Download - Saturday 6 th to Friday 12 th July 2013 Music Tour to Spain Tuesday 18 th June 2013.


Saturday 6th to Friday 12th July 2013

Music Tour to Spain

Tuesday 18th June 2013

Where exactly are we going?

Tour Company

www.sportstravelinternational.comExcellent reviews

Look after youPlan good concerts

Make it work for usEverything they do is risk assessed

Sports Travel International

Fantastic excursions

Staff attending the TourMr Austin: Assistant Headteacher ofPerforming Arts & Director of Music(Tour Leader)

Miss Holdaway: Asst Director of Music(Deputy Tour Leader)

Miss Ashby: Teacher of MediaChris Storey: Steel Pans Tutor

Miss Campbell: Learning Support Assistant

This is the same tour teaching team that travelled to Italy last year

Staffing on the tour

ItinerarySaturday 6th July

2:30pm: Coach arrives at the top of Inderwick Rd (Load luggage & instruments)(Parents/carers to be there for 2:30pm)

3:30pm: Coach departs(Note to self .. The coach doesn’t wait!)

5:30pm: Check in at P&O ferry terminal, Dover

6:35pm: Depart Dover

8:55pm: Arrive Calais (local time). Continue overnight journey.

Sunday 7th July

3:30pm: Arrive at Hotel, allocated to rooms, unpack, settle in.

Remainder of evening free to enjoy hotel facilities and relax after long journey.

Evening meal in the hotel.

Monday 8th July

Breakfast in the hotel (approx 8:00am) followed by departure to Barcelona.(Packed lunches provided)

Arrive in Barcelona approx 9.15pm(separate into groups with designated teachers)

Park Guell

Sagrada Familia

Shopping – Les Ramblas

Return to coach for approx 5:00pm ...

Monday 8th July – Continued

Return to Tossa de Mar for evening mealFollowed by concert in the local town (Summer Music Festival)

Tuesday 9th July

Early breakfast (approx 7:30am) followed by day trip to Port Aventura Theme Park.

Packed lunches provided

Theme park has guarded perimeter...

Wednesday 10th JulyBreakfast at 8:00am

9:00am – Head out for our day trip to Girona...

Film Museum (Museu del Cinema)

Monastery Sant Pere de Rodes

Girona Cathedral (Catedral)

Eiffel Bridge

Wednesday 10th July –Cont’d

Evening meal to be provided in GironaAt 6:00pm (exact time TBC)

Second concert at 8:30pm in Las Ramblas in Girona (Musical Festival)

Thursday 11th July – cont’d

Coach departs Tossa de Mar at 3:30pm

Over night coach journey back to UK

Friday 12th JulyFerry crossing back to Dover departs at 9:50amArrive at Dover: 10:20amArrive at Hornsey: 1:00pm

Students MUST be collected at 1:00pm (they will not be permitted to leave on their own)


Day trips to ....



Port Aventura

Local area – Tossa de Mar

Performing in concerts



The photos have been taken off this slide show due to permission rights with the internet – but feel free to research the hotel.

Hotel = Full Board




All included

in the tour cost...


Please apply now to save the stress

Double up on health insurance

Communication whilst away

You have been given a schoolmobile number as an emergency contact number during the tour

Please don’t call us unless it is an emergency!

Loco Parentis

3 text messages for your peace of mind

Coach Company

Executive 49 seater coach withtrailer for the instruments

We used this coach company for our Italy tour in 2010 – we know

what we're getting!

And now – time for a Joke....





This is designed for 1 x medium

sized suitcase per person...


Health and Travel

Insurance is all

covered in the cost…

Important issues…

The journey is long. Please bring sufficient

food and drink for the journey. We cannot

guarantee that over night food stops will

suffice. Please do not rely on money

alone for the journey. Students will need

food and drink at various points along the


Important issues…All five members of teaching staff will have a first aid kit

on them throughout the entire trip.

All staff will be in contact with each other during the entire trip.

All staff will have all students’ mobile numbers

Emergency procedures

Important issues…

Spending Money

Students should not need more than ₤15.00 per day.

Students may want to take between ₤100 and ₤130.

(Euro conversion is approximately 118 to 160 Euros)

Important issues…Planning for the temperature

The weather will (we hope!) be around 29 degrees…

• Sun Protection • Sun glasses• Clothing to suit the temperature *(allowing

for one day of rain)

Important issues…Travel sickness pills…

We’re traveling by ferry and coach.

Please plan for any likely travel


Important issues…

Any big tesco or Boots

+ +

International plug adaptor

Important issues…Rooms (who’s with who?)

This week, all students will be

given this slip…

Important issues…


Your child is representing the school in

Spain: • School rules apply• Following instructions is of vital importance• Contact will not be made home unless it is

deemed necessary (but, if it is necessary it will happen)

Important issues…Rehearsing / learning Lyrics etc

• Every student in the choir has a lyrics pack and CD.

• Chris says he’s happy with the pans bands that are practicing for Spain (But asks for students to now go ‘up a gear’)

CHOIR.... Standards ....


... We’re not there yet!

Don't underestimate the practice needed to become familiar with all your harmonies (Over the rainbow...)


Let’s raise the bar now please....

This is why we can set up a steel pans, choir and soloists concert within one hour....

Ultimate top tip for parents / carers....

Note to parents / carers

The last payment date was 30th May

Thank youIf you haven’t yet handed in your final letter response, please do so ASAP.

This PowerPoint PresentationWill be on the school website tomorrow

Saturday 6th July ....2:30pm....

“Feels like I should be somewhere”