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G.E. Moore's “Proof of an External World”While it is true that G.E. Moore's “Proof of an External World” does live up to its name (in

terms of intent, at least), his actual argument does not appear until the concluding part of the essay. This might seem curious, but it is quite intentional because the main advancement of the exercise lies primarily in clearing the space in which such argumentation can operate.

An important step towards this end is Moore's careful analysis of what is meant by the internality to which this externality (an “external” world) is opposite. As he makes clear, the answer here will determine “what kind of proof” is actually sought. One way of talking about this internality is the word “me”. for example, one might ask: How do I know that things external to me exist? But this is ambiguous because the meaning of the words “I”, “me”, or “self” presents difficult philosophical problems. As Descartes shows in his Meditations and elsewhere, it ought not to mean the body because it is perfectly intuitive to talk about how I see my hands or my feet. This seems to place the body in the “external” realm—whatever that may be. Moore concludes—with Descartes—that any distinction between internal and external things ought to be determined in terms of the mind. So, for example, the interesting question would be: How do I know that things external to my mind exist? Mind is a useful word here because it seems to make a clear distinction between a purely private, subjective perception of the thing and a common, objective existence of “the thing itself.”

But there is another distinction to be made before the argument can progress: namely, that between “things external to my mind” and “things to be met with in space.” Even though all things in the latter category seem to fit into the former category, it is not the case that all things in the former category fit into the latter. For example, Moore draws on the idea of “after images” (images that stay temporarily in view even if eyes are closed). While it does make sense to say that these images are external to the mind—after all, I see the after image—we can also know intuitively that they are private. Therefore Moore makes the distinction in order to denote the special class of things that are external to the mind and also available publicly in space. It is this category of things that he is interested in proving.

Finally, before making his case, Moore sets three criteria which measure the success of an argument. 1. The premises must differ from the conclusion; if they do not, then such an “argument” is actually just an uninteresting claim. 2. The premises must be known; if they are not, then the argument is suspect because it could be unsound even if it is valid. 3. The conclusion must follow from the premises; if it does not, then the argument is a non-sequitur and therefore neither valid nor sound. Moore presents his proof in such a way that (for him) satisfies all of these criteria.

The common sense argument proceeds as follows:1. This is a hand [with a gesture, perhaps].2. Here is another hand.

Therefore, there is an external world. This argument seems to satisfy the first above criterion because “this is a hand” is logically stronger than “there is an external world”; it makes a different claim. Perhaps controversially, Moore appeals to common sense in order to claim that it satisfies the second criterion. There is just no reason to believe that “this is a hand” is false; however there is reason to believe that it is true. Finally, Moore believes that the third criterion is met because the existence of an external world is carried in the definition of what a hand is; therefore if a hand (which is an external object) exists, then it logically follows that an external world exists.

So, although Moore's proof might be difficult for philosophers to accept intuitively, it is difficult to locate specifically which of his three criteria is left unmet by the argument. In this way, innumerable arguments can be given (feet, books, coats, etc.) to prove the existence of the eternal world.