Download - Rationale for Part 1


RATIONALE FOR PART 1In this particular lesson plan we aimed for it to adhere to students in primary two class. Basically, student at their respective age needs something that are fun in order to create a meaningful way of learning to them. In our lesson plan we want to make sure that our student grasp the concept of our teachings while they are having fun in learning it.We started our lesson with Question and Answer session. In this session we asked student on their basic knowledge about family. The main reason we did this as a starter activity is so that we can give our student an insight on what we are going to learn for today. Question such as what do you know about family? aims to test students understanding about the basic knowledge of having a family. When we can relate their knowledge together with what we are going to teach on that day, we can induce a meaningful way of learning. As stated by Ausubel (2000), meaningful learning is opposed to rote learning and refers to a learning way where the new knowledge to acquire is related with previous knowledge. Basically if we can make sure that students know how to relate their past knowledge with the lesson on that day, hence the learning will be meaningful for both teacher and the student.Next comes the presentation part. Me, myself personally were given a chance to handle the previous part and the presentation part in particular. Basically I believed in song and video that can capture childrens interest and thats why I tried the Suggestopedia technique. I created a video song that would later be used on the next stage which is the practice stage so that the stage will act as a correlation to the video song. It is so much easier when we can kill two birds with one stone. My approach is to make each and every student feel relaxed with my presentation of song. Adding to the presentation is the usage of musical instrument such as ukulele or guitar. It adhere to Suggestopedia approach in which students should feel relaxed and comfortable while learning. In addition when a teacher brings something that can attract their attention such as a guitar it would be a lot easier for a teacher to teach the subject. After that the students could sing along with the teacher because the lyrics are simple enough for children at their respective age. Following the singing is another Question and Answer session regarding the song to enhance students focus throughout the teachers presentation.