Download - Saint Teresa Parish October 3, 2021 27th Sunday in Saint ...


Saint Teresa Parish

Weekly Calendar

Sun 10/3

Eucharistic Adoration 1pm-9pm.

1pm Baptism

2:30-3:30: Life Chain

4-6pm: Parish Picnic

7pm Rosary (+Pamela Birch)

Mon 10/4

Eucharistic Adoration Noon-9pm

10am Funeral (+Pamela Birch)

7pm: Faith Sharing for Intellectu-ally Disabled Adults @SCH



Eucharistic Adoration 9am-9pm

4pm-7pm: Deanery Day @KH

6pm Cub Scouts @KH

7pm Boy Scouts @KH



Eucharistic Adoration 9am-9pm

4pm: CCD @SCH



Eucharistic Adoration Noon-9pm

9:30am Rosary, 10am Funeral

2:30: Living Rosary @CH

7:30-9: Choir Practice @CH



No School

Eucharistic Adoration 9am-9pm


10/9 Eucharistic Adoration 9am-4pm

Sun 10/10

Eucharistic Adoration 1pm-9pm

Save the Dates:

October 28th: Walk the Little Way

November 14th: Bazaar

Altar Society Prayer Line Requests can be made by e-mailing:

[email protected] or by calling

Mary Pat McBride at 402-314-1296.

Update: w e are in great need of people who are

available to sub during the hours of 9-5, M-F. Those

times are difficult to fill, and we don’t want to “wear out” our

existing subs. Please consider whether you can sign up to sub periodically during

any of those times.

Eucharistic Adoration

The link to the online sign-up is in the parish e-mail and in several easy-to-find

places on the parish website. Ron Zimmer (402-310-9342) is happy to

assist those needing help signing up or finding a sub.

Hours of Exposition are Sun 1-9, Mon-Fri 9-9, and Sat 9-4

Open Holy Hours: Mondays 12-1 & 1-2 and Wednesdays 11-12,

All other days are full!

Saint Teresa Parish October 3, 2021 27th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

Mass Schedule: October 3-10

+ = repose of the soul of

Int. = intentions of

Pro Populo = for the people

The Pink Sisters’ Chapel is located at 1040 S. Cotner Blvd and is open from 7am-8pm. The 7am Masses you see listed here (7am

PS), which are said at the Chapel, are open to the public (but their Sunday Mass is private).

Day Time Intention

10/2 4 pm Fallen Away Catholics



8am Pro Populo

10am +Mary Hupka

Noon +Barb Bechtolt

Mon 10/4

6:30am +Dillon Blake

7am PS +Florence Schroeder

8:15am Int. Ana Koperski



6:30am +Cherie Clodfelter

7am PS Canonization Anniver-sary of Sts Arnold & Joseph

8:15am +Dillon Blake

Wed 10/6

6:30am +OF Demuth Family

7am PS Int. of Connie, Claritta Miraflor & family

8:15am +Fr. Jack Copenhaver



6:30am +Charles Rickel

7am PS Int. Melissa Czyz

8:15am +Brad Rickel



6:30am Int. Kotopka Family

7am PS Sp Int. Nguyen Family

8:15am +Joe Hamersky



7am PS +Margaret Vencil

8:15am Int. Christian Mothers

4pm +Anne & Walter David Senduk

Sun 10/10

8am +Mary Gapp

10am Pro Populo

Noon +Deceased Members of the Dawson Family


October 4


October 5


October 6


October 7


October 8 Rosie’s FamousLunches

All meals are made with love and are

served with fruit and a smile

Corn Dogs

Baked Beans

Chicken Wrap




Chicken Teriyaki

Rice No School

Are you considering Catholicism? Or you’re already Catholic and you

want to learn more about your Faith?

RCIA = Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Classes are for curious Catholics and curious non-Catholics.

RCIA begins October 7th. Contact the parish office if you are interested.

Life Chain 2021 Plan to attend the annual Life

Chain Sun, Oct 3 from 2:30 -3:30pm we—together with other churches and

parish communities—will line O Street from 33rd to 35th (south side of O Street) to pray and peacefully protest Abortion.

The Thrift Store made $3595 last weekend

Hours for business: Fridays 4-8 and Saturdays 9-3

Please donate during business hours.

