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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 16, 1917


    VOLUME III. NUl\-lBER 45 PRICE TWO CENTSARBERTH, PA., T H U R S D A Y ~ AUGUST 16, 191 7~ ~ . _ ~ - - - - - - - _ . ~ ~ - - - - -


    A.Ut:m('.\'s ( ' ,\ ( 'S . ; . 'Ol t W.\U

    MI'. George RobertsMrs . E . SmithMrs. H. MllJerMr s. E. Mehlert;dWllfll S. Hnws, Postmllster.

    _UI'mlJ,'rs of 'I'owllsh.!" Honrd WlII lIeEfech'd III (111)' Six IHstricts

    There wil l he only six membe rs o fthe Board of Commissioners of LowerMerion Township come up for electionthis fall, as the new law regardingthi s maHer is now in effect .The distric ts, by a new law, will be

    numhered in sequence from the o ldes tto t he n ew es t, a nd men in odd-numbered districts will continue for fouryears IICing elected in the even-numbered distr ic ts.The districts have been numberedas follows:1, Gener al Wayne ; 2, MerionSquare; 3, Pencoyd; 4, East Bryn

    Mawr; 5, :\orth Ardmore; G, Rosemont; 7, Haverford; 8, South Ardmore; 9, Bala; 10, West Ardmore; 11,West B ryn Mawr; 12, Merion; laoCynWYd.

    .)Iuill 1,111(' ('H1zcns' A S S O C ' ~ l t i O I l OfIi einI Aeel'flts ( ' ; o n ~ r l l n l ( ' l I t Post.1\11'. I". Hume Bacon, secretary of theMain Line Citizens' Association, has

    I esig,ned from his position and accepteda gove rnmental post in connectionwith the purchasing of wheat to beshi pped to t he Allies. It is with sincere r eg re t t ha t th e association isforced to a cc ep t h is r es igna ti on . Theposition has heen filled by Miss Catharine He Qua Brvant, from Chicago.


    LAXGDOX f'. KOOXS:\arberth's PopUlar Catcher

    FILL OUT ano RETURNthis coupon immediately to Our Town, that proper credit may be giventh e noble youths who have gone in defense of their country.

    Date of Enlistment

    Name of VolunteerAddress

    Branch of Service , .. """."""., .. , , , , , .. , , , , , . . . ,State whether Army, : \ a v ~ , Marine Corps, Hospital Corps, ort ,a tional Guard.

    lIelt)' IIl1xter's (JossJ"THE FIRESIDE

    Mrs. John J. Paul left Sunday forAtlantic City, where she wi ll jo in hermother, Mrs. Joseph D. Maguire, whohas heel', there f or s ome t ime.

    ;\,ow that Mr. A. C. Shand, Jr.'Rconcrete mixer has arriv,ed, it is hopedthat work on Haverford avenue willbe rapidlv pushed t o c ompl et ion. Theelosing ~ t he aven ue to t ra ff ic i s Jgreat inconvenience to resid,ents .

    IThe examining of men for t he a rmyIis now under way.Mr. James Wilson anu family have -__~ _ " ' _ ~ _ " ' _ " ' _ " ' _ " ' _ - , , - _ " '_"'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - " ' _ = ~ ~ = = = , " ' _ " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' = _ ~ ~ ~ _ = _ ' ' ' _ ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' =_'''_''''''''''''''''_''''''''''''''...........

    gone to Lakewood Farm Inn, :,;,ew "NIG" KOONS PICKED inot said, since he has persistflntlYYork. I t ak en t he att i tude that the Admin-AS u. S. AVIATOR :i st ra ti on p re fe rs a bsolut e silence on' the part of t he y ou ng men who ar.aenlis ting for the country's defense.FOR FRENCH FRONT The Main L ine has given generous-ly of its young manhood to the colorsin all branches of th e service. Hi"One of Narberth's Most Popular ' f ~ i e n d s declare tha.t Koons will

    ! give a f ine accountmg of himself as anBase Ball Players on the Ia vi at or , b ec au se o f his level-headed-Rli!Cent Disbanded Team i ness a nd t enac it y o f purpoSoC, so ofteneffect ively shown on t he athletic fiell\.

