Download - PID Individual Report-Joe Soap


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 1/10

Personality I.D.® Individual Report

 Joe Soap

Style: Strategic Thinker

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:02 PM

Consultant Test, Filax,

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7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 2/10

 Joe Soap: Strategic Thinker

The natural personality profile for Joe Soap, is indicated by the solid line on the graph below. Note also the

dotted line; it represents the Blended Profile that most nearly matches Joe Soap's graph. Seventeen Blended

Profiles are used as the baseline for interpreting the combinations of four basic dimensions of personality. The

information in this section is derived from the Strategic Thinker Blended Profile. Typically, the more closely the

solid line graph matches this Blended Profile, the more accurately the information will describe Joe Soap's

natural behavior style.

Strategic Thinkers typically excel by blending their strong drive to reach goals with a desire for precision,

accuracy, and quality. As a result, they are well equipped to be in charge, especially in situations or projects

where producing quality output is a priority.

Ideal Environment:Strategic Thinkers realize their highest potential with opportunities to: Analyze - Decide - Be in control -

Develop Strategy - Critique and improve - Create - Direct - Plan - Organize - Conceptualize

Individual Report

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 3/10

Typical Areas of StrengthStrategic Thinkers are goal-oriented, precise, analytical, assertive, confident, and prepared. They tend to insist

on high standards, have a good eye for detail, and will usually push to get things done right.

Typical Areas of StruggleStrategic Thinkers may sometimes come across as rigid, cold, picky, pushy, dogmatic, or stubborn. In their

desire to achieve results, they may become overly critical, judgmental, or insistent on doing things their way.

Strategic Thinkers at work:

Preferred ActivitiesBecause Strategic Thinkers are highly task-oriented, they usually desire to control two key elements of any

project: goals and quality.

Contributions to the OrganizationA Strategic Thinker can contribute much to relationships and group productivity through opportunities to bring

together a broad array of facts, events, and concepts in order to develop long-range plans and improve

efficiency. You typically see the larger vision well ahead of others and are often considered a visionary.

Leadership StylePeople with the Stategic Thinkers profile lead most effectively by incorporating visionary thinking and superior

planning skills to initiate change while using their conscientious nature to keep quality high.

Task or People OrientationStrategic Thinkers are primarily task-oriented and usually prefer to work alone in order to focus on a project,

but are willing to work together with team members to accomplish team objectives and produce results.

Communication StyleStrategic Thinkers are usually gifted communicators who strongly believe that what they are saying is

absolutely correct and represents the right direction to take.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 4/10

Strategic Thinkers and Issues

Stability/Flexibility FactorsTypically, Strategic Thinkers prefer a mixture of constant and variable responsibilities, as long as they can

make consistent progress toward their goals.

Stress Factors

Strategic Thinkers tend to experience stress from disorganization, inability to get results, or being unable tocontrol either the quality or direction of their environment.

Relationship Improvement SuggestionsRelationships may be improved by learning to appreciate the total effort required by others to reach the high

expectations and goals to which Strategic Thinkers aspire. These people may find it necessary to be willing to

compromise, if necessary, to gain the cooperation and participation of other team members.

Cooperation and Control FactorsPeople with the Strategic Thinker profile usually like to be in charge because they believe that they can see

the larger vision, and typically will have a conceptual plan to make it happen.

Underlying ConcernsStrong de-motivators for Strategic Thinkers are losing control, not meeting goals, or seeing the solution to a

problem without having the authority to implement it.

Strategic Thinkers and Finances

Financial ManagementStrategic Thinkers prefer to handle the larger issues of finances, but are rarely able to find someone who can

maintain their high standards of excellence and accuracy. Strategic Thinkers frequently take back the detailed

financial duties rather than delegating to someone else.

Budget and Financial Issues

People with the Strategic Tinker style tend to enjoy budget or investment planning as long as they can be incharge of carrying out the plan.

Purchasing TendenciesStrategic Thinkers know exactly what they want and will employ tremendous effort to find and purchase the

desired object.

Generic Careers

Law/Politics; Management/Sales

Famous people similar to this profile

William Carey

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 5/10

Suggestions for Managers

Strategic Thinkers like Joe Soap will be an asset for the manager who can place this person in a position to

analyze, develop strategy, conceptualize the plan, and engage the Strategic Thinker to carry it out. Managers

must be careful to not keep their Strategic Thinker in the same place for long since they lose momentum and

energy when the environment is not challenging. Strategic Thinkers need plenty of variety and opportunitiy to

create and also need recognition for their contributions to the organization.

