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  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?


  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?



    Im thankful for the assistance of everyone during this research project. Id like thank my

    course instructor Mr. Shafqat Chaudhuri for guiding me on every step of the project. His

    patience with the students and expert guidelines regarding the research paper helped me

    achieve this fine piece of work. Id also like to thank my family for their co-operation. Their

    motivation and support enabled me to complete this research paper in time. My gratitude

    also goes to my friends and course mates who helped me with the surveys and made this

    entire research work possible.

  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?



    The topic of this research paper is to find whether or not is music an aid to concentration or

    distraction for students. Concentration is an effective element for the life of a student.

    Music on the other hand is an entertainment source which stimulates the brain and does

    amazing things. Concentration and music has been tied together by various researchers

    from time to time. Some say that music has positive impacts on concentration while others

    disagree with them. My hypothesis was that music actually helps students concentrate and

    it has little or no negative impacts on them. Although I expected to find some negative

    responses regarding the view of students towards concentration and music but by

    conducting my primary research and combining it with secondary researches from various

    sources I found out that music has significant positive affects on concentration and students

    believe that it is a moderate concentration booster for their daily activities. After

    conducting my study I came to a decision that music might not be an excellent or surefire

    concentration helper but it certainly has significant positive impacts on concentration

    depending on certain factors and can me described as an aid to concentration without any


  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?


    Table of Contents

    1) Introduction and Background - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 01

    2) Research Questions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 07

    3) Hypothesis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Page 08

    4) Methodology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 09

    5) Data Presentation and Analysis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 10

    6) Summary of Research Findings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 25

    7) Recommendations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 27

    8) Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 28

  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?


    1 | P a g e

    Introduction and Background

    A students life has various factors which help with their academic success. Concentration is

    the most important among these factors and it plays a vital role in the academic success of

    a student. Nowadays, students use various concentration aids which help them focus more

    in study and achieve good academic results.

    First of all, concentration has no clear definition. Its meaning varies from person to person.

    However, after giving an in-depth look we can say that concentration can be thought of as

    the action or the power of focusing one's attention or mental effort into a specific matter. It

    helps prioritize a specific matter. Concentration enables us to deal with one particular thing

    above all others. According to Rizzo (2006), our minds are full of un-arranged thoughts and

    visions. These thoughts and visions float around our brain continuously begging for

    attention. Concentration is the power which keeps the unimportant thoughts and visions

    silent and gives most attention to the import thoughts.

    The role of concentration in our everyday life goes beyond great limits. We use its power

    everyday and dont even realize were using it. We sometimes feel the need for

    concentration when were distracted and we understand then that its one of the most

    precious tools of our minds. Everyone needs concentration in their daily lives. Students

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    consumption and considerable amount of rest is also essential for improved concentration

    among people.

    The most opposite of concentration is distraction. Distraction takes away the power of the

    mind to concentrate and constantly scatters the point of thought into different ideas.

    Concentration tries to focus the mind s point of thought into one specific thought or idea.

    Distraction divides this point of thought into multiple different thoughts and therefore the

    mind looses its power to concentrate on a specific thought or idea.

    Distraction has several negative impacts in our lives. It makes us loose track of our work and

    derails our chain of thoughts. Distraction is the number one cause of failure for human

    beings and it does nothing but slow down the overall progress of ones duties and


    Students need to avoid distraction due to many reasons. Distractions derive them from

    their main objective and as a result they get bad academic grades. Distractions in students

    also cause them to be irresponsible about their duties which lead to a dark and struggling

    future for them. There are various factors which cause distraction among students.

    According to Richtel (2010) there are various factors such as overplaying video games,

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    heavy use of gadgets, excessive internet browsing etc that cause distraction to students and

    are guilty of bad academic grades for students.

    Now, about music, it is a form of art which consists of instrumental sounds and / or vocal

    sounds produced to generate a harmonic feeling to our ears. It is a form of expression

    which existed from ancient times. Music is an important aspect to almost all cultures and

    people. The definition, quality and sounds of music widely varies from culture to culture

    (Music, n.d. ) .

