Download - Shipwrecked - Rescued by Jesus · Rev. Lynn Bergren was recognized for 40 years of ministry. On the marriage of Bethany & Austin Hughes. Thanksgiving: On behalf of our family, we

Page 1: Shipwrecked - Rescued by Jesus · Rev. Lynn Bergren was recognized for 40 years of ministry. On the marriage of Bethany & Austin Hughes. Thanksgiving: On behalf of our family, we




Sharing Christ’s Love

July 2018

Volume 57, Issue 7

worship with us this weekend!

Saturday 5:30 p.m.

Sundays at 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.

Come ashore to Shipwrecked VBS where kids find out that Jesus rescues them

when life gets stormy, no matter the situation! Kids will participate in memorable Bible-learning

activities, with the help of our Bible memory buddies, sing and dance to fun and exciting songs,

play games together, create little take home toys that help them share God’s word, and get to

eat a lot of yummy food!

Our VBS is open to all children in our community who will be 3-years old by July 9th and potty trained

through kids going into 6th grade! Cost is $10 per child with a family maximum of $30. Make sure to fill out

a registration form today and drop in by the office, or in the offering plate! And remember none of this would

be possible without volunteers!

For more information about signing up or volunteering, please contact VBS director Morgan Sarber at

(309) 714-2732 ([email protected]) or Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Haylee Gustafson.

Shipwrecked - Rescued by Jesus

July 29-August 2 ~ 5 to 8 p.m.

As summer marches on, we continue our Partners in Mission program. Each weekend throughout

the summer months, we lift up the ministry of an organization that we work with as we are Sharing

Christ’s Love in our community and in our world.

In July, we will learn more about and support these ministries:

June 30 & July 1 ~ Osupuko Parish, Tanzania

July 7 & 8 ~ Another Child Foundation

July 14 & 15 ~ Fund for Leaders in Mission

July 21 & 22 ~ Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services

July 28 & 29 ~ World Hunger

Continue bringing your coins to church each weekend for the noisy offering to support our Partners

in Mission. Stop by the bulletin board in the Fellowship Room and see how we are connected with

our partners all over the world!

Partners in Mission

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A Word




Stewardship of Creation

In the baptismal rite for infants and

children, the presiding minister addresses

the parents of the candidates for baptism and

ask them if they can make promises. Some

of those promises include that they live with

their children among God’s faithful people,

bring them to the word of God and the holy

supper, place in their hands the holy

scriptures, teach them the Lord’s prayer,

the Creed, and the commandments, and

care for others and the world God made.

Again, we are called to do this. Here at

First Lutheran we are trying to reinvest in

this mission and ministry. Around ten years

ago this congregation had a Green Team, and

they did many wonderful things educating

people and enacting some real changes to

make this congregation more ‘green’. We

would love to get this going again. We will

be having a meeting on July 19 at 7 p.m. to

see if there is any shared interest here. If this

ministry is something that you would like to

do, then please come to the meeting or talk

with me about your interest. At this meeting

we will do a short Bible study and then open

it up for ideas, hopes, and dreams. All are

welcome and we hope to see you there.

In Christ,

Pastor Matt

Stewardship of Creation that we all call home

has been on my mind lately. Care for the

environment has been in the news lately and

has been and will be an ongoing concern for

every generation to come. It seems as if it has

been on others’ minds too. At the Northern

Illinois Synod Assembly (June 15-16) we voted

to adopt two resolutions regarding stewardship

of creation. They both include education,

promoting awareness, and enacting concrete

changes in our churches and world toward

becoming better advocates of the creation

God made.

