Download - Presentation 7: Pharmacology and the Respiratory System

  • 1. By: Maria R. Garcia
    Pharmacology and the Respiratory System
  • 2. Antibiotic
    An Antibiotic is a medicine that kills bacteria causing respiratory infections, helping control infection
    There are a variety of antibiotics and a hundred of drugs that help control infection
    A doctor will prescribe an antibiotic depending on the type of infection you may have
  • 3. Antibiotic: Amoxicillin
    Amoxicillin treats bacterial infections and is a penicillin type of antibiotic. It is not for treating viral infections, such as the common cold or flu.
    Amoxicillin is used treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as Strep Throat and Tonsillitis, Infection of the Middle Ear by H. Influenza Bacteria, Infection of the Middle Ear caused by Streptococcus, Middle Ear Infection, Acute Bacterial Infection of the Sinuses, Severe Sinusitis bladder infections, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and E. coli or salmonella infection to name a few.
    This medication should be taken with food usually every 8-12 hours (depending on dosage). Antibiotics are known to weaken birth control pills and should not be taken when breast feeding
  • 4. Antihistamine
    Is a drug that controls the histamine released during an allergic reaction which blocks the histamine when it is released.
    It does not stop the allergic reaction but helps protect the tissue from its effects.
    Type of medications: Benadryl, Allegra, Claritin
  • 5. Antihistamine: Claritin
    Claritin is used to temporarily relieve the symptoms of hay fever, substances in the air and other seasonal allergies.
    The symptoms include: sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat.
    Claritin is also used to treat skin hives and itching for people with chronic skin reactions.
    Classified as FDA category B: not expected to be harmful to unborn baby
    You should not take Claritin if you are allergic to loratadine or to desloratadine (Clarinex).
    Claritin is usually taken once per day and may cause drowsiness.
  • 6. Decongestant
    Reduces stuffiness and nasal congestion throughout the respiratory system by causing blood vessel constriction and reducing blood flow to the nasal passage.
    Nasal sprays are used to provide temporary relief to clear nasal passage ways such as Afrin, Sudafed and Nasonex to name a few.
  • 7. Decongestant: Afrin
    Afrin is a nasal spray available over the counter and is used to provide temporary relief caused by colds, allergies, hay fever, sinus congestion and pressure.
    It works by constricting (shrinking) blood vessels in your body. Constricting the blood vessels allows drainage and a decrease in congestion.
    Afrin should be used for 3-5 days. Pro-long use could cause damage to the nasal tissue and lead to chronic congestion.
    Consult with your physician if pregnant or are taking other medications.