Download - Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Page 1: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

The Rise of Christianity

Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Page 2: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

• Jesus was a Jewish prophet who traveled and taught in Judea and Galilee.

• Christianity began as a movement within Judaism.

• After Jesus’ death, apostles such as Simon Peter and Paul spread the message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles.

The Rise of Christianity (cont.)

Page 3: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

• The teachings of Jesus were written down in the Gospels, which would become the core of the New Testament.

• Even though the Romans tolerated other religions, Christianity was seen as dangerous to the state, since Christians refused to worship the state gods.

The Rise of Christianity (cont.)

Page 4: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

• Roman persecution of Christians strengthened the religion.

• The structure of Christianity became more organized as the bishops assumed more control over the church. The clergy had distinct functions separate from the laity.

The Rise of Christianity (cont.)

Page 5: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

• Why was Christianity able to attract so many followers?

− It was a personal religion and offered salvation to all. It gave life meaning and purpose.

− Christian communities met the human need to belong.

− Christianity was attractive to all classes, especially the poor and powerless. Eternal life was promised to all.

The Rise of Christianity (cont.)

Page 6: Section 2 The Rise of Christianity Although Christians were initially persecuted, Christianity gained acceptance and spread through the empire.

Section 2

• In the fourth century A.D., the Roman emperor Constantine became the first Christian emperor.

• Theodosius the Great adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire.

The Rise of Christianity (cont.)

Constantine’s Contributions tothe Spread of Christianity