Dimensions of Personality

This report is based on four dimensions of personality. Each dimension has a continuum of behaviors

associated with it as shown below.

1. Adaptive ← Mid-range → Directing

2. Reserved ← Mid-range → Interacting

3. Objective ← Mid-range → Supportive

4. Unconventional ← Mid-range → Conscientious

Strengths and StrugglesThe strengths and struggles in this section of the report relate to Joe Soap's Personality I.D.scores for the four

individual dimensions. This information gives more depth to the report and helps you as a manager to focus on

the unique style of this individual.

There are many advantages of understanding a person's unique set of talents and motivations. Joe Soap will

enjoy operating in some environments more than in others simply because they are a better fit for this person's

natural style. A goal should be to align Joe Soap's work as much as possible with the personal profile

strengths and minimize exposure in the areas in which people with this profile typically struggle. On the other

hand, a manager can coach a team member to help improve weak areas. For example, a person who tends to

be impatient and is not a naturally a good listener can improve relationships through a focused effort to

improve these areas of struggle. Also keep in mind that strengths overdone become weaknesses.

The lists of strengths and struggles that follow are typical for people who share a common profile score. Keep

in mind that every individual is unique, so some of the items may not fit Joe Soap. The list should be

objectively reviewed to help determine whether all of the descriptions apply.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 6/10

Directive Strength

takes charge, establishes directionseeks measurable results

speaks directly to an issue

responds to challenges and choices

is bold and confident

prefers variety and many ongoing projects

sees strategic and future potential

Directive Struggle

can be demanding and pushyoften is controlling without authority

can demonstrate poor listening skills

often overlooks others feelings

neglects details and avoids routine

tends to overcommit and forget promises

underestimates work needed to achieve goals

Dimension one: Adaptive - Directing







Adaptive versus Directing. This dimension indicates a person's tendency to either follow another person's

agenda or set a personal agenda.

This person's score in this dimension was in the Directing range.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 7/10

Reserved Strength

task-orientedserious and modest

realistic and practical

has a dry sense of humor

good at follow-through and responsibilities

appreciates and focuses on fine points

seeks closure and reconciles details

Reserved Struggle

may appear withdrawn and coldsometimes shy or unresponsive

tends to be pessimistic and critical

can be curt and abrupt

may be quietly self-righteous or judgemental

may appear secretive or skeptical

de-energized by social contact

Dimension two: Reserved - Interacting







Reserved versus Interacting. This dimension indicates a person's preference for either solitude and private

time or extensive interaction with others.

This person's score in this dimension was in the Reserved range.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 8/10

Objective Strength

operates well in conflicts or disagreements

tends to be objective and cool

makes difficult judgements and decisions

responds quickly without hesitation

operates at a fast pace

prefers and promotes change

favors logic over emotion

Objective Struggle

may be combative or confrontational

often is tactless or abrupt

can be critical and jump to conclusions

may be too impatient

tends toward hyperactivity

is prone to be restless and discontent

tends to be bottom-line, results-oriented

Dimension three: Objective - Supportive







Objective versus Supportive. This dimension indicates a person's natural motivation to be either cool and

objective or warm and compassionate.

This person's score in this dimension was in the Objective range.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 9/10

Conscientious Strengths

is organized and scheduled

is attentive to details

follows established procedures

is systematic, prepared, and consistent

analyzes thoughtfully before deciding

conducts research to determine facts

responds accurately and diplomatically

Conscientious Struggle

tends to be rigid and inflexible

may be too picky

is too reliant on rules

may overprepare but lack confidence

paralysis of analysis may prevent progress

may focus on details and miss the goal

may be too rigid or formal

Dimension four: Unconventional - Conscientious







Unconventional versus Conscientious. This dimension reflects a tendency to be either spontaneous and

instinctive or to be prepared and structured.

This person's score in this dimension was in the Consciencious range.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM


7/29/2019 PID Individual Report-Joe Soap 10/10


It can be very empowering for Joe Soap to know this unique personal design. It is also very enlightening for

you as a manager to understand your team members' unique designs. Each person has been given certain

natural personality strengths that can be used in work, ministry, key roles within the family and other

relationships. As you begin to use the concept of the individual differences presented in this and other

Personality I.D. Profile reports, you will see yourself and those around you in a new light. Your knowledge of

these differences will equip you to maximize your team's efforts, help members interact effectively with otherswho have different styles and viewpoints, and appreciate the unique value each team member brings to your

organization and to your life.

Joe Soap

Prepared by: Consultant Test, Filax,

Monday 28th of January 2013 12:34:04 PM