    WJIIIII'WOIHI lAIc! 0111' of 'J'en ('hosell!From IIl1llclreds to IA'Un' [fll' I

    } ' i ~ h t . l l l g MILl'S lit Ollce

    A very welcome visitor arrived Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs . AIf r ~ d III. Wat ts . I t' s a boy and weighsseven and one-half pounds.

    Manv homes and a large number ofb u s i n e ~ s concerns have been greatlyupset by the uncertain ty of the draf t.

    Mrs. H. K Heidelhaugh, ot" 117Wods ide avenue, h as gone to Catskill, N. Y.

    Miss I ~ l l a Sergant, o f Wynne li el dspent the week with Miss I ~ d i t h Hewitt, 116 Essex avenue.

    Judge Hutchinson and family, 0,Garden City, Kansas. have been s\leIHIing a few days with Mrs. W. B. Anders on , o f Woodside avenue.

    Rev. and Mrs. Alfred S. ))urston,of Schenectady, N. Y.. ar e visitin:,\ Itheir daughter, Mrs. I ~ l J i o t G. Dodge Iof 502 Essex avenue.

    The re w as a c o m m u n i ~ y pride ~ Wynnewood Station, on th,e M a i ~ lLhloC, Thursday, when Langdo:l Ii.Koons f amil ia rlY and affectionatelyknown' as ":\ig Koons" because of adisposition to turn b rown u nd er t hed irec t ra ys o f th e sun, t ook l ea ve ofhis f am il y, Mr . and Mrs. frederickS. Koons, and EI,eanor n. Koon;" togo to th e front in I i' rance. Koons wasc at ch er o n t he Un iv er si ty of Pennsylvania baJJ club for two years, and "The military m asters of Germanya membe r o f Penn's foot b al l t eam as llenied us the right to he neutral.well. He excf) ll ed in spo rt s, a s h ' They filled our communities with vicihas excelled iu the preliminary st.udy ous spies and conspirators. Theyuecessary to an el'fective avia tor 's sought to corrupt our citizens. duty on the front. In eight weeks They sough t hy . vio lence to rlpstroywhich he spent at Ithaca, he leatne'I our indus tr ies and a rr es t o ur comiiullicient of meteorology, of a

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 16, 1917


    NARBERTH, PAt-OUR TOWN--AUGUST 1 6 1 ~ 1 7Of course, wedeliver - anyp I a ce - IlIlYtlme


    W A ~ T I : ~ J ) H : J )

    nOll't forget t hn t t hi s Is a comDlunlty of home makers llnd homekeepers and that one of YOUn~ I O S T nn'()RTAXT nU'1'IES is tokeep it so.You 11111 aill materially by doi ng y ou r shollplllg 111111 marketingwi th the adve r ti ser s In tills Pllller.

    BUILD UP YOUR TOWNBuild Up Your Home

    The Eagle Tailoring Co.234 WOODBINE AVE.

    Phone 1203-J. NAUnEUTIl, PA.J.ndles' l1Iul Gents ' Ta ilo ringCleanin/?:. Pressing-. D y e i n ~ ann Re

    ~ a i r i n g . Prices Reasonable. Workcallell for and delivered.

    Although he was a photographer,he was one of tho se marble-hearted,co ld- as- ice b lo ke s w ho f ree ze youwith a word or a glance.There c am e to h im o ne day a chattyyoung thing who wanted he r phototaken."You'll make my picture pretty,won't )'ou?" she said, after a stringof ingenious and useles:5 remarks."Certainly," said th e bloke orbromide, " bu t th at wiii be 50 rQntsextra."


    Forgetfulness is th e nobLest remedrwere dis- for in jur ies .

    Does NotAffect


    It works just as hard for you at 98 degrees as at 65 degrees

    The Merion ~ T i t l e & Trust Co.NARBERTH OFFICE, ARCADE BUILDING


    SI:.T INTEREST at work fo r you by deposi t ingyou r surp lus funds with us.

