Download - · Pre Service Teaching Training at Meycauayan National High School Bancal In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for Bachelor of Secondary Education


Pre Service Teaching Training


Meycauayan National High School


In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

Submitted by:

Pequit, Pauline Joyce D. (Leader)


Alcanar, Rustom E.

Benedicto, Michael R.

Bermudez, Aubrey Y.

Biscocho, Mary john D.

Botor, Janet L.

Cruz, Rosenda F.

Eugenio, Mariz F.

Liwanag, Reynalen L.

Llorente, Julie Anne

Pajarillo, Ma. Criselda A.

Roberto, Ryo G.

Tapleras, Jannet Z.

Submitted to:

Mrs. Ma. Paz G. Contreras

(March 14, 2016)

The Pre- Service Teachers

in Meycauayan National

High School Bancal


Pequit, Pauline Joyce D.


Alcanar, Rustom E.

Benedicto, Michael R.

Bermudez, Aubrey Y.

Biscocho, Mary john D.

Botor, Janet L.

Cruz, Rosenda F.

Eugenio, Mariz F.

Liwanag, Reynalen L.

Llorente, Julie Anne

Pajarillo, Ma. Criselda A.

Roberto, Ryo G.

Tapleras, Jannet Z.


In behalf of all the Pre-service Teachers, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following

who served as our guidance, mentor, avenue for improvement, and especially as motivators, who helped us in making

our teaching journey truly worthwhile.

First of all, we want to give back all the glory to our Dear God, for enlightening us in the times that we

badly needed strength and wisdom.

Mayor Joan V. Alarilla, for being one of the founders of our Alma Mater, MQAPC. Without them, we

cannot find ourselves in the place where we are right now.

Our School Administrators, for untiringly giving us the trainings we need to surely equip us with the skills

as required by the competent society of today.

Mrs. Ma. Paz G. Contreras, for always being our second mom. Whenever we need suggestions and advices,

she is always there for us. She is one of the most unforgettable professors we have in our college life with her amazing


The TEP Department, for serving as our basic training ground with the programs and activities they

provided us especially in the initial years of our college days.

Ms. Melita Ajose, the OIC of MNHS Bancal, and the Principal, Mrs. Rosalina G. Santos, for

welcoming us with a big heart in their institution and let us be part of the actual learning experience of their students,

who now become our students too.

Our Cooperating Teachers, for being our overseers. They serve as the ones reminding us the dos and don’ts

from the lesson planning up to the actual days of teaching.

Our Beloved Family, for being so supportive in each phase we face from the very beginning of our college

journey up to now that we are almost at the edge of making our dreams real.

Our Uniquely Irreplaceable Classmates, for witnessing every single detail of our search to surpass the

challenges awaited us and will still be awaiting us.

To all our Co-Student Teachers, from MQAPC, for being our shoulder in times we need someone or even

more than one, to express our unexplainable experiences within the four corners of our classroom; and also, as our

hands for helping us in some of the tasks that seem we cannot do. Another, to the student teachers from BSU, who

become our close friends even for a short time we have to spend together. They stand as ears in times we have

innumerable stories to tell right after we teach our students.

To all who are part of our colorful and enjoyable journey, all these are real. From our hearts,


-The Student Teachers of MNHS-Bancal


Statement of Purpose

Teacher’s Prayer

Teacher’s Creed

Personal Educational Philosophy

Reflections (FS 1-6)

Brief Description of the Practicum Site


Our mission


Sample Lesson Plan




Best Lesson Plan Using Creative Strategies

with Final Demo Photographs

On-the-job Training

First Day of Teaching

Final Demo Experience

Career Plan

Curriculum Vitae

Memorandum of Agreement


Letters of Approval

Schedule of Final Demonstration Teaching

Statement of Purpose This portfolio is a collection of pre-service teachers’ works in their

cooperating school, MNHS Bancal. This is to show that they

completed the required 300hours and did the needed teaching duties

and responsibilities. The contents of this prove that they improved,

excelled and enjoyed in their craft; not only in the field of teaching but

also with their meaningful interaction (with learners, faculty

members, school staff, and heads), which manifest learning and

integration to them by the entire time they stay at the said institution.

Shown in the photographs and reflections the student teachers;

embracing the reality that sooner or later, they can be one of the

captains in the journey of the ship, the lives of students.

Teacher’s Prayer

Teacher’s Creed

Personal Educational Philosophy

I believe that…

“Education is not only about academics but also about molding our students

through values and good traits that they will see in their teachers.”

-Rustom E. Alcanar

I believe that…

“The end goal of education is attitude. It is not about good school performance,

consistent high grades; as teachers, we must focus on both size, not only in academic

but also we must mold their characters and help them to become a better person. They

are the future leaders of the next generation.”

- Michael R. Benedicto

I believe that…

“2 Teach it

+ 2 Touch lives

4 ever learning”

-Ryo G. Roberto

I believe that…

“Teaching is not just a job or a career; it is a ‘twenty-four, seven’ identity –

twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Nevertheless, what a teacher receives, a

teacher gives.”

-Aubrey Y. Bermudez

I believe that…

Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in

the lives of their students.

-Mary John D. Biscocho

I believe that…

Teaching is like a lesson to be learned first. A man should be the one who’ll

learn first from his own lesson before he’ll teach others. By that, he can easily

justify things and he can prove it to others without hesitation. I believe that

anyone don’t have a right to teach if they are not the one who’ll learn first from

what they are teaching.

-Janet L. Botor

I believe that…

Education is the best way to achieve goals and to succeed in every challenge

that may come your way.

-Rosenda F. Cruz

I believe that…

A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and

wisdom in the pupils.

-Mariz F. Eugenio

I believe that…

A true teacher is retrieving the past and can appreciate and treasure the


-Reynalen L. Liwanag

I believe that…

Teachers are meant to be there 24/7 because what she does is not only to teach

but to care.

-Julie Anne Llorente

I believe that…

You have to grow on the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you

spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

-Criselda A. Pajarillo

I believe that…

Teaching without passion is like a car without gasoline. You can’t go

anywhere and most especially you can’t enjoy the ride that is called – a journey.

-Pauline Joyce D. Pequit

I believe that…

To the world, you’re maybe a teacher but to your students you are a HERO.

-Jannet Z. Tapleras



Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

It’s my first to visit a school and to observe their environment. I’ve

experienced how it feels if you are already in this field. I’ve encounter many

student with different personalities, teachers and the way they teach and also

their facilities. John Paul Benedict School is a private school catered

kindergarten to grade six and high school from first year to fourth year. They

have a very small facilities but I enjoy looking around because it’s like a house

that has a very peaceful atmosphere. Since it is a catholic school I’ve notice

how respectful they are and manifested to their environment. Truly, teaching

is a very exciting field but it requires lots of responsibilities and concerns.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

In this episode of field study I understand how classroom management

affects the learning of the students. Well organized facilities, good condition

classrooms, proper ventilations, sufficient lightings and seating arrangements

are highly expected in every school. Those things are included to consider when

it comes to learning. Even how good you are in teaching but insufficient with

these, there will always be something missing. I realized how students have a

hard time to learn because of lack of these things even they are trying their

best. They can’t focus themselves on what they are talking about with their

lessons. That’s why we have to consider these things and find ways to improve

them with the help of each other.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Truly, we are now living in 21st century and technology is still growing

and most students are aware in using it such as touchscreen cellphones and

computers. They are now enjoying most of the time using it and in this time,

we observe how it is being used in learning environment. In the school that we

observed, we’d notices that teachers are still applying the traditional system of

learning wherein they still used manila papers in making visual aid, chalk

and board in the discussion and no computer laboratory available. One thing

I’ve realized, if we are not following this modern world we could not attain

our goal to pursue betterment in our community especially schools, because in

education produces good and successful citizen who will help to improve our


Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

It is my second time to visit a private school and observe and determine

about their curriculum. They are already following the k-12 curriculum and

in my opinion the idea of this curriculum is useful and effective because it is

more student- centered wherein the role of a teacher is just to facilitate through

variety of task or activities. Most of their teachers prepared lot of activities. They

are not confined in discussion but often in task, they are to give instructions

and they let the students work on that. Their books and materials are also

inclines with their curriculum. Our role as teacher is to let our students be

motivated to learn though hands-on and authentic variety of activities.

Teacher’s preparation and student’s participation are needed to attain a better


Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

In this study, I’ve learned that validating the test is very important in

assessing the students. It really help us to determine and to make sure of what

test item or questions are we going to give to our students that best suit to their

objectives in learning. Students have a hard time to answer because some of the

questions or items given are not covered with the lesson. It affects the

performance of the teachers and also the students. In this matter, we could make

it sure that they can perform well in their examination because we already

give them the coverage of the exam.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

In this experience, I’ve learned about my commitment as a professional

teacher. I have to comply with my responsibility as teacher especially in

handling students. There should always have a willingness to give your time

and talents. I will be a good role model to them in attitude, in the way I speak

and act. I will not break the rules and regulations as a teacher. Communication

to their parents is very important. I will attend meeting concerning with school

programs; school rules implementation and ne things are t consider or the

improvement of the school. I will encourage them to be a good and effective

students and citizens of our community rather than letting them to waste their

time in non-sense things.

-Rustom E. Alcanar

FS 1: The Learners Development and Environment

Readiness is prerequisite for learning. Subject matter and learning

experiences must be provided that begin where the learner is. This statement is

true in my previous observation up to now, I can say that environment have

an important role in the students learning development, its not enough that

you have lesson plan, beautiful visual aids, and a good teaching strategies, good

facilities, proper ventilation and cleanliness in the room are also important.

I remember when I administer the unit test in grade 7, as they taking the

test one of the students approached me, he said that sir can I borrow the electric

fan in the office? It’s very hot here in our classroom. Then, I reply yes you may

go to the office and get the electric fan. When I turn on the electric fan several

students go in front and the others divert their attention to their classmate and

start complaining, so to be fair to all I decided to turn off the electric fan. Many

students are irritated while answering the test.

FS 2: Experiencing the Teaching and Learning Process

Students must be motivated to learn. Learning activities should be

provided that can sustain the needs, interest and aspiration of the students.

Motivation is your starting point to get the attention of your students; it can be

a set of words/ pictures, trivia, or a game. I remember my first day in practice

teaching, when I entered the room and greet my students I ask them to divide

the class into two groups, they read the instruction to answer the chart but

suddenly they cannot fill-up the chart in short period of time. I did not able

to discuss my lesson for today.

I realized that the motivation is important but our priority is to discuss

the lesson give them evaluation to test if they understand the lesson five minutes

is enough for motivation. Focus on your objectives, emphasize your topic, discuss

the lesson, have your evaluation and gave them assignment.

FS 3: Technology and Learning Process

What is technology? Maybe it is a typical setting where in the students

are sitting properly while watching the power point presentation of the teacher,

everything that you need is there; good facilities; proper ventilation and a

smooth discussion while the students are participating in the recitation.

Technology is not only a computer or power point presentation it also

refer to the instructional materials. As a 21st century learners but we know that

it has its advantage cannot use the computer if we don’t have electricity, the

students at the back will not be able to see the power point presentation because

of the limited size of the TV screen that’s why I can say that manila paper,

chalk and board cannot substitute by technology.

FS 4: Exploring the Curriculum

In my previous observation, I realized the importance of lesson plan

because when the subject matter to be learned it must possesses meaning,

organization, and structure that is clear to the students, then learning proceeds

rapidly and retain longer. We use k+12 module , it is a compilation of activities

that we can use; but I noticed something, several of the module are not

organized specially in grade 8 there is no table of contents, the pages are not

properly arranged and some activities are not applicable in real life situation.

Lesson plan serves as the guide on how the teacher will execute the lesson

he must think of different strategies that can meet the needs of the students;

but I hate the detailed lesson plan. In my opinion, we don’t need to write the

lesson word for word it is not realistic. Semi-detailed is enough, write your

objectives, follow the subject matter, simple classroom routine. Next, discuss the

lesson and lastly give evaluation to test if they really understand the lesson. We

can also give some activities to practice what they have learned, also it is

important to write your assignment on the board.

FS 5: Learning Environment and Strategies

Learning never stop it is a continuous process. Based on my previous years

and when I started my OJT I noticed that every section have different

characteristic like individual person; because we have diversity of learners

that they have different needs. The strategies in teaching you used in first

section maybe not effective to the second, third or last section you handle and

as a teacher you must be aware to the atmosphere inside the classroom.

Behaviors that are reinforced (rewarded) are more likely to be learned

when you entered the room there is chaos; pieces of paper on the floor, the

chairs are not properly arrange and while you are in the middle of the

discussion your students are not paying attention. As a teacher we must know

our students, “accept them who they are” listen to their experience always

remember that every person have goodness in their heart and the teacher can

make or break a student.

FS 6: On Becoming a Teacher

“Teaching is not a job it’s a calling”. I am not idealistic person there is

no such thing a perfect teaching strategies, it is to become a teacher, everyday

you must make a lesson plan, visual aids, and study the lesson because you

cannot teach what you do not know and you cannot give you do not have.

There is a need for self-assessment improve his teaching styles, re-examination

of teacher’s attitudes, beliefs and perception is also needed because students

may differ in race, ethnic or religious groups, languages spoken and economic


As a teacher we must give value to individual differences of the students,

we must know their prior knowledge and we must listen to their experiences.

The teachers sometimes are not aware of cultural norms that exist in diverse

culture, which is often interfere with teaching and learning.. Learn to help

the students acquire social skill needed to interact effectively to others and

avoid or eliminate stereotyping and other related biases that they have negative

effects to the student’s personality as a second parents we must help our students

to became better individuals.

-Michael R. Benedicto

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

This focuses on how the learners develop and gain knowledge within

their learning environment which is deemed to be conducive for them to gain

acquire knowledge they need. This is one of my most unforgettable FS course

because we were sent into different cooperating schools and observed the various

aspects other learning environment that affect learner’s development.

Through this course, I realized the needs of the public schools such as

classrooms, books, and chairs that the government should pay attention for.

There must be improvements in the facilities of those schools which are

really in need of these resources.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

This course is one of the best FS courses because this is intended to help

the FS students observe the application of principles of teaching and learning.

This helped me observed how our Resource Teachers develop their lessons in

the various domains by the use of teaching methods and activities to attain the

intended learning outcomes. It also gave me opportunities to observe the process

of teaching and learning since this course is outcomes- based one.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

As a future teacher, this gave me idea in developing and utilizing

appropriate technology to facilitate learning because this is in-lined with our

previous Edtech 1-2 subjects. This provided me the objectives of this course such

as to select the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners; apply

the principles of developing instructional materials; and develop and utilize

instructional materials appropriate into a chosen subject area.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

This brought me into the realization of a teacher as Curricularist, the

teacher as an editor of curriculum, the meaning of curriculum, the various

types of curricula in schools, and the approaches about school curriculum, the

foundation of curriculum development, stakeholders in curriculum

development and the teacher as the curriculum implementer and manager.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

This is the application of our previous Assessment of Learning 1-2

subjects in which this provided me with opportunities to attain an experiential

understanding of the process of assessing learning and the various strategies of

assessing. This also helped me observed how the principles and strategies of

assessment are applied in the classroom. As a future teacher, with the

knowledge of this course, I will definitely arrive at an experiential knowledge

and understanding of the principles of assessment; observe authentic assessment

in action; and acquire a working knowledge of different kinds of assessment

tools and other assessment-related processes.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

As one of the experiential learning course, it tells the journey of how to

become a teacher as exemplified in the Teacher Education and Development

Map: the Pre- Service education.

Thus, all the experiential activities for this FS are related to the in-depth

understanding, testing of learned theories and concepts through immersion and

observation in real life situations that are related to the teaching profession for

personal reflection, formation of concepts and future application.

Concrete experience includes everything that the prospective teacher is

tasked to do in the school setting and the learning environment where

engagement in real and authentic situation is required.

-Ryo G. Roberto

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

In my FS1 experience, it was the very first field study I ever had that’s

why it was really unforgettable for me. I was able to see the actual learner’s

development and environment. I had the realizations that students are all

unique with different needs, wants and personalities. I concluded that learners

belong into particular intelligence according to Howard Gardner’s Multiple

Intelligences. Students vary, for this reason the teacher must have with her the

numerous strategies and techniques to help the learners cope up with the lesson

being discussed. Also the environment plays a big role in the holistic

development of the learners that is why the school community must ensure a

safe and sound type of learning environment. Students are holistic individuals,

some manner that they need holistic features of educational system that could

allow them to grow better every day.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

Having the experience to enter the actual learning community, I deeper

understand what it really means on becoming a teacher. There are different

principles I initially learned from the class and find its realization in the real

world. The following are the principles of learning I made based on my FS

2Experience. Learning is heart that pumps the blood to reach the organs they

destined to go, it gives direction to a person. Learning is a magnifying glass that

focuses on the student and makes him improve his talents. Learning is a jackpot

won from a game show that has an equal amount depending on the level and

quality acquired. Learning is a war that must be fought together with a group,

not minding the barriers waiting. Learning is history; it repeats itself and adds

improvements. Learning is a medical surgery that sometimes becomes a success

and sometimes a bit of failure. Learning is a robot that knows how to manage

himself. Learning is a painting; it speaks for itself and made a highly

intellectual mind. Learning is a blue moon that rarely appears which has a

unique feature. Lastly, principles of learning require holistic approach to meet

all then three domains.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

My over-all insight regarding my FS3 experience is that, it made me

aware of what’s really happening in each school facility, especially with

regards to the high technology facilities that help student learning become more

efficient but sometimes because of the lack of knowledge the teachers have about

the usage of the said materials, stagnation later arrives.

But above all there upgraded instruments are only a tool for the students

to learn; everything will still depend on how the teacher acts effectively as

facilitator and mentor.

This FS experience taught me that materials are instruments for the

teacher to deliver his subject matter with flying colors but still it is the teacher’s

mastery that counts more at the end of the day.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

In my FS 4 experience,” Exploring the Curriculum”, I better understood that

educational system in our country is truly dynamic making it appropriate to

the demands of the economy and the whole world. From the Basic Education

Curriculum it was improved into Revised Basic Education Curriculum and

now it turned out to be K to 12 Curriculum. These changes would mean

challenge to the DepEd and the government but it is not what really needed in

the fat changing world. Curriculum plays a big role in making the Teaching-

Learning process work out in an effective manner. It gives direction to the

teacher on what she should be expecting from her students. Nevertheless,

curriculum is the behind the scenes element for the teacher to teach with


Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

Based on my FS 5 experience, I learned and be more opened that there is

no such thing as best assessment method that is appropriate for all types of


Since there is the diversity of learners which also needs different

strategies and assessment in which that can be more suitable for their


Those different assessment methods are created in order address the gaps

among the learners toward their teacher. So, the teacher has to be considerate

in using the said assessment methods.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

“On Becoming a Teacher”- the theme of my last FS (FS6), it gave me the

realization that I should become a role model as inspiration to my future


Nowadays that the world is fast approaching to its more than a globalized

one; youth seems to become worse that they need a role model to lead on what

they should be and what they should not be. We are aware that values often

times are forgotten like respect to the elders, studying well, courting and courted

in the right age, and respecting oneself through practicing high moral acts that

make us clearly see the effects of modernity and becoming a trend to youth.

That’s why; teacher must have this role to act as a model to improve our youth


-Aubrey Y. Bermudez

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

Teaching is the noblest profession and a teacher is the one who influence

the students to become better individual. Teacher also helps the students to

develop and to face a certain task. Learning environment may also be the factor

that can affect the learning of students, the condition on how students are

comfortable to the environment. Also, learning environment helps students to

become more motivated in learning because they know how to interact. This is

the thing that may help the learners to develop which we must consider.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

Teaching students is one of the hardest things to do. You need to be more

knowledgeable when you enter in the actual classroom situation. Many

preparations are needed and when it comes to learning process, you should

know the needs of the students. Those learning help to improve ourselves as a

student, for us to be more competitive enough. Experiencing this process is

difficult but one must learn and experience many things from it.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

As a 21st century generation, we tend to use technology in learning. All

of us know how to do or manipulate those kinds of technology as materials in

learning environment. Technology may help us to make everything easier, as

years pass by; we are in a modern society in which all the things are now

updated. Technology in the learning environment has good and bad effects on

a 21st century learners, maybe we can use it as a learning material but on the

other reason, sometimes it may cause bad influence to the students.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

As a global teacher, you should know how to explore a curriculum to

become more competitive enough in teaching profession. As a teacher, you

should be flexible enough in all aspects of teaching for you to understand more

how this curriculum must be taught in your students. As a teacher, you must

be knowledgeable in teaching the curriculum itself.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

Using learning assessment strategies is one of the good tools in teaching.

It is the way on how you know the total outcome/ product of every student

about their performance in a certain lesson. It also helps you to measure the

student’s intelligence and things which do we think is easy of difficult for the

students. In assessment, fairness is not only a matter of teacher’s attitude towards

the students. It also involves the use of assessment tools that are appropriate,

valid and reliable.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

When I become a professional teacher, I should give the quality of

education that my students need. I need to meet the standards of being a

professional teacher. I will give the best service that a teacher must do in

teaching. I should make considerations to my students. Also, as a professional

teacher, I should teach them on how to be a good individual in our society that

molds them as a better individual. Professional teacher must be competitive

enough in all aspects of teaching profession. Teachers are the one who influence

the students in a lifelong learning. A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell

where his influence stops.

-Mary John D. Biscocho

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

In this, we visited our Alma Mater together with my classmates. I was

happy that I saw my school again. It was the very first time that I was exposed

to other students in high school. I saw the kind of students that I will handle

when I will be in my OJT. I observed not only the school but also the facilities

they have. Those facilities were able to support the learning of the students even

though the classroom didn’t have LCD or zircon. Teachers in MNHS Bancal

were kind. I’ve only enjoyed our first field study.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

In my second FS, I observed how the principle of teaching one and two

was applied. I also observed my resource teacher on how she delivered her lesson

to her class. In this, the teaching- learning process was enjoyable and

meaningful. And also, the students had the interactions during the discussion.

If I’m not mistaken, I had my field study in Meycauayan College.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

In my FS 3, I chose to observe in John Paul Benedict School. I was exposed that

time to the environment they have. And also, I had the opportunity to apply

what I have learned in ICT 1. I facilitated the technology they have. They had

bulletin boards which were beautiful. The classrooms were clean and their

visual materials were good.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

In my FS 4, I saw to the curriculum of the school. The topics included

were the curriculum models, principles and approaches in designing,

delivering and addressing the curriculum. I observed the policies and

framework of the curriculum and the relevance of planning and assessing the

class. I prepared an idea on the things that I need to consider in preparing the

school’s curriculum.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

In my FS 5, I learned how to assess the students. There is an experiential

knowledge of the principles of assessment. I was able to attain the experiential

understanding and the process of learning and assessing the students. I was

exposed to the principles of learning assessment. I had feedback on the teaching

behavior of the teacher and learner as a proof that the principle of learning

was applied well.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

I remember when I had my last observation, I chose MNHS Bancal and

still even at the last, I chose my Alma Mater. In this, we experienced to stand

in front to somehow teach the students. We felt also like a real teacher. I’ve

realized that time that it’s not easy to teach the students because of the diversity

of the learners.

-Janet l. Botor

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

I truly believe that teaching is the noblest profession because teacher could

touch unknowingly a child’s life but definitely will last until that child grows

up. There is no other profession if there is no teacher. A teacher gives a lot of

sacrifices, effort, time, and extend love for his students.

A teacher is not only good in academic aspects, he is reviewing or having an

advance study which he will teach to the students ,also, he is giving extra effort

for his instructional materials. Doing test papers, recording, checking and

computing grades are other task of a teacher. He is not just doing a teacher’s

task indeed a teacher is also a psychologists where he gives advice to each of

his students.

Indeed, teaching involves touching the lives of others. He is not called to be

successful teacher if he haven’t touch or inspire others.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

Experiencing a field study is really great! It serves as a springboard to

become a best teacher. Experiencing the Teaching- Learning process develops

different kinds of intelligence to the learners. Letting them to discover their

own learning by letting them experience what they need to learn. It is an

evolutionary process where it develops the emotional and the intellectual

intelligence. Also, learners have their own style in learning wherein the

teacher tends to facilitate the learners to enhance their thinking skills by


As a teacher, you’re not just mastering the lesson, you have to be equipped

with different strategies and techniques on how you are going to present it but

on how you are going to motivate your students.

In the first place, the first consideration are the learners whom the teachers

can transfer knowledge and can change them to become better person.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change

something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”. It is an

inspiring quotation from Mr. Buckminster Fuller. In lined to his quotation, this

implies to teaching involving technology in learning environment wherein the

teachers are not just into the knowledge from books but also adopting

knowledge, strategies, methods and information from the trending technology.

A teacher is not just relying on the technology but he also gives permissions

to his students to use the computers as well as the social media in learning.

The issue here is not just innovating a technology in teaching but also

engaging the students to know the trending but letting them to explore their

knowledge in technologies.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

A teacher’s work is not just merely by paper itself but also exploring the

curriculum. In line to this episode, teacher‘s task is to explore the curriculum

wherein he is considering different approaches to teach. If he is just into

teacher- centered or learner- centered approach where it is livelier if a teacher

focuses on traditional or progressive curriculum.

