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PRESS RELEASE Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Office of Media Relations

3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 | phone: (213) 637-7215 | fax: (213) 637-6215 | [email protected]

CONTACT: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monica Valencia July 21, 2015 Office: (213) 637-7254, Cell: (310) 714-0503 [email protected] Adrian Marquez Office: (213) 637-7216, Cell: (323) 682-1770 [email protected]


Pope Francis today named Msgr. David O’Connell and Msgr. Joseph Brennan from Los Angeles and Father Robert Barron from Chicago auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Also, today Pope Francis accepted the retirement of Bishop Gerald Wilkerson, Auxiliary Bishop for the San Fernando Pastoral Region, upon reaching the retirement age for bishops, which is 75 years old. Archbishop José H. Gomez and the bishops-elect addressed the L.A. media on the Pope’s announcements at a press conference today at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles. Archbishop Gomez began the press conference by thanking Auxiliary Bishop Wilkerson for fifty years of service to the Archdiocese. Bishop Wilkerson was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 1965 and was ordained a bishop in 1998. Archbishop Gomez noted that Bishop Wilkerson “has fulfilled his ministry with zeal and dedication, and we are very grateful for the many things he has done for the people of God in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.” The Archbishop then addressed the Papal announcement on the newly appointed auxiliary bishops, explaining that “it is clear that in appointing these new auxiliary bishops, Pope Francis really understands what the Church needs — not just here in Los Angeles, but also in the United States and across the Americas.” “I believe each of these new auxiliary bishops will help us in our mission here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles — the beautiful mission we have of sharing the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ and promoting human dignity and mercy and justice in our society,” added the Archbishop Originally from County Cork, Ireland, Bishop-elect O’Connell was ordained to the priesthood in 1979. He has served as Associate Pastor at St. Raymond in Downey (1979-1983), St. Maria Goretti in Long Beach (1983-1984), and St. Hillary in Pico Rivera (1984-1988), and then as Pastor of St. Frances X. Cabrini (1988-2003) and Ascension Parish in Los Angeles (1998-2003), Administrator Pro-temp at St. Eugene (2004-2006) and Pastor of St. Michael Parish (2003-2015). He has worked to end gang violence in the inner city and serves on the Archdiocese’s pastoral committee on immigration supporting L.A.’s immigrant community in the struggle for comprehensive immigration reform to help all impacted by our broken immigration system. “The greatest joy of my life is being a pastor,” said Bishop-elect O’Connell. “I think our parishes and schools are powerful instruments of transformation of people's lives and of neighborhoods. I hope that as an auxiliary bishop I can continue to be a good pastor for the people.”


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Auxiliary Bishops Announcement Page 2

Bishop-elect Brennan was ordained to the priesthood in 1980. He served as associate pastor at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, in Los Angeles (1980-1983), St. Linus, in Norwalk (1983-1987) and at the Cathedral of St. Vibiana in Los Angeles (1987-1991). He went on to serve as pastor at St. Linus in Norwalk (1992-2004) and Holy Trinity in San Pedro (2004-2012). Bishop-elect Brennan currently serves as Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. “I am humbled and deeply indebted to Pope Francis and Archbishop Gomez for this great honor and responsibility,” said Bishop-elect Brennan. “I am blessed to be able to continue to serve in such a beautiful community of faith deeply rooted in our Church’s mission of mercy and service. We can see this in the many wonderful good works to help those in need at all of our 287 parishes.” Bishop-elect Barron was ordained to the priesthood in 1986. Shortly after his ordination, he served as associate pastor at St. Paul of the Cross Parish in Park Ridge, Ill (1986-1989). He was then appointed to the theological faculty of Mundelein Seminary, and has served as a visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, as well as scholar in residence at the North American Pontifical College at the Vatican. Bishop-elect Barron is the founder of Word on Fire, a global media ministry which has been spreading the message of the New Evangelization since the year 2000. He is currently the Rector/President of Mundelein Seminary University of St. Mary of the Lake, in the Archdiocese of Chicago. “I am grateful to Pope Francis for his confidence in me and to Archbishop Gomez for his willingness to allow me to minister in this beautiful, richly diverse, and spiritually vibrant Church,” said Bishop-elect Barron. “I have visited the Los Angeles area many times, including seven or eight journeys to speak at the legendary Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. So although I cannot say that I know this Archdiocese well, I have indeed been able to taste and see some of its goodness.” Archbishop Blase Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago added his words of support and congratulations on behalf of the faithful in Chicago in a statement on the Papal announcement.

