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An Essential Conversation

Spanish artist Jaume Plensa’s Mirror depicts two monumental, seated

figures facing one another. Composed of painted, marine steel letters from

eight alphabets – Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Hindi, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin,

and Russian — these two figures are in a perpetual conversation, with room

enough for a viewer to stand inside an exchange that encompasses the

world’s great cultures. This ongoing discussion is central to Rice’s Energy

and Environment Initiative (e2i). The monumental challenge of energy

in the 21st century spans the globe with ongoing, cross-cultural

communication a vital element for success.

To learn more:

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phone: 713-348-4062

2 0 1 0

Other Geothermal Hydro Nuclear Natural Gas Crude Oil Coal

A wOrld HuNGry fOr eNerGy. 2 0 6 0

e2i The energy and environment Initiative at rice university A big idea to address a larger-than-life challenge. energy is the grand challenge of the 21st

century. Seven billion of us share the planet today, but by 2050, the earth’s population will

soar past the 9 billion mark – and more people means more energy demand. developing

renewable energy is part of this challenge, and rice researchers are part of that mission,

but here’s the hard truth — for the next 50 years, we will remain dependent on hydrocar-

bon energy that is both difficult to develop in sufficient quantity and has environmental

repercussions. We must find more efficient exploration, extraction, and remediation

technologies to support a sustainable approach to satisfying a growing global energy

demand. A ship in a safe harbor is safe, but achieves nothing. Great universities launch into

the unknown to meet pressing challenges with fundamental research that translates into

tangible solutions. Our heritage – from Ideas to Impact – and our location in Houston,

the world’s energy capital, compels us to set sail on this voyage. e2i engages the most

innovative thinkers from every corner of the university. we’re working with industry leaders,

politicians, and citizens to create a road map to a productive and sustainable future.

Our hope for a sustainable future requires an inclusive, 360-degree view of the energy landscape. renewable energy is important, but we will remain dependent on carbon-based fuels for at least the next 50 years. Making conventional energy greener is the critical challenge of the 21st century.

f r o m I d e a s t o I m p a c t The power of e2i stems from looking strategically and

panoramically at the energy challenge. At Rice, that

means setting the bar high with a series of “grand

challenges,” and then pursuing those challenges with

contributions from basic sciences, technology, policy,

the social sciences, and the humanities.

We’re tapping expertise from multiple disciplines,

industry, and government to develop greener, safer,

more sustainable carbon-based fuels. We want to drive

drilling costs down by leveraging advanced materials;

simulate and model reservoirs to predict properties

and production; reduce pollution associated with

energy production; strengthen coastal communities and

operations, so they are resilient to extreme weather;

put nano-bio technologies to work on several fronts,

including treatment of spills; maximize the power of high-

performance computing to generate more useful data. And

perhaps the most important challenge of all – Rice wants

to educate the next generation of energy leaders, people

who have a holistic understanding of the technological,

economic, and human dimensions of energy.

w h y r i c e ?Rice consistently ranks among the top 20 universities in

the United States. Rice ranks in the top five for scientific

impact and has one of the top five nanotechnology

programs in the world. The Jones Graduate School of

Business offers a wide array of programs and degrees

that serve traditional MBA students and mid-career and

executive professionals, placing a strong emphasis on

the vital role of entrepreneurship in developing new

technologies that address the energy challenge.

The panoramic view comes naturally at Rice. More

than half of Rice students have science, engineering,

and business majors, and one in four will earn a degree

in more than one major. The Baker Institute for Public

Policy, one of the world’s premier nonpartisan public

policy think tanks, has deep experience in energy,

economics, and policy. And the Cultures of Energy

Initiative at Rice University has received significant

funding to engage undergraduates, graduate students,

faculty members, and industry experts in energy and

environmental studies. From research to policy to the

human dimensions of energy issues – Rice embraces

the big picture.

P o w e r o f P a r t n e r s h i p s Rice has a long history of welcoming external partners,

including virtually all the major energy companies in the

Research at Rice: From Ideas to Impact The idea of carbon nanotubes began when rice’s richard Smalley and robert Curl, with the university of essex’s Harold Kroto, discovered a 60-atom carbon molecule that looked like Buckminster fuller’s geodesic dome – the buckminsterfullerene. But every-one calls them buckyballs.