I know we have a responsibility as people

of faith to care for the world God gave us. We

are called by God to steward (take care) of our

common home. I try my best to live this out by

recycling, turning off lights when I don’t need

them to be on, picking up trash when I see it

in our communities, driving less and walking

or riding bikes more, taking shorter showers,

using energy efficient bulbs, stopping my use of

straws/Styrofoam, using less paper, using/buying

less of everything, ending wasteful food habits,

flushing the toilet less, speaking up for those

who are affected the most by pollution and lack

of care of the environment, etc… There are so

many ways to help in this way that I have not

listed here, but encourage you to inquire about


Now, I’m not the best at all of these practices,

but I try. This world is a gift and we as people of

faith should be trying to care for the world God

gave us. And we should because we have indeed

made this very promise in our baptisms.

Photos, videos, and other highlights

have been posted on the Assembly website


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& Music

June 30 & July 1, 2018 — Pentecost 6

This weekend’s texts include Lamentations

3:22-33, Psalm 30, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 and

Mark 5:21-43.

July 7 & 8, 2018 — Pentecost 7

This weekend’s texts include Ezekiel 2:1-5,

Psalm 123, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 and Mark


July 14 & 15, 2018 — Pentecost 8

This weekend’s texts include Amos 7:7-15,

Psalm 85:8-13, Ephesians 1:13-14 and Mark


July 21 & 22, 2018 — Pentecost 9

This weekend’s texts include Jeremiah

23:1-6, Psalm 23, Ephesians 2:11-22 and

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56.

July 28 & 29, 2018 — Pentecost 10

This weekend’s texts include 2 Kings

4:42-44, Psalm 145:10-18, Ephesians

3:14-21 and John 6:1-21.



Please keep the following Lifelines petitions in your prayers:

World and Community: For our leaders: President Donald J. Trump and Governor Bruce

Rauner. For all who work for peace and justice. For those serving our country in the military,

especially Raul Falcon, Griffin Fleming, Josh Fleming, Jakob Gradert, Connor Luxmore, Taylor

McKean, Jessica Ruggles, Christopher Schwake, Christopher Unrath, Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders.

Church: For our bishops: Rev. Elizabeth Eaton and Rev. Jeff Clements. For our partners in ministry: Pastor Daniel

Meyan, newly installed in February 2018, and the people of Osupuko Parish in Tanzania, Rev. Raja Socrates, Bishop

of the Arcot Lutheran Synod, India. For missionaries who share the Gospel around the world. For Catherine Nelson,

seminary student. For Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. For our pastors, parish staff, Preschool staff and Church

Council (names listed on pg. 8).

Health and Wellbeing: Brittani and her baby born prematurely (Kathy Nelson’s friend’s niece), Judy Bonderchuk (Julie

Lewis’ friend), Mike Chavez (Andrew & Meredith Holt’s father), Judy DeBoever, Sherry Dickens, Jack Farnsworth (Jan &

Steve Weber’s grandson), Tim Janey (Sue Conrad’s husband), Evelyn Kline, Peggy Schram (Doris Swanson’s daughter) and

Doris Swanson.

Joys: We rejoice that Jay Sears is in remission. For the Recognition of Anniversaries of Rostered Ministers that

happened on June 15 during Synod Assembly. Deacon Linda Schmidt was recognized for 30 years of ministry and

Rev. Lynn Bergren was recognized for 40 years of ministry. On the marriage of Bethany & Austin Hughes.

Thanksgiving: On behalf of our family, we say thank you for all the prayers for our little boys, Easton Martin Lowe

and Ashton Harold Lowe born on November 29, 2017 (6 weeks premature) twin sons of Jared & Kathryn Lowe (Lenexa,

KS) and grandsons of Jayson & Diane Lowe. Our prayers have been answered and they are both growing and doing

really good! For the safe arrival for Abby Larson to Colorado and new opportunities for graduates. For a safe and fun

week of Confirmation Camp at LOMC in Oregon, IL. For the successful completion of the 31st

Assembly of the

Northern Illinois Synod.

Sorrows: On the deaths of Glen R. Anderson, member; and Marilyn Benzon, member.

If you wish to submit a prayer request, please contact the church office at 944-3196 or by e-mail [email protected]. If you

or a member of your family have a medical procedure planned or are admitted to the hospital, please call the church office. In the

event of an after-hours emergency please contact Pastor Matt at 703-505-9517.

