Download - Our Pitch

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We chose this for a production name as it is catchy and easily remembered. This name also has connotations of horror. This image would appeal to our target audience as when looking for a horror film this would be the font they'd associate with it. We chose to have these fonts as they link the audiences mind to horror, along with the colour and design having connotations of it.

Hellhound specialise in making horror films with a low budget. We went with these when making our film because they are perfect and will give us the correct funding to make our film.

Production name

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Our unique selling point is it’s a new horror film that appeals to people from the age 15-25.

Our USP (Unique Selling Point)

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We chose our target audience to be people of the age 15-25, because this is the age with the most disposable income, the most free time, and also the people who go to the cinema most often. Because of this our characters are in the same age group and position, helping the audience to relate and be involved with the film and its characters.

Our questionnaire shows that the connotation that is most associated with the horror genre. The scariest thing is unpredictability and the unknown, and on average they visit the cinema a couple times a month.

Target Audience

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Firstly we see the victim sprinting down the road that leads to a graveyard. The audience is left puzzled as they do not know who is chasing him or what he’s running from yet. He is breathing heavily and keeps looking backwards to see what is behind him. Because he is not looking where he is going he trips over and falls to the ground. He gets to his feet and the silhouette of the killer dashes across the camera, at this point the audience has the idea that he is being chased and running from someone in particular, it’s also shows that this antagonist is superior to the victim because he can outwit him quickly. The victim utters “I think I lost him” there’s dramatic irony at this point because we know that he hasn’t got away and is still vulnerable. Then the screen goes black and we hear the sounds of bones cracking. After this, we see the murderer dragging the corpse away from the murder scene and dumping him behind a hut. Next, we jump to a red room with pictures of other people on the walls, the murderer laughs and crosses of his latest victim.


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Typical Horror CharactersThe Hero – More than often a masculine character with a heavy build, very rare to find a female as the main hero. Although they are the hero, there are not many horror films where the hero wins, but he is however brave, and the person who goes after the murdered after a killing, and often never returning.The Victim - There is almost no horror film without a female victim, as they are often portrayed as being vulnerable and in need of protection. They are usually young, blonde and attractive helping to appeal to a wider male audience. She is often portrayed to be stupid and annoying, one of the characters the audience actually want to be killed. This character helps to build up suspense, as her behaviour often puts them on edge, when she jumps they jump, even if it unnecessary.

The Non-Believer - This character can be of either sex, but is more often shown as male. They are represented as cocky and relaxed, which leads the other characters to think they are over-reacting and nothing is happening, which more than often makes them the first to be killed. Once this person is killed, the audience will panic, as the voice of reason and disbelief has now gone, leaving both the remaining characters and the audience in a frantic state.

The Hysterical Character – Usually female. This is the character that more than often wants to play it safe, and stay as a group and in a building that they are probably already in. Other characters will attempt to move her but more than often fail. This will result in her being killed, or all the characters being killed one by one, but either way she dies. The effect this character has on the audience is a suspense being created as her hysterics reflect on to the audience.

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Typical Horror CharactersThe ‘Monster’ Antagonist - Can take many forms of antagonist such as Serial Killer, Zombie, Ghost, Monster or have Demonic Possession. If they are human they will often have a mask on or some kind of deformity, making it close to impossible to identify them. Wearing a mask also plays on the fear of the unknown. No matter what injuries they seem to receive, they can always seemingly recover from it and get back up, even if its something as serious as stabbing, giving it an idea of inhuman. Any other type of killer plays on the fear of the unknown, and as there isn't any solid proof they do not exist it scares the audience about what they do not know.

The Loved Up Couple - Male and female couples, never any same sex couples. They are usually away from the group, together. Don't notice the killer as they seemingly are oblivious, and are so wrapped up with each other they don't see the killer coming at them. They frustrate the audience putting them on the edge of there seat.

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We chose our victim to be weak and scared and inferior to the villain, he is a scared looking teenager who the audience feel close and most relate themselves to, partly because he is the only person in the sequence, but also he is the same age as the main target, so the audience feel as if they too are being targeted.

Characters in our filmThe Victim

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the villain is unknown, this plays strongly on the fear, as in our surveys the fear of the unknown was the most common answer for ‘what is the scariest part of a horror film’. The idea of not being able to see the killer is a good way to build suspense as in each individual audience member, it could be anyone or anything.

Characters in our filmThe Villain

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This would be a good location for a horror film to be partly set as its connotations are typical horror film. It is a secluded area with trees, and no seemingly way out. It being an Alleyway also has connotations of horror as a 'Dark Alleyway' is a common phrase for somewhere that you do not want to be or go, as it will certainly be dangerous.

This would also be a good location for a horror film as it seem quite enclosed and has connotations of horror. The connotations of a Graveyard, are typical horror, the links they have to horror are things such as 'walking dead' etc.