Download - Presentation by Ms. Irina Karimova, The President of Academy of Education of Tajikistan

Page 1: Presentation by Ms. Irina Karimova, The President of Academy of Education of Tajikistan

Central Asian Forum

On the role of education in ensuring the rights of children with

disabilities in Tajikistan

Irina Karimova Dushanbe, Tajikistan

August 2013

Page 2: Presentation by Ms. Irina Karimova, The President of Academy of Education of Tajikistan

Legislative Framework

Education Act, the Republic of Tajikistan, Article 6:

The State shall guarantee to every child, regardless of nationality, race, sex, health status, religion, health, the right to free


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Law and Policies to Promote the Rights of CwD

Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education;"

Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons" (Article 24);

National concept of inclusive education for children with disabilities 2011 - 2015;

National Strategy for Education Development 2020.

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CwD and the Education Sector

At present, the Republic of Tajikistan has a population of more than 7 million people.

Of which, 146,000 are people with disabilities, including 12,500 children under the age of 16 years;

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Educational Institutions

486 pre-school institutions;3830 schools, consisting of:

670 primary schools (grades 1 - 4)801 basic school (grades 1 - 9)2,099 secondary schools (grades 1 - 11)

76 boarding schools.

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Educational Institutions for CwD

5 schools for preschool children with disabilities, covering 730 children;

The Government of Tajikistan operates 76 boarding schools: 13 of which are for CWD and 5 for children with tuberculosis.

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The Principles of Inclusive Education in the Republic of Tajikistan

Inclusive (universal) education; ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities of access to education;

Responsibility of the state and civil society to ensure access to education;

Identify and record the individual characteristics and needs of the individual in the organization of the educational process;

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The Principles of Inclusive Education in the Republic of Tajikistan

Creating an enabling environment for inclusive education to ensure the priority of individual needs of the child in receiving (special) education;

Accounting abilities (talent and genius) of the child at the organization of the learning process.

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Promoting Inclusive Education

The Ministry of Education has a Department for Boarding Schools and Special Education, under which there is a focal person for Inclusive Education;

The Ministry of Education hosted an International Conference on Inclusive Education in 2011;

The conference resulted in the Inclusive Education Concept Paper;

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Promoting Inclusive Education

With the support of OSI, the Ministry of Education established a Resource Centre Chair for Inclusive Education;

The Ministry of Education annually organises a summer school that promotes and offers inclusive education;

With the support of OSI, the Tajik State Pedagogical University has opened a Centre on Inclusive Education and is offering courses to its students (pre-service teachers) in inclusive education;

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Promoting Inclusive Education

With support from UNICEF and AKF, the ECE curriculum for alternative models promotes and supports inclusive education;

Parents’ Associations and local NGOs are actively working to promote inclusive education and ensure the right to access quality education for CwD.

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Lack of data, especially on CwD who are out of school or who are home-schooled;

Lack of human resources with appropriate training;

Lack of teaching and learning materials;Lack of training opportunities for teaching


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The Ministry of Education is revising the current curriculum based on the principles of inclusive education;

Development of cooperation with foreign organizations and partners to learn from the experience and practice of the transition to an inclusive education;

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The GPE-4 will support the production of teaching and learning materials;

UNICEF is supporting a baseline study to identify CwD for better programming and access to schools;

UNICEF will be supporting the development and implementation of a course for in-service teachers on inclusive education;

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Contact Details

Academy of Education of Tajikistan

Address: Ayni Street, 45, DushanbeWebsite: www.aot.tjEmail: [email protected]: +992 372 2746 66

+992 907 72 55 94