March 2010 Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter

March 2010 P.O. Box 190 Grants Pass, OR 97528 541-476-0082 Volume 13 Number 3 NEWS NEWS Christ Care Commitment Table of Contents 2. a. Reid’s Testimony cont. b. Meet the Board 3. a. Heck’s Corner b. Volunteer Corner c. From the Heart 4. Community Recycling Center 5. a. Mission Needs b. Tour Corner c. Save the Date d. Facts and Figures e. Donation Drop-offs 6. a. GRM Foundation b. Memorials c. Rod Norvel What am I doing here? That was the big question on my mind on September 21, 2009, the day I arrived in Grants Pass, via the Greyhound bus. My parents and sister live here and without warning I thought a surprise attack would be the best way to gain their sympathy. I called my parents and my dad met me in town. In his wisdom and wit he asked me if I had a plan as to where I would stay or if I was just passing through. It was the response I expected, but not the one I was hoping for. He spoke of a place that I might be able to stay while I figured out what to do. Thirty minutes later we arrived at the Gospel Rescue Mission. A long road had brought me to a place I had never even considered. My life growing up was awesome so I couldn‟t put blame on family. I married the day after I turned 20 and my wife and i had twins on August 9, 1980. I couldn‟t even buy, alcohol yet I was a husband and a father of twins. We had the same struggles as any couple does, yet I was blessed with the ability to provide for my family. I followed the examples of my youth and never went without the needed things in life. I still can‟t pin point the day that alcohol began to take over. In my mind I thought I could handle it and keep it a secret from everyone including my wife. I began to control finances to make sure my desire for alcohol was always met. The bills suffered and I slowly gave up all the best things in my life for the “pleasure” of drinking. I hid alcohol everywhere, and took it with me, hidden from others, on family events, vacations, camping, little league games etc. Little did I know that it wasn‟t a secret, but just overlooked to keep the peace. When I was called on my issue I said, “ I can handle it. I can quit anytime.” (and I did on many occasions). Each time I went back full throttle into my alcoholism. I stopped caring as much when the kids were out on their own and spent less time at home. I made excuses at work as to why my performance was down. TV became my best friend, taking me out of the world of reality. I let alcohol win over me and as family got involved to help me I pushed them away. My wife later became very ill and developed dementia. She lost all memory of me, but we were and are still married. Because of this I turned to the bottle even more. I could finish a fifth of rum a day with no problem. Life became a survival. I made just enough for rent and booze. I had three houses packed full of hard work that all disappeared down my throat. It is amazing that my body held up through all of it. So this brings me back to the door of the Gospel Rescue Mission. Reid Trumble

Transcript of March 2010 Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission Newsletter

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March 2010 P.O. Box 190 Grants Pass, OR 97528 541-476-0082 Volume 13 Number 3

NEWSNEWS Christ ■ Care ■ Commitment

Table of Contents 2. a. Reid’s Testimony cont. b. Meet the Board 3. a. Heck’s Corner b. Volunteer Corner c. From the Heart

4. Community Recycling Center 5. a. Mission Needs b. Tour Corner c. Save the Date d. Facts and Figures e. Donation Drop-offs

6. a. GRM Foundation b. Memorials c. Rod Norvel

What am I doing here? That was the big question on my

mind on September 21, 2009, the day I arrived in Grants

Pass, via the Greyhound bus. My parents and sister live here and without warning I thought a surprise attack would

be the best way to gain their sympathy. I called my parents

and my dad met me in town. In his wisdom and wit he

asked me if I had a plan as to where I would stay or if I was

just passing through. It was the response I expected, but not the one I was hoping for. He spoke of a place that I

might be able to stay while I figured out what to do. Thirty

minutes later we arrived at the Gospel Rescue Mission. A

long road had brought me to a place I had never even

considered. My life growing up was awesome so I couldn‟t put blame on family. I married the day after I turned 20 and

my wife and i had twins on August 9, 1980. I couldn‟t even

buy, alcohol yet I was a husband and a father of twins. We

had the same struggles as any couple does, yet I was blessed with the ability to provide for my family. I followed

the examples of my youth and never went without the

needed things in life. I still can‟t pin point the day that

alcohol began to take over. In my mind I thought I could

handle it and keep it a secret from everyone including my wife. I began to control finances to make sure my desire for

alcohol was always met. The bills suffered and I slowly gave

up all the best things in my life for the “pleasure” of

drinking. I hid alcohol everywhere, and took it with me, hidden from others, on family events, vacations, camping,

little league games etc. Little did I know that it wasn‟t a

secret, but just overlooked to keep the peace. When I was

called on my issue I said, “ I can handle it. I can quit

anytime.” (and I did on many occasions). Each time I went back full throttle into my alcoholism. I stopped caring as

much when the kids were out on their own and spent less

time at home. I made excuses at work as to why my

performance was down. TV became my best friend, taking

me out of the world of reality. I let alcohol win over me and as family got involved to help me I pushed them away.

