Download - September 2009 Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter

  • 8/8/2019 September 2009 Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter


    Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission

    A Ministry of

    Rescue & Discipleshipa publication of the

    Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Anchorage, Alaska

    rry Aldrichrations Manager

    avid Williamsgram Director

    andy Hessntenance Supervisor

    rry OConnor

    oger Klein

    nt Supervisor

    avid McKnightDriver

    lomona Talivaantenance

    nny Leffler

    ll McCormick

    nthony Boone

    ado Spates

    homas Nolcinise 5 Disciples








    Why Should You Care ForThe Least, The Last, The Lost

    B E C A U S E,

    The Bible tells us, The poor shall never

    cease out of the land, Deuteronomy 15:11

    The last, the least and the lost is very descriptive of the homeless. When I read Deuteronom

    15:11 and Mark 14:7, For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will y

    may do them good.. I believe God is telling us to help provide for the less fortunate

    know that we will always have the poor, needy and homeless people with us. There have be

    plans by many cities, including Anchorage, to end homelessness and have even set a tim

    frame. However, I have been dealing with this problem for many years and I do not see an

    mass movement to end homelessness and there never will be. It seems like there is no end

    homelessness. Usually by this time of the year we can see a noticeable reduction in the numb

    of people coming to us for help. But again this year we are seeing more people continuing

    come to us for help. We can only accommodate a few of these people with shelter (becau

    one of our dorms has been closed by the city) but the numbers of people coming for mea

    and clothing has been on the increase. I do not believe Anchorage has felt the effect of th

    recession yet but when it hits more and more people are going to be looking for help!

    There are many reasons why a person may become homeless. In the minds of most peop

    though, drugs and alcohol are the main reason. I will agree that they play a big paand may be the end results of why a person becomes homeless. But there are many oth

    reasonsmental illness, divorce and the break-up of a home are other reasons. Howeve

    one of the big reasons for a person being homeless in our city is unemployment. Most of th

    people that come to the Mission would work if they could find a job. When a person los

    their job, their source of income, then gradually everything they ownthey may turn to drug

    and alcohol. They think they can find some relief from their problems by taking this outl

    only to find out they have created a greater problem. Finally, when all is lost, they may com

    to us for help. But, we are limited as to what we can do because of lack of space!

    Those that do come to us (and can get in) and have a sincere desire for helpcan find it her

    You see, we believe a persons real help comes from GOD. With Jesus in their life and th

    Holy Spirit to give them the help, guidance and comfort they need a person can look beyon

    their present circumstances and see the Lord can help them reach their goals and achievemen

    in their life. They do not need the drugs and alcohol for a crutch. But now they have Jesus

    lean on and He will help them to get where they want to be recovered and serving. Plea

    pray for the Mission and Staff that God will open the way for us to aid more of the people th

    come to us for help.

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    When was the last time you came home and complained

    about not getting a traffic ticket? Try to recall the time

    when you received your paycheck and then tried to get

    out of taking it by saying, Its not my fault I had to

    work in order to support my family. How many of

    us have become victims because we didnt stop at the

    liquor store and spend our last few dollars on alcohol?

    Why am I so willing to accept the consequences

    of my positive action yet at the same time resist the

    consequences of my negative actions? It seems to

    me this character flaw makes me a hypocrite. My

    willingness to accept consequences equally defines who

    I am as a person. As a Christian I have a fundamentalresponsibility to the body of Christ to not only be a

    good steward of choice but to also be willing to accept

    the consequences regardless of the classification good

    or bad.

    I have a dear friend who has had a really difficult year.

    He made some really bad choices and as we all know

    there are consequences. Like me his instinct is to make

    excuses rather than practice acceptance. Its easy for

    me to blame others for my circumstance because it

    allows me to believe my pain is not self inflicted. If Ican somehow make it their fault I can then focus my

    anger and hate in their direction rather than my own.

    They become my safety net. After all isnt that what

    Satan loves for us to do? Beat ourselves up! Its painful

    therefore we attempt to avoid it at all cost. The irony

    is; the more I struggle to break free of Satans will, the

    more I take on his nature by lying to myself

    and blaming others for my circumstances.