CNT fibers – thin as a human hair with the conductivity of metal and the strength of car-bon fiber – will revolutionize construction of vehicles and large structures like transmission towers, bio-medical delivery mechanisms, and electrical transmission and grid design. The impact is just beginning.

Pasquali finds the ultimate CNT solvent – chlorosulfonic acid – that spontaneously separates CNTs regardless of length – a significant break-through to creating high-performance fibers.

Smalley develops the high-pressure carbon monoxide (HiPco) process to produce high-purity, single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT).


wet-spinning innovation by Philippe Poulin at CNrS Bordeaux enables CNT / polymer blending to provide greater control over fiber characteristics.


rice’s Smalley and Matteo Pasquali discover liquid-crystalline CNTs in acids, a breakthrough in the struggle against CNT clumping.


Smalley and Pasquali create the first “pure” CNT fibers – wet-spun from liquid crystal CNTs – a critical advance towards developing CNT materials for industrial applications.



Partnership with dutch company Teijin Aramid leads to development of mass-pro-ducible, ultra-high conductiv-ity CNT fibers created by wet spinning from chlorosulfonic acid – another rice innovation once thought impossible.


Smalley, Curl, and Kroto discover buckyballs via laser vaporization – bombarding a rotating graphite disk with high-energy lasers in a heli-um-filled vacuum chamber.


Smalley, Curl, and Kroto win the Nobel Prize in recognition of the paradigm-changing opportunities buckyballs created in physical science, medicine, and engineering.


United States, and multiple nonprofits, think tanks, and

government agencies. These partners help fashion Rice’s

DNA, which drives faculty to develop curiosity-driven

research into transformative technology.

The trajectory we envision for e2i – ideas to impact –

is a central component of the Rice tradition. Rice founded

the first research institute in nanotechnology; today,

innovations in nanotechnology are fueling a technological

revolution, from energy to medicine and beyond. Our

high-performance computing institute is a recognized

global leader, with a specific focus on the intersection

of energy and “big data.” Rice’s panoramic, 360-degree

view and enthusiasm for multidisciplinary collaboration

make it the perfect place to tackle the world’s energy

and environmental challenges.

e n e rg y r e s e a rc h a t r i c e : A 3 6 0 - d e g re e P e r s p e c t i v ee2i – Rice’s multidisciplinary response to

complex and evolving energy challenges

– takes an encompassing view of human,

environmental, economic, and policy issues

to ensure adequate and sustainable resources

for an energy-hungry world.

G l o b a l I n f l u e n c e Rice is the established world leader in

nanotechnology and high performance

computing. The Smalley Institute for

Nanoscale Science and Technology (with

120+ faculty and two Nobel Prizes) and

Ken Kennedy Institute for Information

Technology (encompassing 17 university

departments) set aspirational standards

for the rest of the world. These globally

acclaimed organizations provide a solid

foundation for the entire Rice energy

research community.

e s t a b l i s h e d l e a d e r s h i pThe world looks to Rice for comprehensive

carbon management methodologies –

many based on nanotechnology innovations

– emerging from collaborations among our

Earth and Nanoscale Sciences, Biochemistry

and Cell Biology, and Chemical/

Biomolecular and Civil/Environmental


From molecular manipulation of

hydrocarbons to biofuel conversion, Rice’s

bioenergy & biomanufacturing research

promises lower refinery costs and more

sustainable methods to convert heavy oil

to light fractions. And our groundbreaking

seismic analysis / visualization and imaging

research blends advanced mathematics,

geologic expertise, and high performance

computing to make energy exploration

more efficient, accurate, and sustainable.

f o r g i n g a S u s t a i n a b l e f u t u r eThe Baker Institute for Public Policy

brings academics, industry leaders, and

policymakers together to grapple with

our most pressing challenges in energy

economics & policy. In conjunction with

our energy humanities experts, Rice

explores the context and history of energy

and the environment to develop creative

solutions that can enhance the quality of

life on earth.

