Download - Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom 7/Fredonia NY Censor...liiOST.—On Ang. 22d or 23.1, ou» Stifap 8andal blliper, Nv. 4» pink Ijoed. Anybody having

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom 7/Fredonia NY Censor...liiOST.—On Ang. 22d or 23.1, ou» Stifap 8andal blliper, Nv. 4» pink Ijoed. Anybody having

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S! . of Pogars, y rrant the

goes to

at.. .other rices YY«

-•.. oi k of

$1 BL V A S E » J |

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.. a p. «| I b r r CO*t on aftV> d . •

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jgf-SinclaJrriUa Fair Sept. 9, 12. Tbanka for a ticket. .


n , _ A refresh i n ; rain Monday,

night changed the appearance of street*, tree* and lawn*, Tor the bet- \ tor.! The drouth ha* been long and tedtone bat ha* not done, material injuiry to crop*. j

jarMiaa Neat, as she introduced herself, gave street harangues for 6t. John and Daniel two erentngar )a»t week. She ha* a powerful voice and (bat l« about all there was to her t a l i . »••• '

^r-The lady bicyclNt, E1-* Von-Blurnen, wa* pronounced a fraud b> the crowd that went to see her race with horaea a t the Driving Park. Sbej was nnfortunale iu having a bad fall, bat It waa generally voted that she couldn't ride extra fast anyhow.

iisrDr. B. T. Ely of Joh-oe Hopkiuh sndj hi* brother George, Prof, hi i'.ii.jntol College, have with their % •••-. been Ti l t ing their parent*,

Mr and Mr*. -£. S. - Ely, the ; a -

- »» ajrThere will be a Prohibition

polE raising at Chaa. Qibbs' ou Et*t Avi'»»ue tbl* Wednesday evening a'

:loek. Also Mr. A '"

pained to

U-.U Alvu C<i">un.

. v. a Prohibition pole raising Satur­day evening, Aug. 30, at 7 o'ol-.cV. AH are invited.

liiOST.—On Ang. 22d or 23.1, ou» Stifap 8andal blliper, Nv. 4» pink Ijoed. Anybody having s»id "Mppof will do us a favor'to call and „• • : the joWte to \\, aait is no good to u-. -

w I - J. B. MrrcB<ci.L & Co.

**-The North Eatt Sun complain* bitterly at the village authorities at having failed to so; piy fire ex­tinguishing apparatus. Say** the Presbyterian church caught' at the s&res and burned slowly fdr a lot g time, the same with the Park sh< e store. A small stream would have saved both buildings. There are men in Fredoaia who would have led this village aa defenseless if they cokld have bad their w a y . . .

Rev E. F^ Crane, a Baptist minis­ter of Corry was much astonished at this tricks of a slate writing medium atjCaHadaga and said so, whereupon he was heralded as a convert, publishes a.denial, sara the mystery wks beyond his conception, but sufficient to shake hla faith. Crane was recently pastor of Baptist churcn in Duukirk and ksown as a lighting parson

toe war. - i ' *

r_*M>. Walter Willson and wife, o/ Webster City, Iowa, have return­ed to visit relatives and old friends of Arkwrlgbt, Fredonl* and vicinity. Mr. Willaon ba«'been absent forenrer fdrty years, is a thorough busineatt man, and has accumulated to b4mselt and family a fortune, and we are gisd to welcome him back. Sol-dicm we meet with more warm hearted and congenial friends than Mr. and Mrs. Willson.

Lax* ExccRSiosr.—Next Thursday the ni.e sieanier

on ot *v Dunkirk

c t M i i m u -


CCCUMBWtS FOR PICXLK3, r | r ' « C ou Ilerry street. I 3v^32

Ue ery not Mr the

wa* during


Avery pleasant surprise pajti w w given Misses,'Jessie and Ella T»rr, xi heir home, Tuesday afternom, b

about twenty of their young Ifridda and schoolmates.

FBOM L A O S I . — A small cojinpai-y of Democrats gathered at L»o ia Sat urdny evening to raise a pole, Sen atpr Morris was the main s jeaker*. Ho frankly admitted the tbkquy against the moral fame of* Clevelai.d and simply retorted, "What of it? D. S. Wright, he of the rolling bil lows, was the next speaker. He said that wherever there was a nicivhooee

ell painted, a nice lawn, the weeds kept down in the garden and high­way, there be was sore to find a Demo­crat, and if the reverse, a Republican He evidently is not eonversant with somo of the suburbs of Dunkirk and

Fredonia. The Democrats ot Cassadaka who

claim that Cleveland is iaa good as elected, but thought, best to] have meeting, sent their best mail for speaker. This gentleman called on Frank Burrit. Frank made some ex­cuse, said he had not the time, but beiug urged, said he wan not a Cleveland man. The gentleman was surprised. Ue evidently iad noi heard that Dr. Burritt had] been read

>out tho party.- ' . Passing up the street the othor day

'above Lauua, 1 saw three little boys resting by the roadside, ana a long pole lay beside them. 1 sslid, "Do you intend to raise that pole?" They replied, "Ye-, • ,'H w* are iroine to

and >»

HIOHWXT RoBBtaT.—Mr. Pfcelps, a citizen of Laona, who. last Ipring bought the' Purple' place, has been engaged in selling fruit and vegetables In Dunkirk and James­town. When returning from the latter place last Saturday evening, ibout 10 o'clock, be was two miles we-1 of Sinclairville, turning onto the Pleasant Vslley road, w« Iking hy1 the side of his wagon, w len a man seized him by the leg, threw him down, and jumping on him, placfd his hand, containing a sj>om»o Saturated with chloroform, over his mouth. Mr. Phelps tried to halloo, and rained his hand to strike, I when a confederate seized bis harxl said, "Old fellow, wo have got you "tie ihlnss he muet have laid there about an hour, when he recovered to •ind himself robbed of all his rionry, bein* about $25. lie found 1 imself bad:y bruised in th- stomac t and' side. The hor«o was still sti.ndinir iii-ar by. He succecdrd in netiing to

t hou'e near bv, where ho rer ovor night. N» xt day he^caine CaAAadxga and .procured mediaal aid, arriving at home at night in a dilap­idated condition. Mr. PhelpeJwaa a soldier nod wasjwice wouud^d. He i» a poor but industrious citiznn and bas; the, sympathies of " ~ * nity.

