Download - PTFA NEWS - Swallowfield Lower · hair, plaits, jumping from one got nits” I’ve accepted it’s just one

Page 1: PTFA NEWS - Swallowfield Lower · hair, plaits, jumping from one got nits” I’ve accepted it’s just one

PTFA • email: [email protected].

We love to see familiar and new faces at the PTFA meetings!

We meet every 6 weeks or so, and Details can be found on PTFA pages at or you can email us at [email protected].

Dip in and out of the PTFA, get involved in one event a year, choose something that interests you, or just be an extra pair of hands – every little helps and it’s all for the children!

Next Meeting: See www.swallowfieldlower PTFA Meetings.

What We’ve Raised:The PTFA raised an amazing £1485.82 at the Quiz Night in May. We also raised £427.80 from the School Disco in May, £544.53 from the Golf Day in June, over £600 from Picnic in the Playground and £1146.25 from the refreshments at the Sports Day.

What we’ve spent:The PTFA have paid £1500 for the Library Bus project (with another £5,000 put aside for its transformation), £500 on musical instruments for the school, £357.65 for fans for the classrooms, £299 for a second ScooterPod, £117.58 on Thank You cards, £100 for books for Busy Bees and finally £100 contribution towards the Y4 School Leavers photo books.

THERE’S NOTHING NICE ABOUT NITS by Julie Tift So the last newsletter of term and finally, finally they have got to me! Not the glorious, wondrous children, nor the teachers - but those dreaded, servicing no purpose at all, too tiny to see, nits! Up to my daughter starting school, this was yet another subject (see quiz article!) I was happy to live in ignorant bliss about. However, since school, the nits have arrived (I should state at this point I no way blame the kids or school) and in the absence of Nitty Nora my quest for nit knowledge started with one focused aim: to seek and destroy, forever, the critter from my family’s hair.

This is one of those battles that you finally think you have won only to discover another invasion from round the back of the other ear. I’ve learnt that apparently nits don’t like chlorine, tea tree, hair conditioner, deet, dirty hair and pony-tails. But they like clean hair, plaits, jumping from one

got nits” I’ve accepted it’s just one of those things to keep an eye out for and you can continue to show you face around town! But please a plea before school starts in September: could we all complete one extra check in an effort to ensure the nits don’t start school again in September?

That only leaves saying over and out to the year 4 kids, parents and carers that we have loved but are now released upwards in the school scheme. Happy hols to all those we will see back in September. And a fond farewell to teachers, staff, children and others that are now following different paths outside Swallowfield. Another amazing year has passed at Swallowfield that again makes all those involved proud to be associated with the school. Finally, to all the amazing children and the fabulous teachers: thank-you for working so hard and putting in the effort. Summer hols 2014 here we come!

Events RoundupSCHOOL DISCO

Our entertainer, at the school disco in May, kept all age groups entertained with the three discos, first Foundation, followed by KS1 and then KS2. It was great to see the event so well attended and all children enjoying themselves and the snacks provided. The PTFA would like to thank Niki Patel, who coordinated the events, all of the teachers involved (plus their

Your PTFA Committee

Chair: Becs Coles Vice Chair: Sally Millett

Secretary: Michelle MillardTreasurer: Claire Sim



child to another and hiding as soon as spotted. In complete ignorance I thought a nit was the creature and have now learnt they are the white eggs (no idea what the insect thing is called?) and that in blond hair you can see the crawlers but not the eggs and dark hair the eggs but not the crawlers – so whatever you have you are doomed to an endless battle of medicated, foul smelling, expensive, ineffective for eternity lotions - versus a sophisticated breeding itching machine that loves school.

Unfortunately, I have no helpful advice or hints to offer, only commiserations as you inform the grandparents, close family friends etc. that they might want to check their hair and you register the disappointment crossing their faces (yet again). However, I have learnt to relax slightly over the dreaded things and although I won’t be running around the playground anytime soon shouting “Wayhey we’ve

dance moves!), staff and helpers in the kitchen – we couldn’t have done it without you. The children had a great time and we raised just over £427.80 for the school!

PTFA SUMMER BALL & AUCTIONMore details on this event on Sat 19th July at Woburn Golf Club in a later PTFA Newsletter, but look out on our Facebook Group and we will post the funds raised from the evening. The PTFA are aiming to fund a second learning lodge for the school.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS School work very hard to organise school clubs that take place at lunchtimes and after school, and this term we’ve helped to set up a few more, with football for each year group and a new Athletics club, which has been extremely popular.

