuable paths to conversion.No testing to test which page/rendering/sublayout is more effective over another.No integration with Web Forms For Marketers (WFFMs).~Liam Mepham [email protected] It must share the same connection protocol HTTP/HTTPS.If the external site and the Sitecore instance are on different domains:Chrome & Firefox FXM can track the same contact across both websites.Safari, iOS & IE FXM assigns each contact a unique contact ID per website.

With the good there is sometimes the bad and this isnt an exception.There are lots of things that FXM currently doesnt do, some of these missing features there are plans for and other features there are not.

Some major issues from my point of view are:Workflow this means there isnt any iterative sign off process for website changes to go live, be that content or page structure, so things can easily go live that shouldnt.Testing there is currently no ability to test content, renderings or sublayouts against another one to determine what content or rendering combination works most effectively. This has been talking about quite considerably throughout the community.WFFMs currently no integration for this, although there is a work around thats available in the Sitecore dev community.

Now there is a gotcha thats a known issue to Sitecore.You have to imagen the setup where there is a static website built in anything other than sitecore or even the .net stack, so it could be a php site for example that you are injecting sitecore functionality into.But you also have the sitecore instance, the same instance that FXM is used on, which maybe could be hosting the sister site of the static site.When visiting both these sites in Chrome or Firefox both visits will be tracked as one, once they are known and identifiable, so they might login to both sites using their facebook account for example.But when visiting using safari, iOS or IE FXM assigns each visit a unique ID for each site, which will get merged eventually if they use the same matching identifiers, like a facebook account, but it wont be in real time.What this means is that the personalisation experience across browsers and websites that are tracked using FXM might not be always consistent.

So whats the silver lining from all of this? Well I personally dont think its a bad first crack at producing a tool that helps us as partners get our foot in the door by mitigating the risk of a full sitecore build, the development team with a simple integration setup and for the most part consistency with the editing/authoring environment within Sitecore that marketers are exposed too.5

Thank you!Any questions?~Liam Mepham [email protected] @[email protected]