Download - Product Name: COMPACtenna 20 Meter Band ! only 20” tall...Model: 20M/2M/440 20 Meter Band ! only 20” tall !! Meets the NEED for High Performance in Limited Spaces T his small antenna

Page 1: Product Name: COMPACtenna 20 Meter Band ! only 20” tall...Model: 20M/2M/440 20 Meter Band ! only 20” tall !! Meets the NEED for High Performance in Limited Spaces T his small antenna

Product Name: COMPACtenna Model: 20M/2M/440

20 Meter Band !

only 20” tall !!

Meets the NEED for High Performance in Limited Spaces

This small antenna works well on a small Ground Plane/Counterpoise Shown here using a ⅜”-24 thread magnet mount

on a small (only 3’ x 4’) commonly available galvanized steel flat sheet in a closet or attic, or on a steel patio table:

By using a small flat metal sheet or mesh which is only about 3’ X 3’ that the antenna is mounted to, good (V)SWR’s and performance result with the COMPACtenna Model 20M/2M/440. [Note: For standard type technology antennas, this small size ground plane would typically be quite inadequate for the 20 Meter band, potentially resulting not only in poor (V)SWR’s but also RF on the outside of the coaxial shield coming back down toward the radio. This is undesirable for a number of reasons including unpredictable signal patterns with the outside of the shield of the coax acting as a poor counterpoise radiator, as well as noise, and transceiver/amplifier possible concerns.]

Unique Magnetic Field Resonator (Less Receiver Noise), Electric/Magnetic Field Diversity Science & Technology Design

Superior Science Performance in NLOS (Non-Line-Of-Sight) Obstructed Environments such as due to buildings, hills, in valley location, indoor installation. This provides for a Unique Low Cost Easy Installation Base Station Antenna in an attic as well as a variety of limited-space locations.

Power Rating: 100 Watts HF, 85 Watts 2M; 50 Watts 440 [Duty Cycle at max. power rating: Maximum total transmit time of 1 minute in any 3 minute period.

Hotter conditions such as higher ambient temperature, sun exposure, lesser air flow, etc. decrease duty cycle.]

Gain: Unity

[Due to its Unique Science, Performance is greater than predicted based on gain alone in NLOS (Non-Line-Of-Sight)

environments which is the world we live in.] (V)SWR: Nominal < 2:1 14.15 - 14.35 MHz (20 Meter Band); 144-148 MHz (2 Meter Band); 420-450 MHz (440 Band)

Each Antenna quality tested. [Design and specifications subject to change without notice.]