Download - Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.

Page 1: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.

Orange Block Organelle Presentation

Page 2: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.


Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso

Page 3: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.


The cell membrane separates the cell from its nonliving surroundings. Diverse proteins that help the function of the cell membrane are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer.

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-Controls what substances enters/exits the cell (with help of proteins)

-The lipid bilayer helps manage so only certain substances cross the membrane, keeping the cell protected

-Active Transport is the movement of substances (ex. proteins, ions) across the membrane from areas of lower concentration to higher concentration.

-Passive transport moves substances (anything soluble) from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration so it does not require energy.

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Page 6: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.


Cell Membranes are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotesThe cell membrane is located between the cell wall and the cytoplasm It is present in plant, bacteria and animal cells

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The cell membrane can be thought of as a wall or fence surrounding a city

It prevents dangerous or harmful materials from entering but also lets in and out materials that are vital to the cell’s survival.

The cell membrane recognizes which materials should be let in and which should be kept out much like a fence/wall

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The Cell Walls of Plant and Bacteria Cells

By: Ariana and Katie

Page 9: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.

Plant Cell WallFunction- The cell wall maintains/determines the cell shape and supports mechanical strength (protection of

contents within cell). Structure- The plant cell wall is composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a polysaccharide. It is a linear chain of tightly

linked glucose units. This tight linkage explains the strength of the cell wall. Analogy- Wall of a castle● castle protects the people and keeps them inside● the cell wall of a plant keeps all organelles inside the cell and protects them with a rigid structure.

What do the cell walls of bacteria look like?

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Bacterium Cell Wall and CapsuleFunction: Cell walls provide physical protection, prevents the cell from

bursting in hypotonic environmentsStructure: Two general types of cell walls ● Walls made of a thick layer of peptidoglycans (Rigid, but porous

enough)● Walls made of less peptidoglycans, also have an outer membrane

containing lipids bonded to carbohydrates Many prokaryotes are also covered by capsule (sticky layer of

polysaccharide or protein)Analogy: The walls of a nuclear power plant● the high security systems keep unwanted people out● Strong Walls to prevent from explosions

What do the cell walls of bacteria look like?

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Location of Cell Walls (Bacteria and Plant Cells)● Cell Walls can be found in nearly all prokaryotes and many eukaryotes.

● In plant cells and bacteria cells, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane (on the

outside of the cell)

● Both plant and bacteria cells have cell walls, but animal cells do not.

● Each plant cell has one cell wall (the same abundance), not found in abundance in any

types of cells

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Cell Nucleus

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Nucleolus- Where ribosomal is synthesized according to instructions from DNA. Proteins from cytoplasm assembled with ribosomal to form ribosomes subunits

Nuclear Envelope- double membrane that encloses nucleus. Each membrane separated by different phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins

Chromatin- when the cell is not dividing the chromosomes organized into long entangled structures called Chromatin

Nuclear pores- Line nuclear envelope and regulate the entry and exit of large molecules and connects with cells membranes (Endoplasmic Reticulum)

The nucleus is a membrane bound structure that contains cell’s hereditary information, and controls cell growth and reproduction. It will appear as a dark spot in the cell.

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● The nucleus is only found in eukaryotic cells.

● The nucleus will be found somewhere in the middle of the cytoplasm meaning it is most commonly found in the center of the cell.

● Nuclei are found in all plant and animal cells but not bacterial cells.


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AnalogyThe nucleus is like the castle of an enclosed,

medieval city. The castle is the control center of the city, it controls all the activity in the city. The nucleus is the control center of the cell regulating all cell activity.

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Endoplasmic ReticulumBy: Ryan Borer and Ryan Winterson

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Introduction to ER

• ER is in Eukaryotes, found in both plant and

animal cells

➢Animal cells have more ER than the plant cells do

➢ER is located around the nucleus

➢Largest part of the endomembrane system

• There are two types of ER: Smooth and Rough

➢Only Rough ER has Ribosomes

➢Are an extensive network of flattened sacs and


Animal Cell

Plant Cell

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Functions of Smooth and Rough ER

Smooth ER• Important in the synthesis of lipids• Has enzymes that are important in processing

harmful substances• Storage of calcium ions

Rough ER•Many cells secrete protons using the ribosomes

attached to the ER• A membrane making machine for the cell -

phospholipids and proteins• forms transport vesicles

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The ER creates different types of molecules through the creation of proteins and synthesis of lipids similar to a factory. Factories create and distribute items while the ER creates and distributes different molecules. The ER distributes proteins and synthesised lipids to areas where they are needed within the cell like how factories must distribute their products. The ER also stores calcium ions similar to how factories must be able to store their products until they are needed.

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Caleb Giess and Hannah Scholl

“ If the nucleus is the cell’s command center, then ribosomes are the machines that carry out those commands”

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Function: Tiny structures that synthesize proteins according to instructions

from genes

➔ Structure: Two subunits, a large subunit and a small subunit◆ Small subunit: Decodes the genetic information◆ Large subunit: Contains active site of ribosome

→ where the new peptide bonds are produced when proteins are synthesized.

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Large subunit

small subunit

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Location➔Found in plant, animal, and bacterial cells◆ Abundance: hundreds of millions in a frog ovum ---- compared to

only thousands in a bacterial cell◆ Cells that make a lot of proteins have a large number of

ribosomes (e.g.- cell in pancreas that produces digestive enzymes may contain a few million ribosomes)

➔Contained in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

➔Prokaryotic cells: ◆ Ribosomes float freely throughout the cell

➔Eukaryotic cells:◆ Free floating ribosomes◆ Ribosomes in endoplasmic reticulum

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cookbook → DNA

photocopy of recipe → mRNA

Sous Chef (gets ingredients) → tRNA

Ingredients → Amino acids Chef in the

kitchen→ ribosomes

Page 25: Orange Block Organelle Presentation. CELL MEMBRANE Louise Lynn and Ashley Glorioso.