    WE INVITE small deposits as well as larger ones._ ._ - - - - -

    1I0AIW 01" f I lUL' l ' l I .President-ehas. Eo Kreamer.Secretary-A. P. Redifer.Health Omeer-W. S. l\IcClellan.l\lemhefi;-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,

    T. B. Du I\Jarias, Car de n Wa rne r a ndChas. V. Noel.

    In . or de r t o prevent delay in disp at ch a nd s ec ur e p romp t dolivery oflettoers. post c ar ds a nd printeo. malleI'addressed to the Expedi t ionary Fr.rcesin Europe ( to whi ch D0111PRtiC R.lle"apply) it is i mp or ta nt t ha t properpostage be prepaid.P at ro ns a re a dv is ed t o h an d " uc hmail to postmaster or clerks that itmay be weighed and rated.Edward 81. Haws, Postmasftr.

    A. J. LoosHenry Ros eW. T. Melchior

    HARRY A.JACOBS,Editor.

    H. C. GARA,Alh'ertlslng ~ I a n B g e r .

    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,CIlt;hier.


    EMERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire 350.Police 1250.

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917

    Manr persons ar c anx ious t o dosomething -[or th e sold ie r boys whoh av e l ef t their hon le s a nd are facingunusual experiences in camp, 011 th es ea , i n f or ei gn lands, it m ay be at thebattle front.



    Mrs. C. 1'. MooreMrs. Roy E. Clarklarl F . Smithn. M. HenryAssociate Editors.

    A.JIERICAN E}'}'ICIENCY I A ORDINANCE Telephones,_ -- 1267G.erman efficiency ha s been hel d Ill): An Ordinance providing that in th e

    An ExperIment In Co.operutiYe as a degree o f exc el le nc e unaltain-: construction of sewers by th e Borough 1268.;.JUrllalism-No PaId Workers. i able by a democracy. The a cc om ' I authorities th e cost t he re of sh al l be Th B h S .O d d P bli h d Th

    - j plishments of th e United States since i a ss es se d upon the p r ope rt y a djoi ni ng e ri g test pot In Narberthwne an use every urs- I I dj . Aday b t h e Na rber th Civic As socia- I A p ~ i l 5 l as t re fu te t he t ru th o f th.e or a acent to the s am e by th e foot- rug store In themost modern sense f th t .t1 Y claIm. In th e short space of time front rule. I 0 e er non. since that day the United St at es h as W he rea s t he c on st ru cti on o f sewers: ' .' .. - ....- .... ..... .-

    NAIlBEltTll CIVIC ASSOCIATION. accomplished th e following: by th e Borough a utho ri t ie s ou t of ' GOT A SEAT TOO L A T . ~President, A. J. Loos. Declared a s tate of w ar as existing th e current funds of the Borough - - - - - -Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. between t hi s c ou nt ry a nd Germany. throws a greater burden upon tho A perspiring Tommy, burdenecl with A c er ta in d is ti ngui sh ed p ro fe sso rWilliams, J ames A rtman . Seized 91 German ships amI begun gener al t ax at ion tha n i s f ai r and j us t; a bo ut five tons o f equ ipmen t, c limbed o f med ic in e asked one o f h is s tud. en t"Secretary and tr'Jasurer, Frank J. r ep ai r wo rk on them. And whe re as t he General Assem- wear i ly in to a bus outs ide a L0ndon in class one day how much of il. cer-Wiese. Authorized unanimously a wa r bly of t he S ta te of Pennsylvania d id r aHwa y t erm inu s. T he re w ere no tain medic ine should be a d m i n i ~ t e r e l lDirectors, Frederick L. Rose, George fund of $7,000,000,000. b y A ct approved the 14th day of MaY, vacant s.eats, and no on e offered the to the sufferer.M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.l Appropriated $600,000,000 for mer. 1915, provide that .wh en eve r an y w eary ma n a se at . H e wa s d ead tired, "A t ab le spoon fu l, " a ns we re d t hc