^ . . . . .^ . f\<r at Wolber'p,

PxasoWau-Asa Shelley »me home looking well. He i s a PitUburgh.,

Miss Minnie M. Brown at Chatsworjth, IU. on her school

Thursday. Mr. E. P. Gilbert is not

of Cornell University, mistake so stating.! He of the Sage. School, a

jeweler in

returns to

! Treasurer It was oar a manager school for

ladle* connected with the DulversitT Miss Alice Bradlsh hss returned

from her visit to Massachusetts friends and relatives, and has accep -SI posltlou tho school* at Hough-J D > Mich., whither she departs this W »• Cta • * * • ' '

PhebeSelover of New York, week pa-»t with Mrs. Auna

Miss Selover is on her way to Minn., whercj she is to

t^ach in St- Gary's Hall Mr iHra"1 K r o m o f W , B C O n 8 , n '

Mrs Laujjtillii of Ohio, have their brother J. B.

it**0"1' i"" 1 L. ~* Mrs. J. H. Carter, laughter of

Mi". Edward Baldndgc, and sister of Marvin. GMu;d, is spei dlug a few

in this vie uliy and

their were

J. E. O.

RcpcDlitioo Meeting a t saOlordL

Wo are requested to announce that i here will bo a Republican meeting in the eohool house at Milford, next S Saturday evening. Hon.. J. T. *Wil« Sams and others will address the meeting on! the issues ol the cam"

sign and everybody is cordially in-ted to" attend. ' . •>

Miss speut tho Dana


a n d


weeks visit fug On Wednesday, Aug

"' " ceieuVated U/3: Lenthel Plait at

p, Mr.

wlhich resent all Ihar children

;>lai. and W.te, from lion*, %t{J^' p T Piatt and w do, fry" CUWago, B m IVS. Piatt and W le, pi i o S h , £ i Wilson, ot / jedouia and M ^ M y r a P i a t t o t Chicago Also .U the graudchildreu « . ^ P one

Periwinkle wlli make an excursion of 40 miles or more ou Lake Erie, lsavlo *t •-.' 1». m. and returuing at 5 p. m. Ticket*only 23 cents for the trip. Tickets to Dunkirk and back by Street car, 20 cents. Take 1:15 car.

MORE Gas.—EdU & Son have thr bos^ well now, at their tannery in

They drilled "230 feet and

Lougan on." The ^boys Ml D. B,

f e i"

a i . y


BaonL, have a y ie d of eleven thousand per d»y, more than come"* from jr ill ever drilled m Kretloitla. Scott Aidrich is bavin( a well drilud 9/ i -o iwr Jfc Regon, on Day atreet.

Tnx Pan.—In this paper will W 'ouud the advertisement of the auuu a fair of the Agricultural Society of >' >••• ••.•rn C h a u t a u q u a , t o b>- h--'.<I or

the grounds of the socielv beiween |Fredoula and Dunkirk, Sept. 16'h t-20th inclusive. The manager- nr>

aking every effort to give a gratW.i mertainment and exhibition an

s rill no doubt succeed. The pre mum list Is carefully arranged and liberal. Those who have not received a coi> of it will be supplied on appdeatio: to the secretary, Geo. E. Tiffany . \>t\ Fredonia.> We shall hare more .to say about special features of thh Pair hereafter.'

and we are going nave a flag on it with the |nuunes 111 lino and were Irish. . A JJucrrMlut B u s i n e s s .School.

The Bryant & Stratton Buffalo Bus­iness College Uas now enjoyejd a sue c«ssful exi>erieoco of tulrty yearo Che •chuol ha* beeu recent.yjremoveo to a large and clegaut are-proo* uuildiug, and now otters an ijm proveo course ot study andunequulled fucm t.iea 67S studeuU were iu ai|ieudauc< last year. The fall Utriu wjill 't pen .inu.iiuv , Sept. 1st, 50 pagej ldusua

ted Catalogue sent tVeo.

an, live children a.'.d tea ren.

Mr. and Mrs. Piatt enjjjy most ex ecllent health ana bid lai to live to a good old age, their age* 71 and P9, respectively. The presents wore nice 'and appropriate.

Hox. STXTHKK J. Fr t iA Justice of United StateB Supreme Court, was a guest of Hon. Samuel B. fe'mith at U. McClanathan's on Central Ave­nue, last Friday and Satu -day. Judge Field and Mr. Smith wer i Argonauts of ' California, and fellow mem­bers of the pecond legisla .uro of that State. Judge Field is a njiost delight­ful conversationalist, and those who had the honor to meet hjm have very pleasant recollections of his visit. The Field family have all- attained tame, and baye bad a larjge In tluoncc on American affairs. David Dudley the dtitinguished juristj Cyrus W., the great financier and originator of the Atlantic Cable, Henry M., the able writer, and Justice Stephen J Field, are all great men ind the beat ty pe of American manht >od. J,udge Field would have made \ moch bot-| tor showing a« the Donjocratic can didate for President thai tho present! sufferer in that position But "—' of his high standing have little trol of the affairs of that] party days.

pa~\xi accordance wilh a change o constitution the annual meeting lor the election of officers of the T. U. will be held iri tempi'ranc*

011 Hall ou Friday, Sept. 5Ui at 3 o'clock p. in., Instead of in December as for­merly. All members are requested

to be present. Mrs. E. MeNjinix, Prca't

N. S. Taylor, See.

cm E r


B J a m l o t .

T U B I t W C B t l C A N MEETWO.