“The Holy Father’s appointment of Bishop-elect Robert Barron as an Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles today, brings honor to the Archdiocese of Chicago and the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, where he has served as Rector since July 1, 2012,” expressed Archbishop Cupich. “We are grateful to Pope Francis. Fr Barron has been a singular blessing to our local Church and is recognized nationally for his great abilities and talents. We know that he will continue to make us proud as he begins his new ministry on the West Coast. We congratulate him and Bishops-elect Joseph Brennan and David O’Connell, and wish them and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles every blessing as they share in the pastoral ministry of Archbishop Jose Gomez, who, like Pope Francis, is a loving shepherd of his flock.” The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is the largest Archdiocese in the United States with approximately five million Catholics. The archdiocese has four other active auxiliary bishops and two other retired ones. The bishops elect will serve as regional bishops in the Santa Barbara, San Gabriel and San Fernando Pastoral Regions. For more information regarding the announcement and on each of the newly named bishops, visit and for the press kit, visit

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Statement on Pope Francis’ Appointment of Three New Auxiliary Bishops to Serve the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Most Reverend José H. Gomez Archbishop of Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels July 21, 2015 Good morning and welcome! ¡Buenos días y bienvenidos! I want to welcome all of you to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. We are joined today by my brother bishops — auxiliary bishops Jerry Wilkerson, Thomas Curry, Oscar Solis and Alexander Salazar. We are also joined today by our retired Cardinal Roger Mahony, who is our Archbishop Emeritus. This morning in Rome, Pope Francis announced that he has accepted the retirement of Bishop Jerry Wilkerson, because last year he reached the retirement age for bishops, which is 75 years old. At the same time, the Holy Father announced the appointment of three new auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bishop Wilkerson has been serving the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as a priest for 50 years, and as a bishop since 1998. He has fulfilled his ministry with zeal and dedication, and we are very grateful for the many things he has done for the people of God in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We are also grateful because we know that even in his retirement, his health and energy will allow him to continue his ministry among us. I’m personally very grateful for his ministry, for his friendship, advice and fraternal support since I came to the Archdiocese. Thank you, Bishop Wilkerson! Of our new auxiliary bishops, two of them are priests from L.A.— Msgr. Joseph Brennan and Msgr. David O’Connell. The other is a priest from Chicago — Father Robert Barron Esta mañana el Papa Francisco anunció que ha aceptado el retiro de Mons. Jerry Wilkerson, ya que ha alcanzado el límite de edad para la jubilación de los obispos. El Santo Padre también anunció el nombramiento de tres nuevos obispos auxiliares para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Monseñor Wilkerson ha servido a la Arquidiócesis por 50 años como sacerdote, y 17 como obispo, y estamos muy agradecidos por el celo y dedicación con que ha ejercido su ministerio. Yo estoy personalmente muy agradecido por su amistad y apoyo. De nuestros nuevos obispos auxiliares, dos de ellos son sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis, Mons. Joseph Brennan y Mons. David O’Connell. El tercero es sacerdote en la

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Arquidiócesis de Chicago, el Padre Robert Barron. Los conozco bien a los tres y estoy muy contento con su nombramiento. I know all three of our new bishops and I could not be happier! They are good priests. Each one is a man of prayer and a man of service. Each one has a heart for the poor and a passion to share the good news of God’s mercy and love with everyone in the world today. Los tres son sacerdotes excelentes y tienen un gran cariño y preocupación apostólica por todos los fieles. Son hombres de oración y de servicio. Cada uno de ellos tiene gran anhelo de servir a los pobres y un gran deseo de compartir la buena nueva del amor y la misericordia de Dios con todos. So I am delighted and grateful that the Pope has called them to be auxiliary bishops. You have their bios and their background, but I want to introduce each one to you personally and then we can take your questions. I want to start with Msgr. Brennan: I have been working closely with him, sometimes almost 24–7, for the past three years. He is my Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, which means he is kind of like the “CEO” and the “COO” of the Archdiocese. It’s a big job and Msgr. Brennan handles it with grace and a true concern for people’s needs. He is a good man and a thoughtful leader. From my own experience, I see every day that Msgr. Brennan has the heart of a pastor. He leads a simple lifestyle and he would like nothing more than to be a parish priest in a small parish somewhere, serving his people. That’s not going to happen now — he’s going to have a lot of people to serve and a lot of different responsibilities! Mons. Brennan ha sido un cercano colaborador mío en los últimos tres años. Lleva un estilo de vida muy sencillo y su corazón está con la gente. Es amigo y servidor de los pobres y más vulnerables. Now, Msgr. O’Connell is a native of Ireland and has served in the inner city and South Central L.A. He is also a dedicated pastor with a great concern for the spiritual life of the faithful. He is one of the most respected leaders in the Church and in the local community — he is a leader on issues like immigration reform, education, unemployment, housing, violence, and finding alternatives for young people in gangs. I know him to be a man of peace who knows how to bring people together in the community to find common solutions and common answers. Mons. Dave es también un párroco dedicado a sus fieles, con una espiritualidad que lleva a la acción. Es un gran líder en la comunidad, especialmente en asuntos de

