Download - Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA)*.->over MewMarkot Vs ENERAL LOCAL NEWS B a \ at Kline*! next week.



"FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, l*>09.

kc td *t :be Post Office, at Wood

stock. Va., as seeoad-olass matter.

benandoah Vslley Losn ft Trust o.


Honer loaned at 6 per cent on real ostateor good ^olUtoral feourity. Savings de

posits received lr sums of $1.00 or over,

.nd interest allowed on same.

.JT For particulars acdress the Cons par.?st Its home oflW, or call on J. V. Rberlr,*tra»hurff: O u . wind'e. Bdlnburg; F.8.Pennyhacker Mt. .'ackson: or S. K.*.->over Mew Markot Vs


B a \ at Kline*! next week.See larire adv.Mr John Myers, of Hamburg killed

a bog Inst net intoned 756' lbs.

Marj C. Btki r hui 1 een appointediher'i Hill.

spent or New Plan Auctions ntKline'a Jewelry store.Jun. lwh toJan. ll'ith.

Mr. 1'. M. Hsrper, of Grunt county,W. Va. killed a hog the! dressed 878

P MUlls.G our window and hand billa to

Plan Sib ut auc-

d n< xt neek. KlThi nt the home

of Mr. snd Mrs. M. W. Ma-ruder.Tuesday evei

<s DeWitt'smi .. .saut little

\\\. s, ths Sold byVY

seph M. Sheetz end sen-rses on court

fo! - i!'e Wellknown hon -"id bars gained

ai tatton by handlingIFut your savings In the Savings

Department of Shenandoah ValleyLoan k Trust Co., Woodstock, Va.,at 3 per cent, compound interest

Amounts of fl .00 and upward received. Ile ol ly savings institution inthe county for the accumulation of tbe«mall - of laboring men, wo-

* en and eblldre: tf

I a jr Fe;<st 1 Nt sign of

if youtl :._ ghi result in

lease 1 ibetes. PoK

eurea .

Wa 9 -t.

I per centCi m.en. Valley Loa

£ Trust Co., Woodstock, Va. Sec ty estioned. Interest psy

annually, and Certificatesd^emable any time alter six monts on

1 rt not

Capt J. N. Cunningham, of Berk¬eley 1 ounty, W. Va., died at his home

after ac illnessof a ingham

- of the famousB. 1st Vu. ava'.ry, Confederate

Anny, and was noted for gallantry

of the V.:aled the insti¬tut, and Fri¬

day. On Friday afternoon the littleof the second grade, with their

unoingbnm, will enter-il the institute with

inte: i>es.

Trial Delayed..¦ W. Al ti plad (! <>Q trial

last Mi at Romney, upon theof mu 1 Mr. John B.

Chapman, a brother of Mr. H., of this place.

Mr. John B. Chapman, it will beremembered wa^ shot and killed from

'U5»h. severnl months ago. at

iville, sher* he was a prosj>ei-ous miller.The case was continued until the

next term of the Court on account oflunt'i brother

an Abell, of Springfield: who ,issaid tobe one «»f the most important

Church Notes.I 'ommunion'will )>e celt -

ed b\ the Reformed gattonat Mt. Calvary next Bunda?, Jan. IT.with preparatory aervicea Saturday


Tin-same sacrament will lie onset-

ved by the St. 1'sui's congregationdstock, Jan. 2^. Preparatory

aerri S irdny Jan. 2Jd. -.Jo p. m.

N< >W

^ventory season.

and see iiassets

a papernorth 15.00 to 50.00 per week

if foo sra lick or accidentally injureeIF VOU ( AN'T FIND ONE

: 01. or writeThe I .< neral Ac lidi :.t.

W. I NEWMAN, AGENT,Woodstock. Va.

A New ProblemOur 1 ti were not only ley, j

dny, Int the Ice eui with ra¬

ter, making walking not only difticulibut dangerous. SoSBOOfths tencbsriof the Public School found climbing

.pot iii ll the mo*t ditlicult prob'lb they had met this season

.ton was both interestingand amusing.