My wife later became very ill and developed dementia. She

lost all memory of me, but we were and are still married.

Because of this I turned to the bottle even more. I could finish a fifth of rum a day with no problem. Life became a

survival. I made just enough for rent and booze. I had three

houses packed full of hard work that all disappeared down

my throat. It is amazing that my body held up through all of

it. So this brings me back to the door of the Gospel Rescue Mission.

Reid Trumble

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Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528


Reid‟s Story continued...

I nervously opened the door and was greeted by one of the R.A.‟s who gave me the appropriate forms to fill out. I

sat filling out the forms still in shock of being here. I had no criminal record, no DUI‟s, no drug issues, I didn‟t belong in a place like this! Boy was wrong. This place was to become my salvation. It gave me a strict program that

held me accountable for my actions, a place to work to earn my room and board, a place of worship and as I

found out later, a place of brotherhood. I was given a book by my niece about a year before called, „The Purpose

Driven Life‟ which came with a journal. It just sat on my shelf collecting dust. Now it is one of the few items that I have left. My life fits in a small suitcase and a duffle bag. I also had a Bible that was given to me by my family. It had

never been cracked open. On September 21, 2009, I began to read my book and journal through it while also

reading my Bible. I was amazed at how easy it became and how much I enjoyed it. No TV to lose myself in, just

thoughts and God. I began praying daily and looked forward to Church on Sundays. Having chapel twice a day

helped me in my Bible studies and I came to realize that through all my stupid, controlling, self absorbed ways, that God had been with me through it all. I now think, with pleasing the Lord in my mind, I don‟t want to bring sadness

or pain to Him anymore. Repenting has been one of the easiest things in my life and I found that my life has value

to God and He wants me to be happy and at peace. Which are two things that I could not obtain without Him. I

surrender to the Lord my whole self for I know He will lead me from now on. So much has changed in my life since I walked through these doors. I know God has great plans for me and everyday I praise Him and thank Him

for not giving up on me. My relationship with my family has also been blessed. It is now the way it should have

always been. I will succeed in making my life count, because Jesus Christ died for me and God loves me.

I only have to let Him guide me and not stray into the darkness of my mistakes. So what am I doing here?

I now know that I am here because God brought me here to give me time to come close to Him. Now that I have Him, I will never let go.


Curtis Sommerfeld was raised on

the Central Coast of California, moving to

Grants Pass, Oregon as a young

adult. He has been married to Sharie for 25 years, and has two adult

children, Betsy and Steve. He enjoys

reading, volleyball, ultimate frisbee,

and is an avid Green Bay Packers fan.

Curtis holds a Bachelor‟s degree in

Management from Northwest Christian

University. He has worked at Rogue Community College for 22 years, and is

currently Associate Dean of College

Services. In this role, he oversees

much of the I/T functionality of the College.

Curtis is a committed Christian,

having personally known the miraculous

saving grace of God since his youth. He is an active member of Faith OPC.

Curtis has served on the board of the

Gospel Rescue Mission since 2002. He is

currently the President of the board.

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Keith & Carol Heck

Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

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On Friday, February 12th, over 40 students from the Portland area came to

volunteer at the Gospel Rescue Mission. This service day was put together by the group Students Today Leaders Forever, a NGO that looks to expose

students to the „real world‟ by taking them on service trips away from their

home towns. The crew did an exceptional job of cleaning and working at the

Thrift Store and the Recycling Center. We thank God for His goodness to us and for establishing a relationship with the leaders and students of this


From The Heart

In cooperation with RSVP, the Gospel Rescue Mission

operates a prescription drug assistance program

called „From The Heart‟ for those who cannot afford

their medicine. This program is designed to help only those who

have medications that are required for preservation life. Typically we are only

able to fund a one time filling of a prescription per person. The most common

medicine‟s that we help fill are insulin, high blood pressure pills, etc. This

program is funded separately from our general budget and is in need of financial

support. If you would like more information, or would like to help the Mission in

this effort, please contact Shonna in the front office at 541-476-0082.

90+ men, women and children every day! That is how many dear folks you are allowing us to care for. Some of their stories make me mad, some are profoundly sad as you see the way sin has affected their lives. Thank you for allowing us to be a barricade to eternal destruction in the lives of these precious souls.

Every day I cannot help but smile more broadly as Wagner Hall progresses to completion. What a blessing that facility will be to those needing a home of hope.

Tours of Wagner Hall are available and we love to show it off. All you need do to arrange for a tour is call Evan at 541-659-7878 and plan a time and date. Bring along some friends as well.

The cold and rainy weather will soon be giving way to the wonders of Spring. One of the joys of Spring is the Annual Mission Banquet. Do call for reservations as this will be a blessed time.

