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Quality, Safety &


Management Plan

MS Civil Pty Ltd trading as MS Civil

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Quality, Safety & Environment Management Plan (QSEMP)

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Document controls

Business Name MS Civil

Client Enter Description

Project Title Enter Description

Document Title Quality, Safety & Environment Management Plan (QSEMP)

Document No. QSEMP-01 Issue 1.0 Date Enter date

Prepared by Name

Authorising Officer

(Name) (Signature) (Date)

QSEMP Issue No. 1.0 Date: 1 September 2018


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Quality, Safety & Environment Management Plan (QSEMP)

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Table of Contents


1.0 Project Management ........................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Organisational Chart & Key Responsibilities ........................................................................ 6

1.2.1 Planning and Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................... 8

2.0 General Management .......................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Communications .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.3 Subcontractor Management ..................................................................................................... 10

3.0 Workplace Health and Safety ........................................................................................................ 10

3.1 Site Safety Rules ............................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 Health and Safety Site Inspections ......................................................................................... 11

3.3 Inductions and Training ............................................................................................................ 11

3.4 Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination .................................................................... 12

3.5 Incident Management ................................................................................................................. 13

3.6 Hazard Identification and Risk Control ................................................................................ 15

3.7 Safe Work Method Statements ................................................................................................. 16

3.8 Plant and Equipment ................................................................................................................... 17

3.9 Hazardous Substances ................................................................................................................ 17

3.10 Traffic Management..................................................................................................................... 18

3.11 Non-Conformity and Corrective Action ................................................................................ 18

3.12 WHS Dispute Resolution ............................................................................................................ 18

3.13 Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................................... 19

3.14 Project Forms ................................................................................................................................. 20

4.0 Environmental Management Plan ............................................................................................... 20

4.1 Environmental Planning ............................................................................................................ 21

4.2 Environmental Aspects and Impacts ..................................................................................... 21

4.3 Environmental Objectives and Planning Procedures ..................................................... 21


Attachment A Organisation Details

Attachment B Project Contact Details

Attachment C Project Forms

Attachment D Daily Risk Assessment

Attachment E Emergency Response Plan

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Attachment F Site Safety Rules

Attachment G Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Attachment H Traffic Control (TCP)

Attachment I Legislation, Approvals, Licences And Permits

Attachment J Site Environmental Protection Rules

Attachment K Environmental Protection Measures

Attachment L Project Program


MSC / MMS Tas Civil

Stet MS Civil

Person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)

A 'person conducting a business or undertaking' (PCBU) that includes organisations and individuals conducting a business or undertaking. Broadly speaking a PCBU replaces the term employer

A PCBU has a primary duty of care to ensure workers and others are not exposed to risks to their health and safety while at work in the business or undertaking.

The PCBU that commissions a construction project is the principal contractor with one exception. The new Regulation allows a principal contractor to engage a PCBU to be the principal contractor provided they authorise the person to have management or control of the workplace

HS / HSE Health & Safety; Health, Safety & Environment

SDS Safety Data Sheet

SWMS Safe Work Method Statement



Work Health And Safety

Occupational Health And Safety

OHS/WHS Regulator

Worksafe Tasmania

QSEMP Quality, Safety & Environmental Management Plan

EMP Environmental Management Plan

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1.0 Project Management

The purpose of this Plan is to ensure that works conducted by MS Civil (MSC) are compliant with Quality, Safety and Environmental Policy and Procedures by providing project personnel with a process, which enables them to comply with, amongst others:

- Work Health and Safety Act 2012, Tasmania

- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012, Tasmania

- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 C’Wlth

- Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas)

- Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 (Tas)

- General requirements of WorkSafe Tasmania

- Codes of Practice

- Central Highlands Council Zero Harm safe and healthy working environment commitment

1.1 Project Overview

• Enter Description

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1.2 Organisational Chart & Key Responsibilities

Key responsiblites and roles allocated to this Project are detailed in Attachment B, Project Contact Details.

1.2.1 Planning and Responsibilities

The organisation’s details, Project delivery team for the Project and contact numbers are detailed in Attachment A and Attachment B.

The Project Manager is responsible for the following planning activities:

• Identifying hazards and assessing the risks associated with the work, and documenting the risk control measures to be taken

• Managing compliance with WHS and workplace injury;

• Managing worker’s compensation legislation, regulations, standards and codes, Safe Work Method Statements and the Site Safety Rules;

• Assessing and monitoring the capability of service providers in the supply chain, and verifying that they meet WHS and EMP requirements;

• Providing service providers in the contract chain with the Health and Safety & Environmental Management Plan and any updates; and

Managing Director

Mike Burdon

Project Manager

Tom Fletcher

Works Supervisior-


Matt Cripps


Works Supervisor-


Aaron Rushton

Team Leader



Civil Works, Projects & OHS

Scott Salter

Office Manager

Ros Salter

Administration Offier

Rheanna Welsh

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• Managing communication and consultation provisions in accordance with the regulatory and other requirements.

• Ensuring plant operators have certificates of competency;

• Ensuring that before commencing work on site all personnel have attended suitable induction and/or training courses;

The Works Supervisor is responsible for:

• Implementing the Site-Specific Safety and Environmental Management Plan;

• Displaying and making Site Safety Rules available to personnel on, and visitors to, the works site;

• Conducting site-specific induction, specific work activity safety training and refresher training;

• implementing workplace injury, illness and emergency management processes in accordance with established procedures;

• Preparing, maintaining and making accessible the register of hazardous chemicals;

• Maintaining first aid stocks and providing first aid;

• Consulting with the Project Manager as necessary, if any potential hazards are detected which have not been planned for;

• Co-ordinate with other parties on site and restrict access to work areas, as needed;

• Issuing of protective clothing and equipment (PPE), if needed;

• Ensuring appropriate Safe Work Method Statements and other safe operating procedures are followed;

• Maintaining and making accessible the Register Of Hazardous Substances;

• Planning traffic and plant movement;

• Planning materials handling to avoid heavy manual lifting, where practicable; and

• Maintaining EMP and WHS records

Team members are responsible for:

• Working in a safe manner without risk to themselves and others;

• Complying with this Plan including all SWMS and environmental protection measures;

• Reporting any new identified hazards to the Civil Works Manager;

• Reporting all incidents to the Civil Works Manager;

• Reporting all injuries and illnesses to the designated First Aid Officer;

• Reporting any WHS hazards to the Civil Works Manager;

• Providing suggestion, through agreed consultation methods, on how to improve WHS and EMS issues;

• Seeking assistance if unsure of WHS requirements;

• Reporting any faulty tools or plant to the Civil Works Manager;

• Complying with site safety rules;

• Correctly using all personal protective equipment; and

• Complying with emergency and evacuation procedures.

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1.3 Deliverables

1.3.1 Program

The program establishes a critical path for the Project and is updated each month. The current program is available on site (on the notice board in the site office always on display).

Refer Attachment L Project Program which identifies the critical path, hold and witness points, and logical dependencies.

1.3.2 Product Quality

Works quality is monitored to ensure it meets client specifications through a range of tools:

• Inspection Test Plan (ITP) Forms, Form 229

• ITP Record, Form 230

• Non Conformance Record forms, Form 233

• NCR Register, Form 234

1.3.3 Monthly Reporting

Monthly reporting to the Client is to update the current program to actual with the new critical path, and to provide a record of safety, quality, incidents and variations etc.

1.3.4 Survey Management Records

As required by the construction program, the Surveyor provides reports and survey pickup data by electronic means after each site visit. This information is then forwarded to the Client Representative electronically.

1.3.5 Progress Claims

Progress claims are made by using Form 231: Progress Claim Spreadsheet with itemised items and contract sums and Form 232: Claim Form with itemised items and contract sums.

1.3.6 Extension Of Time Form And Register

Requests for Extension of Time are on Form 227, with the Register maintained in Form 228.

2.0 General Management

2.1 Compliance Obligation – Legal And Other Requirements

MS Civil will ensure that any approvals, licenses and permits as required by Legislation, Codes of Practice and/or Standards are obtained before any works commence on this Project.

A detailed Schedule of Legislative Requirements with obligations relevant to this Project is detailed in Attachment I.

The following objectives and targets are set up for this Project: [add other Client Specific]

No Objective Target Performance Indicator

1 Effective communication and consultation

Toolbox meetings Fortnightly or as determined by Civil Works Manager

Regular meeting held and documented

2 Community complaints responded to promptly

100% of complaints closed out within 5 working days

100% close out

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No Objective Target Performance Indicator

3 WHS and Environmental legal requirements complied with

No penalties or notices received Zero

4 Workplace WHS and Environmental inspections completed weekly

100% of planned inspections carried out


5 WHS and Environmental awareness

100% of employees & subcontractors are inducted prior to start project


2.2 Communications

2.2.1 On-Site Communication

The Project Manager is the contact point for all quality, safety, environmental matters and emergencies on site and they are responsible for ensuring all such issues are resolved.

Work team members must notify the Work Supervisor of any quality, safety or environmental issues on site.

Emergency contact numbers are detailed in Attachments B and always displayed at the work site.

Regular site meetings (weekly or as required), recorded on Form 105: Toolbox Meetings are held to discuss Project progress and actual outputs against targets; and to discuss other issues such as incidents/accidents, near misses, non-conformances, corrective actions and improvements.

Emerging safety, environmental and quality issues on site are discussed and consulted through regular toolbox meetings run by the Works Supervisor and recorded on Form 105: Toolbox Meetings. These Records are retained as Project records.

Work team members are required to notify the Civil Works Manager of any quality, safety and environmental issues on site.

2.2.2 External Communication

The Civil Works Manager is the designated 24-hour emergency contacts for clients and external authorities. They have the authority to take any action on site as directed by an authorised officer of any relevant external authority. Refer Attachment B for contact details.

2.2.3 Communication with Subcontractors

Contact names and phone numbers for subcontractors are available on Form 117: Subcontractor Register, which is always kept on site or in the office. The Civil Works Manager and Project Manager are the contacts for subcontractor matters.

2.2.4 Community Liaison

Enquiries about the works from external parties are recorded on Form 106: Communications and Complaints Register.

All relevant authorities, residents, businesses and others affected by project works will be informed of the project activity and timeframes.

In the event of interference with resident accesses, shop access, pedestrian thoroughfares or other matters, MS Civil ensures that affected members of the public are so advised through doorknocks and letterbox drops or media announcements as appropriate.

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Outward public contact may be through a range of sources including newspaper notices, Facebook, placing notices on community notice boards or by letter box drops. The most effective strategy will be adopted relative to the Project needs and in consultation with our client.

2.2.5 Complaints

Any complaints concerning any aspect of the Project are registered, investigated and recorded on the Form 106: Communications and Complaints Register which details the nature of the complaint, the complainant and actions taken as a result of the investigation. It cross-references any Non-Conformance reports or other relevant documentation.

If an environmental complaint (such as a complaint regarding noise or pollution) is received, a written report will be prepared and given to the Principal Contractor or client’s representative within one (1) working day. This report includes details of the complaint, action taken to correct the problem and proposed measures to prevent the occurrence of a similar incident.

The Project Manager ensures that all complaints received are recorded, investigated promptly and that appropriate action is taken to resolve within a target date of 5 working days.

2.3 Subcontractor Management

All workers on work sites are covered under WHS Act 2012 (Tasmania) legislation, with MS Civil duties as the primary contractor to ensure a safe system of work is provided.

The Project Manager applies a level and type of control to all workers including subcontractors, appropriate to the risks associated with the works. Subcontractors working on site are registered in Form 117: Subcontractor Register.

MS Civil provides site induction to subcontractors on site by:

• informing the subcontractors of their responsibilities

• identifying our organisation staff (Project Manager and Civil Works Manager) who have authority to direct subcontractors to stop work if their activities breach health and safety requirements

MS Civil provides instruction on any systems or documentation that the subcontractor is expected to work under or use.