    ColesworthY, Mrs . Wi ll i am S. Horne r, chant shipping, and as muc h f or ai r Borough sha ll de te rmme to construct and so resolved to ge t a seat by young man.A. E. Wohler t , Mrs. George M. Henry, fleets. any sewer, it shall by ordinance asse ss s t ra tegy . In about a m in ut e, howev e", h eFletcher W. Stites, E. A. 'Vluschamp, Agreed to loan ou r allies $3,000,- th e cost t he re of a s a s ew ag e t ax He fished from his haversack a small raised hi s hand a nd sai d: "Pr of es so r,H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. 000,000 a nd a dv an ce d them a l,ug.e upon th e p r o p e r t ~ adjoining or ad- bomb. I wou ld l ik e t o change my ans\\,l,r t,)Haws, Mrs. Roy E . Cl ar k, Mrs . Leg - proportion of that sum. jacent to th e same, either by the foot- "This is one of the things we use that question."tel' W. Nickerson, Will iam D. Smed- Passed a selective draft law and fro nt r ul e o r an y s uc h o th er manner out t he re , you know," h.e rema rked The doctor took o ut h is watcl. ":\[\"ley. in a single day registered nearly ten as to t he Bu rges s and town counci l : to t he i nt er es te d pas se nger s. "See friend," he remark.ed, 'yon'rmillion me n for military service. m ay s ee m equitable; therefore, this pin here? When I pUll it out like. pat1Cnt has been dead forty seconds,"

    Enlisted 600.000 volunte,er soldiers I Sec. 1. Th e Council of th e Bor:lUgh this it should explode fifteen seconds!in the r egu la r a rmy and in th2 :\"a-11of :\"arberth does o r ~ a i n on ant I lat .e r.. They're p r ~ t t y dead.lY, ,to.1: If 'tio na l G ua rd o f the States. after the date of thiS Ordmance th.e I pu t It had, a gam t he thmg s narm ,Sent a c ommi ssio n to Ru ss ia to aid c os t o f a l l sewers cons t ruc ted by th e less." T he n. b eg in nin g to search' The hucol ic audience assembled indemocracy t he re , a nd a body of rail-I Borough authori t ie s sha ll be asses se r l f ranti ca llY, "Gosh! Where on e ar th t he village hall r at tl ed t he ir h oh road men to Russia a nd a no th er to I as a sewage ta x upon th e property ad - did I pu t that pin ?', nai le d boo ts on t he h ri ck floor as th el ~ r a n c e t o a dv is e and assist in rai l- jo in ing or adjacent to th e said sew,crs The passengers rose in a hody and chai rman, wi th a wave of a fat, redroad t ra nspor ta ti on i n those coun- by the foot-front rule. and that fuch sc rambled for th e door, tumhl ing ove r: hand, introduced the lecturer. "GlamRtries. asse ssments duly certified under tlJl.l one another to get off. Tommy wltch,'.lrl . of Spo rt " was t he suhject, a nd the manB.'.lgun th e construction of 32 camps seal of th e Borough, attested by the them go. Then, putt ing the homb hacl! at t he r ea ding d es k w ax ed e lo qu en tfor ou r soldiers. Burgess. or P re si d, en t o f Counc il a nd in h is have rs ack , he stretched h imse lf over slayers of man -e at ing t ig er s, o fSent to England a f le et of destroyers Secretary, shall be collected as b y la w fu ll length on t he cushioned se 26 3 26 4 3" 6 37 P M IgJa, where th e I ennsylvanla DIV1BJOn efficiency, and tim e w ill p ro ve that 'Malis d i s ; a t ~ h ~ d ~ 9 . O O . 10.37 A' 1\1. Mrs; .Coady saw th e street ca r ap -of the National Guards-some tW

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 16, 1917


    N A R B ~ R T H , PA.-OUR TOWN-AUGUST 1 6 1917

    M. c. A . BUILDING


    (Continued on Fou rt h P age)

    Hi&h Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

    45th and Parrish Sts.


    take a look through my newhouses on th e brow of th ehill, two on N' ar e I t h ey ha d welcomed h im wi th p la in de- no t regret with me the p a s s i n ~ of a' shillings, se t flat an d joined at theas follows: : light. : - lever did the o lde r mas ter pas'> splendid fellow. . . . An e ve ry da y e dg es . Thirty pieces of silver--thc10.00 A. M.-Sunday schOOl. t hr oug h th e workships wi thout in- incident here-a sudd.en, unexp

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 16, 1917


    NAI-tBERTH, PA - ( ,UR TOWN-AUGUST L6.1917


    OUR TOWN wfl I glBdly printany news Item about any subjectthat Is of Interest to Narberthfolks , but In orlIer to meetthe printing sche4ule, nil "copy"-manllscriJ}ts-mnst reach theeditor It) II P. ~ J ~ J o n d a y eacllweek.


