Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 15/Syracuse NY Journal... ·...

ve Bratlts e*»»«««« . ..... . ': Death Record CONK! IN In this c.: L CONKLIN ».0. asfa !';• >f.iih feu tn Ml.- ll'.w K M .-» I.-..I E W. •.;;«. C M.l> :4 1941. AI » t>! 0»vai Coni lUrUuli. one • si- K MKS. M1NNIKD. SHALLOW hour later m. Saint Matthew's House of Provl-T * « r c h. The" Kev. Francis Mrs. Ida Qulia i Funeral Kites to Be Held Tuesday rv.ee* •>: l"'' n, i:. C K..1U..1... Kum'ia; *• H, n.> «•»: v •: 'M.;. cu rm n: Inc. sc w,v. on ••! J.n j 6'rrrt. 'fu <kn »'. „' SO 1' M t; rnus ml.leg. 111. tc.-ir.t-i.i a: V.1..0 Ccnieut}. OEltil.MNh In Hr..- i-iiv Mai .'•» UH1. nt -f*rnn.-f-ti\i!.w H.'.-pim,. JOSEPH <) l,S.R- M embers of the lence- Auxiliary, of i i hatter memb hour later in . „.l.'f f u r e h. The . Which '•he was O'Brien''celebrated a s nnvr a tul .v. Oreeniral. lleaMlier. a t i e i n i i .1 til NVmday mornuu of of klAINK S u n n .-ii t wtt£h i«i'im...i.r i\ one so trt Ciermaun ,: Siracu^e, . tn. Mrs J»nw> Kile ,•: M one MMOI. Mrs etiarioj V\. CBlo. f'unrVi i ff< ra \» hrlai jiome, 2i>20 . T .u:.i - street inc at !' 15 oi".,i ..: 10 ..: M •• Church, luuruicnl Auuum SlNM\N A- 1: t Mnv H. r 1M1 ,'1 KM <: jsurii.VM ¥vs; H.nmari: l'x; Dr-tialo W R.r.iu, ^. etta ' t Hinsjan rr.u)-..,:, J . ..i-.u M: •reera: n eces auc Wit la ••; fconrf Toe int.'™ I) ,:..i:-. Arvai.r,-:i •!•:,:.-,• J Fr.v.r:. atOliltlMC - Sufi* ; « XI OEOIUIK T KOlllllSll. 8uf. .•..:•- >n rtis tji " feracusi and Alexanwi thi» c.n u- »iir< :-, Mr North a>m.case, ami M.-s $ el tins o::> .-•"..: i iirv.ees from itv Avcv.ur XI ttrtay ..: o! thi' B r tied S*i Eur.a', in .-v.-.:::.,: St CO ri.:rt-,:.i II, I'IUI K> .-, ph » Crtueteo ur ; Raid itis.v. \N XI.,: ;.,!.•: !>o« ns Shallow Slieet, who died V\ :day Rita* »o;e conducted at the J. P. Hums & Son funeral ehapel a^ 8:30 o'i'loek and, a h a * hour later in the Cathedral of the Immaculate roneop'tion. The Hov. Kdwavd J. K\an eelebrated a solemn high mass ol roiiuicm ;iss:stej by the !o'\. Francis Walters and the Kev F.iaiuis Harrison. Buuul v\as in si Agnes Cemetery. J. biijh bonorai v "lass of requiem, assisted "by. the .' funeral Rev.. Charles Kehoe and the' Kev. .x.frs. Minnie ; Thomas J. Jlaves. Hearers wore M:I Madison .*ohn Uaion. ,ii...n Wanahv. Robert •M.rashell. Kenii.ih Tolex William .Sloi.tim and Robert Hertraiul. Huriat was m St. Mary's Cemetery, Mmoa. ii.^l'F.RKY MKS. IDA M.W Kun.raJ scr\ n es Mas Ste.iman. t'S. Stedfnan, w ho diied SIKDMAN f.'r Mrs. Ida Mfe of lianiel Svfnday at her MRS. Jl I.IA Last ntes for Mrs Julia C.erovf Perty of 1L'7 Harvard Plat*; who d.ed Saturda.w w ill he conducted at 11 A. M. Tuesday at the rooms at. Frank Snyder, funeral director, and a half hour later In Saint Jo- seph's (.French* Church. Burial will be m St. Marys Cemetery. co a j. Xtl.v C .A : N Ketrrms Fr»iik l. home in West Mead Creek Road near Haldw -iiisviiie, wi'l be con- diu-ted at the li.'ir.e at 2:36 V. M U'eiinesdav. Die Rev. Karl Hou- lahd Of Lakeland Methodist Churcb w.!l olliciate and burial will be m R.\er\iew Cemetery, Baldw ms\ ille. M: St( ( 1 1 1 I O R 1 ) Last riles :or man, -17. emjilo.M man •Machine C Saturday n'Kiit Camriheil Road, at the home a The Rev, C. A' N.. •Frank H. A Xt Wi v.t O: llcORAIH' OKATH need hi- son. Pain, children and • Fr.rn.1s and V'mon. Branch No 330. Fdrest tf al-cnd h-i's Francis XtrGra Lafasetie Avon -' the Church o, A XI lr.icrnu: rr.tcK it xt. •In Ml Mit.iEn b>- his u .;r (., Sirs Baroara F brother. Cleor^c- etieral ntf.ee? a Tires from his Cireet. Lnvripoo P XI Friends mi Turs.d:i\ 3 to 5 ' pool Arrahgeme Ql'I.IA S(:rtdrr. home Kenova. KACF. y i " . 1A Arihur J Q . : •• CJulia on< dausl erl-. o: Syraeusi F. LaFave o( V: X! .^(tk Fred t. three sinters. M G e o r c c A"uhre> , . lnsor. ot Xtasseh F'.;:rr.:: from K Home. MO Noitl 8 4S A \ ! St. .' A XI where a • eeiehfafed Fr: Assumptio'Fi Cere BOBIS'SON :•.) S 1941. HAROLD aur\i\cr: t^ his one d.inr.:-.;er ' Herfne* <l SVi yijrtns't»'«W ••>: ' i acrvices Tuesda h-< h r » e 2OT H John R •'Woddcd It- Morriinesid? v.lrd Arrar.a, Home. |thANAH.AN-?fn I THOXIAS A dil'.;c^ , .•.fr. X Sisters, Mrs iman. who had been m officiate and Jaiiii;^ heaith some time, formerly tivod at Lakeland where she was a member of the Meihod.s-t Church .tnd. a lormei' president oi ttte Ladies Aid Society. A daughter of Daniel and Helen Atwell she was i'i*::i at Corinthi Suf\i|tU)£, besides her husband, are three daughters, Mrs. Hugh Crome. M:s. Arthur Comstock and Walter Boise\. all o' Baldw insville; two brothers. William and Coim Atwell of (Jreen- lield Center; a sister-, Mrs. Cli,ai'les Smith of Vail Milis and 12 grand- chiidrCfs. Wooiilaw n C> was a n.tl.i,' Syracuse anc Community Courch. He-; an automatic thV Hoffman Survlvi-hg mi garei iiam ] •daueh \\. III\>L\X Clifford W. llin-- of the V. S. Hoffs impany, who dieg at his home. 122: will N- conducted :: P. M. .Tu.-sday. <e'rt \V'i::nrr w .:: ;:i! wiii be in tfrj Mr llinman •1 .,!c' tesidint ot, as a member RADIO PROGRAMS At Provided by Broadcasting Station* and Notworki ^V AIX TIMES LISTED ARK EASTMN DAYLIGHT SAVING MONDAY WTO I SIM) Kiloeyclta JiOO'Dr. Mtlon* 1:15 Joyce Jordan ItMPlttchtr Wiley a:4»,Guidin* Light TiboiMarr CeBrlda SilSSoni Treasury fiUlUa Pcrklna S'.4S!Nt«a; Interlude 4 00 Design for Listening 4:lSiW«. tli* Abbois 4:30lBeaa Johnson 4 45 Tea Time Serenade » 00 Mary Martin, S:15Th« Ooldberga 5:30The O'Nellla S:4J8catter«ood Balnea iitwiStwi ""••'• • ilSIHedda Hopper •tSO'SMwln Hill. Sporti »:4SiThls and That. 1:00 Amos and Aadjr tilS'Lanny Rosa TiSOBlondl* :45Blondl« MltS. WA Funeral services OOlThoat We Lava _ ilJThoae We Lo»e m SiJOOay Nineties Refue •:46'Gal Hlnetlei; K. DaTll »:00'Radio Theater lilSIRadlo Theater »:30 Radio Theater •:4SIRadto Theater 10 00 Lomhardo's O-chestra n of LaFave Qulia, a former resident of i &LIS&=***iSB o«nestra .- .- <• -i t , r> n •> 1 - ' ! WiSO News; Serenade \ * '"?*' Syracuse, who died Sunday at her- loniiNewa of Kurope ^vVrvnVnr nt' home. 1610 Pine Street, Kenova,; « : JJJfi» rt » ', U "' Va.. m be conducted at t h e ] ^ ^ . ^ ^ years. . Mar- W. t w, 0 era. Mi tiic Keegan &»» Osb.elt funeral home, | n:4SGeo. Hall Orch. Syracuse, at 8:45 A. M. Tuesday 1 and in Saint ^ Church at 9:30. Burial will be in n:4> Dance M'UVI'C: News etery. v , ~~ t\ native of Maione, M v rs. s aTt; i nejiiiows. G n- LeL IDA LA- •': r Fiam-ir .-.r.K CV Ki-' • her N'cls : EDWARD ti. STLVFNS The- funeral of Edward Stevens. w,dely known S>t:i printer, who died Thursda> at home', IS Wa\nc Street, was (!::c!ed at l(t A. M. Monday at the TrajugoH, Lobman \- Prasier !'.;::< :a! Itome. Buna! v a> in Wooi- J.iwn CemeierV.. Bearers intiuded il.rnert, Fred", Metfotd, Arthur Frost, Arihur Stevens and Jesse Frost, Jr. WFBL 1 K.: pejn .'.Mr. Onof c _'l • if 81 ted, Intertnen' N Y 3IHS09I XI iv :c F„ SHAN \I-AN rs Rosi . S Elizabeth Gi MKS. ANNA S. STRAIT I'.i'es for Mrs. Anna S. Strait. 