MS Civil monitors all subcontractors’ work for compliance with safety requirements. This is done through regular site health and safety inspections.

2.3.1 Selecting and Engaging Subcontractors

In the Project planning process, the Civil Works Manager identifies work to be subcontracted and determines:

• the method of selecting subcontractors: from MS Civil preferred suppliers list,

• the method of assessing subcontractors: according to MS Civil’s purchasing procedures

• the type and level of subcontractor control required.

The Project Manager and Civil Works Manager prepare a list of potential subcontractors and assesses them against contract requirements.

Evaluation and selection of subcontractors includes an assessment of subcontractor’s WHS management systems, including Safe Work Method Statements.

3.0 Workplace Health and Safety

The Work Health and Safety Policy is to protect workers and others at our various workplaces from work-related injury and ill health and to comply with all relevant WHS legislation.

MS Civil is committed to:

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• complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;

• providing a safe and healthy workplace for all its workers, contractors, and visitors to its premises as well as to the premises of its customers;

• defining roles and responsibilities for work health and safety;

• setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services;

• using safe working systems supported by documented safe working procedures and will only use materials that are safe and do not pose a risk to the environment; and

• consulting with workers, contractors and our clients to improve decision-making on Work Health and Safety matters.

Managers will implement this Policy, being responsible for the health and safety of all persons working in any operation under their control. It is their responsibility to ensure that personnel who report to them are provided with the necessary instruction, training and resources to implement the Policy and hold them accountable to do so.

Workers are responsible to take care of their own health and safety and that of their fellow workers to the extent of their capability by following all safety rules, procedures and instructions.

All incidents however minor are to be reported to management so that appropriate action can be undertaken to prevent a repetition or to minimise the risk.

This Quality, Safety & Environment Management Plan (QSEMP) identifies and assesses all hazards associated with the works and control measures to be implemented to ensure that workers working on site, members of the public and visitors to the site are adequately protected from risk of harm, injury or illness.

3.1 Site Safety Rules

MS Civil has established site safety rules to safeguard the health and safety of our workers; and are included in Attachment F.

All workers, subcontractors, suppliers and visitors to the site must abide by the identified site safety rules. A copy of these rules will be given during site induction. Furthermore, the rules will be displayed on notice boards or at other suitable locations on the work site.

3.2 Health and Safety Site Inspections

The Civil Works Manager conducts daily safety inspections using Form 222: OHS Inspection Checklist on the construction site to monitor the performance of safety controls implemented on site. Any actions resulting from the inspections are promptly resolved.

3.3 Inductions and Training

The Construction Manager ensures that all personnel and subcontractors working on site have attended all induction training as required by WHS regulations namely:

• general construction induction training;

• workplace specific training; and

• task-specific induction training.

General Construction Induction Training is the mandatory minimum training required by the WHS Regulator, and commonly known as a White Card.

The Civil Works Manager ensures that workers on site have the general construction induction-training card or other appropriate certificate.

Workplace Specific Training aims to provide information about work, health and safety issues and safe work practices that are specific to the construction workplace. This training is delivered

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by the Civil Works Manager (or delegated officer) to workers commencing work on MS Civil construction sites.

All Project personnel including subcontractors will receive site induction training, which covers:

• emergency and response procedures on site;

• environmental awareness of their environmental protection responsibilities and measures to minimise environmental impacts;

• Environmental Protection Requirements of the site as set out in Attachment K.

Informal training through toolbox meetings is also delivered when required on specific safety and environmental topics which may include fatigue, manual handling, confined space, erosion and sedimentation control, protection of heritage items, protection of native vegetation and other environment issues relevant to the site.

Only workers who have attended this induction will be permitted onto the jobsite. Records of site induction training will be kept on Form 201: Site Induction Register.

The Task Specific Induction Training is provided to communicate hazards and risk controls and to provide the skills necessary for workers to carry out a specific task safely. This training is provided with Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and is provided by the Civil Works Manager through Toolbox Meetings before each activity commences. Participants of these toolbox talks will sign on the relevant SWMS forms.

Relevant induction is given as above, before a worker can commence work on site.

Visitors to construction workplaces are site inducted and must be accompanied around the workplace by an authorised person. All personnel on site must have the minimum PPE requirements.

A hard copy of all documents and records are kept at MS Civil office situated at 16 Barrett Street, Glenorchy or designated administration office. There is also a copy of all documents and records on site.

3.3.1 Training and Competency

Having regard to the hazards and risks associated with the works, MS Civil shall ensure that all workers are trained and competent to perform all tasks in a way that is safe and does not adversely impact the health or safety of themselves or others. Refer to Form 107 :Training and Competency Register for details of the skills and competencies of the organisation’s workers assigned to the Project.

The Project Manager assesses and arranges any additional qualifications and/or safety training that is required to carry out each activity on the Project including refresher training.

A Verification of Competency (VOC) is documented to evidence current competencies and is undertaken by an authorised person deemed competent to assess and operators skill and knowledge.

3.4 Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination

MS Civil promotes the active participation of all workers in WHS decisions. Workers are consulted and given the opportunity, encouragement and training to be proactively involved in WHS matters affecting the organisation and their work activities.

Consultation is required between:

• duty holders (PCBU) with shared duties; and

• the Project management and the workers impacted by the work activities or undertakings. This includes contractors and their workers, employees of labour hire companies, students on work experience, apprentices and trainees.

Consultation occurs in reference to, but not limited to, the following subjects / topics:

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• Project pre-commencement set up, risk assessment and at daily toolbox meetings.

• WHS meetings with all contractors and subcontractors;

• hazard identification and risk assessment processes;

• control measures for the management of hazards and risks;

• changes to the organisation’s policies and procedures of work routines which may affect WHS;

• incidents/accidents, near misses, non-conformances, corrective actions and improvements;

• changes to WHS legislation / regulations; and

• election of WHS Representatives, as required

On construction sites, work activities are often likely to overlap and interact, which means that the duty holders will each have a duty to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities between each other. In these situations, MS Civil as Principal Contractor holds daily pre-start coordination meetings with all duty holders and workers; the outcome of the meeting is recorded using Form 105: Toolbox Meeting Records.

3.5 Incident Management

The Civil Works Manager is responsible for managing the incident response according to the following procedures. The Civil Works Manager is the first point of contact when an incident or accident occurs and can be contacted 24 hours a day. All incidents and accidents are reported immediately to the Civil Works Manager.

Back up for the Civil Works Manager is provided by the Project Manager.

Emergency contact numbers for the Project are as per Attachment B, and are always displayed on relevant site notice boards and informed during site inductions.

MS Civil maintains records of incidents and injuries in accordance with statutory requirements.

3.5.1 Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures

Preparation for emergency situations aims to minimise the nature and extent of injuries, damage to property and harm to the environment that might ensue from an emergency situation.

The purpose of emergency preparedness is making sure that emergency procedures work in the event of an emergency.

An emergency response plan is prepared for the worksite, refer Attachment E: Emergency Response Plan. The plan is displayed on relevant notice boards and informed during site inductions.

Minor Incidents

• minor injuries will be attended to by the First Aid Officer/s. First aid kits are located in the site office and/or Site Supervisor’s vehicle.

• if further treatment is required (e.g. X-Rays, injections), arrangements will be made through the Civil Works Manager or Project Manager

Serious Incidents

• Unless in danger of further injury do not move the injured person.

• Notify a first aid officer to attend to the injured person.

• If an ambulance is required, call 000. The site address, telephone number, (details of which are posted on the notice boards) and injury details must be given accurately to the emergency service. The exact location of the injured person shall be given to the operator.

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• Reassure and keep the injured person warm until help arrives.

• Ensure that someone is available at the site to meet the Ambulance and direct it to the injured person. Ensure clear access is available to the ambulance to get as close as possible to the injured person.

• Notify the Project Manager and/or Civil Works Manager as soon as possible. Fire Response

• Warn and rescue any person in immediate danger - only if safe to do so!

• Call the fire brigade on 000.

• Extinguish the fire using the correct fire extinguisher if safe to do so

• Evacuate to the emergency assembly area if directed or in danger.

• Remain at the assembly area and ensure everybody is accounted for. Chemical Spill Response

If a spillage occurs the following procedure is to be followed:

• Immediately identify the spilled material and notify the Civil Works Manager.

• Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Personal Protective Clothing needed.

• If containment is required, contain using absorbent socks/spill kit.

• Use the relevant clean up procedure in SDS.

• Dispose of material using a licensed contractor and keep records of disposal on site.

• A Register and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is kept for all hazardous substances kept at the workplace. Form 210: Hazardous Substances and SDS Register.

For this Project’s Emergency Response Plan refer Attachment E and for Site Safety Rules, Attachment F.

3.5.2 First Aid Arrangements

MS Civil provides training for first aiders through a recognised trainer.

Due to the nature of our business (construction works), first aid is available at each of our construction workplaces and Site Supervisor/Civil Works Managers’ vehicle. We have qualified first aiders on each of our work sites.

Project Managers, Civil Works Manager and Site Supervisors are responsible for:

• Assessing the first aid needs of their area and staff, including the administration of first aid.

• Conducting a risk assessment for any special needs item prior to inclusion into the first aid kit.

First aid attendants are responsible for the timely maintenance of first aid kits including ordering stocks/re-stocking, cleanliness, suitability of the kit for the works, and availability.

3.5.3 Injury Management

All injuries are reported to the Civil Works Manager and recorded on Form 219: Incident and Injury Report. An injury that may require worker’s compensation is also notified to the Workers Compensation Scheme Insurance Agent.

Return to Work

MS Civil is committed to the return to work of injured workers. We ensure that injured workers (and anyone representing them) are aware of their rights and responsibilities – including the

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right to choose their own doctor and rehabilitation provider, and the responsibility to provide accurate information about the injury and its cause.

MS Civil participates in the development of an injury management plan to ensure that injury management commences as soon as possible after a worker is injured. A suitable person (Return to Work Coordinator) will be arranged to manage the return to work plan.

The injured worker will be provided with suitable duties that are consistent with professional authority advice and are meaningful, productive and appropriate to the injured worker’s physical and psychological condition.

Depending on the individual circumstances of the injured worker, suitable duties may be at the same workplace or a different workplace, the same job with different hours or modified duties, a different job and may involve full-time or part-time hours.

3.5.4 Incident Investigations

For all incidents involving near misses, property/plant damage or injury to the public or the environment, MS Civil investigates and records the details in Form 218: Incident Investigation Report.

Notifiable Incidents

MS Civil reports all notifiable incidents to the Client and to the relevant Authority. Where such an incident has occurred, MS Civil considers whether the site needs to be preserved for investigation by the relevant authority.

Reporting occurs as per timeframes detailed below:

Notifiable incidents Report to: Timeframe

Serious incidents involving a death (fatality) or a serious injury or illness

WHS Tas Regulator Immediately

Scheme Agent/Insurer Within 48 hrs

Serious incidents involving injury or illness to non-workers at the workplace

WHS Tas Regulator Immediately

Other incidents involving an injury or illness where worker’s compensation is payable

Scheme Agent/Insurer Within 48hrs

3.6 Hazard Identification and Risk Control

MS Civil requires that a thorough hazard control process, comprising hazard identification, risk assessment and analysis, be conducted before work commences to have appropriate safety controls measures in place from the start of the Project.

An initial worksite WHS hazard identification and risk assessment is carried out by the working team and documented before works commence (refer Attachment M). The risk control measures are then implemented at the workplace and explained to workers on the Project. Form 222: OHS Hazard Identification Checklist is used as a guide to help identify all hazards at the workplace.

Risk assessment meetings are held with the Project delivery team to involve them in documenting the sequence of work activities and identifying critical WHS hazards that may result in illness or injury, to assess the risks and discuss and agree on appropriate WHS controls for the Project.

This initial risk assessment produces the Project hazard register; this is updated throughout the life of the Project, through subsequent risk assessment meetings or reviews where required.

