Download - Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Page 1: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Options after High School

Lee Binz, The HomeScholar

Page 2: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Early Graduation• Graduating early

– What does it mean– What is the next step

• GED• Too many credits• Too much frustration• Graduation is not the end result• Graduation is the beginning of something else

Page 3: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Options after High School• Post high school options with your high school student.• Community College• CollegePlus!• CLEP• Online classes• Working• University• Gap Year • Couch Potato• “Failure to launch”

Page 4: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Community College Dual Enrollment• Rated “R” environment• Popular fad• Rule of thumb:

– When public university is not an option– When community college doesn’t fit your values– Community college would not be appropriate

• Strategies– Buddy system– Check the professor “”– Read the textbook in advance

• Grades are permanent – Failure is an option

Page 5: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Community College Dual Enrollment• Community College Stories

– Academics• Lower academic requirements• Lower level classes • Sex sells• Unique view of passing

– World view• Music improvisation class• Pornography: bookstore, required reading, art content, foreign language, speech

– Ethics and morals • Adjudicated adults• Vulgar language

– Socialization• Public high school socialization issues• Additional unmoderated “adult” content

– Perfectionist and community college• Little effort earns an “A” • Tranition to university that requires effort• Depression

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Community College Dual Enrollment• Benefits

• Fiancé like Liz!

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Community College Dual Enrollment• Benefits

• Fiancé like Liz!• Outside documentation of your homeschool• Letters of recommendation• Save money on tuition • College policies vary widely• Fiancé like Liz!

• Check with friends• Listen for the “but….”• If the “but…” were attributed to a public high school

– Would you be tempted to send your child?

• It CAN happen to you– Stories from Oklahoma, Texas

Page 8: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Community College• Community College after High School• Attend as an adult

– Classes open to all abilities– Relatively inexpensive– Remains a Rated “R” environment– Adult environment for adults learning skills

• Useful in certain situations– Playing catch-up with math or foreign language– Adult learners motivated to return to college– Attain an AA degree

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CLEP• College level subject tests• Save money on tuition• Homeschooling college• College policies vary widely • Follow behind

– Take CLEP when they can pass CLEP

• Planning ahead– Study new material and take tests in college subject

• Be sure you can pass

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CLEP• General Assessment

– CLEP Official Study Guide– Quick assessment

• Subject test in-depth preparation– REA Guides – Read the subject– Multiple sample tests

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• Relatively easy to take a few CLEPS• Complicated to coordinate additional details • See a Mentor

– Similar to how I mentor parents homeschooling high school– CollegePlus! will mentor the students homeschooling college

Woody RobertsonCollegePlus!

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• Distinct Advantages:– Time Savings– Increased Quality– Flexible– Cost Effective

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Doug PhillipsDavid Noebel Voddie Baucham Jeff Myers

Tim Echols

CollegePlus! Endorsers

Gary Demar R.C. Sproul Jr Kevin Swanson

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• Find out more—request information– Get free eBooks, audios, and videos–

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Thank you!

Woody Robertson

Vice President of CollegePlus!

Page 16: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Distance Learning

• Online college of today is equivalent to yesterday’s distance learning– Not a new phenomenon– Previously mailed in tests and papers– Now email or fax or online classes

• Resources– Accelerated Distance Learning– Bears Guide to Earning Degrees

by Distance Learning

Page 17: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Working– Work may eventually lead to college– Debbie’s Story

• Starbuck’s to Business School

– De’Etta’s story • “Not going to college” courses harder

her "going to college” plan• Son working at Chick Fil A • Wanted to own one• Required a business degree• Decided THE WEEK BEFORE SCHOOL to go to college.• Easily passed entrance tests because of his high school

Page 18: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Working– Plan for the best possible education

• Life skills• Work skills• Job skills

– “Always be prepared” means a "college prep" track

– Kids change their minds– Kids grow and mature– High school apprenticeships provide later


Page 19: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Attend a University• Preparation for college application • Plan college prep classes• Take PSAT• Find a college to visit • Take SAT or ACT• Choose a college • Apply

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Attend a University• Application is a PROCESS not a MOMENT– Application forms – Essay• Self-reflective• Technically perfect

– Letters of Recommendation– Financial Aid forms

Page 21: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Gap Year• Increasingly common

– Favored by some colleges– More mature students

• Still considered a freshman– Do not take college course of any kind

• Defer enrollment– Accepted into college– Wait a year to attend– Don’t take a single college credit

• Apply after your year off as a transfer student• College policies vary widely

Page 22: Options after High School Lee Binz, The HomeScholar.

Gap Year• Community service• Mission work• Work experience• Search for scholarships

– College Scholarships for high school credit

– Getting the BIG Scholarship–– Qiang Culture and Language Preservation

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Couch Potato• Not the same as a Gap Year • Goal is growing up• Failure to launch• Avoid enabling dependency• Parenting Super Hero or Not?


• "Ten Ways" e-Book– httP://

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Question and Answer