Cross-disciplinary collaborations provide

opportunities for advances in regional

sustainability – risk mitigation, accurate

storm forecasting, and intelligent

development. Facing our energy & water

challenges means innovative solutions to

soaring water requirements, such as Rice’s

proprietary in situ catalysis process to

retrieve hard-to-extract oil with less waste,

less steam, less pollutants.

e2i takes a complete panoramic view – a

singular blend of basic and applied research,

production-ready technologies, and attention

to the human and societal implications – to

help create a sustainable energy future.

This theoretical breakthrough came years

ahead of the necessary computational

power. In 1992, The Rice Inversion Project

(TRIP) embarked on a mission to accelerate

DSO’s performance and document its

potential for accurate subsurface imaging.

TRIP provided the computational and

applied mathematics advances needed to

make DSO feasible. But realizing its full

potential requires more than mathematics.

F ro m A b s t r a c t E q u a t i o n s t o C r y s t a l - C l e a r I m a g e r yRice’s Center for Computational

Geophysics (CCG) provides the cross-

disciplinary framework to turn theoretical

advances like DSO into practical solutions.

Working together, researchers from

the Earth Sciences and Computational

and Applied Mathematics departments

apply high-performance computing and

visualization methods to actual field

measurements. CCG makes extensive use

of the Chevron Visualization Laboratory at

Rice for the technology needed to evaluate

new theory-based solutions via high-

resolution graphics. Advanced modeling

and imaging make exploration more

predictable and less costly — good news

for producers and consumers alike.

Rice’s long tradition of multidisciplinary

collaboration is no accident. We know that

ideas often require cross-fertilization with

other research realms and external partners

to reach maturity. This approach is the core

of the Rice DNA.

seismic model of the substrata in China and the neighboring region. Our research – like the energy challenge – spans the globe.

image, especially at the lower depths (roughly 6 km). In the right-side image, the same data is enhanced using the differential semblance optimization technique, a rice innovation, to produce dramatically clearer focus near the center.

(above) Marine seismic data that depicts the structural image of sub-seafloor properties. The image on the left renders an image based solely upon regional geologic information. The depicted strata, clearly identifiable at the sides of the image, become blurred and unintelligible at the center of the

(below) The Chevron Visualization laboratory’s Visualization wall measures 14x8 feet and renders stereoscopic 3d images using more than 33 million pixels powered by 2,034 processor cores. rice research-ers have applied full waveform tomography techniques on a con-tinental scale to create a detailed

P i c t u re T h i s : N e w I d e a s i n S e i s m i c I m a g i n g Technological innovation in extracting and

refining petroleum has given us a set of

sophisticated tools that work under a wide

range of challenging reservoir conditions.

But even the best extraction technology

depends upon an essential first condition:

We must know where the oil is.

The days of randomly drilling wells in hopes

of making a big strike are ancient history. Oil

exploration and production rely upon seismic

techniques that can “see” underground and

predict reservoir structures and physical

characteristics. Unfortunately, limitations in

focus quality meant that seismic reservoir

images were often expensively wrong.

T h e o re t i c a l B re a k t h ro u g hA seismic survey is like a stereo camera,

with one very important difference:

Software plays the role of the camera’s lens,

combining and focusing the huge volumes

of data collected by seismic instruments

into images of the earth’s subsurface. While

automated focusing is essential, it remained

a long-standing technical challenge.

A solution came through advanced applied


Developed at Rice, differential semblance

optimization (DSO) focuses seismic data

in a way similar to split-image focusing in

an ordinary camera: Various parts of the

data produce independent images, and the

overall earth structure is correct when these

independent images align.




Mobility Matters Mobile treatment solves two significant challenges – the trans-port costs and environmental risks of moving huge volumes of produced water over long distances – and provides production sites a sustainable source for water-intensive operations.

Sponge It UpHigh-charge density nano-sponges remove charged contaminants from produced or flowback water via capacitive deionization. Sponges can be customized to handle dif-ferent kinds of treatment scenarios and specific contaminant types.

f r o m C o n c e p t i o n t o A p p l i c a t i o n Basic research examines our physical world

to gain a deeper grasp of what makes it tick.

Applied research looks at a real-world prob-

lem and asks, “How can we translate basic

research into better solutions?”

One of the greatest challenges of the 21st

century is the adequacy and safety of our

water supply. Ours is a thirsty society –

aside from basic issues of virtually every

living organism needing it to survive, many

essential industries like agriculture and

energy consume vast quantities of water.