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The risk assessment process also identifies tasks that require the development of safe work method statements (SWMS). MS Civil has developed SWMS for high-risk tasks that have the potential to harm our workers (see Attachment G).

To be classified as high risk, relevant construction works have one of the following characteristics:

• Area with artificial extremes of temperature

• Disturbance of asbestos

• In or near a confined space

• In or near a shaft or trench depth greater than 1.5 metres

• In or near tunnels

• Potential to fall greater than two metres

• Tilt up, pre-cast concrete

• Work near contaminated or flammable atmosphere

• Work near moving plant

• Work near traffic corridors (road, railway, shipping lane)

• Work needing temporary support to prevent collapse

• Work on or near energised electrical installations or services

• Work on or near water or other liquid with a risk of drowning

• Working on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping.

3.6.1 Hazard Reporting

All workers shall report hazards immediately to the Civil Works Manager. Where the hazards cannot be corrected immediately, they are reported and managed using Form 128: Corrective Action Request (CAR).

The Civil Works Manager investigates all reported hazards and implements control measures to eliminate and/or minimise the likelihood of an incident or injury. The Project Manager regularly reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of control measures until the hazard is addressed and/or all risks have been mitigated or reduced.

3.7 Safe Work Method Statements

All work activities assessed as having high WHS risks require the preparation and implementation of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS).

SWMS are a means of briefly documenting the risks associated with a work task and incorporating the appropriate risk control measures into a sequence of steps for doing the task safely.

Workers undertaking the activity are inducted into the SWMS.

At the start of each shift the delivery team assesses the adequacy of the SWMS to current site conditions and documents any hazards not controlled by the existing SWMS. Form 203: Daily Prestart and Risk Assessment is used for this purpose.

It is the responsibility of the Site Supervisor to ensure that the control measures adopted are implemented. It is also the responsibility of those undertaking the work to inform management if the proposed controls are inappropriate.

If the work is not being carried out in accordance with the SWMS, then the work must stop as soon as it is safe to do so. Work must not resume until the work can be carried out in accordance with the SWMS. If work is stopped, the work and the SWMS should be reviewed to identify non-

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compliance and ensure that the method in the SWMS is the most practical and safest way of doing the task.

It is workers’ responsibility to follow the SWMS requirements; workers who do not comply with the requirements are mentored and guided on the right implementation of them; disciplinary action is the last resort to get workers to follow the organisation’s WHS requirements.

Subcontractors working on site are required to prepare their own Safe Work Method Statements and submit to the Principal Contractor before works start on site.

The Project Manager or Site Supervisor is responsible to review subcontractors’ SWMS for adequacy for any high-risk construction work to be undertaken.

3.8 Plant and Equipment

MS Civil ensures that plant and equipment is inspected and maintained in accordance with the relevant standards and manufacturer’s recommendations. The inspection and maintenance history of each item is documented in Form 214: Plant and Equipment Register.

Daily pre-start checks are carried out on plant and schedule of maintenance and fault reports are notified to the Civil Works Manager and documented in logbooks or Form 213: Plant & Truck Pre-Start Checklist and made available to relevant parties on request.

Where plant and equipment are hired, the above requirements apply.

Attachment K provides details of the Environmental Protection Measures for plant and equipment management.

3.8.1 Maintenance Procedures

Daily visual inspections are carried out by the Site Supervisor.

To demonstrate compliance with the QSEMP, the Civil Works Manager conducts weekly and after rain environmental inspections (Form 306) on the construction site to monitor the performance of environmental controls implemented on site. Any actions resulting from the inspections are promptly resolved.

3.8.2 Electrical Equipment

MS Civil ensures that the use of electrical equipment, portable tools and extension leads is in accordance with applicable codes and standards including. AS/NZS 3012: 2010 Electrical Installations – Construction And Demolition Sites which describes in particular, requirements for RCD’s, portable sockets, leads etc.

All electrical equipment including leads, portable power tools, junction boxes and earth leakage, or residual current devices is inspected and tested by a suitably qualified person and labelled with a tag of currency before being used on site.

3.9 Hazardous Substances

All hazardous substance brought on site are stored, handled and transported in a manner that meets manufacturer’s recommendations and relevant legislative requirements and minimises the risks associated with the chemical.

No chemicals or fibrous materials are brought to the workplace without a current Safety Data Sheet (SDS). All hazardous substances are stored in the original containers with the label intact at all times.

As required and relevant to the Project, MS Civil will mobilise a designated Haz Chem unit to site.

Each hazardous chemical is recorded in a register, Form 210: Hazardous Substances and SDS Register and relevant staff is trained on the SDS and how to use them.

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Attachment K provides details of the Environmental Protection Measures for fuels and chemicals management.

3.10 Traffic Management

Traffic management is required to manage vehicles, cyclists and pedestrian around the construction site to ensure their safety.

To maintain pedestrian and vehicular safety during construction relevant safety control measures to be implemented may include:

• A Traffic Controller will be used to direct pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles when construction vehicles are entering or leaving the site. Traffic controllers must have completed an accredited relevant training course

• When partial road closures are required, a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) will be documented to manage traffic around the site. An accredited traffic control designer must prepare the TCP.

• Where required to manage the safety of workers on foot in the vicinity of mobile plant and trucks, a TCP which includes a pedestrian and vehicle movement plan will be documented. An accredited traffic control designer must prepare the TCP.

Details of the traffic management plan for this Project are outlined in Attachment H.

The designated Traffic Officer is identified in Attachment B Project Contacts.

Attachment K provides details of the Environmental Protection Measures for traffic management.

3.11 Non-Conformity and Corrective Action

A non-conformance occurs when a procedure or environmental safeguard is not followed, or does not perform as required by this QSEMP. MS Civil will monitor non-conformances and initiate a corrective action where required. Non-conformance is registered in Form 127: Corrective Action Request Register and reported in Form 128: Corrective Action Request (CAR).

Corrective action seeks to eliminate the cause of nonconformities to prevent recurrence or occurs elsewhere. In particular, corrective action seeks to:

• review nonconformities;

• discover and eliminate the underlying cause of problems and non-conformance;

• determine if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur;

• provide recorded evidence of the problems being addressed;

• provide a record of the events and circumstances that inform decisions and direct changes to the system;

• determine and implement the corrective action needed;

• review the corrective action taken; and

• ensure that senior management is made aware of all of these factors.

3.12 WHS Dispute Resolution

If the procedure for settling disputes or issues about WHS issues (other than injury management issues) cannot be resolved after discussion between the parties, the parties must make reasonable efforts to achieve a timely, final and effective resolution of the issue in accordance with the following procedure:

1. any party to the issue may commence the procedure by informing each other party:

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a) that there is an issue to be resolved; and

b) the nature and scope of the issue.

2. as soon as parties are informed of the issue, all parties must meet or communicate with each other to attempt to resolve the issue.

3. the parties must have regard to all relevant matters, including the following:

a) the degree and immediacy of risk to workers or other persons affected by the issue;

b) the number and location of workers and other persons affected by the issue;

c) the measures (both temporary and permanent) that must be implemented to resolve the issue;

d) who will be responsible for implementing the resolution measures

• a party may, in resolving the issue, be assisted or represented by a person nominated by the party.

• if the issue is resolved, details of the issue and its resolution must be set out in a written agreement if any party to the issue requests this.

Note: Under the Act, parties to an issue include a person conducting a business or undertaking, a worker and a health and safety representative, and/or representatives of these persons.

6. if a written agreement is prepared all parties to the issue must be satisfied that the agreement reflects the resolution of the issue.

7. a copy of the written agreement must be given to:

(a) all parties to the issue; and

(b) if requested and as relevant, to the health and safety committee for the workplace.

8. to avoid doubt, nothing in this procedure prevents a worker from bringing a work health and safety issue to the attention of the worker's health and safety representative.

If the issue remains unresolved, a party may ask the WHS regulator to appoint an inspector to attend the workplace to assist in resolving the issue.

The Issue Resolution Procedure is displayed at relevant notice boards.

3.13 Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is undertaken at several levels: at the Organisation Level, the Project Level and at the Personal ‘take 5’ Level. This multi-approach of risk assessment will ensure that all aspects of health, safety, quality and environmental aspects are considered on a day to day basis.

3.13.1 Behavioural Based Safety Program

In order to ensure MSC Policy and Procedures are a norm in how we do business and conduct our operations, regular site audits will be undertaken of the safety behaviours in accordance with our Policy and Procedures.

3.13.2 Drug & alcohol testing program

MSC will develop a schedule of regular and random testing to ensure that no workers on MSC job sites are exposed to the risk of alcohol or drug intake.

3.13.3 Fatal Risk Controls

MSC has developed a range of procedures to ensure our workers are not exposed to the risks associated with high risk work including: Excavation, Working at Heights, Working Around Plant, Electricity, Manual Handling, Chemical Exposure, Confined Spaces etc

The procedures include our Application for Employment which supports our identification of potential health risks and the requirement to “self declare” potential future risks.

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MSC will also develop a Policy and Procedure to ensure monitoring around potential risks of Fatigue Management and Mental Health Management.

MSC undertakes an annual review of its QHSE System.

3.14 Project Forms

Various forms are used to support the recording of safety, environmental and quality performance. Refer Attachment C for available forms that may be used with this Project, including those below:

Form Number


105 Toolbox Meeting Records

106 Communications And Complaints Register

117 Subcontractor Register

127 Corrective Action Request Register

201 Site Induction Register

203 Daily Pre Start & Risk Assessment

210 Hazardous Substances and SDS Register

213 Plant & Truck Pre-Start Checklist

219 Incident & Injury Report

Hard copies of all documents are stored at our office at 16 Barrett Street, Glenorchy or designated administration office.

The records and reporting has been documented throughout this document.

4.0 Environmental Management Plan

The general environmental objectives include:

• To reduce or eliminate the release of pollutants to the environment e.g. dust watered down filters for waterways;

• To reduce waste and resource depletion by utilising recycling principles where practical. MS Civil will reuse topsoil wherever possible;

• To implement site layout plan for control of any soil sediment running into stormwater drains /pipes.

• To minimise impacts on the local community during works by communicating Project progress to all stake holders.

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is the essential link between the environmental impacts assessment and Project activities. It is to ensure that environmental impacts identified during the assessment stage are properly managed on site and control measures are implemented.

The following client-supplied documents set out the contract environmental requirements:

• Works Specifications;

• Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

The Environmental Management Plan relevant to this Project is documented in Attachment K.

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4.1 Environmental Planning

Environmental Responsibilities

The person with primary responsibility for implementing the EMP, monitoring its effectiveness and rectifying any deficiencies is the Project Manager. The Project Manager can delegate some responsibilities to other members of the team.

The Project delivery team’s contact numbers and emergency contact numbers are detailed in Attachment B.

The Project Environmental Representative is responsible for:

• Note: this is a role not a position. Attachment B details the designated representative for this Project

• monitor EMP performance, compliance and risk management on work sites. Report issues to the Civil Works Manager;

• ensure that all staff, subcontractors and visitors are properly inducted;

• ensure that staff and subcontractors are adequately trained for their allocated tasks;

• ensure that all plant and equipment is appropriately inspected and maintained;

• notify the Civil Works Manager of any incident or accident;

• conduct or participate in incident/accident investigations;

• assist with weekly EMP site inspections;

• ensure that an up-to-date register is maintained for hazardous substances stored and used on site;

• assess the risks of any hazardous substances proposed to be brought onto the site.

4.2 Environmental Aspects and Impacts

In addition to the aspects and impacts identified in the environmental assessment documentation, MS Civil undertakes its own pre-works risk assessment using Form 304: Environmental Risk Assessment Checklist and Form 305: Environmental Risk Assessment And Control Record. Outcomes of the risk assessment are then incorporated into the Environmental Protection Measures for the Project, Attachment K.

Identified environmental aspects and impacts are managed by implementing environmental safeguards. Refer to Attachment K for environmental aspects relative to this Project.