This two curriculums enhance the socialization of the students. In some

aspect, progressive curriculum implies to learner- centered which he is going

to let his students do the task by themselves. In this situation, students not only

learn from the teacher, also from classmates, community and others.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

This episode emphasizes strategies to assess learning. From this episode,

teacher is not just assessing the students’ work but also his work. There are

different ways to measure the learning acquisition of the student such as test

papers, performance based and also oral practicum. Result from assessment

must be a positive feedback to both parties. It serves as a feedback to the learners.

In teacher’s side, it is good to know the judgment of the teaching method

if he is really effective then the students gain knowledge.

Learning is a personal process, then let the learners assess on their own

with certain criteria. Let them be aware and reflect on their own progress, let

them compare themselves with others instead of testing their own improvement.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

“Every teacher is unique.” It is an inspirational quotation, based on this,

every teacher is different from the other. There might be good in Mathematics,

Science or English, others are good in cooking, gardening or in aesthetic

performance. In this field study, it helps to reflect and to evaluate one’s own

strengths and weaknesses so that he could enhance and improve himself.

I, myself, experience the feeling on becoming a teacher when I feel great

and nervous. A little confusion in speaking the language which I overcome in

the end, but in behalf of this is a great fulfillment in my life. Finally, I am a

teacher with full conviction.

-Rosenda F. Cruz

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

As what I observed, students really want to have a comfortable

classroom for them to learn easily. Having a good environment, students can

participate to their class. Some of the rooms are not conducive that can affect

the learners. Lack of ventilations, chairs and other facilities can be the problem

why some students are not active in recitation. And also, every room has around

50 students that a teacher couldn’t handle. Environment can bring to students

a good impact. On the afternoon session, they experience a not comfortable

ambiance in the room that learners get bored and sleepy. That’s why the

learning that they need to have is not achieved. I suggest that for the student’s

learning, the school must have a proper classroom environment because it will

greatly affect the learning of the students.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

It is more on the teaching strategies of a teacher. The way they teach the

students, the way they talk and also the ways they stand in front of the class.

There are a lot of strategies and methods that I observed, first one is that

you should provide any motivation that can catch you students’ attention.


in discussion, you should also have to have questions that the students will use

their critical thinking skills. In teaching, it is important to give attention to

the strategies.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Now that we are in the modern era, the teachers must need to be aware

in technology. As I observed, students can be easily caught by the use of

technology because for them they are all aware and they don’t find it boring.

As a future teacher, I must be ahead to my students 100 times. I should

know the technology so that I can use it as an instructional material when I

teach. Though I know that technology is quite challenging, I know that I can

do it for them and I need to be creative. Also if the students are always seeing

my Manila paper and cartolina, they have nothing new to their eyes; they will

get bored and will not be able to cooperate.

Technology is very useful and very helpful when it comes to teaching

and learning.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

There are a lot of changes that happened when the curriculum was

changed into K+12. The students had the hard time adjusting. Like in Grade

7, as I observed, the lessons are really different and more advance than before.

The students were confused.

It is better to have a curriculum like that in able for them to understand

the subjects. But also the curriculum developers must also consider the slow


Maybe the curriculum may change but the center of all the curriculum

must be the learners.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

Honestly, I didn’t observed any strategies from my cooperating teacher.

Every time I observed her class, she always said that she has an appointment

so I didn’t have any choice but to teach her students. When I started to teach

every section, because my cooperating teacher that time was lazy to teach, I was

shocked that no one knows the VERB then I introduced that to them as my

topic. So every time I entered in the classroom, I always think of any strategies

that would catch their attention. Sometimes the assessment I had given to them

was authentic and everyone enjoyed it.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

As I observed, I have seen the difference of private to public school. In

private, the students are so lovable, well-mannered and respectful. In terms of

learning, they are more advance in technology and the lessons. They also have

the enjoyment time after the discussion.

In this FS, I realized that it is very important that if I will be a teacher

someday, I hope that I will encounter the same students I observed before.

-Mariz F. Eugenio

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

The learners' environment as one of the vital factors affecting the

teaching and learning process, is indeed to be considered in establishing

educational institution. The fact that students spend more time in school than

in their own house, makes the school their second home. Therefore, it is every

institution's utmost concern to provide its students an environment they will

feel comfortable, safe, and secure. This way, the students' tendency of aversion

against schools will be diminished. Another concern is that the best academic

support possible in terms of facilities and equipment that help optimize

learning should be provided. These facilities do not only motivate students do

better, but also make learning less stressful. However, schools which do not have

these sorts of facility doesn't mean to be giving low quality of education, it's

just that students are just given better opportunities to keep up with the

advancing technology.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

Today, in this 21st century, the trend when it comes to teaching

approach or the guiding principle of a teacher is to facilitate learning. The

days of traditional teaching are now slowly fading. However, facilitating

learning means that you are still in-charge in classroom management.

A teacher is not a teacher if she could not manage an effective classroom.

Aside from being the facilitator, a teacher should also be a model of authority

in the classroom. The theories and principles learned from the course are

useless when it is not apply on the real classroom.

I realized that even though you have mastered the lesson and you have

good activities but you are poor in classroom management, all your

preparations will be ruined. Controlling their behavior in class is very

necessary. Neglecting their behavior would be a big problem because this might

give a ripple effect of class distractions. When you are teaching, show to them

that you are the authority in the classroom.

I learned that the two factors to make you an effective teacher are lots

of preparation and classroom management.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

In order for the teacher to execute their plans for the instruction, they

need some instruments that will aid them throughout their teaching. These are

the instructional materials used during the instruction. These aid the learners

to cope up with the lessons. These also include activity sheets, and bulletin

boards – anything that helps the teacher for implementing instructions and

make the teaching process as effective as it can be.

There are some guidelines in creating appropriate IMs: One of these is

of course the appearance. The appearance of the IM can also be a good

motivation. Although some colorful visual aids may indeed attract their

attention but it sometimes distracts them. They might stick their attention to it

but not on the teacher. However, attractive visual aids motivate the learners

to learn. I also learned that visual aids should be appropriate to their use. It

should also be varied to avoid monotony of use so that children will not be


In general, I discovered that for a teacher to create an attractive and

useful visual aids and bulletin boards; a teacher should be creative in

thinking concepts.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

The curriculum used by the schools differed with some basic terms. The

planning of syllabus defends on the institution's vision and mission, and the

type of students they most likely have. The legacy that the institution want to

impart to the students may also affect. Thus, there will be constant alteration

in the curriculum, whatever the planners deem to suit the learners' need.

One of the problems about standardized curriculum is that some may

not fit them and even some may not hook up their interest to learn. In fact,

because of some deficiencies of the curriculum, it may not accommodate the

needs of the learners very well. So, whom or which would we depend on?

Our society is experiencing drastic change so as to the people living in

it. As a future teacher, I should know how to attend to these changes especially

to the learners who'll be mainly affected of these changes.

The best concept that I learned and I want to improve is that how to

make their understandings lasts long, enable for them to apply what they have

learned not just in academic but also in real life.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

Teaching doesn’t end up only on the execution of the learning activities

and experiences. We have to know and find the evidences that show if the

pupils really understood the lesson in order for us to see if we have met our

goals. We did not have set our goals without making sure we have achieved it.

We need to assess and evaluate if they really have understood the lesson or if

at least they learn something from the developmental activity.

In assessing, we have many methods available to be used such as paper-

and-pencil test and performance tasks. Each measures specific abilities and

each accommodates their individual differences. When we tried to make test, I

realized that it is more than creating a question. We do not have to expect them

to just answer them but we have to see how they use their critical thinking

skills. Every time you create an item, it should always be anchored to your

objective. Does it measure your targeted goal? Does it suit their level of thinking?

Does it sharpen the student’s higher order thinking skills? Does it measure what

it intends to measure? These are just the questions that I should impose when I

am going to make a test again when I will be on the field.

There are many methods to measure student’s abilities and

understandings. However, we should put in our minds that our assessment

methods will say how they perform so make sure that our tests are valid and


Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

Being a teacher is to be a caring mother or father, a concerned sister, a

dedicated mentor, a manager, director, molder, referee, an agent of change, and

many more. Being a teacher holds many responsibilities that no other

profession could do. Teacher does is the noblest profession of all the profession.

However in spite the great role of teachers in child’s life, there are many

things that a teacher is facing. Being a teacher is really a tiring profession but

it gives a satisfying reward that could not be given by any other profession. We

are almost exhausted at the end of the day, trying to help change their lives

for good. Who would not be worn out by their mischievous acts, behavioral

problems and learning difficulties at school? There would be no one except the

teachers who are considered as the second parents in the school.

-Julie Anne LLorente

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

I was first year college when I experienced to observe in one school and

the school that I observed is MNHS Bancal. The environment in that school was

not well developed because there are many rooms that lack of chairs and some

of these are broken, so the students can’t write easily in their armchairs. There

were many students in that school so in one room they were crowded. This was

my first time to observe in public school and I knew the life of the public

students. As I observed the learners, I recall my high school days. In this field

study one, I realized that the environment can affect the learner’s development.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

The second school that I observed is in Meycauayan College, it is a

private school so the environment there is good. This was the first time that I

handle the students because their teacher was absent, so I was the one who was

assigned to give them an activity. The students were very noisy and they had

attitude that had loss my patience. I knew that I don’t have the right to be angry

with them so I decided to be silent for a moment. Later on, they became silent

too and they did their activity well. This experience gave me an opportunity to

ponder many things. At the end of the day, I realized that teaching in the

actual classroom is very difficult for a new teacher like me. I have to

understand them and to manage their behavior.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

The third school that I observed is in Meycauayan West Central School.

This is an elementary school but it has a computer and television that can

help the students to learn more. The learning environment there was good

because it has a wide area. The stage was used for activities. The students were

very kind and had a respect for the elders.

Teaching by the use of educational technology can easily catch student’s

attention. It is also highly effective in supporting the student’s learning

outcomes. By this, students can become independent life-long learners who are

capable of managing their own learning process, personal development and


Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

The fourth school that I observed is in SISRA. This is a private school.

Their curriculum is fit to the student’s need and the school was organized. The

students were able to cope up in the new curriculum which is k-12. Their

study was advance and there were many bright students. In this field study, I

have found out the real teaching can be seen when you are in the location

where the teaching and learning take place. I believe that a teacher can be

developed if he sees the reality of teaching. With their differences, I, as a teacher

must adjust them for I believe that when a teacher understands his students

and accepts the differences they have, the teaching and learning will be

achieved in its easiest ways with harmony.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

The fifth school that I observed is in MNHS Caingin. The learning

environment was appropriate to the students. The assessment method that they

did was performance test because the students learned by doing something. If

they act on the task the teacher had given them, they would learn. The students

were more likely to play because they were comfortable to do the task and it

built their self-confidence. Teacher gave appropriate lessons that fit to the

capabilities and likes of his students.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

The sixth school that I observed is in Team Mission Christian School.

This is a Christian school so the students are religious. The people there are

very friendly and kind. The school had programs to build the characters of the


The world of teaching doesn’t end at a school. As the learning takes

place, of course, teachers have to remember that everything that was learned

from the past to the present was valuable for this taught us on how to become

a new and productive individual.

-Criselda A. Pajarillo

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

This was my first time to visit a public high school and I was nervous,

I remembered that my first day there was the final demonstration of the fourth

year studentteacher of Mariano Quinto Alarilla Polytechnic College. I saw the

student teacher in front, he’s very nervous and I easily recognized it because of

his facial expression and his voice. And the realization popped into my head,

“what would be my reaction if I was the one who’s going to have my final

demonstration?” For sure, I can do it!

In my observation about the learner’s development, I can say that

environment is one of the factors that must be considered. In MNHS Bancal

where I had my first field study, I can say that the classrooms were not as

conducive as it should be. There are broken doors, windows and chairs. But

the thing is, life must go on. That’s why I admire the students of MNHS Bancal

because despite their conditions, nothing can stop them from learning.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

I remember that I had my second field study in San Isidro San Roque

Academy. I was pleased to meet the students who were very sweet. I was assigned

to observe the seventh grade. In there, they were only less than 30. Though the

rooms are not big as in the public school, still they got the chance to do


In teaching-learning process, I can say that they were being well taken

care of. They were monitored easily and they learned fast because there were

no problems that interrupt their discussions such as noises and broken

facilities. The teachings of the teachers were emphasized since the classroom

was conducive. The learning of the students was evident by their while and

post activities. I can say that the teaching and learning process were manifested

in the school I had observed.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

My third time to visit a school was in Banga Elementary School. I really

appreciate this school so much for its cleanliness and orderliness. Also, the

teachers are so great in teaching their expertise and the students are very

respectful and obedient. I remember that I said to myself that I really want to

teach there.

We can’t deny the fact that technology is a must in our country, not

because it’s just for fun but it is for the betterment of the teaching and learning

process inside the classroom. As I observed the school, I can say that they lacked

the technology. They had computer laboratory but the computers were not

functioning. They also had library but there were no books available for the

students to read. The sources of information that I have seen were their bulletin

board and their textbooks inside the classroom.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

My fourth field study experience was in Barcelona Academy. Actually,

we had so many delays before we got the chance to observe what’s inside their

school. In our 18 hours of observation, I can say that they followed the k-12

curriculum and as the teachers are the curriculum implementers, I saw some

of their strategies and saw that they conducted activities, especially the hands

on, to do the target of the newest curriculum and that is to be “the learner-


I have seen that the teachers let the students create something like in

TLE, they preserved foods; in English, they made newspapers; in Values, they

build friendship and many more.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

It is important for a teacher to evaluate the students after the discussion

to assess if they learn from what the teacher have taught. And learning

assessment strategies is an essential part for a teacher.

I was in my fifth field study and it happened in Trade. It is one of the

memorable schools in my college years because that was the first time that I

had the opportunity to teach in high school. I was observed by my cooperating

teacher and she said to me my strength and my weakest points. One of the things

I remembered was the assessment; she said that I had a very interesting and

interactive assessment because I used the “role-playing” for my topic- Kinds of

sentences according to purpose. She let me know that assessment should have

standards and rubrics for that kind of activity. And by that, I proved that

assessment is not just to know if the students learn, for you to know if you are

effective or not; instead, it is used for assessing the students if they learn and

can apply the learning in their everyday lives.

Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

My final field study was one of the field studies that are very fulfilling.

I can say fulfilling because this was the time that we had to do on our own the

appointments and scheduling of our field study, secondly, the cooperating

school that we had chosen is my Alma Mater way back when I was elementary.

I remember, when I was grade six, I was asked by my adviser the

question, “what is my dream and why.” Then I answered her back saying I

want to be a teacher someday. On that school, with that question, I proved to

Metamorphosis School that my dream is now one step ahead.

On becoming a teacher... I observed that the cooperating teacher allowed

me to make her records but didn’t allow me to teach to the students. I was

checking all day the quizzes and activities but the real teaching experience

was not felt.

-Pauline Joyce D. Pequit

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

The main role of a teacher is to be focused on the learners. We should

know their personalities and how they act in school. There are learners who

are very active and quiet. As a future teacher, we should know the differences

of our students. Being knowledgeable about our learner’s behavior it would be

easy for us to manage their behavior or we should be aware of the needs and

behavior of our students in order to have an effective teaching.

Field Study 2: Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

In this episode, a teacher is to facilitate learning. There is a big difference

in the real classroom. In the real classroom, it would test your effectiveness as

a teacher. Experiencing the teaching in actual classroom even when you

mastered the lesson is still will ruin your strategies. Teaching in the actual

classroom is very difficult for the new teachers. You need to establish good

strategies, understand and manage the students’ behaviors.

Field Study 3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Instructional materials are important in teaching. This is the aid of

teaching of teachers that a learner can cope up with the lessons. These materials

also include the bulletin board, activity sheets etc. because visuals should be

appealing to the learner because it will help and they will learn from it.

Materials get their attention during the lesson. But nowadays, technology

attracts not only the people but also in teaching. It helps the teachers to make

their work easier.

Field Study 4: Exploring the Curriculum

In this episode, same curriculum may not accommodate the needs of

the learners. As a future teacher, I should know how to change especially to the

learners who are the main character of change. A teacher should be sensitive

to the needs of the students. Teachers should design a plan according to how

they could understand.

Field Study 5: Learning Assessment Strategies

We have to find evidences that can show if the pupils really understood

the lesson, to know if we achieved our goals. In assessing, we have many

strategies or methods that can be used such. We need to create a strategy that

will be easily understood. I learned that we should not only depend on the

paper and pencil tests. It is because there are some abilities of the students that

are not measured by a paper and pencil tests. Some of the students may be good

in written tasks but poor in the performance task. So, we need to consider their


Field Study 6: On Becoming a Teacher

In this episode, teacher should have his/her philosophy of education

and the code of ethics. I learned that you don’t need to have a long time just to

be called professional teacher. As long as you are dedicated and have passion

in teaching, it is enough. A teacher should be globally competitive. It is because

the generation today is now aware of technologies. A teacher is not only focusing

on the classroom but also in the community.

-Jannet Z. Tapleras


History of Meycauayan National High School

By virtue of Republic Act 337, the Municipal School Board is given the authority to allocate

funds for the establishment of a public high school in Meycauayan. Through the efforts of the late Mayor

Florentino Blanco and members of the Municipal Council, Meycauayan High School was established on

June 13, 1989 at Meyacauayan Central School.

Under the leadership of then Officer- in- charge Mr. Ronaldo Castor, the school has to transfer

from its original place at Bancal Elementary School in. Four years later; Dr. Lucina P. Uriarte

headed the school.

It was during the time of Dr. Uriarte that Meycauayan National High School underwent several

transformations. The increasing number of student population has to be addressed as well as the need to

have a permanent place. After years of struggle, the school finally had its own building in Barangay

Perez, Meycauayan City, Bulacan through the initiative of late Honorable Mayor Eduardo A. Alarilla

and the collaborative efforts of the Municipal Council and Department of Education.

A four-storey building with 44 classrooms with elevator was opened during the start of school


After the start of school year 2002-2003, Mr. Rosauro A. Villanueva was appointed as

Principal II (now Principal III) of MNHS. His appointment to the past corresponds to a greater

challenge on how to have well- managed school in a call to pursue basic quality education.

At present, the school leadership was able to accomplish several improvements from enhancements

of teacher’s capabilities, to improvement of student performances in the learning areas, to upgrading and

additional school buildings and the establishment of the school’s extension in Ubihan.


A public high school, operates beyond the limit of excellence in the development of Filipino students

who are God- loving, naturalistic and productive to enable him/ her to compete globally and who are

aware of their rights and duties as a citizen.

Our mission

Provide accessible quality basic education to Filipino students through formal and non- formal

modes of teaching so they can be prepared in tertiary level and to the world of work.








Grade 7 – Aguila


At the end of the lesson student should be able to:

A. analyze the meaning of the idiomatic expressions used in the story;

B. share their ideas on the idioms used in the story;

C. learn the value of hard work and speaking the truth and love among their


D. give the meaning of idiomatic expressions in the given situations.


A. Topic: Identifying Idiomatic Expressions

B. Subtopic: The Eager Beavers and Mr. Old School

C. References

Crossing Boundaries through English 7 by Jenry Feirr l. Santos


D. Materials


Activity sheets

Hand-outs (story)

Flip chart

Visual aids

E. Skills

Listening skills

Reading skills

Speaking skills

F. Values Integration

Appreciation to Music


Hard work

Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)


A. Routinary Activity

1. Greetings

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Good morning Grade 7 - Aguila!!

It’s nice to see you again.

Good morning Teacher!

2. Prayer

(The teacher and the students will have an opening prayer.)

3. Attendance

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

(The teacher will ask the total number

of boys and girls present in the class. If

the present is less than the total

number, the teacher will ask the


4. Reminders

Teacher’s activity Students’ Response

Class, kindly pass your chips holder on


Yes Teacher.

B. Drill

1. Synonyms 6. Characters

2. Antonyms 7. Plot

3. Story 8. Homonyms

4. Poem 9. Theme

5. Settings 10. Narrator


C. Review

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Response

Last meeting we discussed the Direct

and Indirect Quotations.

Again, what is the difference between

Direct and Direct Quotations?

Change the following statements into

indirect quotations

“I was afraid of spiders when I

was a little girl.”

“We enjoy making breakfast


Very good!

Direct quotations are the exact words of

someone else formed into your writing..

Indirect quotes are paraphrases or

summaries of the words of someone

else worked into the text of your writing.

She said she had been afraid of spiders

when she was a little girl.

They said that they enjoyed making

breakfast together.

D. Motivation

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Responses

Let us move-on now to our new lesson.

Yes teacher.

Listening Activity

Before we proceed with our lesson, I’II

ask you:

Do you love Lady Gaga’s songs?

Some of you do, some don’t. But whether

you love her songs or not, we should still

appreciate her songs.

So, we will listen to some of her songs

which will help you to understand our

lesson. At the same time, I will check your

listening skills.

Complete the lyrics based on the songs I

will play. I will provide you the choices.

What are you going to do is to place the

lyrics accordingly.

(The teacher will distribute the activity

sheets and will play Lady Gaga’s songs


(NOTE: Portion only of the songs will be


(Choices will be posted on the board)

Old school nothing to lose

Poker face star struck

Talking in the circles

1. Alejandro

You know that I love you,

Hot like Mexico, rejoice

At this point I gotta choose,


Don’t call my name ;

Don’t call my name, Alejandro

I’m not your babe,

I’m not your babe, Fernando.

2. Red and Blue

I am red, you are blue



Nothing to lose

Old school

I’m ______________ and you’re so new

But I guess I could forgive you tonight

When you’re cool I like to burn.

3. Star struck

So ______________ baby you could

blow my heart up.

4. Wonderful

Looking for something crazy

beautiful nothing

Now I’m ____________ again,

Never no baby are you hungry

For wonderful cause I am

Wonderful cause I am.

5. Poker face

Can’t read my, can’t read my

No he can’t read my_________________

(she’s got to love nobody)

Were you able to complete the given

lyrics correctly and quickly?

(The teacher will play the songs again

while giving the correct lyrics)

Who got 5 points?

Who go 4 points?

Who got 3 points?

Star stuck

Talking in circles

Poker face

Yes. And we enjoyed the songs.


(Student/s will receive 3 chips)

(Student/s will receive 2 chips)

(Student/s will receive 1 chip)

E. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Response

What have you noticed with those

missing lyrics?

Precisely! All of your answers are correct.

Yes. They are all phrases.

Yes. It’s hard to understand.

And yes, they are all idiomatic


They are all phrases.

I don’t understand what they mean.

I think they are all idioms.

Idiomatic Expressions are group of words

which a meaning that is different from the

literal meaning.

It has to be taken as a whole and not

word-for word.

1. In the song “Red and Blue”, the

singer doesn’t mean that that he

or she is literally an old school. It’s

impossible that the school could

speak. Isn’t it?

If someone is considered to be an old

school, it means that they are very

traditional in their ways and thinking.

So, instead of telling someone that he

Is very traditional, you can tell him or her

that he is old school if you wish to criticize

him or her for living in the past.

However, it can also mean hip, cool or


Example. The Disc Jockey played some

old school songs. (90’s or earlier songs)

In the song “Star struck”, Star

struck is used to describe

someone who is totally in awe or

admiration of someone else’s

status, appearance etc.

Boys, were you star struck with

your girl classmates during your

prom last February 15?

How about you girls, were you

star struck with your boy

classmates during your prom last

February 15?

Someone is described as having

a poker face not because he or

she has a playing card on his face

is emotionless.

This term is mostly used when

talking about the card game-

poker; poker players don’t want

people to know what they are

thinking or feeling, so they force a

straight face that hides all clues.


Yes teacher.

Yes teacher.

Someone is described as having

nothing to lose if they are in bad

situation that can get any worse. It

means that they

Don’t have any choice.

Talking in circles doesn’t mean

that you are talking while sitting in

a round table or that you are

talking in a circle cause if you do,

well, do not expect a circle to give

any response.

However, it means talking at

length without making any sense.

Have you ever encountered a

classmate who talks nonsense

matter so much?

Well. Don’t mention the name

anymore. I know them already.

Just kidding.

Group Activity

Let us have a group activity.

(the teacher will distribute the copies of

the story)

Class, read the story silently then,

individually, underline the 10 idioms that

you can find in the story. As you finished

underlining the idioms, discuss among

your group the meaning of each idiom.

Last meeting I told you to list 20

commonly used idioms. Right? You can

use your assignment as your guide.

(The teacher will give each group a piece

of paper where they will write the idioms

with their meaning opposite)



Once upon a time, there was a

wonderful class of very hardworking and

( As the group finish the activity, they will

exchange their paper with the other

group for checking )

well-educated boys and girls in amazing

school in a far away land. Definitely not

couch potatoes, these boys and girls

were, in fact, full of beans. Their teacher,

Mr. Old School, admired them, however,

for their hard work and often called them

his eager beavers love to learn. They

spell, they read and write. They add,

subtract and multiply. When Mr. Old

School told about a new fascinating

subject, they were all ears. When he gave

them assignment to do, they took them

eagerly and were as busy as bees.

One day, Mr. Old School surprised

the eager beavers with a math test. It was

ten-paged long and had the most difficult

questions on it that you could imagine. He

handed out the test papers and told the

boys and girls to put their thinking caps

on. “Break a Leg”, he said to the students.

Looking at the math test, the children’s

faces, surprisingly, did not look troubled.

Remaining as cool as cucumbers, they

turned out that all pencils and went to

work. It turned out that all of the eager

beavers passed the test and, for some, it

was even a piece a piece of cake.