    Music is used by people of all ages. People use music to relax their minds, entertain it, and

    to heavily motivate the minds to achieve things that seem almost impossible. Some people

    also use music to help with the concentration process. Much like all people, students use

    music to relax their minds from stress, for pure entertainment purposes and to motivate

    their minds to do great things. Music is also used by them as a concentration aiding agent

    from time to time.

    Music is popular to all ages and occupation. However, when it comes to students, they

    seem to show an increased amount of interest. They listen to music in their free time, they

    listen to it while doing household chores, they listen to it while doing physical exercise, and

    surprisingly they choose to use it while doing academic works such as studying or preparing


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    stimulated at once and because of this phenomenon, the brain could process information

    much faster and accurately. Watkins (n.d.) suggested that certain types of music such as

    rock or metal can have negative impacts on humans. So, the genre of music has strong

    influence and it decides whether or not music is helpful for concentration or distraction.

    Also, music only helps concentrate when its listened by choice. If a person is forced to

    listen to music then it does nothing to help with concentration but causes severe distraction

    and can result in serious damages to the body and mind. (Watkins, n.d.)

    Keeping the above fact in mind, according to a research by the Stanford University School of

    Medicine (2009), listening to music in class boosts the student s concentration by

    strengthening the brain and it helps achieve better grades. Holtz (2002) says that music

    does magic in the brain by re-mapping its neural path ways and it makes the memory of

    something strongly imprinted based on musical melodies. Adding to this O'Donnell (1999)

    also suggest that the power of music should not be underestimated and people who study

    music has higher academic grades than those who don t.

    So we can finally come to the deduction that music has significant affects on the human

    body and mind and keeping in mind certain factors we can say that it can be an aid to


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    Research Questions

    I found out various research questions related to my topic and hypothesis. These are:

    1) How does music affect people physically and emotionally?

    To see how music affects people both physically and emotionally and what the

    good/bad sides of it are.

    2) How do people use it?

    To explore how people use music. I wanted to figure out theyre preferred way of

    using it.

    3) What are the views of students towards music?

    To know what the general students think about music, whether they think of music

    as a concentration helper or distraction.

    4) How do students classify concentration aiding and distracting factors in life

    To identify various factors that causes concentration or distraction among students.

    5) What factors actually induce concentration?

    To identify the factors that help concentrate.

    6) What factors actually cause distraction?

    To identify the factors that cause actual distraction.

    7) What do researchers say about the tie between music and mental state?

    To find out what researchers say about music and the mind, whether it helps

    concentrate or not.

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    Music is a well known brain stimulant. It triggers certain parts of the brain and makes it

    more active. While listening to music, one is detached from almost all contact with the real

    world and falls into a semi-trance state. This semi- trance state is thought to boost ones

    ability to capture and process information efficiently. Also, through this semi-trance state,

    music isolates ones mind from all surroundings. It helps a student ignore all his/her

    surrounding distractions and calms the brain so he/she can focus more on something.

    Another thing about music is that it enables the body to releases certain types of hormones

    which forms the mind to capture information effectively. Mixed with the isolation of the

    mind and body hormones, I believe music creates a sound atmosphere in our minds which

    help increase concentration and reduce outside distractions.

    Some students will agree with me on this topic. They will say that music actually boosts

    their minds processing abilities. I expect them to give a positive response regarding music

    in this topic and I expect them to say that music is an aid to concentration. However, some

    students might disagree and say that the atmosphere of mind created by the isolation of

    mind mixed with body hormones caused by music actually distracts their minds rather than

    helping them concentrate. Some may also say that certain genre of music causes them

    distraction. All debates aside, I think it will be very interesting to see the two groups side by

    side. I think majority of the students will agree with me and say that music helps them

    concentrate more rather than distracting them.

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    Research Methodology

    To accomplish my primary research, I have conducted a survey among the general students

    of our country to find their views towards concentration-distraction and the effect of music

    on it. For this, I designed a questionnaire which contains different questions regarding my

    research topic. I believe this will give me useful and sufficient data to answer my research

    questions accurately.

