Download - Short Films

Page 1: Short Films

ResearchAminul Islam 13S

Page 2: Short Films

What is a short film?

• A short film is a motion picture that has a duration of 40 minutes or less.

• When short films first started they were mostly of the comedy genre.

• They used to considered as B movies and were the second feature film in cinema around the 1920s.

• After the 1930s the short film industry started to go big. By 1960 they were a regular thing on TV.

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People who make short films

• Many independent studios create shorts to get noticed.

• Amateur film makers always try to make short films to get noticed as well.

• Short films can do what features films cannot do. Which is being able to take risks.

• Short films are also done by major institutions such as Pixar. Pixar create shorts because they showcase to the audience what latest technology they have for their productions.

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Examples of Pixar shorts

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Raindance 7 tips for a good short film

1. The shorter the better2. Keep the practicalities

of writing in mind. 3. Make it visual. 4. Find single moments.

5. Tell a story. 6. Engage the audience 7. Beware of cliches.

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Typical codes and conventions• Low budgets• Simple locations, less editing. CGI is hardly ever used. • Easy to relate to protagonist• Have twists• Protagonists usually have situations that are real. They relate to target

audiences• Time length is under 45 minutes, our will be 5 minutes long• A lot of diagetic sound in contrast to non diagetic. Keeps a sense of realism• Realistic• Minimal titles • Simple storyline • Simple Mise en scene• Diverse camera angles and shots.