50; w.fe of William,. Strait ot Caughdenby-, who died Saturda> night at the home of a sort, Ivoren Strait in CiCflfO, w h e r e she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage Thursday w iff bo conducted' privately at 2 i' M. Tio-s.iav at the Ca'qjhdi : '• h.otrie. Burial will be in that 00m- mtinify. Mrs. StTait was a native of L'Uca. Besides her husband and sin', she leaves a daughter. Mr-. .Howard Weaver of Caughdeno:--. two sons. Ponald and Virgil Strait, also of Caughdenoy; a Sister. M~> •L^rfg'Yi'eeiratt of Siinflgtield. Mass,: a brother, Martin Bernhardt of M: 16 are his wife, Mn II t i - i n two inna Wil..Syracuse, at S:4o A. M. Tuesday 1 lliOO'News: Oo-Round ,','.'..; and in Saint John the Bant 1st H;»5'Merr»-Go-Round M ss l.ore'.ta K. Hinman;, , s,, Mrs .Lick Pntcbard AssumilUon Cemetery. Nelson Keanles and sev-'I A "ative of Maione, Mrs. Qulia had lived many years on the North Side before moving to Kenova about two years ago. While in this city she was a communicant of Saint John the Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband, Ar- thur J. Qulia: a son, Arihur Fran- cis Qulia; a daughter, Mrs, Frank J, Easterly of Syracuse; three brothers, Nelson F. LaFave of ,1'tica, Wil lard J. of Maione and lad woi-Ked for.; Frcd . LaFnve 0 f Boston, Mass.; three sisters, Mrs. Ray Bafber and Mrs. .Ceorge Aubrey of Maione and Mrs. Leon Robinson of Mas- sena, and two grandchildren. WAGE K0 KllocyeleV Hews Musle Lillian Bhermao Garden Club Melody Mart Tp Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced P a r k e r ' s C l i e 11s Piano Program Johnson Family Three for Tea News Musical Melodies John Sturaess Favorite Tunea News Sports Music a la Carte Music • la Carta Pulton Lewis. Jr. Here's Morgan Lone Ranger Lone Ranger Amazing Mr Smith Amazing Mr. Smith Muslcale Muslcale Old Retrains Old Refrains Army Program Popular Hits Ray'd Gram, Swing Salon. Strings News; Music Melodv Pageant Sports; Music Jarrett's Orch. Radio Newsreel Radio Newsreel Diamond s Orch. Diamond a Orch. News: Music Jarrett's Orch. W8TR .•It Kltaeyelea Fantasy In Melody Ad" Convention Oman Music Rosamund Cashier Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Mil John'a Other Wife Just Plate BUI Mother of Mm* Nick and Red Nick and Red: Newt Dental Society Home of Bra** Portia Blake Behind the News Merchant; In Army Newres-rtr**" Chans* of Par.* Chant* of Pae* Lowell "Tiomai Information Pleas* Information Pleas* Cavalcade ot Amer Cavalcade of Amer I Love Mystery I Love a Mystery True or False True or Pals* Basin Street Chamber Musi* Safety School Steele'.' Orch. Famous Jury Trials Famous Jury Trials American Legion Amos Phlpps Sports; News Voice of Hawaii Clyde Lucas' Orch. Foster's Orch. Clyde Lucas 1 Orch. News; Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Will McCune's WOLP HM KUocyelee News; Lombard* Ouy Lombardo Svmphonette Symphonette News; Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Mualcal Scoreboard Newt: Scoreboard Mualcal Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard News: Scoreboard Vualcal Scoreboard Islander* \^ Sport* Newa: 1490 Club America'* Mu*. Ca. 1490 Club J4S0 Club Five-Star Final True Stories Mountain Boys Blng Crosby News: Chest Treasure- Chest Meet the Band Latin-Am. Rhythms News: Concert Concert Master Concert Master Concert Master N*,ws; Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Serenade: Sport* News: Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade Sandman Serenade WIAP ttt Kilocycle* Light of the World Mvster? Mao Valiant Lady Orlmm's Dausthter Against Storm Ma Perkins Ouldlnf "CICTTI Vic and Sad* Baekstas* Wit* Stella Dalle* Lorento Jorea Wldder Brown Home of Brave Portia Blake Jack Armstrone Three Suns Trio Billy Grant News Capt. Healy Sports" Fred Warin* News of World Cavalcade 01 Amer. Cavalcade of Amer. James Melton James Melton Concert Orchestr* Concert Orchestra Doctor I. Q Doctor I. O To Be Announced To Be Announced Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady To Be Announced To Be Announced News Music You Want Harry James' Orch H*rr» James' Qrch. News: Music Bondshu's Orch. Littles Orch. Dance Music: News Wit Tl* Slleeyele* Fantasy In Melody Fantasy In Melody Midstream The Munroa Orphans *f Divorce Honeymoon Hill John's Othei Wlf* Jutt Plain Bill Mother of Mint Club Matinee Club Matinee Matinee; News Irene Wicker The Bartons Behind the Neva Oasollne Alley News; Quart*! Sport* Tn.B* Announced Lowell Thomas Variety Show Variety Slrow Shirley. Sadler Laval's Orch.- •• I Love a Mystery I Love a Mystery True O r Pals* True or Pale* Basin St Muslo Basin St Music News N. Steele's Orch. Famous Jury Trlala Famous Jury Trials Henry A. Wallace Henry A. Wallace News: Music Voice of Hawaii Clyde Lucas' Orch. Clyde Lucas' Orch. News: Musle Foster's Oreh.'- Kang's Jesters' Orchestra; News TUESDAY MORNING HUJOI.liV ROBINSON rviees for Harold S. Robinson, died Sunday at !r.s home, 2051 ley Ayenue, will he conducted,: he .'home ai 2-30 v P. M. Tues-' the Rev. John R. Wood- i will be in Morning-: SiOOIRla* and Shin* 6:15 .Morning Meditation 8:30'Farm Program «:45;Mornlng Melo.; News TooiMuslcal cTock 7:15 Bandstand: Newa 7:30'Musleal Clock 7:45lClock: News e'ery. A native of Syra Robinson idaga Auto Supply Com years. He was a mem- itteiy A. Now York State JGuardi Surviving are his i. Kathr\n Vincent Rob- : a daughter, Miss Jane Rob- •:; and two sisters, Mrs. W. H. iney of Syracuse and Mrs. R. T. inghani of Waterloo. SiOOiNews S:lS!Home Harmonica 8:J0.Vic and Sade 8 45 Dairy Leisure Time 8:00Lone Journey ' 9:15'News; Interlude . »:30Grlmm' Daushtat' 9:45!Church tlymna am A 1 iiurn.s .t Ga\ n-r Fnv.e rrerning at 9 o ctock. s Church at 9 30 Bu' Cemetery. Friends .:.-.•. MKS. LILLIAN RODE Irs'." I.iilian Bode. 46. wife of bert S; Bode of 5523 South Sa- Stf'-et, died early Monday •ning in Crouse-Irving Hospital, •r an lilness of several months. at,'..' of Meri'.l. Wis., Mrs. Bode liyed in Syracuse seven years. viving, besides her husband, are • sonse Kenneth R. and Donald Bode, and a sister. Mrs. Manda '"' C h i - a o . 'l^.e Jiody will lOOOBy Kathleen Norrla 10:ls'Myrt and Mart* 10:3OStepmother t9:45IWoman of Courage ll:00lMary Lee Taylor,, ll:l5iMartha Webster 11:30 Bis Sister llttS'Aunt Jenny. John G. Miller, 60, Coal Dealer, Dies; Rites in Liverpool John G. Miller, 60, of 304 Os- wego Street, liverpool, •widely known Liverpool coal dealer, died early Monday morning in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, a few days he underwent an operation tor appendicitis. A native of Germany. Mr. Miller ; \^. ! . , , . , . . ,-.- .. 1:15 Woman In White had lived lit Liverpool DO years. He. nytntight to Happlnea* ,was a member of Liverpool Lodge 523. F. and A. M., and of Liverpool WAGE Prayers; Clock Wage Winner* News Wage Winners Musical Birthday Wage Winners Wage Winners Wnge Winners •House Beautiful r Hlts of Day Woman'* Program Woman's Program British News Jack and Jean Singing Strings To Be Announced Morning Melodies Melody Strlnga Choir Loft Buckeye Four j * .^~ WSVB Prayers: Jan Brother Jan Birthday Man Trmekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper: News Newt Timekeeper Timekeeper '•• Timekeeper: New* Breakfast Club Br'kf'st Club; New* Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Today's News Buck Private ClarJt D e n n i s Wife Saver Mtd-Mornlflg, Ltd. Mid-Morning Ltd, Russell's Orch. David Harum !»-!