4.3 Environmental Objectives and Planning Procedures

4.3.1 Environmental Protection Requirements

The environmental protection measures cover three distinct phases of activity in accordance with the sequence of operations. These are requirements identified in the REF or other similar document provided by the client:

• prior to construction;

• during construction and

• post construction. (but not including operation)

The Civil Works Manager is responsible for implementing the environmental safeguards detailed in Enviro Protection Rules Attachment J.

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4.3.2 Environmental Emergency Response

All environmental incidents are dealt with promptly to minimise any potential impacts. Unexpected or accidental environmental incidents will be managed in accordance with the site’s incident response procedures. All environmental incidents are reported using Form 304: Environmental Incident Report.

Likely emergencies and incidents may involve:

• fuel or chemical spills;

• unlicensed discharge of pollutants to environment (air, water, noise, soil);

The Civil Works Manager is responsible for undertaking the incident response according to the procedures below.

Chemical Spill Response:

Spills on the worksite are most likely to be hydraulic oil line burst or fuel oil spilled from plant items. If a spillage occurs the following procedure is to be followed:

• immediately identify the spilled material and notify the Works Supervisor;

• contain the spill as soon as possible so it doesn’t spread. Refer to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for personal protective clothing needed;

• if containment is required, contain using earth mound and/or absorbent socks/spill kit;

• use the relevant clean up procedure as instructed by the SDS;

• once the spill has been contained, the Supervisor will arrange removal and disposal as soon as possible. All material is disposed of by using a licensed contractor and records of disposal are to be kept on site;

• Form 304: Environmental Incident Report is completed and forwarded to the Project Manager.

Form 210: Hazardous Substance and SDS Register is retained for all hazardous substances kept at the workplace. Spill Kits are available on all construction sites.

Any incidents on site which are likely to cause material harm to the environment, will be immediately reported to the Principal Contractor or Client’s Representative.

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will be notified of pollution incidents on or around the site, which have occurred in the course of the works, in the following instances:

• the actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or ecosystem is not trivial;

• the actual or potential loss or property damage (including clean-up costs) associated with a pollution incident exceeds $ 10,000.

Emergency contact numbers for the Project are identified in Attachment B and will be displayed at the work sites.

4.3.3 Environmental Rules and Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Substances

No products or substances, including chemicals or fibrous materials, are brought to the workplace without a current Safety Data Sheet (SDS). All hazardous substances are stored in the original containers with the label intact at all times.

Each hazardous substance is recorded using Form 210: Hazardous Substances and SDS Register and relevant staff are trained on the SDS and how to use them.

Site Environmental Protection Rules are included in Attachment J.

Waste Management

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Waste avoidance is a priority, followed by reuse of waste products, and then recycling, with disposal of none reusable waste as a last resort to an approved landfill site.

The following control measures will be adopted to minimise and manage waste in the Project:

• wastes will be stored in a manner that does not pose harm to the environment;

• any contaminated soil will be classified and disposed of to a legally operating waste management facility;

• spoilt material that cannot be reused on site, will be disposed to an appropriate waste management facility;

• vehicles used for transportation will be securely covered to prevent waste spillage during removal; when leaving site travelling to the approved waste facility

• storage containers will be secured on vehicles;

• only compatible wastes will be transported together;

• recyclable waste will be taken to recycle centres;

• waste will be disposed of at licensed waste management centres.

4.3.4 Environmental Site Inspections

To demonstrate compliance with the EMP, the Civil Works Manager conducts weekly and after rain, Form 304: Environmental Inspections Checklist on the construction site to monitor the performance of environmental controls implemented on site. Any actions resulting from the inspections are promptly resolved.

4.3.5 Review of Environmental Management Performance

The Project Manager ensures that environmental performance is evaluated on a regular basis by reviewing inspections records, complaints/enquiries received, incidents and any other environmental issues.

4.3.6 Environmental Records

Environmental records are retained, complying with environmental legislation, standards and contractual requirements. Accurate and well-maintained records provide evidence that MS Civil is effectively managing its environmental responsibilities.

The Civil Works Manager is responsible to maintain all Project documentation including records generated during the implementation of the Project. Form 101: Document Register is used to register all documentation generated by the Project.

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Attachment A: Organisation Details


Business Name MS Civil

Registered Office: :

16 Barrett Street, Glenorchy

Administration Office: Suite 14, 113 Main Road, Moonah

ACN/ABN: 81609221374 Contractor licence No:


Telephone: 03 62283124 Email: [email protected]

Managing Director

Mike Burdon Telephone: 03 62283124

Director Scott Salter 0427 488299

Insurances Company Policy number Expire date

Workers compensation

Allianz LWL0019943 15/12/18

Public liability CGU 16T0908312 23/11/18

Motor Vehicle

QBE 80A606830MVA 15/12/18

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Attachment B: Project Contact Details


Project Team Name Contact No

Civil Works Manager (*) Scott Salter 0427 488 299

Project Manager (*) Tom Fletcher 0457 438 136

Site Supervisor Aaron Rushton 0439 832 257

Team Leader Civil Sam McKenzie 0467 385 161

Team Leader Plumber Matthew Cripps 0447 798 013

Environmental Representative Tom Fletcher 0438 718 364

Safety Officer

Office Manager Roslyn Salter 0437 782 099

Administration Office 03 62 283 124

Emergency Contact (24hr) Scott Salter 0427 488 299

Emergency Contact (24hr) Tom Fletcher 0457 438 136

Traffic Officer Scott Salter 0427 488 299


[insert for this project]

(*) These contacts are available on a 24-hour basis. Both persons have the authority to halt the progress of the works if required.

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Attachment C: Project Forms

Form Number


101 Document Register

102 Document Delivery Record

103 Register of Copy Holders

105 Toolbox Meeting Records

106 Communications and Complaints Register (CAR)

107 Training and Competency Register

108 Hold and Witness Point Register

109 Hold & Witness Point Notification

117 Subcontractor Register

122 Receiving Inspections

127 Corrective Action Request Register

128 Corrective Action Request (Car)

130 Supervisors Weekly Report

201 Site Induction Register

203 Daily Pre-Start & Risk Assessment

210 Hazardous Substances and SDS Register

213 Plant & Truck Pre-Start Checklist

214 Plant & Equipment Register

216 Electrical Equipment Register

218 Incident Investigation Report

219 Incident and Injury Report

220 Safe Work Method Statement

222 OHS Hazard Identification Checklist

225 Request for Information (RFIS)

227 Extension of Time Form

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228 Extension of Time Register

229 Inspection and Test Plan Form

230 Inspection and Test Plan Record

231 Progress Claim Spread Sheet

232 Progress Claim Form

233 NCR Forms

234 NCR Register

301 Waste Disposal Register

304 Environment Incident Report

305 Environmental Risk Assessment and Control Record

306 After Rain Environmental Inspection

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Attachment D: Daily Risk Assessment

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STEP 10.

Risk assessment

prepared by:

Risk assessment trained person =

Date: / / 20___

Other participant names =

Consultation conducted with:

SWMS to be

developed? Yes / No

Residual Risk APPROVAL REQUIRED TO PROCEED Approval Signature Approval Date:

Extreme (E) Approval must be obtained from a member of the MS Civil Senior Management Team before work starts*

High (H) Approval must be obtained from the Safety Officer before work starts*



Work can commence when a Supervisor or a nominated delegate e.g. Manager Level person has approved this risk

assessment, & all identified control measures are in place.

Low (L) Work can commence when an approved Senior Staff member has approved this risk assessment, & all identified control

measures are in place.

Organisational Unit Head (or nominated delegate) must approve Risk Assessment if it is used to develop a SWP.

* Discretion for the Organisational Head/Officer to approve Extreme / High risk work to proceed only applies where there is a risk to production loss/plant. This discretion does not apply to work if

the Ext/High residual risk relates to the potential for personal injury or environment risk.

Step 11.

If the Project/Task does not involve any permits and sign-off sheets, or participants are not registered in the Field database, then all participants must sign on (and sign off when

complete if relevant) before they are permitted to be involved in the Project/Task.

By signing below, participants acknowledge they have read and understand the risk assessment and agree to comply with all steps and control measures:


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RISK CALCULATOR (Risk Rating = Consequences x Likelihood)



Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)


Certain (5)

M (11) H (13) E (20) E (23) E (25)

Likely (4) M (7) H (12) H (17) E (21) E (24)

Possible (3) L (4) M (8) H 16) E (18) E (22)

Unlikely (2) L (2) L (5) M (9) H (15) E (19)

Rare (1) L (1) L (3) M (6) M (10) H (14)



1. Complete a description of the

Project / Task

At the top of the risk assessment record the task name, a brief description of the task, and the relevant work area and section. Keep as simple as

possible, but with enough information to identify the task.

If the Risk Assessment is being used to develop a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), the risk assessment task name should correspond with the

title of the SWMS.

2. Detail specific task steps

In the first column “Ref No.” write the step no. starting from 1. up until however many steps/tasks there are in the task. If applicable, these should align

with any associated SWP to enable cross referencing.

List each of the specific tasks, activities and/or steps associated with the project that will be undertaken.


Identify potential Hazards for

each Task/Activity in Step 2.

Use WHS Hazard Prompt

Sheet (Appendix 2) for


In the column next to listed tasks/activities, identify all potential hazards relevant to each item. Record each hazard on a separate line.

A common mistake is to refer to a hazard as the actual harm or the health effect it caused rather than the hazard. E.g. If the task was hosing down an

area, the hazard is the wet floor not the potential harm caused e.g. fall / cut knee.

If no hazards are found for a task/step or the risk has been addressed in a previous hazard, the task still needs to be listed to show it has been

considered, and to keep the steps/tasks in line with any associated SWMS.


Evaluate the possible

Consequence of the Hazard

Use Risk Calculator above

Simply put if someone was exposed to the hazard, what would be the reasonable consequence? It is not always the “worst” case scenario; e.g. if you

fell 1m off a ladder you could be killed as an extreme (e.g. land on your head), but the most likely consequence would be you might sprain your wrist or

break a leg. Therefore, the consequence is more likely to be moderate rather than catastrophic.


Evaluate the Likelihood of

that Consequence

Use Risk Calculator above

Ask yourself will it ever happen; if so what factors are needed for it to happen, and how often would those factors be around. Then ask yourself what

you think the reasonable frequency would be, before determining the Likelihood.


Determine Risk Ratings of


Use Risk Calculator above

Determine each hazard’s risk rating by intersecting the “Consequence” and “Likelihood” levels on the Risk Calculator table.

For more detailed information on determining risk levels, refer to the Risk Matrix (appendix in Risk Management Policy CORP 13.1).

7. Identify Controls to reduce

hazard risk

Control measures need to reduce hazard risk ratings to an acceptable level if the current risk level is unacceptable; aim for a low risk.

Apply the Hierarchy of Control when determining control measures (refer to Minimum Standard: Risk Management Project/Task – 1.3).


Evaluate the Residual Risk

(risk rating with controls in


After control measures have been identified, you need to reassess each hazards risk rating to determine what the remaining risk would be with the

controls in place from Step 7 (follow the principles in Steps 4 & 5 above).

The aim is to achieve a Low Risk; if not achieved review controls again and/or ask for help.

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9 Determine highest remaining

residual risk

If the highest residual risk on the risk assessment is a Low Risk, or a Moderate Risk the task/project can commence once all control measures are in

place and the risk assessment has been reviewed and approved.

If a High or Extreme risk still remains, then the task/project must not commence and further review must be undertaken involving the Budget Centre

Head/RO or a member of the MS Civil Senior Management Team such as Mike or Scott (an Elected Safety Representative should also be involved).

Exemption: In exceptional circumstances, if the “Ext” or “High” risk rating does not apply to personal injury or environmental damage (e.g. potential for

property damage only), and the Budget Company Management in consultation with the WHS Unit believe it is an acceptable risk for MS Civil, the task

may be approved. This does not apply for Personal injury or Environmental risks; a “M” (Moderate) risk is the highest ranking allowable.

