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Page 1: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

May 2, 2016

Rocky Worley

Page 2: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

About the Author

Rocky Worley

Game Day Ambassador, Cincinnati Reds

Sports Business and Marketing Majors, Northern Kentucky University

[email protected] | 859-868-9999 |

I am currently a senior at NKU where I’m taking 18 credit hours this semester to earn dual degrees in sports

business and marketing, and I will finish both in the summer of 2016. My current position as a Game Day

Ambassador for the Cincinnati Reds occupies around 20 hours per week, depending on the schedule, and I spend

around another 20 or so hours a week doing school work. In my very limited free time, I like to fish, play golf, or

paint with water colors (see pictures below). After graduation, I hope to find a job in the southeastern part of the

U.S. to be closer to my daughter, also pictured below and to the right. She is the light of my life, and my driving

force in all that I do.Link to cover letter

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“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Table of Contents

1. Background 4

2. Situational Analysis 5

3. Recommendations 6

3.1. Purpose 8

3.2. Ideal Target Customer 9

3.3. Positioning 11

3.4. Branding 12

3.5. Product 14

3.6. Owned and Earned Media 15

3.7. Lead Generation 16

3.8. Lead Conversion 17

4. Appendix 18

5. Reference List 31

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“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

1. Background

Table 1. Dashboard

Goal Budget Date



Get more resources for struggling women. 2016

Measurement of effectiveness for events (Profit and Loss statement) 2016

Mari wants to work full-time for Purposeful Painting and expand their cause to other cities 2017




Raise $1 million annually by year 5 of this plan 2021

Raise $100,000 after the first year of this plan 2017

Position Purposeful Painting and Co-creation Artworks™ as the only non-profit team-builder in Cincinnati 2016




Develop monthly schedule of events (workshops, classes, fundraisers, etc.) 2017

Plan at least 1 corporate team building event per month for the first year 2017

Raise brand awareness of Purposeful Painting being the only non-profit team builder in

Cincinnati by 100%2017

Host 1 Co-creation session per week in the studio in Covington for the first year 2017

It was just before Christmas of 2012 when Lou asked Mari what she wanted this year. She said she didn’t need anything. She suggested that

they take the money they would have spent on each other and help a few friends who were struggling. Once they started telling others what

they were doing, they wanted to help as well, and gave them money. So they decided to start Purposeful Painting, Inc. a 501(C)(3) non-profit


They created their trademarked Co-creation Artwork™ sessions and started a studio in their basement in Covington, KY. They began selling

the paintings that were created and gave the money to local single mothers in need, a situation Mari was familiar with. In her past, Mari herself

was a struggling mother who lay awake a t night wondering if she should buy gas or food the next day. To date, Purposeful Painting has been

able to raise and donate almost $30,000.00.

Page 5: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

2. Situational Analysis

Figure 1. Situational Analysis

Purposeful Painting provides a unique, trademarked co-creation process to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art that clients

can keep, or donate for auction, with all proceeds going to support local single mothers in need.

Purposeful Painting should focus their purpose on enabling connections

Using their unique co-creation process which allows teams to improve their creativity, engagement, and collaboration by

collectively working on several paintings at one time. Pieces are usually based on inspirations relative to the company of

their field, but not always, and are truly one-of-a-kind.

The outlook is bright for Purposeful Painting; they have a unique brand with a strong product (Co-creation Artworks™), a

unique logo, and enormous growth potential, but there are a few things to be concerned about. The largest team building

company in the country operates here in Cincinnati, along with other unique team-builders like Cincinnati Escape Room.

Brand awareness is low, the purpose of Purposeful Painting and Co-creation Artwork™ were not aligned, and loyalty is

difficult to achieve with this product. Lastly, expanding too quickly could pose significant difficulties. It is recommended

to use the Cincinnati market as a learning tool; develop a model here, and when successful, expand the business.


Non-profitCo-creationLocal causeLow costsPromotions

Double brandingNo variety (only painting)WebsiteNo loyalty programPrice unclear (website)

Tax deductible for businessesCincinnati parks for inspiration55% of people will pay

extra for products from

companies committed to

positive social impact,

Saturated local market (charities)Low budget for team buildingMany art galleriesCompanies limited to

50% of their adjusted

gross income written

off as a deduction

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 6: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3. Recommendations“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Purposeful Painting has developed a unique brand of co-creation that sets them apart from other team builders in the region. Their technique coupled with the fact that they are a local non-profit with tax deductible contributions, create a unique product in a thoroughly saturated non-profit market in Cincinnati.

In order for Purposeful Painting to raise awareness of their brand and differentiate their product from competitors, they should do the following:• To have the purpose of enabling connections and doing good

• To target Josh, a marketing director from a local company

• To position based on their unique brand of co-creation and non-profit benefits

• To brand with the tagline “Inspiring teams; co-creating dreams”

• To have a unique team building product that improves engagement, creativity, innovation, and collaboration with all proceeds benefiting local single mothers in times of need

• To generate leads by attending trade shows

• To convert leads by offering discounts for first-time customers and for referrals

Page 7: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Figure 2. The Path

Adopt a clear purpose focused on co-creation (p.8)

Target well-established companies with 50+ employees in Greater

Cincinnati area and understand their problems (p. 9)

Position the brand as one that makes people more creative and improves the lives of struggling

single mothers and their children (p. 11)

Adopt branding fundamentals for making customers believe the brand

is inspiring, caring, and empowering and one that connects people and makes them feel like an

artist with a good heart. (p. 12)

Present the service as Co-creation Artwork™ as a product that helps people step out of their comfort

zone to feel creative and connected with others. (p.14))Create an online identity around the

caring, inspiring, and empowering brand character (p.15)

Generate new leads by…(p.16)

Convert customers into loyals by ….(p.17)

All single mothers have access to education, job training, quality child

care, and equal wages and thus capable of ensuring their children’s successful transitions to adulthood.

All single mothers have access to education,

job training, quality child care, and equal wages

and thus capable of ensuring their children’s

successful transitions to adulthood.








“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 8: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.1. Purpose

Figure 3. Mosaic

Purposeful Painting’s purpose should be co-creating art to empower people with more creativity and collaboration and

provide working women with a brighter future. Co-creation provides clients an opportunity work together strengthening

their bond with one another, thereby increasing their engagement with one another, which leads to more productivity in the

work place. The companies can also benefit from the fact that 67% of employees prefer to work for a socially responsible

cause (appendix b), and using Purposeful Paintings services does just that; it supports the cause of helping local women in

times of need.