It is interesting, to me, to realize that after almost 13 years here the problems leading to a need for our place has not really changed. The scourge of methamphetamine has only deepened, it certainly has not lessened. This a drug that is hellish in the abuse and damage that it does and leads to. Meth flourishes in the increasingly a-moral society in which we live. The physical damage that it does is incredible. Restoration simply takes time —there is no shortcut. What can one do with a 36 year old, toothless, illiterate vagrant, who will lie and steal from you in a moments notice. Love them enough to care to show them Jesus and His healing grace.

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Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

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Your Community Recycling Center: 1010 SW Foundry Have you ever asked yourself

“Why does a Mission operate a Recycling Center?” If so you are not alone. Our main goal is to

provide a good work environment where we

can train our residents in Recycling work. This helps us in our efforts to teach our

residents how to live and not just exist.

The Mission has had a fully operational Recycling Center since „01. After a massive fire claimed our original structure

over 4 years ago, the Community Recycling Center has

been rebuilt and is better equipped and more efficient than ever! Every month we ship out, on average, over 73,000

lbs of recyclable materials to recycling partners. For 2009,

we shipped 884,465 lbs of material. We praise God for giving us such a favorable year at the Center: and thank so

many for their donation materials.

At the CRC we have a resident staff of 5 men who

perform many tasks including sorting clothes, sorting bottles and cans, crushing plastics, compacting and baling

shredded paper and much more! We offer unique services

including the recycling of aluminum products, books, brass, campaign signs, clothes, copper, fencing, laundry detergent

bottles (cleaned), newspapers, and plastics numbered 1 &

2, lumber strapping, plastic film wrap material, shopping bags, and shredded paper. We also process many other

common recycling items like cardboard, metals, beer and

soda bottles and cans, milk containers, and phonebooks.

We receive recyclables from the following businesses:

Gates Home Furnishing Anthony’s Family Furniture

Sleep Doctor Bi-Mart

Mini Pet Mart Coremark

Grocery Outlet Ray’s Food Place

Farmers Building Supply Food Bank

Southern Oregon Sanitation

If you and/or your business would like to use our Recycling services please contact our Operations

Director, Kevin Maloney, at 541-659-8470.






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Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

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FOOD ITEMS barbecue sauce canned fruit canned soups canned vegetables chili coffee


Shampoo & Conditioner,

Deodorant; Comet; Furni-ture Polish; Windex; Bath-

room Cleaner; Bleach; Laundry Soap; Toilet Pa-


Oh, and did we mention


If you are interested in taking a

tour, please contact Evan Daggett

at 541-659-7878.

The Tour Corner

The Donations You Give Help Meet Our Needs

Men’s Residence Corner of 8th and E Streets

For Men needing a home and help

Phone: 479-8869

Fikso Family Center 2nd Chance Thrift Store

530 SW Foundry Street 6th & J Streets Phone: 474-7774 Phone: 479-9748

For Women & Children M-F 9:30 - 4:30

Sat 9:30 - 4:00

Community Recycling Center 1010 SW Foundry

Phone: 955-1091 M-F 9:30—4:00

Sat 9:30—3:00



We are in need of Beef,

Poultry and Pork as well as

fresh produce.


● Bleach

● Dish detergent

● Feminine hygiene items

● Household cleaners

● Laundry detergent

● Cleaning supplies

● Paper towels

● Toilet paper

Facts & Figures January, 2010

● Meals served ……………………………5793

● Beds Used [Daily Average]…………..81

● Chapel Attendance [Daily Average]..73

Your active participation through prayer and

finances has accomplished much for many

needy and hurting people.

On behalf of each resident, thank you so



This years annual banquet is at 6:00 pm, on Friday April 16th,

A full dinner will be provided free of charge. It will be located at the Parkway Christian Center

in the Hull Center.

This is a reservation only event and your response is

requested by 4 pm on Friday April 2nd. To reserve your seat please call the Mission office at


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Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

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Gospel R

escue Mission



Commemorative Gifts

Thank you for remembering others and blessing us in this wayThank you for remembering others and blessing us in this way


- Mary Burden

by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gronewold

- Evelyn Cowan

by Rosie Watne

- Bob Osbourne

by Mr. & Mrs. John Herrle

- Jerry Provost

by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gronewold

- Jerry Provost

By Gary Peterson Construction

- Ivan & Steve Sanders

by Allan & Rosemary Wytcherley

- Walt Wiltermood

by Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gronewold

- Dorothy F Zienke

by Mr. & Mrs. Maurer

Our loving Father

has taken our

beloved brother

Rod Norvel home. After many

months struggling with cancer Rod is

now free from his

earthly struggles.

He now lives in

the presence of our Almighty King

and He couldn‟t

be happier. Please keep his family in

your prayers as they struggle

through the reality of their loss. Rod

will be missed by

all of us here at the Mission.

Want to help build a SOLID FOUNDATION

without ANY out of pocket expense?

Why not make the


your beneficiary?

Call the Mission office or your financial advisor to learn more.