Adult Education in July

Adult Education will take a break on July 1

and then resume on Sunday mornings at

9:45 a.m. the rest of the month. Pastor

Laura, Pastor Matt, and Sherry Dickens

will take turns leading discussion and Bible

Study on the topic of hospitality. Then, at

the end of the month, Pastor Laura will

begin a 4-session Bible Study on the Letter

of James. We will look for the gift of God’s

wisdom in this letter that Martin Luther

called an “epistle of straw.” Bring your

Bible and a cup of coffee and join us in

Conference Room A.

July 1 — No Class

July 8, 15, 22 — Hospitality Bible Study

July 29 — The Letter of James, Session 1:

What Is Wisdom?

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& Music

Grace Notes from Linda Schmidt, Deacon

YOU are invited:

To Second Sunday Choir – July 8; meet

at 7:40 a.m. and sing at 8:30 worship; open

to adults and youth ages 4th grade and up.

To ring in Glory Ringers (our handbell

choir); we have 3 spots open for next year—

we rehearse on Thursday evenings September-

May and play for 8:30 a.m. worship once/

month. Music reading is not a prerequisite.

It is a wonderful group that loves praising

God through music.

To come to Music Camp! If your child/

grandchild just finished 1st


grades—this is

the event for them! We met August 13-17

from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Mornings are filled

with music, crafts, games, snack, and

instruments. We have lunch at church and

then our afternoons are spent away from

church: bowling/Dairy Queen; games at the

campground; swimming, etc. Registration

forms are available at the Welcome Center,

and on our website.

July 15 — 2 happenings to be aware of:

10 a.m. – LOMC Swing Choir will be

singing at our worship service.

3-8 p.m. – Praise Band Jam at the City

Park. The First Lutheran group performs at

3:30 p.m. Food is available from 3-7 p.m. All

proceeds donated to GROW Ministries. We

are looking for 8 pies to be served that day.

If you can help, please sign up at the

Welcome Center.

Thank You!

Many thanks to the following for the new

baptismal/funeral banner to be used in the

Fellowship Room:

• Julie & Jeff Kunkel for donating funds

in memory of Lorrin Buechler.

• Gail Hutchinson for making it, and

Eddielea Sheets for her assistance.

Clothing drive for Another Child

One of our mission partners in the month

of July will be Another Child Foundation.

This organization provides education and

other life-giving opportunities for orphaned

and at-risk children in Romania. This

summer, we will be hosting a clothing drive.

From June 30 to July 29, we will collect

children’s t-shirts and girl’s leggings. ACF

needs short-sleeved T-shirts for boys and

girls, sizes 3T through Adult Medium, and

leggings for girls in the same sizes. The kids

particularly like the “graphic tees” that can be

found at many stores, with favorite characters

or fun designs. Bring your donations to the

box marked “Another Child Foundation” in

the Fellowship Room.

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Outreach Ministry’s Volunteer Recognition

Many members of this congregation give of their time, talents and treasure help people, projects

and organizations outside the walls of First Lutheran. We notice and want them to know that their

efforts are appreciated. Each month we will recognize a FLC individual or group of individuals

that are doing “God’s Work” in our community and beyond.

Our volunteer Recognition of the Month goes to Mike Pries who for several years has

served our community on the Board of Directors of the Geneseo-Atkinson Food Pantry.

Each week Mike delivers our donations to the Pantry. Mike, along with fellow Board

members, has spent countless hours searching for and signing the new, larger and safer

facility. He attributes daily prayer and the help of many volunteers for the success of this

project. As he concludes his term on the Board, we honor and thank Mike for his work

with this much needed ministry.

• Please contact Mike if you would like to serve on the Geneseo-Atkinson

Food Pantry Board of Directors or serve this ministry in any way.


Save the Date

The 2018 Diakonia graduates will be recognized

at a special worship service on Sunday, July 8 at

3 p.m. at First Lutheran Church, Rockford, IL.