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inmigración y justicia social, con un compromiso cristiano de servir a los pobres y a los más necesitados. Finally, Father Barron. I predict that he’s going to like the weather here a lot more than in Chicago. No more hats and gloves and snow shovels. I know him to be a fine priest and a smart theologian with the heart and commitment of a good pastor. He is also the author of many books and has an important online media ministry. He has even had a television series on PBS about the beauty of the Catholic faith and God’s plan for creation. So I think God has sent him to the right place — the media capital of the world. El Padre Bob es también un sacerdote con gran dedicación por la Nueva Evangelización. Tanto en su ministerio sacerdotal como en sus responsabilidades como Rector del Seminario de Mundelein en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago, se ha distinguido por su generosidad en el servicio de los demás. También se ha distinguido por su ministerio de evangelizador en los nuevos medios de comunicación, en la Televisión y el Internet, llevando la vida y el ejemplo de Jesús a las familias, a los jóvenes, para el bien de la Iglesia y de la sociedad. Con estos nombramientos somos testigos de que el Papa Francisco conoce bien qué es lo que necesita la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles y la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos y el Continente Americano. Agradecemos al Santo Padre su preocupación pastoral por la Arquidiócesis y le ofrecemos nuestras oraciones por su ministerio y por su próxima visita a los Estados Unidos este próximo mes de septiembre. My friends, I think it is clear that in appointing these new auxiliary bishops, Pope Francis really understands what the Church needs — not just here in Los Angeles but also in the United States and across the Americas. In the Catholic Church, we believe that every bishop is ordained to carry on the mission that Jesus gave to his apostles. And I believe each of these new auxiliary bishops will help us in our mission here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles — the beautiful mission we have of sharing the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ and promoting human dignity and mercy and justice in our society. So again, I personally want to express my thanks today to the Holy Father for this great gift to the people of Los Angeles. I want to thank you all for being with us to share our joy and gratitude. May God bless you and your families!

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Gracias a todos por venir esta mañana y por compartir nuestra alegría por los nuevos Obispos Auxiliares de la Arquidiócesis. Que Dios los bendiga a todos y a sus familias. I’m happy to ask our new Auxiliary Bishops to come forward for a brief presentation.

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Remarks by:

Most Reverend David G. O’Connell Auxiliary Bishop-Elect of Los Angeles

July 21, 2015 I read that sometime last year that Pope Francis told some newly named bishops not to take their appointment as an honor or a title or even as a reward for good work, but as a call to follow Jesus more closely and to serve His people with more fervor. So I am very moved that the Holy Father has named me as an auxiliary bishop in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and I must admit, I am a bit nervous about it. I have had the privilege of being a priest of this Archdiocese for 36 years since I was ordained in 1979 in All Hallows' college in Dublin, Ireland. I regard it as a great blessing in my life to have had the opportunity to serve here. I thank God that as the years go on I have more and more love for my priesthood and for the people in the parishes I have served. The parishioners of St. Raymond's, St. Maria Goretti and St. Hilary's where I was an associate have taught me how to be a priest. The parishioners of St. Frances X. Cabrini, Ascension, St. Eugene's and St. Michael’s have taught me how to be a good pastor. The people from these parishes have also given me a great gift; the gift of a living relationship with Jesus which is the most precious gift of all. I want to thank Cardinal Manning who ordained me a deacon in 1979 and Cardinal Mahony who has been my Archbishop for most of my priesthood here, and I also want to thank Archbishop Gomez for his support of me and for accepting this nomination of me as auxiliary bishop. (I am not sure if he had a choice or not, but I thank him anyway). I think there is no Archdiocese in the country where the Catholic faith is more alive in parishes from the poorest area of the Archdiocese to the most wealthy and everyplace in between. I think this is because of the great leadership of Cardinal Manning, Cardinal Mahony and of course Archbishop Gomez and our auxiliary bishops. I am excited about joining them in this great work of Jesus among the people. The greatest joy of my life is being a pastor. It is a privilege to be part of people's lives especially in their time of suffering and need. I think our parishes and schools are powerful instruments of transformation of people's lives and of neighborhoods. I hope that as an auxiliary bishop I can continue to be a good pastor for the people. In this we all have a great example in Pope Francis who, even though he has the cares of the whole Catholic Church on his shoulders, continues to reach out to the poor and the rejected in a very loving and compassionate way. It's a great time to be Catholic since we are entering into the Synod on the Family and on a Holy Year of Mercy. The Pope is calling all of us to show the face of the compassionate and merciful Jesus to the world. I am proud to be part of this great ministry in the years ahead.