—m i WOLP' Sleep Busters News: Sleep Busters Buckeroo* Sleep Buster* Bing Crosby News; Buster* Sports. Busters Sleep Busters Sleep Busters News: Interlude Bargain Hunter Amos Phlpps Rhythmic Age News: Record Off the Record Oft the Record Off, the Record News; Pavorltes Concert Favorite* Police Reporter Concert Favorite* WEAF News; Manhattan News: Manhattan A.M. In Manhattan A.M In Manhattan Don Ooddard Jack Smith ' News Gene and. Gleoa Chanticleers Chanticleers News: Sons* Rvi-hmic Melodies Market Basket Edward Maclluth Bess Johnfon. Ellen Randolph Bachelor's Children Road of Life Mary Marl in Pepper Young Vone Journev David Harum WJZ News: Revue Sunrise Revue Br'kfast In Bedlam Br'kfast In Bedlam Br'kfast In Bedlam Ed East: News m Blue Blue / Quit Woman of Tnjor'w Woman Tomorrow Breakfast Club Breakfast Cl)ib Today's New* Vagabonds/ Clark Dennis Wife Sav Dennli Viennese Music Viennese Music Streamline Journal Streamline Journal TUESDAY AFTERNOON /., WFBL , 12:00 Kate Smith alter 1215 When a Girl Marries . 12:30 Helen Trent ' j r2:4& ; Our Gal Sunday Beautiful ited. Curd of Thanks In Mcuiorinm Notices In Monoriam vcrsrs ffi ailnhtc to aid you in preparing sueh un- nouncBmenU; 1 FUNERAL DIREC'TORsT" WELTER fAL HOME 3649 .lames St. Phone 2-2926 or 2-0920 ALDKN J. BRUiHTMAN . Funeral services for Al'den .7 Bright-man'; Nedrovv barber, v. ho formerly operated a barber shop for many years in the Dei ker Budding at North Clinton Street and Herald Place, were conducted ,v. 2 P. M. Monday in the Carl J. Faliw eg funeral .home. The Rev. C, A. Rowli.n'gson of Rockwell Methodist. Chtir>h- officiated and burial v. as in Morn.ngside Ceme- torv. Mr. Btigh'.man tied of n here friends may ca lock tonight. Services and will take, place Thursday afternoon at Merrill. ' ^ ^ A M flic. Mr,. Usr-' ^ burial 13 C ailment Friday a! arence Avenue. ii.s noir !>EOR<iE T. KOIIRING Last rites for George T. Kohrin who died Thursday, were conducte.i from his home. 2T3 Nichols Avenue :: " !! ! ; rie Schafer M:l:er : a "sister. Mrs. Barbara Bretzer of Syracuse; A brother. George Miller of Glendale. Calif., and several nieces and •lOHN' J. KODKN nephews... The funeral of John 3. Roden. Funeral services will be con- who died Fndav at his' home 111 ducted privately at 2 P.M. Wednes- Hood Avenue, was co'ndui'ted from *V at his home. The Rev. John the home at ?:">•') A.M. Mondav and H, Dtadde of St. Paul's Lutheran a half hour later in Ass-un'mtion Church will officiate and burial Church whert* a solemn high 'mass «''' he in Liverpool. r>i requiem was celebrated bv the ~ '," i"'^* ' Very Rev. Engeibert Eichcnlauh. D e a t h s OI PrOHlineilt asst'ted by the Rev. Giles Block find the Rev. Harold Mallow Bear- m ceie M,I:I::I Guskc, ChTrtrrr'— —tf-AI'DE 1:45 Road to Life 3:00'Dr, Maione Joyce Jordan pisims* *j*t**» . .- Guiding Light , 3:00'Mary McBrid* . 3:15 Song Treasury 3:30 XIa Perkins 3:45 News: Interlude : 4 00 Design foi Listening 4:15 We. the Abbotts- 4 30 Bess Johnson : 4 45 Tea Time Serenade j "sToo'-MSty M l r l i n ; 5:15 The Goldbergs ' 5:30 The O'Neills S'45 Scatteraood Balnea WAGE Deal at Novachord News Farm . Program Program Resume^ We Are Young Edith Adams Helen Holden I'll Find a Way WSTB Dinner Bell News News; Markets Farm'and Home Rr Farm and Home Hr Ruth Chilton Ruth ChUton Ruth Chilton WOLF News: Music Half and Halt Half and Half Just Relax WEAF WJZ Mr. snd Mrs. Howard LobdeU (Alrjerta Hutchinson), R. D. 1 East Syracuse, a daughter, May 18. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flynn (Genevieve Nelcpovltz), 206 Pat- tison Street, a son, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dlckerson (Bertha Steele), Brewerton, New York, a daughter, Mry 19. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lahan (Fay Spencer), 106 Edge wood Ave- nue, a daughter, M a y l % g > ^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Boyle- (Mary A. Long), R.D. 3 Syracuse, a son, Ma;' 20. Mr. and .Mrs. Eugene Burrows (Marguerite Huggins), R. D. 2 Mexico. New York, a son. May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scott (Ruby Chase». Delphi Falls, a daughter, May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burlingame (Marguerite Wente), R. D. 1 North Syracuse, a''son, May 20. „^ Mr. and - Mrs. Raymond J. TJU»-v nalh (Eleanora Noyes, 405 High* J land Place, a daughter, May 2L Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Webb (Marion Slade), 139 Face Avenue, 0 son, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. William CahiU (Marjorie I^onard), J06 Chester Street, a daughter. May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Downs (Mnry Harrigan). 141 South Ed- wards Avenue, a daughter, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cullivan (Marguerite Mack), 1104 First North Street, a daughter, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Felix C. Marrinkie- AVicz (Rejrina Bialobrzeska), 113 Vann Street, a daughter, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. HalleU (Eleanor Lewis), 408 Bellevue Avenue, a son. May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Couse (Eleanor C^rr), 115 Trinity Place, a son, May 22. Mr, and Mrs. Matthew J. Nami- shia (THlie Kline*. 208 Seneca Street, a daughter, May 22. Mr. «nd Mrs. David Grigson (Mary/ Fiorc), 1619 South Salina Street/ a son, May 22. Mr/ and Mrs. ' Lester Chirgwin (Katharine Ford>, 739 Ostrom Ave- nue, a daughter, Mav 22. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hubbard (Clara Korthas), Liverpool, a son, May 22. /Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenks /Helen Conders). 126 Gere Avenue, a son, May 22. Mr. and Mrs. George Wood (Bes- sie Hollenbeck). 312 Lvdell Street, a daughter, May 23. Mr. and Mrs. William Armbrus- ter (Madeline Lavoy), 311 Beecher Street, a daughter. Mav 23. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Norwood (Katherine Brew), 113 Avondale Place, a son. May 23. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vicarella (Sara Michaels), 218 Oak Street, a daughter. May 24. DEXTER FARMERTorES Watertown, May" 26.—Valentine- E. Timmerrnan, 83, of Dexter, died-, late yesterday at. the Mercy Hos- pital. For years he operated a tarm at Pillar Point. 4 I 1 Word and Music Southernaires O'Neills- Your Host. Newa Deep Rivet Boys i Farm and Home Hr News; Music; Mkts Farm and Home Hr ADVERTISEMENT News; Legion Band' Emma Otero Legion Band Tin Pan Allev' Tin Pan Alley News: Music Words and Mus Tune Fawiraes Tune Favorites 4{Hollywood Newa Zeke s Gang Steeplechase Parker's Circus Cincone's Oreh. Johnson Family Organ Music Melodic Fantasy Melodic Fantasy To Be Announced Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Hill John's Other Wife Just Plain BUI Mother of Mine Nick and Red Nick and Red; News Dental Assn.' News Old Refrains John Sturgess Musical Platter Home of Brav* I Portia Blake Medical Society I Merchant; In Army News; Lombardo Guy Lombardo Svmphohefte ' News: Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard. Musical Scoreboard News Scoreboard Musical Scoreboara Musica Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard News: Scoreboard Xlnsical Scoreboard Islander* Sport* Rhymln' Tim* Maste-s" Oreh. Betty and Bob Light of World Mvstery Man Orlmm a Daughter Farm and Home Hr Between Book Ends Travelogues News: Music U S Army Band V S Army Band Mummm The Munr. Munros WAKE UP YOUR LIVER B I L E - sttt Agalnsi Storm Ma 'Perkins, Guiding Light Vic and Sade Backstnte Wlf* Stella Dallas Lorenso Jones Wldder Brown Home of Brav* Portia Blake Jack Armstron* Three Sun.