Purposeful Painting should imitate Cincinnati Team Buildings business model, since they are the largest team building

organization in the country. They also focus on enabling connections which lead to higher employee engagement and

productivity. The major advantage Purposeful Painting will have over them is their co-creation process, and being a non-

profit with tax deductible contributions.

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 9: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.2. Ideal Target Customer

Figure 4. The Ideal Customer Figure 5. Market Need and Description

Purposeful Painting should target medium to large companies with at least 50 employees in the Greater Cincinnati area that can

improve their productivity and innovation by boosting employee’s engagement, creativity, and collaboration. These companies

are involved in charitable giving already. They employ a large number of millennials who prefer to work for a company that is

socially responsible. These companies will have a high level of employee engagement already, but are always looking to


Josh Harris is an example of Purposeful Painting’s ideal target customer. Josh is the marketing manager for one of the many

brand lines at Proctor and Gamble. A majority of his employees are recent graduates, and almost all are millennials. He

understands the demands placed on creative departments such as his, and is always looking for better ways to innovate, and

generate new ideas. He has tried a few corporate team builders in the area, but wasn’t very impressed with them. He prefers to

work with companies that are socially responsible to support the corporate culture of his parent company, P&G, who supports a

majority of causes in Cincinnati, and throughout the world.

“Josh Harris is a marketing manager at a large corporation in Cincinnati. He is always looking for new ways to innovate but prefers to work with companies that are socially responsible.”

Support local causes

Always engaged

*24% of US


*Most educated


*Like brands with

strong values

*Rely on smartphones

to access information

*Express personality

through brands

Philanthropic causes

*Urban lifestyle



*value social responsibility

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 10: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Table 2. Target customer profileDemographics Age 18-35

Gender Male and Female

Family Status Single, 28% married, 4% divorced, 68% never married

Children 30% women have children, 47% of birth non-marital

Job “Job hopping”

Education 23% have a Bachelor’s degree (male 21% vs. female 27%)

Income $61K (household), $25K for younger and $48K for older Millennials

Location Urban, Cincinnati, NKY

Ethnicity 57% white, 21% Hispanic, 13% black, 6% Asian, most diverse

Religion Unattached to religion, 56% Christian, 36% unaffiliated

Psychographics Interests Philanthropic causes, 38% have tattoos, 23% have piercings, urban life, technology, health, food (foodies)

Values Friends, family, authenticity, creativity, 38% value environmental sustainability, leaders in gluten free movement, city living, 19% believes most people can be trusted, 68% support same sex marriage

Traits Optimistic (about future), self-expressive, self-absorbed, wasteful, greedy, hard-working, early adopters (66% reported buying a new product recently), tech savvy

Behavioral Retail Shop and spend more than other generations, savvy shoppers/look for deals, buy local, 29% willing to pay for healthy options, shop at Target

Brands Engages and expects 2-way, personal interaction with brands, active online critics, loyal to brands, like brands with strong values, want distinct feeling from each brand, express personality through clothing, 21% cite brand loyalty for purchase decisions

Music Music important in everyday life, listen to rap, hip hop, alternative, and reggae, streaming music

TV Stream TV and movies, 40% rely on TV for media

Places Seek online entertainment or right outside of their door

Celebrities Influenced by celebrity endorsements

Social Media “Digital natives,” 81% on Facebook, 75% have a social media profile

Mobile Sleep with their smart phones, rely on smartphones to access information, 59% access media online while in the home, 40% use a phone to watch videos at home

Online 44% believes firms keeps information private, pay online rather in cash

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 11: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.3. Positioning

Figure 7. Visual Example

Purposeful Painting should be positioned on its effort to help local single women in times of need. The have a one-of-a-kind,

trademarked Co-creation™ process that generates profits for women in this community. Co-creation is a unique type of team

building where clients work together on multiple pieces of art to build employee engagement, creativity, collaboration, and

innovation. The pieces are later auctioned off to support the cause.

If Purposeful Painting can differentiate itself from its competitors based on these unique factors, they should be able to generate

revenue in excess of $100,000 to meet their goal for year one.

Figure 6. Perceptual Map


m B




Non-profit that supports local cause

Purposeful Painting is a local non-profit with a patented team building concept called Co-creation Artworks™. Their co-creation sessions help clients to increase creativity, collaboration, engagement, and innovation.

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 12: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.4. Branding

Purposeful Painting allows its clients to improve creativity, collaboration, engagement, and innovation through its

patented Co-creation Artworks™, and support local charitable organizations with tax deductible donations.

Table 2. Branding Fundamentals

Brand Purpose: Co-creating art to empower people with more creativity and collaboration and provide working

women with a brighter future

Target Customer: Purposeful Painting should target medium to large companies with at least 50 employees in

the Greater Cincinnati area that can improve their productivity and innovation by boosting employee’s

engagement, creativity, and collaboration.

Brand Performance Equities

Functional• Team building

• Engagement

• Unlikely collaboration

• Creativity

• Helping women

• Trademarked co-creation


• Non-profit organization

• Covington, KY

Experiential• Choosing inspiration

• Pushes people out of

comfort zone

• Part of the team

• Trying something new

• Co-creation

Emotional• Feeling artistic

• Happy

• Relaxed

• Engaging

• curious

Brand Benefit: Stepping out of comfort zone to feel creative and connected with others

Reasons to Believe: Co-creating Artwork™, real estate agent, non-profit status, single mother, experience,

Covington, KY

Brand Positioning: Making people more creative and collaborative and improving lives of struggling single

mothers and their children.