    The ocean of life is filled withbreake rs ; that ' s why s o many men gobroke.

    III. B ut wiSe counsels did not preval!.and the next yeur the crosses weret ak en out of th e flag a nd t hi rt ee nstars substituted, o ne f or e ac h o f t hooriginal revol ting colonies or Statesof th e Union.S in ce t he n man y a dd it io na l stars

    have been added as fresh States h.\vebeen i nc luded w it h the advance west ward towards t he Pac if ic , two of thelatest additions be ing New Mexico andTexas. bu t th e stripe,; still continueto be thirteen i n ! lumber as at f i r ~ t .


    Two Lines, IOc pe r issue; Sc for each aclditionalline


    Narberth Register


    Everybody Knows Valvein-Head Means BUICK(Cont inued from ' rMrd P age )THIRTY PIECES Of SILVEU

    U. S . ) JA IL

    to b re ak control. Why should t he ladwho had scarce ly ta sted the sweets oflife be cu t off while he , who IUlIl Jlver! Without exception. we a re present ing to th e buying publ ic t hi s y ea r a betth e span nigh through, was left': te r l in e o f ca rs than ever befor e. n in e new mode ls t o meet e ve ry requirement.When th e w o m a ~ knocked again on ITh e 1918 Buick l ine Is comple te f rom every stand-point of finish. e door he w as s It ti ng w it h h is head c om fo rt an d service, and provides a ca r fo r every d eman d. T ho se who buy

    buried In his arms on th e desk. Th e BUICK'S will ride in u tmos t l ux ur y a nd good taste.keen man o f a ff ai rs w as c ry in g, as if Th e Light Delivery Model E-4 Truck i s no te d for i ts d ependabi li ty and conhearbroken. All the pride of the venience. particularly where numer ou s pac ka ge s a re to be delivered overpatriot in a sold ier son. the COIlvic- scattered territory. and t he moder n me rc han t who real i zes that prompt de tion of a righteous cause. and th,) cer- IIverv i s t he f in is hi ng t ouch in making his service to customers complete.tain hope o f g lo r iou s victory for ou r A d e ~ o n s t r a t i o n eheerfully given.splendid fellows, whieh had been hi sbu t yesterdaY, had died. Nothing ma ttered now.Grief h eld h im o blivi ou s to theknocking. and only whe n t he woman Lancaster Avenue, Opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Stationhad called a ga in a nd a ga in did Iw be-c ome consc ious o f his surroundings."I c an no t g et h im t o a nswe r. " Conc er n w as p la in i n th e housekeeper'svoice.Why did the woman t rouble h im atRuch a time? Why could s he n ot leavehim alolw? Which ar e th e three best-known"Perhaps 1--" flags i n t he w or ld ? There ca n be: He h ea rd t he murmur of am'ther. only on e ans wer: The Stars and

    i voice, and hi s s ha ki ng h an ds w en t t o S tr ip es of the United State;:;, thehi s head whil e he rema ined as if car- Union Jack , the Tr ico lor of the Frencllv en i n sto ne . S om et hi ng in th e tone Republic. Probably th ere is not ahad brldg,ed th e ye ar s w it h memory. civilized man on th e globe who doesSure lY--? no t recognize t he se t hr ee at sight,"Robert, will you not open th e rloor? and few who do no t look upon t\lemIt is I -Mary Ridgway." as emblems of F'reedom.Gropingly, he c ro ss ed th e room. The American flag was first unfurl-"Mary!" he cried, with a sob !n his ed on New Year's Day at Washing

    voice a nd d rew t he d oo r w id e open. ton 's headquar ter s in th e year 1776.He' had last se en Iw r a beatlt!ful hu t in it s p r e ~ e n t form 1777 is it sa nd spr ight ly girl. dressed in the birth year. so that it is now exactly