10 Approval / SWMS


Once the risk assessment is complete, all participants should record their name at the bottom of the sheet, document any consultation that was had

(e.g. tabled at WHS Committee) and the Budget Manager should sign off the task for approval.

Specify if a safe work procedure (SWMS) is required to be developed (e.g. for routine / regular tasks). If yes, this should be done in accordance with the

Minimum Standard - Safe Work Method Statement Development.

11 Sign on / off All persons involved in a project/task must acknowledge they have read and understood a risk assessment and agree to comply with all steps and

control measures.

12 Document Actioners Reference the initials of the person responsible for ensuring a particular control is implemented before progressing with the task/project.


Minimum PPE

� Safety glasses

� Double eye / Face shield

� Earplugs (Specify class: ___________)

� Helmet

� High-visibility

� Safety boots

� Long sleeves/trousers

� Coveralls

� Respirator (Specify type: __________)

� UV protection (Hat, glasses, etc)

� Gloves (Specify type: _____________)

� Other:


Response /

Plant /

Equipment /


� 1st

aid equipment/Trained first aiders

� Fire equipment

� Other emergency response

� Chemicals approved for job

� Chemical/Oil spill kit

� Vehicular type / access / parking

� Amenities / Facilities / Hours of work

� TMP/Signage / Barricades

� Communication equipment

� Registered plant

Training /

Competency /


� High risk licenses

� Certificates of competency

� Experience

� Induction training required

� Project / Area Supervisor

� Any relevant legislation

� Consultation / Notifications

� Any literacy issues



Permit to Work

� Hot Work (Welding, cutting, grinding, etc)

� Confined Space Entry (e.g. suffocation)

� Isolations

� High Voltage

� Working at Heights

� Asbestos

� Surface Disturbance (Excavation/Demolition)

� Radiation



(Ergonomic) /

Human /


� Repetition / Overuse

� High / Low reach

� High force / Heavy loads

� Awkward / Unbalanced loads

� Pushing / Pulling / Twisting

� Carrying & walking

� Over exertion (e.g. fatigue)

� Design / Layout

� Personal characteristics e.g. height


� Unguarded moving parts (e.g. crush)

� Drawing in / cutting points (e.g. nips)

� Impact and crushing areas

� Uncontrolled movement

� Tearing / Shearing (e.g. abrasions)

� Unsafe access

� Auto-start equipment

� Inadequate isolation points

� Hand & power tool condition

� Stored energy (e.g. vessels)

� Failure of plant (e.g. loss of load, plant

ejection, collapse, fragmentation)

Emergency � Working alone / Remote work

Fire / Explosion

� Inappropriate chemical storage/use

� Self-ignition combustibles (e.g. dust)

� Fire (e.g. burns)


� Steam / Condensate

� Hot or cold materials/surfaces

� Heat stress / Cold

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Injured by people

or objects falling

� Working at height / Unguarded edge

� Struck by falling/lowering object

� Rolling/Sliding objects

� Ascending/Descending stairs / ramp / ladders /

platform / mobile equipment

� Lifting equipment (e.g. crane, sling)

� Holes/Gaps or Slip/Trip hazards

� Scaffolding

� Unbalanced ladders

� Structural failure / Exceeding load ratings

Chemical /


� Hazardous Subs/Dangerous Goods

� Inadequate storage/bunds/labelling

� Gas / Dust / Fumes (e.g. explosion)

� Poor ventilation

� Inhalation / Absorption / Skin contact

� Waste/Contamination e.g. soil/water/air


� Compressed gases

� Hydraulic / Vacuum

� HP steam / Water


Work Area /


� Time of day and illumination/glare

� Wet / Slippery / Uneven surfaces

� Weather & outdoors e.g. wind, UV, fog

� Unauthorised personnel entry

� Noise / Vibration

� Biological – fluids, sharps, insects

� Inadequate maintenance/inspections

� Restricted work area

� Any foreseeable abnormal conditions?

� Any other hazardous conditions?

Procedural � Inadequate training / experience

� Incorrect equipment selection / use

Kinetic Energy

/ Mobile Plant

/ Pedestrians

� Traffic / pedestrian interaction

� Vehicle instability e.g. rollover

� Exceeding rated capacity

� Obstructed / Poor Visibility

� Being hit by the activities of another

person, moving vehicle or object


Hazards resulting in electrocution / burns; E.g.

� Cables: Unsafe condition/location

� No earth leakage protection

� High voltage / Switch rooms

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Attachment E: Emergency Response Plan


** Tick Potential Emergencies Relevant To This Project:

Potential Emergency Tick Potential Emergency Tick

Emergency requiring evacuation (eg fire, flood, gas main, hazardous material spill)

Storm or other extreme weather

Spills (fuel or chemicals) Urgent medical attention

Fire on site Rescue from fall arrest system

Gas escape Rescue from water

Plant rollover Electric shock

Excavation collapse

Plant contact with power line

Traffic accident


The signal below is to be used to order an evacuation

Emergency signal UHF channel

“Stop work, tools down – emergency evacuation” 18

At this signal, everyone must proceed safely to the designated Emergency Assembly Point


Emergency Services Contact No.

Ambulance / Fire Brigade / Police 000

Water 132 203 Dial Before You Dig: 1100

Electricity 132 090 WHS Regulator

Gas 131 388 EPA: 24-hour Pollution Line 131555

Telephone 131 909

Emergency Personnel Name Contact No

Emergency Controller (*) Scott Salter 0427 488 299

Deputy Emergency Controller Tom Fletcher 0457 438 136

First Aider/s


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Non-disturbance provisions – serious incidents:

Notify WHS Regulator (WorkSafe Tasmania). Make sure the scene is not disturbed until WorkSafe Tasmania authorises it.

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Attachment F: Site Safety Rules

Site Safety Rules

Site Inductions

• All staff must be inducted to the site on initial commencement and following any significant changes to site management arrangements.

• All contractors must be inducted to the site on arrival.

• Visitors must sign on and be accompanied by a guide at all times and must follow all instructions given to them

• Inductees must be advised of site safety rules, hazardous work activities occurring at the site and arrangements for first aid and emergencies.

• Only employees who have completed the general safety induction, work activity safety induction and site-specific induction are permitted to work on a construction site

Manual Handling

• Manual handling is to be eliminated wherever possible.

• Wherever possible, use mechanical devices to lift heavy or awkward items.

• Team lifting should only be used where mechanical lifting is not practical.

• List tasks at your site where manual handling is prohibited.

Traffic & Vehicle Movements

• Travel paths for general traffic and site vehicle movements must be clearly marked and separated from pedestrian travel paths.

• A Traffic Management Plan must be implemented when working on/around roads

Mobile Plant

• All high risk plant must have an operation manual and a SWMS or safe operating instruction that considers the plant risk assessment available to the operator. A documented plant risk assessment must be conducted and made available to the operator.

• Plant operating exclusion zones must be established and communicated to relevant personnel.

• The sphere of influence of the mobile plant must be identified prior to operation of that plant.

• Work must not be carried out within 4 metres of a mobile plant and its sphere of influence.

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• Beware of reversing trucks and plant. Listen for reversing alarms.

• A protocol to approach the plant must be established between the relevant work crew and communicated to all persons. The operator must ensure that personnel assisting with the task are fully briefed on the plan for completing the task, including review and signed onto the SWMS, briefing on the order of activities including the intended direction of plant travel / slewing, no-go zones and the agreed communication system (e.g. two-way radio, verbal, hand signals etc.)

• Mobile phones (whether hands free or not) must not be used when operating high risk plant and/or by any ground worker positioned within the plants operating exclusion zone.

Plant & Equipment

• Before operating high risk plant, a worksite inspection must be conducted to identify overhead electrical lines or other associated electrical equipment

• Plant and equipment must only be used for the purpose it is intended and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

• Daily pre-start inspections must be conducted for all mobile plants and trucks, and conducted by the Operator. If any plant or equipment is deemed faulty and not safe, the item is to be isolated and ‘tagged’ out of use.

• All operators must have their competency verified (VOC) for the specific high risk plant they may be operating. Some high risk plant operators must hold a relevant Licence.

• When entering/exiting trucks and plant, use the steps and handrails provided and have three points of contact at all times.

• Plant operators are to wear a seatbelt if ROPS cabin fitted.

Use Of Hazardous Substances

• Hazardous substances must not be used without reference to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to ensure that use is accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions taking particular account of recommendations

• Precautions for use, especially requirements for ventilation and personal protection equipment,

• Health effects including short and long-term effects and risks associated with inhalation, ingestion and skin or eye contact

• First Aid and Emergency requirements.

• All containers of hazardous substances must be clearly labelled

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

• High visibility clothing is to be worn during daylight hours at all times.

• High visibility clothing with reflective striping are to be worn at night when working in the vicinity of passing traffic.

• Steel-capped, lace up safety footwear is required on all work sites

• Long sleeve shirts and long pants are required to be work on all work sites

• Safety helmets must be worn at all times whilst on the work site

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• Safety gloves must be worn when handling any materials where there is a risk of cuts, abrasions or splinters.

• Approved safety eye protection must be worn whenever operating plant or equipment where there is a risk of flying objects or debris.

• Hearing protection must be worn in the vicinity of plant or equipment that, when operating, makes it necessary to raise your voice to talk to a person 1 metre away from you. Areas where this plant operates must be signposted to advise hearing protection is required

Working At Heights

• When a fall-arrest system is the primary means of control, a Working at Height Permit must be used.

• No work is to be carried out above 2 metres without fall protection. Fall arrest systems must be used where secure, fenced work areas cannot be provided.

• Workers required to operate at heights, must be trained

• Harnesses, lanyards, ladders, ropes and slings must be tested and tagged and inspected for damage before use.

• Only short-term tasks may be carried out from a ladder using the third top rung and ensuring that three points of contact are maintained at all times.

• The height rescue equipment must be set up at the work location before starting work

Loading And Unloading Plant

• When loading/unloading plant, the plant operator/float driver is to wear a seatbelt if a ROPS cabin is fitted. Load/unload plant on level ground where possible. Extra care should be taken in wet conditions.

Working In The Vicinity Of Services

• The safe approach distance is the minimum separation in air from an exposed overhead conductor that should be maintained by a person, or any object held by or in contact with that person e.g. operating mobile plant. Before starting any work in the vicinity of a live electrical installation, it is essential that the height and/or voltage is identified at the worksite.

• A Dial Before You Dig request must be submitted prior to any works commencing where there is a risk of underground services

• All underground, above ground and overhead services must be identified prior to works commencing

• All services must be clearly marked using a colour-coded system on site plans.

• Services must be located and services proven using detection equipment and hand digging techniques as necessary

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• Minimum clearances must be observed when working under power lines (3 metres). Where this is not possible, a trained Electrical Safety Observer is to be appointed. Only plant operators and truck drivers with current Plant and Crane Electrical Safety qualifications are to work within minimum clearances

Sun Protection

• Limiting the time out in the sun during peak periods of daily UV radiation (normal hours: 10am to 2pm and daylight saving hours: 11am to 3pm).

• Where work cannot be conducted in shade, broad-brimmed hats or safety helmet brim, and UV protection cream must be worn. Note: the safety of a hard had must not be compromised

• Safety glasses with UV protection must be worn.

• Take frequent drink breaks on hot days. A supply of drinking water must be available on site.


High standards of housekeeping is the responsibility of all workers to ensure:

• Access and egress is maintained at all times, especially for emergency safety equipment including fire extinguishers, first aid and emergency exits

• The absence of combustible materials from work areas

• The absence of trip or slip hazards and obstacles in travel paths

• Safe storage of materials and supplies.

Drug & Alcohol

• Illicit drugs are not to be consumed, possessed, distributed or sold on site premises at any time.