Lambert- Hoover.Married Den. JOth, Ino*, at tbe Re

forsnsd Church parsonage, Woodstock. Va , by Rev. J. Stewart Hartmail, Mr. George Henry Laml*»rt t(Miss Beulah Irene Hoover--rsoth o

near Kdinhurg thia county.

For Sale.One 20 horse power Traction engin

in good condition. For details, address B KR ALD office, enclosing stampfor answer

A Card of Thanks.Mr. S. K. Hottel and family desii

to thank their friends for the kindne*shown them during the illness aaniter the de*t*£ of Mrs. Hottel.

PERSONALS.Mr. Hugh Fravel spent several days

this week at his home.Mr. Henry Whiteman, of Edinburg

was in >odstock Tuesday.Miss Perry is visiting her sister

Mrs. Harry Bushong on North Mainstreet.Division Supt. J. 3. Mclnturff spent

a few hours here one day this week.Mill Ella Magruder spent several

days in Baltimore this week.Mrs. Isaiah Funkhouser, of Lebanon

Church visited frfends In Woodstockthis week.

lira A. G. Carter was called toWi nchester Saturday by the illness ofher nephew.Rev H. M. Canter returned Friday

from a visit to Mrs. Canter's parentsin Cincinnati, Ohio.Mr. Abe Litton and son Linwood

are visiting friends and relatives inWashington this week.Mr. Charles G. Ifuphla, State Exam¬

iner for this district, spent s aborttime in Woodstock this week.

Mr. P. H. Grabill is able to bsaround again, after a severe attack of

appendicitis.Miss Frederica Hottel has returned

from a visit to her lister, Mrs. RobertRiddleberger, in strasburg.Mies Annie flower has returned

from a visit to friend! in Harrison¬burg and Elation

Dr. W. A. Corner, of Winchester,spent several days iu town, the tirst

week.Mi.- L >rena Davis who has been

i iii for the past two weeks is Im¬proving.Misi Kinma Ott, who has been quite

ill at her home on North Main street. |is ver\ much improved.Mr Hane Bushong, Editor of the

Stra>b-u-g News was a Woodstockvisitor Wednesday.Mr. Charles Miller, wife and chil¬

dren, of Ohio, are visiting his brotherMr. Perry Miller on East Church St.

Mr. I). Mv Wine, of Quicksbingspent several days the first ol theweek with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hann,Mrs. J. Snellins and children, of

StraNbutg returned to her home Tues¬day after a visit to relatives in this

Mr. Chnrlei B. Hite and MissBettie Hite, of Page County, are visit¬ing their brother Mr. George W, Hiteand family.Mr. J. R. Burkle, formerly of Mt.

Jackson, who recently sold his farmnear that place t Mr. Ambrose, was

in Woodstock several day^ this week.

Major J. ogden Murray, of CharlesTown, author of "The Immortal S x

Hundred," was the guest of Capt. Jno.H. Grabill this week.Pr. A P. Belew. one of the best

known physicians in the Valley, whohas been quite ill at his home in Ed-

g 'or some months, was inWoodstock. Monday, calling on hismany friends.Mr. c. rgs V' -'. .. Adoe, Wash-ton, is suffering with a severe at¬

tack l»f rheumatism His hosts offriends in old Virginia wieta him a

Speedy recovery.Mrs. H. IV Hovey has returned from

a visit to her niece. Mis. Heb. ri

Rhodes, of Middletown. Va., and her- sh -. Mrs. C. N. Snapp, oi Win¬chester. Vu.The following attorneya are attend¬

ing court herc this week: Messrs. A.C. Stickley. Strasburg. Robt. J.Walker and L. Triplets, Jr., Mt.Jackson, and Charles Benn'ck. ofNew Market.

Mr. Boyer Buys Farm NearMaurertown.

Mr. Samuel E. Boyer, of Powell'sFort, has purchased from Mr. S O.

Laughlin his farm situated about twomiles east of Maurertown, for the sum

of 4500.00. Possession to be given thelat of March.