    44You belong to your father, the devil,

    and you want to carry out your fathers

    desire. He was a murderer from the

    beginning, not holding to the truth, for

    there is no truth in him. When he lies,

    he speaks his native language, for he is

    a liar and the father of lies

    John 8:44

    I had a spiritual awaking while watching the Foo

    Network. A mother of four girls was competing for h

    own T.V. show and one of the challenges included h

    telling why she felt this would be right for her. She to

    about how she had climbed the corporate ladder an

    how it had filled her mind yet had left her soul empt

    Then she turned to her passion, food. She told abo

    how she was no longer afraid to try new things becau

    if she failed at least she was failing at the right thing.

    My passion is Christ but Ive always been afraid to faThis fear of failure has been a barrier in my relationsh

    with Him. Thanks to the voice of a mother of four wh

    I will never meet I can now deconstruct the barrie

    before me and get a better understanding of who Chri

    is. Even when I fail it no longer matters. For I no

    know Im failing at the right thing. This knowledg

    gives me the freedom to stand back up and try aga

    without wasting time playing the blame game.

    This begins by acceptance. I told my friend it was h

    decision to travel the road of destruction therefore h

    could not blame others for his circumstances. Like I

    wont to do, he began playing word games by askin

    me if it was the road to destruction or just a bump

    the road. I didnt respond because he was missing th

    point while looking for a way out. The truth is he w

    on the road to destruction. Just because that road d

    not, PRAISE BE TO GOD, end in total annihilatio

    doesnt mean he wasnt on the road. After all I don

    have to go all the way to Seward to have been on th

    Seward highway. This attitude illustrates our propensito avoid the real issues and that is, the consequences

    our choices are ours and ours alone!

    We are choice driven. Once Ive made a bad decisio

    I have a new set of choices to make. They are: be

    myself up for my mistakes, blame others for my action

    or accept the consequences of my decisions. Beatin

    myself up or blaming others is me failing at the wron

    thing. Accepting the consequences of my decisions

    me trusting Christ and that is the Right Thing.

    The Right Thing!

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    Trust has always been a big issue of mine. That and

    doubt. I guess it started at a very young age for me.

    I was born in Pender, Nebraska, and raised in Dakota

    City, Nebraska (pop 1200). The small town was home

    to the biggest Beef Packer in the United States, IBP.

    This is where my mother and father earned a living, as

    did most of the small town. Union made, and close nit,

    the small town was rough and full of trouble.

    My childhood was a happy one. I had my cousin Bruce

    to play with, and my sister Penny to pick on, and we

    were all close. I had a very nice baby sitter who made

    the best half dollar sized pancakes in the world (I once

    ate around 35 of them, outdoing my cousin. A memory

    I am for some strange reason, very proud of).There was

    baseball, football, fishing, boy scouts, and church. I

    was a pretty confident outgoing kid. But it began to fall

    apart, at about the age of seven.

    One day at school, my cousin Bruce took me aside on

    the playground. He had bad news to give me. He was

    moving. His mom and dad had decided to split from

    each other. He would be moving back to Central South

    Dakota, 220 miles away to where our family has its

    roots. My best friend was leaving me.

    It was not long after this, that the same tragedy hit

    my own immediate family. I remember being parked

    on the floor in front of the television set watching a

    show about UFOs one evening (strange I rememberthat show being on), and my mother asking me to come

    to my sisters room. Getting up I walked to her room.

    My sister was crying, and my mother tells me that she,

    and my father, are splitting. We will be moving to the

    neighboring town. Looking back, I believe my identity,

    and all that was me, was lost in that moment. My

    mom, my sister, and I moved to South Sioux


    I did not adjust very well. I did not like my new home

    did not like the kids in my new neighborhood. I becam

    very angry and upset. I went from a popular kid, full

    fun, to a lost kid fully depressed. All I could think abo

    was how to get it all back. My friends and my famil

    the life I loved. The way it was. It was never going


    I began to destroy things, toys, friendships, family, an

    myself. I use to participate in school. I loved gym clas

    school plays, and other activities. Now, my attitud

    was, why bother? From the age of thirteen to seventee

    I lived with my father. I pretty much did what I wante

    Dad set some rules, but rules were meant to be broke

    I just did what I wanted. I thought, Nobody car

    anyway!I moved back in with my mom when I w

    seventeen. She had her hands full to say the least. I w

    drinking heavy along with everything else.

