Download - Research Concept Presentation

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Research | Introduction

• What’s the focus of my research?• It's Industry oriented!• It's, mainly, Qualitative!• It's mainly secondary...

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Research Concept | Intention

• What is my VISION?

• Reward: Recognition, competence and greater artistical skills.

• Challenge: Gathering of materials, finding research subjects.

• Ability: Experience, knowledge, artistical skills.• Strategy: References and materials, interviews and

philosophical reflections.

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Research Concept | Intention

• The research's main industrial potential is the increase in understanding of game's narration through and with graphics. Making a more effective experience.

• The needs that my research would fill is the, in my opinion, too lacking of narrative/immersive competence in the game developer market.

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Research Concept | Intention

• Who are the target audience for my Research?Mainly Artists/Craftsmen in Media, Game Developers,

Designers in Game Industry

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Research Concept | Intention

• As the topic of immersion and narration is a hot one these days, the target audience would be smart to take notice of people like me who tries to research into that very subject.

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Research Concept | Objectives

• How will you reach these people?

• Through my blog, passive.• Sending my article to an academical site.• Sending my article to a news site/gaming news site (i.e.

Escapist Magazine, Gamasutra, Rock, Paper & Shotgun).

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• The three most important results of my research: Understand how the narrative structure can work more effectively with graphics, what doesn't work and how common mistakes can be avoided.

• These results are all very important to each of my target audiences, because the results involves every decision in their profession.

Research Concept | Objectives

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• To achieve the first result: Finding past research in the subject of narration and story-through-graphics, reading reviews of games, games which are “famous” for having effective immersion and have great storytelling, and interviewing people on this topic.

• To achieve the second result: Re-iterating the first result but for the subject of failing in the design about immersion. Potential experiments and more interviews for this question.

• Looking through more articles on the subject and have more interviews in how “common” mistakes can be avoided. More potential experiments for this question.

Research Concept | Objectives

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Research Concept | Analysis

• Strengths• Weaknesses• Opportunities• Threats

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Research Concept | Analysis

• What is my most important NEXT STEP?