I Our flanilet' correspondent writes of the Republican meeting addressed by Hon. JJT. Williams last Saturday ovening: .1 . . ; »,

The Republican meeting held on Saturday evening last was a complete success. Tho hall was crowded, to its utmost capacity. 'Hon. J . . T . Williams addrcs-jed a largo and ap­preciative audience, and his remarks were received with choors/and hut-raliB from'every corner. Mr. Wil­liams is a very able speaker, and his Btatomcuts were factq and t'jiglit to the point. I noticed some of the Deraocratt looked as -a • case knife after the speech. The Blaine and Logan club showed their colors

oast fine

iherj con


|kmn;o J , IV.


W n t T T K N RKblCS OV § 5 Y k A B S StXCX

—Tuo sous ot the late N. C.| Thomp­son of .Stock tour presented w. it-r a pa[>er iuclosiag dozen certiticates given -pected lather as a u|/co peculiar caio in preserving rr cords a* veil aa all luatteraTrequiriiig

Fla'V Wtta bloKn V. & P' 'If

<resiie twent} bones of both

l«s severe coil-d lace. Noi­sed conditioii the foliowinjg

tho some


|their re-imen of hbi

his at

tentiou generally. Of specimen* I eivo earlloVt: -; ^irtifv that Newel C. Th-

rlidn " f t in lis

l lKl.KN J o . s . . - . I I Cli.

Of Stockton, 1820

'hompeoh Is at tho head of bis cl, 11(i meet- the approbaUon of

Tuesday afternoon lern. about 12 years ol off a flu-ear on the D. »L wlnle crosshit; a «*ot hi„'h, aud had botl firearms broken, besid unions of the head ai

tvithstaudiug his bru •ie was on tho street lay.


terosted as to who ( trustee iu place of Mr. or want him continued, bo on and vote a] the public

afiorjnoou. iu Aca

well. Thej glee club from tho part of thd town rcudored some

campaign Irtonge and were warmly applauded, also tho martial band from tlie same place played some .HvQiy.airs, while our Uamlet band was ready [.when called upon and ex­ecuted some vory tine music, and is ready to enliven a political meeting at any time. Remarks made by RevMs Wilcox and Blackmail though brief were! to the point and wore well

I received by tho audience. Mr. Wil­liams pictured to young voters the need of a republican administration, aud so plainly that even if they had beep reared Democrats their viewn would be changed. Mr. Williams hasjthe support and good wishes of the Republican party i n oar town and we fee! that he Is,a suitable man for the place he will soon he called upon to accept. After giving three cheers for tho speaker and three cheers for Blaine and Logan the meet­ing was adjourned.

A SERIOUS NUISANCE.-— Residents on Central Avenuj and other streets have been seriously annoyed and damaged recently by. parties of

[youngsters from Dunkirk who come up about .daylight and rob orchards and gardens indiscriminately. If some village or town constable will make a capture of tho whole party and have thorn legally and- severely dealt with,, it would bo a public benefit. Mr. Prushaw lost a fine lot of Hubbard Bquashes a few mornings ago and his neighbor Mr. Lake, has had a number ot pear trees stripped, others have lost plants from .flower l>eds., We hoar of similar depreda­tions on other streets. .The matter lias became an organized industry on Hio'part of the Dunkirk gang aud has been toloratcd too long. It be­gan by people horo kindly giving away their fallen fruit," a charity which will have to jbo stopped in order to preserve anything movable ou village promises.

fiensorfbfthe We will send the CXOTOB. to new

subscribers from now till Dec, ,j 1st,

1884. .'•- -••' -. .4 • • j- • • FOR SO'CENTS. j

" NOBTH EAST, x^a., has thirty-one natural gas wella. put down within fifteen years past, of which fourteen have been, put down the past, year. They are.used to supply light.,and fuel to the household. ,, The depth bored ia 500 to -GOO feet*..: J ?

; Judge lAwrence^bf Ohio, an; emi­nent, dtizen^ijf •.reported1 by the Waahjngtoa rorTespondent of. the Chicago lhter-Ocean, as saying:

"^Luian .yrhOj if eiected cannot take his family to the White HOUHO

1—that means a groat deal. For such a man to bo elected President would be a. reproach upon us as a people. No virtuous, seli-respecting woman could accept* his hospitality without feeling that she was! com­promising herself.. I would say the same if such a man was the candidate of my own party. I dx> notj believe our people will elect Mr. Cleveland."

Eev. George H. Ball has brought suit for libel against the New'York Post and its weekly, the Nation.— Tho suit is based on slanderous statements made against Mr. Boll editorially and otherwise, in which he waa referred to as a liar, a scandal­monger, and charged with selling his vote and influence; The damages are laid at $25,000. This is the sec­ond suit of the kind brought by Mr. Ball, the first being against the B c v ton Herald. In this suit the grouuus are the same and the amount of damages claimed is the same Trial in this latter case will be had in Bos­ton. Dr. Ball says there will be no unnecessary delay in bringing these cases to trial.

The Prohibitionist always appear to be busy, but there are no tangi­ble results. They remind one of tho fellow turning the handle of the. pea­nut roaster, to whom the granger said, after waiting some time impa­tiently: **Why the mischief don't you play something!1'—Tezsas Siftinga.

CHTOAGO, Aug. 22—John King, Jr., the newly elected assistant president of the Erie Railroad and a represent­ative of , the English bondholders, were inThis dt yjtO-day and inspect­ed tho torminul fucilitios of the Chi­cago and Atlantic Road, with which they expressed' themselves ' much pleased. Mr! Kihg^says the under­standing in his election was that he should succeed- -JeWett as president on December 1 : - H e will also be president of the Chicago and! Atlan­tic. Boad. !'- i"-* •

of Louisiana


T 27, 1384;



Not sr ; • i Wo can offer our custom abetter

Pine and Hemlock ohlngle than' har ever heretofore beph kept In Fredo­nia, our "own make ' Como and see them, f Hemlock Bill stuff, car load or lessk, flt-low pricoa. . Building ma-•crial, all kinds, canMunllsh prompt­ly. Oar Fertilizers are the best; x" the market. We sell low anjd bound to give satisfaction. ',

,PmTciiAnDi& WoonccJcK.

in are

P. G. LOWE, i Vice PresideaL

N. C. 8TON*. . Vice Jfresiaeot • ".> wwwr. -

• " , --, h\ 5

TaT ! • ' • . •• 1 T l ' . ^ l .

