Download - Potential Target Audience


Potential Target Audience - A Summary:From the Prezis that I have already completed, (in blog post ‘Audience Profile’) I

have already identified a few aspects of my potential target audience:

Age: From 16 to 20 years old; a teenage and young adult audience. Relating to Orla Gartland, the artist being 20 years old, as well as my character in the

production being of a similarly young age.

Gender: The main target audience will predominantly be female, the same gender as

my artist and character, being able to relate more easily.

Social Group: Predominantly Middle Class.

Lifestyle: Aware Green Issues and have an interest or concerns with environmental

awareness. Also, having a general interest in the arts, media and film as well as fashion.

…I have maintained my awareness of these factors, but have reviewed and added more detail to my description of my potential target audience in this presentation…

Consumption of Popular Culture:Film: As consumers, my target audience may be more prone to watch films that relate to themselves, this aspect of projecting themselves onto a character relevant in my own music video.Alternative and contemporary female characters may be one aspect of a film they are keen to watch. For example, Clementine in ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ is a modern woman, the female character unique and different to the norm. This creative interpretation of characters may also link to my ownmusic video, with my female character acting to show the deeper metaphorical meaning, a more complex narrative underpinning my production. A viewer may be more engaged to watch productions which try to bring something new and challenge the form.

Another film that may interest my potential target audience is ‘Submarine.’ The British coming-of-age drama stars Yasmin Paige as young female character Jordana. The focus around the two main teenage characters, which is similar to my own production with my young female actress. To a certain degree, Oliver Tate’s narrative voice throughout the film is relatable, as a viewer you’re positioned alongside him. I think this is the same for my music video; the audience positioned along with my female character, constantly travelling and following her, so you can’t help but side with her because of her constant screen time.

Consumption of Popular Culture:TV Programmes:My potential target audience may be interested in TV shows like ‘Skins’; the show follows a group of British teenagers exploring their lives from love and happiness to their school life and home life. My audience may be able to relate to some aspects, or at least see characters in Skins to be somewhat representative of British youth.

Dress Code:Focusing specifically on my target audience being middle-class, 16 to 20 year old females. Their sense of fashion may be rather modern and up to date. Being aware of the latest fashion trends and maybe following the clothes for new seasons. Big brand names such as Topshop, River Island, Urban Outfitters or All Saints may be just some of the stores they purchase item from. In addition, I think my audience may also be willing to explore creativity in fashion, with my own music video being different from something which matches the lyrics exactly, so go against the overwhelming majority in choice. This may mean they experiment with fashion styles, not being afraid of individuality.

Additionally, ‘Some Girls’ is another TV show which explores the lives of British teens and youth in education. I think my potential target audience may enjoy the show, some parts being satire, but the exploration of controversial issues that are relevant to British youth may be interesting for my audience, being able to see how the show’s producers had chosen to represent and portray British female teenagers. While I don’t think it was a truly accurate representation, my audience may see the satire and irony of it.

Consumption of Popular Culture:

Life Style Choices: I think my target audience will be interested in the creative industry. They may have an interest in the arts, media, film, fashion or other creative fields. I think one thing that relates from my production is that my audience may be aware of environmental

Aspirations: I believe my potential target audience would be ambitious with their creative fields and ambitions. Possibly wanting to continue further higher education or even go into constructive work. I think that they’d have creative ambitions and want to create contemporary and modern mediums in an inventive and innovative way. Their aspirations may be to excel in a specific field, but I think my potential audience would want to challenge the existing medium of expression.

issues, and be consciously involved with Green Issues. This may be relevant to my on music video due to the importance of my sapling prop. The importance of my female character carrying this small undeveloped plant around may symbolise hope; the significance of the plant essential to my production, as well as in reality.

Political View:The political view of my potential target audience may be leaning more towards left-wing politics. I think this because my production puts an emphasis on insecurity, but progression by the end of my music video. The audience may be sensitive to the issue of persona doubt, the idea of a capitalist society providing them no security for their future.

Consumption of Popular Culture:Gap Year / University:Due to some of my potential target audience being higher education possibilities. I think the potential opportunity of a gap year may be important to my audience. My production promotes the concept of insecurity of an individual. My audience may be people who go abroad or volunteer for global and international communities during their gap year.

Location - Cultural Signifiers: The locations and images of my production may appeal to, specifically, a Norfolk audience. With cultural signifiers which are relevant to Britain as well as Norfolk landscape and heritage, which may be recognisable to the local audience.To a viewer who knows East Anglia well, they may recognise some of my used locations like Eaton Park’s boating lake; but I also have some scenes which may not be as obvious.

In Orford, I chose to shoot at the large open span of water, contrasted with the boat house as a location. The area popular for boating trips, which a viewer may recognise from my production. Another location inOrford that I used for filming is Orford Castle, the site owned by English Heritage and is open to the public. I waited till late evening, when the Castle was shut, meaning no other people being there, but also waiting for the sun to begin setting in order to achieve the golden glow of the sunset.