Wunder--Russow.Mr. Charles Richard Wunder. son

Of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wunder, of

Moon's Store, this county was mar¬

ried to Miss Anna Marie Kussow, of

t bnrlottesville, Ve., at the home ofthe bride in that city. After Jan. 20.,Mr. and Mrs. Wunder will reside in

Philadelphia, where the groom is com-

ting a course at Jefferson MedicalCollege.

AL0NZ0VILLEMr. B. F. Coffelt is plowing his

meadow which has never in-fore been

plowed.Mr. ("alvin Gochenour killed two

bogs, last week, which weighed 4L'«>

and Jil lbs.Roy Hepner and family visited re¬

latives at Cross Roads, last week.

Misses Beuleh Wisman. VioletSmoot, Katharine Boehm and MinnieRichard visited Mr. Calvin Gochenourand family this week.Misa Fannie Coffelt and Mr. Lester

Wisman visiu-d the family of Mr. J.

Rej noMe, this week.

Why do you carry fire insuranceon

your house, stock, or other property'Because it MIGHT burn, you say.

But there isn't anyMIGHT

about death.Vou may well say "IF my house

burns."But you have to say "WHEN I die.''

A life insurance policy for $1000,00can bv secured from the Security LifeInsurance Co. at anywhere from tilto $50 per annum, according to ageand form of policy, and then you can

sar. "When I die," without fear forthose you leave behind.

W. L. NEWMAN, Ar.BMT,Woodstock, Vs.

Uon't Oct s DivorceA western judge granted a divorce

on account of ill-tem|>cr and bad

breath. Dr. King'a New Life Pillswould ha \o pi evented it Tiiey cure

Constipation, etentnf bad breath andLiver Troubl , the ill-temper. dUpelcolds, banish headaches, cooqueichills. 25c at Walton Sc Smoot's.

Circuit Court is£tin^ sessien thisweek.

Three Years in the Penitentiary.The Dellinger.Del auder rape case

was tried before Judge Harrison tn

the Circnit Coui-t of this countv on

Monday. The eas* originiatd near

Shenandoah Alum Springs, and theevidence was not Ht to print.The jury found Dellinger guilty and

fixed his punishment at three yearsin the p3uitentiary.

lt will bo decided by the Court on

Fiiday whether or not the verdictwill stand.The jury uni composed of Messrs.

C, EL Tisinger, D. H. Harpine, EdgarHeadley, Elmer Godlove, C. i>. Kel¬ler, Philip Kibler, G. P. Helseley, J.O. Bauserman. L. N. Zirkle, A. W.Russel, C. L. Gibbs and J. M. Boxer,

lt is claimed that Dellinger attackedMrs. Delaughter while she was at herhome near Belgrade, last July, andafter heroic efforts she was able to

frighten her assailant off. Dellingerwas arrested the next day and triedbefore Justice Hepner of Ashby ii is.

trict and sent to jail to await the ac¬

tion of the Grand Jury. He only re¬

mained in jail a few duys, when BailDonunissioner Stickley released him9U 160 bond.

Program for Lee and Jackson DayMemorial exercises to beheld at the

Court House, at 2 o'clock P. M. on

January 111, 1900.PBOGBAJf.

Music.Drum Corps.IMayer.Rev. Mr. Soberer.Hymn.Nearer My God to Thee.Bugle.Roll Call.Address.Lee.Dr. Stephenson.Song and Chorus."Give me a

Song of the Sunny South."Quartette-Capt. Koontz. Messrs. J.

H. dower, R. Anderson an.l Wm.Calvert.

'From Sire to Son."... Poem...MissAddie Mi ley.