Walk the Little Way is St. Teresa School's annual fundraiser in which we

ask our broader community (friends, relatives, neighbors) to support our school. This year, our goal is to raise

$45,000 by October 28th. The fundraiser will support repairs and replacements to our playground surface and equipment. Anything above will go to the THRIVE

tuition assistance funds.

Donations are accepted until October 28, and on that day the students will

celebrate by wearing their matching T-shirts and participating in a school-

wide Rosary Walk through the neighbor-hood, praying for our donors' intentions.

Donations may be made in cash, check, or at:

Use your phone to scan this QR

code; it will take you to this site.

Help us spread

the word!

Faith Sharing for Intellectually Disabled Adults began Mon Sep-tember 13th at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at St. Teresa School. Please call

Shannon Kohmetscher if interested in joining: 402-430-0681

CCD began on Sept 15th. It’s not too late to enroll. Please contact the

parish office to register. [email protected]

or 402-477-3979 Classes are at school on Weds from


PARISH PICNIC: October 3, 2021 SCHOOL PARKING LOT: 4pm-6pm

Note: the location of the picnic this year is in the school parking lot. In case of rain, we will move into

the school gym.

There will be music, a saints parade, and a potluck meal with meat and beverages

provided. Bring your family’s table settings and a desert or salad to share.

We are hopeful that there will be several people who are able to stay a little late and help clean up and put away tables

and chairs.

Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations The Bishop’s Appeal for Vocations

has begun! Our par ish ’s goal is $25,840. Please give generously to

support our diocesan seminarians and especially our own four men: Liam

O’Shea-Creal, Tony Schukei, Jonah Brox, and Paul Mach. Your pledge card was

mailed to you last week.

Join your fellow parishioners in prayer out-side of Planned Parenthood Thursdays

from 6am-1pm until Oct 31. Help save lives and souls: sign up for an hour. Weekly commitments are very helpful! Sign up

online at or on the board in the back of church.

We need Freshmen Godteens Leaders

Frequency: Once per week during the school year: Weds 7:30-9pm

A leader-couple takes a class as freshmen and continues with them through the end of their senior year, teaching them about the Faith. They open their home to once-

per-week meetings for high school students during the school year.

Sunday Collections | Budgeted vs Actual First 12 Weeks of the Fiscal Year - July through 3rd Week of September

2021 2020 2019 2018

Total Budget





Total Collections










Parish Financial Update This is information that was included in the quarterly mailing you recently received:

We have collected $38,273 less than we need to stick to budget (read: to make our income match our expenses).

Please see the chart below; it helps illustrate our parish’s finances over the past four years. Thank you for your ongoing generosity!

Reverend Mr. Tony Schukei is the son of Clint & Sheila Schukei. He was a member of Saint Teresa Parish. Rev. Mr. Schukei

is studying Theology 4 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Remember to pray

for him and for his formation.

Christian Mothers Mass & Meeting Our speaker for the Confraternity of

Christian Mothers this month is Stella Sinclair, a long time parishioner and

mother of five. This Sat, Oct 9th, join us for the 8:15 am Mass and prayers, and

then, in the Marian Room at the rectory, hear Stella share about herself and the

role of the Legion of Mary in her life. The Legion of Mary celebrated their 100th

year anniversary this last month! Refreshments will be provided.

Please Pray for the repose of the souls of longtime parish-

ioner Jean Weygint, for Pamela Birch, longtime

parishioner and sister of Sherri Cunningham & Monica

Milana, mother of Rebecca Birch & Veronica Cordry, and grand-

mother of Aubrey Birch, and for former parishioner Cindy Sivula.

Saint Teresa Elementary

School 616 S 36th St 402-477-3358

Living Rosary: 2:30pm at church on Thursday, October 7th.

No School Oct 8th, 11th, or 12th.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are October 5th and 7th from 4-8pm

The school is always in need of clean, flat, recycled paper for printing one-sided worksheets. This helps save on the cost of printing.

We are accepting volunteers this year in the school. If you are interested in be-ing a school volunteer, please call the school at 402-477-3358 or email [email protected]

Parish Bazaar | Sunday, November 14, 2021 Beginning next week, there will be raffle tickets available for pick up to take home to both purchase and sell. Please mark your calendar for Nov 14th for an afternoon of

community and fun!

We will again have the silent auction as part of the bazaar. If you would like to donate an item, please drop it off at the church rectory. Volunteers are needed to help call

business for the silent auction. To volunteer, e-mail: [email protected]

If you’re making a visit at church

and someone asks you for money,

direct that person to the rectory.