Will be he


Ex-Marshall Pitkin

disgusted regime and i politics of hoped that

is talking


First Diy,

t you arc 10-llmll bo scltopi Alva Colburp,

hniid gohj)ol tuectitjg

eat-The Presbyterian 8. 8 excur­sion to Chautauqua last Saturday was a grand success. There were seven ear loads from Dunkirk and another car added at Brocton, mak­ing some COO people in all. The best thing at Chautauqua was the concert, and the "best thing in the concert was

nay certify that r - at the bead, of his class

Chautauqua, 1819. H E 44 This certifies that Newel

C au instructress, oiuckiuu,


"N C. Thompson, head of th li eta**, merits this.

Tae "this" was paptir of that time, 4 mctiea ,. ozi \ and m o o manner orouiuente>i as wore the other*. Mra. Jouo-i vv*n wife ot Carlton .Jouert, then resident physician. Miis Mortou ot Fredoaia will be remem|bercd by your earl) citizens.

H. CKISSKTC. L common wntill

one and fopi result go pj

,luin. Be thtro are entitled to

his Wednesday demy Hull*, between • clocks Dou't lot thb

default and then com i'id vote. Women I'oio'ut thiB meeting ind it* they euro 'or the right of suflVace thoy oughtjto • -ow It by iiuproving u

i »i*tnnity. i Lot's havj muting this time.

every such < P' a full nohool

Coc»Ty Vaxxaax . TJsio*.—The next aunual njeetlug of tbCj Chaut. Co. Veterans is to be held at Point Cbautauqa the first Tuoiday In Sop-

Mrs. Hull's singing, l t a e e m s a c e n - tember. The [programme^ the first tory ago that Jovinelia Oliva Tinker day will be reception of soldiers and and stater used to come to Fredonia and give concert* wfth Joe Hull ad-ranee agent. It is a quarter of a cen­tury, and the graceful Miss Juvinelia has since grown to be a stout woman. She married her agent some years ago and is now known as Mrs. Juvia C Hull, and she sings better than ever., That prayer from 44Der FreU-shutznas she rendered it Saturday,was alone worth thr trip to Chautauqua.

But about the excursion. It seemed as if everybody went with bis uncle and aunt and all the children, and all returned safely. It made a pleasant winding op of the Chaa taoqua season.

KxcrrEMx-ar A T J Y I X BuntcN.—itho I-ke was"vory rough last. Thursday and a number of 3 oung puoplo at Van Bureu prepared to go In and en joy the breakera TJhtoi tunatiely tbey chctPC the cove lext td the Pcjln't and Miss Alice Lathrop and Ed Isham were carried by the current past the boacb and around where tho rocks come straight down to the water. Chauncoy Kathbun came to their relief, and theltwo boys by dint ot heroic effort kept Miss

their famUieaand registration until noon. Iu the afternoon business meeting, electljon 6f officers and re­port. Of committeea. In the evening aCamp cohducted by ScoU Post of Tonawanda- The second day there will be speeches by Judge Tourgee and Corporal Tanner) and>eihera and the programme is of unusual Inter-

Grand Army comrades and all other ex-soldier*, and their friends, who detdre to attend the reunion at Point Chautauqua on Sept. 2 and 3, are requested ro meet at the Park House, Fredonia, at 9:30 a. rn. Sept. 1 Car will leave at 10:0O a m. sharp. Tiioao who are unable to attend Ro-onion on 2d, ean take car at same 00 the 3d. Street car fare to Dun­kirk and return 13 centB From Dun­kirk to Point Chautauqua and return 75 ceotr. Reduced rates at hotel and cottages at Utter point. ' '

A g r a n d • ' c a m p are-' will be held* on"the evenlug of Sspt. 2>l, at which' Corporal Tanner aud others will speak. The veteran* extend a cor-dial invitation to alt who by circum­stance* over which they bold no con trol were not permitted to joia.them In the field, to corns out and bear 4<ail about the War.*' .. \.

est. A PLEASA-JO" B^OTK.—The number

who take excursion ttipsls increasing each Beason, siod a vacation of two or three weeks is very generally, enjoy­ed. . No more agreeable excursion can be taken than that to Cape Vin­cent, over the Rome, Watlertown- A Ogdensburg Railroad. . The tralnB leave Niagara Falls Ss Sospensitn Bridae morning and evening, and arrive at'Cape Vincent 240 milos the folia wing evening or morning. The. I road passesf through'a delightful' country, rioh in agricultural pro ducts. It lsj in splendid couditiou, nice cars and every attention paid to the comfort of passengers. It is on the direct liae of tourists from the West to the Thousand islands, Men treat, Quebec, White Mountain* and

from being swepjt away, wave carried them .0 a ledge' tbey were able to hold on. mocks and lines we e let down above and the exh lusted little lady drawn up to the top' of tho She was somewhat prostrated by fright and exertion but, is all right now and.will be 0:1 hand with violin at tho co icert in hall JtbiB evening. Mr. and Mra throp express grateful thanks tt the gallant boys, also tjo Rev. Mr. L< Uoy and others who yore so heart r ' -

ItoapEnr —We are Informed that a sneak-thief 44wont through" the house of a Mr. Harrington, living near For-estvillo, lkst Friday afternoon, while tho fanllly were absent. On their re­turn they missed a gold watch and chain and a number of articles of less value... That same afternoon a st.-an-irer, who Is .probably tho thief, in­quired of a neighbor tho Way to Dun­kirk. Ho was a smooth faced young man, wearing.a light Derby hat, an <Id rubber coal, black pants and but­ton shoe*. The matter has been placed in the hands of detective Matteson of Duukirk.

Alice til j a where Ham-from

Masonic La­

in their care taking Afterwards. Whllo this rescue wa* go ng on young Ned Bock became help o«w in the wat >rby reason of cramp*, md Charles M;oore promptly jumped off the high and brought him out, was a very exci ing afteruooh) rery fortuhate in (the outcome.