- Trio Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Hill Johns Other Wife Just Plain Bill ; Mother of MLo* Club Mattne* Club Matinee 1 Matinee; News j Irene Wicker ! Bartons News Dram* I Gasoline Alley Th* liver *mrajd pour 1 plat* of bile Jole* Into your bowel* every day. If thia bile ie not flowing freely, your food may not di- gest. It may just decay in th* bowel*. Then •a* bloat* up your atomach. You set con- atipated. You feel tour, sunk and th* world look* punk. It take* those «ood, old Carter's Little Liver Pilla to get the** t pinto of bile flow. inf freely to make you feel "up and up." •'••' - package today. Tak* a* directed. Get Am for Carter's Little Amatinc tn making oil* flow freely. Ask Liv*r Pill*. 10* and 25*. Dr. William J. Hill's Persons in America Fun * ra * ?j™ ces * t0 ^e-Hel4 Tiiesday HAROLD A MBW1N 7. " THOXIPSON A- l.FON.».rtr> sTUAT "tTfTAPEL T5TSPTAV R<yW?" ».V VTVE 5T ONE PIOCK OFF JAXIEP ST T-2403 - P H O N E S - 3-548; N. L "Jocit" FRASIER Funeral Director' Phone 3-2.149 Residence 161 Grant Bad ft MONVMENTS ARTIIT'R ,.Wf)V> 05 OaHwood Mor,i:mrr,t.s._rnars»:s 1 4-43J0 WAITER GRA'XITE T'T) 1152 Gtar.: Bi-.d Ca.' 3-,11: Carlisle, Leon;trd EMnger', William WashinRton May 2f>.—Claude V. Johnson City, May 26 (rP).—Fu Mauer. John Walters and Edward Parsons, #5,-a Democrat v\ ho repre- ncral services will be held Tuesday; Hhriirh. Burial %%as in Assump- sented the 24th Illinois District in for tho Rcv Dr William J Hill I ' 0 A. M. Mondav and a half hour tIOn LM ** J *^- iCcngress from 1930 to 1940. and r o - , ^ reUref , ' M(> i hodist Episcopal! iter in the Church of the Blessed: %MtHA«i rTKrtNTB ^ n * mc ? J,r . !;, .. f>s r 1 f. t . ant a y. mm "' minister, in Sarah Jane Johnson .'•.••t'p'v.ent u herp..the, ri/.y.. Ri-.rmi-l J Duhamtd celebrated a hiah mass of vetjui'm. The Rev. Francis Shec-fic otticiatpd at services at the grave in Assumption ,Cemetery. Bearers were William Baird. Leonard Koeanng..Bernard Kirsch. Jewel! Mautz. Joseph Reinschmidt and Theodore Tierney. cently named first assistant adRllni istrator in the United States Hous- dig Authority. FLORISTS AI Markowitz, Florist Special Attention Given, Funeral Drrlens Reduced Hates. ;:2 E Fayette St, 2-031* Floral Designs of Distinction at Modest Prices E.W. Edwards & Son PHONE M411 OR S-2S11 Funeral. Designs OTJR SPECIALTY—REASONABLE PRICES Wm. P. Lynch, Florist 3<T7 S, WARREN ST PHONI 3-3I5S iy Rank Pfea For Chiropodists jto Be Made at Parley A drive to "win L*. S Army com- rnissions for chiropodists now eligi- ble for draft as privates will be opened by tho Podiatry Society of the State of Ne\tfc.i*ork at a 4r>th D , . annual conventfon in the Hotel Knau STKPHF.N S(-IIAROI N Ki'i.'i r.!' v s for Stephen Seharoun. who ::• : Saturday, were conducted at §;30 A. M Monday at his home. 313 P.T. k Street, and a half hour inter in Assumption Church, where - s - c - tu " sister^ Mrs a solemn h:gh mass of requiem was }y ilkisl ?.. n . f . Lvnn .' ^ Iass - celeb:ated by the Rev. Roger Neli- pewi'tz, assisted by the Rev. Alban Mass Bartosch and the Rev. Edmund: Schaumann. Bearers were Mer- rill, William, Rupert and Frank Seharoun, Ceorge Young and John l.ischak. Burial was in Assump- naVt'ilfes For Michael Cyronis of 202 South Center Street, East Syr- acuse, who died suddenly Saturday at his home, will be conducted at 9 A.M. Tuesday at the home and at 9:30 A.M. at Saint -Matthew's Church. East Syracuse, with burial in St. Mary's Cemetery, Dewitt. Mr. Syronis leaves his wife. Mrs. Mar- clla Cyronis: two sons-. P\t. Paul Cyronis of the Marine Corp- ser- vice station at Paris Island, S. C . and PM. Michael Cvronis of ihe Eighth. Signal Corps. Fort Jackson, Anasta and Mrs. McCormick, the farm reaper mag Norwood, nate. A. C. CARSON Front Royal, Va., May 26 OP).— Judge A. C. Carson, 72,. former associate justice of the Philippines Supreme Court and special counsel for Virginia during the acquisition of the Shenandoah National Park MARY v. MCCORMICK Santa Monica. Calif., May 26 •••r.-Mary Virgrnia MeCormiek. 80. a daughter of the late Cyrus Hali Mary Wilkes of South in Sarah Jane Chur-eh-which he helped; to found. Pastor emeritus of the church, the father of William H. Hill.j Binghamton Sun publisher andi former Congressman, died Satur- day night. His active ministerial career extended from 1873 to 1911. He served in England, at Jer- myn, Forfforf, Prains, Pcckville.! North Abington. Nanticoke, Ttink-! bannock. Pittstoh," - ' Lestershire, | WilkeK-Barre, Alderson and Oak-' land, Pa., and Binghamtori' and Sidney, before Johnson City. *v Besides his son, Dr. Hill leaves bis uidow, three other sons, and a daughter. Tonight's Features 7:00 P. M. W3Z- fhe Show," variety 'This Is program with Gordon Jenkins and his orchestra, from Hollywood. 7:00 P. M. WSYR —"Infor- mal ion Please," quiz pro- gram. 8:00 P. M. WEAF — Sym- phpnic program with Helen Jepson , soprano, and James Melton, tenor. 8:30 P. M. WEAF Con- cert orchestra under direc- tion of Alfred Wallenstein, with Richard Crooks, tenor. 10:30 P. M. WJZ — "Na- tional Nutritional Confer- ence tot Defense." forum, with address by Vice Presi- dent Henry A. Wallace. PERSONAL I All ilC LUAN9 How you can borrow $100 without. endorsers or guarantors if you can pay back $6.41 a month—A quick, simple way to borrow the I 8 Cemetery. THOMAS A >L SIIANAHAN anahan,..69. of 101 a ret-tred theatrical MRS. CAROLYN SCOTT Rites for Mrs. Carolvn Scott of ,, , ... ._ , , , West Monroe, who died Thursday, -WiHon Collins. 47 playwright were conducted at 11 A.M. Mondav," n h .° . ^ J | ' S i ^ r rt.^d at the Carl E. Welter funora yr"« ^"'"e Gertie s Garter,' and home. 2649 Jamrs Street, by the D ° scrcen P la > s ' Rev. William Montgomerv of First WILSON COLUSON p.' veriy Hiiis, caiif., May 26 (/PI.!Funeral Services Services will be held at rooms of Fairchild & Meech P.M. Tuesday and it is expected the body will be sent to China,, where , Dr. Nien is survived by a Wife and I three-year-old daughter. H' To Be Held Tuesday For Dr. Peter Nien 'AVE you a money profilem which a personal loan will help you solve? Here is a simple way to borrow withoutendorsers or guarantors—and at rates substantially below the law- j ful maximum. If you have a job and jean make monthly payments you Is Found at Home Ur? snvitcd to come m m<s * e m Missing Boy, 4, at Wesleyan Methodist Church. Bear- ers were William W. Smith. Frank 'clicd-Sundav -night -at..Fountain,Xn cs. t e r CoKveU. -Lee rig Hospital. ' Mr. Shan- John. James Parker and Edward lorn in Syracuse, a son,' ru PP cr ' Burial was in Onondaga i an He siti i le;.\ Oln Syracuse May 30 to June 1. Harry G. Levy, chairman of the' Onondaga Division of the SocLe!>, Said a number of podiatrists al- ready had received professional recognition from the Navy and were being awarded Naval com-' missions as second lieutenants. Deaths in Syracuse Area Frank W. Btown.'si. Auburn. Willis John Burns. 3fi. Osceola. Mrs. Bessie H S'.-tfford. MetJraw. Francis E Singleton, 20, Wa- tertown. Miss Mnry Bucian, 18, Water- town. Robert W. Stteeu, 29 Clayton. Mrs.'Betthn M>ers. 3Z' HdoirViitP." Alvin Scnven, 77 Lowville, Valentine E. Timmerrnan," 8.1' Dexter. Mrs. Evelyn W. Miller, 79, Dry- tlep. Ceorge Carl Grndel. 