To celebrate, the kids got to watch a

two hour movie.

(The teacher will reveal the ten idioms

found in the story. Each correct idiom is

worth 1 point )

To fully understand the story, let us

discuss the meaning of the 10 idioms in

the story.

(Every correct meaning is worth 2 points)

(As the discussion goes, the teacher will

present pictures showing idioms taken

literally using a flip chart)

A beaver is a large brown rodent with a

slightly flattened tail which spends its life

in and around streams.

So now, what does the following mean?

Eager Beaver

Someone who is overly enthusiastic and

excited about doing something.

Correct. An eager beaver often arrives

eagerly to begin his task. This phrase

comes from the fact that beavers are

especially industrious in the way that they

build dams out of logs.

Old Schools

I already discussed this earlier. Again

what this idiom mean?

Couch potato

A couch is a piece of furniture that people

sit on. A couch potato is associated with

an image of an overweight person sitting

in front of a television.

Full of beans

As far back as Roman times horses were

given beans. Afterwards they were in high

spirits and full of energy. Full of beans!

All ears

As busy as bees

Busy as a bee has to do with the industry

exhibited by different types of bees. The

honeybee is constantly engaged in tasks

that benefit the hive; rarely stopping to

rest a task is done.

Put (their) thinking caps on

Break a leg

The origin of this idiom is the belief of the

people in the theatre in the superstition

that one ought not to utter the words

“good luck” to an actor. They said that by

wishing good luck, it is supposed that the

will happen.

This idiom also mean “make an extra


As cool as cucumbers

Yes. Cool here means calm rather than

having a low temperature. Cucumbers

are cool to touch.

Someone who is very traditional in their

ways and thinking.

Someone who is lazy.

Lively, energetic, and in high spirits.

Listens attentively.

Very busy.

Take time to think.

Good luck.

Keep calm and undisturbed.

Very easy.

( The group who got the highest points

will receive 5 chips each member, 3

chips each for the second placer, and 2

chips for the third placer )

Piece of cake

The choice of cake or pie as a symbol of

ease is well represented in the language.

Kindly count the total points of the paper

you’re checking. That’s 30 points all in all.

( 10 points for correct idioms, 20 points for

the correct meaning )

Story reading

Now that you already know the meaning

of the idioms used in the story, let us read

and analyze the story.

This is a story of a very traditional

teacher, Mr. Old School and his students

whom he called the eager beavers. Why

eager beavers?

Then, one day, Mr. Old School gave them

a difficult test in what subject?

What happened then, did they pass or


What is the reward of Mr. Old School for

the students in passing the test?

Were you inspired by the eager beavers?

(Random students will read the story


Because they are very enthusiastic to



They passed the test.

Mr. Old School allowed them to watch a



B. Generalization.

Teachers Activities Student’s Responses

What value of the eager beaver you can

adopt as a student?

If you want to succeed in life you need to

be a hardworking person. From getting a

job to excelling in school your need to

make an effort. One area where this is

particularly important is academics. If you

work hard in school it will result in getting

in the college you want and getting good



What are idiomatic expressions again?

We should not take it literally or word for

the word.


Idiomatic Expressions are groups of

words which gives a meaning that is

different from the literal meaning of

dictionary meaning.

The idioms.

Let the cat out of the bag doesn’t literally

getting the cat out of the bag as the

picture shows. Rather, it means revealing

a secret.

Face the music in not referring to a face

with musical notes. Rather, it means

accepting whatever the consequence is.

It’s raining cats and dogs does not mean

cats and dogs are pouring from sky.

Rather, it means raining hard.

We should…


hidden meaning).

Lastly, learning idioms will help us to…


As what Ephesians 4:15 says, “Instead,

speaking the truth in love, we will grow to

become in every respect the mature body

of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”

IV. EVALUATION Choose the appropriate meaning of the idioms used in the following situations. Encircle the

letter of your answer. 1. Your teacher thinks that you and your classmates are “full of beans”. What does she mean?

a. You are full of energy and enthusiasm b. You are not working hard enough c. You have a big lunch – yes, lots of beans! d. You are very smart

2. If you are “actively involved in an activity” at school, your teacher might say that you are… a. As busy as a fly b. As busy as a spider c. As busy as a bee d. As busy as a grasshopper

3. Students who are "all ears"... a) have big ears b) love earrings c) are listening carefully d) are dreaming

4. To wish you good luck before performing in your school play, your teacher tells you to... a) break an arm b) break an ankle c) break a shoulder d) break a leg 5) What or who is a "couch potato"? a) a variety of potato b) a piece of furniture

c) another word for "onion" d) someone who is lazy 6. For years, people have been telling you to use "the magic word". What exactly is that word? a) sorry b) yes c) please d) abracadabra 7. If a friend of yours says that you are "cool as a cucumber", he is saying that you are... a) calm b) cold c) unfriendly d) a fruit (or a vegetable?) 8. When a friend "crosses her fingers for you, she...

a) hopes that things will turn out just as you hope they will b) is wishing you bad luck c) hopes that you will go away d) is not telling the truth 9. When your teacher tells you to "put your thinking cap on", he is telling you... a) to put hat on- it's cold outside! b) to brush your hair

c) to concentrate and think about something d) to work harder 10. If someone says that you are "old school", he means... a) you are old b) you are very traditional c) you are a principal

d) you tell stories about your previous school everyday V. ASSIGNMENT With partner, prepare a dialogue using 4-5 idioms. Write the idioms you will use with their meaning.



Grade 11


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. analyze and interpret the meaning of the Spanish term El Dorado and of the poem

written by Edgar Allan Poe: Eldorado;

2. share their personal beliefs and experiences in relation to the main character of

Eldorado at any means in the class; and

3. reproduce and present to the class a modern version of the poem Eldorado thru

short skit.


A. Topic: Literature: Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe

B. References: English and American Literature book, pp.118 - 121

C. Instructional Materials Laptop, LCD TV, Powerpoint Presentations, Visual Aids

D. Valuing: Reflective and Collaborative


A. Routinary Activities

1. Greeting: The teacher will greet BSE-1A and they will response.

2. Prayer: Teacher will call someone from the class to lead the prayer.

3. Cleanliness / Attendance: The teacher will inspect the cleanliness of the

classroom, the alignment of the chairs, and the likes; the teacher will ask the

class secretary to check the attendance.

4. Important Reminders: The teacher will remind the class for some important

dates to remember.

B. Review

1. Recapitulation:

The teacher will refresh the past lesson, Poem.

Insight: Poem is a piece of imaginative writing in verse.

C. Motivation

“Getting To Know What Is the Most Important” an Activity

Teacher: Get a 1/8 sheet of paper.

Students: (Student’s will get a paper.)

Teacher: Number your paper one to four.

Students: (Students will number their paper.)

Teacher: Question, what are the four things do you want most in life? Place those

things in order of importance; from most important to least. For

instance, write in number one the best thing that you think is important

to be wanted then write in the last number the thing that is less than

important than the things written in numbers one, two, and three. I’ll

give you one minute to think.

Student: (Students will write down what they want.)

Teacher: Now, who will volunteer to go here in front and discuss the things on their


Why are they wanted? What will they provide in life?

Student: (Student who will be called will read what are written in the list and will

discuss the why’s and what’s of that list.)

D. Presentation and Discussion

1. Discussion Proper

Teacher: I asked you to do those things because, that activity has a connection with

the poem we will be dealing with later. But first, let me give you a

background of the key term El Dorado. Is there anybody here who has an

idea with that term El Dorado?

Student: Ma’am, I think that is a Spanish term.

Students: Ma’am, what is that?

Teacher: Now, take a look at these two colored papers I prepared. (Teacher will

show to the class the papers to be posted on the board containing the


Student: (The students will look at the board to read silently the words posted.)

Teacher: As you can see here in the first paper, written here is El Dorado but in two

ways. Let me clarify that the first one is written in Spanish form, while the

second one is accepted in the English Language. The question here is,

“What is El Dorado?”

El Dorado means “The Gilded One”, and “The Gilded One’s Spanish term

is El Dorado. What do we mean by gilded? Gilded is an adjective or a

descriptive word which means covered with gold. For example, if the

meaning of the Spanish term El Dorado is The Gilded One; that one,

whoever it should be is covered with gold. Another question is how does

that term exist? The answer is: it was coined by those Spanish explorers

in the early 1500’s to refer to a legendary South American tribal chief in

Northern South America. What is that legend all about? The story goes

like this…

The Legend of El Dorado

Once there was a ruler presided over a kingdom rich in

gold and precious gems or the Omagua. He covered his body with gold

dust during festivals then later washed it off in a lake. As time passed

that kingdom came to be called El Dorado or the Golden City.

It is clear that the term El Dorado is coined by the Spanish explorers

whom in reality, specifically around 1500 searched for that place found

on that so called South American Tribal Legend. Kingdom Omagua was a

kingdom of gold in which as time goes by, it was called El Dorado, The

Golden City, or City of Gold.

What are some trivia especially the history behind this El Dorado?

Explorers from Spain, Portugal, Germany, and England searched northern

reaches of the continent to find the kingdom and its fabulous treasure

but none of the expeditions succeeded. Another is that explorers

believed that the city of gold was located somewhere at the forests of

Amazon. Sir Walter Raleigh was one of those who had an expedition to

find that El Dorado. The mythical El Dorado became a part of several

movies. El Dorado was adapted to become a movie. So, before grouping

you into four, for our first activity, let me give you the unfamiliar

vocabulary terms used in the poem. Those are: Gaily, Gallant, and Bold.

2. Drill and Exercises

Teacher: Now, I will group you into four. Each group will analyze and will reflect

only one stanza and will write their collaborated ideas in a ¼ sheet of

paper. Your group number will be the number of stanza that you will be

working on. The output should be in paragraph form, minimum of three

sentences; maximum of five, and then to have a twist I want you to sing

your output as a group in front of the class. I will give you only five

minutes. And at the back of the paper that you will pass, on it’s lower

right: write the members of your group that will participate. The criteria

would be: Relevance – 5pts, Correctness – 5pts, Collaboration – 5pts. and

Presentation – 5pts, for a total of 20pts. Start now.

Students:(Students will start working.)

El Dorado

Gaily bedight,

A gallant knight,

In sunshine and in shadow,

Had journeyed long,

Singing a song,

In search of Eldorado

But he grew old—

This knight so bold—

And o’er his heart a shadow fell, found

No spot of ground

That looked like Eldorado

And as his strength

Failed him at length,

He met a pilgrim shadow—

‘’Shadow’’ said he,

‘’Where can it be—

This land of Eldorado?”

“Over the Mountains

Of the Moon,

Down the Valley of the Shadow,

Ride, boldly ride,”

The shade replied,—

“If you seek for Eldorado!”

Teacher: The time is up. Let’s begin with the first group.

Student/s: (Group 1 will present their group’s output.)

Teacher: Thank you first group. In the first stanza, mention here is the knight who

is the main character of the poem. He was dressed with cheerfulness and

determination that he is in sunshine and in shadow and with a song in his

first journey and that journey is to search that Eldorado. Take note that

the term shadow is being used in every stanza. The shadow on the first

stanza is a metaphor for discouragement, meaning if the knight is in

sunshine the knight is also in discouragement or he also had a doubt that

he will find that Eldorado. So, for you class, aside from the interpretation

of the group one, what else is your interpretation about it? Yes please.

Student: (The student will explain his answer.)

Teacher: Now, group two it is your turn.

Student: (Group 2 will present their group’s output.)

Teacher: Thank you second group. In stanza number two, the knight is still in the

journey. And still, he did not found even a spot of ground which is the

same as Eldorado. The shadow here, which is living in his heart, became

visibly noticed that the knight despairs when he found no spot of ground

that looked like Eldorado. Do you still have other interpretation?

Student: (The student will explain his answer.)

Teacher: Thank you (name of the student). Group three please.

Student: (Group 3 will present their group’s output.)

Teacher: Thank you third group. The third stanza describes the knight as old and

weak. And he met a pilgrim shadow. When we say pilgrim, it means a

person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons. Therefore, that

pilgrim shadow is the shadow of the traveller. Thus, the pilgrim shadow

may be the knight’s own inner self in the form of apparition or ghost

driving him on, in spite of his weariness. One may also interpret it as

death overtaking the knight. Do you have questions class, regarding this

stanza? Next, group four please.

Student: (Group 4 will present their group’s output.)

Teacher: Thank you fourth group. The speaker in the stanza number four is the

pilgrim shadow who answered the question in the third stanza which is:

“where can it be, this land of Eldorado?” And the pilgrim shadow or the

shade replied: “over the mountains of the moon, down the valley of the

shadow, ride boldly ride.” If we analyze carefully the answer of the

pilgrim shadow to the traveler or the knight, we can fully understand that

the phrase valley of the shadow can be found somewhere in the bible in

the King James Version in the Psalms which according to many bible

scholars means the valley of the dead or valley of death. So, the last

stanza implies that the Eldorado will be found if the knight is already

dead. Thus, the pilgrim shadow give him the condition the knight will only

find that Eldorado if he “ride, boldly ride” to his death.

Teacher: Okay, congratulations to each group. (The teacher will give each group’s

grade and the justifications.)

3. Recapitulation:

Thru random recitation, teacher will refresh the lesson for about two


4. Seatwork / Boardwork:

A question will be flashed on the screen, “If you are going to be a knight and

will have a journey in search of something, what would it be and why?”

Students will write their answers on a ¼ sheet paper, 3minutes will be given.

5. Generalization

A student volunteer will state the summary of the lesson discussed.

Afterwards, the teacher will state the generalization:

Teacher: Life is a journey on which people search for wealth, fame, joy,

courage, approval, adventure, acceptance, God, a solution to a complex

problem, and so on. However, no one reaches his goal. If an entrepreneur

makes $1million or $10million, he then wants to make $100million. If a

pilgrim finds a reflection of God in a sunset or an incredible miracle, he then

wants to search creation further for another revelation. After Alexander the

Great conquered half the world on his march from Greece to India, legend

says he sat down and cried for he had no more worlds to conquer. He wanted

the adventure to continue. Man is meant to seek. If he finds, he dies. Though

he reached his goal he is not contented, he searches for more. Like the

traveler in the poem who did not give importance to what he had in his life

but still focusing on the thing which he cannot even succeeded to have. Thus,

like the knight in the poem, he must “ride, boldly ride.”


Evaluation will be presented into two ways, writing and speaking but within the

entire group.

The class will be divided into 5 groups.

The 1st task will be presented in front as a whole group before presenting the 2nd

task which is the short skit.

The tasks are as follow:

I. Answer the questions by group in a 1/8 sheet of paper and present to the class

by reading the collaborated answer.

1. Who is the main character in the poem?

2. Who are the other characters mentioned in the poem?

3. What is the mood of the poem? Describe it with words such as:

lighthearted, depressing, inspiring, humorous etc. and explain why in only

one sentence.

4. What is/are the imagery implied in the poem? List words or phrases that

relate to the senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.

5. What is the major idea or theme of the poem? Give one word to define it.

II. Reproduce and present to the class a modern version of the poem Eldorado thru

short skit.

1. Each group will be given 3minutes to present their short skit.

2. The rubrics for the short skit are: Concept-30%, Artistry-20%, Relevance-

20%, Stage Presence-20%, Unity and Time-bound-20%, for a total of 100%.


The student will research about the life of Edgar Allan Poe and will connect the life of

him to the knight’s character in the poem. It should be in an essay form. It must be

written in a one whole sheet of paper.



(GRADE 12)


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. identify the elements of the short story, A Man Can Try by Eldred Durosimi


2. analyze and interpret the message of the short story; and

3. share their personal beliefs and experiences in relation to the main

characters of A Man Can Try.


1. Topic: A Man Can Try by Eldred Durosimi Jones

2. Reference: Crisscrossing Through Afro-Asian Literature book, pp. 118-121

3. Materials: Laptop, LCD TV, Power Point Presentations, Cartolina/Colored


4. Valuing: Reflective and Collaborative


A. Routinary Activities

1. Greeting

2. Prayer

3. Cleanliness / Attendance

4. Important Reminders

B. Review

1. Recapitulation: The teacher will refresh the past lesson; Orphan, its

author, and the story’s elements

2. Insight: “Love begets love”, is what the story all about

C. Motivation

Present to the class five immortal lines from the world’s most famous

authors in literature

The teacher will present the lines through slideshows and holding

colored papers where in the name of the authors are written

After every line is read by the students; students will be called

randomly and think for a given time, then choose who stated the

given line

After all the five immortal lines are interpreted and identified by the

students, it’s time for the teacher to unfold the relativity of each

immortal line with the each other

Finally, the teacher will reveal that the lines are all signifying: life,

marriage, manhood, and matters of the heart, in which the lesson will

have a great connection, “ A Man Can Try by Eldred Durosimi Jones”

D. Pre – Activity

Before the teacher will present the topic, “A Man Can Try”, which is

a short story, she will first introduce to the class the author of the

literary piece and his brief background, Eldred Durosimi Jones

She will read to the class the story; the students must have to listen

carefully to get the elements of the story

E. While – Activity

The teacher will group the class into 3 groups

For each group, particular paragraph from the short story will be

assigned to interpret and discuss to the class

Each group member has to collaborate with each other provided with

the questionnaires, they have to answer the questions that will tell

everything about the story

Each member will be assigned to answer particular question so

everyone will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts and


Given enough time, each group also has to write their answers in the

given questionnaire and that will serve as an activity

When all groups are done, the teacher will call students randomly

and will be asking for the elements of the story; setting, characters,

conflict, denouement / conclusion, and the theme

This will test how much they listened from the other groups’


After the discussion, analysis, and interpretation of the topic, the

students will be given a minute to review the important facts for the

next part of the lesson

F. Post – Activity

(1st) The teacher will provide the students five lines from the short

story written on a cartolina

The students must identify the character from the story who stated

the line

Students will write their answers on a ¼ sheet of paper

(2nd) The teacher will give five lines from the story

The students will have to identify the figures of speech used in each


The students have to write their answers on a ¼ sheet of paper,

answers only (at the back part of the 1st post activity)

G. Generalization

A student volunteer will state the summary of the lesson discussed

Afterwards, the teacher will state the essence of the lesson in real

life situation


The class will interpret the line of D.C. Tullock at the last part of the

story, “A man can try”, and relate it to various local or global issues.

The answer will be written on a ¼ sheet of paper

The rubrics for their interpretation are: 5 points = content, 2 points =

grammar and structure, and 3 points = relevance, total = 10 points


Read the story, “A Day Off” by Anthony M. Hokororo

Identify the elements of the story, write the answer on a 1 whole sheet

of paper

Reference: Crisscrossing Through Afro-Asian Literature Book,

pp. 132-137



Sir Rustom

Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. define the characters in the story;

2. relate the main characters’ life to the present time; and

3. create a venn diagram to compare the characters’ life to the present life.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Chapter VII. Cosette Side by Side with the stranger in the Dark

(excerpt from Les Miserable by Victor Hugo)

Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature by DepEd, pp. 443-


Instructional Materials: Power Point Presentation, Hand-outs, Chalk and Board,


III. Procedure


A. Daily Routine Good Afternoon Magsaysay! Let’s pray first before we start! In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Our father …………. Ok class before you take your sit, just make sure that your chairs are properly aligned. Pick up all the trashes and put it in a right trash bin. Is there any absent for today? Ok let’s proceed B. Motivation I have here a cross word puzzle. I need 5 students who will volunteer to answer. Who wants to answer? Yes, (names of the 5 students) You will just paste the right word in the puzzle using the meanings below. Inn Lodge Tranquility Resemble amuse Class I prepare a very simple game today. Ok now I will divide into 4 groups. Count 1 to 4 All no. 1 in this side All no. 2 in this side and so on… Let’s have this another puzzle! I want you to fix the picture that assigned to you as fast as you can. Paste it on the board and the first group who will finished the puzzle first will be given each member a chips. Is my instruction clear? Start now! Ok class, thank you for your participation and congratulations to the winners. Go back to your proper sits now! What did you see on those pictures in the board? Alright! C. Lesson Proper

Good Afternoon Sir Alcanar! Welcome to 10 Magsaysay class response class response answer may vary The five students answer the cross word puzzle. 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . . Yes Sir! (The class fixing the puzzle) A little girl Man A Forest

Our story for today is about an excerpt from Les Miserable by Victor Hugo Are you familiar with this story? Who is Victor Hugo? Victor Hugo was born on February 26, 1802, in Besançon, France. After training as a lawyer, Hugo embarked on the literary career. He became one of the most important French Romantic poets, novelists and dramatists of his time, having assembled a massive body of work while living in Paris, Brussels and the Channel Islands. Hugo died on May 22, 1885, in Paris. Let us start with our story class. Everybody read the title. Cossette, as we have said, was not frightened. The man accosted her. He spoke . . . . . Let’s pause for a while. What did you noticed in the beginning of the story? Yes, (student’s name)? Who is that girl and how old she is? Yes, (student’s name)? Does she have a mother? Think about this an eight year old girl carrying a heavy bucket with water walking in the forest, what emotion did you feel? Will you do the same thing as what the man did? What good trait that the man have? Yes, (student’s name)? The man asks some question to Cosette while they were going back to the street. Let’s find out what is Cosette’s life. The man seemed to have received . . . . . . Ok let’s pause again. Where Cosette lives? Yes, (name of the student)? Who sent the girl to get water in the forest? Yes, (student’s name)? Who is Madamme Thenardier? Yes, (student’s name)? At her very young age, she is very hardworking person. She acts as a servant in that house. Who are the other two girls in that house? Yes, (student’s name)?

Answers may vary Cosette Side by Side with the stranger in the Dark By Victor Hugo Student A: There is a man and a girl who are carrying the bucket-handle with water. Student B: Cosette, an eight years old girl. None Sir! Compassion (Answers may vary) Student C: A kind personality Student D: She lives at Montfermiel. Student E: Madamme Thenardier

While Cosette working all day, the other girls are just playing with their beautiful dolls. Let’s continue the story. The child raised her great eyes, in which . . . . . . What happen in last part of the story? What is the reason why she asks the man to let her take the bucket with water back? Did you like the story class? D. Generalization What is the lesson did you learn from the story. Yes, (student’s name)? Very well said! IV. Evaluation Let us now proceed in your group activity for today. Go back to your groups again. Let’s have a draw lots! Instruction: Create a Venn Diagram that relates a particular character in this present time as well as their similarities. V. Agreement For your assignments I want you to write your own reflection about the story. Put it in 1 whole sheet of paper. Good bye and thank you class!

Student E: Cosette’s Mistress Student F: Eponine and Zelma. They are daughters of Madame Thenardier. Answers may vary Yes Sir! Student G: Answer may vary

Each group picks a particular character that they will apply in the diagram within 10 minutes and afterwards each group will explain their works in front.

The Man Cosette Madamme Thenardier Eponine and Zelma Good bye Sir Alcanar! Thank you for teaching us! See you tomorrow.

Prepared by:


Presentation 5pts

Organization 5pts

total of 10 pts

Rustom Alcanar

Student Teacher

Approved by:

Ms. Janine G. Dumantay

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz

English Subject Coordinator

Ms. Melita S. Ajose

OIC, MNHS- Bancal

Sir Michael

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

- analyze each rules of subject-verb agreement,

- choose the correct form of the verb used in the sentence; and

- complete the sentence with correct form of the verb.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Subject- Verb Agreement

Reference(s): Exploring Life through Filipino Literature by: Francisca B. Della Cruz

Material(s): Chalk and Board/ Visual aids (Picture(s), Cartolinas)

III. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

Good afternoon Acacia!

Before we proceed to our lesson for today kindly

pick up all the pieces of paper under your chair

and arrange the alignment of your chairs.

Now let us say a short but sincere prayer to our

Heavenly Father. (Student’s name), kindly lead us

in prayer.

(Student’s name) how many are absent for


Very good!

B. Motivation:

Class as we go on, in our daily living we

follow different rules in home, in school, and in

the community. Class, give me one rule as a

student you must to comply. Yes (Student’s


Right, another answer? Yes (Student’s name).

Yes, very good! Class rules are set of principles

governing conduct or action. It helps us to live in

peace and harmony. Do you agree class?

C. Lesson Proper

Good Afternoon Sir Benedicto!

(Students picked up all the papers and arrange

the alignment of their chairs.)

All: Yes Sir!

Student A: Yes Sir.

Student B: Everybody is present Sir.

Student C: Sir, we must wear proper uniform.

Student D: Sir, we must also wear our ID’s.

All: Yes Sir!

Class in constructing sentence we must also

follow rule, like in subject-verb agreement. The

subject must agree to its verb. Let’s have rule #1

Singular subject takes a singular verb.

Ex. The dog chases the cat.

In that sentence our subject dog is in

singular form and our verb chases is also


Now let’s proceed to the second rule. Plural

subject takes plural verb.

Ex. The dogs chase the cat.

Notice our subject dogs is in plural form and our

verb chase is also in plural form.

Class this is the general rule in subject-verb

agreement wherein subjects and verb must

agree with one another in number. If a subject is

singular, its verb must also singular; if the subject

is plural, its verb must also be plural.

Class again what is the general rule in subject-

verb agreement?

Excellent! Now let’s go back to our previous

example noun and verb form plural in opposite

way: noun add an s to the singular form; verb

remove the s from singular form. Okay, let’s have

another example and identify the subject and the

verb in the sentence.