The PTFA value your opinions about what it offers your child in many areas of school life. It is very keen to get your feedback on the provision of school clubs that your child has, or has not, attended. Could you spare us a few minutes to complete a questionnaire to help evaluate and develop the activities offered at school? You can find the link on the PTFA page on or at

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Swallowfield Golf Day 2014

Tie Break at the annual Swallowfield Quiz Night! So the evening of Friday 2nd May arrived, more notably known as the Annual Swallowfield PTFA Quiz night.

Twelve teams had been recruited and entered in the weeks before and now perched expectantly on tiny orange chairs with the appropriate medicinal brain stimulating beverages and nibbles in front of them. For some the only goal was not to show themselves up with a lack of knowledge that would forever be remembered, for some they would be sadly unsuccessful in this task.

The questions were invigilated by Catherine Wilkins and Louisa Thomas who did a marvellous job of assisting the night’s appropriately suited and booted MC - Mr Ian White, and now surely worthy of his own Saturday lottery quiz show contract? It started - What was your team name? Eeerrrrr... you could tell the night was going to be a challenge. The first half of rounds sped by – flags, famous faces, sport – even faster than the drinks flowed. A welcome half time break to tuck into the tasty fish and chip supper slaved over by Kelly and Rob in the school kitchen. Then onto the second half – music, general knowledge, literature & much more.

Another great year at Woburn Golf Club for Swallowfield’s annual golfing event. We were so pleased the rain had just about stopped by the time the first team set off at 12.00 pm.

All 30 keen golfers made their way round the Duke’s course and we finished around 4.30 pm to be greeted with a hot buffet in the private room at Woburn Golf Club overlooking the practice green.

Great day, apparently not such great golf so I am told by some, but the golf course was amazing, good company, bacon butties were tasty and some very happy winners! Thank you for all those who attended, dads, mums, uncles, granddads and friends.

Finally the time had come the quiz was over, the marks counted and the winning team announcement made! A draw between Run Squirrel Run and Four Candles!

This was not the photo finish anticipated. Especially when it became transparent that I was in one of the teams and my sister was in the other and typically it was then decided that each team representative for the tiebreaker question should be a Tift sister. Ian asked the question and quite rightly looked confused at the answers he received to: what is the height of the Eiffel Tower? My answer put it in outer space, so I’m told, and Steph’s made the tower just under the height of a house. Steph’s team Run Squirrel Run had won the 2014 quiz and trophy! However both of us managed to publicly demonstrate a distinct lack of height intelligence, my excuse is I’ve never been to Paris and I think in Imperial.

Once again the quiz was much enjoyed and a roaring success - raising a brilliant £1487, so one final and massive thank you to Niki Patel, chief organiser extraordinaire, without whom most of us would have just spent the night in front of the telly.

Winner: David PeakePairs Wnners:Nick Stanger and Jimmy Green

Longest Drive: Scott Priestly

Nearest to the pin: Nick Peacock

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After months of planning and hard work the day of the second ‘Picnic in the Playground’ finally arrived. Everybody was dubious about the weather holding up but remained hopeful and helped put the finishing touches on what we hoped would be a fun, family day. We had lots of stalls, bouncy castle, hot dogs, entertainment, music, craft activities, Baby Sensory, Playstop Gym, Beat the Goalie, pic’n’mix sweets, a range of refreshments and we tempted fate with a Titanic bouncy slide.

Unfortunately the rain clouds were charged and decided to settle themselves above Swallowfield just as the gates

opened. Thankfully some families still braved a visit armed with wellies and umbrellas and kindly made the effort to run from stall to stall. The rest of us gathered under gazebos and tried to stay in positive spirits. The poor teachers without cover faired the worst, at least Mrs Bishops’ Hook a Ducks were happy!

Encore Theatre Group cheered us all up in the hall with some amazing singing from their upcoming show followed by a fantastic display of skills from Woburn Sands Gymnastics. At 2.30pm The Woburn Sands Band began to play and the joyful music must have been a magic

switch as the rain finally ceased and the sun even popped it’s head out for a little while. The field suddenly got very busy with people arriving and everyone had a glimpse of how the event had planned to run and the stalls that had remained afloat finally had some reward for the fruits of their labour.