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Monseñor David G. O’Connell

Obispo Auxiliar Electo de Los Ángeles 21 de julio de 2015

Hace un tiempo leí que el año pasado el Papa Francisco dijo a algunos obispos recién nombrados que no deberían aceptar su nombramiento como un honor, un título, o como recompensa por haber hecho un buen trabajo, sino como un llamado para seguir a Jesús más de cerca y para servir a Su pueblo con mayor fervor. Entonces me siento muy conmovido que el Santo Padre me haya nombrado Obispo Auxiliar en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Y debo admitir que estoy un poco inquieto con esto. He tenido el privilegio de ser sacerdote de esta diócesis por 36 años, desde mi ordenación en 1979 en el All Hallows’ College en Dublin, Irlanda. Esta oportunidad de haber podido servir aquí es una gran bendición en mi vida. Le doy gracias a Dios pues con el pasar de los años, mi amor por el sacerdocio y por la gente en las parroquias donde he servido ha ido creciendo cada vez más. Los parroquianos de St. Raymond, St. Maria Goretti y St. Hillary, donde estuve como vicario parroquial, me enseñaron a ser sacerdote. Los parroquianos de St. Frances X. Cabrini, Ascensión, St. Eugene y St. Michael me han enseñado a ser un buen pastor. La gente de estas parroquias también me ha dado un gran don: el don de una relación viva y personal con Jesús, que es el don más precioso que podemos tener. Agradezco al Cardenal Manning, quien me ordenó diácono en 1979 y al Cardenal Mahony, quien ha sido mi arzobispo durante la mayor parte de mi sacerdocio aquí. También quiero agradecer al Arzobispo Gomez por su apoyo y por aceptar mi nombramiento como Obispo Auxiliar. (No sé si él tuvo la posibilidad de escoger o no, pero le agradezco de cualquier forma). Creo que no hay otra Arquidiócesis en el país donde la fe católica es tan viva, desde las parroquias en las áreas más pobres hasta las más acomodadas. Creo que esto es fruto del gran liderazgo del Cardenal Manning, del Cardenal Mahony y claro, del Arzobispo Gomez y los obispos auxiliares. Estoy entusiasmado de poder unirme a ellos en esta gran misión de Jesús entre las personas. La alegría más grande de mi vida es la de poder ser pastor. Es un privilegio ser parte de la vida de las personas, especialmente en sus momentos de sufrimiento y necesidad. Creo que nuestras escuelas y parroquias son poderosos instrumentos para la transformación de la vida de las personas y de los diferentes vecindarios. Espero que como obispo auxiliar yo pueda seguir siendo un buen pastor. Tenemos un gran ejemplo de esto en el Papa Francisco, quien aun cargando la responsabilidad de toda la Iglesia católica sobre sus hombros, sigue acercándose con mucha amabilidad y compasión a los pobres y a aquellos que son rechazados. Estamos en un momento muy especial para ser católicos, ya que estamos a punto de empezar el Sínodo de la Familia y el Año Santo de la Misericordia. El Papa nos está invitando a todos a mostrar el rostro compasivo y misericordioso de Jesús al mundo. Me siento orgulloso de poder ser parte de este gran ministerio en los próximos años.

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Remarks by:

Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan Auxiliary Bishop-Elect of Los Angeles

July 21, 2015

Overwhelmed and even a bit perplexed by this appointment, I am humbled and deeply indebted to Pope Francis and Archbishop Jose Gomez. This moment has somehow led me to reminisce about many things, including my seminary days. The first ‘seminary’ I attended, however, was not St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo but the family home in Van Nuys. My ‘professors’ were incredible. Mom and Dad had ‘Doctorates’ in the school of love, devotion and ‘hard knocks’. My Uncle, Msgr. John L. Brennan (“Fr. John”), merits special mention here too as a model of sanctity and service, incredible priest and loving shepherd of the flock. Like you, I have had some great teachers and whether those among them who have died are smiling or wondering about this turn of events, I know that I am on the receiving end of their loving care from heaven. For that I am beyond grateful. Their prayers, care and support will sustain me. I’m counting on it. I’m counting on yours too! We are certainly in this together. As St. John Paul wrote in chapter 5 of his Apostolic Exhortation entitled, “Pastores Dabo Vobis” (I Will Give You Shepherds), “The spiritual life is, indeed, an interior life, a life of intimacy with God, a life of prayer and contemplation, but this very meeting with God and with his fatherly love for everyone, brings us face to face with the need to meet our neighbor, to give ourselves to others, to serve in a humble and disinterested fashion, following the example which Jesus has proposed to everyone as a program of life when he washed the feet of the Apostles.” God bless you, always and all ways.

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Monseñor Joseph V. Brennan

Obispo Auxiliar Electo de Los Ángeles 21 de julio de 2015

Sobrepasado e incluso un poco perplejo por este nombramiento, me siento honrado y profundamente endeudado con el Papa Francisco y el Arzobispo Gomez. Este momento me ha hecho recordar muchas cosas, entre ellas mis días en el seminario. Sin embargo, el primer 'seminario' en que estuve no fue el Seminario de St. John en Camarillo, pero la casa donde vivía mi familia en Van Nuys. Mis "profesores" fueron increíbles. Mi padre y mi madre tenían 'Doctorados' en la escuela del amor, de la devoción y de la disciplina. También tengo que mencionar de manera especial a mi tío, Monseñor John L. Brennan (el Padre John), como modelo de santidad y servicio, un sacerdote excepcional y un amoroso pastor de su rebaño. Como ustedes, he tenido muchos buenos profesores, y aunque no puedo saber si los que ya fallecieron están sonriendo o más bien un poco sorprendidos con lo que acaba de pasar, sé que estoy recibiendo su cariño amoroso desde el cielo. Y por esto, estoy infinitamente agradecido. Sé que sus oraciones, cuidado y apoyo me mantendrán firme. Y cuento con el apoyo, el cuidado y las oraciones de cada uno de ustedes también. Estamos en esto juntos. Como Juan Pablo II escribió en el capitulo 5 de su Exhortación Apostólica “Pastores dabo vobis” (Les daré pastores), “La vida espiritual, es vida interior, vida de intimidad con Dios, vida de oración y contemplación. Pero del encuentro con Dios y con su amor de Padre de todos, nace precisamente la exigencia indeclinable del encuentro con el prójimo, de la propia entrega a los demás, en el servicio humilde y desinteresado que Jesús ha propuesto a todos como programa de vida en el lavatorio de los pies a los apóstoles.” Que Dios los bendiga siempre y de muchas maneras.