Brand Equity: PP awakens my ability to connect with others and feel like an artist with a good heart

Brand Character: Caring, empowering, inspiring

Tagline: “Inspiring teams; co-creating dreams”

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 13: Purposeful Painting

Experiential• Choosing inspiration

• Pushes people out of comfort zone

• Part of the team

• Trying something new

• Co-creation

Functional• Team building

• Engagement

• Unlikely collaboration

• Creativity

• Helping women

• Trademarked co-creation process

• Non-profit organization

• Covington, KY

Emotional• Feeling artistic

• Happy

• Relaxed

• Engaging

• curious

Brand Equity

PP awakens my ability to connect

with others and feel like an artist

with a good heart

Brand Character

Caring, empowering, inspiring


“Inspiring teams; co-creating dreams”

Brand Purpose

Co-creating art to empower people with more creativity and

collaboration and provide working women with a brighter future

Brand Positioning

Making people more creative and collaborative and improving

lives of struggling single mothers and their children

Brand Benefit

Stepping out of comfort zone to feel creative and connected with


Reasons to believe

Co-creating Artwork™, real estate agent, non-profit status, single

mother, experience, Covington, KY

Figure 8. Branding Pyramid


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Page 14: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.5. Product

Figure 9. Performance Equities

“How do I improve

employee engagement?



Collaboration?Josh is always looking for new ways to inspire his employees’ creativity and knows that they are more likely to be engaged at

work if the employer is socially responsible and contributes to local causes. Therefore, he is likely to use Purposeful Painting

and Co-creation Artworks™ services for his next corporate team building event because of the innovative co-creation process

that builds engagement, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. His team will benefit from the process and the cost of the

event is tax deductible since Purposeful Painting is a non-profit.

Purposeful Painting

Team building


Unlikely collaboration


Choosing inspiration

Pushed out of comfort zone

Part of the team

Trying something new


Feeling artistic





Helping womenTrademarked co-creationNon-profit organization

Covington, KY

Page 15: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.6. Owned and Earned Media

Figure 10. Visual Example

“How do I improve

employee engagement?





A LinkedIn company page provides your business with the opportunity to tell your company’s story, engage with followers, share

career opportunities, and scale your word of mouth marketing.

By producing content that your viewers want to see and share with others, your viewers become engaged advocates of your company

and expand your reach and influence.

According to LinkedIn, your company should post as many status updates as your content supports. You will reach more of your

audience and extend your reach as you post more often. Companies that post 20 times a month, on average, reach 60% of their

followers with 1 or more updates; and 20% of followers are typically reached with one status update.

On LinkedIn, you can use your company description to emphasize how you stand out from your competitors. Include company news

and share information about your company culture to reach potential new clients and convey your company’s values, mission and


Page 16: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.7. Lead Generation

Figure 11. Visual Example

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Josh sees trade shows as crucial tools for both exhibitors and attendees, especially in eCommerce and retail. As eCommercecontinues to develop, the market is flooded with options, competition, and new developments. Trade shows provide him a one-stop shop to keep up with industry trends, develop new contacts, and gain competitive insight when it comes to market data and trends.

Trade shows are essential for comparing products and meeting suppliers. You have the chance to speak with vendors one-on-one about their products to find the best fit for what you need. Josh also realizes that often the biggest insights come from the people who share your goals and interests - a conversation with another retailer might lead to new ideas, or even new partnership opportunities.

Purposeful Painting can also benefit from attending trade shows for some of the same reasons. Most importantly, it will afford them the opportunity to network with the exact businesses they hope to target. Trade shows are the best option for Purposeful Painting to generate new leads.

*Great opportunity to network

*Hundreds of companies represented

*Keep up with industry trends

*Emphasize the benefits of Co-creation Artworks™

Page 17: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

3.8. Lead Conversion

Figure 12. Visual Example

“How do I improve

employee engagement?




Attending trade shows can help Purposeful Painting make unlimited connections, but they still need to convert them into customers.

The best way is to hand out promotional material that emphasizes the tax benefit of donating to the cause and how Co-creation can improve engagement, creativity, and innovation.

In the promotional material, offer a 15% discount for using their services for the first time, and a 10% discount for referring another company (other company must utilize services to receive the discount.

15% off for first-time customers

10% off for referrals

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“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Table of Contents (appendix)

Research Summary 19

a. SWOT Analysis - Internal 20

b. SWOT Analysis- External 21

c. Experience Survey with a Client 22

d. Experience Survey with a Customer 23

e. Observations of Co-creation 24

f. Observations of a Prospective Customer 25

g. Competitive Analysis – Strengths 26

h. Competitive Analysis – Weaknesses 27

i. Prospective Target Customer Analysis - Strengths 28

j. Prospective Target Customer Analysis – Weaknesses 29

k. Question and Answers Analysis 30

Reference List 31

Page 19: Purposeful Painting


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Research Summary

Methodology:1. Conducted secondary data research from 28 sources, all dated 2014 to 2016, including Nielsen, Gallup, and company owned and earned media.2. Client interviews on April 26th and April 28th to learn about Co-creation™.3. Observations conducted on April 25th outside Procter and Gamble to profile potential target customers

Analysis Major Finding Page


Purposeful painting is the only non-profit team builder in Cincinnati that aims to help struggling single mothers in times of need. They use their patented

method of Co-creation to increase client’s engagement, creativity, collaboration, and innovation. They operate in a market that is thoroughly saturated

with non-profits.


Experience survey

with the client

The founder, Mari Knight, is an inspiring, caring, and empowering woman with a first hand experience with the hardships of a struggling single mother.

Today, she is on a mission to use the power of co-creation artwork™ to fight against those hardships22

Experience survey

with a customer

A co-creation participant, who did not perceive himself as an artsy person, did not want to stop painting, felt creative, happy, relieved, and connected to

the emotional character of the founder and the painting. 23

Observations of co-


Co-creation process brings people out of their comfort zones by letting them try something new. The experience makes people feel relaxed, rejuvenated,

and creative.24

Observations of

prospective customers

Prospective customers (P&G employees) display high levels of engagement as most were observed leaving the building in groups. They are

predominately Caucasian, and most appear to be somewhat happy. Only about 40% of them were preoccupied with their cell phones, and only about

30% of them were observed eating or drinking anything on their way in or out of the building at lunch time. Purposeful Painting can identify potential

customers by observing employees leaving in groups (indicates a corporate culture of engagement among employees).