Song and Chorus. "Stonewall Jack¬lin's Way "

I ackson, Paper by Mis3 M. C. Grabill[ Feel It In My Bones_Rec_Miss

Catherine Bargelt.'onquered Banner.Vocal... .Miss

Nannie Williams.Reminiscences.Veteran P. Pitman.Song and Chorus-"CurrJ Me Back

To Old Virginnv."Bestowal of ( rosses to the following

veterans :

John C. Paxton of Co. F. 1th Bat-;a!ion of Reserves of Rockbridge Co.,\'a. Volunteers.J. W. Gill, Co. F. loth Va. Infantry.H. H. Gochenou-, Co. D. 35th Bat¬

talion.Dixie.Drum Corps.Benediction.Rev. Mr. Canter.All singers are cordially invited to

assist, The schools are spec ally in¬vited to be present.

Long--Koontz."Locust Lawn,'' tlie pretty country

lome of Mr. and Mis. John E. Koontz.m the Hawksbill. was last Wednesday(December 3(Hh) the scene of one of

the prettiest weddings it has ever beenthe privilege of this writer to witnessamen their daughter. Miss Bessie Jane,became the bride of Mr. Arthur W,Long. Promptly at thr appointedlour. 12:30 o'clock, the bridal party.ntered the parlor to tbe beautifulItmtni [of Mendelsohn's weddingmureil.Tiie ushers. Messrs. A. R. "Koontz.

Jesse ('.rove. Lucian Spitler and C. A.

Koontz, a brother of the bride, pre-.eeding and forming an aisle throughshish the remainder of the party pass-jd. The Indy attendants. Misses Nan¬nie Bell. Blanche Lionberger, Ber-l»ara Long and forming Frieda Koontz,

coming first followed by the groomind his best mun, Mr. George R. H.

Long, and the bride, leaning on thearm of ber list* r, Miss Maud Koontz,who acted as Maid of Honor. PugiCourier.

Laree Hogs-Mr. P. J. Hollar, of the near Cal¬

vary on January 7th. killed two blackPoland China hogs, not a red hair on

either, the weight of which was as

follows:<>ne hog, 'gross whight 718 lbs.

.' M net M 066 M

One '* gross " 871 "

" net ¦¦ 606 M

Total net weight of the two hogs was

1230 lbs. This pair of hogs is hardto beat even in this section whereheavy weight bogs are common.

Mr. Hollar knows how to make ex

cellent sausage, as the Editor of theHerald has learned. We return our

rmtnful acknowledgments.

Judge DidawickTaken by Death.Wardens vi ll e. Jan. H..Judge

Jacob Didawick, of St. Louis, Mo.,who has l>een here for several weeksvisiting relatives, died on Sunday at

the residence of his nephew, Mr. Wm.L. Didawick, who lives just across

Capon river from town. The deceasedwas a native of this place, but went

west mau) yenrs ago, when be movedto St. Louis. While living in Mon¬tana. Judge Didawick bad the mis-foi tune to freeze both his feet so badlythat he was a confirmed cripple. Hewas 08 yenrs old. Judge Didawick issurvived by his brother Mr. BenjaminDidawick, of near Calvary, twosistersMrs. Mary Whitacker, of Petersburg,W. Vs., and Miss Susan Didawick. ofWardensville.

¦in «.» ¦¦

William Miller Deod.William Miller, a prominent fanner

of LtSbsV on Church died last Frida\,aged 06 years. He was a Confederateveteran. His wife, two sons. Clintonand Arthur Miller, and a daughter,Mrs. \V P. Williams, of Capon Roadsurvive.

His funeral services were conductedby Rev. W. J. Smith, of the Lutheran'Church on last Saturday.

Isaac Godlove Dead.Isaac Godlove, aged 84 years, died

Issi Thursday night at WheatfieldHo was a Confederate veteran. Twochildren survive. Mrs. W. L. Snarrand Filmer Godlove.

Hi-, funeral servicts were conductedon Saturday morning by Rev. A. G.Link of Strasburg.

For Sale.Two colts one and two years old.

Two bay mares, three yearling steers.

M. F. Emiwiller Calvary, Va.


Court Proceedings.IN CHA MCFRY.

Laura F. Good vs. Geo. W. Good.Decree of sale.

Jas. H. Smoot and wife vs. D. W.