    f as hi on o f th e 'eighties. Th e silver- I 140 years of age. T he f ir st flag Inhaired, elderly lady who stood r e . ~ a r d - troduced the stripes of th e presentin g h im w it h a tender, pitying smil.e f lag, b nt r et ai ne d t he c ro ss es of St.could surely never be Mary! She re- And rew and St. George on a bluemembered him as a laughing-eyed, ground in t he c or ne r, i mp lyi ng th edashing beau. Thi s s haky , haggard-, surviving acknOWledgment of the royalf ac ed o ld man in t he o ver coat w as p ow er with th e birth of a new Nan.cver s ur el y Rob er t H at he rl ei gh ! tion. Had Britain h ad t he g oo d s en seAstonishment held both fo r a time an d sound statesmanship to acceptmute; then. with he r hand out- that compromise it is more than likel:!s t re tched , the woman spoke. that the S tate s wou ld have still o w ~ d "I t was onl y t hi s morning I heard, allegiance to the successor of G e o r g ~IRober t, " she said. "I h ad t o come at ~ ; ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ~ . ~ ~ ; _ ; _ ~ - ;_ ~ ~ ; . ; _ ; _ ; ~ ~ . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ?ionce ." . r! "Then th e ollicer was - - ? "I "My son-my on ly s on ," Shc1 an swered. "He owes his life to you:'

    I ~ p l e n d i d lad. I want to say, Rubert,that my heart is ve ry sad f or you , anaI want you. please , to give me backI that picture. I want you to f')rgiv,e

    Iand forget." Gr,ene. ' \ C C O U l ' < T A ~ T S Cotter, Jloword I' . Phone. 1298.

    I Andrew See olspJay ad\'p.rtiHetnent in thl!l 1!l8Ue.Th e stricken man cros sed tI e loom 5 Chestnut ave. Phone. G77-M. Crist , Frunk Phone. the desk and to ok u p th e photo- 1{,lm. II. C. See display adveJ'tlsement In thl. Is.ue.202 Dudley ave. l \ l I J ~ l {Igraph. . I ' \ I n ' I ~ R T I S I ~ G lIa1lnhoeh, A. Phone. Cynw)'d 7GG-W.I "The son has wiped ou t th e f>llnn Col t , W. Arthur Phone. G32-R. Address. Narherth P. O. Box 415.of his father's d is ho no r, e h Mar y? " Ideas. Plans. Copy. Art . ' I'ypogrnphy. Scot t -I 'owd' 1I0lr les. Phone. Pre.ton 2398., AUTOllf0811,};S See display all\'ertlsement In this Issue.he quavered. Br)n ;\lllwr ;\Iotor Co .. hI('. Phonc. HIyn 1I10ltTGAGfo:STh.e glimmer of tears s howed i n he r )Iaw'" :n,",. Sel' display a,I,. In this Isst,e. Simpson, James C. 232 l,ssex ave.C I,"' Phone, (,36, or 1420 Chestnut Bt .I f d I' "I tI ' kG II ensore, Si l v i e '10 hire.eyes as Sl e ac e 11m. 11n er a 1 , See advertl.ement In thl. I.sue. Cowin, T. S tuar t. 1 I ~ ~ ; ~ ~ Teacher.Ihad he lived, wou ld have come tJ you ;\leCleJltu W. S.. J. P. AcknOWledgement. 20G Merion aVe. PI;one. Narberth 341-Ras I do." sh e said. "P ri d e i n sneh a ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ V I ; S ~ n " d u t ~ : ~ t : : ) I ~ e p ~ l c ; l ~ s e . . Oillce I.oos. Hlnn)' n. Plano Teacher and Aecom;Ison should dull t he k ee n edge of DAKEItS panlst. H 7 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-J.~ 1 P PI 352 J ,Studio, ~ o G A r ca d e B l dg . Narberth.grief." ~ : : n ; l I s ; l a Y t ~ 3 ~ e r t l . e - m e n t In thl. Iue. "hceloek, K a t h a r l ~ e . Phone, GS3,"I had only my boy." falt.erell DANKS 109 10na ave .. Narberth.R b t "I b 'Id' 19 for him and 1I1erlon Title 8:, Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore 3'1 XOT,\ltt rU81,lCI 0 er " was 111 11 , See advertl.ement In thl. Is.ue . JolTcries, J. n. 111 Narherth ave. he is gone." DAUDERS I Phone. 6GGM.I "I s houl d l ik e t o have known him," S u z ~ e r o , Tony Ol'TICIAl'oS. u . 1 2..4 Haverford aVe. FfOnton, Carl F. 506 E ~ R e x ave. Phone 63SWshe saHI. Will y ou c ome WILl me D L A C K S ~ I l T I J S Philo. addres.. ISOG Che.tnut .t : to see min e i n t he h os pi ta l? I want S \ l f 2 e 8 \ r o ~ t ~ ~ m e r y ave. Phone, 328. I P,\Il'bert DUILDERS Coh', James It.I ' , 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1225-.1I if you wil l h ave it so." Smedley, "m. D. Phone, 600. \\'. G. CUlllmer. Phone. 12-62 W. I "I am left b roke n a nd lonely w it h- See advertl.ement In thl. I.sue. .210 Elmwood ave.. Narberth.I 'CANDY, ETC. "alzer. Frcd.:o ut a ny heart t o f ac e the future" Da,'i II. E. Phone. 1254-W. 117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.1"You would like to tallt to my b.OY, See dl.pla!. a d v e r t l . e ~ e n t In thl. I.sue. l'APJ