Competitive Analysis

Purposeful Painting, as compared to its competitors (e.g., Adventure Associates, Cincinnati Escape Room, Cincinnati Team Building) provides unique

experiences that can make people more creative and collaborative, even in a corporate setting. Because it is a non-profit that uses all of its profits to

provide one-to-one support to struggling single mothers, the cost to corporations is tax deductible.26

Prospective target

customer analysis

Medium to large companies with at least 50 employees in the Greater Cincinnati area that can improve their productivity and innovation by boosting

employee’s engagement, creativity, and collaboration28

Questions and

answers analysis

Improving collaboration builds trust and improves employee engagement which results in improved productivity. Putting people out of their comfort

zones fosters creativity and collaboration which alternatively inspires them and helps them find better solutions to problems. In addition, collaboration

not only brings people together, but it also sparks unlikely ideas.


Page 20: Purposeful Painting

Strengths Weaknesses


Non-Profit, Low Overhead Costs, Small company/easy coordination, honest mission,

transparency in where donations goFew resources, relatively new company, goals are unclear, lacking marketing experience,

BrandUnique logo, driven by a purpose for the greater good, honesty, promotes inspiration,

supports a unique social cause

Unclear focus, double-branding, Purposeful Painting logo itself does not evoke the cause, not

recognizable, may be overly feminist


Co-creation painting is a novel idea, provides value to individuals, provides value to

corporations, variety of painting experiences, benefits of the painting are tangible and

intangible, payment for products can be considered donations

No variety beyond painting, not viable outside the controlled setting, experience is not

proprietary, focused mostly toward women

ChannelsCo-creation can be set up in a place of business, condo location for painting, fundraisers can

be set up anywhere

Not much experience setting up corporate functions, “studio” functions cannot handle many

people, hosting the functions in the condo become overwhelming because this is also a home

PromotionEvents can be set up in a variety of locations, 60% off coupon on Yelp, variety of painting

promotions available, good testimonials on website,

Not very many promotions, no loyalty program, poor social media presence, poor website

organization, event purchasing is not clear

PriceHigh-perceived value, set up costs of this type of team-building event is relatively low, price

paid is tax-deductible, payments are donations to help a social cause

Price is not clear on website, no established price for corporate functions, not competitively


Bottom Line

Purposeful Painting is a small, local non-profit with a transparent mission. They have a

unique logo and a trademarked Co-creation™ process of team building with all contributions

to them being tax deductible. They should position themselves are the only non-profit, team

builder in the city of Cincinnati.

Purposeful Painting is a new company lacking clear goals and marketing experience. They

have a poor social media presence, little to no promotions, and no clear pricing. Purposeful

Painting should follow the recommendations of MKT 480 students to improve areas of



“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

4. Appendix a. SWOT Analysis - Internal

Page 21: Purposeful Painting

Opportunity Threats


Bulk discount opportunities from places like All Art Supplies.16 Chance for online free shipping on

all needed art supplies.17 Chance to partner with other suppliers through co-branding. Sponsorship

from other suppliers available. Possible donations from suppliers since Purposeful Painting is a non-


Lack of wholesale opportunities from Michaels.15 Large companies control bigger distribution networks and

will have favorable relations with suppliers. High amount of other art galleries in Cincinnati taking supplies.

Priority given to high profile galleries and museums for supplies. Wine and Paint classes taking large

amount of supplies.


Sales and promotion opportunities through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, along with

website. Retail art venues around Cincinnati such as Suder’s Art Store.18 Possible display of art

through the Cincinnati Art Museum.19 Display and sell art products at Cincinnati local festivals.20

Lots of other art on Instagram. Lack of local retail space in Cincinnati. High competition from other retail

and temporary art galleries for space. Expensive cost of rent downtown. High cost to run a website where

you sell items for money.21

Target Customers

Many large companies downtown that employ a huge number of local people. P&G employs

roughly 12,000 local people.22 Cincinnati Children's Hospital employs nearly 14,000 people. Kroger

employs 20,000 people throughout Cincinnati. Team building activities are increasingly important to

build trust and increase collaboration between large team members.23

Lots of small business in Cincinnati that are members of Cincinnati small business organizations that don’t

have a large amount of money.24 DCI support for small business downtown that lack funds.24 Small business

don’t have much money for team building activities.

Society and Culture

Good relationships with your colleagues is the 2nd most important factor for employee happiness,

67% of people prefer to work for socially responsible companies, 55% of people will pay extra for

products from companies committed to positive social impact, 52% of people made at least one

purchase in the past 6 months from a socially responsible company, 72% of Americans experience

stress daily, 69% of Americans aren’t engaged at work6,7,8,9

American stress levels have not changed in the last decade, Americans spend >60% of their leisure time

watching TV, 71% of Americans prefer P.O.S. donations, Cincinnati is not on the chart of most charitable

cities, Purposeful Painting not a frequently viewed charity10,11,12,13


No other Non-Profit team-builders, no other co-creation painting team builders, other team builders

have too many customers to tend to one company’s needs, Americans care most about charities that

support families, other local team-builders not focused on helping women14,20,21,22

Market oversaturated with charities, most team-builders have vast resources, most creativity companies

reputations with large companies, current team-building companies have high brand loyalty, local team-

builders have more versatility20,21,22


Interest rates are extremely low, CPI has been declining this CY, election year doesn’t have impact

on spending, HR spending is up, companies want to spend more on innovation1,2,3,4,5

Companies may not have large enough budget to pay the competitive price for team-building, millennials are

still recovering from the recession, millennials have less spending power than other generations, hiring more

employees means allocating less funds to the charity, living wage requirements are too high to make P.P. full

time job5,20,21,22,23

Political and Legal501(C)3 exempt purposes: specifically focused on relief of the poor, the distressed, and the

underprivileged. Any money spent on PP service is tax deductible25.

Companies limited to 50% of their adjusted gross income written off as a deduction. Lower 30% deduction

limit for certain companies, penalties assessed if the incorrect forms are filled out for tax purposes26


US has the most technologically powerful economy in the world28. Utilize Instagram, Facebook,

Twitter, and blogs. Easily reach target customers. PP can improve website (ex. Classes and events

tab) to communicate benefits of co-creation to customers24

Lots of competition through Google search providing other team building options. PP does not pop up

under ‘team building in Cincinnati’ Google search. Competitors utilize SM. PP website does not

communicate brand benefits or benefits to customers24

Natural EnvironmentPicturesque locations, such as Devou Park, Incline District, et., as inspiration for co-creation


In 2009, Board of Regents eliminated state-based financial aid from the Ohio College Opportunity Grant for

students who attend public 2-year institutions, Cincinnati #2 in nation for child poverty. 25,000 homeless

each year in Cincinnati, ¼ of which are children27

Bottom Line

Purposeful Painting should utilize Instagram to promote Co-creation™ Artworks and establish

themselves as the only non-profit team building activity in Cincinnati. Team building today is key

to employee engagement, which research has shown, increases employee productivity. Companies

like P&G, Kroger, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital are potential opportunities that Purposeful

Painting should pursue to grow their business.

