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RecipeX:Your personal caregiver and lifestyle makeover

Master in Engineering in Computer SciencePervasive Systems

a.y. 2015-16Prof. Chatzigiannakis

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The teamFabrizio Farinacci

Sara Veterini


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‘’ “Chi si inferma è perduto.”Marcello Marchesi

To say it in other words:Either you face your medical issues in the right way...Or you are LOST.


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ProblemIt’s difficult to maintain an healthy lifestyle while

following your therapies and nursing prescriptions


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SolutionGive to the people an application capable to

register, monitor, remember and share therapies and promote a healthy lifestyle


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2.What is



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Main idea

▣ Helping patients to follow their therapies, simplifying the communication with the health care assistants

▣ Giving health care assistants a simple and useful tool to keep track of the therapies of their patients


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Patients▣ Remember therapies

and prescriptions ▣ Send measurements to

their caregivers▣ Plan an healthy and

secure lifestyle

Use Cases

Caregivers▣ Monitor vital signs and

daily habits of their patients

▣ Give feedbacks to promote a healthy lifestyle for their assisted


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Let’s see what the users think about our idea


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Your opinion counts!

▣ We setup a Google form survey to ask users what they really needed from our application

▣ The results were very good for us, and also helped us to understand how to develop the main features


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How many years experience do you have?


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Caregivers (2)

Would you like to have an application to monitor therapies of your patient?


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Caregivers (3)

Which vital signs do you think should be included in the ones the application can monitor?


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Caregivers (4)

How much do you think it is useful to have a built-in calendar able to track the lifestyle of the patient, with the possibility to give feedbacks?


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How old are you?


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Patients (2)

Would you like to have an application to make it easier to follow your therapy?


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Patients (3)

How much do you think it is useful to get instantly and locally notified about what your therapy requires?


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Patients (4)

Would you like your doctor or assistant to know how your therapy is going on in real time? So to immediately react in case the therapy is not adequate. 18

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4.Our Idea:


A mobile application to help patients in their therapies


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Android projectRecipeX: the simplest way to follow your therapies, getting monitored and completely makeover your lifestyle.


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Main Functionalities

Everything is Recorded Record your vital signs (e.g. Blood Pressure, Heart Rate) and physiological needs using intuitive forms and written notes.

Nothing is forgottenTimed and geo-localized notifications will remind you about your therapeutic treatments and measurement requirements.

Always monitoredShare your recorded data with your family and your personal assistant. Keep your lifestyle under control.

Track & Plan good habitsTrack your daily habits to plan a healthy and secure lifestyle. Also record your planned medical examinations and preventive screenings.

Stay Fit & HealthyMonitor and register data regarding alimentary needs (diets) and physical activity (sport & rehabilitation).

Ask for helpIf strange behaviour are detected, your family and your personal assistant will automatically be contacted.


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Overall Architecture


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Thanks!Any questions?