    R b t " I d" d "Y '11 1'1 Jones, Will. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone. TYPfo;WltlTERSo e r. s Ie a ue . ou WI I {e GSO-J. Phlla. addres Penn Mutual Bldg. DO'h:e, E. G. 502 Essex boy. Wil l you n ot le t us ho th find Sm'der, Itobt. Phone. Nllrberth G38-lIf.t! l 313 Woodside ave. Phone. 383. --6.52 A. M.-Local west. for you some compensa on .n our Trotter Dros. (Fire, etc.) The above department .honld be of the9.00 A. M.-East a nd th rough west. Ifriendship?" , 209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R. r ;rea test use to the community. the l ist conM Lo I t "C'" I r 1 .f LA \VYEnS tllins the name of every profelonal man,10.37 A. .- ca wes. arry on . Ie mu mure(, as I Gilroy, John 211 ave. Phone, 1245-R. mechanic. shopkeeper. etc.. who10.47 A. M.-East and through west. Iscarcely conscious that hoe spoke. Bob Philo. addres. Lincoln Bldg. doe. or can In any way serve hi. fellow-

    d th h t . f "tI lIenry, Geo. 111. 107 Che.tnut ave. Phone, 608. townsman. and wlto Is progre lve enough12.26 P. M.-East an roug wes would expect no waver111g rom Ie Philo. addre. Finance Bldg. to add name to list of Regl.ter.1.37 P. M.-Local west. guv'nor." Sehell, lIorace III. As It Is dlmcult for those contributingM E t d th h t "WI ' I '11 ItI 208 Sabine ave. Phone. 1245.W. their time and efforts to the production of3.26 P. .- as an rong w ~ 1), yes; WI come w 1 y ou. Stites, Fletcher lV. 41 Haverford ave. "our Town" to per sonally e it he r know or4.37 P. M.-Local west. Mary," he said. Phone. 3L721GWIITPINhIOlaFIXaddTreUsRsECSrozer Bldg. Interview all such, It would be mo.t help-

    h I ful It those not now found In the printed6.37 P. M.-East 'and t roug 1 west. UeDonald John. Narberth phone, 1288. 1I.t would .end In a memo of thei r namell ,7 00 P M.-East a nd thr ough west. 1533 Cbelt. It .. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 3138. addres '. phone number. and buslnes.e ll or. . S d A fraebooter-the man who does MEATS, ETC. professions to r 1I.tlng. This \VIII cost all tol-un BY no)'les'. Phone. 398. lows: 10 cents each Is.ue tor 2 l ine.: 5 clint .Arrive 7.02 A. M. Depart 5.47 P. 111 no t pay hi s cobbler. See display advertisement In thlll Iue. t or e ach add lt lona line.




    A ~ u n U l J A ~ f ' E COUPSANDREW A. BAKERQUARTERMASTERS'UESEUVEEDWIN H. WIPFThe f or egoi ng i s correct, sofar as known-any additions orchanges may be l ef t w it h Postmas te r Haws.ENGINEERS RESERVEM. M. SHEEDY, Capt.