• Alcohol is not to be consumed on site premises.

• A person reasonably suspected to be impaired by drugs or alcohol will be directed to leave the workplace until the commencement of the next working day and that person is unimpaired by drugs or alcohol.

Mobile Phones

• Mobile phones must not be used by persons operating plant or in a dedicated Safety Observer role

Incident Reporting

• Report all near misses and incidents that occur in the work zone to your immediate supervisor.

First Aid

• First aid officers will be identified by a first aid logo on their helmet. A First Aid Officer and a First Aid Kit must be available on every job site.

Electrical Equipment

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• All electrical equipment must be regularly inspected and tagged. Tag out, and remove from use, any defective equipment. If the equipment is not in current test, it should not be used, and tagged out

• All live extension cables used in a construction environment where there may be potential for damage must be elevated off the ground

• Tag, lock and test all isolations before starting work - continued Electrical tags provide information to others at the workplace that the isolation is in place. The types of tagging normally used are:

o Danger tags tells you someone is working on the electrical equipment and that operation of that device may endanger the person working on the system.

o Out of Service tags tells you the equipment must not be operated.

o New to Service Tag tells you the equipment is new and entering into service for the first time but not tested and tagged.

• When applying personal lock or tags an individual must place their own lock and tag on isolation points. Do not remove another person’s lock or tag without written authorisation

• Connect all electrical equipment to a Residual Current Device (RCD) and test the device before use

Confined Space

• All work within a confined space must be conducted using a confined space entry permit

• Each person must sign the Entry/Exit Log of the permit before entering or exiting the confined space

• Every potential Confined Space must have the atmosphere tested before entry for unsafe conditions - Unsafe oxygen levels, harmful contaminants, flammable atmosphere

• Suitable ventilation by natural, forced or mechanical methods must be identified, implemented and monitored to avoid the build-up of contaminants or combustible atmospheres

• All persons required to enter, supervise or act as the stand-by person must have completed accredited confined space training

• One or more Standby persons must be present outside the space when any person is inside

• A communication system must be established and all emergency rescue equipment must be set up by the access point

• All personal protective equipment including respirators, ventilation equipment, safety harness / lines and emergency equipment must have current test date, certified for use and be inspected for damage before use

• Confined space warning signs and protective physical barriers must be set up at each access point

Working in or near Traffic

• A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) must be developed, implemented and maintained when working in or near public roadways by trained and competent persons

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• Before setting-up or implementing TMP a pre-start site risk assessment must be conducted to identify and manage site specific risks

• Clearance distances between construction plant or vehicles and traffic must be delineated by placing traffic control cones / bollards according to the posted speed limit and road type

• The TMP must remain active for the duration of the work and be monitored for effectiveness throughout

Excavations and Trenches

• Must have and follow Safe Work Method Statement, and, complete an Excavation Permit

• Prior to any excavation work, any ‘Dial Before You Dig’ plans must be confirmed as accurate and services marked out on site. A walk around the site along the length of the proposed excavation/trench and around nearby corners should be conducted to check service location and potentially identify additional services not located on the Dial Before You Dig/asset owner plans.

• An excavation permit must be used when excavating deeper than 300mm. All information such as DBYD Plans, technical specifications must be attached with the Permit. The excavation permit must be issued by an authorised person.

• Visually confirm and record the depth and location of services at regular interval using non-destructive digging methods when services are within the excavation area

• Check ground conditions and the stability of adjacent structures before starting work

• A trained spotter must be used when operating plant near underground services

• When using mechanical excavation methods maintain a minimum clearance of 300mm from services crossing the excavation

• Bench, batter or shore any excavation or trench deeper than 1.5m where people may enter. Shoring must be installed by or under direct supervision of a competent person

• Safe and sufficient means of access and egress must be provided when people are working in a trench or excavation

• Place bulk materials and mobile plant outside the zone of influence – unless the Risk Assessment decides it is safe

• Protect all exposed high risk services with a physical protection when damage may occur

• Barricades and warning signage must be erected around the excavation or trench to prevent inadvertent access to the work area. Trenches or excavations should not be left open overnight and should be back filled as soon as practical or covered when practical.

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Attachment G: Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

[list SWMS relevant to this project]

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Attachment H: Traffic Control Plans

[insert TCP for project]

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Attachment I: Legislation, Approvals, Licenses And Permits


Approval/Licence Requirements

Relevance to this Project


Approval/ Licence


Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (Tas) & Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (Tas)

Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas)

• Environmental Protection Licences required for scheduled activities or activities that may cause water pollution.

• Approval required to construct and operate sediment control structures.

• Licence necessary if water discharges from structures required.

• Must notify EPA of a pollution incident.

• Licence required if the proposed works are likely to generate, store, transport or dispose of industrial or hazardous waste.

If works involve a spill or other pollution incident. If works are likely to involve industrial or hazardous waste which requires a licence

Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas)

Must report to EPA if land contamination presents “a significant risk of harm”. If contaminated land is found.

Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 (Tas)

• Approval required doing certain things that will affect an object subject listed on the State Heritage Register.

• An excavation permit required under certain circumstances.

If works disturb an object subject listed on Heritage Register.

Weed Management Act 1999 (Tas)

• You must notify relevant control authority within 3 days of becoming aware that a notifiable weed is on your land.

• You must control spread of noxious weeds onto adjoining land.

If listed weeds are found or imported on site

If works locate threatened species (flora or fauna) listed under the Act


Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (Tas)

Waste management to be done in accordance with waste hierarchy (Avoid, Reuse, Recycle, Energy Recovery, Disposal)

For the prevention, control and abatement of pollution and environmental harm, for the conservation, preservation, protection, enhancement and management of the environment and for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing

Providing for identification, recording, management and remediation of contaminated sites

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Approval/Licence Requirements

Relevance to this Project


Approval/ Licence Obtained-Yes/No/NA

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 C’Wlth

Any action that has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on a matter of National Environmental Significance (NES):

World heritage properties;

National heritage places;

Ramsar wetlands;

Commonwealth listed threatened species and communities;

Commonwealth listed migratory species;

Nuclear actions; and

Commonwealth marine areas.

Indigenous heritage

Any action that has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on the environment of Commonwealth land (where the action could take place on or outside Commonwealth land, and noting that the definition of environment includes heritage values, so Commonwealth Heritage places are also protected under the Act).

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Tas)

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Regulations 2011 (Tas)

Dangerous Goods (Road & Rail Transport) Act 2010 (Tas)

Relevant Standards and Codes of Practice as identified in project SWMS

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Attachment J: Site Environmental Protection Rules

Project - Site Environmental Protection Rules

** Tick Environmental Aspects Relevant To This Project

Tick / Relevant

General Site management

1. Implement the Soil and Water Management Plan for the site, as required

2. Sweep roads free of dirt each day

3. Regularly check and clean silt from behind silt fences and barriers if required

4. All vehicles to remain on clean all weather surface within the site

5. Minimise water use for cleaning

6. Install appropriate silt fences and other sediment control structures

7. Ensure sediment control measures are in place before starting clearing and excavation activities

8. Install a fence at the site boundary to limit site access from footpath

9. Minimise clearing of vegetation

10. Fence off no-go areas to minimise disturbance

11. Stockpile materials only in designated areas behind sediment fences

12. Limit vehicle entry points and lay geo-textile and blue metal to stabilise vehicle access ways

13. Do not disturb the nature strip between the site and the roadway

14. Implement the site Construction Waste Management Plan, as required

15. Order only the required quantities of materials

16. Separate recyclable from non-recyclable waste

17. Ensure the correct waste containers are used by all site personnel

18. Minimise chemicals stored on site

19. Make staff aware of emergency phone numbers (such as the Fire Brigade) to use in the case of a large spill

20. Keep Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) on site at all times

21. Keep clearly marked booms and/or absorbent material on site to contain spills if they occur

22. If a spill occurs, stop the source, contain it, clean up in accordance with SDS’s and notify relevant authorities

23. Damp down dusty areas as required

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24. Do not burn off any waste products or off cuts

25. Identify site access with minimal impacts on residents and instruct trucks to use this access

26. Avoid parking site vehicles where they will unduly impact local use of the street

27. Do not place waste containers, skip bins or building materials on road or footpath - store all materials within the work site

28. Limit hours of operations to suit council requirements listed in consent conditions

29. Use noise suppressors on machinery

30. Do not use loud radios where neighbours can be disturbed

31. Take appropriate care when using construction equipment adjacent to any buildings

32. Advise the adjoining neighbours of the work at least one week prior to commencement, including hours of work

33. Protect trees during construction

34. Do not stockpile soil or other materials under the canopy of a protected tree.

35. Ensure site amenities such as sheds and material storage areas are not sited underneath tree canopies or in a position to disturb neighbours

36. Identify and protect heritage items present on site

Dilapidation / Demolition

37. Stockpile materials only in designated areas behind sediment fences

38. Cover stockpiled materials with plastic to prevent erosion by wind and rain

39. Install a fence around the site with a cloth barrier to act as a wind break if dust is a problem

40. Damp down surfaces such as stockpiles as required to reduce wind blown dust

41. Implement the site Demolition Waste Management Plan, as required

42. Do not bury or burn demolished materials on site

43. Ensure hazardous materials such as asbestos are handled and disposed of correctly by licensed contractors, following Environment Protection Authority requirements

44. Do not mix hazardous materials with other demolition materials

45. Identify and protect heritage items present on site


46. Wash out trucks at supplier's depot

47. Wash out in an area where water cannot enter waterways, stormwater drains, footpaths or roads up slope from a sediment control device

48. Collect wash water in plastic container carried by delivery truck and return with the truck to the supplier for recycling or proper disposal

49. Collect wash water in an on-site container to allow solids to settle

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50. Irrigate a flat grassy area with diluted wash out water, ensuring that it does not enter waterways or stormwater

51. Implement the site Construction Waste Management Plan, as required

52. Order and supply only sufficient quantities of concrete

53. Return excess concrete with delivery truck to supplier for recycling or proper disposal

54. Use excess concrete as fence post footings or place on areas to be used for paths or driveways

55. Store excess concrete in a lined bin or pit for eventual recycling or disposal


56. Wash out in an area where water cannot enter driveways, stormwater drains, footpaths or roads, preferable up slope from a sediment control device

57. Collect wash water in an on-site container to allow solids to settle

58. Irrigate a flat grassy area with diluted wash out water, ensuring that it does not enter waterways or stormwater

59. Ensure brick cutting is undertaken where waste water will not run onto footpaths or roads

60. Implement the site Construction Waste Management Plan, as required

61. Store excess mortar with waste concrete in a lined bin or pit for eventual recycling or disposal


62. Wash out in an area where water cannot enter waterways, stormwater drains, footpaths or roads, preferably up slope from a sediment control device

63. Transfer as much paint as possible back to the tin

64. Spin brushes and roller sleeves in a waste paint drum

65. Irrigate a flat grassy area with diluted wash out water, ensuring that it does not enter waterways or stormwater

66. For solvent based paints, return solvent to a solvent recycling depot

67. Dispose of solid paint waste with other solid waste

68. Determine if lead is present in surfaces to be painted

69. Seal the area with plastic sheeting to prevent escape of dust

70. To prevent lead fumes, do not use open flame torches on lead paint

71. Use a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum cleaner to clean up lead dust

72. Wash surfaces with a small amount of high phosphate detergent

73. Minimise paints and chemicals on site by ordering the minimum quantities

74. Store paints and chemicals in a bunded area where they can be contained if spills occur

75. Keep Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) on site at all times

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76. Keep clearly marked booms and/or absorbent material on site to contain spills if they occur

77. If a spill occurs, stop the source, contain it, clean up in accordance with the SDSs and notify relevant authorities

Building services

78. Fill in service trenches as soon as work is completed to minimise erosion

79. Cover service trenches with plastic sheeting or another suitable cover if filling cannot be immediately completed

80. Connect guttering and downpipes to the stormwater system as soon as the roof is completed

81. Ensure there are no cross connections made between the stormwater and public sewerage system

Reinstatement Landscaping

82. Once no longer required, reinstate ground level around the works, fill spoon drains and sediment basins, level banks and remove surplus soil

83. Complete landscaping and revegetation as soon as possible following building activities

84. Ensure sediment control measures are in place until all vegetation is established

85. Regularly check all sediment control structures to ensure they are working effectively

86. Ensure that no disturbance of the nature strip occurs between the site and the roadway

87. Do not locate stockpiles within 2 metres of hazard areas such as spoon drains or areas of high flow

88. Ensure stockpiles and open dusty areas are damped down as required

89. Cover stockpiles as needed to minimise dust

90. Ensure that soils and fill used in landscaping area are free from weeds and weed seeds

91. Ensure appropriate trees are chosen for the site and location relative to building and services considering their eventual height and root system

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Attachment K: Environmental Protection Measures

** Tick Environmental Aspects Relevant To This Project.

** ADD additional site specific measures as required

Tick / Relevant

Access and Traffic Management

Identify construction activities and site access requirements that are likely to interfere with traffic flow and pedestrian thoroughfare through and adjacent to the site, or interfere with access to nearby properties. Prepare Traffic Control Plan and vehicle movement plan if required. Refer clause 3.10

Pre-works phase

• Where possible, all works shall be programmed and undertaken in a manner least disruptive to local businesses and access ways shall not be blocked at any time.