A huge thank you to Sally Millett, her team and everyone who supported the event with time, donations or attendance. We raised in excess of £600 which is pretty good considering. Fingers crossed we pick a sunny day next year, third time lucky!

YEAR GROUP TEA TOWELS :A Great Gift! Last chance to get a Tea Towel of your child’s year group designed with a mini self-portrait (Busy Bees is a hand print) personally drawn by each pupil. The designs are printed in dark blue on a white cotton tea towel with their name written under each picture.

Tea towels cost £1. We have already sold out of Foundation, Y1, Y2 but have spare of Busy Bees, Y3 & Y4, so if you would like to purchase, contact the PTFA at [email protected].

Sports DayLibrary Bus

Picnic in the Playground 2014

Rain was predicted by the weatherman but the sun shone for Swallowfields at this year’s Sports Day. The children and teaching staff did the school proud with the afternoon races, and the parents were as competitive as ever in the mum’sskipping race and the Dad’s Sprint.

The PTFA repeated their successful refreshments, offering BBQ, Pimms stall (it was meant to be a tent but it flew away 30 mins before the start!), teas & coffees as well as an ice cream van. By the length of the queues all were very popular! Thank you to Niki Patel for co-ordinating the Sports Day event, our thanks to Sunpreet of Majestic Catering who gave his time for free to run the BBQ, and all those PTFA volunteers who give up their time to help at these events. We raised an amazing £1146.25 from the afternoon!

The school has now received planning permission to convert the bus into a library and the project will get underway over the summer holidays. Concrete foundations will be laid for the bus and the PTFA has put aside £5,000 to help with the refubishment - exciting news!


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VAT ReturnsSecretarial Admin Support

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Sarah Barnes

Competitive RatesBased in Woburn Sands

Page 4: PTFA NEWS - Swallowfield Lower · hair, plaits, jumping from one got nits” I’ve accepted it’s just one

PTFA NEWSGrab yourself a cuppa, we’ve got some news, dates and gossip for you...



being collated by the PTFA, not the school and will only be used to send you information regarding the PTFA

Lost PropertySchool are now trying to reunite any named items that make their way to the lost property bin, but the PTFA also organise a ‘Lost Property Re-unite’.

The monies raised from the stall at Sports Day will go to the School Council for their own great projects.

If you are not using the site for your web purchasing then where have you been? It’s really easy and it works.

Combine shopping and fundraising at the same time, surely extra money for the school is always a valid reason for new shoes? So please sign up, its money for nothing against all your online purchases. a user, select Swallowfield PTFA and make this your favourite entry site for all your online shopping.And download the Easyfundraising Find & Remind tool bar to remind you whenever you visit a website that donates money when you shop

FacebookSwallowfield PTFA has its own Facebook group page where you can get up-to-the-minute information on all the comings and goings, events and meetings at the school. Search for Swallowfield PTFA and request to join the group, it really couldn’t be easier!

You don’t have to volunteer for the PTFA to join the Facebook Group. Although you may find the sparkling wit and friendly nature of the parents, friends and carers will be incentive enough to get stuck in and help with one of our events.

Easy Money/100 clubWant to make your fortune and help the PTFA with fundraising?

Contact Hilary Cox or email [email protected] to see if there are any numbers available.

There are now four cash prizes and the winners are drawn monthly and announced via the Facebook Group. Last year the PTFA raised £589 from the 100 Club – everyone is a winner! Do you need labels for all those school clothes?

Then look no further than! Quote Swallowfield School MK17 on an orders, on-line, post or telephone as a 20% donation goes to our PTFA fundraising.

RecyclingThe School collects print cartridges and mobile phones which are recycled with a small donation returned to the school. They also collect stamps and plastic bottle tops to help local charities with their fundraising. So start collecting and bring them into School Reception!

PTFA Go GreenA great way of keeping you all updated is via email. Please help us save time, paper and our environment by giving us your email address. If you haven’t done so already, email us at [email protected] so we can add you to the PTFA list.

Please note: these details are

Big Up! PTFA Helpers:Everyone who has helped organise events, set up, clear up, bought cakes and teas and been there - you’re awesome!

If you have any queries contact Claire Sim or [email protected]