    Arrive(July 1, 1917)

    6.26 A. M.-Ea,; t a nd thr ough6.52-East amI through west.9.00 A. !\f.-Local west.10.37 A. l \ 'L-East and througll west.11.50 A. M.-East and through west.12.26 P. M.-Loca! west.1.37 P. M.-East and through west.3.26 P. M.-Local west.4.37 P. M.-East >and through6.37 P. M.-Local west.Del18rt




    l I l ' S n A ~ I l ' S SOl'T ANSWlm

    A QL\lYJ' I ' r A L L \ ~ TOWX

    . : \ 1 ( ) 1 1 l 1 l t ~ . TUl"sdll)' nn d " t ~ d l w ! ' i t l t l ~ ; \I . \I te ;\1"dlfo;IUIOTTWith )lllclr,'c1 Mllltnllllt In


    II . WILLIS DAVIS, PI'oprietorPrime Meats

    PROGRAMWeek of August 13th.

    She was w ai ti ng f or him.Gathering he r brows l ike gath(, ringstorm. "nur si ng her w r at h to ke.ep itwa rm." and when he entered t he r oomshe began:"This is a nice time of n igh t " - "I-er-know I'm late," he has ti lyinterrupl.ed, "but I couldn' t help It, mydear. Club had-er-big discussion onfemale beauty.""And what had you to do with that?"demanded the fretful wife."More 'n anyone there. I was th{!one-er-who ha d t he m0s t b ea ut if ulwife, an' -e r-course , t he bes t authorit v on f emal e beauty. an"--."Why don 't you take off your over c oa t H en ry ? Le t me ge t your slippers' for you. It 's awful ('old outside;I think :rou must b e h al f frozen."

    I, 'rum t ht' 1 ~ f ) J l l J l l l , r Pin)' h, Edith I:UiH1hurPo(}ll)', I 'rh ll l ' l ind :-;nturdll)'\\'11.1.1,\)1 I l f o : S ~ I ( ) X I )In F i r ~ t !'o'howlng of TrillnJeh' lrodu('Uon"MASTER OF HIS HOME"

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH . PA

    The expression. "Ute curve ofhealth," which was first used byOliver Wende ll H olme s, h im se lf aphysician, indicates in modern mathemat ic al f ash io n th e fluctuatingc ha ng es i n bodily health, of whichall ar e at times aware a nd whi chmay be expressed by va ry ing curvesout li ne d on paper .Manv imagin.e that the norma l stateof h e ~ l t h is best r epre sen ted by astraight line. This is by no meansth e case. There is a rhythmic undulation in th e flow of ou r vital force.Th.e dynamo which furnishes theworking power o f c onsc iou snes s andaction ha s its annual, monthly, dailYwaves , e ven i t s moment ar y ripples.We h av e our bad times and goodt im es. S ome by c ar ef ul obs er va ti onof th e rise and f al l o f t hi s c ur ve h av eso adjusted thoeir holidays a nd t im esof rest a nd ac ti vi ty as to conservJtheir energies and avoid the snaresof disease. It is from hi s knowleJgeof this curve that th e family physiciancan ac t successfully.

    Pavia is no t very wcll known l: l th.C:tourist. Fo r two hundred years..mtlllCharlemagne overthr,ew tI'.em. it was!th e capital of the Lombard k i n g : ~ . th e 1kings of that one-tirr.e Teuton tr ibe ofLangobardi. who conquered I t aly , onlyto be themselves s lowly c o n q u . e r e ~ andbecome Italians. o r, mor e aecurrtely,Romanized. It i s t he y who ruled overth e g re at f er ti le p la in b.etween th eAlps and th e Apennines. In theChurch o f S an Miche le kings of Italywere crowned a thousand year s :tgo;here two Germans at least. Henry II-1004-and Frederick Barbarossa - 1155-rece!\-ec! upon their brows that "ironcrown of t he L omba rd s" w hi ch c on veyed the sove re ign ty of !taly.

    I11., "'unh'c1 n lIonu" I lnd It , , ' l f t - -not j t l ~ t II ,J l U l l ~ ' 'YUh n " ' o lnu l l in it 'Aclel.,.1 , \ I t I ' l l l ' t l l l l t : - ) ) I T ~ I . \ l t ' S " ; \ I ( } I : ~ T A I l '