    For my secondary research, I used different research materials including books and articles,

    standard reference sources, databases and publications from the internet and the

    university library. My secondary research data mainly comes from different online articles,

    journals, and Wikipedia entries and they are cited properly in each section.

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    Data Presentation and Analysis

    As the main source of my primary research data, I created a survey containing 14 questions.

    The survey was targeted for all general students. 30 survey papers were filled out by

    students from various age groups. Both female and male participants took part in the


    The complete presentation and analysis of the survey questions and students answers for

    them are given from the next page and onwards.

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    My first question in the survey was How frequent do you listen to music . The purpose of

    this question was to determine the popularity of music among students.

    It was surprising to see that 26% of students said they listen to music several times a day,

    41% of students said they listen to music at least once a day. 7% said they listen to music

    several times in a week. 13% said they occasionally listen to it in a month and another 13%

    said they never listen to music. The above statistics suggests that 67% of the general

    students listen to music at least once a day to several times a day. This clearly means that

    music is very popular among the students and they prefer to listen to it very often.










    Several times a day. At least once a day. Several times in aweek.

    Occasionally in amonth.

    Never. I don't listento music.

    How Frequent Do You Listen to Music

    Percentage of students

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    Next, I asked the students w hich time do they prefer the most for listening to music? The

    purpose of this question was to determine the perfect time for them to listen to music.

    According to my survey results, almost one fourth (23%) students prefer to listen to music

    at the time of studying or solving problems. Nearly the same amount (27%) of students

    prefers to listen to music while doing physical activities; also 16% students prefer to listen

    to music during both physical activities and studying/solving problems. Less significant

    amount of people, only 13% and 15% said they use it only when theyre in the mood or

    have free time. 6% of students said they never listen to music and they consider it a waste

    of time. Analyzing the above figures we can say that majority of people use it during

    studying or solving problems because music probably interferes with the body and mind

    and makes it useful to study, solve problems, and to do physical activities. This supports

    research by O'Donnell (1999) that music has good affects on the human body and brain.








    When I'mstudying or

    solving problems

    When I'm doingphysical activities

    Both A and B When Im in themood for music

    On my free time,when I have

    nothing to do

    I never listen tomusic, it's a

    waste of time

    Which time do you prefer the mostfor listening to music?

    Percentage of students

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    For my fourth question I asked how much does music help to concentrate. I asked the

    students to choose from a scale of 1-5. 1 being an excellent concentration helper and 5 is a

    great cause of distraction.

    Taking an in-depth look at the above statistics we can see that more than half of the

    students (24%+30%= 54%) think music is an aid to concentration and 44% of these students

    think that music is an excellent concentration helper. 30% of the students thinks it causes

    distraction and 15% believe it has no affect on neither concentration nor distraction.

    Analyzing the charts we can say that most of the students believe that music is an aid to

    concentration which supports or matches my hypothesis.









    5 - Music is anexcellent

    concentration helper

    4 - Music is an aid toconcentration

    3 - It has no effect onconcentration or my


    2 - It distracts me alittle from my works

    1 - Music distractsme a lot when I'm


    How much does music help to concentrate?Choose from a scale of 1-5

    Percentage of students

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    For my sixth question I asked the students which of the following factors do they think is

    most distracting while studying; various choices were included. The purpose of this

    question was to find what factors were considered distracting for students.

    The response indicate that 40% of the students thinks that the sounds made by surrounding

    people and machines are distracting while studying. 26% thinks the sounds of nature are

    very distracting while studying. 20% thinks its hard to concentrate while studying due to

    the sound of someone elses high volume music. While 13% thinks listening to their own

    music while studying is bad for concentration. The numbers suggest that most people find it

    okay to listen to music while studying and show less indications that it causes distraction.

    They also find the sounds of nature and forced listening of music very distracting while











    Sounds made bypeople andmachines

    Sounds of thenature such asbirds, rain fall,


    When someoneelse listens tomusic in high

    volume aroundyou

    When you listento music usingyour iPod, mp3player, mobile

    phone, or stereo

    Which of the following factors do you think aremost distracting while studying

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    Afterwards I asked the students how music affects their emotions. The purpose of this

    question was to figure out the emotional affects of music.