Maphis admr. Int. decree.'B. A. Zea. &c. vs Levi II. Culler's

admr.; Baker &c. vs. same; G. W.

Koontz rec. vs. same, decree confirm¬ing sale.John Ebnrly assee. kc* vs. Ida B.

Grant's admr. Decree of sale.J. H. Smoot spl. rec. kc. vs. P. P.

Orndorflf. Final decree.C. N. Hoover gdn. Sec. vs. Jacb E.

Bushong. Int. decree confirming sale.P. J. Allison et als. vs. Bettie E.

Baker. Int. decree. E. D. Newmin

spl. receiver to sell real estate.

Wm. J. Johsling vs. Jas. AlbertSheetz: Walter D. Holler vs. same.

Final decree.W. H. Balthis vs. Ida C. Balthis.

dismissed.A. R. Rudolph vs. Sarah C. Ewers

Permission given to withdraw bonds.bat copy is to be left in records.

White Sewing Machine Co. vs. ChasF. Walter's struck from the docket.Ida F. Reid, guardian vs. Virgie

Catharine Baker; Robert J. Walkeras special commissioner, ordered to

sell property to Lillie E. Estep for

1126.C. L. Bryant, kt* vs. J. F. Holtz-

raan, kc leave to file demurrer andanswers given.

J. L. Will, trustee vs. Annie L.Will, &c, report of special com¬

missioner R. J. Walker, unproved as

well as deed executed by trustee.C. A. Saum va. Southern Illinois

Fruit Co.: demurrer overruled anddefendant given 30 days to tile an-


Susan C. Foltz vs. George Folt/..&c.: Henry vVunder, Joseph H. Ruby,P, W. Allen, L. Harper Zirkle, andiI. II. Hepner appointed commission-?rs of partition.


E F. FrandstatT appointed gamevorden for Madison district.C. F. Mowery ^appointed trustee of

Shiloh U. B. Church, in place of Geo.Slaize. deed.W. N. Grabill appointed trustee of

King Arthur Lodge, K. of P. in :>lacei!L. S. Walker, dec'd.A. C. Stickles ^appointed guardian

if Rengold Lee Grant and Fredie Bell^rant. orphans of R. L. and Ida IL

Orant, dec'd, bond 1300 surity HughStickley.Commonwealth vs Milton Eugene

Good, docked.Chas. A. Hammer vs. T. A. Riden-

0 ir. docketed.J. H. Lindsey us. Bushong Bros..

continued.Amer. Agricul. Co. VS. C. L Zirkle,

dismissed.Mable H. Triplett vs. J. I. Tripiett.

continued.J. N. Davis & Co. vs. C. G. Bauser-

u in. coatinued.Isaiah Funkhouser vs. Melone.

io:keted.J. I. lase Threshing Machine Co.

rs. Joh-. H. ('oilman and Peter Bly.ted.

Alma C. Jones, admrx. Frank J.

lones. dec'd vs. Southern Railn adJo. I^eavc to plead further and beerIn vacation.A. Garrett Carter, constable, made

jath to account of !*0<: for services andsame was certified to auditor for pay¬ment.Robt. S. Holler appointed guardian

Wm. J. Jahsling. Bond $700 surityWalter I). Holler.C. W. Heater appointed trustee ol

St. Pauls Ev. Lutheran churcb, it

Strasburg.C. W. Hepner appointed deputy

Comr. of Revenue for Ashbv district.c. W, Hepner. Justice, made oath

to account H.00 for services, certifiedto auditor.A. C. Andrick, constable, made oath

to account $4.*'4 for services: certifiedto auditor.Commonwealth vs. Chas. DeMinger

was tried Tuesday. The warrant

charged attempted criminal assault on

an aged woman. The jury gave hm3 years in the penitentiary. He was

bailed until today when the appealtaken by his attorneys will be heard.The following persons are certified

to the auditor as deserving pensions:Alex. Bauserman. Moses Biller, A.

