Download - presentatie Je grenzen verleggen FIIW 2013-2014

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International student exchanges Faculty of Engineering Technology 2016-2017


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Why (not) ?

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There is a world out there waiting for you!

Enrich your academic background

Make international friends for life….


Work on your social skills

Learn new languages

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Start: find your way around….

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Possibilities for a study abroad experience WHEN?

• 3rd Bachelor: course semester abroad

• Master: course semester or Master thesis

• Postgraduate programme in Innovation and

Entrepreneurship in engineering

• Internship for graduated students (before 12

months after study)

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Application Requirements

• Exchange in Bachelor

o Minimum 70 credits completed over 3 semesters

o Have the possibility to finish your bachelor in the year of

the exchange

• Exchange in Master : possibility to graduate in the year of

the exchange

• Others – specific requirements

Please note, even if you meet above conditions, this doesn't guarantee your participation in an exchange program. A selection will still be made among all candidates.

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Programmes and grants (1)

• Erasmus+ (100+)o Study

o Placement

• Erasmus Belgica

• Projects in the South (15)o Development cooperation – globally

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Programmes and grants (2)


o Turkey, Morocco, Brazil, South-Africa

o 3 grants

• ASEM DUO (1)

o Vietnam, China, India, Korea

o competitive

• Flemish grants out EU (3)

o Worldwide

o 3 grants

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Programmmes to USA

• Only possible grant is Flemish grants out EU (3)

• Living expense is relatively high (+8,000 €)

• Olin College (Boston)



• Stevens Institute of Technology (New York)



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- For course semester or


- 28 EU countries +






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• Exchange between 3 and 12 months as part of study

programme (with credits allocated)

• Erasmus grants for bachelor, master, PhD level

• No registration / tuition fee at guest institution

• KU Leuven insurance continues

• Recognition via ECTS system

• List of partner universities on faculty’s website (you can

also contact your campus responsible)

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Erasmus+ grants

Erasmus+ study grants 2014 – 2020

• Group 1 countries: 335 euro/month

• Group 2 countries: 285 euro/month

• Group 3 countries: 235 euro/month

For Erasmus placement: 100 euro/month extra

For students with Flemish grant: 100 euro/month extra

Group 1: FR, IT, UK, AT, FI, SE, DK, IE, NO, LI, CH

Group 2: ES, DE, TR, NL, BE, CZ, PT, GR, SI, HR, LU, CY, IS

Group 3: PL, RO, HU, LT, SK, BG, LV, EE, MT

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Erasmus Belgica

• Study in French, a new experience!

• Exchanges for study or placement in Brussels or Wallonia

• Grants from Prins Filipfonds: 100 euro/month + 100 euro

starting cost

• Conditions and organisation: see Erasmus+

in Belgium

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Projects in the South

• Provide water supply with the vzw Water4Ghana project in


• Design and build a solar boiler with HUMASOL in Peru…

• Design and install a solar panel system in a hospital in


Development cooperation

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Humasol project in Peru

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Water supply installation

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Projects in the South - What’s in?

• Bachelor and Master or Thesis research

• Minimum 6 weeks

• Grant is 1000 euro

• Destination: 54 countries in the South

• 15 grants for our faculty in 2017

• Apply before 17 March 2017

• All info at

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Preparation infosession (1 hour)

• Practical preparation (documents, safety, health) organised on different

campuses and in Leuven for students going OUT OF EU

• Please register in advance:

When Where Time

Donderdag 17 november Leuven 13:00 tot 14:00 uur

Dinsdag 13 december Heverlee 12:30 tot 13:30 uur

Donderdag 9 maart Leuven 13:00 tot 14:00 uur

Dinsdag 21 maart Heverlee 12:30 tot 13:30 uur

Donderdag 20 april Leuven 13:00 tot 14:00 uur

Dinsdag 25 april Heverlee 12:30 tot 13:30 uur

Thursday, April 27 Leuven 19:00 till 20:00 session in English for international students

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Interculture preparation (1 day)

• Mandatory for students travelling to the South

• Themes: intercultural communication, living and working in the south ….

• Please register in advance:

• This day is also offered in Brussels, Gent, Antwerp, Hasselt (dates on the

website) .

Wanneer? Waar? Hoe laat?

Zaterdag 26 november Leuven 9:30 tot 16:30 uur

Zaterdag 25 maart Leuven 9:30 tot 16:30 uur

Zaterdag 29 april Leuven 9:30 tot 16:30 uur

Saturday, March 18 Brussels 9:30 am till 16:30 pm in English for international students

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Step 1: Search for a guest university

• List of all possible partners via the link on faculty’s website

• Campus Group T favoured partners: list in My Group T


Bachelor or Master

• Get help from your department’s Erasmus coordinator or

international officier on your campus

• For Master thesis, please contact your department’s thesis

responsible professor as early as possible!

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Step 2: Language preparation

• The EU requires level B1 as a starting level for the working

language of the exchange

• Online test (before and after) for the 11 most widely used

languages is compulsory for Erasmus students

• Online language guidance (not obliged)

• Mention your plan in the motivation letter

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Step 3: Apply for studying abroad

Via KU Loket (“aanvraag studieperiode buitenland”)

• Write an motivation letter (Why & How to prepare)

• Deadline for exchanges in 2017-18:

1st March 2017

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Application Procedures (KU Loket)

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Practical information for exchange students

• No registration/tuition fee at guest university but at KU


• Flemish scholarship remains

• KU Leuven insurance continues

• Student receives only KU Leuven diploma

• Don’t forget to arrange accommodation abroad & Leuven

• Recognition of your results via ECTS table

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Recognition of your results

ECTS credit system is used for the transfer of credits abroad:

1. For courses

2. For Master’s thesis


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• Check yourself before leaving! (Vaccinations…)

• KU Leuven insurance applies only to physical damage

during the study activities that are part of your study abroad

• Extra travel insurance from KU Leuven (1,13 euro/dag)

• Ask for medical card from your insurance company

Inform us about any accidents abroad as well!

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Further information & Contact us







Faculty international liaisons

[email protected]

or [email protected]

Campus Group T Leuven

[email protected]

[email protected]

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And … Now at information market in Naamsestraat 22 at 8 PM

( with a free drink !)