1. She runs fast.

Would you mind identify what is the subject and

the verb in the sentence?

Yes, (Student’s name) what is our subject and

what is our verb?

Right answer Carmina. Now who could change

the sentence into plural form?

Yes, (Student’s name), go here in front and

change the sentence into plural form and

identify what is your subject? And what is your

verb in the sentence

Well done Danny, class let us give him a round of


All: Singular subject take a singular verb; plural

subject take a plural verb.

Student E: Sir, the subject is girl and the verb is


Student F: They run fast. Sir, the subject is they

and the verb is run.

(Students give him a round of applause)

Here’s another example: ‘The girls have talked to

me”. Go in front and identify what is the

subject? And what is the verb? And change the

sentence into singular form. Yes, (Student’s


Nice answer Erica and very good explanation!

Next the third rule: The number of the subject

usually is not determined by a word in a phrase

or clause following the subject.

A prepositional phrase may be placed between

the subject and verb.


The boy, at the door, is my brother.

In our example the linking verb is agrees with the

singular subject boy. Sometimes, however a

prepositional phrase inserted between the

subject and the verbs make agreement more


Look at this example:

The car, with many riders, was speeding around

the curve.

Car is singular subject. Was is the singular

helping verb which agrees with car. If we aren’t

careful, however we may mistakenly label riders

as the subject since it is nearer to the verb than

car. If we choose the plural noun, riders we will

incorrectly select the plural noun, riders we will

incorrectly select the plural verb were.

Let’s have another example:

Earl, as well as his older sister, is a fantastic


What is the subject in the sentence? Yes

(Student’s name).

Very good Student G! Now let’s go to the 4th rule:

Singular subjects joined by or or nor take a

singular verb. Plural subjects joined by or nor

take a plural verb.


Student G: Sir, the subject is girls and the verb is

having talk.

(Student G will change the sentence in singular

form and explain her answer.)

The girl has talked to me.

Sir in this sentence I changed the subject into

singular form girl with no s and I changed the

helping verb into singular form has.

Student G: Sir, Earl is the subject in the sentence.

The ranger or the camper sees the bear.

In this sentence compound subject (ranger and

camper) is singular. Now let’s make this sentence

plural in form by changing the subject and the


Who wants to try?

Yes (Student’ name) go in front and make it into

plural form.

Very good Student H!

Class what if one part of the compound subject is

singular and the other part is plural?


The ranger or the campers see the bear.

The rangers or the camper sees the bear.

If the individual part of the compound subject

are joined by or or nor, use the verb which will

agree with the subject closer to the verb.

Next for our last rule for today. Subject joined by

and generally takes plural verb.


The ranger and the camper see the bear.

Two or more singular (“or plural) joined by and

act as plural compound subject and take plural


Or or nor as joiners work somewhat differently

from and while the word and seems to add

things together, or and nor do not. They suggest

a choice.

Again class and add things together while or and

nor suggest a choice can you repeat class?

Another class, use the singular form of the verb

when the noun refers to the same thing.


My mother and father cook excellent meal.

Any question class?

D. Generalization If you don’t have any questions, let us

Summarize our lesson for today. There are many rules in subject-verb agreement but the most important is you must remember the basic rule wherein: when the subject is singular it takes singular verb; and if the subject is plural form the verb must be also in plural form.

Student H: The rangers or the campers see the


All: And add things together while or and nor

suggest a choice.

All: None sir!

Again class what is the basic rule in subject-verb agreement?

IV. Evaluation

Encircle the correct form of the verb.

1. Bread and butter (is, are) his usual breakfast.

2. The singer and song writer of the CD (is, are) talented artist.

3. Neither Beth nor her parents (is, are) able to come to the concert.

4. Either Tom or Susan (live, lives) on the next street.

5. That dog with big teeth (scare, scares) me.

6. The plaza at the center of the city (cover, covers) the site of an ancient Aztec temples.

7. The capital of Mexico (is, are) Mexico City.

8. The offices of the government (is, are) in the National Palace.

9. The National Palace (was, were) built over three hundred years ago.

10. The citizen, together with the tourist (enjoys, enjoy) visiting National Palace.

V. Assignment Read and analyze the remaining rules of subject-verb agreement.

Goodbye Class!

All: When the subject is singular it takes singular

verb; and if the subject is plural form the verb

must be also in plural form.

All: Goodbye sir Benedicto. Thank you for

teaching us.

Prepared by:

Michael Benedicto

Student Teacher

Approved by:

Ms. Janine G. Dumantay

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz

English Subject Coordinator

Ms. Melita S. Ajose

OIC, MNHS- Bancal

Sir Ryo

February 23, 2016

I. Instructional Objectives: at the end of the lesson, students are able to:

1. identify the parts of a Telephone;

2. distinguish the Rules of etiquette in Telephone conversation; and

3. apply the Rules of etiquette through Telephone conversation.


Parts of the Telephone with applied Telephone Etiquettes



Manila papers, Puzzle, and Telephone





- Prayer

- Good morning class!

- Pick-up all the litters before you sit down

- Checking of attendance

- Students will pray

- Good morning Sir!

- Students will pick-up all the litters and arrange

their chairs properly

- The Class secretary will check the attendance


The teacher will call a student to arrange a

Telephone puzzle.

What image have you noticed?

Very good!

Money point for you!

Have you ever seen or used a telephone?



Thank you.


The teacher will formally discuss the topic.

Do not forget to jot down notes so that you have

something to review about.

Who was the inventor of Telephone?

- The teacher will call a student

Point for you!

- The teacher will post Alexander Graham Bell’s image

The teacher will show to the class a Telephone

Class, this is an example of Telephone

Can someone read what Telephone is?

A student will read. Yes?

Thank you. Another please?

Thank you.

It also became the most widely-used

telecommunication device in the world.

A Telephone Sir

Student will pick his/her money point

Yes Sir! (Answers may vary)

In our house Sir!

In the hospital!

Alexander Graham Bell Sir.

It came from the Greek roots “tele” or “far” and

“phone” or “sound,” and this is our link to the

outside world.

It is inexpensive and very simple to operate.

Alright, let us now identify the basic parts of a


What is the first part?

- The teacher will call a student

- Can you point out where it is located?

Thank you very much.

- Teacher’s explanation

How about the second part?

- The teacher will call a student

- Can you point out where it is located?

Thank you very much.

- Teacher’s explanation

The third part is…?

- The teacher will call a student

- Can you point out where it is located?

Thank you very much.

- Teacher’s explanation

The fourth part is…?

- The teacher will call a student

- Can you point out where it is located?

Thank you very much.

- Teacher’s explanation

These cords come complete with the standard 4p4c modular plugs at the end often with various names including RJ11, RJ22, RJ10, or RJ9.

Switch hook (under the Handset)

An electrical switch that indicates when the

phone is hung-up. Often with a lever or

magnetic button inside the Cradle.

Handset/Handle Shaped part of telephone containing the receiver and transmitter (mouthpiece); a telephone mouthpiece and earpiece are mounted so that they can be held simultaneously to mouth and ear. Telephone keypad/Dial pad It was standardized and introduced in the 1960’s which gradually replaced the Rotary dial.

Handset cord (curled) Australian standard handset cords.

The fifth part is…?

- The teacher will call a student

Thank you very much.

- Take note class that not all Telephone

sets have this part.

Sixth part is the Display that…

- The teacher will call a student

Thank you very much.

- Take note class that not all Telephone

sets have this part.

What is the function of Cradle in the telephone


- The teacher will call a student

How about the Base? Very good.

Another part is the Mounting cord that

connects between the base of a telephone and

a phone jack. It's called a line cord, because it

provides access to the phone line.

And last are the Feature buttons such as…

- The teacher will let the students to read

Thank you.

- Teacher’s explanation

- The teacher will ask the students

If you have seen or used a Telephone, do you

know how to use it properly?

- The teacher will give an example

- Follow-up questions

Class, knowing the parts of the Telephone is not enough. The most important part of this lesson is for you to learn and apply the proper usage of this device which is the Telephone Etiquettes.

Message Waiting Indicator

A highly visible message waiting light is an

essential part of any telephone system

equipped with voice mail.

shows the number of the caller.

It supports the telephone handset.

The part on which the telephone set rests or is


Hold button

Handset mute

Handsfree calling

Setting the Handset volume

Ending a call

Answers may vary

Now let us discuss the etiquettes on Telephone


What are they?

Thank you very much.

- Teacher’s explanation


Ok class, why do you think following the

etiquettes in telephone conversation is very


- The teacher will call a student

Nice answer, another?

Very good answers.


What have you learned from our topic for today?

- A student will answer

Nice answer, thank you.


The teacher will divide the class into two (2)

groups. Each group must be represented by two

(2) of its members.

Wait for 2-3 rings before you answer the phone

Speak directly into the mouthpiece

Don’t eat or chew gum while talking on the phone

If someone walks into your place while you’re

talking on the phone, ask the caller if you may put

him/her on Hold briefly.

Do not lay the Handset in the Cradle until you’ve

depressed the Hold button

Do not lay the receiver on the desk without placing

the caller on Hold

Return to the caller and complete the call.

To show respect and politeness toward other people

talking to us.

It guides us to become effective workers or professionals


Sir, I learned that we have to follow or apply the etiquettes

in telephone conversation because it would help us to use

the telephone and deal with other people appropriately.

Each group will present its representatives.

Directions: Label the Telephone with its

appropriate parts for two (2) minutes only. The

group that garnered the highest score will have

the money points.

- The teacher will post two (2) images of

the Telephone

- Your time starts now

- Ok time’s up!

- The winning group will have the money



The teacher will divide the class into three (3)

groups for a Telephone conversation following the

Rules of Etiquette discussed.

Topics are:

Casual conversation between friends

Making appointment

Call ordering from restaurant

Ok class, let’s have the draw lots, any

representative from each group?

Directions: Find a partner from your group and

use these dialogues to execute your activity.

Be guided by the given criteria.

Manifestation of the etiquette 5 pts.

Proper use of Telephone 5 pts.

Total presentation 10 pts.

Very good class, you’ve done a great job!

- Pick your money points.


Directions: Advance study the topic about:

1. definition of Kernel sentence; and

2. list five (5) examples of Kernel sentence.

Alright, everybody stand up

Goodbye class.

Answers and scores per group may vary

Representatives will draw lots.

Topics per group may vary

Each group will use the two (2) Telephones and accomplish

the activity.

Thank you Sir!

Each group will pick their money points

Students will stand up

Goodbye Sir, see you again.

Prepared by:


Practicum Student

Approved by:


Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


English Subject Coordinator



February 23, 2016

Ma’am Aubrey I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. recognize the meaning of the unfamiliar terms used in the poem If by Rudyard Kipling;

2. interpret the meaning of each stanza with their respective group;

3. share their personal experiences in connection with the poem; and,

4. distinguish the meaning of the figures of speech used in the poem.


A. Topic: If by Rudyard Kipling

B. References: Book – A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature (pp. 105-109)

Internet – , , , and

C. Instructional Materials: laptop, speakers, LCD TV, cartolina, colored papers, visual aids, pictures,

worksheets, chalkboard, and chalk

D. Valuing: Collaborative and Instructive


TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES LEARNER’S RESPONSE A. ROUTINARY ACTIVITIES: 1. Greetings: “Good afternoon Grade 9 Orchids!” 2. Prayer: “Let us begin with a short prayer, lead the prayer (name of student).” 3. Cleanliness: “Before you take your seats, kindly pick up all the litters under your chairs.” 4. Important Reminders: “For some important reminders, I would just like to refresh our house rules, ‘S-L-F’, Stop what you are doing (unnecessary things), Listen carefully to our discussion, and Focus in our lesson. Is everything clear?” “Very good!” B. DRILL: “Let us now begin with the Unlocking of Difficulties!” “Here are 10 unfamiliar terms that will be found in the poem to be discussed later.”

“Good afternoon Ma’am Aubrey! Welcome to 9 – Orchids!” (A student will lead the opening prayer.) “Yes Ma’am!” (Students will do as instructed.) “Yes Ma’am!” “What’s that Ma’am?” “Ah ok Ma’am.”

(Teacher will post the visual aids and colored papers containing the unfamiliar vocabularies. Then, students must pick from the word bank of unfamiliar terms right after the teacher read the meanings.) “These are the definitions and pick from the Word Bank for the equivalent term: 1. It means “misfortune” or “bad luck”. 2. In other words, these are your “enemies” or “opponents”. 3. It means “stack” or “bundle”. 4. They are called “pretenders” or “fakes”. 5. They are also called the “playing cards”. 6. It means “strength.” 7. This means “to bend” or “to bow”. 8. It is a “trick” or “set up” or “deception”. 9. This calls for “good quality” or “morally good”. 10. In other words, these are your “achievements”, “accomplishments”, or “successes”. “Wow! You got it all correct! Very good! Take note and don’t forget the definitions, later you’ll encounter those terms.” C. REVIEW: “What was our last topic?" “Yes very good! What is that all about?” “Yes, very good answer!” D. MOTIVATION: “Class, I will ask you something: What will you do when your plans are ruined? How will you succeed in your plans if in the road of your journey, there are many barriers await you?” “Wow! Such an optimistic perspective! That’s a great idea!”

“Ma’am disaster!” “Ma’am foes!” “Heap! Ma’am heap!” “Ma’am impostors!” “Ma’am I think pitch-and-toss!” “Ma’am sinew!” “Stoop, Ma’am!” “Trap, Ma’am!” “Ma’am virtue!” “Ma’am, I’m sure that’s triumph!” “Thank you Ma’am! We get it!” “Ma’am about Jazz Chants!” “Ma’am, it’s almost the same with speech choir but these are exercises when students repeat rhythmically words and short phrases to music. It is done together with a group with more lively acts.” “Ma’am, if I am in that situation, at first I’ll lose the confidence but of course I should be positive in facing the challenges. So, at the end I’ll still succeed in life.”



stoop trap


foes sinew


pitch-and-toss heap


“Yes, and now before we proceed to our lesson proper, I’ll let you watch first a video. (Teacher will play the video about If by Rudyard Kipling.) “Done watching the video…” “Yes! What can you say about the video?” “And what are those realities are you pertaining?” “Yes! You’re good!” E. DEVELOPMENTAL PHASE/DISCUSSION PROPER: “Now, I want you to go to your respective groups. I grouped you already, right?” “Okay, proceed to your group and form a circle. Up to the last part of our discussion that will be your seating arrangement.” “Go with your group silently. Don’t drag the chairs.” “Now that you are with your group, I’d like you to listen first to my instruction. It will still be part of our discussion proper slash (/) your activity as group.” “With your respective groups (1, 2, 3, and 4), collaborate and brainstorm with one another. You have to interpret the poem If by Rudyard Kipling.” (Teacher will post the visual aids of If by Rudyard Kipling.) “…Then, Group 1 must work for Stanza 1, Group 2 for Stanza 2, Group 3 for Stanza 3, and Group 4 for Stanza 4. Is it clear?” “Ok, good! This activity will be called as ‘SGDW’ or Small Group Differentiated Works. I already provided you the worksheet where you will write your collaborated answers. You only have 5 minutes to complete the task.” “So be focused class!” “This is the format of the worksheet.” (Teacher will post the format and give to the groups their worksheets.) “Write the name of the members at the back of your worksheet.” “Make your answers as concise as possible. Then, after 5 minutes choose a representative of your

“Thank you Ma’am! That’s what you’re always telling us, to be positive!” (Students will watch the video. ) “Yes Ma’am! It’s really meaningful!” “Ma’am, it talks about the realities of life.” “Ma’am, the things a man should do to attain maturity.” “Yes Ma’am! You grouped us yesterday!” “Okay Ma’am!” (Students will do as instructed.) “Yes, Ma’am!” (Students are serious listening to their teacher.) “Yes, Ma’am!” “Ok Ma’am!” “Ok Ma’am!”

Part of the Poem

What it Suggests

Words, Phrases, or Lines that

Clearly Suggest

“Yes Ma’am.”

group to discuss in front what you made with your group members. Is it clear?” “Ok, 5 minutes is done! Pens up! “OK, before the first group begins, let’s read the poem all together.” “Very good! Let’s begin with the Group 1.” “Thank you (name of student)!” “Class, I prepared here 4 pictures, I want you to choose the one that is nearest to the message you interpreted for the first stanza and tell me why you have chosen that.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” (Students start working with one another.) (Students will do as instructed.) (Students will read the poem.)


by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! (The representative of the Group 1 will give the brief discussion of their interpretation for the first stanza.)

(The teacher will post the 4 pictures in which students will choose the illustration showing the stanza’s message.) “Why do you say so?” “Yes, you get it right!” “The first stanza of “If” illustrates the practice of self-confidence and expresses that in being self-confident; the reader must have the courage to face unpopularity and disagreement. This stanza also, however, advises against a self-confidence that does not allow for the consideration of opposing ideas; in exhorting the reader to both ignore doubt and make allowances for doubt (lines 3 and 4), Kipling creates a paradox (the combination of mutually exclusive ideas that, while seemingly contradictory, serve to make a point in their contradiction) that is the characteristic of the tone of the entire poem. Line 5 advises patience, line 6 advises honesty, and line 7 advises fortitude of character. These 3 lines along with the first 4 lines of the poem, share a common thread: they provide instruction in the maintenance of righteous behavior in the face of unrighteousness. However, in line 8, Kipling is quick to qualify his advice, telling the reader “yet don’t look too good, nor too wise”. That is, in behaving righteously, a person must avoid smugness or self-satisfaction. I want you to read these passages in which the first stanza is changed into layman’s term for your better understanding. Kindly read, Group 1:” (Teacher will flip turn the visual aids so Group 1 will read the revised stanza 1.) “Is stanza 1 clear to you now?” “Ok, now let’s proceed to Group 2.” “Alright! Thank you (name of student)! Once again, here are the pictures where you have to pick which one shows the message of Stanza 2.” “Hmmm… Why do you say so?” “Yes! Nice reasoning!” “In the second stanza, it is hard to ignore the conservative message that is evident within the

“Hmmm… Ok Ma’am, We think (Group 1) that picture which shows self-confidence and strength!” “Because Ma’am, the tone of the poem in the first stanza shows those characteristics of confidence and strength in the middle of trials and criticisms.” (Students are quiet listening their teacher’s explanation.) “Remain calm when everyone near you is not calm, and they are holding you responsible for the problem; have confidence that you are acting correctly when everyone thinks you are wrong, and at the same time, understand their doubts. Be patient, and can tolerate lies being told about you (you don’t lie) and being hated, not hate anybody yourself, not try to look good or sound too good.” “Yes Ma’am! So clear!” (The representative of Group 2 will give a brief discussion of their interpretation for the second stanza.) “Ma’am, we think (Group 2) that the correct illustration for the second stanza’s message is the one having the man who both enjoys success and beside it he also suffers from failure.”

whole of this stanza. Once again the words are noble enough, at the start the narrator praises dreams and longings but warns against becoming blinded with those wants. Interestingly, the god-like narrator warns against the personified ‘triumph’ and ‘disaster’ realizing both of them as ‘impostors’. Is second stanza clear with you?” “For your better understanding, this is the stanza’s meaning to be changed into layman’s term, kindly read Group 2:” “That’s it!” “Yes, as I told you! Now, let’s give the stage to group 3 for the third stanza.” “Thank you (name of student)! Ok, from these photographs, choose the one that shows the message of third stanza.” “Hmmm… And why do you say so?” “Wow! You got it exactly! In the third stanza, the attitude of never giving up and working hard, is surely what could be read as the prevailing message in the stanza, however the determination and message of striving is there for all to adhere to regardless of life’s vision. It is also much more than the method of a continuation in the face of adversity, it is about the way this is done and never breathing ‘a word about your loss’ shows the utmost element of self-dignity. Class, this is the version of third stanza changed into layman’s term. Kindly read Group 3:” Is third stanza now clear to you?” “Now, let’s proceed to the fourth group.”

“Because the stanza talks about the impostors, which are the ‘triumph’ and ‘disaster’ Ma’am!” “Yes Ma’am!” “Dream but not just dream; instead, be realistic and be goal oriented; function in both good situations and bad, and realize that you will have both throughout your life. Tolerate the fact that people have twisted your words or wrecked your projects; rebuild your projects and rebuild your life again when necessary.” “Wow Ma’am! It’s really meaningful!” (The representative of the Group 3 will give the brief discussion of their interpretation for the third stanza.) “Ma’am, we think (Group 3) the photo that shows the meaning of third stanza is that one having the man who seems to be so tired and exhausted but not giving up.” “Ma’am, because the third stanza talks about a man who got defeated from a seemingly gambling scenario but then he did not give up but just hold on.” “Risk everything you have, lose it and then start all over again (without complaint). Not give up when you feel weakened physically and mentally; hang in there.” “Yes Ma’am!”

“Okay, thank you (name of student)! Lastly, group 4, among these pictures, choose the one which shows the message of fourth stanza.” “Are you sure? Why do you say so?” “Wow! Perfectly explained! In the fourth or last stanza, the importance in this section is the message of not becoming corrupted by the machinations of status, the individual not placing above anyone else, but showing ultimate humility. Obviously, “kings” is contrasted with “common good” in order to cover all the strata of society in the same ways as “foes” and “friends” is within the next line. The argument of treating a foe with the same humility as a friend and not allowing them to hurt you falls back to the self-confidence factor at the start of the poem. The last line is also the realization of passing down of knowledge and wisdom from father to son, and it is the first time that we as readers realize that the poem is not directly addressed to them but to a younger figure. This is the version of fourth stanza in layman’s term, read Group 4:” “Is Stanza 4 clear to you now?” “Very good! I hope you are all moved with the message of the poem in order for you to achieve the stature of a desirable manhood. Overall in the poem, there is much truth and wisdom. Within these motivational words that seem tap into a core within the reader, expanding virtue and knowledge. The obvious humanity which Kipling breached within the whole poem stirs within the reader’s thought of a higher nature than the pettiness that surrounds daily life, it is just shame that most people don’t act upon the meaning carried within Kipling’s verse, for then we could truly ask ‘what if?’.” “Now, to check if you truly understand the poem’s message, let’s have a comprehension practice. Just say ‘YES’ to statements that are true according to poem and ‘NO’ if not.” “Let’s begin…” 1. You should always be calm. 2. You should neither lie nor hate.

(The representative of the Group 4 will give the brief discussion of their interpretation for the fourth stanza.) “Ma’am, we think (Group 4) the picture interpreting the meaning of fourth stanza is that one; there is a man who is able to face many people and seems to have a high position but remains humble and at the end receives respect.” “Ma’am, because the in fourth stanza stated that if you can talk with crowds and king, don’t lose the common touch, we think that shows humility. At the end, if you will not waste each second of your life you’ll be fulfilled and we think Ma’am you may gain respect from such.” (Students are just quiet listening to their teacher.) “Resist being corrupted by ordinary people or by people in high positions; not be hurt by either enemies or friends, value everyone, but not any one person too much. Make the most of every minute of life; then you will be an honorable and trustworthy human being.” “Yes, Ma’am!” “Hmmm… Yes Ma’am! That’s true!”

3. Always look your best and speak in a very wise manner. 4. Its all right to dream but act on reality. 5. Realize that you will have both good and bad in your life. 6. Even if someone hurts you badly, get up and start over. 7. When you feel stressed, take some time off. 8. Adopt the ways of people in higher positions. 9. If you follow these rules, you’ll succeed in life. 10. Understand people who think differently from you and provoke you to do evil actions. “Ok, nice job! It seems you understand the poem well, now let’s proceed to your quiz. But first, let’s sum up the topic.” F. GENERALIZATION: “Who can give the synthesis of our topic?” “Very good! Thank you (name of student)!”

“Ok Ma’am!” “Yes!” “Yes Ma’am!” “No!” “Yes Ma’am!” “Yes Ma’am!” “Yes Ma’am!” “No Ma’am!” “No Ma’am!” “Yes Ma’am!” “Yes Ma’am!” “Ok Ma’am! Hoping that’s just easy!” “Ma’am, we discussed about If by Rudyard Kipling – we learned that we should not be afraid of losses, they’re part of life to succeed!”


TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES LEARNER’S RESPONSE “Get ¼ sheet of paper, write your name and then write your answers. This is the instruction for your quiz.” (Teacher will post the quiz on the board.)



“Pass your papers, I’ll be the one to check that, also your group activity in the first part of our lesson.”

Read the statements or meanings carefully in each item. Then, identify the word pertained to by the definitions provided. Choose the answer from the Word Bank. 1.

Masters who can control our lives. 2. It can influence us that failure is permanent. 3. Refers to time that waits for no man, it is like a race where every second is important. 4. Refers to the feeling of total exhaustion that can force someone to give up. 5. Compared to a pile of money won at the gambling table. 6. Means to socialize with important people. 7. Refers to mixing with all kinds of people. 8. Represents scoundrels, liars, or conmen. 9. Represents the important people in society. 10. Represents humility. KEY ANSWERS: 1. Dreams 2. Disaster 3. Unforgiving Minutes 4. Worn out tools 5. Make one heap of all your winnings 6. Walk with Kings 7. Talk with Crowds 8. Knaves 9. Kings 10. Common Touch “Ok, Ma’am!” (Students will do as instructed.)


