Download - Papers to be published in spectrochimica acta part B


Spectrochk&& Acts, Vol. 27B.

Papers to Acta Part B

R. S. ROY: Relation between ionisstion potential and ionio radius.

T. T~R~K, GY. HIELTAY und I. MOHAROS: Einige Versuohe zur gleichmiissigen Entwioklung van Spektrslplatten.

E. K~ANZ: Untersuohungen iiber die optimale Erzeugung und Forderung von Aerosolen fir spektrochemisehe Zwecke.

H. G. C. HUMAX: The combined hollow cathode and high frequency discharge as excitation source for atomic fluorescence spectrometry.

G. PI~EXLER, V. Vrr~~ovxO, A. M. TONEJC and K. AGINGER: A study of exci~tion conditions in a free-burning am between Cu electrodes with ourrents from l-16 A.

A. FELSKE, W.-D. HA~ZN= und K. LAQUA: Faber einige Erf&ru.ngen bei der spektrocbemischen M&rospektralanalyse mit Lsserlichtquellen -IX. Durchschnittsenalyse nichtmetallisoher Proben.

Papers publi8hQd in Spectrochimica Acta Part A, Vol. ZSA, No. 4

FOIL A. m, ROBZZXT J. CAPWELL, R. C. LOR~I snd DONALD G. REA: Infrsred and Raman spectra of CycIobutsne and cycbbutsne-ds . . . . . . . 603

L. H. SUTOLTFFE and B. TAXLOR: n’F NMR and 1% satellite spectra of some fluoroohloro- acetones . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A. BREE and R. S. WI-: Vibrational spectra snd assignment of acenaphthene-d,,

ARILD J. Dm and THOR G~AX~TAD: Studies of hydrogen bonding--XXII. NMR studies of self-sssociation of phenol, mono- and polyfluorophenols . . . .

HENRY P. NA~EAU: Infrared, NMR and mass ape&m of the methacrylstee or methscry- late-anhydride of five phenolio compounds . . . , . . . .





E. BAUYOARTHIN: Untersuchungen iiber die Wechselwirkung von Aromaten mit Ansolvo- siiuren-VIII. IR-spektroskopisehe Untersuchungen iiber die Wechselwirkung von Nepthalin und Anthraoen mit Ansolvos&uren . . . . . . .

M. J. GALL: I&man se&t~~g from ssmplles which scramble polarised exciting light

W. J. DE KLEIN and A. R. P~~SXAN: Infrared spectra and st~ct~ of N-halogen secondary amides . . . . . . . . , . . .




W. J. DE KXJrIN: Steric and solvent effects on the c&-$rom equilibrium of secondary N-Cl amides-an infxared end H NMR spectroscopical investigation. . . . .

M. H. BROODIER and D. E. IRISH: Methods and advantages of multiple internal reflection infrared spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . .


P. J. F. GRIYZITHS and G. P. ELLIS: Benxopyrones-VI. The ultraviolet absorption spectra of chromone and Z-substituted chromones . . . . . , .

P. DAWSON: Polsrisation measurements in Ramen spectroscopy . . . . .

E. A. ALLEX and W. WILKINSON: The low-frequency infrared and Reman spectra of




dialkyl sulphide complexes of plstinum {II) halides. . . . . . . 726