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Remarks by:

Most Reverend Robert Barron Auxiliary Bishop-Elect of Los Angeles

July 21, 2015 It was with enormous surprise that I heard the word of my appointment last week, but it is with a humble and joyful heart that I have accepted it. I am grateful to Pope Francis for his confidence in me and to Archbishop Gomez for his willingness to allow me to minister in this beautiful, richly diverse, and spiritually vibrant Church. I have visited the Los Angeles area many times, including seven or eight journeys to speak at the legendary Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. Over the years, I have also spoken here at the Cathedral, at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, at Act One in Hollywood, and at Thomas Aquinas College. So although I cannot say that I know this Archdiocese well, I have indeed been able to taste and see some of its goodness. The late Cardinal Francis George, who was a mentor to me, taught me the central importance of evangelizing the culture, bringing the power of Christ to the arenas of politics, law, the arts, higher education, the media, and entertainment. This has been my preoccupation over the years, informing my work as teacher, writer, and evangelist. I cannot imagine a more exciting field for this sort of endeavor than Los Angeles, one of the great cultural capitals of the world. I believe that the most significant challenge facing the Catholic Church today is the attrition of our own people. That upwards of 75% of Catholics do not regularly practice their faith is directly repugnant to the stated desire of the fathers of Vatican II and constitutes a serious threat to the future of the Church. And if the Church loses its voice, then who will speak to an increasingly secularized culture of God, of Jesus, of salvation, of eternal life? Therefore, if I can use the words of St. Paul, “woe to me if I do not evangelize!” I will confess to some trepidation in my heart as I leave behind friends, family, and familiar surroundings, but I trust very much in the providence of God and in the kindness of the people of the great Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Please pray for me and teach me how to be a good bishop. God bless you.

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Monseñor Robert Barron Obispo Auxiliar Electo de Los Ángeles

21 de julio de 2015 Fue con una enorme sorpresa que recibí la noticia de mi nombramiento la semana pasada, pero lo he aceptado con humildad y alegría en el corazón. Agradezco al Papa Francisco por su confianza en mí, y al Arzobispo Gomez por su disposición de permitirme ejercer mi ministerio en esta Iglesia hermosa, ricamente diversa y espiritualmente llena de vida. He visitado el área de Los Ángeles muchas veces, incluyendo siete u ocho viajes para hablar en el legendario Congreso de Educación Religiosa en Anaheim. A lo largo de los años, también he venido a hablar aquí en la Catedral, en el Seminario de St. John en Camarillo, en Act One en Hollywood, y en el Thomas Aquinas College. De modo que, aunque no puedo decir que conozco bien esta Arquidiócesis, si he podido probar y ver un poco de su bondad. El recordado Cardenal Francis George, quien fue un mentor para mí, me enseno lo esencial que es evangelizar la cultura, llevar el poder de Cristo a las arenas de la política, de las leyes, del arte, de la educación superior, los medios de comunicación masivos y el mundo del entretenimiento. Esta ha sido mi preocupación a lo largo de los años, esto ha informado mi trabajo como profesor, escritor y evangelizador. No puedo imaginarme un lugar más entusiasmante para esta empresa que Los Ángeles, una de las grandes capitales culturales del mundo. Creo que el desafío más importante que la Iglesia debe enfrentar en nuestros días es la pérdida de nuestra propia gente. El hecho de que más de 75% de católicos no practica su fe de manera regular va totalmente en contra del deseo expresado por los padres del Vaticano II, y es una amenaza grave al futuro de la Iglesia. Y si la Iglesia pierde su voz, ¿quien va a hablar de Dios, de Jesús, de la salvación, de la vida eterna, a esta sociedad cada vez más secularizada? Por eso, si puedo usar las palabras de San Pablo, “!ay de mi si no evangelizo!” Tengo que confesar una cierta turbación en mi corazón por tener que dejar a mis amigos, mi familia, los ambientes conocidos, pero confío mucho en la providencia de Dios y en la bondad de las personas de esta gran Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Les pido que recen por mí y que me ensenen a ser un buen obispo. Que Dios los bendiga.

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Bishop-elect sees new role as another way to ‘follow Jesus’ By J.D. Long-García

Auxiliary Bishop-elect Msgr. David G. O’Connell is pictured speaking with parishioners outside St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in South L.A. on July 19, 2015. Pope Francis has named Father Robert Barron, Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan and Msgr. David G. O’Connell as auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. (Photo credit: John Rueda, The

Tidings) One morning, Msgr. David G. O’Connell found two dead bodies in the parking lot of St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in South L.A. When he first started at the parish in the late 1980s, there were killings every night. “That’s when the whole crack cocaine epidemic was hitting South L.A.,” he said. The violence, while it has diminished, hasn’t gone away.