Tho want' of waUSr on tho Fai{ louslir and detijimentally felt matwlgement concluded to dig til Th<y gave the JOB to tho Miperislon of U G. Wil 01 of Fredonia, who, with a working force', was at work last week, and at the depth of 111 feel struck a fine,veil. The well i 1 .duk around the-torins-driveu Vei l wil.

Boston. Tlie rales of travel by rail be neatly walled "un this woe\: and substantially curjbed. It is now be-and water are very cheap. Wa were

told by a w!i*consln tourist recently that bis trifl cost him but 0110 cenf. per mile fer his round trip. We have been ojver this road and know what we say about it. \

Unclaimed Letter* at Fredonia P. O. Aag. 19, 1 8 8 * - .

Mia* Julia Gould. J. Hatrur, M'I-H Julia Roucb, E lzabeth II. SteVena.

M. A. I'Exnurrost, P. M.

WAirrtm McNally & Photo-Prln and colore*

every t<>wi| live men.


' \ \

bh.ll Altogether it


adequate snpp Grounds being ser-

bo no further trou tievejl there wnil ble In precurinc enough watbr for -took, welting t i e track and (other­wise faying dust,'etc.

I— Agents 'to >ell Rand Co 's "Dollar A la*;" also

jlsof Cleveland and Blaine, camps! fn'charts. These

are all latest good* pi JR., McN So Co. and --'U fa-t. -Agents wanted In

Exdu-i-e territory to Addre-S D; BBOwJcT Main St., BuflalQ, N. .T.

Farm for Sale. One hundred

sitnah'd two Creeks N. Y

and seventeen hides west of on tho main

Well watered kin! adapted to a»d grain. A great variety o| 11 )ii-o and llijrns in good Terms easy, ingnireof II. H. Bradford, Pa. Ind., or on the


Ad«it, premisea.

ufl, ber


The baggage masters of the conn try at thAir recent convention pass od a resolution asking every body who travels to have trunka or satchel* marked with name and residence. Then if the baggage goes astray it is nnro to get back some day. That is sensible and now let thev traveling public act on that suggestion.

' Firsh nir for children comes high in New York. Nearly $19,000 has been spent for it this summer, and there is not' half enough to go around.

The latest theory about the earth-qnnke is that some green, apples ac­cidentally dropped into the bowels of the earth through one of the Penn sylvania oil wells,

The new voters will have a good deal to say this year. I n New York State there are 192,T60, who were too young to vote in 1880, in Ohio 134,000, in Indiana 89,229, in Massa­

chusetts 67,600, in New Jersey 43 , -731, and in Connecticut 24,102. •

Patrick Guilford beard a noise in the lower part ot his house to-night. On descending he found a young thief. The intruder clapped a pitch plaster over Guilford's month and es­caped before the latter could give

says that a new republican party has grown up iu that stat< 1 that will compel a fair count of votes this year and will carry tho Btate. S o says that clubs are being) formed of white men who havo formerly been democrats, but who are with the existing corrupt are going to reverse the the State. I t is to be Pitkin knows what he! about There isfat least no doubt of Democratic corruption, in Louisi­ana.

With the diplomatic.aspects of the war between - France and China, which began to-day with the bom­bardment of Foo'Chow, Ithq United States have little' concern. Its rela­tions to our commerce,. hWever, are

jtf soon to requirej attention. TWenty-two ports of China are now oj>en to Em opeon (trade, and with u em-the business transacted by tho

pited States, Great Britain and Germany is considerable.- I t . will hardly be possiblo for France , to un-dirtake a blockade oi, these ports •w ithout being immediately called to account by the powers with which she interferes, Ou the other hand, it i < more than likely that] the" IJnitcd gtates, being in more direct commu rication with China than are tho Eu-r :>pcan powers may be directly bene-i ted'through an increase of its com-nerce._' ' ! : { •';.. • .'••.

• Pritohard * Woodcock sell Brad­ley^ Sea fowl Guano, li. I* Crockei> loneat Phosphates, tho only roliubb

lurtilizore. in the'.murket—Also low' iff grade phDflp^atpa I I lOtf.


t£J* 2d Day, M \U k' Sept.,16

10:30 track of 4, &^5.

12 in.' Building.

10 a colts, P

J -.

increaseto V >, -' ti$m 0.

O F xiELATViEUSJ W OJgtl'igC, ; • . . - ' , • • ' • - • • r f i *

CAPITAL Proposed Subscriptions received for_ ther: propo^ijSci'^^^^^l:. Money loeiis in Kansas at "from >1.0'.per.^nC-^.^'i^^^^nt. Business paper negotiated a r ^ ~'*-+—*4-'**'i t'*^**&ljPFaMAA on Farm Mortgages 'bearing interest ^ " - -



their groundi tween


1 •

1 ji-.

Farm; iVIortgagfes for y*i£* City 4 per cent j bonds for sale (as good as any city bond can

be) at a price that Willibringd.good rate of int(Test to the investor akd sure to advance ihjprice when business again gets settled and money easy again. Correspondence -solicited. ' Write us fjbr any information about Kansas. i ^nxSl ,,

They have just received a New aad Fresh Bteckof

1 1 n Coffee,

And a) complete line

Spices. o OsocesVes bonght

T H E F J L L T E R M OF 1 8 8 4 BEGINS SErr;8MBitR 3 d .

Hox L. C


sloes the recent fall la prices, aad will sclithetn at Hopx>k FIGUHIC8. j! A Splendid Stock ot v , Splet

'V- I


; . ; - . i '

.. .'.'i,; .• •'


• r y X # O C L A J O J B O - A J E W D . \ . t

M O R R I S , Pru., L. M C K I N S T R Y , Sec'y, P ^ H . Srsv'KVS,^ L. M A R K , A L V A COLBURN, How. M. M. FEITNKR. •

Normal Department; ',


to, irae tp

$18, $10 , Sp

gentlemen © t o

3d Diy, VfUm, Sept. 18.