• All landowners potentially impacted by construction works or associated activities shall be consulted regarding any practicable and cost-effective measures to minimise impacts which may be beneficially implemented prior to the commencement of construction or within such time frame as agreed with the relevant landowner.

• Local residents shall be notified in advance of potential disruption to property accesses and traffic flows.

• The works site shall be appropriately fenced to prevent unauthorised access.

Works phase

• Care should be taken to ensure access is not affected. If work is near roads warning signs should be erected.

• Warning signs need to be erected to alert road users of the change in conditions. Any council conditions will be followed. Nearby residents will be advised by mail of the changes.

• Warning signs need to be erected to alert road users of the change in conditions. For major road closures signs should be erected a few days before the works commence. Any council or Roads Authority conditions will be followed. Nearby residents will be advised by mail of the changes.

Post-works phase

• All temporary traffic signs will be removed and, where appropriate, new permanent signs erected.

Other Site Specific Measures

Air Quality

Pre-works phase

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• All construction facilities erected on site must be designed and operated to minimise the emission of smoke, dust, cement dust and other substances into the atmosphere.

Works phase

• Vehicular access will be kept to sealed roads wherever possible or to designated site access points

• A 25km/hr speed limit shall be imposed on all vehicles within the construction site, including haul roads.

• A garden water hose and water tank for spraying to reduce dust generation from exposed surfaces will be available at all times.

• A water cart shall be available at all times for spraying all exposed areas to reduce dust generation.

• The area to be disturbed for excavations will be minimised

• Stockpiles, access roads and work areas will be watered down or covered

• Excess spoil will be placed in skip bins or covered stockpiles, reused on-site or disposed off-site.

• Materials transported in open trucks will be covered to prevent generation of dust.

• The tailgates of all vehicles transporting material from the construction site will be securely fixed prior to loading and immediately after unloading.

• Complete landscaping and revegetation as soon as possible following building activities

• Ensure that no disturbance of the nature strip occurs between the site and the roadway

• Machinery will be well maintained with no noxious emissions and not left idling when not in use.

• Exhaust systems and engines for plant/equipment will be maintained according to the manufacturers’ specifications and regularly monitored to ensure that exhaust emissions are satisfactory (smoke for no longer than 10 seconds). Periodic visual checks will be made on exhaust system emissions

• The burning of timber and other combustible materials is not permitted on site at any time.

• If winds are high and the works are creating high levels of dust that are likely to cause discomfort to local residents or a safety hazard to traffic or work personnel, the works shall be modified or stopped until the dust hazard is eliminated or is reduced to an acceptable level.

Post-works phase

• All exposed soil areas shall be stabilised and revegetated as soon as possible on completion of works to prevent the generation of dust.

Other Site Specific Measures

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Fire Prevention

Works phase

The following MSC plant and vehicles contain fire extinguishers

• 10-yard tipper ford Louisville, 2.5ton tipper Mitsubishi, 3ton excavator Kubota, 8 tonne excavator Komatsu, fuel trailer and site shed.

Employees and subcontractors will be informed during the pre-start discussion prior to work commencing for the day that there is a total fire ban in place.

Best practice controls are listed below for a total fire ban

• One general-purpose fire extinguisher and one fire extinguisher suitable for control of oil/petrol fire will be available on site always.

• A minimum of one person on site will be familiar or trained in the use of fire-fighting equipment.

• All flammable materials will be kept locked in a fuel trailer within the site working area.

• All personnel involved in welding, grinding, thermal or oxygen cutting, heating or other fire or spark-producing operations will be trained in fire prevention, safety and basic fire-fighting skills.

• Burning off is not permitted under this contract. There must be no burning off on site.

Other Site Specific Measures

Fuels and Chemicals

Pre-works phase

• All staff will be made aware of the Site Emergency Plan. A copy of the Spill Response Procedure will be displayed at the site compound and provided in each field-services vehicle. Refer clause 3.9

Works phase

• Best practice controls are listed below

• All fuels, oils or other chemicals are to be stored in the fuel trailer onsite

• All relevant Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available on-site for all chemicals used or stored on site.

• All chemicals are stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the SDS

• In the event of spillage of hydrocarbon products such as fuels and/or chemicals, onsite spill containment equipment/kits will be used to contain spills and cleaned in accordance with the SDS requirements.

• Fuel, oil and chemicals will be used in a bunded area.

• A 50-litre container of spill absorbent will be retained within the site working area to be used for emergency spills of fuel, oil or other chemicals.

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• Ensure that any spills or accidents on site that are likely to cause pollution are managed as per this plan

• If stormwater discharges from bunded fuel or hazardous storage areas are required, records are kept of water quality checks, discharges and remedial actions.

• If drums of chemicals and fuels must be used outside a bunded area, a spill kit will be readily available nearby, the drums will not be left unattended, and they will be returned to the bunded area for storage overnight.

• If an environmental incident occurs on site, the Incident and Injury Report Form 219 will be completed and forwarded to the Client.

• If refuelling or maintenance cannot take place at this site, temporary bunding will be provided and adequate spill kits kept readily available.

• Refuelling operations will not be left unattended while in progress.

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Culture & Heritage

Pre-works phase

Works phase

• If any potential archaeological relic is unexpectedly encountered during the works, all construction work in the vicinity that might affect that relic will stop immediately and the relic protected from damage or disturbance with exclusion fencing.

• The Principal will be notified immediately and access will be provided to the site for a heritage specialist assessment as required.

• Any evidence of Heritage relics or sites discovered during construction will be reported immediately to the Civil Works Manager. Work in the immediate area of the relic/site will be halted until advice is received from the Project Manager

Post-works Phase

Other Site-Specific Measures

Noise Control

Noise controls listed below

• Jackhammers must only be used between 10:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

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• The site compound will be located in an area the furthest distance from adjacent residences.

• Smart reversing alarms have been fitted to all vehicles to be used.

Pre-works phase

• Residents potentially affected by night works will be notified by letter, 5 days before works commence.

• The letter will include details of the works, timing, potential disruptions to traffic and a contact name and number. An after-hours number will also be provided.

Works phase

Best practice controls are listed below

• Construction noise is to be confined to 7am to 4 pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 4pm on Saturdays. No work will be undertaken on Sundays or Public Holidays unless approved by Client.

• No blasting will be permitted during construction

• Jackhammers must only be used between 10:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday

• All plant and equipment used on this job is operated by appropriately trained staff in accordance with regulations and is regularly maintained and serviced by qualified staff.

• All plant and equipment used on site will comply with EPA Guidelines.

• Smart reversing alarms have been fitted to all vehicles to be used

• Equipment not in use will not be left idling.

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Ground Vibration And Air Blast

Pre-works phase

Works phase


Plant and Equipment

Works phase

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• All plant/equipment operators and employees will be instructed to confine operations to within the clearly marked area of site operations. Refer clause 3.8 - Plant and Equipment.

• All machinery will be secured against vandalism outside working hours.

• All plant/equipment will be inspected daily to avoid leakage of fuel, oil or hydraulic fluid to the worksite. Machinery found to be leaking should be repaired or replaced.

• Maintenance and cleaning of mechanical plant and equipment is not permitted on site to prevent pollution of existing drains.

Pre-works phase

• Controls will be implemented on site to ensure that all water leaving the site complies with EPA water quality criteria

Works phase

• On-site activities that could potentially cause water pollution e.g. dewatering, surface washing, saw cutting, concrete truck or mixer washout, refuelling plant and handling hazardous chemicals. These activities must not take place less than 50 m from a waterway and must have adequate protection e.g. bunding, street sweeping

• Concrete-truck washout is not allowed on site

• Drainage inlets are blocked using absorbent socks to prevent entry of discharge from saw cutting. Discharge water is then suctioned into a truck for disposal at the depot.”

Best practice controls are listed below.

• All chemicals, fuels and wastes will be kept in the fuel trailer. Inappropriate containment of chemicals, fuels and wastes can lead to water pollution and soil contamination

• In areas of contaminated material not previously identified, all work in the vicinity of these areas shall cease and not recommence work until the extent of contamination has been assessed and if necessary, remediation shall be implemented.

• Chemicals, particularly flammable liquids shall be stored in the fuel trailer with an impervious floor to prevent leaching or spillage to the environment.

• Drainage catchment shall be provided for the works compound and materials storage areas.

• Diversion banks shall be created at the upstream boundary of construction activities to ensure upstream run-off is diverted around any areas to be exposed. Catch drains at the downstream boundary of construction activities shall be created wherever possible, to ensure any sediment laden run-off is contained and directed toward treatment areas and not permitted to flow onto downstream undisturbed areas. Diversion banks shall be constructed approximately along contours to minimise scour along drains.

• Staked hay bales, covered in a geotextile material shall be placed along catch drains to slow flow, reduce scour and capture some sediment from run-off. Silt fences and sand bags shall also be used.

• Sediment fences shall be constructed on the upstream edges of the designated buffer areas.

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• Designated areas for plant and construction material storage shall be located as far as possible from waterways, and run-off shall be directed to a holding pond in case of spillages.

• All site topsoil shall be retained and protected where practicable

• Disturbed areas shall be promptly revegetated or mulched.

• All access to the site shall be limited to well defined haul roads.

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Waste Management

Waste avoidance is a priority on this Project, followed by reuse of waste products, then recycling, with disposal of waste as a last resort

For the purposes of a Notice Under Section 143, VENM includes clay, gravel, sand, rock or soil that is not contaminated or mixed with any other type of waste

Pre-works phase

• Waste avoidance is a priority on this Project, followed by reuse of waste products, and then recycling, with disposal of waste as a last resort.

• This section constitutes the waste minimisation and management plan

• Form 301: Waste Disposal Register has been established which identifies:

• reuse, recycling and disposal options

• waste transporters.

• The waste register records amounts generated and transported and by who. The Waste Disposal Register is part of the Project Waste Management Plan

• Any subcontractors on this Project must maintain a Waste Disposal Register if their waste is not being recorded by the principal contractor. A copy will be provided as part of the subcontract documents.

• Works phase

• Wastes will be stored in a manner that does not pose harm to the environment

• A completed Notice Under Section 143 of the POEO Act will be obtained from the landholder prior to disposing of any material to an area that is not a licensed facility

• Any contaminated soil will be classified and disposed of to legally operating waste management facility. Records of disposed waste will be kept in Project records

• Waste material generated by the works will be minimised or recycled where feasible and cost effective

• Spoil material that cannot be reused on site, will be disposed of through an appropriate waste management facility

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• All waste material that cannot be recycled will be collected and removed from the site to be disposed of in a legal manner, i.e. at a legally operating waste management facility. Form 301: Waste Disposal Register of disposed waste will be kept on site

• Bins with heavy lids will be provided within the site compound for personal litter

• Bin lids will be kept closed at all times, and all bins will be emptied when they are three-quarters full

• All site sewage will be collected and disposed of off-site in accordance with relevant regulations

• A daily inspection will be carried out to ensure the worksite is left in a rubbish free state.