Purposeful Painting has a lot of competition from other charities in Cincinnati. Market potential for team

building activities are limited to larger corporations as smaller ones do not have the budget for these

services. PP should position themselves as the only non-profit team-builder in the Cincinnati area.


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Appendix b. SWOT Analysis - External

Page 22: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Question Mari Knight - Founder of Purposeful Painting

How much money has been raised for Purposeful Painting? “We have given away $30,000 in donations since 2013.”

Which activities have generated the most revenue? “At one fundraiser we were able to get $7,000. Co-Creation Artwork functions seem to be the consistent way we raise money.”

What are some of your monetary goals for raising money? “We would love to be able to raise $1,000,000! Realistically, we would like to generate $100,000 in a year.”

What is the purpose of Purposeful Painting? “We started it to help the underprivileged, underserved, forgotten women. The woman struggling to provide for her children.”

What are some of the difficulties you experience with this


“It is a tough market. St. Jude gives away houses. The market is flooded with causes and it’s hard to stand out. We need to make Purposeful Painting

stand out and be recognized nationally.”

Bottom line

Purposeful Painting was created to help the underprivileged, underserved, forgotten woman that’s struggling to provide for her children. They

generate a majority of their revenue from Co-creation™ Artworks, and raised $7,000 in one fundraiser. Their purpose is one Mari, the founder, can

relate to; she was a struggling mother at one time, and understands how it feels to go to bed worrying about how to pay for gas or food. Purposeful

Painting wants to stand out in a saturated non-profit market by providing unique team-building sessions where all proceeds go to helping their local



Appendix c. Experience Survey with a Client

Page 23: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Question Students

Q1: How was your first round experience with co-creation?

“It was a very emotional and spiritual moment for me. From listening to their stories to picking up the paint brush and stroking the canvas. It was all

a very beautiful and emotional moment!”19

Q2: How did the men feel about co-creation?

“I really enjoyed the experience and found that it was a good team building exercise for the class and can definitely see it being a positive team

building experience for corporations, thereby benefitting the company”19

Q3: How did the women feel about co-creation?

“It was such a beautiful and fun experience. I would love to attend an actual studio class with@purposefulpainting so I could really throw myself in

the moment, and not have to worry about gathering all the information for this project, being afraid I'm going to miss something important during the

discussion. I truly believe this brings people together, and helps you learn to sometimes let go, and not to be scared of things, just dive in and go for


Q4: Which of the three paintings completed in class would you

buy? Why?

“I would choose the first piece because I think it really came together well with the colors and the surreal-ness of the picture made it easy to

collaborate on compared to the others. The picture harnesses a kind of starry-night-esq feel but still maintains its originality which is very


Q5: How much would you pay for the artwork created? Average price is between $30-$50 per piece.19

Bottom lineA co-creation participant, who did not perceive himself as an artsy person, did not want to stop painting, felt creative, happy, relieved, and connected

to the emotional character of the founder and the painting.


Appendix d. Experience Survey with a Customer

Page 24: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Question Students

Initial reaction to painting

Excited, happy, observing painting. Picking out colors, asking for help

from employee. Focused on painting, deciding where to paint then

beginning painting. Painting slowly, changing colors and brushes.

Stepping back and looking at artwork. Referring to reference photo.

Listening to task being explained.

Reaction when first told to


Laughing, smiling and happy. Slightly confused. Wanting to stay on

current painting. Looking back to previous painting, referring to reference

photo. Talking with other students while switching color pallets. Focused

intently on painting. Taking time to observe previous painting. Asking

previous student who was working on the painting questions. Painting

smaller area, and paining slowly. Taking lots of time to look at painting,

but slowly starting to get more confident.

Reaction when told to switch


Hesitant to switch again, wanted to keep painting. Verbally explaining

displeasure with switching again. Laughing, and talking with students.

Getting confused, getting frustrated. Really looking for spaces to paint.

Not painting much. Standing still and just looking at the painting. Trying

to come up with something to paint. Referring back to previous student

for advise. Getting advise from employee.

Reaction when completed

Happy, confused, and amused. Stepping back and observing the painting,

talking with class mates, laughing about the painting. Talking with

instructor. Talking with previous students about painting. Talking about

all three paintings with each other.

Bottom line

Students experience numerous emotions from happy to confused. Most of

them starting painting reluctantly and gained confidence as they moved to

all three paintings. After the co-creation™ session was over, most

students said they were happy with how well the paintings turned out.

This was a great opportunity for Purposeful Painting to demonstrate the

effectiveness of co-creation™ for team building.


Appendix e. Observations of Co-creation™












Happy Confused Sad

Visible Emotions when Switching


Page 25: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”


Appendix f. Observations of a Prospective Customer

















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


In a Group

Prospective Customer


On the Phone

Eating or Drinking

In a Hurry






Observations of Procter and Gamble Employees

% female % male(n=33; 17 males, 16 females)

Bottom Line: Prospective customers (P&G employees) display high levels of engagement as most were observed leaving the building in groups. They are predominately Caucasian, and

most appear to be somewhat happy. Only about 40% of them were preoccupied with their cell phones, and only about 30% of them were observed eating or drinking anything on their

way in or out of the building at lunch time. Purposeful Painting can identify potential customers by observing employees leaving in groups (indicates a corporate culture of engagement

among employees).

Methodology: Conducted observations outside of Procter and Gamble’s headquarters in Cincinnati on Monday April 25th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to develop a target market profile

of potential customers for Purposeful Painting’s co-creation™ team-building services. Data was compiled in Excel and displayed in graphical format above.

Page 26: Purposeful Painting

Purposeful Painting Adventure Associates Cincinnati Escape Room Cincinnati Team Building

CompanyNon-Profit, 501( C ) 3, woman owned,

volunteer based, co-creation™ artwork

Founded in 1991, Works with Nasa, Nike, Capital

One, Ebay, Facebook, and Levi’s, Tangible results.