Bishop Clements will preside. Sherry Dickens

will be among those graduates and invites all of

you to attend.


In June, we had 8 of our confirmation youth go to

LOMC Camp in Oregon, IL. They had a chance to go

canoeing, hiking, ziplining and learn more about God’s

love and grace. It was a fun experience for all of them!

Upcoming Opportunities

Save the Date!

• Sunday, August 5

Let’s soak up the sun!

You’re invited to First Lutheran’s Pool Party

at the Geneseo Aquatic Center on Sunday,

August 5. First Lutheran has reserved the

Poolside Room from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and

will provide sandwiches, chips, cookies and

beverages during that time. Pool hours are

from noon-6:00 p.m. and families can use their

pool passes or pay $7 per person to enter the

Aquatic Center and swim as much as you like!

Kids under 2 years of age are free! See you

there for sun, fun and fellowship!

• September 29-30

Congregational Camping Trip at Lutheran

Outdoor Ministry Center, Oregon, IL,

September 29-30, noon to noon. You may

bring your own tent, hook up your RV, or

reserve a bed in the retreat center. We will

have games and recreation for all ages on

Saturday afternoon, a campfire and cookout

on Saturday evening, and outdoor worship

on Sunday morning. Look for more details

in August!

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A Word of Thanks and a Word of Welcome

On June 30, Lynn Lindell will conclude her ministry as Financial Secretary. Lynn has

been a faithful member of the First Lutheran staff for about 8 years. Thank you, Lynn!

On July 1, Michael & Crystal Ficken assume responsibilities of the Financial Secretary

position. They will work together to complete the work. If you have questions about

your giving statements or about your offerings or other gifts, Michael will be the primary

contact person. You can reach him at 515-512-3679 or [email protected]. We welcome

Michael and Crystal as new members of the Finance and Stewardship teams of FLC!

As the Financial Secretary position moves from a staff position to a volunteer position,

Lynn and Michael and Crystal are working together to make sure there is a smooth

transition. Lynn will continue to offer support after July 1 on a volunteer basis. We give

thanks for the commitment and faithful work of each of these co-workers in the Gospel.

Council Highlights for June 18, 2018

Council was appreciative of the many

First Lutheran volunteers who helped at the

recent Synod Assembly. Congratulations to

Bill Nelson, as he was elected to the Synod

Ministry Support Committee.

Old Business

Received an update on the Sunday School

start-up (January 2019), which may require

a change in Sunday worship times. The

Council will ask for congregational input

on worship times during several September


New Business

• Information on a possible security system

was relayed. Scott Fitzpatrick is seeking

more quotes and Council will discuss the

possibilities more in the future.

• Lynn Lindell will be honored for her

service to the congregation as Financial

Secretary on Saturday night July 14th


Financial Report

General Fund Offering:

May actual $27,881

May budget $32,767

YTD actual $189,832

YTD budget $192,433

Net Income Over Expenses:

May actual $6,801 deficit

May budget $1,942 deficit

YTD actual $4,721 deficit

YTD budget $8,720 deficit

A Volunteer Opportunity

We are always looking for new people to join

the Counter teams. The Counters meet on

Monday mornings at the church to count

and deposit the previous week’s offerings and

receipts. Each team serves for a month at a time,

about every 4th

month. If you are able to serve

as a Counter, please contact Pastor Laura.

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A Special Note of Thanks

The Family of Glen R. Anderson wish to extend

our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation for

your kind expressions of sympathy. Thank you

to Pastor Matt for a beautiful service and all of

your prayers and support during this difficult

time. A great big thank you to the Funeral

Ministry Team for a wonderful meal and to our

Church Family for all the delicious food. Thank

you for all of your love and support that have

helped us through this difficult time. May God

Bless you always.