    I graduated high school. Dont ask me how. Th

    negative, hateful attitude followed me through m

    military career, and beyond. It was the snowball affec

    Every year my attitude grew darker. I never really g

    over anything, or ever learned to let things go. It all ju

    festered, and I always wanted revenge, or a way out

    married twice looking for happiness. I divorced twi

    finding sadness. No surprise. I had no God. I had n




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    love. I felt I had nothing to offer. My failed marriages

    left me completely lost. What is it going to take to

    make me happy?

    The only answer I could come up with on my own was

    alcohol, drugs, and sex. But these medicines had bad

    side effects. They were temporary, and left me feeling

    depressed and empty. I was dead. Alive physically, but,

    inside I was dead. I just kept digging a deeper grave to

    lay in.

    My choices led me from a small Midwest town to the

    streets of Anchorage, Alaska. Cold, Hungry, tired,

    hopeless, and homeless. I had just finished a 15 month

    prison stretch, and the one thing I was sure of was, I do

    not want to go back to prison, and I do not want to go

    back to the streets. What do I do? Give me an answer!

    Someone was listening. My mother, and my older sister

    Penny, asked if I would consider joining the NewLife

    program here at the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission.I would be safe there they told me. So I called the

    Mission and made an appointment for the next day.

    In the morning I entered the office of David Williams,

    Program Director for the NewLife Discipleship

    Training Program. He welcomed me with a smile. He

    spoke of Jesus, and that before me right now, was an

    opportunity. An offer that if I choose to accept, will for

    certain change my life. I joined.

    I settled in upstairs and opened a bible to 2 Corinthians

    chapter 6, verse 2. I was stunned at what I read. In

    an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day

    of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the

    accepted time, now is the day of salvation. How could

    this be? The timing was incredible! This is exactly what

    I needed to hear! I was convinced, there is a God! He

    knows me! I decided right then and there, I am ready

    to accept Jesus Christ into my life. I choose to believe.

    I will fallow him and do the best I can to keep his


    Today, I am doing just that. My life and my attitude

    being completely transformed. I am not perfect. I mak

    my mistakes. But, I have conviction now. I confess, an

    we move on. We move forward and improve. With th

    help of Jesus Christ and the staff here at the Anchorag

    Gospel Rescue Mission, I now have a life I am happ

    to be living.

    If you are reading this and you have not opened yo

    heart to Jesus, please do. Do not wait. He will giv

    you life. He will restore all that you have lost. He w

    heal your pain. He will guide and direct you, and nev

    forsake you.

    I was hopeless, and I now have hope. I was worthles

    and I now have a life of value, and with purpose.

    I have been resurrected!

    So, I end this testimony with a passage out of Psalm 3

    I will extol you, O Lord, for you have lifted

    me up, and have not let my foes rejoice over

    me. O Lord my god I cried out to you and you

    healed me. O Lord, You brought me out the

    grave; you have kept me alive, that I should

    not go down to the pit.

    God Bless you a



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    A Child of The KingMy Father is rich in houses and lands,

    He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands!

    Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,

    His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

    My Fathers own Son, the Savior of men,

    Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them;

    But now He is pleading our pardon on high,

    That we may be His when He comes by and by.

    I once was an out-cast, stranger on earth,A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth;

    But Ive been adopted, my names written down,

    An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown.

    A tent or a cottage, why should I care?

    Theyre building a palace for me over there;

    Tho exiled from home, yet still I may sing:

    All glory to God, Im a child of the King.


    Im a child of the King,

    A child of the King!

    With Jesus my Savior,

    Im a child of the King!

    There have been several version of this old hymn, but

    see if you remember this one.

    When We See ChristOft times the day seems long, our trials so hard To

    bear: were tempted to complain, to murmur

    And despair; But Christ shall soon appear to Catch H

    bride away, all tears forever over

    In Gods eternal day.