Funkhouser, Joshua B. Painter, Jas.H. Rodeffer. R. E. Williams, Mar\J. Hishman, Rebecca Miller and MaryC. Webb.The felony cases, defendants in

which are fugitives from justice, weie

all continued.The Shenandoah National Bank of

Woodstock vs. II. A. Whissen llBros. and B. F. Hisey: judgment foi$200 with interest from Nov. 14, 1006.

Millie Holler vs. B. F. Hisey ai dJosie L. Hisey: judgment for $443 withinterest from Jany. 1st, 1006s IC. L. Bryant vs. H. A Whissen i

Bros.. H. A. Whissen and B. F.Hisey: judgment for $200 and interestfrom Nov. 14th, 1908.The Shen. Nat. Bank vs. C. P.

Irwin and H. A. Irwin: judgment for1660 and interest from Sep. 14, 1906.W. A. Crawford vs. V*"ra. P. Conner

and Jos. B. Conner; judgement for

$I.V>.0Oand interest from Dec. 1st, '06Scott Kenney vs. A. M.. Towns,Carter Webster A Co. vs. ('. L.

Zirkle: judgment from Dec. 1st. '08.W. A Crawford vs. Joseph R.

Conner Ac; judgment $142.50 les*credits.

Perry Kibler vs. H. A. W'hissen. liF. H<sey and H. A. Whissen Sc Bro.;judgment for 1700 and interest fromMay !»th, 1908.

It. H. Williamson, Com. Atty, certi¬fied to auditor for 110 for prosecutingChas. Dellinger.M. B. Wunder, clerk, certified for

92.50 in same case and Daniel Spiker,certified for 15.00.

List of Conveyances.Hannah Armstrong to O. M. Smith

and E. F. Smith, ssw acres near

Headus: $8000.T.W.Allen and wife to John W.

Myers, 2 acres and *» poles in Shenan¬doah county: $100.

E. D. Newman, sj>el. com. to lt. M.Lantz. one undivided half interest in

i sen- at Orkney Spring: 1560.Timothy D. Stultz ami wife to Jas.

F. Bowers, right of way to middleroad; 105.00. |Jas. M. Rosenl>rger to B. W.

feff, tract of land S| miles south oflt. Jackson; $055.00.E D. Newman, apl. com. to Catii.

>nd Sojh; aer, ll I res and 51oles in Lee district: $1000.00.Cora L. Burkle and J, R Purkle to

. K. Ambrose, farm near Mt. Jack-on, $11,250 00.Sarah R. Foster Sec. to Jaseph A.'oster, 35 acres near Wesley Chapel:2001.00.

Marriage Licenses-David E. Lemma and Ella Kite.Arthur F. Racev and Edna Grim.Chas. F. Clem and Jessie B. Munch.Jas. L. Warner and Mary M.iller.

COLOR Kl)Preston W. Scott aad Fleeta McAfee.

Court Day.Quite a crowd of our'count y peoples well as a number from Rockinghamid other couuties attended court this>ek. Business was Bery good and theH*S0 market was better than forany months, fifty horses, we are in-.rmed, were sold during the day.

HE PEOPLES BANK.Otr aim is to extend everyaccommodation to all classes,to make this bank in everyrespect the Peoples Bank. a

banking house for the Mer¬chant, Farmer, Mechanicand Laborer, for the Men,Women and Young; People.The small depositor andsmall borrower is invited todo business with us. Abso-llte safety is assuied, as thisbank has the great advan¬tage ot Gogernment Pro¬tection and supervision.Uncle Sam guards and


Woodstock, Virginia.

$20,000ClearanceSale.Our Annual Pre=Inv entory sale


SATURDAY, Jan. 9thand closes the following

Saturday Night, Jan. 16th.This will be positively The Greatest Sale We Have

Ever Held. We invite every body to attend and

Get Some of Our BARGAINS.Rememl cr the dato, beginning Saturday morning,January 9th, and closing thc following Saturday night.

We have too large a stock on hand,and it must be reduced before

taking inventory.