3 c<

10 n. m of horses books 6, "Jjl

1 1 a . noj 12 ,m. 2 p. In

3yeftrjo S12 50 $ f - ^

2-MQ Class ed $75j, $P4

3 p . rr Purse $ i / i .

< • • >> r T ! i x n HOTT »r innwiH BTWicgB (30. Uctej (Mm.

^ ^ ^ Bold at sU ^ffloesot ttjfCo..PayabJ» krolost. at 8.600 places, a r r w t vo « r « * . WZZZXJ Jm^ih^f»o^^l^\WKp20o. 0mt< -r+—

4tlJ Day, | . | y , Sept. 19

F o r sa8© o r E c a J .

The House and'Lot! on (Centor St. formerly owned by-Itev. \A. Rlngs-

[JBury, also • i LOTS OK GaRDitN Sc MWJJHAKIC STB.

Terms low arid time gi^en. 16tf ' J. B. McCLANlATHAN.

2nd eheap.

hand top wagou for sale PUT^AM^'GRPCEKT. tf

• r*prt»«rUUvB of good •dOrecaf ' " "- '• ObcnUn

W A I l X X#J^T kdOreaa ta Irkval throuoh

AT. ONGBffl» °^L't\ ortouL ^TiAffi n 0Mtjunttoa UXK un UECEAM-

deniuna^nd^utxxl tbein, firtojt llielr

rnee. Sl-r), purse; $ 7 . 6 0 L $jj

3f l i m. sion by

10 a. tin. tie. sqeep. a

12 2:3H


ICO who rmi quick; csa


the woll

acros. Silver road. krasB fruit.

the alarm. Later Wm. O'Neil wasl arrested and identified: The pitc» plaater is a new innovation in per­petrating burglary. . ,

[ W H O THB RASCALB ARE.—'t . A little statement . made by Mr. MoPberson proves conclusively that theory ot 4*Turn the rascals out* \k pure faci-tisj. By tliis table the amoupt of loss' on $1,000 to thb United Stales by discrepancies .ol a 1 kinds in public accounts in( shown to be, under the respective administra­tions, as follows : '|(Vashins;ton,s,$2 1 22; I John Adams'sJ $2 59; Jefferson' i, $2 7 5 ; Bladisbn's. $ 4 l 6 ; .Motr' roe's $8 *>- ; J Q. 1 Adams'a, $4.3t •, Jackson'*, 87 52 ;' Van Karen's, $11 .-71; Harrison'sand Tyler's, $6 4l»; POVM, H OS; Taylor's 'and ' Fill­more's, $ 4 1 9 ; Pierce's, $3.5<); Buchanan's; $3 8 1 ; Lincoln's, 76 cents; Johnson's 57, cents; Grantls, 24 cents; HayesV, 8 mills, and Gar­field s and Arthur's, 1" 8-10 mills. Tbi» giveB an average 16ss on tne $1,000 to republican administrations ot 89 centi«, and to all others of $5.21. In view of these facts the cry should be 'keep the rascals out."

i s n a w "o"r«or»«t»lsbt; p r o M U b W - . ^ - ^ week "who


iTfW traciv oi] m

TM BHADLBY, T. SiLiKfe: / • • ; '? •'!.•• ! ' l*ofi. t i 7 . 5 i rod unto OntaJrto VeUsrinsury Collea«

O m t t i w -RsMisTMor, J'" ' '' ' ' '''

Mo. 1.0 Whitest., Fredonia, N. Y.

T r - U »11 dl««<!Mo' H o r w *nd Cattle, by roefl towmnSMM. CM6r»£lon p«rforine<l.In Uio m o I S S o W n o r . . . w m !»n«w« ^ J Z ^ L t , n ^ , t . S U l t o n r m l a h e d f o r h o r j o . ^ ' ^ t r , * l " ? f i ^ :

of Dunkirk. » t whose oflloo ordcni m»r bo left.

$26 tm mwm

jpeau elite ivi 3ed

2 30 p


The Gen. Risley HOMESTEAD,


„ The hooss Is furnished throughout. Will be len-cd vrlib or wittiout tfurnitwre. ThlB is onV of the moBt deatrable rea'dt-ncea In be village, which will be Irented cheap

Inquire of •: .> ' - i .EDWARD C. RANDALL,

rejiair. Adsit,

Misblswaka, 2ui20

by Knjghiao

16, a t | U cert . sta't .

"So much natural gas" is being prjo* duoed at Pitlnburg that the inhabi­tants live ip lively hopes that the s noke nuisnnco may' disappear^ and the sun shine upon them jaat as it does upon the just.

$180 full expenses .for one year CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE.

Buudi>o«UJ for Uluntwtrd 0»t»loaue €»">•>» W S S T W U I give tutl InfonneUon oouc^rnuiif thie « S i ^ n U » l end weU-*nown, Bemliisry for " - -


i-muwijj ot

jMIVIE : 11 Sept. 17, Iring Exhibits .

11 PAY.

l a m i n a t i o n on

• » k 8 J» 2 ' a »

lib Exposition

ialwcyi on hand jour stock of

I • ' : L'i }' 1' . Fancy Goods, Perfumery and Cor-

•' • • .:" I t k '•"•''.

fectionery is Complete*. •


WILLOW WARE. &d. '''I'"' ! ,! ' . . . . - ' • '••';•::•: Cigars & Tobacco » i • . ' ' • ) ' • • • • i : ' " : ; ' • ^'1 ' A ' S P E C I A L T Y . * . .

•••••[ ' . . • . ' . * . • : 1 . ' i . - . - / • • '• '

j Remember the Place.

419 n ^ A I j l S r SXmDEDSJT.

^ -t

• . • • • • ; •

ent in designed for those only who desire to prepare to teach, and pupils must be at least 16 years of age and be able to pass a fair .examination in Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Reading, \yr i t ing and Spelling. '••»/ ' '• ••X

Tuition is free and the use of text books is furnished without

Academic Department. In thj.8 department pupils may either take a thorough literary

course, a course preparatory for college, or select such studies as are desired,to|fitfbr business. . .1 •','

Tuition is from $5 to $6 per quarter. in Intermediate Department $ 4 . , M Primary " $ 3 . I

! ' " ' . • * * ' • ' •

; f Kindergarten. T. T

Any Who deeire a thorough course of training in . Kindergarten] Methods ind Practice may find in this department superior facilities! under Miss Bemis.