    Looking at the data we can see that Major amount of students with almost 40% thinks

    listening to music makes them happy. One fourth or 26% thinks it gives them motivation

    and another 26% thinks it does both. A small number of students, only 6%, find music very

    irritating. Going through the above numbers we can say that music is an excellent tool to cheer up

    people and give them motivation. Thus, we can say that music has significant effects on

    peoples emotions. These statistics match with the publication of O'Donnell (1999) that

    music has positive impacts on human emotion.

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

    Music irritates me

    Both A and B

    Listening to music gives me motivation

    Listening to music makes me happy

    How does music affect your emotions?

    percentage of students

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    Next, I asked the students to suppose that they are working hard on something. I asked

    they will use music to do what? The purpose of this question was to find how music is used

    by students at the time of hard works or physical works.

    Looking at the pie chart we can say that majority of the students (almost 40%) said that

    music motivates them to keep working hard. Nearly one fourth (23%) said music boosts

    their strength. 23% of them said it both boosts their strength and give them motivation to

    keep working hard. Deducting the data we can say that music has the ability to increase the

    physical and emotional performance of a person.

    Suppose you are working hard on something.You will use music to:

    Boost your strength.

    Motivate yourself to keepworking hard

    Both A and B

    I won't listen to music in the firstplace

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    For the ninth question, I asked the students, generally, what is their view towards music?

    The purpose of it was to find out their point of view or what they think about music.

    Looking at the number we can see that most students (44%) think music helps them relax

    when theyre tired. 33% thinks listening to music helps them focus on something when they

    get distracted. 20% thinks it both helps them relax and helps them focus on something

    when distracted. Negligible 3% said music annoys them and it is a time waster. Analyzing

    the numbers we can say that music has significant affects on the mind and body of the

    students and it matches with the previous questions and their answers.












    Music helps relaxwhen I'm tired

    Music helps focus onsomething when I

    get distracted

    Both A and B Music annoys meand is a time waster

    Generally, what is your view towards music?

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    For the tenth question, I asked the students whether or not listening to music while

    studying has any impact on their academic result. The purpose of this question was to

    determine the affect of music on academic result.

    Looking at the survey results for this question we can see that majority (50%) students think

    it has no affect on their academic result. 14% + 20% = 34% thinks it helps to do well in

    academic results and 16% thinks it causes poor academic results. Analyzing the facts we can

    see that most of the students dont think it has any affect on their academic results.

    However, 34% believe that it has positive affects in their academic results which match the

    research of Stanford University School of Medicine (2009) saying that music for students

    can help achieve good academic results.







    Yes, it helps me getexcellent academic


    Yes, it helps me dowell on academic


    No, it has no affecton my academic


    I don't listen tomusic while

    studying; if I did Imsure I would getpoor academic


    Do you think listening to music while studyinghas any impact on your academic results?

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    Next, I asked the students which type of genre of music they usually listen to. The purpose

    of this question is to figure out what genre of musics are popular among students.

    Looking at the pie chart we can see that most people 41% prefer listening to classic music.

    17% prefer rock/metal music and 14% prefer rap/hip hop music. The other choices such as

    metal music, instrumental music, rhythm and blues music takes the rest of the pie chart and

    are very low in numbers. Analyzing the graph we can say that most people prefer classic

    and rock music and it plays a good role in concentration than the other genres of music.

    What type of music do you listen to?You may pick multiple options

    Classic music

    Rock/Metal music

    Rap/ Hip Hop music

    Metal music

    Instrumental / orchestral music

    Rhythm and Blues

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    For the 12 th question I asked the students what they use for listening to music. The purpose

    of this question is to see their preferred way of using music.

    Looking at the graph above we can see that a large amount of students (40%) use

    headphones to listen to music. 26% use common speakers, 14% use large speakers. and

    20% use sub-woofers/woofers to listen to music. The data above indicates that most people

    use headphones and common speakers/sub-woofers to listen to music. These are moderate

    ways of listening to music. One fifth of the students (20%) are extreme music users and they

    use large speakers which produces high volume of noise to satisfy their musical needs.










    Headphones Common speakers Large Speakers Sub-Woofers /Woofers

    What do you use for listening to music?