Experienced teams of professionals, Core values that

include evolution, professionalism, integrity, and

people centered20

Unique escape room concept. Designed for

families, friends, and corporate team building

events. Local Cincinnati location21

Leading team building group in North America.

Work with wide variety of clients. Locations

across NA. All employees listed on their website.

Lots of resources22


Non-profit, unique logo, good reason to

believe, associated to charitable

donations, trademarked co-creation


Listen, Learn, innovate and execute a team building

activity specific to your company, Customized

corporate team building, Branded client success

stories on website, Programs developed with

innovative research technology such as MBTI, Five

categories of team building activities20

Unique keyhole logo. Branded as a

challenge with the “Accept your mission”

button. Consistent imagery. Cincinnati


Good branding fundamentals. Good reason to

believe. Exciting imagery on website. Customized

to your company. Password protected smartphone

app for your event22

ProductCo-creation artwork™, team building

activity, keep or donate your painting

Build a boat. Design mini golf to benefit charity.

Obstacle course. Build a bridge. Geo-Treking team


Local Cincinnati Challenge. Corporate

Espionage Themed Challenge, 60 minute

collaborative puzzle, interactive and

challenging with a 31% success rate, Special

tours available21

Behavior style 360 matrix, 8 productive practices of

peak performing people. Leading change. Active

employee engagement. Self managed teams.

Password protected smartphone app for your



Covington, KY studio, Montgomery

Inn Boathouse, Sawyer Point, local


Nationwide. Cincinnati location. Popular events in

Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta and can come

to you20

Downtown Cincinnati, located near large

companies. Conveniently located off the

interstate, Party rooms that hold up to 70


Based in Cincinnati, but willing to set up anywhere

in NA. Can access content mobile anytime and

anywhere. Can come to your company venue22


Local news interviews, testimonials on

website, word of mouth, Facebook,

company website, discounted pricing

for classes

Free downloadable team building pamphlets. Client

success stories on website. Published team building

analysis. Photo and video gallery. Uses FB, Twitter

and Google+20

Social media presence on Facebook, Twitter,

and Pinterest. Photo gallery of victors of


Website, ignite magazine, Biz Bash, Password

protected smartphone app for your event22


$50 per person for studio sessions,

$3,000 for corporate team building

events, discounted pricing for class,

painting auction for >$50 per piece,

proceeds to charity

Events start at $3,550 for 15 or fewer and $4,500 for

corporate training workshops. Individual team pricing

model. Provides form for you to fill out to assess your

team building needs and pricing. Over the phone

quotes. Live chat on website20

$28 per person. For groups of 25+ price per

person is $25. Special tours available.

Promotional codes available. Use multiple

coupons at once21

Individual quotes, minimum investment of $3,250.

Various pricing levels22

Bottom Line

Purposeful Painting is a local non-profit

that utilizes their trademarked co-

creation™ artworks to raise revenue

that directly benefits their cause. They

should continue to use their branded

logo and consistently display it on all

promotional materials.

Adventure Associates is well established with clients

such as Nike, Ebay, and Facebook. They have clearly

defined corporate values, and provide surveys for

company to clearly identify their needs for services.

Pricing is comparable to Purposeful Painting. PP

should promote their success stories on own media

like Adventure Associates does.

Cincinnati Escape room offers a unique

concept of team-building. They have a

strong social media presence with a

consistent brand logo. They offer group

pricing and can host groups up to 70 people.

Purposeful Painting should continue the use

of their brand logo and display their prices

on own media.

Cincinnati Team Building is the leading team

building group in North America. Offer services

that focus on 8 productive practices of peak

performing people. They have various pricing

levels with a minimum investment of $3,250.

Purposeful Painting should continue to emphasize

the benefits of their co-creation™ process.


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Appendix g. Competitive Analysis – Strengths

Page 27: Purposeful Painting

Purposeful Painting Adventure Associates Cincinnati Escape Room Cincinnati Team Building


Lack of direction, volunteer based, few

volunteers, small studio space based out of their

home, poor branding fundamentals

Too large a company, lack of coordination and

communication. For-profit mission not driven by charity.

Time split between corporate team building and corporate

training company.

For-profit mission not driven by

charity. Only one location. Not

customizable to your company.

Company may be too large for intimate nature of

team building, for-profit company. Mission not

driven by charity. Focus may be too broad.


No clear distinction between their brand and

others with a similar name, does not

communicate purpose well, separate purpose

between Purposeful Painting and co-creation


Too broad of a focus on team building activities. Actively

recruits partner venues instead of hosting at companies.

No tag line. Brand character

unclear. No reason to believe on

website. Appears to be targeting

kids, but recommended for 14+.

Poor SEO. Poor brand logo. Not a familiar name.


Only offers paintings, limited market, no

consistent quality among products, art is highly

subjective, unclear where your donations go to

Too broad of a focus on team building activities. Far away

retreats. Not industry specific.

Must have a certain number of

members in you group to avoid

being combined with another group.

Only 60 minutes for the challenges.

Have to book far in advance.

Wide variety of products may be too much to

choose from. Costly add-ons to enhance the events

PlaceSmall studio space, in Covington in their home,

company ran out of homeOnly in major US cities.

Only one location. Cannot hold

over 200+ people. Indoors only.

Cincinnati Team building implies only in



No clearly defined promotional channels, only

word of mouth promotion, limited funds for

advertising, no expertise in brand promotion or

branding fundamentals

Lack of advertising, weak social media presence, no outreach

to companies, no incentives or discounts, no loyalty program.

No outreach to companies. Not

clear where to obtain


Poor SEO. No TV commercials.


No clear cut, consistent price for corporate

events, prices are per person and not per group,

per person price may be too steep for some


Clear pricing per service not available on website. Time

consuming process to fill out form for quote. Collects

personal information when quoting. Live chat for price quote

not available on weekends.

Only pay online at time of booking.

Need to reserve tickets ahead of


Price may be too expensive for some customers.

Event price does not include venue or rental fees.

Costly add-ons to enhance the events

Bottom Line

Purposeful painting is a volunteer based

charitable organization devoted to helping local

single mothers with one-time expenses like car

repairs. PP needs to emphasize their trade

marked co-creation process and how it generates

the revenue necessary to continue their mission

of helping women.