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“Just three weeks ago, there were two young men shot and killed a couple of yards away from St. Michael’s School,” said Msgr. O’Connell. His pastoral ministry has focused on walking with his community and working with community leaders and law enforcement to curb violence. Msgr. O’Connell, along with Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan and Father Robert Barron, have been named auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The announcement came from the Vatican on July 21. “I’ve always thought that the Catholic parish is the real player in making life better for the people in these areas,” he said. “To do that well, we have to cooperate with the sheriff or the police or anybody else that we can to help combat violence and make the situation better for the people in these areas.” Many of his parishioners over the years have been minorities and immigrants, some of whom are undocumented. “It’s been the great joy of my life to be the pastor of these people, especially the ones who are suffering or in need or facing difficulty,” Msgr. O’Connell said. “And it’s been a great privilege, a great blessing to be given these parishes all these years, to be pastor all these years. The people have touched my heart the way they are sincere.” Msgr. O’Connell is an Irish-born priest who heard a calling to the priesthood early in life. “When I was a kid, people would ask me what I wanted to be, I told them I wanted to be a priest,” he said. “I don’t know why, to tell you the truth.” In high school, he felt being a priest would be a great way of helping people and of doing good. Through seminary, the calling was clarified as a way “to follow Jesus.” “That’s the way of the apostles, you know,” he said. “You choose it again and again. And we travel deeper on that journey.” Having studied at All Hallows College in Dublin, Msgr. O’Connell was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 1979 for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Since his ordination, Msgr. O’Connell has served as associate pastor at St. Raymond in Downey, St. Maria Goretti in Long Beach and St. Hillary in Pico Rivera, and then as pastor of St. Frances X. Cabrini, Ascension Catholic Church, St. Eugene and St. Michael parishes.

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“They have a hunger for Jesus,” Msgr. O’Connell said of his parishioners. “They follow Jesus and they serve in the parishes and they help out, they serve different organizations. Despite the fact that they are very poor or suffering, they still love their Catholic parish and they still help as much as they can.” He also served as a member of the Priest Pension Board, and currently serves on the Together in Mission Board as well as the Archdiocesan Finance Council, and continues to be a long-time member of the Council of Priests. He is a Knight of Peter Claver. “I’ve been part of the people’s lives, and been there during the suffering of the young people who have lost their lives so many times, but I haven’t had any problems,” Msgr. O’Connell said. “I do believe what’s really important is for us to be out in the neighborhoods, to be out with the people.” He also organizes regular retreats for fathers, another key to changing the communities. Msgr. O’Connell leads the retreats in the mountains and they focus on how to be good fathers, husbands and men for the community. He’s not sure why Pope Francis would have chosen him to be an auxiliary bishop. “Maybe Pope Francis was looking for a certain profile, and I guess I do have some of the characteristics of what he’s looking for,” he admitted. “From what he’s writing and what he’s doing and what he’s teaching us, I suppose I do have some of those characteristics, yeah.”

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Bishop-elect Brennan will bring pastoral sense to episcopacy By J.D. Long-García

Auxiliary Bishop-elect Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan is pictured giving a blessing outside Mother Of Sorrows Church in Los Angeles on July 19, 2015. Pope Francis has named Father Robert Barron, Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan and Msgr.

David G. O’Connell as auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. (Photo credit: John Rueda, The Tidings) Joe Brennan just couldn’t shake it. He’d thought about being a priest for years and the feeling just wouldn’t go away. Growing up, his uncle — Msgr. John L. Brennan — would come over to his house every Sunday evening. He often wore a flannel or simple shirt, but wore black slacks and shoes — “a priest from the waist down.” His uncle’s example ultimately led Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan, vicar general and moderator of the curia, to be named auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

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Pope Francis named Msgr. Brennan, along with Msgr. David G. O’Connell and Father Robert Barron, as auxiliary bishops for the largest archdiocese in the United States on July 21. “I knew he did wonderful things,” Msgr. Brennan said of his uncle. “I knew he celebrated Mass. I knew … he just oozed goodness. So I thought of priesthood early because of him.” He attended St. Elisabeth School in Van Nuys, and Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks. He almost went to minor seminary but, feeling pushed in that direction by Msgr. Patrick O’Dwyer, decided to go the other way. “I’m in the wrong business because when I feel pushed, I go in the opposite direction,” Msgr. Brennan quipped. “But I never lost the idea. I never forgot about it while going to high school.” He left Notre Dame to study English at the University of Portland. His plan was to return to Notre Dame, coach basketball and get married. But the priesthood kept dogging him. He talked to the campus minister, Father Fred Barns, about his vocation. After an hour, the priest asked Brennan to serve during Mass and to do the reading. “The Scripture spoke to me in thunderbolt fashion,” he said. “It was from the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians: ‘As a prisoner of the Lord, I call you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.’ “And a shiver went through my body, literally. And the Gospel was the call of Matthew,” he said. “God told me where I was called in a way that I haven’t been called before and I haven’t been called since. I tried to manufacture it, but these are graced moments, you can’t create them. They are given.” He was 18. He next spoke to Msgr. Lawrence Gibson in the L.A. Archdiocesen vocations office and wound up at St. John’s Seminary a few months later. Msgr. Brennan was one of 13 priests ordained by Cardinal Timothy Manning on June 21, 1980 at St. Vibiana Cathedral. After his ordination to the priesthood, he served as associate pastor at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Los Angeles, St. Linus in Norwalk, and at the Cathedral of St. Vibiana in Los Angeles.