On top of sheer demand, many commercial

activities produce huge volumes of waste-

water, and current treatment and disposal

practices are expensive and inefficient.

Effective treatment technologies that al-

low contaminated water to be cleaned and

reused would represent a milestone in

sustainable energy development.

A p p l y i n g t h e C o n c e p t t o t h e P ro b l e m One solution: an Integrated, Self-Powered

Mobile Wastewater Treatment and

Desalination System.

Self-powered because we will capture solar

and biological energy to power the system.

Mobile because we can take the treatment

system to the source, reducing costs and

risks while allowing locally supplied water to

continue to serve as a resource in its original

geography. But the real breakthrough lies in

how we will reclaim the produced water for

reuse or beneficial disposition.

Mobile treatment exploits the kinetic

advantages of working with super-small

materials – nanomaterials. Here, nanotech-

nology and biotechnology converge to

enable a complete, high-capacity treatment

system that fits into a single, van-sized ve-

hicle. Building upon basic research in carbon

nanotubes and biotechnology, researchers

have developed a porous blend of polymers

and nanoparticles that draws in dissolved

salts to produce deionized water. We can

combine these nano-structured electrode

materials (think of them as “sponges”) –

along with nanocatalysts, magnetic nanopar-

ticles, and nanomesh materials – to solve

different kinds of treatment challenges and

address specific contaminants.

C h a n g i n g t h e G a m e Industrial byproducts once viewed as

“waste” can become a critical resource.

Effective wastewater treatment and remedia-

tion can transform “waste” water from oil

and gas production into a sustainable fresh-

water source for industry, agriculture, and

potable consumption.

Innovators at Rice, working at the inter-

section of distinct but related disciplines,

transform basic research discoveries into

high-impact technologies that serve growing

demand for efficiency and sustainability in

energy production.






NReduce, Reuse, RecycleEnergy production requires enormous volumes of fresh water. Treatments that allow reuse of water resources translate to lower costs and reduced environmental impact, both in the field and at the refinery.

Taking the Dirty Out of Drilling drilling operations produce huge volumes of water that must be desali-nated for reuse or safe return into the environment. The current standard process – reverse osmosis – leaves a massive footprint of extensive infrastructure, high costs, and severe environmental impact.

A s s u r i n g t h e f l o w “Let things flow naturally in whatever way

they like.” — Lao Tzu

Flow assurance is one of the key technical

challenges facing the energy sector. Lao

Tzu’s advice on harmonious living runs

into hard reality in oil and gas extraction –

especially in deep-water conditions – where

letting things “flow naturally” is a recipe for

disaster. Pipeline blockages caused by solid

deposits of asphaltenes, gas hydrates, wax,

and scale, along with leaks caused by

pipeline corrosion, can cause interruptions

in production, total well loss, and

environmental risk.

r i c e I n n o v a t i o n Downhole blockage and corrosion in gas

and oil wells are expensive problems, and

Rice researchers are striving for more

accurate prediction and prevention and

less costly treatment. Accurate prediction

algorithms to determine the severity and

location of scale deposition and corrosion

allow for early treatment – intervention

that can prevent costly shutdowns.

ScaleSoftPitzer software represents a huge

advance in the ability to predict behavior for

11 different minerals under the wide variety

of pressure and temperature conditions

encountered in a deep well. This knowledge

has also helped researchers develop scale

prevention treatments that successfully

inhibit scale formations at the cost of just

a few dollars per day.

Development of Statistical Associating

Fluid Theory (SAFT) to model the effects

of pressure, temperature, and composition

on the phase behavior and stability of

asphaltenes and gas hydrates in crude oil

led to creation of the Asphaltene Deposition

Tool (ADEPT). ADEPT scales up from

molecular-level characteristics of an oil

– as well as laboratory aggregation and

deposition kinetics studies – to create a

field-scale simulator capable of generating

reliable flow predictions needed for effective

flow risk management. SAFT also holds

the promise of more accurate corrosion

predictions to help prevent well shutdowns

and lessen environmental risks.