FINISHED PRODUCT: Cookies! (represent proteins)

Chocolate Chip Cookies: An especially tasty metaphor for proteins --- represent finished product in analogy

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Golgi Apparatus

Mira Nakhle

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• The golgi apparatus is in eukaryotic cells (plant and animal cells) only. Within the cell they are located close to the rough ER and the nucleus.• Often there are fewer,

larger golgis animal cells while there can be hundreds of smaller ones in plant cells.• Cells whose job is to

secrete, like hormone-secreting pancreatic cells, tend to have more golgis.

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• They are flattened, membrane-bound sacs that look like a pile of pita bread or pancakes.

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●The golgi apparatus receives products (like proteins) from the rough ER. It serves as a warehouse and processor; it modifies and sorts the products, and then packages them up in vesicles to be shipped to where they are needed.●Destinations:○Within the cell, to

organelles called lysosomes○To the membrane of

the cell○Outside of the cell

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The golgi is like a post office. It receives, packs, and ships the “mail” of the cell.

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Lysosomes and Peroxisomesby: Sarah Bower and Nicole Mahoney

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Lysosomes- digest excess and/or worn out organelles, food

particles, and engulf viruses and bacterias - cell continually renews itself- is a membrane enclosed sac of digestive

enzymes created by rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and processed in the Golgi apparatus-made of lipids and proteins- it looks kinda like a gas bubble (spherical)- goes along with eukaryotic cell structure

because it creates an acidic environment for its enzymes while also isolating them from the rest of the cell- typically located on the outside edges of the

cell- found in animal and plant cells but not in

bacterial- particularly abundant in liver and kidney

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●breaks down hydrogen peroxide, and they detoxify harmful compounds in the liver.●made of phospholipid bilayer, which surrounds

a crystallized core●Are close to a to being a sphere in shape●Since peroxisomes are membrane-bound they

are only found in Eukaryotes●They are found in the cytoplasm of the cell●They are in both plant and animal cells●especially abundant in the liver

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Lysosome → similar to a recycling center because it’s cells enclose around damaged organelles and/or small amounts of cytosol in membrane sacs and then it uses such a vesicle and dismantles its contents making the organic molecules available for reuse.

Peroxisome → similar to a water treatment plant because it breaks down the harmful toxins in the cells so that they are no longer harmful. This is like the water treatment plant because in a water treatment plant toxic chemicals are taken out and the water is cleaned up.

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*it varies on how many are in each cell but it’s typically around 3-7

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Cytoskeletons and Centrioles

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●Function○ intermediate filaments

■ reinforce cell shape, anchor some organelles (e.g., nucleus), permanent fixtures in cell

○ microfilaments■ solid rods composed of globular proteins, supports cell shape

● especially important for animal cells, which lack cell walls○ microtubules

■ shape and support cell, act as tracks along which organelles equipped with motor proteins can move

●Structure○ made up of: protein fibers○ microtubules are thickest, then intermediate filaments, and microfilaments are thinnest○ looks like: fibrous strings

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Cytoskeleton (cont.)

●Location○ found in eukaryotic cells○ throughout cytoplasm○ plant and animal cells contain it

■ centrioles and intermediate filaments aren’t found in plant cells

●Analogy: House Frame○ wood: intermediate filaments, never really change, basic structure○ electricity: microtubule → all throughout, comes from central place

(centriole/fusebox)○ plumbing: microfilaments → guide movements of organelles and chromosomes, like

pipes guide water

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●Function○ shape and support cell, track for organelles to move → where microtubules grow out

of/organizes microtubules

●Structure○ made up of: microtubules○ looks like: churro

●Location○ found in eukaryotic cells○ in cytoplasm, part of cytoskeleton○ only in animal cells

■ plant cells organize microtubules by other means

●Analogy: Fusebox○ where the electricity (microtubules) come from

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ChloroplastBy Cole Harris and Luke


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Function/Job● Uses light energy to create chemical energy in the form of glucose

● CO2+ Water --> C6H12O6 (Glucose) + O2

● Process called photosynthesis

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●Oval shaped structures, encompassed by inner and outer membrane●Individual sac-like structures, known as

thylakoids, are arranged in stacks called grana○Performs light dependant reaction

●A viscous fluid called stroma contains chloroplast DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes.○Performs light independent reactions

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●Present in eukaryotic plant cells and algae●Chloroplasts are generally clustered along the

edges of the cell, but can be in the middle●Located most heavily in the upper levels of

plants, where they are exposed to the most amount of sunlight

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Analogy● Chloroplast can be compared to coal

miners○ Go collect the resources (Glucose) which are

then given to the powerplant (or Mitochondria) to be converted to energy

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The MitochondriaBy Luisa Coakley and Lily Fenton

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Function and Structure of Mitochondria

● The function of the mitochondria is the conversion of

chemical energy of food to ATP

● ATP is cellular energy, a product from photosynthesis and

cellular respiration

● Oval organelle made up of

an outer and inner membrane,

cristae, and matrix

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● Located in eukaryotic cells (i.e. plant and animal cells)

● Floats around the cell membrane

● Most abundant in animal skin cells, bone cells, lung cells, and muscle


Animal cells have more mitochondria

than plant cells because

animals need more energy

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AnalogyIf the cell is a baseball stadium, the mitochondria are the popcorn

vendors moving throughout the stadium giving energy to the fans. The vendor converts kernels into popcorn and provides food so the fans can stay content during the game.