Adventure Associates is a large for-profit team building

company located in major U.S. cities. They have a weak

social media presence, no incentives for loyalty, and have a

tedious price quote process. Purposeful Painting can

differentiate themselves from this competitor by improving

their social media presence and clearly quote their co-

creation™ prices on their website.

Cincinnati Escape Room is a for-

profit company that has no clear

mission or brand character.

Purposeful Painting should

emphasize their mission of helping

women and actively reach out to

companies to differentiate to recruit

more business.

Cincinnati Team Building is a large for-profit

company with a wide scope of services available.

Prices quoted do not include the venue. Purposeful

Painting should emphasize that all prices include

supplies, and they will come to your business


“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Appendix h. Competitive Analysis – Weaknesses

Page 28: Purposeful Painting

Procter and Gamble Kroger NKU


Established in 1837, lists stock price on website, use pictures

of everyday people, socially responsible, active blog employs

over 100,000 people globally16

Established in 1883, large number of stores, economies of

scale, partners with Fred Myers Jewelers and other companies,

helps local causes and charities17

Established in 1968, 3rd largest university in the Cincinnati

area, convenient location, one of the fastest growing

universities in the state of KY15

BrandUse pictures of every day people, socially responsible,

diversified portfolio, 16 - billion dollar brands16

Regionally known brand, consistent branding, high brand

equity, Private Selection house brand, associated with helping

the Cincinnati community17

Division 1 athletics, one of the fastest growing universities in

KY, high brand equity, good branding fundamentals, Fuel



Offers coupons, strong focus on R&D, diversified portfolio,

300+ products, offered in most retailers including Dollar


Store set up with products grouped together, sell regional best

selling products, large number of products, large organic

section, offers products from Fred Myer’s Jewelers and the


Variety of undergrad degrees, variety of grad degrees, library

available to students, computer labs available, real-world

experience with local companies, Fuel NKU15

PlaceHeadquartered in Cincinnati, many offices and plants


Headquartered in Cincinnati, many regional stores,

conveniently located in highly populated areas, marketplaces

that sell more than groceries17

Conveniently located in Highland Heights, minutes from

Cincinnati, short distance from the interstate, compact campus

size, dorms and stadiums close to campus, adequate parking for


PromotionOffers coupons, special promotions, competitive pricing,

active blog16

Coupons, yellow-tag sales, special coupons mailed to your

house, individualized coupons, in store promotions, Kroger fuel

points, radio, tv, billboard advertising, double points for gift


Billboards, good online presence, use of SM, apparel, division

1 athletics15

PriceCompetitive pricing, lead market position, rising stock price,

coupons, special promotions, 16 – billion dollar brands16

Competitive pricing with Private Selection brand, yellow-tag

sale items, cost disciplined approach, Kroger fuel points,

double points for gift cards17

Lower cost of tuition than UC or Xavier, grants and loans

available, help with study abroad, Fuel NKU15

Bottom Line

Procter and Gamble is a socially responsible, global company

which employs over 100,000 people, and is headquartered in

Cincinnati, OH. Purposeful Painting should capitalize on

P&G’s social responsibility and offer their co-creation™

team-building events to them with emphasis on their support

for a local cause.

Kroger is a regionally known brand headquartered in

Cincinnati, OH. Kroger has consistent branding, high brand

equity, and have been known to support local causes and

charities. Purposeful Painting should position itself to Kroger

as a local charity with a unique approach to team-building.

Kroger’s contributions will be tax deductible, their employee

engagement and creativity will benefit, and the cause is in line

with Kroger’s support of local charities.

NKU is the 3rd largest university in the Cincinnati area. It is

one of the fastest growing universities in the country offering

multiple under graduate and graduate programs. NKU provides

real-world, client based projects to their students to provide

tangible experience to student’s resumes. Purposeful Painting

should maintain the relationship with Dr. Raska and

incorporate more client projects into his classes to maintain



“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Appendix i. Prospective Target Customer Analysis - Strengths

Page 29: Purposeful Painting

Procter and Gamble Kroger NKU


Must search for social media tab, lots of information on

website, lots of navigation on website, large company that has

recently had to downsize due to products that were not

making a profit, loss of market share16

High operating costs, gas productions adds to overall costs,

limited geographic presence, debt heavy balance sheet,

unionized workforce17

Campus not growing as fast as attendance, not much green

space, rising cost of tuition, low student retention rates18


Not clear how many brands they have, dependent on large

retailers, fake products being sold as P&G products, beauty

and health brands primarily for women16

Limited geographic presence, competition from other retailers

like Wal-Mart or Target, little online shopping presence,

Kroger brand Private Selection viewed as inferior, only known

in Midwest17

Not nationally known, outside students not familiar with NKU,

does not communicate majors effectively, lack of mission



Not clear how many products they have, increasing product

recalls, increasing lawsuits due to faulty products, fake

products being sold under P&G name16

Organic market still in early phases, complicated distribution

channels, low profit margin, high scrap rate, Kroger brand

Private Selection viewed as inferior17

Growing class sizes, programs not up to par with larger

universities, low student retention rates, student age higher than

most, limited online capacity18

Place Large overhead, high labor costs, complex supply chains16

Unionized workforce, vendor quality control lapses, lack of

online shopping options, high cost of inventory, over crowded


Only one location, no satellite campuses, minimal residential

capacity, small campus18


Blog is not updated frequently, hard to promote in other

countries, domestic products do not translate well in other

countries, poor digital marketing16

Hard to target younger generations, just beginning to learn how

to use the data collected from the Kroger card, high cost to

individualize coupons, high cost to print and mail coupons


Lack of promotion to other regions, limited student association,

limited national media, limited student participation in co-ops,

internships, or leadership roles to promote NKU, few alumni

with political presence in Franfort18

PriceSpecialty products prices seem to be viewed as too high, lots

of competitors with lower pricing16

Debt heavy balance sheet, low profit margin, little online

shopping presence, loss of sales due to large check out lines,

high scrap rate17

Rising cost of tuition, expensive book fees, does not get fair

share of state appropriations18

Bottom Line

P&G recently trimmed their product lines that were not

making profit. It is hard to discern how many brands or

products they currently offer. Specialty product lines are

viewed as too prices in comparison to their competition.

Purposeful may have a difficult time marketing their co-

creation™ to P&G and a time when they are cutting costs.

