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Page 1: Ontology and spatial planning

Ontology  and  spa-al  planning.  

Beniamino  Murgante,  Francesco  Scorza    

Università  della  Basilicata  –  Laoratorio  di  Ingegneria  dei  Sistemi  Urbani  e  Territoriali  (LISUT)    University  of  Basilicata  –  Laboratory  of  Urban  and  Regional  Systems  Engineering  (LISUT),    

Viale  dell’Ateneo  Lucano  10,  85100,  Potenza  –  Italy  [email protected]    


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

ICCSA 2011 – University of Cantabria, Santander, SPAIN Ing. Francesco Scorza

Page 2: Ontology and spatial planning


•  Lack  of  data  vs  interoperability  •  SemanRc  barriers  and  ontology  •  Broad  ontology  •  Conclusions  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 3: Ontology and spatial planning

Lack  of  data  vs  interoperability  

“Isolated” data set

Recent trends: •  Wiki approach in data production •  Volunteered geographic information •  Crowdsourcing •  Neogeography (geotg, blogs, etc.) •  …


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 4: Ontology and spatial planning

Lack  of  data  vs  interoperability  

Three main barriers:

•  Bureaucratic: poor practice in sharing data •  Technological: differences between systems

and data formats •  Semantic: lack of correspondance in



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 5: Ontology and spatial planning

SemanRc  barriers  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

… the main issue in usign GIS is “where is located an object” without thinking in deep about “what you are looking for” …..

Page 6: Ontology and spatial planning

SemanRc  barriers  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

… the main issue in usign GIS is “where is located an object” without thinking in deep about “what you are looking for” …..


Page 7: Ontology and spatial planning


A tool for achieving database integration and interoperability


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Planning issues: •  Complexity •  Detailed analysis •  Domains specialists •  Perceived visions •  Conflicting interests •  Uncertainty •  …

SemanRc  agreement  

Page 8: Ontology and spatial planning

Broad  ontology  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

DefiniRon  of  …  

DefiniRon  of  …  

DefiniRon  of  …  

DefiniRon  of  …  Obj.  


DefiniRon  of  …  

AYributes  …  

RelaRons  …  

Page 9: Ontology and spatial planning

Broad  ontology  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 10: Ontology and spatial planning

Broad  ontology  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure




Page 11: Ontology and spatial planning

Broad  ontology  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

!9-intersection model

Page 12: Ontology and spatial planning

Broad  ontology  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Broad boundaries model !

Page 13: Ontology and spatial planning

Information System A) (U, IS =

Rough  set  

! a"A # Va= value set (domain of attribute)

Let U be a nonempty finite set of objects called the universe

Let A be a nonempty finite set of attributes

{ }nxxxxxxx ,...,......... , , , ,,U 654321=

{ }3 2 1 ,, A AAA=

{ }{ }{ }4 ,3,2, 1V

2, 1V3,2, 1V







Revue des Nouve l l es Techno log ies de l'Information, Éditions Cépaduès, France


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 14: Ontology and spatial planning

Information System

U a1 a2 a3

x1 2 1 3

X2 3 2 1

X3 2 1 3

X4 2 2 3

X5 1 1 4

X6 1 1 2

X7 3 2 1

X8 1 1 4

X9 2 1 3

x10 3 2 1

function ninformatio V U:f aa →

Murgante B., Las Casas G., Sansone A., (2008) “ A spatial rough set for extracting periurban fringe”

Revue des Nouve l l es Techno log ies de l'Information, Éditions Cépaduès, France

Rough  set  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 15: Ontology and spatial planning

U a1 a2 a3 d1

x1 2 1 3 1 X2 3 2 1 4

X3 2 1 3 5

X4 2 2 3 2

X5 1 1 4 2

X6 1 1 2 4

X7 3 2 1 1

X8 1 1 4 2

X9 2 1 3 3

x10 3 2 1 2

Decision System  A decision system is an

information system in which the values of a special decision attribute classify the cases

other attributes a ! A- d{ } Conditional Attributes

Ad )A (U, DS ≠∪= d

Revue des Nouve l l es Techno log ies de l'Information, Éditions Cépaduès, France

Rough  set  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 16: Ontology and spatial planning

