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The brainstorming, design, and construction of the webtext was a fairly complex process; integrating ideas and projects from 10 different contributors required a multi-step approach, involving several levels of collaboration and individual work.

After composing our individual projects and reflections, visualizing the layout of the webtext was the next step.

As a group, we toyed with several different ideas and templates, plugging our info into various options until we landed on a layout that suited all or most of our needs and preferences.

Once we settled on a webtext template, the next step was to divide up tasks for individual work. We delegated out formatting, design, hyperlinking, writing, and a host of other small projects and worked independently until our next meeting.

Throughout the independent process work, we remained in contact via our draft webtext and our heavily populated Google drive. The webtext slowly evolved out of a draft state as we individually populated our own pages and our respective assigned sections.

Individual audio projects and full reflections were polished and finalized for uploading onto the webtext.

When we gathered again to review our progress, the project was beginning to take shape in a very tangible and exciting way.

After assessing the status of our draft, we again inventoried the remaining unfinished tasks and divided them up amongst ourselves to put the finishing touches on the text.

After several weeks of collaborative and individual work, the webtext began to take shape as a unified and coherent representation and compilation of our individual projects and research.

The remaining traces of our intricate and convoluted process remain on our busy shared Google drive, making for a sharp contrast beside our clean and polished final webtext.