C r i t i c a l P a r t n e r s h i p sRice’s active collaborations with industry –

through the Brine Chemistry Consortium,

the Consortium for Processes in Porous

Media, and the Rice Center for Energy

Studies, to name a few – have spurred

important innovations not only in flow

assurance and scale deposition, but also

in other important energy research areas,

such as chemical enhanced oil recovery

and energy policy. Research in flow

assurance and scale and corrosion

prevention and treatments has improved

well reliability and prevents costly

production interruptions – envisioned and

brought to life through the collaborative

efforts by Rice and its partners.




ScalingSoftware based on rice research models the scaling behavior for 11 key minerals: calcite, barite, three calcium sulfates, iron and zinc sulfide, calcium fluoride, iron carbonate, strontium sulfate, and sodium chloride – leading to better predictions and more effective prevention.

CorrosionMetallic corro-sion costs the nation approximately $276 billion annually, or around 3.1 percent of GdP. rice researchers are striving to under-stand the causes of corrosion and to develop cheaper and better techniques for predicting and preventing damage to oil and gas pipelines.

Hydrates Inhibiting gas hydrates consumes 10 to 15 percent of Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon production costs. rice university has one of the world’s premier labs for measuring and modeling gas hydrates under extreme

temperature and pressure, dis-tribution of gas hydrates for

seafloor stability, and water content in equilibrium

with natural gas mixtures.

Asphaltenes Asphaltene

deposition in reservoir and flow

lines is a key challenge from the Gulf of Mexico

to the Middle east. rice’s molecular-scale to macro-scale

approach provides new insight into deposition mechanisms, leading to novel inhibition strategies and new modeling tools that predict production issues.

issues critical to ensuring adequate and

environmentally responsible energy resource

development for a growing world economy.

CES fellows and scholars provide high-

quality, peer-reviewed studies and high-impact

policy outreach through testimony on Capitol

Hill, interaction with policymakers, and a

reputation for reliable, fact-based examination

of critical energy issues.

By relying upon data-driven analysis –

and adhering to a strict, non-partisan

approach to developing policy solutions

– CES has become one of the top-ranked

university-based energy and natural resource

think tanks in the world.

N o n - P a r t i s a n S o l u t i o n sThe intersection of economics, science, and

policy is filled with potential conflict. Experts

often lack perspective outside their specialty,

and inadequate understanding can lead to

ineffective or misguided policy. In addition,

competing special interests can capitalize

on incomplete frameworks and make the

potential for conflict more salient.

Fellows and Scholars at CES are developing

sophisticated models that enhance the

understanding of direct and indirect linkages

between energy market developments and

economic, geopolitical, and technological

innovations. These tools allow the CES –

with contributions by experts from multiple

disciplines – to produce reliable and balanced

policy recommendations that avoid negative

unintended consequences.

The classic view of earth at night reveals where energy is consumed around the world. These places are typically far from hydrocarbon resources, making trade relationships and geopolitics central to the provision of energy services. economic growth requires energy, which can come in a variety of forms. As part of e2i’s 21st century mission, the faculty at CeS focus on policies aimed at sustainable development and efficient distribution of energy resources.

Geopolitics — not just geology — has a major influence on our energy future; and the energy leaders of tomorrow will need to be very knowl-edgeable not only of international affairs, but skilled in the art of diplomacy, as well as dedicated to corporate social responsibility in the countries in which they are engaged.” — Ambassador edward P. djerejian founding director Baker Institute for Public Policy rice university

f i n d i n g t h e B a l a n c e The energy sector is a realm of constant

change. Scientific and technological

advances continually re-define possibilities

in exploration, development, and end-uses.

Economic, political, and environmental forces

determine whether the technically possible

is socially desirable.

Economics, geopolitics, and regulatory

frameworks are as important as geology and

technology. Resolving the “above-ground”

factors will determine our long-term energy

and environmental security and thus economic

prosperity. Providing solutions that are

vetted and reliable is an important step in

this process.

d a t a d r i v e n A n a l y s i sThe Baker Institute Center for Energy Studies

(CES) is a data-driven policy research center

that generates non-partisan insights into the

impact of economics, geopolitics, technology,

and regulation on energy markets.

Policy based on emotion or incomplete data

is an invitation to crisis. Multiple margins of

response make policy formulation complex,

and we must always be aware of the law of

unintended consequences. CES brings broad

perspective to the policy arena by gathering

specialists from economics, earth sciences,

engineering, industry, and government to

encourage sustainable energy practices.

