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Retail Branding

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Live Clean. ModereThere is a retail branding revolution going on with Modere. Modere is the first company of its kind to combine both the $187 billion dollar network marketing industry with the $5 trillion dollar social retail industry.

If you want to know what the definition of retail branding is it comes by way of one word, Modere. Modere has already paid out over $3 billion dollars in commissions to their social marketers. The company is now is now in 32 countries and growing rapidly.

What Modere is providing to people around the world is the opportunity to choose healthier products. Products that are not filled with GMO’s and toxic chemicals.It is a retail branding opportunity to be with a company that has re-branded their name. Modere, formely known as Neways, has been around since 1992 but the new name only since 2014.

This goes so far beyond just a retail branding post on this website.All I ever wanted was to help people live to their fullest extent as well as to my own. I don’t believe we came out of the womb to pay bills and die broke.Here in America there are 76 million Americans who are struggling financially.

The world needs what Modere can provide to people willing to use their eyes to see and their ears to hear. More and more employees are working harder and longer hours with little to show for it. The average college graduate here in America owes $37,000 in student loan debt upon graduation. It is even worse in England where the average college graduate owes $59,110 upon completion of their studies.

According to the Social Security Administration, 98% of the American population is set up to fail. What is the cause?

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EducationThe American school system and I know this may seem harsh to read especially if you are a college gradaute like me.We all have been taught to work for the paycheck; for linear income that only comes by way of us trading time for dollars.Why weren’t we taught about free enterprise; how to work for ourselves and earn residual income?Income that continues to come in whether you work or not.

Does the average hourly or salaired 9 to 5 employee have this as their reality? Are they not relying on one source of income? The paycheck? Employees are not even paid first. The government takes their cut before the employee even sees their paycheck. How is that for having leverage? Leverage means doing more with less and all we have been taught through our school system is how to work hard and remain broke.


If you take out 5 to 6 figures in student loan debt, have a mortgage (the word means “death pledge”), kids to feed, gas to put in your car to get to the job, groceries to buy, credit cards and auto loans to pay off what does that leave you? Not much in the way of financial independence because it is all going to bills and corrupt banks. Here is what one of the world’s most succesful entrepreneurs has to say about working for the paycheck.

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It was fortunate in that it only too me 12 years to pay off my undergraduate and graduate school debt.I finally paid off my loans while on a deployment to Afghanistan.That deployment taught me alot about life and how precious it is. I was nearly blown out of the building I was living in and it opened my eyes about how we are to ‘earn a living’ as we have been taught over the years.

All I was taught was going to graduate school to earn an advanced degree would make me ‘more marketable’. I was taught how to fail, not how to work for myself but for someone else.

The word employee is nowhere in the definition of free enterprise – Dave Severn, entrepreneur

How fortunate we all are to have the opportunity and chance to make a decision that could change our lives for the better. Modere was an easy decision for me. No one had to sell me on modere products.I was searching for a company that was defining what retail branding was all about.

No other company has done what Modere has in combining two massively successful industries, network marketing and social retail together. There modere comp plan has to be the most lucrative in all of direct sales.

If you are seeking personal freedom both pertaining to your health and your wealth there is no better retail branding example then modere.

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