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He also served as a pastor at St. Linus in Norwalk and Holy Trinity in San Pedro. After becoming moderator of the curia, he was in residence at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels and at Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church. “I’m deeply appreciative of the parish families that I’ve had the privilege of being a part of,” he said. “And my whole family, that so often gets left behind, because of the pastoral priorities of the priesthood, I deeply treasure them. It was the first seminary I ever went to.” Msgr. Brennan has been a chaplain for the Knights of Columbus in California, a member of the Council of Priests and the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and also sits on the Board of the Catholic Education Foundation, the Williams Charitable Trust and Together in Mission. The appointment as auxiliary bishop came as a shock. He said he was surprised and perplexed by it. “It was like a punch in the stomach,” he said. “I had a gut reaction that my life was going to be very different. We make our plans and God has other ideas.” Msgr. Brennan identifies as mostly a pastor, even as he’s served in his current administrative role. “In this position I’ve felt from the beginning that what I have — in fact all I have — to bring is the pastoral sense,” he said. “I don’t have the degrees, I don’t have the training. It’s pastoral experience that’s been the highlight of my life so far.” In his new role as shepherd, he said, he will bring that pastoral sense as well. “My job as vicar general has its own challenges. It has challenges everyday,” he said. “And certainly it’s a letting go. It’s a laying down of your life on a daily basis. I think this episcopacy will be the same.”

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Bishop-elect Barron brings commitment to New Evangelization By J.D. Long-García

Auxiliary Bishop-elect Robert Barron is pictured in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles on July 20, 2015. Pope Francis has named Father Robert Barron, Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan and Msgr. David G. O’Connell

as auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. (Photo credit: J.D. Long-Garcia, The Tidings)

It started with a dumb ox. Robert Barron was a student at Fenwick High School in Oak Park, Illinois. A young Dominican friar taught the class one of St. Thomas Aquinas’ arguments for God’s existence when Barron was 14. “And for some reason it had this huge impact on me,” Father Barron said of Aquinas, “the dumb ox.” “It goes back to my teenage years and Thomas Aquinas and a sense of the reality of God that I’ve never really lost. I’d put it that way — that God exists and that God is the supreme good and that our lives should be focused on him.”

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Father Barron, president/rector of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Mundelein Seminary and founder of Word on Fire, a global media ministry, has been named auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Father Barron, along with Msgr. Joseph V. Brennan and Msgr. David G. O’Connell, will be ordained auxiliary bishops this fall. Father Barron received the call about his appointment from the papal nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, while he was watching golf. “It was a complete surprise,” he said. “I’m excited about it. There’s a fear, and it’s something new. But I’m excited. I mean, Los Angeles. There’s a lot going on and it’s a pretty vibrant Church.” Shortly after his ordination on May 24, 1986, Father Barron served as associate pastor at St. Paul of the Cross Parish in Park Ridge, Illinois. He was appointed to the theological faculty of Mundelein Seminary, and has served as a visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame and at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, as well as scholar in residence at the North American Pontifical College at the Vatican. “‘I very much identify with Pope Francis’ call for the New Evangelization, which is very much a continuation of the call that began with St. John Paul II and continued through Benedict,” Father Barron said. “For a long time, what I’ve tried to do in my own work is lead with the positive, lead with the joyful, lead with the articulation of the life,” he said of his teaching and his Word on Fire ministry. “I think for too long we’ve been identified as finger waggers. Here’s what you don’t do. Don’t do this, don’t do this,” he explained. “For me, that’s not the right evangelical strategy. You get to those ‘don’ts.’ But you begin with the life.” He compared the strategy to teaching a child about baseball. You don’t begin with the arcane rules, but by bringing a child to a game to appreciate its beauty — these are great plays, these are great players. So too with the faith. “You start with the saints, you start with the glory of the life of Christ, you start with how lives are transformed with contact with him,” he explained. “That’s why I love those tapestries [in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels]. You look at the saints.”

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While Father Barron expects to continue his work with Word on Fire, he has no question about his priority ministry. “I have to present to this archdiocese and its people,” he said. Father Barron has been a regular speaker at the annual Religious Education Congress, serving as keynote in 2014. He has also spoken at St. John’s Seminary, among other locations in the archdiocese. He will be giving the opening address at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September and will provide commentary for the papal visit to the United States on NBC. “The Mystery of God: Who God Is And Why He Matters,” a film and study program by Father Barron and Word on Fire, is due out this fall. Father Barron and NBC Today show correspondent Mike Leonard worked together to produce “Catholicism,” an award-winning series about the Catholic faith.

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Introduction The ultimate decision in appointing bishops rests with the pope, and he is free to select anyone he chooses. But how does he know whom to select? The process for selecting candidates for the episcopacy normally begins at the diocesan level and works its way through a series of consultations until it reaches Rome. It is a process bound by strict confidentiality and involves a number of important players – the most influential being the apostolic nuncio, the Congregation for Bishops, and the pope. It can be a time consuming process, often taking eight months or more to complete. While there are distinctions between the first appointment of a priest as a bishop and a bishop's later transfer to another diocese or his promotion to archbishop, the basic outlines of the process remain the same. Key Terms Apostolic nuncio. The pope's representative to both the government and to the hierarchy of a given nation; a key person in deciding what names are recommended to the Congregation for Bishops for possible episcopal appointment. Auxiliary Bishop. A bishop appointed to assist a diocesan bishop. Whether in a diocese or archdiocese, his title is bishop. Coadjutor. A bishop appointed to a Catholic diocese or archdiocese to assist the diocesan bishop. Unlike an auxiliary bishop, he has the right of succession, meaning that he automatically becomes the new bishop when the diocesan bishop retires or dies. By canon law, he is also vicar general of the diocese. If the diocese is an archdiocese, he is called coadjutor archbishop instead of coadjutor bishop. In recent years, a growing number of U.S. bishops in larger dioceses or archdioceses have requested and received a coadjutor in their final year or two before their retirement, in order to familiarize their successor with the workings of the (arch)diocese before he has to take over the reins. This minimizes the learning curve of a new bishop and eliminates completely the possibility of the diocese being vacant following the old bishop’s retirement. Congregation for Bishops. A department of the Roman Curia, headed by a Cardinal. The head of the Congregation, called the "prefect," is presently Cardinal Marc Ouellet, a Canadian. Among the congregation's responsibilities are moderating all aspects of episcopal appointments; assisting bishops in the correct exercise of their pastoral functions; handling ad limina visits (regular visits to Rome by bishops every five years); and establishing episcopal conferences and reviewing their decrees as required by canon law. Its membership consists of approximately 35 cardinals and archbishops from around the world. Current U.S. members of the Congregation are Cardinal William

