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  • 1.@coreyeulas
    Master SEO

2. ... And were off
What you should already know.
Killing it with SEO
What does 2011 look like?
Social Media Review
Local Optimization
Winning at SEO
SEO Weapons
Links & Keywords
Keeping score
3. What you should already know.
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
Title, Description tags are important.
Valuable, exciting content on each page.
Structure your page according to web design best practices, (head/body/header tags).
Ensure your page size isnt too large.
The links pointing at your site matter.
The anchor text of the links pointing at your site are important.
The neighborhoods that those links hang out in, matters.
. Using Wordpress makes this all simple!
4. Killing it with SEO
SEO Works for you if
What your competitors dont know
You plan accordingly.
You make the correct decisions out the gate.
You execute on your plan.
Youre prepared to win.
Youre watching.
You have monthly goals.
You have the tools to beat them.
You know what is required to win.
5. 2011 is here.
Being involved in social media is a ranking factor.
Low quality links are a thing of the past. (Social bookmarks, free directories, paid links.)
Mobile Search is something to start planning for.(case study coming soon)
Localization is more important than ever.
Tools are getting better, start using them.
Its too easy to overlook the power of videos.
A/B Testing is getting easier.
6. Social Media
Monitor your brand effectiveness, who you follow and who follows you.
Look for others to RT your links.
Twitter is now officially important.
Who: Social Authority how important you are.
What: The subject matter in which you often tweet about.
When: Frequency (and relevance)
You should consider:
Twitter isnt the only solution.
Use it if it makes sense.
7. Local Optimization
Similarly as links are for SEO, citations are forlocal optimization.
Claiming Google Places, and filling out required fields is just the start.
Developing rich local profiles with all business information (hours, photos, business description, integrated with all social media profiles, categories)
Connecting the dots.
A text widget, on the sidebar with your address and 5-local profiles.See our reviews here:
8. Setup your site correctly, lets get to work.
Permalinks/proper naming convention, Titles, Correct Navigation (menus in WP make dropdowns eaaaaaaasy)
Categories [either WP-No-Base or change /category/)
Use tags or dont.Dont sit on the fence.
301/302 where appropriate.If you change domains, save the links, (if moving/redesigning save the juice)
Install appropriate plugins : (All in One SEO, WP-Google-Analytics, Google XML Sitemap, Contact Form 7, Find and Replacer)
Google Webmaster Tools verified.
Setup Google Analytics, cmon now.
9. Rinse & Repeat
10. SEO Weapons
Kid tested
Mother approved
Raven SEO Tools (paid)
SEO Gadget Keyword Tool (paid)
Google Adwords tool (free)
SEO Quake (firefox) (free)
Search Status (firefox) (free)
Firebug (firefox) (free)
Majestic SEO/Link Diagnosis (LD is free)
Open Site Explorer (paid)
SEOMoz Campaign Tool (paid)
ZoomrankRanking (paid)
SEO Site Tools (chrome) (free)
11. SEOMoz makes this easy.
12. Free 3-Month SEOMoz Pro Account (valued at $300/ea)
Make any donation, and e-mail me.Ill pick 2 winners randomly.
[email protected]
We (97M) will offer free 10-hour SEO consulting
For person who donates over $500.
13. Dont over think it..
Link building
Stick with 1-keyword tool.
Run a PPC campaign first.
Pay attention to Google Analytics.
Youre not married to them.
You dont have to win every time.
Avoid forums and quick strategies
Look for your community to link for you
Partner with similar folks
Use social media and local to your advantage.
Guest blogging, videos, and product reviews.
14. Keeping score

  • The more involved you become inputting the numbers, the more aware you are of these metrics.

15. Depending on how serious you are monitoring these statistics, you can opt for weekly/monthly reviews. 16. This is after youve developed valuable content that engages the user. 17. You should be monitoring your leads/conversions concurrently.