Worn out tools

Talk with Crowds


Unforgiving Minutes


Common Touch

Walk with Kings


Make one heap of all your



TEACHER’S ACTIVITY LEARNER’S RESPONSE “Lastly, for your assignment get your notebooks and copy the following to be answered at home. Write your answers in your notebook.” “Have you learned today?” “Really? Nice to hear that! Let’s call it for a day. Good bye Orchids and God bless!”

Assignment: Look for the commonly misused words in any English book and give 10 examples with meaning. “Yes Ma’am, we learned a lot!” “Good bye Ma’am Aubrey! Thank you for teaching us and God bless!”

Prepared by: Noted by:

AUBREY Y. BERMUDEZ MR. JOSELITO O. CRUZ Student Teacher English Coordinator

Approved by: MS. MELITA AJOSE OIC, MNHS Bancal MRS. ELEONOR N. FRANCISCO Cooperating Teacher

Ma’am Anne A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(Grade -9 Students)


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

Identify the difference between Direct and Indirect Speech;

choose the correct reported speech in the sentence;

construct sentences using Direct and Indirect Speech.


TOPIC: Direct and Indirect Speech

REFERENCE: A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Materials 9, pp.532-533 and

Language in Literature Anglo-American Synthesis pp. 322-326, and internet.

MATERIALS: chalk and board, and other paper materials.




1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Cleanliness/


4. Reminder

5. Recapitulation

Everybody stand and let us pray. Can someone lead the prayer? Good Morning (____________). Before you sit kindly check the alignment of your chair and pick all the pieces of paper and put those in the trash bin. Ms. Secretary kindly inform me of who is the absent for today. I want to remind all of you about your speech choir project which will be presented on the second week of March. Are you preparing for it? Last time we discussed about voice of the verb and it is divided into two parts, and what are those? Okay that is correct!

The student leads the


Good Morning Ma’am Anne it’s nice to see you.

The students pick the pieces of papers and

arrange chair alignment.

Yes, Ma’am. (The secretary checks the


Yes, Ma’am.

The students raise their hands.

Ma’am Active and

Passive Voice.

( Student 1)

The teacher will demonstrate how to do a “Good Job Clap.”

When do we know if the sentence is active voice? and

What about passive voice? All your answers are correct. Now let’s have an example.

e.g., The dog bits the boy. (active) The boy was bitten by the dog. (passive)

Any question or clarification? Before we proceed to our new discussion, let us give your classmates a good job clap because they answered the question correctly.

We can know if the sentence is active if the

subject is the doer of the action.

If the subject is acted upon or the receiver of

the action.

The students answer in


The students give their classmates a good job





The teacher will

post some sentences and call the students randomly to read aloud the given sentences on the board.

The teacher will ask a question.

1. Rose says, “My children

are in high school now.” (Direct) Rose says that her children are in high school now. (Indirect)

2. “We will stay,” the boys assured us. (Direct) The boys assured us that they would stay. (Indirect)

3. Mother told Oscar, “You are late.” (Direct) Mother told Oscar that he was late. (Indirect)

4. He said, “The world is round.”( Direct)

He said that the world is round. (Indirect) Now, what did you notice on the sentences given/posted on the board? Anyone?

The teacher calls a


The students who called by the teacher read each

sentences aloud.

The students raise their hands.

S1: Ma’am there are changes in the tenses of the verb. S2: Change in pronouns. S3: Adding of punctuation marks. S4: Change the time and place. S5: Ma’am Direct and Indirect Speech.

Can someone guess what is our topic for today? All your answers are correct. Now, let’s give them a good job clap.

The students do the good job clap.



The teacher will

discuss the differences between Direct and Indirect Speech in the sentence.

DIRECT SPEECH – is stating exactly what someone has said. Will you please read? All together. INDIRECT SPEECH – is reporting what someone has said. -it is used in journalism. -it does not use quotation marks. e.g., (DIRECT SPEECH) “I am talking to you.” Tom said, “I’m tired.” She promised, “The girls will visit the zoo.” These sentences are examples of Direct Speech. Are the sample sentences clear? Questions? e.g., (INDIRECT SPEECH) He said he was talking to you. Tom said that he was tired. She promised that the girls would visit the zoo. Okay clear? Any questions? Now give me an example of Direct Speech and change it into Indirect Speech. Okay, (Student’s name). (The teacher calls students randomly.) All the answers given on the board are correct! Did you understand what we have discussed for today?

The students read the

meaning of direct speech.

The students read the meaning of indirect


Yes, Ma’am.

The students answer in chorus.

The students answer in chorus.

The students raise their


The students give an example.

Yes, Ma’am.


The teacher will

ask students randomly of what

Now, what have you learned in our discussion and what is the significance of using Direct and

The students raise their hands

they have learned in the discussion.

Indirect Speech in our lives and even in a certain situation?

Okay, very good now give yourself a good job clap. All together 1.2.3. Go…

S1: I have learned… S2: I have learned…

The students do the good

job clap.


The teacher will ask the students some questions. Once a student has answered, the teacher will ask another student to report it.

1. What are the things that you usually do on weekends? 2. What do you want for your birthday? 3. What have you received this Valentine? Yes, (_________). The teacher calls students randomly. Can you please state what he/she have said? Yes, (_________). Thank you, (________).

The students raise their hands.

The students answer the



The teacher will give the instruction for their quiz.

DIRECTION: Choose the correct reported speech version of each statement. Shade the circle of the correct

answer. (2pts. each)

1. Tom said, “I want to visit my friends this weekend.”

o Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.

o Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

o Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.

o None of these.

2. You said, “I will help you!”

o You said you would help me!

o You said I would help me!

o You said you would help her!

o None of these.

3. She said, “I’ve worked here since I left my last job.”

o She told me that she worked there since she had left her last job.

o She told me that she had worked there since she had left her last job.

o She told me that she had worked there since she left her last job.

o None of these.

4. “I get up every morning at seven o’clock,” Peter said.

o Peter said he got up every morning at seven o’clock.

o Peter said I got up every morning at seven o’clock.

o Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o’clock.

o None of these.

5. Cheryl asked her, “how long have you lived here?”

o Cheryl asked her how long she has lived there.

o Cheryl asked her how long she lived there.

o Cheryl asked her how long she had lived there.

o None of these.


The teacher will instruct the students to interview one of his/her classmates and construct five

sentences each for Direct and Indirect Speech.

DIRECTION: Interview one of your classmates and construct five sentences each for Direct and Indirect

Speech. Ask them about their:

(a) Celebrity crush, (b) Hobby, (c) Ambition, (d) Favorite food, (e) Favorite movie.

Prepared by:

Ms. Anne Maryjohn D. Biscocho

Practicum Student

Approved by:

Mr. Marvin H. Hacutina

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz

English Subject Coordinator

Ms. Melita S. Ajose


February 24, 2016

Ma’am Janet B. I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

Identify the kinds of sentences according to purpose;

Classify the appropriate use of sentences according to its purpose; and

Construct sentences using those purposes.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Kinds of Sentences (According to Purpose)


Materials: Chalk and Board, Box, and Visual Aids

III. Procedure

A. Daily Routine Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity



Classroom cleanliness

Checking of attendance

Important reminders

Good afternoon class. May I request (student’s name) to pray here in front? Clean up all the mess under your chair and arrange your seats properly. Class secretary do we have absentees today? Class, you will be performing your speech choir on February 26, 2016. I hope that you will perform it well on the day that you will present it.

Good afternoon Ma’am. Welcome to 8- Amarillo. (one students will lead the prayer) Yes, Ma’am. Yes, Ma’am.

B. Review of Previous Topic

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will recall the previous lesson.

Who can still remember what we have discussed yesterday?

(students will raise their hands) Ma’am, our last topic is the basic parts of sentences which are the subject and predicate. Example: Jennylyn Mercado sung my favorite song last night. Jennylyn is the subject because it’s the person who is talking about in the sentence while sung is the predicate because it tells something about the subject.

Yes, (student’s name) Very good!

C. Motivation Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will show her students pieces of paper and also the visual aids which she prepared for the activity.

I have pieces of paper here. And also I have here all your names inside the box. I’ll pick four from it then, the names will call will go in front to perform the activity that I’ll tell later. Understand?

Yes, Ma’am.

The teacher will pick names of those who will answer from the box.

The teacher will instruct her students to start performing the activity.

(students’ name will call) Yes, ___. Sentence no. 1. Yes, ___. Sentence no. 2. Yes, ___. Sentence no. 3. Yes, ___. Sentence no. 4. Thank you! Let’s give them a round of applause.

___: The girl is crying behind the tree.” ___: “What are you doing here?” ___: “Please, get out of my sight.” ___: “Hey! I’m a good boy.”

D. Lesson Proper/ Discussion

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will ask her students what they have observed on the lines have read.

What have you noticed on the sentences they have read? In sentence no. 1? Yes, (student’s name)

(students will raise their hands) ___: “Ma’am, in the first sentence, it’s only a statement.”

The teacher will post the different kinds of sentences according to purpose.

Very good! In sentence no.2? Yes, (student’s name) In sentence no.3? Yes, (student’s name) In sentence no.4? Yes, (student’s name) Very good! Now, what do you think is our lesson for today? Yes, (student’s name)

___: “Ma’am, in the second sentence, it asks question.” ___: “Ma’am, in the third sentence, it gives a request.” ___: “Ma’am, it expresses a strong feeling.” (students will raise their hands) ___: “Ma’am, our lesson for today is about kinds of sentences according to purpose.

Very good! There are four kinds of sentences according to purpose. These are:

1. A declarative

sentence make a

statement or

expresses opinion. It

declares something

and ends with a

period. (.)


1. I’m going to

town. (I’ve


something I’m

going to do.)

2. I don’t like the

new mayor. (I’ve


opinion.) Can someone give me an example of a declarative sentence? Yes, (student’s name) Very good!

2. An imperative

sentence can make a

request or give a

command. It ends

with a period. (.)

(students will raise their hands) (answers may vary)


1. Please, lend me your

pen. ( a request)

2. Go to your room.

(an order)

Can someone give me an example of an imperative sentence? Yes, (student’s name) Very good!

3. An interrogative

sentence is like an

interrogation; it asks

questions and ends

with a question mark.



1.Who is your favorite


2. Do you believe in


Can someone give me an example of an interrogative sentence? Yes, (student’s name) Very good!

4. An exclamatory

sentence expresses

sudden emotions or

(students will raise their hands) (answers may vary) (students will raise their hands) (answers may vary)

feelings. It ends with

an exclamation point.



1. That was great!

2. My pie is ruined!

Can someone give me an example of an exclamatory sentence? Yes, (student’s name)

Very good! Do you have any question regarding to our topic?

(students will raise their hands) (answers may vary) (students will answer in chorus)

E. Generalization

The teacher will ask the students to summarize the topic?

Again, what are the four kinds of sentences according to purpose? Yes, (student’s name) Very good!

(students will raise their hands) Ma’am, the kinds of sentences according to purpose are declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory.

F. Application

The teacher will post a visual aid to let her students to answer the activity. She will pick names from the box.

The teacher will start the activity.

Let’s have an activity. Again, I will pick names from the box, and you will identify the purpose of each sentence. So, let’s start. Yes, (students’ name)

1. The children are noisy.

2. Please, give me a chance.

3. What do you mean?

4. Oh! I like you.

5. Who is your inspiration?

Declarative Sentence Imperative Sentence Interrogative Sentence Exclamatory Sentence Interrogative Sentence

IV. Evaluation Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will tell her students to get ½ crosswise.

Direction: Classify the kinds of sentences according to purpose: declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory sentence. 1. Where have you been? 2. I can feel God’s presence. 3. Please, let me go. 4. Maine loves Alden. 5. Come on time, please. 6. Oh! You look so beautiful today. 7. I love watching television..

Declarative Sentence

Imperative Sentence

Interrogativ e Sentence e

Exclamatory sentence

8. What are you waiting for? 9. I think, she will fail his exam. 10. Kindly, get my book on the table. 11. Yeah! I got it. 12. Who is your mother?

V. Assignment Construct each examples of declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentence.

Prepared by

Janet L. Botor

BSE – 4A English Student Teacher

Approved by Mr. Nicandro P. Montes

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz Ms. Melita S. Ajose

Subject Coordinator (English) OIC – MNHS Bancal Annex

Ma’am Rosenda

Lesson Plan in


Sources of Information

(Primary and Secondary Sources)


At the end of period students will be able to:

1. classify the given examples according to its sources;

2. appreciate the beauty of the Philippines through comparison and contrast of contents in

the material viewed; and

3. perform an advertisement promoting the beauty of the Philippines using primary and

secondary sources.


Topic: Sources of Information (Primary and Secondary sources)

References: DIVERSITY: Celebrating Multiculturalism Through World Literature

English 10

LM pp. 408-409

TM pp. 361-363



Instructional Materials: Color wheel, cartolina, video clip, LCD monitor, pictures, chalk,

chalkboard, and board eraser.


Preliminary Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Classroom


2. Prayer

3. Greetings

4. Checking

of Attendance

5. Checking

of Assignment

B. Review

C. Motivation

Teacher's Approach

Student’s Response

"Kindly pick up the pieces of

paper and arrange your

chairs properly."

"Before we start, let us first

ask for the guidance of our


"_________, kindly lead us in


"Good morning, class!"

"You may take your seat."

"Class secretary, kindly

check the attendance for


"Bring out your notebook

and exchange with your

seatmate for checking."

“Give your classmate five

points for each definition.”

"Let us have a recap of

yesterday's activity."

"What did we do?"

The teacher will post color

wheel which has a primary

and secondary color.

Behind each color is an

example of primary and

secondary sources.

The teacher will ask the

students questions such:

1. What can you see on

the board?

2. What do you know

about the color wheel?

3. How are the colors


4. What is the

difference between primary

and secodary color?

The students will follow.

The students will pray.

"Good morning Ma'am!"

"Thank you Ma'am."

"Okay ma'am"

The students will follow.

"Yesterday, we have our

pre-test and we have

our groupings for the

presentation later."

"Ma'am a color wheel.

“A color wheel consists

of several colors."

“It is classified as primary

and secondary.”

"There are primary and

secondary colors."

"Primary colors are the

three basic colors red

yellow and blue.

D. Discussion

"Okay, according to

_________ the color wheel

has a primary and

secondary color. Later, we

are going to find out its

relevance to our lesson."

"Now, I have here a video

clip to play. While watching,

jot down as many notes as

you can.These will help you

to answer the activity and

participate on discussion


"Get your notebook in

English now and write as fast

as you can.”

The teacher will play the

video it will last for 7-


After watching the video

the teacher will post a

cartolina where the activity

was written and the teacher

will explain the direction.

Directions: Complete the

concept map by supplying

it with the information taken

from the video clip. Write

the key concept about the

topic on the circles and the

details about these key

concepts on the rectangle.

Choose your answer on the

box below.

After 7-minutes the teacher

will ask the students to

exchange with their


"Write checked by, the date

today, and your signature."

For checking the teacher

will open the circles and the

rectangles one at a time to

show the answers.

"Count the score and return

the notebook to the owner."

Secondary colors are

created when primary

colors are mixed for

example: green (blue

yellow) purple (red blue).

The students will get their


The students will watch

the video.

The students will answer

their activity.

The students will

exchange with their


The students will sign the


The students will check

their classmates’


The students will count

the score and will return

1. What is the purpose of the


"Someone said promotion,

what do we need to


2. What can we call them?

"Exactly,diid you know class

those you have mention are

examples of sources?"

"Let us go back to the color


"You stated a while ago that

the color wheel consists of

colors and you classify those

colors into primary and

secondary color.Now, what

is the connection of that

color wheel to our topic for


3.What is our topic for


"Or? We call it the Sources

of Information."

"Okay, just like in your arts

subject, in English we have

primary and secondary

sources of information.

4. "Based on primary color,

how are you going to

define primary source?"

The teacher will define the

primary and she will give


"Give me another


5. "How are you going to

define secondary


The teacher will post the

definition of secondary


The teacher will give

examples of secondary


"Kindly, give me another

examples of secondary


"Let us go back to the video

clip, between you and the

the notebook to the


(Answers may vary)

"Ma'am advertisements,

pictures, tagline,

brochures, etc."

“Ma’am ideas, supports,

materials, or sources.”

"Ma'am primary and

secondary sources."

"Ma'am it is the original


The students will copy


The students will give

examples such as

speech, journal, lecture,

poetry, etc.

"The secondary source

was taken from primary


The student will read the

meaning of secondary


The students will give

examples such as

biographical work,

E. Activity

video clip, who is the

primary source?"

6. "What about the

secondary source?"

7. "What are the

importances of using

primary and secondary


The teacher will post the

importance of using the

both sources.

Boardwork Task

The class will have their

board work activity to

check their understanding.

The teacher will post the

cartolina where the activity

was written.

"I need 10-volunteers."

"I have here box of sources,

all you have to do is pick a

source, classify whether it is

primary or secondary

sources and paste it on

respective column."

"Let us go back to the color

wheel to find out if your

answer is correct."

The teacher will reveal the

sources on primary and

secondary sources.

article review, dictionary,


"Ma'am me."

"The video clip ma'am."

"The students will give

their insights about the

importance of using

both sources."

The student will read the


Importance of using

Primary annd Secondary


1. To gain insight by

examining the same

event from different


2. To develop your

critical thinking skills by

examining meaning,

purpose and point of


3. To develop your own

conclusion and analyze

how historical events

affect your life.

4. To recognize failures

and successes in the

past in order to make

better decisions as a


The volunteers will stand.

The volunteers will pick

source from the box, the

volunteer will classify

whether it is primary or

secondary source and

paste it to the cartolina.

F. Generalization

G. Valuing

The teacher will call a

student to generalize the


Primary source

- is an original

documents containing first-

hand information about a


-a work created at the

time of an event or by a

person who directly

experienced an event.


Autobiography, diaries,

letter, etc.

Secondary source

- any published or

unpublished work that is one

step removed from original

source, usually describing,

summarizing, analyzing,

evaluating, or based on

primary source materials.

- a source that provides

criticism or interpretation of

primary source.

“How do you find the

Philippines compared to

other countries?”

“How do you find Philippines

different from other


The students will

generalize the lesson.

(Answers vary)


A. Directions:

The teacher will post the post-test activity on the board, it serves as their quiz. The

students should anwers the 10-item quiz for 5-minutes.

After 5-minutes, the teacher will ask the students to exchange with their seatmate, write

check by, the date today, and their signature.

The student will give their answer. The teacher will tell if the answer is correct or not. The

techer will ask the students to write the score and record it.

B. Performance-based

The teacher divided the class into five groups. Each group choose representative to pick

a picture of tourist spot in the Philippines. The groups are tasked to make a commercial

promoting the tourist spot they had pick. There are three different pictures, two groups will

have the same picture or tourist spot. (The groupings are done yesterday)

Criteria for judging

Content- 10pts

Tagline- 5pts

Presentation- 10pts

Creativity- 5pts


Bring one example of Primary and Secondary sources that can be found at your home.

Prepared by:

Rosenda F. Cruz

Student Teacher (BSE IV-A)

Approved by:

Mrs. Carmela G. Policarpio

Cooperating Teacher

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz

English Coordinator

Ms. Melita S. Ajose

OIC,MNHS –Bancal

Ma’am Mariz

Detailed lesson plan In Grade 8

(Degrees of Comparison of Adjective)

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

Differentiate the three degrees of comparison of an adjective;

Use the different degrees of comparison in the sentence; and

Supply the appropriate degree in the sentence.

II. Subject matter

Topic: degrees of comparison of adjective


Materials: cartolina, chalk and board, sticks, audio, and ball

III. Procedure

G. Daily routine Teacher’s activity Students’ activity



Classroom cleanliness

Checking of attendance

Important reminders

Good afternoon class. May I request (student’s name) to lead the prayer here in front? Kindly pick all the pieces of paper under your chair, and arrange your chairs properly. Secretary, would you mind check the attendance for today? Your speech choir will be on Feb. 26 at 1:00 P.M. I hope that you are already doing your practices.

Good afternoon Ma’am Mariz. Welcome to 8- Catmon. (one students will lead the prayer) (students do as told) Yes, Ma’am. Yes, Ma’am.

H. Review of previous topic

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

Who can still remember what we have discussed last meeting?

(students will raise their hands) Ma’am, it is adjective a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. Ex. She is beautiful. Beautiful is the adjective because it describe the pronoun she. (students do as told)

Yes, (student’s name) Good! Everybody, give him/her a Regine clap.

I. Motivation Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will show three sticks.

The teacher will let her students to describe the physical appearance of the sticks.

The teacher will write those answers of her students on the board.

Now, I have here Nidora’s stick, so what can you say about the appearance of this stick? Yes, (student’s name) How about Tinidora’s stick? Yes, (student’s name) Lastly, how about Tidora’s stick? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give them a Regine clap.

(students will raise their hands) Nidora’s stick is long. (students will raise their hands) Tinidora’s stick is longer than Nidora’s stick. (students will raise their hands) Tidora’s stick is the longest among the three. (students do as told)

J. Lesson Proper/ Discussion

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will ask her students what they have noticed on the sentences.

The teacher will post the meaning of Degrees of Comparison of Adjective.

The teacher will post the three different forms of comparison.

Positive Degree

What have you noticed on the sentences written on the board? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Now, what do you think is our lesson for today? That’s right! Now, degrees of comparison refers to adjectives being written in different forms to compare one, two or more nouns which are words describing persons, places, and things. The three different forms of comparison are the positive, comparative and superlative. Positive is the form of the adjective that describes a noun. It is use when no comparison is made. Examples:

(students will raise their hands) In the first sentence it describe the stick, while in the second sentence the first stick is being compared to the second stick, and the third sentence, the last stick is being compared to the two sticks. Degrees of Comparison of Adjective

Comparative Degree

Superlative Degree

The teacher will post the example table of –er,-est, more, most and irregular form.

It is a tall building. Apple is sweet to taste. Can someone give me an example of positive form of adjective? Yes, (student’s name) Comparative is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things. It is used when two things are compared. Examples: This building is taller than any other building. Apple is sweeter than pear. Can someone give me an example of comparative form of adjective? Yes, (student’s name) Superlative it is used when more than two things are compared. Examples: This is the tallest building. Apple is the sweetest fruit. Can someone give me an example of superlative form of adjective? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give them a Regine clap. In the sentences given a while ago the: Nidora’s stick is long. Tinidora’s stick is longer than Nidora’s stick. Tidora’s stick is the longest among the three. Where do you think is the positive, comparative, and superlative use in this sentences and why? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give her/him a Regine clap. If the adjective in the positive form ends in Y, the Y is changed to i And the endings er or est are added in the comparative and superlative. By adding ‘er’ and ‘est’


Dry Drier Driest

Easy Easier Easiest

Happy Happier Happiest

Heavy Heavier Heaviest

(students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students do as told) (students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students do as told)

Examples: Sheila’s bag is heavy. Joshua’s bag is heavier than Sheila’s bag. Ana’s bag is the heaviest among the three bags. Can someone give me an example of it? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give her/him a Regine clap. Most comparative forms of the adjective are formed by adding –er to the positive form of the adjective. Most superlative forms of the adjective are formed by adding –est to the positive form of the adjective. By adding ‘er’ and ‘est’


Bright Brighter Brightest

Bold Bolder Boldest

Cold Colder Coldest

Fast Faster Fastest

Great Greater Greatest

Examples: Ron run fast. Mark run faster than Ron. Jay run fastest among the two. Can someone give me an example of it? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give her/him a Regine clap. Some words or adjectives cannot be differentiated by –er or –est but by adding more or less for comparative, most or least for superlative. By using more and most


Active More Active

Most Active

Beautiful More Beautiful

Most Beautiful

Brilliant More Brilliant

Most Brilliant

Careful More Careful

Most Careful

famous More Famous

Most Famous

Examples: May is beautiful. Rona is more beautiful than May. Steph is the most beautiful among the three.

(students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students do as told) (students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students do as told)

Can someone give me an example of it? Yes,(student’s name) Good! Give her/him a Regine clap. Some common adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms. Irregular comparison


Bad Worse Worst

Good Better Best

Little Less Least

Many More Most

Ill Worse Worst

Examples: Jake is good in Math. Joy is better than Jake in Math. Jess is the best in Math among the three. Can someone give me an example of it? Yes,(student’s name) That’s right! Thank you. Do you have any question?

(students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students do as told) (students will raise their hands) (Answers may vary) (students will answer in chorus)

K. Generalization Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will ask the students what they have learned and what they think is the importance of the lesson.

What have you learned for today? Yes, (student’s name) What do you think is the importance of today’s lesson? Yes, (student’s name) Good! Give her/him a Regine clap.

(students will raise their hands) I have learned that there are three degree of comparison the Positive, Comparative, and Superlative. (students will raise their hands) (students will state their thoughts) (students do as told)

L. Application Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will post the table of degree of comparison of adjective.

The teacher will start to play the music and the students will pass the ball.

The teacher will let her students to choose the correct use of degree/form of adjective in the sentence.

The teacher will start the activity.

Let us have an activity, when the music starts the ball will start to roll. You need to pass the ball until the music stops. Once the music stops, the passing of the ball will stop too. The student who holds the ball will need to answer the questions on the table. Did you understand?

1.Lebron James is _______ than Stephen Curry. 2.Juan is ________. 3.Aldub is the _________ love team in the Philippines. 4.Killing is _________ than stealing. 5.China has the _________ population in the world.


1.tall Taller Tallest

2.lazy Lazier Laziest

3.famous More Famous

Most Famous

4.bad Worse Worst

5.big Bigger Biggest

Yes, Ma’am (students do the activity) Taller Lazy Most famous Worse Biggest

IV. Evaluation Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

The teacher will tell her students to bring

out ½ sheet of paper each.

Direction: Apply the most appropriate Degree of Comparison to be used in each sentence below. 1.The tree is ________.(tall) 2.Liza is the ______ among the three.(beautiful) 3.Jupiter is the ______ among all planets.(large) 4.Judy is_______ than Jeny.(small) 5.Felix is ________.(strong) 6.Kitchen is one of the _________ place in the house.(dirty) 7.Her book is _____ than Melebo’s book.(thick) 8.Nine is _______ than Ten.(little) 9.Steven is a _______ guy.(smart) 10.Joyce is the _______ in Filipino among them all.(good)

V. Assignment

Give five examples of Positive, Comparative, and Superlative Degree of Adjective.

Prepared by

Mariz F. Eugenio

BSE – 4B English Student Teache Approved by Mr. Nicandro P. Montes

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz Ms. Melita S. Ajose

Subject Coordinator (English) OIC – MNHS Bancal Annex

Ma’am Reynalen

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(For Grade 10)

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson students are expected to:

1. Identify how elements of the short story contribute to the theme of the selection,

2. reflect to realize the significance of friendship, and

3. perform different activities connected to the story.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Little Prince (an excerpt)

By: Antoine De Saint Exupery

Reference: Celebrating Multiculturalism through World Literature

(Module 4)

Teacher’s Manual (pages 359-360)

Learner’s Manual (pages 411-414)

Materials: pictures, visual aids, video, TV, chalkboard, chalk, board eraser

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Approach Student’s Response

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Checking of cleanliness

“Before we start, kindly pick up all the pieces of dirt on the floor. Make sure that your place is already clean. Kindly align your chairs as well.”

(Students will follow.)

2. Prayer “Let us feel the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. _________, kindly lead the prayer.”

(Students will pray.)

3. Greetings “Good morning, class!” “Please be seated.”

*Good morning, Ma’am Liwanag! *Thank you.

4. Checking of Attendance “Secretary, kindly write the name of the students who failed to attend the class today, thank you.”

(Secretary will follow.)

5. Checking of Homework “Let us check first your homework. Exchange notebook with your seatmate.” “What is your assignment?” “Kindly read the questions.” “Okay! Thank you. If your classmates answer all the questions give them 1 point, in each number and 7 points if they give the birthdate, birthplace, works, achievements, masterpiece of the author for a total of 10 points. Understand class?”

*Read and understand the selection and answer the following questions also look for the biography of the author. 1. What is the title? 2. Who is the author? 3. Who are the characters? *Yes Ma’am!

6. Review a. “What did we do last meeting?” b. “Did you still remember those words?” c. “Okay! Give me one word and its meaning.”

*We discussed the unlocking of difficulties of the selection. *Yes! (Answers vary.)

B. Motivation (The teacher will group the class into two.) “Each group will choose 5 representatives who will arrange the pictures on the board chronologically. This is a relay wherein the first group who will finish first, win.” “Class, you have 2 minutes to collaborate with you group mates. Your time starts now!”

(Students will start collaborating with their group mates.)

(After 2 minutes. The game will start.) (The teacher will ask the group who won the game.) 1. Why did you finish so fast? 2. What did you do? “Okay! Thank you. Now let’s proceed”

(Students answer may vary.) (Answers vary.)

C. Lesson Proper o About the author

(Before the teacher tells the story, the teacher will introduce first the author. Showing the picture of the author.) a. “Class are you familiar with this man?” b. “By looking at this picture, can you tell me his nationality?” c. “Who is in the picture?” (The teacher will now discuss the life and works of Antoine de Saint Exupery.)

*Yes/No, Ma’am! (Answers may vary.) *Antoine de Saint Exupery

o Viewing of the video clip

“Before we proceed, let us watch first one of Antoine de Saint Exupery’s masterpieces/works.” “While watching you may jot down the important details and events of the story in your notebook.” “Is it clear?”

(Students will follow.) *Yes, Ma’am!

o Discussion

(After watching the video.)

o “What is the title of the story?”

“Class! It is an excerpt”

*The Little Prince *Ma’am! What is an excerpt?

“When we say “excerpt” it means that you will select a passage or to take a passage from the book. Is that clear?”

o “Okay! Now, who are the characters?”

“Okay! Now that you have already an idea about the story let’s start!” “The story is about the Little Prince and the fox.” (Using the Elements of a Short Story and using the pictures, the students will tell the story.) a. “Where is the setting?” b. “Who are the characters in the story?” (The teacher will tell the sequence of events using the pictures. After a while, the teacher will ask the students regarding the story.) c. “What is the theme of the story?” (In this part the two groups will know if they got the correct arrangement of the pictures. The group that has a correct arrangement will receive a chip. ) (After telling the story.) “Any questions regarding the story?” “Did you appreciate the story?” “Why?” “Okay! Let’s proceed.”

*Yes, Ma’am! Thank you. *The Little Prince, the fox and the rose. Elements of a Short Story

V. Setting- under the apple tree

VI. Character The Little Prince and the fox

VII. Plot

- Exposition

- Rising Action

- Climax

- Falling Action

- Resolution

o Theme The theme of the story is camaraderie.

(Answers may vary.)

*Yes! (Answers may vary.)

D. Generalization 1. “If you are the fox will you do the same? Why?” 2. “Does the Little Prince and the fox rebuild relationship in terms of their differences?” “How do you say so?”

(Answers may vary.) *Yes! (Students answer may vary.)

E. Valuing

“What have you learned?” “What is the moral lesson of the story?” “When you reflect , what did you realized?” “Very good class! I hope all of you don’t only understand the story moreover, you apply what you gain from it.”

(Answers may vary.) (Answers may vary.) (Answers may vary.)

IV. Evaluation (Students will perform different activities. The class will be grouped into four.) (The teacher will provide the story of group two.)

(First group needs to create a big greeting card in a cartolina with a message promoting how to respect differences. One will represent their work.) (Second group will play a reader’s theater a story regarding friendship.) (Third group needs to think a song about friendship and perform it.) (Last group, needs to design a school program that fosters friendship and camaraderie with their school mates. They need to provide their objectives. One member will act as the president of the club and the rest acts as the member.)

“Class! You have 5 minutes to collaborate with your group. Your time starts now.” (After 5 minutes proceed to the performance of the students.) “Job well done class! Give yourself, your group, and your classmate a round of applause for a wonderful performance that you’ve showed. ” “Even though you have different tasks given to do still you proved that you can do it! Congratulations!”

(Students will start collaborating with their group mates.) (Students will perform.) (Students will clap.)

V. Assignment In a short bond paper, draw an object that symbolizes the importance of friendship. Then, explain why you choose that object in 5 sentences.

Prepared by: __________________ Reynalen L. Liwanag BSE-4A Student Teacher Approved by: __________________ Mrs. Carmela G. Policarpio Cooperating Teacher Noted by: __________________ Mr. Joselito O. Cruz Subject Coordinator _________________ Ms. Melita S. Ajose OIC-MNHS Bancal

Ma’am Julie

I. Objectives

At certain point of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Recognize capitalization and the use of punctuations in direct speech;

b. make necessary transformations from direct to indirect speech;

c. give reports through direct and indirect speech.

II. Subject Matter

Grade level: Grade 9 English

Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech

References: A Journey to Anglo-American Literature, module 4, pgs. 531-532 ; The World

Book Complete Word Power Library, vol. 1, pgs. 41-42; Reported speech 1 – article

An article by Kerry Maxwell and LIndsay Clandfield on approaches to teaching reported


Materials needed: chalk and board, and other paper materials.

III. Learning Activities

A. Daily Routine

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity



Classroom cleanliness

Checking of


Good morning class.

May I request (student’s name)

to lead the prayer here in front?

Clean up all the mess under your

chair and arrange your seats


Class secretary do we have any

absent today?

Good morning Ma’am Julie.

Welcome to 9- _____. It’s

nice to see you.

One student will lead the


(Students do as told.)

Class secretary:_____

(Answer may vary)

B. Review of

Previous Topic

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

Who can still remember what

we’ve discussed last meeting?

Yes, (student’s name).

Students will raise their


A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

(Grade 9 – Junior High)

Yes, that’s right.

Ma’am, it is context clues.

C. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

Title: The Pizza

The teacher will post a

short comic strip.

The teacher will ask

the students to read

the comic strip

because she will give

some questions about


I have three questions here

about their conversation. Write

your answers in your notebook.

Students will read the


(Students do as told.)

D. Lesson Proper

D.1 Presentation

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

The teacher will

explain that there

are two ways to state

what someone has


There are two ways to state what

others have said.

The first is through directly quoting

them. And if there’s a direct, there

is also an indirect way.

Namely, these are direct or

quoted speech, and indirect or

reported speech.

We can answer these questions

either in quoted or reported

speech. But I will give the answer

to Q1 and Q2 in both ways.

Answer1: Quoted speech

Lina said, “I want a hot and spicy pizza.”

Randy said, “I want to have my pizza with


Answer2: Reported speech

Lina said she wanted a hot and spicy


Randy said he wanted to have his pizza

with pineapples.

(The class listens attentively.)

Comic strip’s dialogues:

(Lina and Vanjie are at a pizza


Lina: I want a hot and spicy pizza.

Randy: I want to have my pizza

with pineapples.

Lina: I suggest you order a

Hawaiian pizza.

Randy: I agree with you.

Lina: I’m already starving let’s

order now.

Q1: What did Lina say about

her pizza?

Q2: What did Randy say about

his pizza?

Q2: What did Lina suggest to


The teacher will refer

back to the

questions earlier.

Now, look at your answers. Who

among you answered in quoted


Who answered in reported


Students will raise their


D.2 Discussion

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

Direct/Quoted speech

The teacher will post

on the board the

meaning of direct


The teacher will

explain the

explanatory part and

the quoted part.



Direct or quoted speech – it is

stating exactly what someone has


Like these sentences. (Refers back

to the examples)

Direct speech consists of two

parts: The explanatory part and

the quoted part.

In this example, the explanatory

part is:

Lina said

The explanatory part tells who

stated the quoted words and in

what way.

While the quoted part in this

sentence is:

“I want a hot and spicy pizza.”

The quoted part is the exact

words of the original speaker.

And since it is the exact words, we

will not change anything.

We will retain the beginning of the

quoted words capitalized.

Are you following?

What about punctuations? What

have you noticed with the


Yes, (Student’s name).

Thank you, (student’s name).

That’s right. If you place the

pronoun and the verb at the

beginning of your quoted speech,

you need to write the comma

before the quotation marks and

the period inside the quotation


Just like our examples.

(The class listens attentively.)

Students will answer in


Students will raise their


Students will give their


The teacher will ask

for students’ queries.



The teacher will post

the meaning on the


Pronoun change

The teacher will post

on the board a chart

with pronoun



The teacher will ask

for students’ queries.

Do you have any question?

Let us go to indirect speech.

An indirect speech or reported

speech is stating what someone

has said without using quotation

marks and without necessarily

using their exact words.

Like these sentences. (Refers back

to the examples)

Notice that we changed the

pronoun I to he and she. We

change the pronoun to whatever

is the most appropriate to use.

If I change the pronoun of this

sentence to we what is the

pronoun that you will use for

reported speech? Lina said, “I (We) want a hot and spicy


Yes, (Student’s name).

That’s right. Thank you, (student’s


In reported speech the tense

usually changes to past tense.

Because obviously, the person

who spoke the quoted words

have originally spoken in the past.

(refers back to the examples on

the board)

Do you have any question?

Students will answer in


(The class listens attentively.)

Students will raise their


The student will answer the


(Students will answer.)

E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

The teacher will ask

the students what

they have learned

and what they think

is the significance of

the lesson.

What do you think is the

significance of today’s lesson?

Yes, (Student’s name).

Great! Thank you.

Students will raise their


I have learned that …

Students will state their


F. Application

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity

Title: Chain report – He

said/She said

The teacher will

explain the

Now, we will have a short group

activity. Your group is the column

that you belong to. So we have

group 1 and group 2.

mechanics of the


The teacher will show

the example to the



T: I like it.

S1: She said she liked


S2: I like it.

S3: He said, “I like it.”

The selected

students will receive

recitation chip if their

answer is correct.

The class will start the


We will do an alternate direct

speech/indirect speech.

I will say something, once I call

you; you need to report that in

reported speech if it’s in direct

speech and vice versa.

Then cycle will go on until I stop

calling someone to continue it.

Did you get it?

The class listens to the


Students will answer in


Yes, Ma’am.

(The students do the activity)

IV. Evaluation


The teacher will ask the students to pair themselves.

The teacher will instruct the students to prepare a ½ sheet of paper each.

The students will take turns in asking and answering the questions.

Directions: Interview your partner. Ask them three questions below; state each of their answer

both in quoted and reported speech. Write your answer in ½ sheet of paper. (Note: It’s better to

write your partner’s answers to the questions in a scratch paper first.)

2 points for every correct statement.

12 points + 3 automatic points for their answers to the questions = 15 points


a. How would you describe yourself?

b. What is the thing you hate the most?

c. What do you like the most?

d. What is friendship?

e. What is the role of the youth in today’s society?

V. Assignment

The teacher will ask the students to quote a TV personality interview on the news in a

reported speech.

Instruction: Watch an interview of a TV personality later on the news. Quote what he/she will say

in reported speech. Write it on your notebook,

Prepared by

Julie Anne Llorente

BSE – 4A English

Student Teacher

Approved by

Mr. Marvin H. Hacutina

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz Ms. Melita S. Ajose

Subject Coordinator (English) OIC – MNHS Bancal Annex

February 22, 2016

Ma’am Criselda Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 7 I. Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the use of preposition;

b. Distinguish the usage of preposition (on, at, and in); and

c. Apply the correct preposition in the sentence.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Prepositions

B. Reference:

C. Materials: Visual Aids, chalkboard, board eraser and chalk

III. Procedures

A. Daily Routine Teacher’s Activities Students’ Responses

1. Greeting

Goodafternoon 7 Ruby!

Goodafternoon Ma’am

Welcome to 7 Ruby!

2. Prayer

Let us pray class.

The students will pray

3. Cleanliness

Before you sit, pick up the trash

around you and arrange your chairs


The students will follow

4. Checking of Attendance

How many are absent today?

Ma’am there are no. absent


5. Important Reminders

May I remind you that your speech

choir project will be recite on March


Is it clear class?

Yes Ma’am

B. Review

Last week we’ve discussed about

the story of Courage by whom?

What is the theme of the story,


Very good!

Now let’s talk about our new lesson.

Bienvenido N. Santos,


Ma’am the theme of the

story is passion for teaching

C. Motivation

The teacher is going to post 5

pictures on the board.

D. Lesson Proper

The students are expected to

identify the pictures and they will

construct a sentence from those



Kim Soo Hyun

What illustration do we have in the

first picture?

Construct a sentence using that


Very good!

In the next 2 pictures, what did

you see?

What is the role of te eye?

What is time in the clock?

Very good!

Construct it on a sentence.

How about the last two pictures?

Very good!

Construct it on a sentence.

Very good!

A preposition is a word that links a

noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to

some other part of the sentence.

A preposition is used to show

direction, location, or time, or to

introduce an object.

Rabbit and table, Ma’am

The rabbit is on the table

Eyes and clock Ma’am

To see Ma’am

2 o’clock p.m. Ma’am

See you at 2:00 p.m.

The picture of Kim Soo

Hyun and the flag of Korea,


Kim Soo Hyun lives in


Here are a few common

prepositions and examples.


Used to express a surface of


1. I put an egg on the kitchen table.

2. The paper is on his desk.

In example no.1, where is the egg?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no.2 where is the


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘on’ is used to?

Used to specify days and dates:

3. The garbage truck will arrive on


4. I was born on the 14th day of

June in 1988.

In example no.3, when the garbage


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no.4, when is her


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘on’ is used to?

Used to indicate a part of the


5. The stick hit me on my


6. He kissed me on my cheek.

on the kitchen table, Ma’am

on, Ma’am

on his desk, Ma,am

on, Ma’am

Used to express a surface of

something, Ma’am

on Monday, Ma’am

on, Ma’am

on 14th day of June in 1988

on, Ma’am

Used to specify days and

dates, Ma’am

In example no.5, where did she hit

the stick?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no. 6, where did he


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘on’ is used to?

Do you understand the usage of

preposition ‘on’, class?


Used to point out specific time:

1. I will meet you at 12:00 p.m.

2. The bus will stop here at 5:45


In example no. 1, what time she

will meet her?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no. 2, what time the

bus will stop?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘at’ is used to?

Used to indicate a place:

3. There is a party at the club


4. We saw a baseball game at the


In example no. 3,where is the


What is the preposition used in the


on my shoulder

on, Ma’am

on my cheek

on, Ma’am

Used to indicate a part of the

body, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am

at 12:00 p.m.

at, Ma’am

5:45 p.m.

at, Ma’am

Used to point out specific

time, Ma’am

at the club house

at, Ma’am

at the stadium, Ma’am

In example no. 4, where they saw a

baseball game?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘at’ is used to?

Used to indicate an activity:

5. He laughed at my acting.

6. I am good at drawing a portrait.

In example no. 5 why did he


What is the preposition used in the


Very good1

In example no. 6, what is her


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘at’ is used to?

Do you understand the usage of

prposition ‘at’, class?


Used for unspecific times during

a day, month, season, year:

1. She always reads newspapers in

the morning.

2. The new semester will start in


In example no. 1,when is she reads


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no. 2,when will start

the new semester?

What is the preposition used in the


at, Ma’am

Used to indicate a place,


at my acting, Ma’am

at, Ma’am

at drawing a portrait, Ma’am

at, Ma’am

Used to indicate an activity,


Yes, Ma’am

in the morning, Ma’am

in, Ma’am

in March, Ma’am

in, Ma’am

Very good!

So, the preposition ‘in’ is used to?

Used to indicate a location or


3. I am currently staying in


4. He lives in the Philippines.

In example no. 3,where did she


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no. 4,where did he


What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘in’ is used to?

Used to indicate a shape, color,

or size:

5. This painting is mostly in blue..

6. This jacket comes in four

different sizes.

In example no. 5,what is the color

of the painting?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

In example no. 6, how many are

sizes of jacket?

What is the preposition used in the


Very good!

So, the preposition ‘in’ is used to?

Do you understand the usage of

preposition ‘in’, class?

Used for unspecific times

during a day, month, season,

and year, Ma’am

in Manila.Ma’am

in, Ma’am

in the Philippines, M a’am

in, Ma’am

Used to indicate a location or

place, Ma’am

Blue, Ma’am

in, Ma’am

four different sizes

in, Ma’am

Used to indicate a shape,

color, or size, Ma’am

Yes, Ma’am

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Underline the correct preposition in the parenthesis

1. My homework is (on,at,in)the teacher’s desk.

2. There were hundreds of people(on,at,in) the park.

3. The students stood (on,at,in) the circle.

4. I want to lose 5 kilogram (on,at,in) one month.

5. I will come to pick you up (on,at,in) 2 p.m. tomorrow.

6. This class will be held (on,at,in) Monday.

7. She is studying (on,at,in) Virginia State University.

8. She was annoyed (on,at,in) stupidity.

9. Hang the picture (on,at,in) the wall.

10. Anna lives (on,at,in) California.

V. Assignment

1. Research the story of “In Search of God” by Conrado Pedroche

Prepared by:

Maria Criselda A. Pajarillo

Student Teacher

Approved by:

Mr. Feliciano Gonzales

Cooperating Teacher

Noted By:

Mrs. Melita S. Ajose

OIC, MNHS Bancal

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz

English Subject Coordinator

E. Generalization

Anyone can summarize our topic


Preposition is a word that

links a noun, pronoun, or

noun phrase to some other

part of the sentence. It also

used to show diection,

location or time, or introduce

an object. And it also we

discussed the different usage

of preposition (on, at, in).

Ma’am Pau A Detailed Lesson Plan in English -Grade 9

February 22, 2016

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

identify the participles in the sentences;

give the importance of participles in communication; and

construct sentences using participles.


A. Topic: Participle

B. References: Book – Grammar and Composition in our Changing World.

Authors: Dalisay, Luzada, Ong and Santos

Anvil Publishing Inc., 2013

pp. 118-119

C. Instructional Materials:, cartolina, colored papers, manila paper,

worksheets, chalkboard, and chalk


TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES LEARNER’S RESPONSE A. ROUTINARY ACTIVITIES: 1. Greetings: “Good afternoon class!” 2. Prayer: “Let us begin with a short prayer, lead the prayer (name of student).” 3. Cleanliness: “Before you take your seats, kindly pick up all the litters under your chairs.” 4. Important Reminders: “For some important reminders, I would just like to refresh our house rules, ‘S-L-F’, Stop what you are doing (unnecessary things), Listen carefully to our discussion, and Focus in our lesson. Is everything clear?” “Very good!”

“Good afternoon Ma’am Pau! Welcome to 9 –Sunflower!” (A student will lead the opening prayer.) “Yes Ma’am!” (Students will do as instructed.) “Yes Ma’am!”

B. REVIEW: “What was our last topic?" “Yes very good! What is that all about?” “Yes, very good answer! Do you have any question or clarification about Jazz Chants?” D. MOTIVATION: “Class, I will show you something! What is this? (showing an umbrella) “Correct! What’s the function of this umbrella?” “Correct! But did you know that it has another function too?” “You can also use it as an arnis in case there are some bad guys.” “Next.. I have here… (showing a plastic), what is this?” “Right! What is the function of plastic?” “Correct! But again, did you know that it has another function too?” “Correct! Sometimes, it can be a beautiful gown or an awesome decoration at home.” D. DISCUSSION PROPER: “Did you know that in English there are words that have many functions?” “Same as in the things I brought awhile ago, English words can have other functions too. Later, you’ll learn about that.” “Our topic for today is all about Participle. Do you have any idea what is Participle?” “Okay, Participle is a verb in form but functions as an adjective.” “See.. Participle is a verb in form but not functioning as an action word, instead, it is describing a noun or a pronoun. Let’s learn more about participle!” “We have three kinds of Participle, but we are only going to discuss today only two kinds, the Present and the Past.”

“Ma’am, last time we’ve discussed about Jazz Chant. Jazz Chant is a poem that uses jazz rhythms to illustrate the natural stress and intonation patterns of conversational American English.” “None ma’am!” “Ah! That’s an umbrella ma’am!” “Umbrella is used to cover ourselves from the rain and the sun.” “What ma’am?” “You’re right Ma’am! Sometimes, we do that!” “A plastic!” “Plastic can be used in packaging! It serves as a container.” “I think, it can be a toy” (showing how to play the plastic) “You’re right ma’am!” “We don’t think so ma’am!” “We have ma’am but we’re not sure.”

“Let’s move to the Present Participle, How to form it? Imagine, we’re in Math class. This is the formula. Base form of the verb + -ing = Present Participle. Present Participle ends in -ing” “Let’s have an example: An exciting news was spread in Meycauayan.” “Find the words that are verb in form.” “Okay, Find the word that ends in -ing.” Correct! Then, I will ask you, What is the function of the word exciting in the sentence?” “Why?” “Correct! That’s why it is a participle because it is a verb in form but functions as an adjective.” “Next example, Alden found a letter that is confusing. Identify the participle in the sentence.” “Why confusing?” “Correct! Now, let’s have your groupings. I need four groups.” (grouping the students according to their seats) “This is what you are going to do, I will give you a word and all you have to do is to construct your own sentence. Use the word as a participle. Choose a representative (only one) who will write on the board the sentence. The fastest group who got the correct answer will have one point. The noisiest will be disqualified. Are you ready?” “Let’s start!” ( showing the word boring) “The fastest group who got the right answer is__! You got one point!” “Next”( showing the word loving) “The fastest group who got the right answer is__! You got one point!” “Okay, thank you! Do you have any questions to Present Participle?” “Let’s proceed to the second kind of Participle. The Past Participle. It ends in –d or –ed or it changes in spelling. Let’s have an example, The broken glass is dangerous. Identify the Past Participle in the sentence.”

“Ma’am, It is very easy to identify because it ends in –ing.” “Ah, I think the verbs are exciting, was and spread.” “ exciting ma’am” “Adjective” “I think because it modifies the word news.” “It’s confusing ma’am!” “Because it modifies the word letter” (choosing their group’s representative) “Yes, we are ma’am!” (Each group will construct a sentence using the participle boring) (Each group will construct a sentence using the participle loving) “None ma’am!” “Broken ma’am!”

“Why do you think it is the participle in the sentence?” “Good! And it is in what tense?” “Correct! Broken is the past participle of the base form of the verb break.” “Next.. My favourite food is fried chicken. Find the past participle in the sentence.” “Why?” “What part of speech is chicken?” “What do we call a word that describes a noun or pronoun?” “Correct! So, the function of the word friend there is an adjective. But since that the word is verb but functions as an adjective then it is called ‘participle’. When a participle ends in –d or –ed or changed in spelling, it is called Past Participle.” “Do you have any question?” “Let’s continue our activity awhile ago. Same rules, but this time, it’s all about Past participle.” (showing the word haunted) The fastest group who got the right answer is__! You got one point!” “Another word..” (showing the word baked) The fastest group who got the right answer is__! You got one point!” Okay, the winning group is __. You got Aling Dionisia clap. One, two , three, go… (doing Aling Dionisia clap) E. GENERALIZATION: “What have you learned today?” “Very good! Thank you!”

“Because it is a verb but it describes the glass so it functions as an adjective.” “Past ma’am!” “Fried ma’am!” “It ends in –ed and it describes the chicken” “Noun” “Adjective” “None ma’am!” (Each group will construct a sentence using the participle haunted) (Each group will construct a sentence using the participle baked) (doing Aling Dionisia clap) “I’ve learned that Participle is a verb in form but function as an adjective. There are three kinds. Two of those kinds are Present and Past. Present ends in –ing, on the other hand, Past ends in –ed,-d or changed in spelling.”


“Class, answer this. Read the directions carefully.”

Directions: Underline the participle and encircle the word being modified in the sentence.

1. The disheartened men built a house on a mountain.

2. The melted ice cream is on the table.

3. Vic Sotto and Pauleen Luna prepared a roasted pork for their wedding.

4. The pacing lion made me nervous.

5. My neighbour, Vice G., is annoying.


“Class for your assignment, give atleast 10 common misused words and give their meaning.”

Prepared by:

PAULINE JOYCE D. PEQUIT Student Teacher Noted by:

MRS. ELEONOR N. FRANCISCO Cooperating Teacher MR. JOSELITO O. CRUZ English Coordinator Approved by: MS. MELITA AJOSE OIC, MNHS Bancal

Ma’am Jannet T. Detailed Lesson Plan

English Grade – 7 Jasper I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Identify the preposition; 2. Differentiate the preposition of time and preposition of place; and

3. Apply the preposition in, on, and at that appropriate in the given sentence.

II. Subject Matter Topic: Preposition: Locators in Time and Place Materials: visual aids, chalks, and blackboard Reference:

III. Procedures

Preliminaries Activity Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

Daily Routine 1.Classroom Management 2. Prayer 3. Greetings 4. Attendance/Reminders

“Before anything else, would you please arrange the

alignment of your chairs and pick up all the trash under

your chairs.”

(name of the student) “Can you please lead

the prayer?”

“Good afternoon class!”

“You may now take your sit”

“Secretary, please check the attendance for today. Class, I

would like to remind you about your speech choir

project that will be presented on March 2. I expected

thatyou're preparing for it.”

(Students will clean their room)

(Students will pray)

“Good afternoon Ma'am Jannet! Welcome to section


B. Review "What was our topic last meeting?” Anyone? Yes (name

of the student)

“That’s correct! What is the general rule of subject verb agreement? Anyone?” Yes

(name of the student)

“Very good! Class, always be mindful with the general rule of subject-verb agreement.”

“Ma'am, it's all about the Subject-Verb Agreement.”

“Singular subject takes

singular verb whereas, plural subject takes plural verb.”

C. Motivation

(Teacher will post a five set of pictures)

(The teacher will ask about what they can say in the pictures.)

“I have here a five pictures and I want you to create a

sentence that you can see in the picture.”

Picture 1.

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

“The book is on the table.”

“The ball is above the table.” “The ball is under the table.”

“The man is behind the door.”

(The teacher will ask about what did they notice in the


Picture 5

“Class, what have you noticed in the sentence?”

“The girl is at the mall.”

(Students will raise their

hand.) (Answers may vary)

D. Discussion/Lesson Proper

“The words on, above, under, behind, and at are what we

called Preposition.” “So, what is preposition?”

“Preposition is words that

show the relationship between a noun and a


“Here are some examples of commonly used preposition.”

above below in

under down on

at from outside

behind of with

The preposition of Time: in, on, and at.

(The teacher will demonstrate

the fireworks clap)

“There are some uses to indicate the preposition of

place and time of in, on, and at.”

“Let’s start with the preposition of Time: in, on,

and at”

“These prepositions are used to show the time and date of

events, activities and situations.”

“We use on to designate days and dates.”

“Please read the examples class? Anyone? Yes, (name of

the student) Ex. My brother is coming on

Monday. We are having a party on

fourth of July.

‘’So, our preposition is on in the two sentences. Right


“On + day which is Monday and the second one is on + date which is the fourth of

July. Is it clear?”

“Can you give me examples?”

“Okay! Let’s proceed to usage of at”

“We use at with times. The

examples are at 5 o’clock, at 11:45, at midnight and at


“Let’s use it a sentence class.” “Ex. I have a meeting at 11:00


“We use at because the time is 11:00 A.M”

“Can you give me other


(Students will read the examples)

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” (Student will raise their hand)

(Students will give examples)

(Answers may vary) (Students will do the fireworks


Preposition of Place with the

use of at, in and on

“Very good! Let’s give your classmate a fireworks clap.” “Okay! Let’s proceed to usage of in.” “We use in for nonspecific time during a day, a month, a season, or a year.” “Let’s have an examples “She likes to jog in the morning.” “It’s too cold in winter to run outside.” “So, what are the two prepositions in the sentences that we used?” Yes, (name of the student) “Very good! Let’s give your classmate a fireworks clap.” “Do you have any questions?” “Did you understand class?” “Now, let’s proceed to Preposition of Place with the use of at, in and on same as Preposition of Time.” “at, in, and on are preposition of place and show the position of people, places and things.” “In preposition of place we use at for specific addresses.”

“Let’s have an example.” “She lives at 33 rue de La

Fayette, Paris.”

“What is the specific address in the sentence?”

Yes, (name of the student)

“Good job! That’s correct!”

Ma’am, the word in.

(Students will do the fireworks clap)

“No, Ma’am” “Yes, Ma’am”

“Ma’am, at 33 rue de La Fayette, Paris.”

(The teacher will demonstrate

the pakbet clap)

“In the sentence, it has the specific address so we used the preposition at.” “Okay, the next one is the use of on to designate names of

streets, avenues, etc.”

“The example is: “Her house is on Boretz Road.” “What is the preposition of place on in the sentence?” Yes, (name of the student) “That’s correct! Give your classmate a pakbet clap!” “Class, can you give me example of on?” “And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns, states, countries and continents).” “Let’s have an example: “In Belgium, in Stanford avenue, in Brussels.” “Please read the example. Yes, (name of the student)” “What is the preposition of place in the sentence?” “Very good! What is the country said in the sentence?” “That’s correct! Very good! (name of the student)!” “Class, can you give other examples?” “Did you get it class? Any questions about the two preposition of place and time with the use of on, at, and in.”

“Ma’am, on”

(Student will give their classmate a pakbet clap)

(Student will give an example)

“She lives in England.”

“Ma’am, in”

“Ma’am, England.”

(Student will give examples)

“Yes, Ma’am”

E. Generalization

(The teacher will ask the

students what are the

differences of preposition of

time and place)

“Can you differentiate the two prepositions that we discussed, preposition of place and time?” “Very good class! Just remember that there is difference between the uses of preposition on, in, and at in terms of place and time. Understand class?” “I know you learned a lot today, so get your quiz booklet and we have a quiz.”

“Ma’am, we use at, on and in are preposition of place and show the position of people, places and things and the preposition at, on and in are used to show the time and date of events, activities and situations.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Apply the

preposition at, in, or on that

appropriate in the given


o I have a

meeting _ 9am.

o The shop

closes _ midnight.

o Jane went home _


o In England, it often

snows _ December.

o Do you think we will go

to Jupiter _ the future?

o Jane is waiting for

you _ the bus stop.

o The shop is _ the end

of the street.

o My plane stopped _

Dubai and Hanoi and

arrived _ Bangkok two

hours late.

o When will you

arrive _ the office?

. Do you work _ an


IV. Assignment

1. What is prepositional phrase?

2. Construct at least five sentences with prepositional phrase.

Prepared by

Jannet Z. Tapleras

BSE – 4B English

Student Teacher

Approved by

Mr. Feliciano Gonzales

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by

Mr. Joselito O. Cruz Ms. Melita S. Ajose

Subject Coordinator (English) OIC – MNHS Bancal Annex


First Day of Teaching

My First Day of Teaching

My first day of teaching is one of the challenging tasks I’ve ever had.

That was the very tiring day but a very exciting one. I was not aware of

the student’s personalities as well as how they perform when it comes to

academic especially with the English language. Most of them were not

confident to speak the language. My task as a pre- service teacher was not

easy because it needed a lot of strategies and techniques for them to have

an interest with the subject.

I had a hard time to face my students on the first hand. Since they

are Grade 10, I assumed that there’s no need for me to command them

because they already know what to do, how to behave in the class, how to

clean their room and many more but I proved myself wrong. Some of them

were not interested and they had their own activity but I just focused

myself on those students who are willing to learn.

The first lesson that we’ve discussed was about speech. I’ve

mentioned four types of speech and also tips or ways on how to deliver a

speech. The last output that they need to comply was to have their own

speech and present their work one by one in the class. At first, some of

them did not do the task but as time goes by, they did the speech by my

encouragement. Even though some of them had the difficulty in using the

English language at least they gave it a try.

I realized a lot of things. It is true that teaching is quite easy to those

who love doing it. Teaching is not a choice but rather it is a calling. It

requires a lot of patience, care and understanding especially to those

students in a low average. As a teacher, it is our duty to always consider

our students’ needs. Always believe in that they can do it. Thinking of

positive expectation leads you to strive more in helping them to learn.

Appreciating their work motivates their interest to participate more. Yes,

it is not easy to teach but with this field, I will take this as a training

ground and I don’t want to miss this privilege to learn.

-Rustom E. Alcanar

My First Day of Teaching

January 4, 2016 is the first day of my taching in Meycauayan

National High School. Tom and I handled different sections. I have the

Grade 8 students: Acacia, Manzanita and Abaca. Tom handles the Grade

10 students: Magsaysay, Macapagal and Garcia.

We passed our lesson plan to Ma’am m Jeanine Dumantay, my

cooperating teacher, told me that when I stand in the class that I am the

teacher in the classroom. I remember when I entered the room and started

to teach within 50 minutes, the whole period ends in motivation. Ma’am

said that the purpose of the motivation it to awake the interests of the

students that’s why 5 minutes is enough.

I’ve learned that I have to deal with different attitudes and

personalities of my students. I found out that the strategy I used in the

first section I handled is not applicable to the next. Then, I understood the

meaning of diverse learners.

I learned that in every theory and principle in teaching when not applied

in the actual classroom setting is non-sense.

-Michael R. Benedicto

My First Day of Teaching

It is indeed a pleasure to be a practicum student in an actual school

setting in which you are paid respect by the students and professional

teachers treat you are one of their colleagues.

Unlike our field study courses – 6, Practice teaching brings us into

reality rather than just simply observing the teaching- learning process

that happens inside a class. I, as a pre-service teacher, definitely realized

the endeavor of our previous teachers because I am now also doing things

they do as professionals.

I never had a culture-shocked since the first day I met my students

even they are at the 3rd up to the last rank of the sections. Though they are

very noisy, rooms are disorganized, most of them are always absent, and

their memory retention is very short- I thought… this is the reality.

More so, I caught up their interest and attention, respect and their

strengths and weaknesses through introducing myself to them and who I

was before, and by giving them simple house rules that each one of them

must be compliant with.

As I wrote this reflection paper, I realized that it seems I’m almost

at the peak of my journey as future educator- that I will absolutely have

this kind of experiences, students who are somehow very difficult to

understand – and a world of teaching by which I should exert more

passion and commitment for my future students to learn and make them

realize how important their education is.

-Ryo Roberto

My First Day of Teaching

On the very first day of my actual on- the- job training, everything

has really changed. My perspective in the field has turned into something

magical. The meaning of teaching became “calling” because of the fact that

it changed my view to teach means to serve, not only for the purpose of

giving them worldly knowledge but the wisdom they need in the real life


Starting January 5, 2016 (Tuesday), it was the first day I started

teaching for an English class, handling Grade 9 students who are all

unique with unexplainable personalities, needs, and wants. I was nervous

but I have to keep that feeling within so I turned out as a teacher of

authority but with the heart, and that’s how I want my students to see me

as their teacher. Thank God it happened that way! During the first day

up to the first week of teaching them, my face literally faced a problem for

the fact that I can’t help myself but to keep on thinking them, my student,

and all the crazy stuff they were doing during the discussions, all their

mischiefs and answers in the recitations, and the way how we interact as

teacher and students. Everything that happened on the first day was

really unforgettable and truly irreplaceable. Thank God, He gave this

feeling of being fulfilled. It’s not easy to do the job because it requires a lot

of preparations, energy, time and even money. In short, teaching means

giving your life into it. That’s how I view this art of teaching. I love the

feeling of seeing my students learn the lessons I taught, it gives me the

idea of “Ah! Yeah! I’m an effective teacher! Thank God!” As I mentioned,

my first day of teaching experience was definitely magical.

Teaching for me is life for learning is something that can never be

stopped. It’s like magic, for the feeling it brings me is quite unexplainable.

-Aubrey Y. Bermudez

My First Day of Teaching

As a pre-service teacher I was nervous. I needed to practice myself

first. I prepared the things I need before I face my students. Those are the

things that made me feel weak and gave up in teaching, but something

I’ve learned that as you teach the students, it is better if you’re

knowledgeable and confident enough. During my first day of teaching, it

was nice and fulfilling because I can’t expect that my students are

cooperative when it comes to discussion. As a student teacher I noticed

that all of them were listening and they were willing to learn. O didn’t

know what I feel, I was so happy and glad because that was the first time

we met in an actual classroom teaching, yet they didn’t fail me as a

student teacher to my expectations. From the beginning until the end of

our discussion the class was active in class discussion.

-Mary John D. Biscocho

My First Day of Teaching

The whole week of teaching in section of Grade 8 is such a really

great week for me. It’s just like an achievement for me. I remember a

quotation from my favorite author, Nicholas Sparks, he says that “they

entertain you; they inspire you, and end you up learning a ton even when

you don’t know it.” I’m spired to that quotation given by him. Each day I

entered the room of Grade 8- Amarillo, I always tell them that they should

study very well; they should focus to their study. I will not get out to the

classroom without lessons/ moral to be left. Even I always found them

noisy, I see to it that they learned from me. Though they don’t well in

speaking in English language, I encourage them to speak it. I’m not only

inspiring them, I also entertain them. In class, we’re not that serious,

somehow I tell jokes to them. My students learned even we’re all laughing.

I’ve realized that teaching is not really easy. Teaching a lot of students is

difficult that is why I must have more passion and more patience to teach

my student in section of Grade 8- Amarillo.

-Janet L. Botor

My First Day of Teaching

Experience is the best teacher. When I started teaching, I learned

many things. I know that in the future, I will become a teacher but

teaching experience is the very best experience I ever had.

What a great experience I could describe! I had mixed emotions, I

felt very nervous, happy, disappointed, and fulfilled.

The first time I spoke in Grade 10- Aguinaldo, I was really nervous

because I felt intimidated. I was afraid to commit mistakes because I knew

that Aguinaldo is a star section. Most of them are really good in terms of

academic aspect. Lots of them are very informative and good in speaking

the language, but then I was very happy because my cooperating teacher

gave me positive feedbacks. She told me that in just a few minutes, I had

overcome the nervousness. “Keep it up!” that’s what she told me. She also

said that my voice was clear and audible. She said that I had I had a good

command in the class and could give instructions clearly. She also told

me that I execute the daily routines well. For me, it was a good start.

When I was discussing the lesson, I felt disappointed because they

were just looking at me when I was asking questions. But I understand

them; I knew that they were just adjusting.

At the end of the day, I had realized that it was fun to teach though

I suffered from paperworks like lesson plan, instructional materials and

advance study but I take them as a challenge to become more efficient and

effective teacher.

-Rosenda F. Cruz

My First Day of Teaching

January 4 was my first day in teaching. I was so nervous that I

didn’t know what to do. But instead of being nervous, I thought of what I

need to do. My cooperating teacher asked me to do a lesson plan in detailed

form; he said that I need to pass it at exact 3:00 that afternoon. I was in

haze knowing that my first class would start at 4:20 in the afternoon. Also

I needed to master my lesson for that day. I can’t really define my emotions

the moment I heard about that but I didn’t have a choice but to obey. So,

I started writing my lesson plan at 12 noon. Then when I was finished

writing, my cooperating teacher checked and commented about it. There

are differences in his preferred lesson plan than mine but I did as what

he told me.

When I entered the classroom, it was quiet because I only had 17

students inside. I didn’t expect to have a few students but that’s fine with

me. Then, I started to discuss in English, I observed they were not good in

speaking the language, they found it very difficult. I concluded that some

of my students ware slow learner type. But for me, I looked to them with

positive thought that they can change as time goes by.

This is the real classroom management that I need to face. There are

some learners that learn slowly and I must really have to have focus.

That’s what I learned in my first day of teaching- don’t give up and be


-Mariz F. Eugenio

My First Day of Teaching

My first week of teaching was great and amazing because I saw that

all of my students were really listening and understanding the things I

had discussed. Seriously in my first day of teaching I was very nervous,

trembling (my voice trembled as I began to speak with shaking hands,

gosh!), it was a mixed emotions. I didn’t know how to start and how to

approach them. I didn’t know and had no idea what will happen next but

still I overcame everything. The reason was my cooperating teacher

cheered me up before I went to my first class, she told me that “ It’s okay

that you will feel nervous because it is your first time to handle students

who are not familiar to you but make sure that the students will not see

that because they will think that you are not ready to teach and face them.

You can do it Ma’am!”

I went to my first class, then I discussed then it went out so smoothly

to the first class up to the last. Then after I taught in my last section, I told

to myself “Success!” because everything that I’ve prepared every night,

everything that I’ve done ,instructional materials and lesson plan, were

paid because of the outcome that I’ve shown to my students.

-Reynalen L. Liwanag

My First Day of Teaching

At first, I was a bit scared. When I entered the classroom of the first

class that I was going to teach, and saw my cooperating teacher sitting at

the back- nervousness stroked me. But I did not let it to overwhelm me. I

did what I was supposed to do. And later on, as I reflected the experience

that I had, I’ve realized that teaching these youth wasn’t that bad at all.

-Julie Anne Llorente

My First Day of Teaching

On my first day of teaching, I introduced myself to my students. I let

them know me better and I asked them to introduce themselves too. When

I entered, I observed that the room lacked materials like chairs, lights and

electric fans. In one room that I entered, I handled 50 students. It is not

easy to handle them but I know that I can manage them. My students were

noisy and naughty that’s why my voice became loud.

-Criselda A. Pajarillo

My First Day of Teaching

On my very first day of my on- the job- training, I can say that I was

so nervous but at the same time I was very excited and very happy. I was

called by my students, ma’am, while I was walking towards every door. I

felt that the reality was like a dream and I was on my dream itself.

January 5 is my first day. I woke up very early though my class

would start at around 2pm that day. I took a bath and dressed myself

with an ironed uniform. I felt as if my students would judge me especially

on the way I look so I made myself presentable. On my way in Meycauayan

National High School Bancal, I was studying my first lesson and that was

Participle. I made sure that I know every detail because I don’t want to

make mistakes in front. I remember that the first section that I handled

was Bougainvillea and they were so quiet. So what I did was that, I made

an activity in which they can feel at ease at the very start of our meeting.

Half an hour passed by, I knew that I was breaking the ice in between.

That’s the time that I saw them one by one raised their hands and tried to

speak in English little by little. And I felt glad that I made my objectives.

At the end of my first and only class that day, I felt the fulfillment of

having accomplished the day without any disturbances. I told my mom

about my first day the moment I’ve gone to our house. She was so happy

that I have seen on her eyes says. “I knew that you can make it.”

At the time I was about to go to bed, I thanked the Lord because

slowly, on the process, I am one step closer to my dream.

-Pauline Joyce D. Pequit

My First Day of Teaching

When the time I started my first day of teaching in grade 7, i was

so nervous. I didn’t know what to do that time. I thought that I have to

deal with different students, different attitudes and personalities.

When I entered my first class, I didn’t know how will react to my

students. It’s because all of their eyes were on me. Of course, I did as what

the teachers do. I did the routinary activities, I executed my lesson and as

expected, they were noisy and stubborn. There were times that they don’t

listen and they disobey whatever I say. At that time, I needed patience.

Handling three sections that day was very tiring but I was very happy

because I experienced teaching.

-Jannet Z. Tapleras

My Final Demo Experience

Truly teaching is very challenging task. My final demo gives me a

moment of tensions and nervousness but I am thankful because it became

successful. Before the day of my final demo, I prepared my materials

related to lesson. My lesson is about an excerpt in Les Miserables by Victor

Hugo titled Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark.

The objective of our lesson is to let them describe the character’s

emotions and traits and relate it in our present time through the use of

Venn diagram. I prefer to use technology such as laptop. I used slides

presentation for discussing the story. It is glad to encounter my students

enjoying in our lesson in such using presentations. I prepare puzzle in

order to motivate my students and have an interest in the story and it

really works.

In first moment of my demo I sensed a little intimidation because of

the panelists but I just continue what I have to do in the best way I can.

In the discussion part, some of the students felt bored with me, that is why

I pause for a while to ask some questions about the story. In the evaluation

part I let them work with group so that they could try to collaborate and

have a team work in a particular task. I chose to make it because I want

to apply the real goal of k12 which is focused on students need. All in all

I could say that the result is really great and I believe that it is because of

God who always with me. I realized one thing, it is true that you only have

to do is to give your best and leave the results to God.

-Rustom E. Alcanar

My Final Demo Experience

I am thankful to God because I’m done in my final demo teaching,

all I want is to finish all the requirements. February 22 second batch of

demo teaching, I chose grade 8 Acacia. At first, Ma’am Janine guide me,

she said that my topic is Subject Verb Agreement. Second, she chose five

rules that I will discuss. Third, she checked my lesson plan also my

instructional materials. Lastly, she talked to the class that when I’m

performing all of the students must participate.

The day has come, the level of my anxiety get high it feels like I have

butterflies in my stomach. Sir Gaza talked to us and gives some advice

before we start, he said “Do your best!” When I entered the room I do the

usual things. In the middle of my discussion the students are kept on

participating. I called them one by one to do the board work. I forgot to

check my time, my discussion was prolonged then I realized I must change

my strategy.

FOCUS is very important all of the time. You must have presence of

mind. I learned many things in my OJT and in my demo teaching as well.

They have positive and negative comments to improve my teaching

strategies. Next day my students asked me “Sir how was your final demo?”

I feel that they are concerned to me. I’m not a perfect teacher but I am

willing to enhance myself.

-Michael R. Benedicto

My Final Demo Experience

It is indeed a great experience to teach students in a real classroom

setting because you will realize how diverse they are, their strengths as

well as their weaknesses.

As a student teacher, even in a short period of time, I observed and

taught different students whose retention is very slow, not even know how

to read words properly, and worse is… most of them are lazy.

However, I did not stop reminding them how important education

is, and I am thankful that they actually improve and now interested to


My final demo experience brought me into a realization that I really

want to be a teacher because II did not even feel any boredom and

tiredness with what I am doing. And simply because I saw the craving of

my students to learn and have a brighter future.

-Ryo G. Roberto

My Final Demo Experience

The day has come to finally give all my best, and that was during

my final demonstration teaching. It happened last February 24, 2016,

Wednesday at 12:50 in the afternoon. Preparations were all worthy

because my aim which was to make my students understood the topic


During the teaching-learning part, I was somehow nervous, well it’s

natural of course! That feeling was not due to the idea that I don’t know

what I was teaching but merely because of the six panelists who sat there

at the back, evaluating everything I was doing during that time. Thank

God, my students were all cooperative and really witty ones. My topic “If

by Rudyard Kipling” was chosen by me personally. The first I read it in

their book, I told myself, “Ah! This will be my topic on my final demo!” I

found the said subject matter really instructive, teaching morals to be

applied in real life. Because I was so carried away by my topic, I did a

“bilingual class”, I used English, then will translate it afterwards in

Filipino. It was really an awesome discussion. Everyone in my class was

happy as they enjoyed my delivery and most especially my subject matter.

My entire OJT experience helped me appreciate more the art of


-Aubrey Y. Bermudez

My Final Demo Experience

February 24, 2016 is my final teaching demonstration day.

It is also the time that I experienced different emotions. I didn’t know

what I feel that day. My heart beat fast, my hands and knees were

trembling because of the nervousness. Before I start my final demo, I

prayed to God for His guidance and mercy.

When I started my discussion, the hesitation was there, it was

because I saw my panellists seated at the back observing me on how I teach

my students.

Time passed by, the nervousness was lessen because I knew that I

can make it and I saw the persons who help me get through it. I put in

mind that I can perform well. I tried to motivate myself to make me feel

better until that the nervousness was totally gone.

I am so happy that I overcome that experience. It helps me to improve

myself. For me, it is an achievement that I will not forget.

-Mary John D. Biscocho

My Final Demo Experience

“I can’t imagine myself doing a demo teaching”, that's what I've said

again and again before I have my own demo-teaching which happened

last February 24, 2016 at Bancal MNHS specifically in Grade 8-Amarillo.

I've prepared my students, my visual materials and all the things

I've needed during my demo-teaching. Of course, I've also prepared myself

and asked God to guide me.

When I was doing my demo-teaching, I admit that I am nervous. My

students were also nervous but they still cooperated with me. But we did

our best. I've discussed my lesson very well, even I've committed mistakes.

Honestly, I didn't notice it when I have my demo-teaching. I’ve only knew

it when we have our post conference. My panelists that time were Mr.

Gaza, Dr. Corpuz, and my CT, Mr. Montes. They told me things that I

need to improve.

I can say that, “I gave my best and I did my part well”, that's why I

also deserved to pass the demo-teaching. I am thankful to my dear

students for helping me to pass that demo-teaching and most of all, Our

Almighty God.

Congratulations to us!

-Janet L. Botor

My Final Demo Experience

Before the week of my final demo, I started praying to God so that

He will guide me during my demonstration.

The judgment of my teaching training happened last February 23,

2016, mixed emotions happened inside. As I stood in front, my heart beat

very fast, my hands and lips were shaking because of nervousness. My

usage of grammar started to rumble. As I continued the lesson, I noticed

that little by little I overcame my feeling and I confidently discussed my

lesson. I also noticed that I did the flow of my lesson plan.

There were times that when I looked to my students I accidently saw

my panelists.

I put in my mind that I could do it and would do it with the help of

my students and my ever supportive cooperating teacher.

At the end of my demonstration, my students started to congratulate

me because finally I’m done with the pressure and stress. I can breathe


As I waited for the post conference, I was glad with what I received.

I was happy not just because of my grades but also for the improvement I

heard from my instructors.

Overall, I had a great experience and I believe that ‘if you are ready,

you master the topic and you have focus then definitely you’ll pass.”

I will not forget the persons who support and believe me.

-Rosenda F. Cruz

My Final Demo Experience

They said that final demonstration teaching makes one feel nervous,

paranoid and stress. I felt those emotions during my final demo. I

experienced an unexpected miracle because my students changed during

my discussion. Before, everyone was silent. I had no idea what I am going

to do with them. With that, I felt miserable. But when my final demo

started, I was so shocked and amazed that they were cooperative and


After my demonstration, my panellists congratulated me and they

said that I was good. When I heard that my ears clapped. After that I

talked to my students and thanked them. I was so touched by what they

did. Miracles do happen and that day it happened.

I’m so thankful to God because He guided and comforted me. I also

would like to thank the persons who helped me.

I learned from a teacher the saying “If I’m good or not to them, I

know in myself that I give my BEST.” I will always put in mind these

words for I know that it will make me humble.

-Mariz F. Eugenio

My Final Demo Experience

One of our instructors at MQAPC stated that teaching is 70%

preparation and 30% execution. I didn't realize the depth of that statement

until I experienced to be a substitute teacher for couple of months. The

preparation for me is the hardest part in teaching. You will start your

preparation with lesson plan. Constructing a SMART LP is already a

challenge. You should always anchor the instructions on your objectives;

plan the available resources and materials; the methods you are going to

use; and the means of evaluating.

I had my final demo lesson plan revised for the fifth time. Because

of that I had the chance to rebuild my plan for my demonstration teaching.

My cooperating teacher helped me to discover what part did I got wrong

and what part I have to improve. When my revised lesson plan was

approved, I planned for my instructional materials. I wanted it to become

attractive yet simple that it won't create any destruction for the students.

Before the day of my final demo came, I realized that IMs are of no use

when it is not utilized properly. I learned that these materials play a big

part on your instruction.

When I was at my first week as a sub teacher, I had realized the big

difference of doing your demonstration teaching with your co-educ

students and studying teaching and learning theories in my course

subject, with the experience of being in an actual classroom setting. Being

in the real classroom would test your effectiveness as a future teacher. On

the day of my demonstration teaching, I tried to materialize all of the

learning I've gained within these four years. I knew that I was ready, I

prepared everything; I mastered my lesson well so that I'd pass any

scrutiny about my specialization. But what I did wrong is that it seemed

to be for me. My demonstration didn't revolve around my students. I made

the class stiff when I know that I can make their learning more fun. It's

maybe because I was too anxious about creating any mistake; the way I

walk around, the way I post my instructional materials, my writings on

the board, my examples, the way I speak, my pronunciation and grammar.

And of course what made me anxious the most is the time constrain. I kept

on thinking about how I could make my demonstration successful. That's

why I adjusted the content of my lesson plan where it can be safe from any

possible error when being executed. But what I've missed is that upon

doing my preparation I should have considered my students more. After

all this sort of activity should actually be for them.

-Julie Anne Llorente

My Final Demo Experience

It was already 2:00 pm when our professors went out of computer

room. I knew I would be the next and it was the sign that I was the next

to be observed and it was the moment I started my final demonstration

teaching. I felt my heart was beating so fast that it seemed I would have

heart attack and faint, because of the nervousness that slowly crept in me.

My observers should be Dr. Corpuz; Sir Gerard Gaza; and Sir

Gonzales, my cooperating teacher. When they arrived in our room and

gave a signal that I could start, I was really nervous, but I knew I had to

give my best to make my final demonstration teaching to be successful. To

lessen the tense and to feel lighter I took a deep breath and made a sign of

the cross. I said to myself, “You can do it, just think that you and your

students are only in this room, just ignore the observers, fight!’

We started the class by greetings. It was followed by an opening

prayer. I was the one who led the prayer using sign language. It was

followed then by a short review of our yesterday’s lesson, which was the

subject verb agreement. After having a review, I posted five pictures on the

board to introduce our new lesson which was preposition. I called them

one by one to answer on the board. Since they were only 30 they all had

the opportunity to answer. I could easily monitor if they really understood

the lesson and that was the advantage of a class with small number of

students. It was hard to monitor their performance and their

developments if the class with bigger number of pupils. Then, I discussed

the topic, to explain how to use preposition on, in, and at in the sentence.

After discussing the prepositions, I gave another example for them to

understand it well. Then, I posted on the board another set of examples I

asked them who wanted to answer on the board. I was very happy that my

students were actively participating. I was so happy that they got it

correct. It meant that they understood the lesson. It made me feel better

and lighter because they made the flow of the discussion to go smoothly

than I expected.

Then, I proceeded to the evaluation. I asked them to get their quiz

booklet. I was explaining the direction of their quiz. Afterwards I allow

them to copy and answer their quiz posted on the board. While my students

were busy in answering, I went around monitoring how they were doing.

I checked if they were doing well. During that time I took another deep

breath and noticed that I felt lighter than before I started the class.

When I noticed that all of them finished in answering I asked them

to pass the papers to me. I was the one who would check the papers, but I

smiled when I glanced at the papers and see that they got correct answers.

I just put in myself that they really understood our lesson for that day.

Then, I posted and explained the assignment and asked them to copy it.

When I noticed all of them had already finished copying their assignment,

then I dismiss the class.

Afterwards, I bid goodbye and they also said goodbye to me. I was

really happy that my final demonstration had finished.

I believed that I did give all my best to succeed my final

demonstration teaching. But I also believed that these would not be a

success if it were only me. I passed these challenge because of the support

my cooperating teacher. He helped me a lot in improving myself. As well

as, it went well because of the cooperation of my students. Most of all

because of the Almighty God!

-Criselda A. Pajarillo

My Final Demo Experience

There is only one word that I remember when I had my final demo

teaching, the word is “chill”.

February 22, 2016 at 12:30pm, I had my final demonstration

teaching at Meycauayan National High School Bancal. I remember the

time that I should be nervous and shaky but it didn’t turn out to be that

way. Early in the morning at around five, I woke up. I tried to take a nap

since it’s too early but I can’t go back to sleep. So what I did was that, I

opened my netbook and played a song in my music playlist. I sang and

even danced to forget that ‘oh my Goodness! It’s my final demo day!’ After

that I wrote the things I need to accomplish then I took a bath and dressed.

When done, I texted my classmate saying that we should see each other to

pick up the breads in Cuevas Meycauayan and to buy roasted chicken for

my panellists. After that, my classmate and I went to school and I

prepared my things. But there’s a problem, I need to fetch my instructor

because at that moment, he’s not familiar with Bancal so Mariz and I

fetched Mr. Gaza.

12 noon is my exact time for my teaching demonstration but the

panellists were having a conference that time with Julie. I had to wait for

thirty minutes- that was the longest half hour for me. I was not nervous

but I felt the coldness of the environment. Since I was waiting that time, I

prayed to God. I asked His guidance that whatever I am going to do will

be according to the ethics of teaching.

12:30 in the afternoon, I was about to start because the panellists

were ready scanning my lesson plan at the back but my classmate talked

to me and told me something I didn’t remember. At last, when she’s done

talking, I said to her “I have my final demo now, could you please let me

in!” meaning I have to come in to the classroom. And then she said, okay.

Then I entered the room, feeling not nervous and not shaky, but I felt very

cold. Oh my! I remember what my mom did the night before my

demonstration day, she prayed and hugged me saying “You can do it”. I

looked to my students with a chin up and I did my routinary activities,

followed by short review and motivation. I discussed the Participle and its

kinds. I also did the exercise part in which the students became active and

cooperative. Then, I let the students generalized what we had discussed.

Then, I gave them piece of paper that serves as their quiz. They got high

scores. Then, I greeted them goodbye. One thing that I forgot is the

assignment. But overall, I can say it is a job well done! I really can’t say I

did that because I know for the fact that it’s God who did it for me. One

thing I proved, God is with me.

-Pauline Joyce D. Pequit

My Final Demo Experience

There is lots of preparation that I did in my final teaching

demonstration. I prepared the lesson plan, instructional materials, my

motivation and the strategies in teaching. Before the day that I will be

having my final demo, I was very nervous. Thought of what will happen

when I am there. I know that it is one of the requirements before I graduate

in college. As days passed, I was always saying” hala! Malapit na final

demo ko! Kinakabahan na ko!”. Of course, I was always nervous. There

were times that I had dreamed of my final demo. And when I heard that

one of our panellists is Sir Gaza, I was shocked!

It was Sunday when I went to church with my friends. We prayed

about our final demo.

Monday came and I was the fourth one to be observed. When it was

my turn, I was so nervous. I faced my students and my panelists and did

the routinary activities. I only had 50 minutes that’s why I need to do the

motivation, discussion and evaluation at the very limited time.

After my presentation, we had the conference. The panelists

congratulated us which means that we did a great job.

My final demo teaching experience is a successful one and I’m very

happy that all my hardworks, all my sleepless nights are worth it. I’m very

thankful to God because I know that He gave me strength. I also want to

thank my cooperating teacher, Mr. Gonzales, for helping me, for checking

my lesson plan and for giving me some strategies in my lesson. Ofcourse,

I want to thank my students, Grade 7- Jasper, who really gave their best

in my demo teaching.

-Jannet Z. Tapleras


My Career Plan

After I graduated in this course of Bachelor of Education Major in English, I don’t know yet if

what will be the next thing that I have to do because only God knows what He really wants me to be. If

somebody ask me I only thing that I could is the usual thing that many graduated people in this course do. I

will plan to take two years of teaching experience in private school. I think private school that quite near and

had a little distance in where I live. If I give an opportunity and ready in all aspects, I will take the Licensure

Examination for teachers this coming September of the month I will do so. I hope that I will take it once.

After my experience in teaching in private school I will apply in public school. If I will let them teach subjects

other than English I will take it also. I also plan that while I am teaching I will take some units about

MAPEH subjects because it is what I really want subject to teach. Another option that I want to do is enter

in Bible Seminary School and became a Pastor.

-Rustom E. Alcanar

My Career Plan

What’s life to offer me when I grow old? This line on the song entitled “Next in Line” it’s true to

me right now the day of graduation is approaching. What’s next after graduation? I will take LET or

Civil Service Examination? Or simply make a resume and apply for a job, it’s too early to say what my

plan is in the future? Because I don’t have a plan this time, I’m only trusting God, for 33 years I see the

faithfulness of God; and now a new chapter has come!

After I graduated I want to have a rest and continue my duties and responsibilities as a person with

disability President in our barangay. Together with the barangay officers, mother leaders, and PWD

members we will divide the budget of the organization in different categories because there are many

problems that we must address like in education we will identify PWD children ages 6-12 ages and give

them school supply this coming June.

Maybe I will take a Civil Service exam in order for me to work in government or I will apply as a

clerk in City Hall to have an income to sustain my financial needs. After a year I will take the LET and I

am hoping to pass it. I don’t know if I really pursue teaching because it is a difficult job. Every day I must

make a lesson plan, make instructional materials and make an assessment to my students and myself but I

am thankful for this wonderful experience. I don’t want to be a teacher but I’m almost near to the finish

line; whatever field of work that I choose, I know GOD will guide me.

-Michael R. Benedicto

My Career Plan

Before I entered college, I have already planned my career which I will try to pursue for the next 5-

10 years.

Of course, after graduation, I will submit my application to private schools, and if one of them gave

me a chance, I must grab it to have my first teaching experience.

I will also pursue to take and pass the LET so as for me to be able to teach in the public school and

have a security of tenure, which I supposed can’t be provided by the private schools.

If I will be fortunate to pass the said exam, I will still continue to study my Master’s degree that will

be able me to teach tertiary level even as a part-timer. And lastly, if I still be given an opportunity, I will

finish my Doctoral degree and who know, someday, I will become one of the school administrators.

-Ryo G. Roberto

My Career Plan

Now that I’m almost at the edge of making my dreams real, it’s also true that I have plans to make

my life work better. Those plans are now seemingly becoming clearer and clearer. As I take this course, I

made a decision that, “I will really take this, no matter what, no matter how!”, thank God that is what

transpiring right now.

I learn to fall in love deeper and deeper in this field, where I have unending opportunities to deal

with people and that’s what I really want. After graduation here in this institution, MQAPC, what comes

next? Well, these are my plans but not just plans, they are visions of what will I become sooner or later.

After graduating, of course I’ll apply in a private educational institution, I think I will stay there

for about two years, so that I can bring out the best in me and share my skills to the students who need it.

By September 2016, I’ll be taking up my LET, hopefully I’ll pass. After two years of staying in a private

institution, I’ll take the risk of applying to public school, where I can give the best of me to those who are

really needing me, the unique students. While teaching in public school, simultaneously, I will take up my

“Master’s Degree” and sooner my “Doctor’s Degree”. All these plans are for my career development, but

more than that I want to improve more for myself and love ones.

The next will be coming soon…

-Aubrey Y. Bermudez

My Career Plan

It seemed to be a dream before and now I am one of the survivors.

Studying in college is not easy and I need to sacrifice things for a life- long learning. It is a good

experience because I learned a lot from it. My senior year has finally come to an end.

After graduation, I will apply in private school then I will review for the board exam in September.

Hopefully, if I pass the LET, I will teach in a public school. If I will be given a chance I will take Master's

degree and Doctoral degree because I want to grow personally and professionally.

I like to impart knowledge to my future students.

-Mary John D. Biscocho

My Career Plan

“I want to be a teacher someday”, that was the line I used to know and I want to be when I was a

child. It's also the reason why I still took BSE Major in English. But as time goes by, I've changed my

dream. I've realized it when I was in high school and have my own small business. Yes. I want to become a

business woman. I don't want to deceive anyone or even myself. I'm just telling the truth because I don't want

others to become disappointed with me. I don't want them to waste their time and money to support me

especially those people who will help me to have a work in private schools.

I still take my LET exam even I will not teach after graduation. I'll still take it, because someday

that I will become a successful business woman, I will build my own school. Then, that's the time that I'll

teach. That school is for the people who want to study but they don't have much money to study because they

are lack of it. It seems confusing and it's like a star in the sky at night which will not see during rainy time. In

short, my dream is impossible. But, I'll do my very best with the help and support of my family, friends, and

most of all, Our Almighty God to make my dream possible.

-Janet L. Botor

My Career Plan

There are so many things I want to do after graduation. Honestly speaking, I don’t know what I

will do first. The most important thing I should do is to continue my review in preparation for the board exam

because I want to take the LET on September. After that, I will surely take a rest or a week vacation. I want

to go somewhere to refresh and relax my mind and body. Actually, I have two options to be practical and to

be professional.

-Rosenda F. Cruz

My Career Plan

After graduation, I will apply in a private school. And if the school hire me, I will show them my

talent and I want to impart knowledge.

After five years, I will take the Licensure Examination for Teachers. I f I pass the board exam, I

will teach in public school. I will give what I have to my futures students and also with the opportunities ahead

of me, I like to earn for my future.

-Mariz F. Eugenio

My Career Plan

Before it was only a dream, a dream that is very hard to fulfil but now everything has changed

because I am one step closer to that dream.

After graduation, I am planning to apply in private school so that I can be able to enhance my

teaching skills. Being a teacher in private is not a job for me, but it is a vocation- a calling that I need to abide.

Then while working as a private teacher, I also plan of taking the board exam for teachers because

that will surely open the door of opportunities. Time will come when I will teach my students with a heart.

-Reynalen L.. Liwanag

My Career Plan

After graduation, I will have a serious review in order to pass the Licensure Examination for

Teachers. While reviewing, I will apply for a teaching position in any educational institution that is related

to my course. I will help my family and will give them the life I dreamed for them.

If I will pass the exam, I will teach in public school. Afterwards, I will take Master’s degree when I

already have my regular job. Getting a Master’s degree will help me improve my teaching performance and

to be updated in the world of teaching. It also helps me to get a better position in any school.

After all of these things, I will treat my family, relatives and friends and I will enjoy my life while I

am still single. When I’m satisfied then I will face my future life with having my own family.

I will pray to God for his guidance and asked for his strength and love in order to make these plans

into a reality.

-Criselda A. Pajarillo

My Career Plan

After graduation, I want to pursue teaching so I’ll be having my application to different private

schools in or near Meycauayan. When accepted, I will try my very best to improve more in my English

language skills and will attend seminars and workshops. I will also take my LET on September so I can be

able to apply in public school. If God will allow me to pass my board exam, I will choose to serve in

Meycauayan National High School Bancal for many years. I want to be an inspiration and at the same

time, I want my students to learn not just in academics but also in the spiritual and behavioural aspects. By

that, I want also to enrol myself in a SPED class, get units in PNU so that I can be able to teach the mute

and deaf, but most of all, I want to teach the blind people. I know that it will take a lot of time to study but I

know for the fact that with perseverance and the inner desire, nothing will stop me.

After teaching for the SPED class, I also plan of working abroad especially in America where I can

speak the language with the native speakers. I want to know the culture and the study habits of the American

students. With that, I also want to upgrade my understanding in my specialization so I want to get a

Master’s degree in America. I know that it’s hard but I will grab any opportunity that will come my way to

make myself better.

After, I will take Doctoral degree but I know I have to cross the bridge when I get there. God knows

what is ahead of me, I have my plans but His plans are better than mine. I’ll go to whatever God directs me.

-Pauline Joyce D. Pequit

My Career Plan

After I graduate, I will apply in private school to have some experience as a teacher. Also I want to

help my family who helped me during my college years. And also I plan of taking the LET.

-Jannet Z. Tapleras



This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into by and between:

MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE represented by its President and Dean of

the College ATTY. JULIUS A. BABISTA with principal addresses at Malhacan, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan

and hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY.

The Department of Education, represented by the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division Office

of ________________________ and the Cooperating School Principal, _______________________ with

principal addresses at the City of Malolos and the <Name of Cooperating School>,<address of Cooperating

School> and hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY.


WHEREAS, the First Party and Second Party are concerned about the pre-service education of

teachers as a key to achieving sustainable quality basic education;

WHEREAS, the First Party and Second Party are committed to improve the quality of basic

education in the Division of Bulacan;

WHEREAS, both parties believe that a major key to reaching that goals is a quality pre-service training

program that will provide student teachers opportunities to:

1. develop the competencies set in the National Competency-Based Teachers Standards (NCBTS);

2. apply their learning in actual classroom situations;

3. gain comprehensive and realistic perspective of the teaching-learning situations and day-to-day

activities; and

4. reflect on their qualities and commitment vis-à-vis the demands of the teaching program.

WHEREAS, both parties believe that aside from the usual practice teaching, intensive field study is

necessary to adequately prepare the student teachers for their functions and responsibilities;

NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the PARTIES agree to the following:

1. The FIRST PARTY will:

1. coordinate with the School Division Superintendent and the School Head on the deployment

of the Field Study Student (FSS)/ Student Teacher (ST);

2. conduct regular supervisory visits during the stay of the FSS/ST in the designated school;

3. gather feedback from the Cooperating Schools on FSS/ST activities/ performance for the

improvement of the program;

4. conduct exit conference with the cooperation school head; and

5. provide a flexible incentive package/reward system for the cooperating school.

2. The SECOND PARTY will:

1. conduct orientation/briefing on the school learning environment and the community support


2. allow FSS/ST to observe classes and school activities as required;

3. provide FSS/ST the best teachers/mentors;

4. allow the First Party to supervise the activities of their FSS/ST activities/performance for the

improvement of the program;

5. allow the FSS/ST access to school information for research and instructional purposes;

6. monitor and evaluate the performance of cooperating schools; and

7. submit consolidated evaluation reports on students teachers.

This AGREEMENT shall take effect immediately upon signing by all parties concerned and shall remain in

force unless sooner terminated by mutual consent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties of the agreement hereunto affix their signatures this ______________

day of ________________ at ___________________, Philippines.

Teacher Education Institution Basic Education Schools

_________________________ _________________________

President/Dean School Division Superintendent

Signed in the Presence of:

_________________________ _________________________

TEP-Department Chair School Principal

Witness Witness

This ___________________ day of _______________, 20_____ at the ____________________________

personally appeared before me.

Name CTC Number Issued at Issued on

All known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they

acknowledged to me that the same is free and voluntary deed.



Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


Parent/ guardian’s Certification of Permission



This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter _______________ to go on practicum ( on-the job-

training) for a minimum of 300 hours on___________________ until ___________________ in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education.

It is understood that he/she abides by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the Practicum

Supervisor/ Cooperating School for his welfare and safety.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of MARIANO QUINTO ALARILLA POLYTECHNIC

COLLEGE, ________________ and/or the representative/s, in case of untoward incident that may

happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the practicum.

Name of parent/guardian Signature Date


Student’s name: ________________________________________________

Home Address:_________________________________________________

Present Address:________________________________________________

Student’s contact number/s:______________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s contact number/s:______________________________


February 12, 2016

Mr. Efren R. Empot, LLB,MBA

Reseach Development Officer

OJT Supervisor

Dear Sir,

Greetings! We, the student teachers of Meycauayan National High School- Bancal Annex, would

like to inform you that our Practice Teaching Final Demonstration will be on February 22, 23, and

24, in the year of our Lord 2016. We promise to apply all the trainings you gave us in our beloved

institution for three years.

Attached to this letter are the schedules of the said activity. We would be very grateful for your

support and advices.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Pequit, Pauline Joyce D. (Leader) Members: Alcanar, Rustom E. Benedicto, Michael R. Bermudez, Aubrey Y. Biscocho, Mary john D. Botor, Janet L. Cruz, Rosenda F. Eugenio, Mariz F. Liwanag, Reynalen L. Llorente, Julie Anne Pajarillo, Ma. Criselda A. Roberto, Ryo G. Tapleras, Jannet Z.

February 12, 2016

Mr. Gerard Gaza

TEP Professor

Dear Sir,

Greetings! We, the student teachers of Meycauayan National High School- Bancal Annex, would

like to invite you to witness and be one of the panelists in our Final Demonstration Teaching on

February 22, 23, and 24, in the year of our Lord 2016. We are expecting you to come to see our

improvements in the field of teaching where you trained us for this past three years. Promise we

will be very grateful for your support and advices.

Attached to this letter are the schedules of the said activity. We are hoping for your kind

presence that will be highly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Pequit, Pauline Joyce D. (Leader) Members: Alcanar, Rustom E. Benedicto, Michael R. Bermudez, Aubrey Y. Biscocho, Mary john D. Botor, Janet L. Cruz, Rosenda F. Eugenio, Mariz F. Liwanag, Reynalen L. Llorente, Julie Anne Pajarillo, Ma. Criselda A. Roberto, Ryo G. Tapleras, Jannet Z.

February 12, 2016

Ms. Sheryl Decilio

TEP Professor

Dear Sir,

Greetings! We, the student teachers of Meycauayan National High School- Bancal Annex, would

like to invite you to witness and be one of the panelists in our Final Demonstration Teaching on

February 22, 23, and 24, in the year of our Lord 2016. We are expecting you to come to see our

improvements in the field of teaching where you trained us for this past three years. Promise we

will be very grateful for your support and advices.

Attached to this letter are the schedules of the said activity. We are hoping for your kind

presence that will be highly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Pequit, Pauline Joyce D. (Leader) Members: Alcanar, Rustom E. Benedicto, Michael R. Bermudez, Aubrey Y. Biscocho, Mary john D. Botor, Janet L. Cruz, Rosenda F. Eugenio, Mariz F. Liwanag, Reynalen L. Llorente, Julie Anne Pajarillo, Ma. Criselda A. Roberto, Ryo G. Tapleras, Jannet Z.


Final Demonstration Schedule

Meycauayan National High School (Bancal)


Monday (Feb. 22)

Tuesday (Feb.23)

Wednesday (Feb.24)

9:10- 10:00

Rosenda Cruz Reynalen Liwanag

10:00- 10:50

Ryo Roberto Mary John Biscocho

10:50- 11:40

Julie Anne Llorente


12:00- 12:50

Pauline Joyce Pequit

12:50- 1:40

Michael Benedicto Aubrey Bermudez

1:40- 2:30

Jannet Tapleras Criselda Pajarillo


2:50- 3:40

Mariz Eugenio Janet Botor

3:40- 4:30

Rustom Alcanar