[ ]{ } )( XxUxLX Bindii ⊂∈=


[ ]{ } )( ∅≠∩∈= XxUxUX Bindii

Equivalence classes

Lower Approximation

Boundary region

Upper Approximation

)(/)()( UXcardLXcardXB =µ

If BX = ∅ then the set X is Crisp If BX ≠ ∅ then the set X is Rough


Murgante B., Las Casas G., Sansone A., (2008) “ A spatial rough set for extracting periurban fringe”

Rough  set  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 17: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure


!" !"##$%&'(!# )*+,-'&.,!$ /-'&"%!% !"##&'#,%'!& 0,1%!' 2"13!( 4'51',6(!) 7$*3&-!* !"8'!"+ 918:


Page 18: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 19: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

!"#$$%$ !" !# !$ !% !& !' !( !) !* !"+&'"(!) ! " # ! " !*''"$ ! "#!*'+ !&+',%!* ! !&"#- ! ! "&+'.+#/ # " ! " !%-0(+'-/%-* # " # !


!" !"##$%&'(!# )*+,-'&.,!$ /-'&"%!% !"##&'#,%'!& 0,1%!' 2"13!( 4'51',6(!) 7$*3&-!* !"8'!"+ 918:


Page 20: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure


Page 21: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

# LEM2 # C:\Documents and Settings\LT\Desktop\ReDO.ISF # objects = 7 # attributes = 11 # decision = a6 # classes = {1, 3} # 0 s rule 1. (a2 = 0) & (a5 = 0) => (a6 = 0); [2, 2, 66.67%, 100.00%][2, 0] [{3, 4}, {}] rule 2. (a1 = 3) => (a6 = 0); [1, 1, 33.33%, 100.00%][1, 0] [{7}, {}] rule 3. (a1 = 0) & (a8 = 0) & (a10 = 0) => (a6 = 2); [3, 3, 75.00%, 100.00%][0, 3] [{}, {2, 5, 6}] rule 4. (a1 = 1) => (a6 = 2); [1, 1, 25.00%, 100.00%][0, 1] [{}, {1}] **END

Page 22: Ontology and spatial planning



Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

!"#$$%$ !" !# !$ !% !& !' !( !) !* !"+&'"(!) ! " # ! " !*''"$ ! "#!*'+ !&+',%!* ! !&"#- ! ! "&+'.+#/ # " ! " !%-0(+'-/%-* # " # !


!" !"##$%&'(!# )*+,-'&.,!$ /-'&"%!% !"##&'#,%'!& 0,1%!' 2"13!( 4'51',6(!) 7$*3&-!* !"8'!"+ 918:

4;0/<9=!>?;@ rule 1. (a2 = 0) & (a5 = 0) => (a6 = 0); [2, 2, 66.67%, 100.00%][2, 0] rule 2. (a1 = 3) => (a6 = 0); [1, 1, 33.33%, 100.00%][1, 0] rule 3. (a1 = 0) & (a8 = 0) & (a10 = 0) => (a6 = 2); [3, 3, 75.00%, 100.00%][0, 3] rule 4. (a1 = 1) => (a6 = 2); [1, 1, 25.00%, 100.00%][0, 1]

Page 23: Ontology and spatial planning


•  Interoperability  -­‐>  produced  “unified  legends”  ??  •  SDI  -­‐>  semanRc  approach  could  reinforce  the  usability  of  the  systems    

•  SemanRc  correspondence  brings  to  interoperability    not  only  between  data  sets  but  also  in  the  process  of  management  plans  and  intervenRon  programs.  


Laboratorio di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Urbani e Territoriali

Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering

University of Basilicata

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Architecture, Planning and Transport Infrastructure

Page 24: Ontology and spatial planning


           Ing.  Francesco  Scorza  

 PhD  Student  at  University  of  Basilicata  -­‐  Faculty  of  Engineering  Department  of  Architecture,  Planning  and  Transport  Infrastructure  (DAPIT)  Laboratory  of  Urban  and  Regional  Systems  Engineering  (LISUT)  Viale  dell’Ateneo  Lucano,  10  85100  Potenza  –  Italy  [email protected]  Skype:  francescoscorza  Tel:  0039.347.7001363