Kroger has a limited geographic presence (Midwest), low

online shopping presence and low profit margins. It is hard for

them to target younger generations, and they are just starting to

be able to utilize the data collected from their loyalty card

members. Purposeful Painting should emphasize their local

cause of helping women when approaching Kroger, located in

down town Cincinnati.

NKU’s campus is growing, but not fast enough; attendance is

on the rise. NKU only has a regional presence, and not very

much national media. Purposeful Painting should utilize their

connection with the school of business and continue to support

the client based projects like this one to ensure they maintain



“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Appendix j. Prospective Target Customer Analysis - Weaknesses

Page 30: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”

Question Mari Knight - Founder of Purposeful Painting

Q1: Why is Improving employee engagement Important for

today’s organizations?

Improving employee engagement is important for today’s organizations because engaged employees are involved in, enthusiastic about and

committed to their work. Second, employee engagement is critical in the organizations financial success.4 69% of disengaged workers stated that

they felt fit and productive yesterday, compared to 94% of engaged workers. This shows that engaged workers are more likely to feel fit and


Q2: How can organizations improve employee engagement?

A method of improving employee engagement is regularly sitting down with your employees after a project is completed and ask several questions

including: what went well, what went badly, how can we avoid things going badly in the future, and finally, how can we continue to do well? Asking

these questions gets your employees engaged with the managed process and involved in decision making.6 Another method is to create an inclusive

and diverse culture at work. 50% of engaged employees gave their employer a ‘5’ rating that indicated they were highly confident that their employer

would responded correctly to discrimination concerns. The same study showed that just 3% of actively disengaged employees rated their company a

‘5’ on the same item.7 Finally, improving employee engagement is very important because high levels of employee engagement lead to better

performance through fewer quality defects and safety incidents and less shrinkage, turnover and absenteeism.8

Q3: How can organizations improve engagement of Millennial


The first way to improve engagement of millennial employees is by being an ethical company that gives back to the community. Almost 70% of

employees say that giving back and being civically engaged are their highest priorities. Second, organizations need to give millennials frequent

feedback to engage the employee. Semi annual reviews are not frequent enough for millennials who like to have a constant update on their

performance. The third suggestion for improving the engagement of millennial employees is to ensure a transparent processes. Companies need to

clearly communicate their processes and results so millennials can feel comfortable and engaged working for a transparent company.9

Q4: Why is creativity so important for today’s organizations?

Creativity is important for today’s organizations because it plays an important role in accomplishing risky projects. Organizations need creativity to

reduce stress and complete high risk projects in a specified time frame.10 Creativity afford organizations the opportunity to generate unique and

alternative ideas.11 Finally creative thinkers within a company are more in tune to the technology shifts, industry trends and competitor actions that

can affect the companies business.12

Q5: How can organizations improve employee's creativity or,

simply, being more playful and willing to take risks?

Organizations can improve creativity by having creative leaders. An organization has to be transparent and let employees know that creativity is

encouraged. Organizations should also acknowledge creativity by recognizing good ideas when their employees have them.13

Q6: How can organizations improve team work?

Cross Collaboration with other teams and organizations increases teamwork. Also communication between departments and groups needs to be kept

open to improve teamwork. Finally companies should building mentorship programs between older and younger employees in order to increase

teamwork between generaitons.14

Bottom line

In today’s business landscape, employee engagement and creativity are highly valued. Research shows that engaged employees value their company

and work harder if the company’s values are in accordance with their own (70% of employees say that giving back and being civically engaged are

their highest priorities). Businesses value creative employees because they generate unique and alternative ideas to complex problems.11 Purposeful

Painting should position itself to business that rely on creativity to maintain competitive in their respective markets.


Appendix k. Question and Answers Analysis

Page 31: Purposeful Painting

“Inspiring teams, co-creating dreams”


5. Reference List

1.) Power, B., & Stanton, S. (2014, 11 24). How to Prioritize Your Innovation Budget. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016, 4 27). Consumer Price Index. Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics: Bryan, B. (2015, 8 10). Presidential Elections don't Really Matter to American Consumers. Retrieved from Business Insider: Bersin, J. (2015, 1 16). Spending on Human Resources is Up and Why it Really Matters This Year. Retrieved from Josh Bersin: Market Data (2016). Retrieved from Morgan, J. (2014, 12 15). The Top 10 Factors for On-The-Job Employee Happiness. Retrieved from Forbes: Nielsen. (2014b). Millennials: Breaking the myths. Nielsen. Retrieved from http://www.nielsen.com8.) Adkins, A. (2015, 1 28). Majority of U.S. Employees Not Engaged Despite Gains in 2014. Retrieved from Gallup: Carroll, J. (2008, 1 2). Time Pressures, Stress Common for Americans. Retrieved from Gallup: Newport, F. (2015, 12 31). Americans' Perceived Time Crunch No Worse Than in Past. Retrieved from Gallup: American Time Use Survey. (2015, 10 26). Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics: Study Reveals How Consumers Feel About Giving to Charity at the Register. (2015, 5 14). Retrieved from Non Profit PRO: Petronzio, M. (2014, 10 10). The 10 Most Charitable Cities in the U.S. Retrieved from Mashable: Richter, F. (2014, 11 18). The Charitable Causes Americans Care About Most. Retrieved from Statista: Northern Kentucky University . (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from Home. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from The Kroger Co. - Home. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from Our Time. Our Plan. Our Future. SWOT Analysis. (2013, April 30). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

19.) @bluezzoon • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

20.) Team Building & Corporate Training | Adventure Associates. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

21.) Cincinnati Escape Room. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

22.) Cincinnati Team Building. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

23.) Kiersz, A. (2014, May 19). 15 Facts about Millennials and the Economy that Everyone inBusiness Should Know. Retrieved from Our Mission. (2016). Retrieved from Purposeful Painting: Exemption Requirements - 501(c)(3) Organizations. (2016, April 15). Retrieved from IRS: Friedberg, B. A. (2016, April 30). Tips on Charitable Contributions: Limits and Taxes . Retrieved from Investopedia: Woolley, M. (2014, June 23). Single mothers and children hit hardest by poverty in Cincinnati. Retrieved from SoapBox Cincinnati: North America: United States Economy. (2016, April 30). Retrieved from CIA World Fact Book: