Download - PQP PART 2 - s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II 1 INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE PQP PART II 2016 Contacts: Content/Instruction


Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II







Cam Fraser – Program Lead

[email protected]

Finance/ Logistics

Sarah LeBlond – PQP Coordinator

[email protected]


[email protected]

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


INTRODUCTION Please read this entire resource, candidate’s acceptance package (CAP) and module resource

information before starting the course.

Adult Learning Theory

Please apply the following as you plan your facilitation.

1. Learning is a process.

2. For optimum transfer of learning, the learner must be actively involved in the

learning experience, not a passive recipient of information.

3. Each learner must be responsible for his/her learning.

4. The learning process has an affective as well as an intellectual component.

5. Adults learn by doing; they want to be involved.

6. Problems and examples must be realistic and relevant to the learners.

7. Adults relate their learning to what they already know.

8. An informal environment works best.

9. Variety stimulates.

10. Learning flourishes in a win- win, non-judgmental environment.

This resource contains some additional suggestions in terms of teaching/learning activities, but it is not

intended to be prescriptive.

It also contains resources that you may need to conduct some of the activities.

Module At-A-Glance charts are found at the end of each module and in Candidate Acceptance Package

(CAP). The order of activities may change to reflect the external speakers that are engaged by each site


Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



At the end of the course you will be asked to complete a Recommendation Form for each candidate.

Candidates who successfully complete all requirements of the course, as confirmed by the instructor,

will be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers.

The requirements for successful completion at either Level 3 or Level 4 are:

Cover letter activity

E-Learning completion

Collaborative Inquiry Group presentation

Book talk

Group skills

Assignment and Activities for all Modules

Reflective Journal


1. Review carefully the candidate acceptance package. This information has been sent

electronically to each candidate registered at your site. You may access it from the instructor

web link.

2. Contact your candidates by email to introduce yourself and remind them:

a. what they need to bring to the course.

b. to complete the Emotional Intelligence assignment online - please emphasize that

candidates must complete EQ-i inventory.

3. Remind the candidates of the pre-course assignment on writing a cover letter.

4. Check the e-learning requirements. The 22 hours of e-learning is integral to the course. Test

computer site equipment for web cast readiness.

5. Check the candidate assignments and material for all modules.

6. Check the Required and Recommended Resource List in CAP.

7. Check the module resources and the materials necessary to complete the instruction.

8. Gather other suitable resources to supplement the course where appropriate.

9. Review the online course “Shades of Grey – the Role of the Vice-Principal”

10. Check the modules for workshops and presenters arranged by OPC.

Module 10 – LNS presentation

11. Arrange for speakers from a local board during the following modules:

Module 8 – HR representative to discuss hiring policies and procedures

Module 9 – Equit lead to discuss the implementation of the Ontario Equity Strategy

Module 11 – A trustee to discuss the role of the trustee

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module 12 – A panel (2 or 3) of current vice-principals to discuss preparing for the

interview, entry plans, professional growth plans and wellness.

12. AQ Course Site Fee Advance


You will receive a $650 advance at the beginning of each session to be used for the


1) Guest expert facilitators that provide a workshop on a topic that will enhance

the experience of the candidates

a. Maximum 2 hour presentations

b. $80 gift card presented to guest (including LNS presenter)

c. Maximum guest presenters per session is 6 (not including LNS)

d. Expert Facilitators are not to be paid in cash

2) Resources that the instructor requires to facilitate the session. An example

would be required texts.

3) Consumables and photo copying

If the item you would like to purchase is not on the list, please contact the Program

Lead for approval.

Please note: The site advance fee should not be used for purchasing food,

technology or office supplies.

Submission Requirements

At the end of the program, instructors are required complete the Site Advance

Accounting Form and send to OPC

a cheque, representing the unused portion of the site advance payable to The

Ontario Principals’ Council,

original receipts for all purchases and

a completed Site Advance Accounting Form tracking all expenditures.

If the site advance is not reconciled prior to the end of the course, the OPC may

hold the final instructor payment.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



Within one week of the last session, please COURIER the following to

Ontario Principals' Council (no abbreviation please)

Attn. Sarah LeBlond

180 Dundas Street West, 25th Floor

Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8

1. The forms you need to complete and send are

a) - Recommendation Form for each candidate. Check off the appropriate boxes and sign/date

the document. (see explanation in #2 below)

b) - Site Fee Accounting Form – Receipts required - The Accountants require you to account for

the $650 advance that is sent to you at the beginning of the course. Any money not used is to be

returned to OPC by cheque payable to Ontario Principals' Council. Please do not send cash.

c) - Instructor Invoice Form - Claim $70 per candidate per module. Payment will be processed

and forwarded to you when we have received all required information from you as outlined. (Please note the practicum evaluation will be remunerated when we receive from you the

practicum completion form.)

d) - Travel Expense Form - You may claim for mileage trips if you have been asked to teach

outside of your district. Please note OPC will not reimburse you for meals or overnight

accommodation unless previously approved in writing.

2. Recommendation Form

For candidates who have not completed all the requirements listed on the Recommendation Form:

a. Leave blank the corresponding box on the Recommendation Form

b. Sign the Recommendation Form in the appropriate places

c. Complete the Non-Completion box on the Recommendation Form explaining

requirements not completed

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



1. Welcome and introductions. Share your experience and background. Conduct some form of

icebreaker exercise that allows candidates to introduce themselves to each other.

2. Ensure candidates have sent in requirements for acceptance. E.g. Practicum Proposal

confirmation; you will have received notification of this from the OPC office.

3. Distribute candidate usernames and passwords for access to the online modules. This

information is found on the class lists. The usernames are the OPC # and the password is the

postal code.

4. Note the Module At A Glance includes assignments and E-Learning at the end of each module in

the modules and CAP.

5. ** Refer candidates to the collaborative inquiry presentations and the assessment rubric which

they have received in their candidate acceptance package. During the first day, arrange the

groups to conduct a collaborative inquiry. Review the Jenni Donohoo inquiry guideline included

in the CAP.

6. Assign book talk presentations.

7. Review the reflective journal process, reminding candidates that their reflections should bear the

perspective of the principal and refer to the Ontario Leadership Framework. The reflective

journal for Module 12 should be completed before Day 2 of this last module.

8. Remind candidates that all assignments are to be completed before the last day of the course.

9. Advise candidates that the website will be available to them until one week following the last

day of the course.

10. Review the e-learning assignments and explain entry to the website and procedures for login –

see candidate acceptance package for details. Distribute login/password information. Invite

candidates to login and checkout the site.

11. Advise candidates that troubleshooting for the e-learning component is available through

[email protected]

12. Remind candidates to complete the EQ-i inventory if they have not done so. Refer them to

the Candidate Acceptance Package (link) for details. This is available to instructors via the

instructor web link.




The activities are listed in the order presented in the At A Glance published in the electronic

candidate acceptance package. The order id flexible as long as the content is covered.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Just In Time (JIT) Case Studies

Before and during the PQP, collect tasks, questions and dilemmas that you deal with on a

daily basis. Present these authentic case studies for discussion throughout the modules.

Module: 7

The Changing Nature of the Principal’s Work


Welcome by OPC PQP program lead by adobe connect

Welcome and overview of the course requirement.

Co-create a GAFE environment for the Personal/Professional Learning Network

(PLN) of PQP 2 invite PQP Program Lead [email protected]

o Include:


The Principal of Change by George Couros -

Review Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario and brainstorm how

it impacts the principal’s role

Review Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and the Ethical Standards for the

Teaching Profession and how they relate to the role of the principal through exploration of the

OCT website

Review Ministry and District websites to explore the organizational infrastructures of both.

Highlight the similarities and differences

o Ministry Organizational Chart -

o Candidates locate organizational chart for their board

Candidates will review the Ontario Leadership Framework (OLF) using their philosophy of

education developed in part 1.

Investigate the Principal Performance Appraisal (PPA) and make connections to the OLF : Highlight the Performance

Plan Working Template on pg. 58. Instructor will share their experiences with PPA

The Ontario Institute for Education Leadership website: and explore the tools in the site.

o Focus on the Transition to the role of Principal and Vice-Principal study.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Review study – The Changing Nature of Principals Work

Candidates will participate in an activity dealing with the characteristics of the 21st Century

Principal, include the following:

o 21st Century Leadership: Looking Forward, Ontario Ministry of Education

o What if? Technology in the 21st Century Classroom. Ontario Public School Board


o Education for the 21st Century. HWDSB.


Principal’s Transforming Schools –

After searching sources, reading and viewing, discuss and define the 21st Century Principal.

Candidates will choose a Book Talk and Collaborative Inquiry to investigate and present.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module: 8

Managing School Resources


Using the pre-course assignment, discuss the writing, reading and interpretation of a cover letter

Hiring Practices ( HR representative from local board to discuss hiring procedures and


o Review HR hiring procedures and policies

o Teaching Staff: Selection and Development from OPC's Handbook for School Leaders

o Review of Regulation 274

o Review Reg. 274/12 -

o Q & A Reg. 274/12 OSSTF -


o Understanding Reg. 274/12 -

New Teacher Induction Program - Candidates will review resource handbook for principals Review the roles and

responsibilities of the principal and the D.S.B. for the New Teacher Induction program

Explore hiring the right teachers o The Essence of Professional Capital

o Human, Social and Decisional Capital

Instructor will share their school’s staff development plan and make connections to the data and Board

Improvement Plan and School Improvement Plan – discuss the role of the principal and link to the OLF,

and human, social and decisional capital.

The instructor will explain student focused funding and connect it to the school budget. The

instructor will share a school budget and how funds in the school are allocated.

Instructor will demonstrate the use of technology to track and manage financial resources and

discuss the implications

Instructor will facilitate the discussion of the process of allocating staff and include a simulation


Discuss dilemmas in budgeting

In groups, candidates will design a school budget, present their rationale for their allocations and

discuss guiding principles. Groups will also share how Equity and Inclusive Education and

Diversity was considered in budget development.

Candidates will participate in a “walk-about in the school” exercise to identify the complexities

of maintenance and physical plant issues including health and safety. They will explore issues

regarding inspection and priorities

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Candidates will role-play “The Principal on the Hot Seat” and respond to frequently asked

questions that pertain to school program by a variety of stakeholders. INSTRUCTOR WILL


Candidates will discuss Ken Leithwood’s video comparing leadership and management

Collaborative Inquiry presentation - Managing Resources

Book Talk - Leader of Challenging Conversations

Candidates to complete the on-line EQ-I Instrument

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module: 9

Co-creating an Inclusive School


A local school board guest expert will present the Ontario Equity, Inclusive Education and

Diversity Strategy and its implementation including PPM #119, school board

Policy/Procedures/Programs/Practices/Development and Review Tool

Instructor will facilitate a collaborative inquiry about leading an Equitable, Inclusive School.

Include the following and other digital information mined by the candidates.

o Principal Equity Champions

o Preparing for new Canadians

o Equity and Inclusive Education – Leading the Inclusive School: Part Two –Culturally

Responsive and Relevant Leadership

o Elizabeth Coelho – Linguistic Diversity: An Asset


Principal as Co-Learner

Participate in an activity that uses equity and inclusion SAFE@SCHOOL website. Candidates

review the site and then become expert in one area to share with the rest of the group. Use

questions included in the website to guide the inquiry.

The instructor will lead a jigsaw activity based workshop on cultural competence and proficiency

using Anthony Muhammad’s series of short video clips


Discuss Ontario’s Equity, Inclusive Education and Diversity Strategy lives in the curriculum and

its impact on assessment. Refer to the Growing Success document.

Instructor will review the websites and

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Review The Aboriginal Perspective Toolkit

o Discuss what this looks like, sound like and feels like in your school

Collaborative Inquiry group presentation – Technology Enhanced Learning and Leading in an

Inclusive School

Book Talk – Leader of the Equitable School

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module: 10

Evidence Based Decision Making


Video to start discussion - Steve Mundy, Question Evidence

Instructor will review the “School Effectiveness Framework”

Understanding Child/Youth Development and how it impacts learning and teaching

o Candidates collaborate to research, review and share characteristics of students in

Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Some research to consider:







Candidates will review the Carmel Crevola video clips and the messaging about instructional

leadership in expert groups


View Steven Katz at Curriculum Services Canada -

12/en/projects/leaders-in-educational-thought-steven-katz-carmel-crevola-anthony-muhammad (

short video clips will be divided in the class to determine the key points)

After reading and viewing, discuss and define the principal’s role in developing and sustaining a

professional learning community

The instructor will demonstrate using board technology, how data is used in decision making

o EQAO Resource link:

The instructor will demonstrate how the EQAO data is used in their school

o Discuss ways to communicate the school and board data to all stakeholders in the


o Identify potential roadblocks to school planning for improvement and determine

strategies to overcome these

Candidates will receive completed EQ-i's.

o Watch Daniel Goleman

o The instructor will facilitate a discussion of Emotional Intelligence, candidate inventories, result

and next steps ( see power point in instructor resources)

Candidates will participate in a presentation by the Literacy/Numeracy Secretariat

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Collaborative Inquiry group presentation – Leading Mentally Healthy Schools

Book Talk – Creating Thinking Classrooms

What does system level leadership look like in the OLF? Discuss following Ken Leithwood’s video clip.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module: 11

Building Relationships with Parents and the Community


Parent Engagement - read and discuss implications for the role of the principal

o “Parent Engagement” monograph

o “Relations with Parents” OPC Register


o “Parent Involvement Committees”


o “Parent Engagement”


o Equity and Parents -

Review School Administrators Guide to Parent Engagement

Problem-solving strategies for parent-teacher interviews will be examined

Instructor will facilitate workshop “Relationship with Parents” see power point in instructor

resources and notes in module

o Role Play scenario below

Instructor will invite a trustee to discuss the role of the trustee

Candidates will examine the essentials of successful school communication with parents, the

community at large and the media

Candidates will review the districts school action and communication plan to manage a crisis

Instructor will lead discussion around profiling the school in the community, demographics,

declining enrolment, graduation rates, pathways and their implications

Collaborative Inquiry Presentation: Safe Schools - Character Education, Bullying Prevention progressive

discipline & restorative practices, and how to address bullying prevention in the curriculum

Book Talk – No More Bystanders = No More Bullies

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II





Chris Doak is in Grade 7 (or 9). He has had a number of altercations with his teachers over the last year,

and has been suspended twice for swearing at other students. There were no such problems or

difficulties with his siblings.

Last night, Chris told Dale (his parent) that, in the bus loop, a Grade 8 (or 10) student pushed, punched

and kicked him. Chris will not “rat out” the assailant.


Dale Doak, the parent, calls the school and asks to speak to Pat Proust, the principal. The Office

Administrator reports that Pat is not available. Dale tells the O.A. that Chris was bullied by a Grade 8

(10) student yesterday after school. He knows that the teacher responsible for supervising the loading of

buses missed the duty. According to Dale, Chris is now too scared to come to school. He wants to

transfer to another school. He wants the teacher fired. Dale wants to know what Principal Proust is going

to do about this. This used to be a good school until Proust took over and Dale is trying to decide

whether to call the police or start a petition. The O.A. sets an appointment for Dale to meet with

Principal Pat and alerts Pat that there is an irate parent wishing a meeting, soon.

In anticipation of the meeting with Dale, Pat conducts an investigation. Pat is able to confirm that:

The teacher missed the duty;

Chris was pushed;

Chris denies any punching or kicking;

Chris refuses to name the assailant.

Pat suspects that the assailant is the boyfriend of a girl Chris has expressed interest in by visiting her

locker repeatedly.

Pat arrives fifteen minutes late for the appointment.

Backgrounder for Actors Only


Has been principal of the school for eight months;

Experienced good support from the School Council until recently; and

Has been criticized by some parents for a perceived decline in disciplinary standards.

Role-Play: Key messages

You were working on budget plans and lost track of the time

You have investigated and conclude that this incident is not bullying it’s “boys will be boys”

Since Chris won’t tell you who the assailant is, you can’t really do much

Chris himself provokes other kids regularly

You are eager to explain the anti-bullying policy of the school board and the actions that the

school has taken

Take a cell phone call

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Interrupt frequently, but not constantly

Promise that Chris will never be bullied again

Defend the teacher vigorously, explaining how hard the teacher works

React very strongly to an allegation that discipline standards have declined on your watch

Offer to arrange a transfer for Chris


Is the parent of three children, two of whom have graduated to Secondary school (or

College/university), and Chris

Was formerly Chair of the school council

Communicates in a straightforward, sometimes brusque, manner

Role-play: Key messages

You are upset that Pat is late for this appointment

You want the teacher fired threaten a report to the College of Teachers

You think Pat is biased because of Chris’ previous behaviour issues

You do not want to listen to the board’s anti-bullying policy or the school’s plans

Stress that discipline standards have declined since Pat’s arrival at the school

Argue that the bully should be transferred

Offer to transfer Chris if Pat agrees to name and expel the bully

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Module: 12

21st Century Leadership


A panel of current vice-principals will discuss preparing for the interview, entry plans,

professional growth plans and wellness.

Read “The Entry Plan”

o The instructor will share entry plans. Teams will create entry plans including:

Internal and external stakeholder groups included

How are you going to collect the information?

How are you going to share the information collected with all of the groups?

Initial directions and goals

Complete a mock interview using questions the instructor has supplied and discuss techniques,

look-fors and pitfalls

Review the principal’s legal obligations with the following:

The Role of the Union

Supervision of Performance

Who does the Principal Supervise?

The role of the District School Board

Supervision of Behaviour


Disability Management

Instructor will facilitate and In-Basket Activity – Candidates work in pairs – Activity below o Discuss how to manage the In-Basket

Book Talk – Digital Leadership

Collaborative Inquiry presentation – Leading a Professional Learning Community in the 21st


Instructor will lead a discussion about the pluses and minuses of using GAFE in this course

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


Final reflection as a group about the OLF and Ken Leithwood’s reflection

Celebrate the end of the PQP courses by reviewing Celebrating Success in the OPC Handbook

for School Leaders

Interruptions can be called out by instructor during activity. For instructor eyes only!


A. Phone call from parent, Mrs. Slide, who says that the playground is too icy for students to play safely and

that they should be kept in the building for recess and lunch.

B. Phone call from Mr. Kotter who wants his three children to register. The family lives out of the school

catchment area. The children are in JK, Grade 1 and Grade 5.

C. Phone call from superintendent Dale Schmidt’s secretary. A parent has called regarding the lack of soap

in the school’s washroom soap dispensers.

D. Phone call from the Daily Record. A reporter wants to know what is happening in the school with regard

to co-curricular activities.

E. As you are leaving to go to the System Leaders meeting at the education centre, you are informed by

Secretary Jim Matz that there has been an accident in the gym. A boy is unconscious after hitting his

head on the floor. He had been knocked over while playing floor hockey. What questions do you ask?

What do you do?

F. Secretary Barb Dwyer advises you that superintendent Dale Schmidt is on the phone waiting to speak to

you about a phone call received from Ahmed Mohammed. The School Council Chair is alleging that a

teacher struck his son on the head.

G. Phone message received from parent, Mr. Reeder. His daughter failed the grade 10 Literacy Test. What

programming help is available?

H. Two police officers arrive with three students who went into the local church at lunch, stole the fire

extinguisher and sprayed part of the church entrance. The police want to leave you to deal with the

culprits because of the age of the children, 12, 12 and 11, and their own busy schedule.

I. Two officials from the Children’s Aid Society arrive and want to interview Sam Elliot a Grade 4 student

in response to an allegation that his parents supplied alcohol to Sammy on Christmas Eve.

J. An irate father arrives at your office wanting to see his daughters aged 13 and 15. The girls’ mother had

called yesterday to advise that he was now living in a shelter for victims of domestic violence. She had

expressed her fear that her husband would show up at the school. You have also received word from the

police advising that this man is very difficult to deal with. There is no custody order.

K. An educational assistant arrives at the office. She has just come in from the school parking lot to report to

you that her brand new van is missing.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


IN-BASKET EXERCISE – print and cut up some into individual pieces, put others on google

The in-basket activity includes the following:

1. The school context for the activity

2. The day plan of pre-scheduled activities for the principal

3. 14 written artefact items numbered 1-14

4. Instructor may provide you with additional items.


You are the principal of PQP Composite School, a FDL to grade 12 facility whose catchment

area is largely urban but also serves a small rural section of the district school board.

Two school buses transport the rural students daily.

The urban students walk to school.

The school is located 10 minutes from the Education Centre of the DSB

There are 850 students in total and 47 teachers

The fu1l-time principal is Chris Cross and the vice-principal is Kim Kan

The superintendent of schools is Dale Schmidt

The school council chair is Ahmed Mohammed.

The local trustee is Ima Starr.

Included in the teaching staff are

2 guidance counsellors

2 special education resource teachers

1 ESL teacher

2 full-time Office Administrators, Barb Dwyer and Jim Matz

1 full-time day custodian, Ian Clean


7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Meeting of the school-based team (elementary)

11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Meeting of the staffing committee (secondary)

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. System leaders meeting at the Education Centre – main agenda

item is the latest report on EQAO results

4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Meeting with Chris Smith from “Nutrition for Life” regarding

planning for a school breakfast program

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. School Council meeting – The main agenda items is student

behaviour. The principal’s report to council is a regularly

scheduled item

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: M. More

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Fed up

Dear Principal Cross:

We are troubled and thought we should write this letter and send it to several people.

We as parents expect a professional, responsible, mature teacher to be teaching our children. This is not

what we got last year when our child was in grade 7. We are very concerned because we have another

child coming to that grade and we don’t want to be in the same situation that we were in last year.

Our child is presently in grade 8 and has had a wonderful year with remarkable teacher. Last year it was

a frustrating and disappointing year in Mr. Incompetent’s class.

Our next-door neighbour is in the same situation and we have had a lot of discussion about this.

We don’t understand how someone can be allowed to teach when they are so unprofessional in manner,

actions and behaviour. Last year my child would often complain about the nonsense and silliness that

went on in class that was started by the teacher. His attitude is not professional yet the kids seem to

want to be in that class because it is so much fooling around time. The blatant favoritism is also

upsetting to a lot of students.

We don’t like to interfere with the school but from speaking to several other parents we feel this is

something that needs to be dealt with. We want action!

A group of concerned parents!


From: Deanna Fairchild

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Gifted

Dear Principal,

As you are well aware my son has been described as gifted. I am formally requesting that Philip be

I.P.R.C.’ed and that he be placed in the Congregated Gifted class as an outcome of the I.P.R.C.

My husband and I will be available to attend I.P.R.C. any day after 5:00 p.m.

I look forward to receiving your formal response to this request.


Deanna Fairchild Deanna Fairchild

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: June Anderson

To: All Principals

Subject: Winter Safety

Until further notice playground equipment on school property will be out of bounds to all students. Icy

conditions are compromising the safety of our students.

June Anderson, Superintendent of Operations

Markville District School Board

188 Sento Street

Marktown, ON L6R2Y7

Phone: 905-333-3223, Extension 2217

This e-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named in the

message. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended

recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this communication is prohibited. If this

communication was received in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.


From: James Jordan

To: All Principals

Subject: John Jones

John Jones, former superintendent with our Board, has unexpectedly passed away. Please notify staff

and take appropriate action.

James Jordan, Director of Education

Markville District School Board

188 Sento Street

Marktown, ON L6R2Y7

Phone: 905-333-3223, Extension 2202

This e-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named in the

message. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended

recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this communication is prohibited. If this

communication was received in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: Principal of Innovation

To: All Principals

Subject: Reminder – Innovation Workshop

Innovation workshop is available for only thirty teachers on a first-come first serve basis. Coverage is

provided, for these thirty teachers for the full day. An additional thirty teachers may attend if the

principal can arrange internal coverage.

The deadline for registration is one week from Friday.

Robert Mitchell, Principal of Innovation

Markville District School Board

188 Sento Street

Marktown, ON L6R2Y7

Phone: 905-333-3223, Extension 2266

This e-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named in the

message. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended

recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination or copying of this communication is prohibited. If this

communication was received in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: Carle Jackman

To: All School Administrators - Urgent

Subject: Students Safety

Please be informed that a green van attempted to pick-up a grade seven girl one block from Highland

School. The student returned to school in safety.

Carle Jackman, Associate Director of Education

Markville District School Board

188 Sento Street

Marktown, ON L6R2Y7

Phone: 905-333-3223, Extension 2205

This e-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or

entity named in the message. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent

responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination

or copying of this communication is prohibited. If this communication was received in error, please

notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message.

I T E M # 7

From: Eric George

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Play based learning is a bust!

Dear Chris Cross,

My son Jeff is in Grade One at your school. I do not believe that he is learning how to sound out words

so he will be able to read. They do not teach spelling at that school of yours.

Jeff says they play all day!! My wife Melissa is at home all day. Jeff will no longer attend school and

Melissa will teach him at home.


E George Mr. E. George


Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: David Careful

To: Chris Cross, Principal

Subject: Parent report of H&S issues at PQP Composite

I received a phone call from one of your parents concerned with some issues in your auto body

shop. Below is a listing of those concerns:

Students in the auto body shop are not properly instructed to enter the industry and receive very

little or no health & safety instruction;

Students are allowed to bring food and drinks into the auto body shop where industrials

chemicals and coating are being used;

Emergency eye was equipment is poorly maintained and not in working order at times and, when

it is working, is used inappropriately to rinse down vehicles;

First aid supplies are not readily available in the auto body shop and must be obtained from a

nearby shop;

Students were observed blowing off their clothing with compressed air nozzles;

Tools and equipment are in a poor state of repair, i.e. Students used cracked grinding disks;

The auto body shop is poorly organized and housekeeping practices are no-existent;

Available safety glasses/goggles are so badly scratched that they are unusable.

Allegations against the teacher include:

The selling or trading of vehicles to students for personal gain or for items taken home for

personal use;

Allowing students to use the shop in exchange for payment, favors, etc. or personal gain;

Selling Board property, i.e. Vehicles, auto parts, for personal gain;

Personal use of Board materials, equipment and facilities.

The student mentioned that he is available and wishes to be contacted to further discuss the

above. He also indicated that other students could be contacted for further information to

confirm many of the above claims.

Please call should you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of assistance as you attend to

these issues.

David Careful,

Health and Safety Officer

Markville District School Board

188 Sento Street

Marktown, ON L6R2Y7

Phone: 905-333-3223, Extension 2209

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Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II



From: Barb Dwyer

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Interviews

As I was scheduling interviews for Thursday night Parent – Interview evening, I was informed by three

of our teachers that they are unwilling to participate in interviews after 5:00 p.m.

They have stated that 5:00 p.m. is the end of the school day.

I tried to tell them that parents can’t make it in during the day – they say that this is just one more

expectation that is stressing them out and reducing morale —


Barb Dwyer Barb Dwyer

Office Administrator

ITEM #10

Principal Cross,

You have a new music teacher at PQP Composite School.

You should check into his background.


ITEM #11

From: Jane Whitehouse

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Help

I am one of your students. I have 15 credits and I wish to continue my studies at home.

I am expecting a child in March and am finding it too difficult to attend school.

I do not want to change course now. I want to continue some courses at home and receive credits?

Help me.

Yours truly,

Jane Whitehouse

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


ITEM #12

From: Ima Starr

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Campaign

Dear Chris,

I just want to let you know that I will be delivering to your office next week, my campaign literature for

the upcoming elections. Please send my flyer home with your students.

I do appreciate your hard work and rely upon my Principals to distribute this to their students.

With many thanks for your outstanding work and support.


Ima Starr Ima Starr

Trustee, Ward 6

ITEM #13

From: Jim Matz

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Olsen


I think you should know about this one…Mr. Olsen who is the Principal of EQI private school down the

road is very concerned about his twin daughter’s marks…I have recorded as best I can remember…

If you recall Ashley and Kate are in two different Grade 7 classes taught by Mrs. Kovacs and Mr.


a) Ashley’s English marks are much higher than Kate’s marks

b) Ashley rarely has homework and Kate is “swamped” with work

c) Kate’s writing skills (spelling, grammar, creativity) have always been stronger but her English

mark is 4% lower than Ashley’s mark

d) Ashley has high marks, but her teacher Mrs. Kovacs hasn’t “taught her a thing”, she has done

“no work” this year (very few curriculum expectations are being met)

e) “Why are there no standards at your school? How can the differences be so huge? Why

haven’t you done anything about it?”

f) “I want this matter dealt with. Something has to be done about it!”

g) “Why is Mrs. Kovacs doing computational work in math all the time, while Mr. Fisher is doing

problem solving? I see what they are bringing home each night. I know what’s going on!”

Jim Jim Matz,

Office Adminstrator

Principal’s Qualification Program – Instructor Resource Booklet Part II


I T E M # 1 4

From: Barb Dwyer

To: Chris Cross

Subject: Grade Eight Girl


I think you need to jump on this one…

A Grade Eight girl (I’ll tell you the name when I see you) who you have seen repeatedly for discipline

matters came to me last night after you had left and said that her science teacher “felt her up”. I know

that this girl is sexually active and you have spoken to her numerous times. Just after she left, the

science teacher came in really angry to say she was angry with him for contacting her parents about

missing assignments and skipped detentions and that she told him she would “get him good”. I didn’t

tell him what she said.


Barb Dwyer

Office Administrator