41. Oneida. Frederick M. Wright, 81, 'Lock- port. Mrs. Mary Conway Burns, Ithaca. Edwin Palmer Chapman. Oneida. Charles Weismore, 72, C'ockville. Amos Henry Alden, 63, Hamil- ton. Burt Aker, 73, Oneida. Charles H, Taylor, 5<1. Oswego. Joseph Donovan, 67, Fulton. Mrs. Elizabeth G. Kenyon, 64, Fulton. Harvey Reives, 44, Oneida. .Mrs. Harvey Relyea. Oneida. Mrs. Emma Cook, 48, Saranar Lake. led. e.i : hortias and Mary Fogart> ban. He attended Saint John vangei.-t Church and was a er of the Holy Name Society, as also affiliated with The- I Woikers' Union. No. 9. He a daughter. Mrs. Roscoe S. ed; two sisterse, Mrs. Elrza- Killard and Mrs. John F i; a grandson, Patrick A. Olm- and ews. Valley Cemetery. about getting a loan up to $300. Tv!r*«t2£ ff^^'iA! 1 ! Suppose that you need SW0. Find lyier Street got ready to leave a ... KK ^ .- ../ - • , ... downtown theater yesterdav after- this amount in the first column of the noon, she couldn't find her four- *Wfe Then read across pickjng out year-old son. John, who had gone the monthly payments convenient for with her. She notified police and you to make. Twelve monthly install- , , n ,,,.„fi ,>,,, ..„.„„., „, ftom , f „:'! l,t 'i tuoK her-home, where shr m e n t o r S3.75 eacri. for iiaiariue, will r dean of the nua 1 uon "T°« « chemi( f 1 found her boy saf&and sound. An - r » - - «inolr»t» in f..l» Or a* little University School Btf*»K!5 ot the W « « W t°| unidentified man.^t was learned, I * " • * " , 1 0 °'^ m M l * • " ,! 50 screen j Arrangements were being com-; DR. R. BOYD BOGLE ipMcd today for the funeral of Dr. Nashville, Tenn., Mav 26 W\— p ' ,,or N ' ir " of Chungking. China. Dr. R. Bovd Bogle, former presi- an interne at University Hospital.; Ttrnt-of the Anu'ilcan Drntal Asso-' w h l l ° --€orow>r - H. -Efnes't Cnk, ciation ahd former dean of thp,awaited the report of chemical' :,Vandqrbilt Dentistry, EDWIN P. CHAPMAN Services for Edwin P. Chapman, former president of the Sherwood Screen and Metal Works of Syra- cuse, who died Sunday at his home 222 Broad Street, Oneida, wi conducted at the home at 2 P.M. Tuesday. The P.ev. Harry L. Wil- Several nieces and hams.' pastor of First Methodist The funeral will be at Church, Ofceida. will officinale and DR. MONOT SIMONS .New York, May 26 (/P,.—The Rev.i Dr. Minot Simons, 72, minister of the Unitarian Church of AJ1 Souls be and author of religious bodRs. determine cause of death. _ | had taken John home afler he w Dr. Nien was found dead in bed! dePed out ot the theater. Saturday in Colonial Hall, internes residence of University Hospital at 106 Marshall Street. as $6 41 a month for twenty months. I will also repay a $100 loan. All you do M. tutors' funeral John 11 be »y at Burns & burail will be in Morningside CemC- bome, nfio East.tcry, that village. Born at Perry- and at 9:30 A. M. ville. a son of ^ h e late Orlando be Baplist Church, and Harriett Goff Chapman. Mr. i St. Mary's Ceme- Chapman was a member of Eu- menia Lodge, I. O.- O. F.; Oneida -•- Lodge. B P. 6'. E MRS. CATHERINES. BERTRAM) Club of Syracuse and was The funeral of Mr §m d* 9 A Gavnor's Jff'ferson at Saint Burial w tery. FRANK REED TaylorN'tHe, Hi., May 26 (#).- Frank Reed, 69, editor and pub , . , l.iiht;r' of the Taylorville Breeze- j S1 ^ y ' for merly of Syracuse-in-China. Courier. * CLARENCE D. TAYLOR Buffalo, Ma[y 26 ( U P ) . — Clar- ence D. Taylor, 77, former Indus* the Citizens' jtrialist and^ sportsman, of a heart vice'Attack in" his home here. Before Catherine president of the'.Chapman Guild of his retirement in 1929, Taylor was h Bj;;-,trand. who died Thurs- Oneida. While,living in Syracuse president of the Buffalo Carting was conducted at 9 A. M. he attendorl First Baptist Church'Company, and director of City Ice Monday „from her home, 310 East and inQsfeida he was a member of and Fuel Company and Bingham ind a half First Methodist Church. and Taylor Corporation, a foundry. MARRIAGE LICENSES Nicola Netti, 202 East Belden; .„ . , . . . . Tentative arrangements for the Avenue and Virginia De Angelo; All you do to apply for your loan is to funeral have been made by Dr. ! Diriaoio, 202 East Belden Avcmie acquaint us with your problem. Loans Nien's associates, Including Dr.'., Jo , nn . ^ ward _. Brennan,„_107 tte made on furniture, car or note, lou'rs M Hic-kernali' -«unprin»pn-l Mark Avenue, arjd Kathleen May M nitKcrnaii. ^uper.nten-! Kuhn 320 Rockland Avenue. Sidney Warren Watkins, 100 Davis Street, and Barbara Claire Stanton, 638 Sod th State Street. dent of the hospital and Prof, J. Theroh Illick of Syracuse Unlver- But we attach far more importance to character and regular income than to the value of security. It it unneces- , sary to ask outsiders to sign the loan paper* with you. And at no time do we question friends or relatives about your credit Gat your loan for loss The payments in the table include all charges. These charges are calculated at Household's rate of 2yi% per month on that part of a balance not exceeding 1100 and 2% per month on that part-of a balance in escatt of $100. The Small Loan Law permits us to charge a substantially higher rata than this. Some finance'companies do charge a higher rate. We publish our payment* and rate of charge so that you may amputcottnbtfortyw borrou. Phone or visit u* for full informa- , tton without obligation. Avenue f»SBjBI Fust Syracuse, "1 * "" W y^S^mBBmxmmussm I 1936 FRI6IM1RES! eFind out howybtfean extend your original 5-Year protection until 1945! se, R. Y. FRIGIDAIRE ON EASY TERMS APPEARANCE IS IMPORTANT Keep your Summer clerhos fresh, neet oRtJ seerhlino clean fhe-^W.CW. You're safe sending them to Wilkihs, CosHe & Wilkins . . . cleonerLof long exfierience, whert cleaning and dying. Is on art and *he results ore beautiful . . . You'll bt surprised ot the low cost, too. • Spotless Cleaning • Careful Pressing • Sklllfsl Pleating • Prompt Service Can and Deliver 517 Oneida & CNOOSI YOUR MONTHLY PAYMINT M i l l j ptfmtnli » IS 112.97 25.94 38.91 51.SS 64.79 77.76 103.51 129.26 155.02 I 6.6S J3.29 19.94 26.58 33.20 39.79 52^7 66.11 79.26 »4.54 9.08 13.62 18.15 22.67 27.16 36.13 45.08 54.02 13.49 6.97 10.46 13.95 17.41 20.85 27.72 34.57 8 286 5.71 8.57 11.43 14.26 17.07 22.68 28.27 33.85 9 2,44 4.87 741 f.7B 12.16 1456 FIND HIM THI CASH LOAN. YOU NIID 0 m je ft tee I3S m •m at xt 15.74 7.66 9.56 11.43 19,33 15.15 24.08 18.85 2852 I 22.54 S 4.81 6.41 8.00 9.66 12.65 15.73 18.80 in SSI tMIASUNTCt the total amount Acurad by wstnetM* ubs* to bt th* rwU aitiewnt TO* will toy, wh*o ptyaHtoi* trt matf* on tcheoul* ymt wSf faSy sttt If y t w t o y y o w c, -«v.«r£rm\^t-s-r^^ naj SIO0 and 4% par aaonth ^—^. 49^ > on that port of a 1 Thairat* it (ottthon irattli bytht" ithonthti ». s — sHr*.i*e ^ ^ VYt »s*M**e*.Mijij>i«l. itsoNAt toaffs fse ro lift HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 3rd Floor, Loew Theatre Bldg., 108 V. Jfierson St Jt W. Mufin. Mtmmgtr Telephone: 2-6143 SYRACUSE, N. Y. IOCALUY MANAOtO OmCSS 14 PW40PAL OlsTJ <t \< 1 * J>. . V * % .' f ' 1 *•/ ' «* , le- ft I , i<* '<» Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 15/Syracuse NY Journal... ·...

Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 15/Syracuse NY Journal... · Newres-rtr**" Chans* of Par.* Chant* of Pae* Lowell "Tiomai Information Pleas* Information


Bratlts e*»»«««« .... ..... .. ':

Death Record CONK! IN In this c.:

L CONKLIN » .0 . a s f a !';• >f.iih feu t n Ml.- ll'.w K M .-» I.-..I E W. •.;;«.


M.l> :4 1941. AI » t>! 0 » v a i C o n i

l U r U u l i . one • si-K

MKS. M 1 N N I K D . SHALLOW hour la ter m . Sa in t M a t t h e w ' s House of P r o v l - T * « r c h. The" Kev. F ranc i s

Mrs. Ida Qulia i Funeral Kites to

Be Held Tuesday

rv.ee* •>: l"'' n, i:. C K..1U..1... Kum'ia; *• H, n.> «•»: v •: 'M.;. c u rm n:

I n c . sc w , v . o n ••! J.n j 6 ' rrr t . 'fu <kn »'. „' SO 1' M t ; rnus m l . l e g . 111. tc.-ir.t-i.i a: V.1..0 C c n i e u t } .

O E l t i l . M N h In Hr..- i-iiv Mai .'•» UH1. nt -f*rnn.-f-ti\i!.w H.'.-pim,. J O S E P H <) l,S.R-

M embers of the lence- Auxil iary, of i i ha t t e r m e m b

hour la ter in . „ . l . ' f f u r e h. The .

Which '•he was O 'Br ien ' ' ce lebra ted a s nnvr a tul

.v. Oreenira l . l l e a M l i e r . a t i e i n i i .1 t i l

NVmday mornuu of of

klAINK S u n n .-ii t w t t £ h i«i'im.. . i .r i \ one so t r t Ciermaun , : S iracu^e, . t n . Mrs J»nw> K i l e ,•: M one M M O I . Mrs et iarioj V\. CBlo. f'unrVi i ff< ra \» hrlai j i o m e , 2i>20 .T.u:.i - s treet inc at !' 15 oi".,i ..: 10 ..: M •• Church , l u u r u i c n l A u u u m

S l N M \ N A- 1: t Mnv H . r 1M1 ,'1 K M <: jsurii.VM ¥vs; H.nmari: l'x; Dr-tialo W R.r.iu,

^ . e t ta ' t Hinsjan rr.u)-.. ,:,J . ..i-.u M: • r e e r a : n eces auc Wit la ••; fconrf Toe i n t . ' ™ I) , : . . i : - . Arvai.r,-:i •!•:,:.-,• J F r . v . r : .

atOl i l t lMC - Suf i* ; « XI OEOIUIK T K O l l l l l S l l . 8 u f . .•..:•- >n rtis tji "

feracusi and A l e x a n w i thi» c . n u - »iir< :-, Mr North a>m.case, ami M.-s $ el t ins o::> .-•"..: i i i r v . e e s from itv Avcv.ur XI ttrtay ..: o! thi' B r tied S*i Eur.a', in .-v.-.:::.,: St C O ri.:rt-,:.i


.-, p h » C r t u e t e o

ur ; R a i d i t i s . v . \ N XI.,: ;.,!.•:

! > o « n s S h a l l o w Sl iee t , who died V\ :day Rita* » o ; e conducted at the J. P. Hums & Son funeral ehapel a^ 8:30 o'i'loek and, a h a * hour later in the Ca thedra l of the Immacula te roneop' t ion. The Hov. Kdwavd J. K \ a n eelebra ted a solemn high mass ol roiiuicm ;iss:stej by the ! o ' \ . F ranc is Wal te r s and the Kev F.iaiuis Har r i son . B u u u l v\as in s i Agnes Cemetery .

J . b i i j h

bonorai v "lass of requiem, assisted "by. the .' funeral Rev.. Char les Kehoe and the ' Kev.

.x.frs. Minnie ; Thomas J. Jlaves. Hearers wore M : I Madison .*ohn Uaion. ,ii...n Wanahv . Rober t

• M . r a s h e l l . Ken i i . ih Tolex Wil l iam .Sloi.tim and R o b e r t Hertra iul . Huriat was m St. Mary 's Cemetery , Mmoa.

i i . ^ l 'F .RKY

MKS. IDA M.W Kun.raJ scr\ n es

Mas Ste. iman. t'S. Stedfnan, w ho diied

S I K D M A N f.'r Mrs. Ida Mfe of l ianiel Svfnday at her

MRS. J l I . I A

Last n t e s for Mrs Jul ia C.erovf P e r t y of 1L'7 Harva rd Plat*; who d.ed Saturda.w w ill he conducted a t 11 A. M. Tuesday at the rooms at. F r a n k Snyder, funeral di rector , and a half hour la te r In Sa in t Jo ­seph's (.French* Church . Burial will be m St. M a r y s Cemete ry .

co a j . Xtl.v C

. A : N Ketrrms

Fr»iik l .

h o m e in W e s t M e a d C r e e k R o a d n e a r H a l d w - i i i s v i i i e , w i ' l b e c o n -d i u - t e d a t t h e l i . ' i r . e a t 2 : 3 6 V. M U ' e i i n e s d a v . D i e R e v . K a r l H o u -l a h d Of L a k e l a n d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c b w . ! l o l l i c i a t e a n d b u r i a l w i l l b e m R . \ e r \ i e w C e m e t e r y , B a l d w m s \ i l l e . M : S t (

( 1 1 1 I O R 1 ) L a s t r i l e s : o r

m a n , -17. e m j i l o . M m a n • M a c h i n e C S a t u r d a y n'Kiit Camriheil Road, at the home a The Rev, C. A'


•Frank H. A Xt Wi v.t

O: l l c O R A I H ' OKATH need hi- son. P a i n , ch i ldren and •

Fr.rn.1s and V'mon. Branch N o 330. Fdrest tf a l - cnd h-i's F r a n c i s XtrGra L a f a s e t i e Avon

-' the Church o, A XI lr . i crnu:

rr.tcK it xt.

•In Ml

M i t . i E n

b>- his u .;r ( . , Sirs Baroara F brother . Cleor^c-e t i e r a l ntf.ee? a Tires from his Cireet . Lnvripoo P XI Friends mi Turs.d:i\ 3 to 5

' pool Arrahgeme

Ql'I .IA — S(:rtdrr. home Kenova. KACF. y i" . 1A Arihur J Q . : •• CJulia on< dausl erl-. o: Syraeusi F. LaFave o( V: X! .^(tk Fred t. three sinters. M Georcc A"uhre> ,

. lnsor. ot Xtasseh F'.;:rr.:: from K Home. MO Noitl 8 4S A \ ! St. .' A XI where a • ee iehfafed Fr: Assumptio'Fi Cere

BOBIS'SON :•.) S 1941. HAROLD aur\ i \cr: t^ his one d.inr.:-.;er ' Herfne* <l SVi yijrtns't»'«W ••>: ' i acrvices Tuesda h-< h r » e 2OT H John R •'Woddcd

• It- Morriinesid? v . l rd Arrar.a, Home.

| thANAH.AN-?fn I THOXIAS A dil'.;c^,.•.fr. X Sisters, Mrs

iman. who had been m officiate and Jaiiii;^ heai th some time, formerly tivod at Lake land where she was a member of the Meihod.s-t Church .tnd. a lormei ' president oi ttte Ladies Aid Society. A daugh te r of Daniel and Helen Atwell she was i'i*::i at Corinthi Suf\i|tU)£, besides her husband, a re three daughters , Mrs. Hugh Crome . M:s. Ar thu r Comstock and Wal t e r Boise\ . all o' Baldw insville; two bro thers . William and Coim Atwell of (Jreen-lield Center ; a sister-, Mrs. Cli,ai'les Smith of Vail Milis and 12 grand-chiidrCfs.