    Sometimes the sky looks dark with not a

    Ray of light; Were tossed and driven on,

    No human help in sight; but there is

    One heavn Who knows our deepest care,

    Let Jesus solve your problem,

    Just go to Him in prayr.

    Lifes day will soon be oer,

    All storms forever past; Well cross

    The great divide to glory safe at last;

    Well share the joys of heavn,

    A harp, a home, a crown;

    The tempter will be banished,

    Well lay our burden down.Chorus:

    It will be worth it all,When we see Jesus,

    Lifes trials will seem so small,

    When we see Christ;

    One glimpse of His dear face,

    All sorrow will erase,

    So bravely run the race

    Till we see Christ.

    Back to the Good Ole Days of

    Heart-felt Gospel Music

    I have not had much response from you the last few months concerning the old Hymns of Faith. Perhaps you hav

    been busy or away for the summer. I am going to give you 2 this month. If I do not receive much response fro

    these I will drop this portion of the newsletter for a while. All I want you to say is that it was a favorite of yours

    that you remember it. I love the old hymns.

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    Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission P.O. Box 230510 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0510

    Here is my support gift: For Credit Card Donations:Food and Shelter: $_____Facilities Maintenance: $_____$46.25 For 25 Meals ______$74.00 For 40 Meals ______

    $132.20 For 72 Meals ______$277.50 For 150 Meals ______

    ______Other:______ I Will Pray for this Ministry.

    I would like to charge my total donation of $__________________

    Check One: Visa M/C Am/Ex Discover

    Card Number __________________________________________Exp. Date: ______/______ Signature _______________________

    Name:________________________________________________Address: ______________________________________________

    Please send this coupon with your donations.

    All credit card information is kept in strict confidenceMake checks payable to the Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission

    You will receive a receipt.


    We invite you to visit us on

    the web or drop us an e-mail

    with your comments and



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    You can also make your


    on our secure On-Line

    donation page


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    The Mission has lost its longest sitting Board Member.Enoch went home to be with the Lord on July 22nd,

    2009. He served on the Board at the Mission for 35 1/2

    years. He loved the Lord and he showed it by caring for

    those who were lost in this big world. Enoch made the

    world a little smaller by embracing those around him

    and surrounding them in the protective shelter of his


    Goodbye Dear Friend

  • 8/8/2019 September 2009 Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter



    Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postal

    PAIDAnchorage, AKPermit # 290



    MissionA Ministry of

    Rescue & Recovery






    [email protected]

    P.O. Box 230510Anchorage, AK99523-0510(907) 563-5603

    return service requested


    The Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission is a Non-Profit, Non-Denominationa

    organization. We receive NO municipal, state or federal funds. We are not a UnitedWay Agency. Your financial support and In-Kind donations makes it possible for us toprovide for the poor, needy and homeless people in our community. Also, your donation

    allow us to provide a Drug and Alcohol Recovery program. All Donations are fully tax

    deductible. We will give you a receipt for your donation.


    tion ofGo








    Our supplies of theseitems is constantly in

    need of replenishing


    Paper Towels

    45 Gallon Trash Bags

    Fresh Meat


    Bathroom Tissue

    Laundry Soap

    Disposable Shavers

    Cleaning Supplies

    Liquid Dish Detergent

    Dinner Napkins



    Anchorage Gospel

    Rescue Mission

    Board of Trustees

    Ed Shelton


    Bob Collins( Vice President/treasure)

    Enoch Adams


    Mark Soquet

    Ralph Nobrega

    Rev. Bob Sloan


    Cliff Hodgins

    Rev. Willard Leisy

    Advisory Board:

    Paul Kelly

    Rev. Don Bettis, Exec. Dir.

    Charlotte Bettis, Asst. Dir.




    ueOur Ministry of

    is to

    the least

    the last

    the lost

    Chapel Services for SeptemberSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

























    Abbott Loop





    Assembly of





    of Christ











    of God




    of God of



























    Greg Grebe









    In His Name







    New Light









    Eagle River




    Nightly Services7:30 PM to 8:30 PM