CES provides a forum for academics, industry

leaders, and policymakers to investigate







f i n d i n g yo u r Ta l e n t a t r i c eA Rice education emphasizes intellectual rigor and

practical experience to produce tomorrow’s leaders,

people who are ready to contribute from day one. Rice

is dedicated to developing complete citizens – challenge-

ready men and women with deep technical competence

coupled with awareness of broad cultural and policy

implications and an understanding of the intersection

of related disciplines. At Rice, we don’t just teach

students – we create leaders.

R e a l E x p e r i e n c e R e q u i r e dOur undergraduate student-faculty ratio of 6:1 means

that Rice students receive individualized guidance to

ensure that they become thoughtful, sophisticated,

lifelong learners. We encourage our students to com-

plete at least one professional internship, making Rice a

talent-rich source for internship programs. It also means

that Rice graduates have practical outside-the-classroom

experience to make them productive members of any

team right from the start. Our students have held intern-

ships in all corners of the energy landscape, from field

work to lab research to the executive suite, in industry,

government, and nonprofit settings.

Rice offers highly selective graduate programs, in many

disciplines, including engineering, natural and social

sciences, and business. Nearly one-third of our graduate

students hail from outside the U.S., drawn to Rice by our

consistently high rankings. This international diversity helps

our entire campus community maintain a global perspective

that prepares our graduates for careers in an increasingly

global economy. Our Houston location allows our graduate

students to engage directly with industry and foster an ongo-

ing and open dialogue that complements the deep research

collaborations that students have with their advisors.

recognized as one of the world’s finest programs for

entrepreneurship, finance, and accounting leadership. In

addition to degree programs, JGSB also offers Executive

Education programs ranging from energy management

certificate programs to custom programs that address

unique organizational challenges.

Rice also offers custom developed “deep dives” into

emerging technology areas. And our ongoing guest

lectures, workshops, and seminar series across campus

feature prominent researchers and industry and policy

leaders who explain the latest research and policy trends

and how they affect your business.

Big-data information technology looms large over the energy landscape. rice’s annual Oil and Gas High Performance Computing workshop focuses on rapidly changing technology and on making the most of software and software innovation. This popular networking forum explores industry challenges and highlights growing computational workforce opportunities at the nexus of the energy sector, the IT industry, and the academic community.

The Oshman engineering design Kitchen (OedK) gives undergraduates hands-on experience designing, prototyping, and deploying innovative solutions to real-world engineering projects. working with engineers from across many disciplines, our students learn how to apply multiple perspectives to a problem. In 2012, OedK teams won over 20 awards in regional, national, and international competitions, including the rice Solar Car Club, which designs, constructs, and races solar-powered vehicles.

P r o f e s s i o n a l M a s t e r yRice offers several postgraduate programs. In addition

to being a source of talent, they help busy professionals

and executives stay current with new trends and develop

solid science and technological foundations and a mas-

tery of the principles and methods of successful business

management – without career interruption.

Our Professional Master’s in Science and Engineering

programs offer cross-disciplinary curricula – blending

policy analysis, business training, and doctoral-level

STEM courses – to produce well-rounded technical

experts with the ability to synthesize strategies and

manage large projects and entire companies. Students

also complete hands-on training, typically an internship.

The Jones Graduate School of Business’ (JGSB)

Professional, Executive, and Full Time MBA is widely

e2i The Energy and Environment Initiative at Rice University

Leadership and Innovation for the 21st Century. Providing sufficient and sustainable energy

supplies for the coming century depends upon a collaborative and inclusive approach to the

challenge. A great triangle of forces – environmental, socio-economic, and technological –

struggle to achieve balance. The planet is overcrowded, and unless our technology can integrate

with the very real human dimensions of the equation, the likelihood of social disruption and

unrest will become increasingly likely. From our location in Houston – the world’s energy

capital – to our proven track record of innovative research across the sciences, Rice is taking

a vanguard role in this challenge. By bringing together the best minds in the sciences,

engineering, the humanities, and policy analysis, the Energy and Environment Initiative will

develop better solutions to current challenges and anticipate and resolve new challenges,

before they become new problems. We must develop dynamic collaborations with industry

leaders, government officials, and citizens to create a productive and sustainable future.