Wooiilaw n C> was a n.t l . i , ' Syracuse anc Communi ty Courch . H e - ; an au tomat ic thV Hoffman Survlvi-hg mi garei iiam ]


\ \ . I I I \ >L \X Clifford W. llin--of the V. S. Hoffs

impany, who dieg at his home. 122: will N- conduc ted :: P. M. .Tu.-sday. <e'rt \V ' i : :n r r w .:: ;:i! w i i i b e i n tfr j Mr l l i n m a n •1 .,!c' t e s id in t ot, as a m e m b e r

RADIO PROGRAMS At Provided by Broadcasting Station* and Notworki



W T O I SIM) Ki loeyc l ta

JiOO'Dr. M t l o n * 1:15 Joyce Jordan I t M P l t t c h t r Wiley a:4»,Guidin* Light

TiboiMarr C e B r l d a S i l S S o n i Treasury f i U l U a Pcrklna S'.4S!Nt«a; Interlude

4 00 Des ign for Listening 4:lSiW«. tl i* Abbois 4:30lBeaa J o h n s o n 4 45 Tea T i m e Serenade

» 00 Mary Martin, S :15Th« Ooldberga 5 : 3 0 T h e O'Nellla S : 4 J 8 c a t t e r « o o d Balnea

i i t w i S t w i ""••'• • i lSIHedda Hopper •tSO'SMwln Hil l . Spor t i »:4SiThls and T h a t .

1:00 Amos a n d Aadjr t i l S ' L a n n y Rosa TiSOBlondl*


M l t S . WA Funera l services

OOlThoat We Lava _ i l J T h o a e We Lo»e m SiJOOay Nine t i e s Refue • :46 'Gal H l n e t l e i ; K. DaTll

»:00'Radio T h e a t e r l i l S I R a d l o T h e a t e r »:30 Radio T h e a t e r •:4SIRadto T h e a t e r

10 00 Lomhardo's O-chestra

n of LaFave Qulia, a fo rmer res ident of i &LIS&=***iSB o«nestra

• .- .- <• -i t , r> n •> 1 - ' ! WiSO News; Serenade \ * ' " ? * ' Syracuse, who died S u n d a y a t her- loniiNewa of Kurope

^vVrvnVnr n t ' home. 1610 P i n e S t ree t , Kenova, ; « :JJJfi» r t» ', U " ' Va.. m be conducted at t h e ] ^ ^ . ^ ^ ™ years .

. Mar-


t w, 0

e r a . M i t i i c

Keegan &»» Osb.elt funeral home, | n:4SGeo. Hall Orch. Syracuse, a t 8:45 A. M. Tuesday 1

and in Saint ^ Church a t 9:30. Bur i a l will be in n:4> Dance M'UVI'C: News

e t e ry . v , ~~ t\ nat ive of Maione, Mvrs.

s aTt; i nejiiiows.




•': r Fiam-ir .-.r.K CV Ki - ' • her N'cls :

E D W A R D t i . S T L V F N S The- funeral of Edward

Stevens. w,dely known S>t:i printer, who died Thursda> at home', IS W a \ n c Street , was (!::c!ed at l(t A. M. Monday at the TrajugoH, Lobman \- Prasier !'.;::< :a! Itome. B u n a ! v a> in Wooi -J.iwn CemeierV.. Bearers int iuded il .rnert, Fred", Metfotd, Ar thur Frost, A r i h u r Stevens and Jesse Frost , J r .


1 K.: pejn

.'.Mr. Onof

c _'l • if 81

ted, Intertnen'


XI iv

:c F„

SHAN \ I - A N rs Rosi . S Elizabeth Gi

MKS. ANNA S. STRAIT I'.i'es for Mrs. Anna S. Strait.

50; w.fe of William,. Strait ot • Caughdenby-, who died Saturda> night at the home of a sort, Ivoren Strait in CiCflfO, where she suffered a cerebral hemor rhage Thursday w iff bo c o n d u c t e d ' privately at 2 i' M. Tio-s.iav at the Ca'qjhdi : '• h.otrie. Burial will be in that 00m-mtinify. Mrs. StTait was a native of L'Uca. Besides her husband and sin', she leaves a daughte r . Mr-.

.Howard Weave r of Caughdeno:--. two sons. Pona ld and Virgil Strai t , also of Caughdenoy; a Sister. M~>

•L^rfg'Yi'eeiratt of Siinflgtield. Mass,: a brother , Mart in Bernhardt of


16 are his wife, Mn II t i - i n t w o i n n a W i l . . S y r a c u s e , a t S : 4 o A . M . T u e s d a y 1 lliOO'News: O o - R o u n d

, ' , ' . ' . . ; and in Saint J o h n t h e Bant 1st H;»5'Merr»-Go-Round

M ss l.ore'.ta K. H i n m a n ; , , s,, Mrs .Lick P n t c b a r d A s s u m i l U o n C e m e t e r y . Nelson Keanles and sev-'I A "a t ive of Maione, Mrs . Qulia

had lived m a n y yea r s on the Nor th S i d e before moving to Kenova about two y e a r s ago . Whi le in this city she was a c o m m u n i c a n t of Saint John t he Bapt i s t Church .

Surviving a r e he r husband, Ar­thu r J. Qulia: a son, A r i h u r F r a n ­cis Qulia; a daugh te r , Mrs, F r a n k J , Eas ter ly of Sy racuse ; th ree brothers, Nelson F . L a F a v e of

,1'tica, Wil lard J . of Maione and lad woi-Ked f o r . ; F r c d . L a F n v e 0 f Boston, Mass.;

t h r ee sisters, Mrs . Ray Bafber and Mrs. .Ceorge Aubrey of Maione and Mrs. Leon Robinson of Mas-sena, and two g randch i ld ren .

WAGE K0 KllocyeleV

Hews Musle Lil l ian Bhermao Garden Club Melody Mart

Tp Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced

Parker's Cl ie 11s P i a n o Program Johnson Fami ly T h r e e for Tea

News Musical Melodies John Sturaess Favori te Tunea

N e w s Spor t s Music a la Carte Music • la Carta

P u l t o n Lewis. Jr. Here's Morgan Lone Ranger Lone Ranger

Amazing Mr S m i t h Amazing Mr. S m i t h Muslcale Muslcale

Old R e t r a i n s Old Refra ins Army Program Popular Hits

Ray'd Gram, S w i n g Salon . S tr ings News; Music Melodv P a g e a n t

S p o r t s ; Music Jarret t ' s Orch. Radio Newsreel Radio Newsreel

D i a m o n d s Orch. D i a m o n d a Orch. N e w s : M u s i c Jarret t ' s Orch.

W 8 T R . • I t Kltaeyelea

Fantasy In Melody Ad" Convent ion O m a n Music Rosamund Cashier

Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Mil John'a Other Wife Jus t P l a t e BUI

Mother of M m * Nick and Red Nick and Red: N e w t Dental Soc i e ty

Home of Bra** Portia B l a k e Behind t h e News Merchant ; In Army

N e w r e s - r t r * * " C h a n s * of Par.* C h a n t * of Pae* Lowell "Tiomai

In format ion P l e a s * In format ion P l eas* Cavalcade ot Amer Cavalcade of Amer

I Love • Mystery I Love a Mystery True or False T r u e o r Pa l s*

Bas in S t r e e t Chamber Musi* Safety Schoo l Steele'.' Orch .

Famous Jury Tria l s Famous Jury Tr ia l s American Legion Amos P h l p p s

Sports ; N e w s Voice of Hawai i Clyde Lucas ' Orch. Foster's Orch.

