Download - Scale your business Digitally with Bhavik Sarkhedib

Page 1: Scale your business Digitally with Bhavik Sarkhedib
Page 2: Scale your business Digitally with Bhavik Sarkhedib

• It all started four years ago with numerous cups of coffee and a vision to transform the digital marketing

scenario in India. Digital marketing is crippled without content marketing, and both complement each

other like chips and dips. So, I decided to help entrepreneurs scale their business by serving them as

content marketing consultant. Back in the day, the only handful of traditional businesses were

transitioning to the digital world. The lack of awareness and myths made the digital world and marketing

a complicated concept.

• It was a challenge for me to spread awareness of digital marketing and change the traditional business

owners’ rigid mindset. Research and Results were the tools that helped me navigate through their

ancient mindset and open up to new ways of doing business.

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• As a digital marketing consultant, I understand that if an entrepreneur wants to succeed, he needs to

connect with the audience at the platforms where they are active. They need to approach the target

audience in the jargon and style they prefer, and for that, it’s important to understand their psyche.

• My approach was simple: to understand the target audience’s psychology, their pain points, and what

drives them. Once I catch the nerve of the customers, the conversion is the by-product. Over the years, I

worked with start-ups, corporate clients and multinational companies and helped them achieve 3X

growth in half the time and budget. So, if you want to scale your business, it is essential to go digital.

• As a digital marketer and a content consultant, I am responsible and accountable for the results. When

you hire me as a consultant, expect me to:

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1. Deliver complete analysis on your digital presence

• Are you present in the virtual world but lacking leads and conversions? Digital presence may not guarantee

revenue. As a marketing expert and your digital content consultant, I will first analyse your website’s health

and social media ranking. By looking at the past efforts we will make the foundation for the present strategy

and future growth.

• Once the analysis is complete, we will discuss how to get back on track and increase your company’s sales.

The idea is to go back and understand history before creating a new one.

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2. Revamp your corporate branding and reputation

• Goodwill is important in traditional business; similarly, branding and online reputation are important in the

virtual world. If you have a positive online reputation, you will become a sales magnet as people find your


• As a content development consultant, it’s my responsibility to place content on social media in a way that

shows you as a credible brand. Corporate branding has become the need of the hour that helps beat the

market competition.

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3. Marry Digital Marketing with Content Marketing

• As I mentioned above, digital and content marketing is the life and breath of the organisation. I prefer

connecting with customers emotionally. The art of communicating and storytelling will help clients

understand your values and ethos. Other than social media platform, the business website also leverages

from content posted on blog pages. Acting as your web content consultant, I will ensure a marketing strategy

is in place. These blogs and various other strategies will become a medium to develop a connection that will

last longer, and the customers will become valuable asset. As a digital marketing expert, one cannot ignore

the importance of content marketing.

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4. Create a personalised Digital Strategy

• Like no two fingerprints are the same. Similarly, no two digital marketing strategies can be the same. Every

business has its unique value proposition, and as a digital marketing expert, I intend to create strategies that

trigger action with every post, blog or campaign. Creating a unique personalised strategy sets the plan in

action and gives direction to the team. Once the strategising is complete, the only thing left is the

implementation. The role of a content strategy consultant begins at execution; where we do A/B testing to

test the different versions of the campaign. And continues to revive even after the campaigns results are

announced. Later the campaigns with positive performance are used as a sales pitch or social media posts.

In short, at every step, we improvise to minimise the cost and maximise

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5. Create your Personal Brand

• Personal branding is equally as important as corporate branding. Nowadays, people want to know who the

man of action is. With an experience in content writing consultancy, I suggest that entrepreneurs focus on

personal branding and personally connect with their customers. Podcasts, live streaming on social media or

personalised emails are the activities that will create a personal connection with the clients, leading towards

a lasting relationship and trust.

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6. Track and Analyse Results

• Apart from strategising, another important responsibility of a digital marketing expert is to track results and

analyse data. Data is like the blood of the organisation, and if analysed minutely, it will give detailed insights

into the campaign.

• An experienced digital marketer will never ignore the data; they will create/tweak the digital marketing

strategy only after viewing the results.

• I strongly advocate and implement tracking and analysing results to plan ahead.

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7. 3X business growth. Track and Analyse Results

• Last but not least, you can rely on me for your business growth. With over a decade of experience as a

digital marketing expert, I know the business’s nerve. We at have created a streamlined

process that will triple the sales and revenue in half the timeI started my digital and content consultant

company,, to transform our country’s digital marketing industry.

• As the years passed, I became a part of the world’s top writers, best content marketers in India, and more

than 45 national and international magazines published my work. I became an inspirational and success

story because of the hard work and smart work we did in our organisation. As I often say, “I was my first


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• With consistent strategising, experimentation and data analysis, I scaled my start-up into a revenue-

generating AI-enabled company. Today, we work with national and international clients to transform

their digital image, diagnosing the areas hindering their growth and creating digital marketing

strategies that guarantee success.

• If you are a start-up, multinational company or a traditional business that intends to benefit from

the digital world, we will be your partner in struggle. Together let us explore the road less travelled

and stay ahead of the competition.