In this sale we will positively give

"20 Cts."OFF

Every Dollar You Spend.This Sale Includes Every ar¬

ticle in our store.(Except Groceries and Ball Brand Rubber ^oods.)

Don't miss it. We carry everything kept in a gene-

mi store, including CLOTHING.

During this Sale we will give 1-3oft* Ladies and Children's Cloaks andFurs.


1-4 off Mens and Boys1 Cloth¬ing and Overcoats

You Know what we advertise we do. This is

a bonifide sale, all goods are marked in plaininures. We say-DON'T MISS THIS SALE;

it is money in your pocket. If you miss it and don't

avail yourself of this Grand Opportunity, Mame

YOURSELF.Wishing you a Happy and Trosperous Year,

1 remain, Yours for Business.



. . AI.MO . .

Toilet Articles, Candies,Books, Stationery, Ci*gars, Kodaks, Glass,Paints, Varnishes, Ed¬ison Phonograph, Re¬cords, Etc.




TO OCR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS:-Bein? the close of a delightful and

prosperous year, we wish you a Happy New Year, and may you have many, many

more. We have importuned you many times for your friendship and trade. We

thank you for what you have given us and hope to receive your luture favors. We

shall continue to cater to your smallest needs in the drug and sundry line, guaran¬

teeing the best of <|uaity, treatment ; nd satisfaction.We have been thinking it over and have come to the conclusion that the best

gift that has come our way during the past year has been tl e good will the peoplehave shown our store. That has been a continual present, one that we appreciatemore than we can possibly tell. Every day we have some new cause for fresh

appreciation.One of the greatest surprises we have had has been the enormous growth of our

prescription work. However if the truth wen known.and our customers probablyknow it better than we do.our store gives you a superior service in prescriptionwork, or else how can we account for the continued growth of our prescription de¬

partment, both among physicians and patients? This is Ihe only conclusion we

can draw when we see how onr prescription department has increased during the

last year.Assuring you of our best service in anything vou may intrust to us.

Very sincerely yours,



In our short business enreer of :-'ss than three years. This is thepen. !oa testimonial to RIGHT PRICES, RIGHT SERVICE andGUARANTEED DRUGS. We know we <lo the largest prescriptionbusiness in the County nnd, if we would count REFILtLS, our pre¬scription department wouM show Dearly double that number, or 20.0)0

FOR THIS TESTIMONIALTo our n> ss methods we extend our thanks t<» our FRIENDS ard( [JSTOMERSi nnd are assurs ti.- IWfeJ patrons of our atone the ann e

courteous ttvatment, the tame high grade service, the same car-

compounding and the sam? GUARANTEE of the BEST THATMONEY CAN BUY in 1H09. We solicit your patronage for IMO.

our store is the drug store where dru^s are made paramountto sid»' lines, and we buy only from the l>est bouaet


Nice line of Candies. Choice stock of Cigars.



Come and Visit UsWe want all Of our fellow citizens and theirfriends to make orr store THEIR store, whenin the market for Jewelry, Watches or re¬

pairing of any kind. " Out of town peopleare especiallv urged to come and see us whenin town. * Our stock includes all the new¬

est designs and we will consider it a pleasureto show you our stock. Our special sale daysare not confined to a few days or a week, butour prices make ev erv dav of the year a spe¬cial sales day. 1 Then, too, there is a satis¬faction in knowing you are getting just whatyou pay for, as we never misrepresent goods

BARGELT,Reliable Jeweler,




Kline's Jewelry

lWeek- January 19th-TO

january 26thBidding lasts three days Bids written by bidders

NO AUCTIONEERCosts nothing to bid Bid as often as you wish

100 Articles from our regular stock, displayed in our window, willbe sold to the highest bidders, On Fr dav noon and Tuesday

noon.January 22nd and January 2otu.

Have a lookIn our Window. Come in and say, by yourHid, what you will give for any one of the

lOO articlesYou pay nothing until you recicve article on which your bid ishighest. Good goods at your own price. To reduce our stock.

to remodel our store. Watch tor Poster and Hand BiHi*