, 4-year old livided,! $35,

' ' saooessor to GEO. W. 6I8SON, BXTAU. D»ALKR W

- • ' :

Music. /

. . . • "v'.*;

t •


I )V,

} !



II . • • •



Wood, umbef, Lath, Shingles,Lime,


ationohjtiraok a in harness^

jig Match.

t, purse divided,

$50, $25,

$160.- B iv io -i>|.50 $16 . • rttile foot ' racq* $fo,.55af$5.,lh

Cement, Land Plaster, dtc.l COR. MAIN ST]. & RAILROAD A V E

Branch yard at' Nickel Plate depot. Coal when token at that plsco at reduced rates •-xi. yard there. GILBERT P. MARSH.

9000 AGENTS WAITED ?ScMa1 T o »«11 t b « F te s t A i t i ' H KWTIC BUMrra-

j . , i 1 pbicfl ot J

BLAINE ANH L08AN! tly U. J. KiMniwiiil, ZM.. Mr Btotnft inximof fri~*& mJt jrrinmt iAalfA', and Ben P«1ey Poore,- for 1 8 •*<tri an iffirrr Mllr V. 3. Congrru 6,0001 OUtflU

*- » —«•« ™<n4nsi mourn.- The

Thoiie who desire lessons oihthe Piano or in Vocal Culture-wilL [ find rare opportunities under the instruction of Miss Norton an I

Miss D e w e y . Vocal .lessons will consist of studies for voice buildm r by Abt, Panseron, Panofka and others, adapted to individual voice; To c o m p t e t e a cotirse in vocal music < will require art extensive at -quaintance with the best Engl ish, German/and Italian songs, alto with the oratorios: of Handel, Haydrr, Mendeitoohn and pthera^.JLid with the operas ol Verdi, Donnizctti , Mozart, Rossini and others.

lesson.'; |" '•'!'".':''' ^ . ^ / ' . " . V ' , ' ' . ' .> ' . • ; • - - ' : . . . . • . • . ' • iu < iy\ ii(# safl

Lessons are given in Painting as formerly by Mrs.'Ely.

Tuition for instrumental or private vocal lessons, 7 5 cts . f>tr

m . ' i •,';T"'"".:'•' ' • . • • • - : ' • / • ' ' . " . s ' • - -••;*.-tr.":«."•••••••• •>•• •



BosJrd can be had in clubs a t . cost, or in" private families, rooms may be obtained for self-boarding. . £

- Fori circulars address F R A N C I S B . PALMER, Principal. • V - '

jirday, Sept . ;20, OL M Y . . ,

mko DUplay £ I z e animals. , . • j : ' icert.

•otting, free-for-all, Ifvided $87.60, , $ 4 4 ,

r e r # 8 , Pi

TROhTTi E N T R I E S close Sept. jri|Sn.: [ Entrance 1.0 per

Cqrilitio'ns, 5 to, enter, 3 to, . Apw lorke distancing the

field Will M entitled to firut mon-

f: :f

qrCelwS wltnln k week. A«enU coining wumry. The nH'j>lr 4«a*al mU work. HeoauM t b . mo«t aaQstt., "e*p.t*,«, ajlKirUsi, *"(t JUaily nitrtnUd. It contain. 160' J»(c« J finei rt~i )»rtmiu ; will be flfft « t , wfl tidUit, and j»T,V,br»«t treflU. J U N K . / tmrWiaMr, ••aickpm*} /KH,V.!^\.-nt« at ono. to OTIBAIX) BSCB, t'«|b".. 26 dm*, tam St , Xtw Terk. . •


in i nation of cat-.1 poul try , ' e tc j « mental Concert.

. rotting, 3 minute ), divided $50 , $26 , »uble team race, ide|d $25, $12.60,

[I I nd Balloon Ascent Carlbtta.-

|lice, i mi le and re-|feights, purse $100 ,

3 0 , $10 . llr-Grand Display o f


Awarded tusSliTWlIsdti-OTar an fwmpetltora a t K»w

Tft. operaUoai . rach that they MUtn the n i t a n T trntt ttUTor. Tho wyaporaUon la th* S > * rapid, wlta least fnaL *" -*«* Xor tmtm ortaofart uas.

tTfirtnrntbcib.*Tr Tinn irmaklnirApple J e l l y

! Send Tor Ulu«tr*ted Clrcnlar.

% Fana Machine Xo., 1. Oeftwwa ralia, V u

r.aoani atorafor

LECTION NOTICE, Notice 3k hereby jlTen that a general

ElecUon IS to be held in the seTeral .towns In the county of, on the' Tin s-day Bucceediog the firot. Monday f4th day) of Novernber next, at which will be chosen the offloerjs mentioned In the nodes, from the Secretary ol State, of which the fol­lowing Is k copy. Dated Mayrllle, N. Y., Angust7tk 18JM. j . V

CnAMERRlU^ ' . BherWf of Chautaoqna Co.; if. Y.

Bute of New York.-^Offlco of the Bec-retary ofKiato. Albany* August IsU 1884.

To the £her.ff of the County of Chautau-qaa. ' j ]

Bu*.-^Notice Is hereby glvea lhat, atlthe General Election to be bold in this Btate nn the Tuesday Bucceeding tho first Mon- 1 day0*' N,OTember next (Noverrber iin), * the following officers are to be elected, to wit: ] I

Two A*aoclateJodges of the Court of &.ppeala In the place of' Charles Andrews ana Charles A. Rapallo, whose terms of office will expire, on the last dty of Decem­ber rextJ




lKt3T>V13LfiSBCH:X3 1 8 T « - J A straight, uncompromising Rppubl can

paper, specially adapted for general d >CB-<a loa scnong the Germans o f 4bo Ur Ited B ales to locresse the Republtcao

SntecriDtions $1 per jam i n * m A dlscoaot allowed to Local aad Copnty

Commitrees.*-Addiessc ' - -

„Der New York RepubHc^ier N«w York tifyj4


,3RITCHARD -ft WOODCOCK, J! 0*1 • i \ -teqecessors


to Frszlne & Hamilton)

paaxaas ui

COAL IrXrithradite tumihous

ft Blossburg Lumber; Lath, Hemlock and Pine

'. j Shingles.

i : i r.r - v. We will not be undersold on anything In

onrj l lni. Hemlock lumber to order a specialty. .,;• J 4',; , i i \..