Jenny Anderson

Wayne & Shelley Anderson and Family

Mark & Darla Anderson and Family

Dave Anderson

Gordon & Nikki Rehn and Family

Lutheran World Relief School Kits

Items for Lutheran World Relief school kits

will be collected in July and August. Following

is a list of items that are needed to pack in cloth

drawstring backpacks to send overseas.

• 70–sheet spiral notebooks (no loose-leaf paper)

• rulers (30 cm)

• pencil sharpeners

• blunt scissors

• #2 unsharpened pencils

• black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink)

• Crayola crayons (16 or 24 count)

• 2 ½” erasers

Please Note ~ Each school kit requires four

of the 70-sheet spiral notebooks. Donations may

be left in the basket outside the church office.

Thank you for giving a child the opportunity to

go to school!

Women’s Ministry

Cover Girls Quilting

Come and work with the “Cover Girls” on

a variety of projects including tying quilts

made of donated fabrics and assembling

several care kits for Lutheran World Relief.

You are welcome to come any time you

can help on Wednesday, July 11 at 9 a.m.

in Grace Place. The need is great!

Women’s Bible Study will be held on

Wednesday, July 18 at 9 a.m. in the

Fellowship Room. We will be using the

Lutheran magazine, “Gather” for our study

guide. All women are welcome to join us

for this time of fellowship and Bible Study.

A Note of Thanks

Dear Members of the Funeral Ministry Team,

Please accept our sincere thank you for the wonderful

hospitality and lunch that was served at the church

following the funeral of our mother, Marilyn Benzon.

The food was delicious and wonderful. The warmth

of those who served was tremendous. And we so

appreciate those members who donated and baked

food for our family and friends to eat. It is always so

refreshing to return to Geneseo and be greeted and

cared for by such wonderful members of the First

Lutheran Church. Thank you so much again for the

great ministry you perform for those who grieve the

loss of loved ones.

Peace and joy to you all,

Steve & Sue Benzon

Food Pantry Collection

The Geneseo Food Pantry is collecting Sloppy Joe sauce, pickles, taco seasoning, canned pasta, beef broth, insect

repellent, foil, razors, bleach and size 5 diapers to share with those in our community. Donations may be left

in the basket by the church office.

Another way to help! ~ We will be collecting donations of new school supplies during July and August. Our

goal is to provide new school supplies to every child in need within the 228 School District. If you want to help

us reach our goal, you may drop off donations at the Food Pantry anytime during normal business hours.

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114 E. Main Street

Geneseo, Il 61254-1566


e-mail: [email protected]

A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America



Permit No. 91

Geneseo, IL


First Lutheran Church


Ray Bergles—President

Cathy Runty—Vice-President

Brian Hofer—Secretary

Rollin Setterdahl—Treasurer

Jodi Barnhart, Roger Bengtson,

Nancy Cassens, Gary Daniels,

Dawn Ebarb, Scott Fitzpatrick,

Johanna Hager, Peter Johnson,

Taylor Wildermuth

Meeting Schedule:

Cabinet — No meeting in July

Council — No meeting in July

Ministries — No meeting in July

Preschool staff

Misty Slaymaker, Director

Mary Williamsen, Margi Ficken

[email protected]

Next Chimes deadline:

Tuesday, July 10

Staff Directory

Rev. Laura Kamprath

[email protected]

Rev. Matt Kamprath

[email protected]

Linda Schmidt, Deacon

Director of Worship & Music

[email protected]

Mary Jo Brummet

Parish Administrator

[email protected]

Haylee Gustafson

Director of Youth & Family Ministry

[email protected]

Jennifer Johnson

Programs Meal Coordinator

Jim Luikart

Parish Accountant

[email protected]

Charlene Daniels


[email protected]

Office hours


8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Office Closed

Closed for Lunch ~ Noon–1 p.m.

Staff schedule

Rev. Laura Kamprath

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Rev. Matt Kamprath

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Linda Schmidt, Deacon

Director of Worship & Music


Mary Jo Brummet,

Parish Administrator


Haylee Gustafson, Director of

Youth & Family Ministry
