Download - Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    GSM 6190

    Theory in Management

    Title : Scientifc Management: 100 yearsold; Poised or the next century

    uthors : Michael !reeman" #o$aSoutheastern %ollege

    &y : Megat Shari'udin () *ul+i,i -GM

    0.9/ Mohamad 2a3i () 4a5i (dul

    Mu(in -GM 0.9/6

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century



    To indicate that, although the namescientifc Management is no morepopular, its principles are still in use

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century



    piece-rate system was a popularmethod o shop management (beore111!

    Taylors, in 111, combine ideas about

    scientifc management and publish hiswor" The principles o #cientifcManagement

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    $ey points o The %rinciples o #cientifcManagement&

    %rosperity or employer and employee

    the principal ob'ect o management

    should be to secure maimum prosperityor the employer, couple with themaimum prosperity or each employee

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    Management is to ta"e on newresponsibilities

    1) *e+elop a science or each element o amans wor"

    ) #cientifcally select and then train, teach,and de+elop the wor"man

    ) .eartily cooperate with the men so as toensure all the wor" being done according tofrst principle

    /) 0ual di+ision o the wor" and the

    responsibilities between management andwor"men

    - scientifc management goes beyond physicalwor"

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    The tas" Idea

    The wor" o e+ery wor"man is ully planned

    out by the management at least a day inad+ance)

    0ach man recei+es complete writteninstructions

    #cientifc Management *oes 2ot3euire %iece-rates Introduce incenti+es to wor"ers 4 rapid

    promotion or ad+ancement, higher wages i)e)prices, bonus or good rapid wor", shorterhours o labour, better surrounding andwor"ing conditions

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    2e$ision o Scientifc Management

    %eriodically re+ised by Taylors society(ounded by 5ran" 6ilbreth! to ensurescientifc management to grow and

    prosper 7ritics& it does not wor" in reality)

    0mployers 8 management do not gi+e

    incenti+es i)e) payrise or bonus whenproducti+ity increases, no 'oint e9ortseist, no real consultation

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    .arlow #) %erson re+ised the list&

    Management 3esearch) 3esearch in+estigate andeperiment constitute the only sound basis or the solution

    o management problems 4 to determine purpose, policy,program etc)

    Management #tandards) 3esult o research must be madea+ailable in the orm o defned and published standards)

    Management 7ontrol) There must be established a

    systematic procedure, based on the defned standards, oreecution o wor"s) 7ommon ob'ecti+es are achie+ed witha minimum waste o heman and material energies andmaimum human welare

    7ooperation) *urably e9ecti+e management reuires

    recognition o the natural law o cooperation - Integrationo indi+idual interests and desires and o indi+idualcapacities with the reuirement o group purposes

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    Management 7ommittees

    7ommittees within the management group

    :d+isory wor") :ssisting concerning decision ma"ingon policies and plans, recommendation concerningspecial problems

    ;or"ers groups are recognised yet (Taylor #ociety,1

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    #cientifc Management is adaptable

    Must be indi+idually tailored to eachcompany

    *e+eloped out o a harmony o desiresand understandings within anorgani=ation through the guidance ooutstanding leadership

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    Scientifc Management at ge 100

    Is not aded into history %rinciples o #cientifc Management are

    +ery much ali+e&

    *e+elop a science or each element o

    Mans wor" > Time and motions study,using computers spreadsheet(%aulin, 1!)

    3esearch, In+estigate and 0periment >process o analysis, measurement,comparisons) ;or"ers themsel+es analy=e'obs, design more e?cient procedures, andcreate consensus or new standards (:dler,1!

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    #cientifcally #elect and Then Train, Teachand *e+elop the ;or"man > hires only

    the most dependable, producti+eemployees and de+elops them atminimum cost& selection, hiring,orientation, training and monitoring

    (@e+ine, 1!

    .a+e published #tandards ;hich #er+e as7ommon 6oals, 5acilities and Methods >

    manuacturing, a+iation and shippingprocedures and methods in manuals

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    .eartily 7ooperate with the Men >encourage creati+ity) i)e)&

    demanding and rewarding indi+idual initiati+esand impro+ement

    %ublicly recogni=ing those who ecel

    *esigning the systems and organi=ationstructure that cause indi+iduals to eel theycontrol their own destinies

    Inspection is to Maintain > #tatisticalprocess control (#%7!, aid management in

    ma"ing its decisions on scientifcallybased acts)

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century


    #pecial Incenti+es > bonus system thattied to producti+ity, pay lin" to

    perormance (to spur sales, boostproducti+ity and impro+e employeemorale

    There is 2o Ane-#i=e-5its-:ll Management#olution) 5leibilityis the "ey as #cientifcManagement could be modifes due tonew inormation, new laws, or local

    operating conditions)

  • 8/10/2019 Scientific Management, 100 Years Old-poised for the Next Century