P R I T O H A R D & WOODCOCK. Sept. 1,1881). ,.

!-bempetitive Drill <JRBAl ;rREDUOMON! ! ikirk Cadets a o £ ' S I 5 0 A Y E A * l ^ _ t iikiirk Cadets

Aloysius. 9

ThlrtJ alx Electors of Pre-ldent Vice-President of the United States.

A RebrwenUtlve in tho Forty- Ninth fiotirresarf the United States,, for the S S S w S o r A C c n & o J i J District, com-Dosedpf^ewuotttsof ChaulaBqaa, CaU taranjcui, »nd* Alleganyj Jr. co^TTT.Frio««AUK>ab sa^axsxrted 1 0 *

sanJOOCNTT: Two members of Aaswnblr. Vj. Two Bcbool Commissioners.j • •-: F S l B S burrogatc, In the place of

T ^ r T r e a B u r e r . d a i b e p ^ . o f

°.t BSKSendent "of tie Poor,' In the

Uriah £ UDoe anl Egbert Denton. Twolooron*3^ '"J^i*1*0* ° f ^ ^

Y S « 2 S S a E » J k e x p i r e on *tUsTdaTof De^mber next. Aad at-

gsausJdS£,. P-I ««.tw.«iu. Chap-MS-

V, An l e t to provide for sobmlU^g a pro-* i S amendment to the cooBtltutlon to gJe leHoiB'o f the State. Passed June 1*. 1884. Three fiftba belnK V™*?--.. _ .

T ? h « l S > l e or the State of N e w York, J j f f / t o *»* «»nb)y, do enact as follows^ ^ ^ L „& fy

j , towns and watds of this

WA6E8 $2.00 TO $2,50 A DAff.

Wanted, Men for Canadian Pacific

lb months to 2<jyears steady work to work, $ 3 50. - '•]

For ..full nartlculars apply ' to Eltmrr B»«rrn. 200 Deer St. . Dunkirk: or 1), h'y Agent, 6 Niagara S U Buffalo.

Ship cTery Monday and Friday


P .




a "








JJEN|TRIE8. close Sept 4 to enter, 3 t

i 1 : j

T E B on all raill eciul train on the D

" jwill. leave each

""TVTLCOX, Gen. Manager Secretary.

I E S ^ N , i iup't ef P o l i a .


[uni'STSn d» TDK jj(. T. P. & O. JL. R.]'

GHAMBERLAIN f INSTITUTE .: r 4 j |, • la|d . / .• ,

FE9TA1LB INSTTTIJTE, AAJrg>oz.**nT jr. A*.

i t la a larRe and. thorungWy-^rolpp^l Bemlnary fbr both aexua. B Eatabuabea In i s s a J*ror*rty tt— from debt, $1011,000. New Boarding Hall with i t « m boat, ntc, crvcted In 1883 at a obat of $0,000. Ex-oeUent Board and home-lUce arrannineoM throncn-ooi. jTotaleftpenee;.for board. fumUHed xooma, aleam heat, li^ht, waahlng and tuition for 14 weeka, SS9.TD; for ona rear S1S0. Fall term beflna Bept. 'i, 1M««, kod nodii neeewber sth. WUUcr.term opens r>.K»u.Drr 14th ; >nJii March 20. UW5. Sprtn« t e n . Of e n . March 31rt ; enda July 3d. For Olrculam or CataloKuaa,AddreM . - .. —- '••••' 1«wtrj

jrBOr,ip.;T, ZDWAnnS, 1>, D., Principal.

Section l i m the sevrrsi, «* ^ — — atale, at the general election to be held lo the State on the fourth day of November. eighteen hundred and eightr-focr, iball provide a box lo receive tne ballots of the .citlzetiB of this St a'e. In relation to the amendment propoaed to seetibn eleven of article t ight of the constiiotion. And each voterjmay present a ballot o n which shall bo written or printed, or partly written'or or partly printed, lo th« following form, namely, for proposed amendment to s e c ­tion eleven ot anlcle eight of the constitu­tion, j Each, of said ballots shall be count* ed aaja vote for said* ammendment not can­celed: with ink or pencil , and each ballot so canceled shall be counted as a vote against said amendment, and returns thereof shall be mHde accordingly by ioeptc'ois of clcc-dofcsandeanvatsers. Said ballot shall be Indorsed 4,coDsUlailonaI amendment.'' dtizifcoaO - - ' _ . t . , w l ,n vat* m di

Latest Styles! Best Goods! .'•'. •#

. & Lowest Pr -xper-



'• .VT'4'si'



tloiis|andeanvaMers. w—, \ "coDsUlnilonal amendment." A l l

n o p o f thi i State entitled to vote for rnbars ot Aaasmbly i n their respecUye "*?'-%shaU.beien ,UIea. to vote on the

ion of i p e proposed amendment dur-ic day of iaecuon in the sevetal elect> iirictB in whleH tbey reside. lespectfoily yours, oa tra Bv CAKB, Secretary of State


THS LEA5IH3 SHOE K3JUSE1 . J . I t . M l T C I l t L I . & CO.,-

G3 S l a i n Street , F r e d o n i a N. Y.

S . ; • j , , ' , „..^j.. . i. ' = « S


fJWolrapatorrh R e m « X g o i j by W. I* Wubor.

I K fln.t-.Uw.. BoardlnS ScchooJ forbothl » « f « - ^ ; ^

P r i c e 00 | UWrarjr, Hdenuac. - |Korc*<Airtguiw>adi;reaa _

• • ; -





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