• All loads of rubbish will be securely covered to prevent spillage during removal

• Only compatible wastes will be transported together

• No waste is to be burnt or buried on site

• The site will contain separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable material; these will be disposed of appropriately

• Skip bins will be provided to contain waste materials and spoil

Post-works phase

• The worksite will be left in a tidy and rubbish free state upon completion of the Project.

Other Site Specific Measures

Stockpile Management

Pre-works phase

- Temporary stockpiles must be located at least 5 m from the base of retained trees in the area disturbed by construction activities.

- Stockpiles must be located within the road reserve, unless prior approval has been granted.

- Existing permanent stockpile sites should be used wherever possible

Works phase

• Stockpiles will be protected by having a sediment fence installed on the downhill slope or by being covered with black plastic.

• Sediment control structures for stockpiles are shown on the Erosion and sedimentation control plan.

• Stockpiled materials must not be placed inside vegetation protection areas or within 5 m of trees to be retained

• Topsoil material is stockpiled separately from other soil materials. Topsoil stockpiles must be no greater than 1.5 m in height.

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• Stockpiles will be maintained to prevent the growth of weeds

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Waste Water Management – Water Quality Management

Pre-works phase

• Controls will be implemented on site to ensure that all water leaving the site complies with EPA water quality criteria

Works phase

• Surface washing, saw cutting, concrete truck or mixer washout, refuelling plant and handling hazardous chemicals. These activities must not take place less than 50 m from a waterway and must have adequate protection e.g. bunding, street sweeping, wheel washing.

• Drainage inlets are blocked using absorbent socks to prevent entry of discharge from saw cutting.

• All chemicals, fuels and wastes will be kept in sealed containers or bunded. Inappropriate containment of chemicals, fuels and wastes can lead to water pollution and soil contamination

• All chlorinated waters will be tested to ensure that the chlorine residual level is not more than 0.5 mg/L and that pH is between 6.5 and 9. If these conditions are not met the chlorinated water will not be released into the environment. Instead the water will be irrigated, discharged into the stormwater or sewerage system or tankered away

• Ensure there is no cross connections made between the stormwater and public sewerage system. Spillage of any sewage at connection or from sewer overflow can pollute nearby waterways and present a public health risk.

• In areas of contaminated material not previously identified, all work in the vicinity of these areas shall cease and not recommence work until the extent of contamination has been assessed and if necessary, remediation shall be implemented

• Chemicals, particularly flammable liquids shall be stored in appropriately bunded facilities with an impervious floor to prevent leaching or spillage to the environment

• Drainage catchment shall be provided for the works compound and materials storage areas

• Diversion banks shall be created at the upstream boundary of construction activities to ensure upstream run-off is diverted around any areas to be exposed. Catch drains at the downstream boundary of construction activities shall be created wherever possible, to ensure any sediment laden run-off is contained and directed toward treatment areas and not permitted to flow onto downstream undisturbed areas. Diversion banks shall be constructed approximately along contours to minimise scour along drains

• Staked hay bales, covered in a geotextile material shall be placed along catch drains to slow flow, reduce scour and capture some sediment from run-off. Silt fences and sand bags shall also be used

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• Buffer strips shall be designated and delineated adjacent to waterways, where practicable. These buffer strips shall remain vegetated and shall filter sediment from construction site run-off. The area shall be roped off and no plant or operations shall occur within this buffer zone

• Sediment fences shall be constructed on the upstream edges of the designated buffer areas

• Designated areas for plant and construction material storage shall be located as far as possible from waterways, and run-off shall be directed to a holding pond in case of spillages

• All site topsoil shall be retained and protected where practicable

• Disturbed areas shall be promptly revegetated or mulched

• All access to the site shall be limited to well defined haul roads

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Erosion And Sedimentation Control Soil Management

The work must be planned and carried out to avoid erosion and sedimentation of the site, surrounding areas and waterways affected by the work. These can include:

• area bounded by the road reserve

• access and haulage tracks

• temporary work areas

• compound areas

Pre-works phase

• An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be prepared and kept on site to show the layout of the erosion and sediment control structures to be installed prior to any construction commencing.

• Temporary erosion and sediment controls shall be installed prior to the commencement of any works with the potential to cause soil erosion, including stockpiling.

• All site personnel shall receive training in matters pertaining to the control of soil erosion and sediment for the site.

• Works phase

• Existing drainage lines likely to be affected by the worksite will be identified and protected using siltation barriers, placed such that they intercept run-off from exposed surfaces

• Mud deposited on the current road network due to truck movements to and from the site works is to be cleaned immediately. Street sweeper may be used for the purpose

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• Erosion and sedimentation controls are inspected weekly, and after rainfall greater than 10 mm in a 24 hr period to ensure they are maintained in a fully functional condition. Inspections are carried out using Form 305 Environmental Risk Assessment and Control Record.

• All erosion and sediment controls will be checked daily and after rain

• Any sediment that accumulates behind the silt fences or straw bales will be cleaned out and used during rehabilitation

• Cleaning of concrete mixing trucks is not allowed on site

• Guttering will be connected to the stormwater system or the rainwater tank as soon as practicable

• Surface water entering the site will be limited as it increases erosion and the potential for sediment-laden water to leave the site. Overburden will be placed in the form of a bund upslope of the site to reduce surface water entering the site (only where safe to do so).

• Sediment laden water will be prevented from entering the stormwater system by placing geotextile fabric over the grate; the fabric will be secured with sandbags.

• Sandbags, hay bales wrapped in geotextile fabric etc. will be used to slow water flow and trap sediment

• Linear silt stop fencing will be installed downslope of all affected areas and stockpiles

• The work area will be kept to the smallest possible size. The work area will be rehabilitated as soon as work is finished in an area

• All sediment control measures will be left in place until the site has been stabilised.

• Landscaping and revegetation will be completed as soon as possible following building activities

• Do not locate stockpiles within 2 metres of hazard areas such as spoon drains or areas of high flow

• Once no longer required, reinstate ground level around the works, fill spoon drains and sediment basins, level banks and remove surplus soil

• Connect guttering and downpipes to the stormwater system as soon as the roof is completed

• Fill in service trenches as soon as work is completed to minimise erosion

• Cover service trenches with plastic sheeting or another suitable cover if filling cannot be immediately completed

• All discharges will be monitored to prevent erosion. If discharges are causing erosion flow will be slowed or energy dissipaters used.

Post-works phase

• All construction sediment retention structures will be removed once all upstream areas have been revegetated or otherwise stabilised

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• All areas disturbed by the construction, or the removal of construction sediment retention structures will be restored to a standard at least similar to that previously existing.

• All exposed soil areas shall be stabilised and revegetated as soon as possible on completion of works to prevent potential erosion.

Other Site Specific Measures

Contaminated Land

Pre-works phase

• If contaminated land has been identified as an issue in the REF, Decision Report or Contract documents, you must engage a specialist to prepare a Contaminated Land Management Plan, which should be attached to the EMP. The requirements of the plan must be communicated to site staff. Ensure that you transfer any checking requirements from the plan into the Form 305: Environmental Risk Assessment & Control Record.

Works phase

• The client will be notified immediately of any suspected or potentially contaminated ground exposed during construction activities. All work will cease within the vicinity of the actual or suspected contaminated land and the area will be fenced off.

• If contaminated ground is discovered, surface runoff will be diverted away from the contaminated area.

• Surface runoff water contaminated by exposure to the contaminated ground will be contained and treated prior to discharge.

• If not provided by the Principal, a Remediation Action Plan will be prepared for the unexpected contamination find and submitted to the Principal. This will be prepared in accordance with EPA Guidelines on contaminated land and will include testing, validation and removal and disposal.

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Fauna Management

Pre-works phase

• The wildlife carers will assist with any animal injuries or relocations on this Project:

• All reasonable measures shall be undertaken to ensure that no native fauna is harmed or placed at risk during the course of the clearing activities.

Works phase

• Where practicable, a qualified ecologist shall capture and relocate any fauna (eg. snakes) that are displaced towards residential areas.

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• All native wildlife must be protected. No firearms are allowed on site.

• Any injuries to protected wildlife caused through or because of construction activity must be reported to a wildlife care service.

• Should a threatened species (additional to those already identified) be identified onsite during works, work will be stopped in the immediate vicinity and the Environment officer will be notified. Protective fencing will be installed around the area while the likely impact of the works on the threatened species and further management actions are determined

• When trees are to be removed from site, the following three phase felling process is used:

1. Clear small trees.

2. Knock larger trees (that potentially contain habitat) with machinery to scare off animals.

3. Fell large trees at least 24 hours later.

Post-works phase

Other Site Specific Measures

Vegetation Management

Pre-works phase

• All site staff must be made aware of the limits of clearing. Existing vegetation that is to remain in or adjacent to the works must be protected as an Exclusion Zone. In order to do this, procedures must be implemented for monitoring clearing and grubbing to ensure that trees and other vegetation are not unnecessarily cleared or disturbed.

Works phase

• Any excavation under the drip line of trees will be done by hand, thrust boring or something similar.

• No equipment or stockpiles will be placed under the canopy of any vegetation.

• Trees that are to be removed will be clearly marked. Any vegetation adjacent to the work area will be protected with exclusion fencing.

• Any noxious weeds within the work area will be removed and stored in sealed containers and disposed appropriately.

• Weed infested topsoil shall not be re-used in the rehabilitation works unless it is sterilised.

• Measures shall be implemented to control weed re-invasion during the works such as cleaning of tyres of plant and trucks coming to and going from the site and the use of clean, sterile topsoil in rehabilitation works. Topsoil to be reused at the site shall only be supplied from local sandstone-based materials.

• Cleared vegetation shall not be bulldozed into adjacent bushland, and mulched vegetation shall not be dumped into adjacent areas.

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• Newly exposed surface areas shall be mulched and replanted as soon as possible in order to reduce the potential for erosion.

• All vehicle movements or other construction activities shall be restricted to the delineated construction zone, the existing road network or previously disturbed areas. Construction vehicles, personnel and machinery shall not enter fenced off areas or areas beyond the delineated construction zone.

• Vehicles and machinery shall not be parked or stored in the vicinity of trees or any areas of natural vegetation to be retained, nor in proximity to any ephemeral drainage lines.

• The condition of the construction zone boundary fencing and any other exclusion fencing shall be regularly checked to ensure its effectiveness.

• To prevent soil compaction, no stockpiles or other materials shall be stored, and no vehicles shall be parked under, the canopy of trees to be retained in the construction zone.

Post-works phase

• Any bare areas of the site shall be rehabilitated and revegetated with native vegetation where appropriate.

• The site will be restored to a condition similar to the original condition on completion of the works

Other Site Specific Measures

Site Facilities

Pre-works phase

• The location of the site compound is shown on the site plan included in this EMP

• The site compound will include amenity sheds, and plant and equipment storage areas.

• The site compound and working area will be protected from theft and vandalism using security fencing.

Works phase

• The site compound and site shed are safely locked at COB every day

• Environmental protection measures will be established at the site compound as outlined in previous sections.

• The site compound will be left in a tidy and rubbish free state upon completion of the Project

Other Site Specific Measures

Restoration Of The Site

Post-works phase

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• On completion of the works, all areas disturbed by construction activities (including the site compound, materials storage, access and haul roads) must be reinstated and restored to conditions similar to the original condition.

Other Site Specific Measures

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Attachment L Project Program


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Attachment M Project Risk Assessment