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3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 | phone: (213) 637-7215 | fax: (213) 637-6215 | [email protected]

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J. Levada, Prefect Emeritus of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington. Diocesan Bishop. Pastoral and legal head and representative of a diocese. Province. A territory comprising one archdiocese, called the metropolitan see, and one or more dioceses, called suffragan sees. The Code of Canon Law spells out certain limited obligations and authority that the metropolitan archbishop has with respect to the dioceses within his province. The United States is divided into 33 ecclesiastical provinces. Terna. A list of three candidates for a vacant office, including the office of bishop. Stage 1: Bishops' Recommendations Every bishop may submit to the archbishop of his province the names of priests he thinks would make good bishops. Prior to the regular province meeting (usually annually), the archbishop distributes to all the bishops of the province the names and curricula vitae of priests which have been submitted to him. Following a discussion among the bishops at the province meeting, a vote is taken on which names to recommend. The number of names on this provincial list may vary. The vote tally, together with the minutes of the meeting, is then forwarded by the archbishop to the apostolic nuncio in Washington. The list is also submitted to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Stage 2: The Apostolic Nuncio By overseeing the final list of names forwarded to Rome, the apostolic nuncio plays a decisive role in the selection process. He not only gathers facts and information about potential candidates, but also interprets that information for the Congregation. Great weight is given to the nuncio's recommendations, but it is important to remember that his "gatekeeper" role, however, does not mean that his recommendations are always followed. For Diocesan Bishops

x After receiving the list of candidates forwarded by a province, the apostolic nuncio conducts his own investigation into the suitability of the candidates.

x A report is requested from the current bishop or the administrator of a diocese on the conditions and needs of the diocese. If the appointment is a replacement for a diocesan bishop or archbishop about to retire, consideration will be given to the incumbent's recommendations. Broad consultation within the diocese is encouraged with regard to the needs of the diocese, but not the names of candidates.

x The report is to include the names of individuals in the diocese with whom the Nuncio might consult and how to contact them.

x Previous bishops of the diocese are consulted. x Bishops of the province are consulted x The president and vice president of the USCCB are consulted.

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3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010 | phone: (213) 637-7215 | fax: (213) 637-6215 | [email protected]

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x If the vacancy to be filled is an archdiocese, other archbishops in the United States may be consulted.

x At this point, the nuncio narrows his list and a questionnaire is sent to 20 or 30 people who know each of the candidates for their input.

x All material is collected and reviewed by the nuncio, and a report (approximately 20 pages) is prepared. Three candidates are listed alphabetically – the terna – with the nuncio's preference noted. All materials are then forwarded to the Congregation for Bishops in Rome.

For Auxiliary Bishops

x A diocesan bishop must justify to the apostolic nuncio his need for an auxiliary bishop. This is easier if he is requesting a replacement for a retired or deceased auxiliary.

x The diocesan bishop prepares the terna, or list of three candidates, for his requested auxiliary and forwards it to the apostolic nuncio.

x The nuncio then conducts his own investigation of the priests on the diocesan bishop's terna, sending the names to Rome with a report and his own recommendations.

x On average, this part of the process may take two to six months. Stage 3: Congregation for Bishops Once all the documentation from the nuncio is complete and in order, and the prefect approves, the process moves forward. If the appointment involves a bishop who is being promoted or transferred, the matter may be handled by the prefect and the staff. If, however, the appointment is of a priest to the episcopacy, the full congregation is ordinarily involved. A cardinal relator is chosen to summarize the documentation and make a report to the full congregation, which generally meets twice a month on Thursdays. After hearing the cardinal relator's report, the congregation discusses the appointment and then votes. The Congregation may follow the recommendation of the nuncio, chose another of the candidates on the terna, or even ask that another terna be prepared. Stage 4: The Pope Decides At a private audience with the pope, usually on a Saturday, the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops presents the recommendations of the Congregation to the Holy Father. A few days later, the pope informs the Congregation of his decision. The Congregation then notifies the nuncio, who in turn contacts the candidate and asks if he will accept. If the answer is "yes," the Vatican is notified and a date is set for the announcement. It often takes six to eight months—and sometimes longer—from the time a diocese becomes vacant until a new bishop is appointed.

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