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    On the final question of the survey, I asked the students that even if they find music

    distracting, do they think it will help others to concentrate. The purpose of this question

    was to check whether or not students still think music helps concentration and will help

    others to concentrate.

    Looking at the numbers we can see that 50% of students think it will help some students

    but not all. 24% students think it will definitely help others to concentrate while 15% thinks

    it will not help anyone to concentrate. 10% of the students voted that music will strongly

    distract others. Analyzing the above facts we can come to the deduction that majority of

    the students think music helps concentrate and they recommend it to others. This response

    statistic support and back my methodology that music is actually an aid to concentration.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60

    Yes, It will definitely help others to concentrate.

    Yes, It might help some but not all

    No, music will not help anyone concentrate

    No, music will strongly distract others

    Even if you find music distracting,Do you think it will help others to concentrate?

    percentage of students

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    Summary of Research Findings

    After going through the primary and secondary research data I think I can classify music as

    an aid to concentration. Doing the research, I found out that music is very popular among

    students. They prefer listening to classic and rock genre of music the most. They prefer

    standard mediums such as headphones and speakers to listen to music. An average student

    listens to music at least once a day and spends around an hour per day listening to it.

    I also found out that music has positive affects on students/people both physically and

    emotionally. It can cheer u p people when theyre feeling sad and it can also make people

    sad then theyre happy. Music also has physical reactions to the body which helps it relax

    when its tired and gives it motivation to push harder when people becomes frustrated with

    something. Music also reduces stress of the mind and clears all unnecessary thoughts from

    it to make room for concentration.

    I also found out that although it is an aid to concentration but there are certain factors

    which cause music to distract people. First of all, the genre or type of music has strong

    impact on concentration. Classic and mild music helps concentrate more while hard and

    loud music causes distraction. Another thing is that music only helps people to concentrate

    or its only an aid to concentration when someone listens to it by their own choice. If

    someone is forced to listen to music then it becomes a cause of distraction. Various

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    secondary research data also suggested that listening to music without choice has negative

    impacts on the body and mind and causes damage to the listener.

    My research findings match almost perfectly with my original hypothesis that music is an

    aid to concentration. I anticipated that music creates isolation from the outside world and

    releases certain body hormones which make music an aid to concentration. However, I

    didnt take into account that cert ain types/genres of music had negative impacts on

    concentration and caused distraction. Other than the issue above, my hypothesis was

    proved accurate as most of the students found music as an aid to concentration while a

    small group of them thought of it as distraction and neutral to concentration.

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    In conclusion of this research paper I can say that music is an aid to concentration for

    students. Students listen to music everyday for a significant amount of time while doing

    various tasks. It has amazing affects on the body and mind. However, there are certain

    criterias that should be met; otherwise music will be nothing but distraction. Students

    should cautiously use music to boost their concentration and they should keep in mind that

    concentration is best when its not aided by other influencing factors because those factors

    can sometimes result to great damage in both the body and the mind.

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    Chipongian, L. (2000, May 15). Can music education really enhance brain functioning and academic

    learning?. Brain Connection Blog . Retrieved March 30, 2013, from


    Holtz, R. L. (2002, December 13). Music changes links in the brain. Austin American Statesman World &

    Nation Section. Retrieved March 30, 2013, from

    Music. (n.d.). In Wikipedia . Retrieved April 25, 2013 from

    O'Donnell, L. (1999). Music and brain. Music Power . Retrieved March 30, 2013, from

    Richtel, M. (2010, November 21). Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction. The New York Times , p.A1.

    Retrieved April 25, 2013 from

    Rizzo, T. H. (2006, June). Developing Better Concentration . IDEA Fitness Journal , 3(6). Retrieved March

    30, 2013 from
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  • 7/28/2019 Research Paper: Is Music An Aid To Concentration Or Distraction For Students?



    The following documents are included in the research paper packet:

    Original and Revised Research Proposal.

    Original and Revised Questionnaire.

    Detailed Research Paper Outline.

    All earlier drafts.

    Marked Printouts of used secondary research sources.

    Filled out questionnaires.