Clyde Lucas 1 Orch. News; Dorsey Tommy Dorsey Will McCune's

WOLP H M KUocyelee

News; Lombard* Ouy Lombardo S v m p h o n e t t e S y m p h o n e t t e

News; Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Mualcal Scoreboard

N e w t : Scoreboard Mualcal Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musica l Scoreboard

News: Scoreboard Vualcal Scoreboard Is lander* \ ^ Sport*

Newa: 1490 Club America'* Mu*. Ca. 1490 Club J4S0 Club

F ive -Star Final True S t o r i e s Mounta in Boys Blng Crosby

News: Chest Treasure- Chest Meet the Band Lat in -Am. Rhythms

N e w s : Concert Concert Master Concert Master Concert Master

N*,ws; S e r e n a d e S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade S e r e n a d e : Sport*

News: Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade

S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade S a n d m a n Serenade

W I A P t t t Ki locyc le*

Light o f t h e World Mvster? M a o Val iant Lady O r l m m ' s Dausthter

Agains t S t o r m Ma Perkins Ouldlnf "CICTTI Vic and Sad* B a e k s t a s * W i t * Stel la D a l l e * Lorento J o r e a Wldder Brown

Home of B r a v e Port ia Blake Jack Armstrone Three S u n s T r i o

Billy G r a n t News Capt. H e a l y Sports"

Fred War in* News of World Cavalcade 01 Amer. Cavalcade of Amer.

James M e l t o n James Melton Concert Orches tr* Concert Orches tra

Doctor I. Q Doctor I. O To Be Announced To Be Announced

Lullaby Lady Lullaby Lady To Be Announced To Be A n n o u n c e d

News Music You Want Harry J a m e s ' Orch H*rr» James ' Qrch.

News: Music Bondshu's Orch. L i t t l e s Orch. Dance Music: News

Wit Tl* S l l e e y e l e *

F a n t a s y In Melody Fantasy In Melody Midstream T h e Munroa

Orphans *f Divorce Honeymoon Hill John's Othe i Wlf* J u t t Plain Bill

Mother of M i n t C lub Matinee Club Matinee Matinee; N e w s

Irene Wicker T h e Bartons Behind the N e v a Oaso l lne Alley

News; Quart*! Sport* T n . B * Announced Lowell T h o m a s

Variety S h o w Varie ty Slrow Shirley. Sad ler Laval's Orch. - ••

I Love a Mystery I Love a Mystery T r u e O r Pals* T r u e or Pale*

B a s i n St Muslo Bas in S t Music N e w s N. Stee le 's Orch .

F a m o u s Jury Trlala Famous Jury Tria l s Henry A. Wal lace Henry A. Wal lace

News: Music Voice of Hawai i Clyde Lucas' Orch. Clyde Lucas' Orch.

News: Musle Foster's Oreh.'-Kang's Jesters' Orchestra; N e w s


H U J O I . l i V ROBINSON rviees for Harold • S. Robinson, died Sunday at !r.s home, 2051 ley Ayenue, will he conducted,: he .'home ai 2-30v P . M. T u e s - '

• the Rev. John R. Wood- i will be in M o r n i n g - :

SiOOIRla* a n d S h i n * 6:15 .Morning Meditat ion 8:30'Farm Program «:45;Mornlng Melo . ; News

T o o i M u s l c a l cTock 7:15 B a n d s t a n d : Newa 7:30'Musleal Clock 7:45lClock: N e w s

e'ery. A nat ive of S y r a Robinson

idaga Auto Supply Com years. He was a m e m -

i t te iy A. Now York S t a t e JGuardi Surviv ing a r e his i. K a t h r \ n Vincent Rob-

: a daughter , Miss J a n e Rob-•:; and two sisters, Mrs. W. H. iney of Syracuse and Mrs . R. T. inghani of Wate r loo .

SiOOiNews S:lS!Home Harmonica 8:J0.Vic and S a d e 8 45 Dairy Leisure T ime

8 : 0 0 L o n e J o u r n e y ' 9:15'News; Inter lude . » : 3 0 G r l m m ' D a u s h t a t ' 9:45!Church t l ymna

a m A 1

iiurn.s . t Ga\ n-r Fnv.e rrerning at 9 o ctock. s Church at 9 30 Bu' Cemetery. Friends .:.-.•.

MKS. LILLIAN R O D E Irs'." I.iilian Bode. 46. wife of bert S; Bode of 5523 S o u t h Sa-

Stf'-et, died ear ly Monday •ning in Crouse-I rv ing Hospi ta l , •r an lilness of several m o n t h s . at, ' . . ' of Meri'.l. Wis., Mrs . Bode

liyed in Syracuse seven yea r s . viving, besides he r husband , a r e • sonse Kenneth R. and Donald Bode, and a sister. Mrs. Manda

'"' C h i - a o . 'l^.e J iody will

lOOOBy K a t h l e e n Norrla 10:ls'Myrt and M a r t * 10:3OStepmother t9:45IWoman of Courage

l l :00 lMary Lee T a y l o r , , l l : l 5 i M a r t h a Webster 11:30 Bis S i s t e r l l t t S ' A u n t J e n n y .

John G. Miller, 60, Coal Dealer, Dies; Rites in Liverpool

John G. Miller, 60, of 304 Os­wego S t r e e t , l iverpool, •widely known Liverpool coal dealer , died ear ly Monday morn ing in St. Jo ­seph's Hospital , a few days he underwent an opera t ion tor appendicitis.

A native of Ge rmany . Mr. Mil ler ; \ ^ . !

. , , . , . . , - . - . . 1:15 Woman In White had lived lit Liverpool DO years . H e . nytntight to Happlnea*

,was a member of Liverpool Lodge 523. F. and A. M., and of Liverpool


Prayers; Clock Wage Winner* News Wage Winners

Musical Birthday Wage Winners Wage Winners Wnge Winners

•House Beautiful r H l t s of D a y

Woman'* Program Woman's Program

Bri t i sh News Jack and Jean S ing ing Str ings To Be Announced

Morning Melodies Melody Strlnga Choir Loft Buckeye Four

j * . ^ ~


Prayers : J a n Brother J a n Birthday Man Trmekeeper

T imekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper T imekeeper : News

Newt Timekeeper Timekeeper '•• Timekeeper: New*

Breakfas t Club Br'kf'st Club; New* Breakfas t Club Breakfast Club

Today's News Buck P r i v a t e ClarJt D e n n i s Wife Saver

Mtd-Mornlflg, Ltd. Mid-Morning Ltd, Russell 's Orch. David H a r u m

!»-!—m i W O L P '

S leep Bus ters

News: S l e e p Busters Buckeroo* S leep Buster* Bing Crosby

News; Buster* S p o r t s . Busters S leep Bus ters S leep Bus ters

News: Inter lude Barga in Hunter Amos Ph lpps R h y t h m i c Age

N e w s : Record Off the Record Oft the Record Off, t h e Record

News; Pavorl tes Concert Favorite* Police Reporter Concert Favorite*


News; M a n h a t t a n News: M a n h a t t a n

A.M. In M a n h a t t a n A.M In M a n h a t t a n Don Ooddard Jack S m i t h '

News Gene and. G l e o a Chant ic leers Chant ic leers

News: S o n s * Rvi-hmic Melodies Market Basket Edward M a c l l u t h

Bess J o h n f o n . Ellen Randolph Bachelor 's Chi ldren Road of Life

Mary Marl in Pepper Young Vone Journev David Harum


N e w s : Revue Sunrise R e v u e

Br'kfast In Bedlam Br'kfast In Bedlam Br'kfast In Bedlam Ed East: N e w s m

Blue Blue / Quit

Woman of Tnjor 'w Woman Tomorrow Breakfast Club Breakfast Cl)ib

Today's New* V a g a b o n d s / Clark Denni s Wife Sav


Viennese Music Viennese Music Streaml ine Journal Streaml ine Journal



, 12:00 K a t e S m i t h a l t e r 1 2 1 5 W h e n a Girl Marries

. 12:30 Helen T r e n t ' j r2:4&;Our Gal Sunday

Beaut i ful


Curd of Thanks In Mcuiorinm Notices

In Monoriam vc r s r s ffi ailnhtc to aid you in preparing sueh un-nouncBmenU;

1 F U N E R A L D I R E C ' T O R s T "


3649 . lames S t . P h o n e 2-2926 or 2-0920

ALDKN J. BRUiHTMAN . Funera l services for Al'den .7 Bright-man'; Nedrovv barber , v. ho formerly opera ted a barber shop for many years in the Dei ker Budding at Nor th Clinton S t ree t and Herald Place, were conducted ,v. 2 P. M. Monday in the Carl J . Faliw eg funeral .home. The Rev. C, A. Rowli.n'gson of Rockwell Methodist. Cht i r>h- officiated and burial v. as in Morn.ngside Ceme-torv. Mr. Bt igh ' .man t ied of n

• here friends may ca lock tonight . Services and

will take, place T h u r s d a y af ternoon at Merri l l .

' ^ • ^ • A M f l i c . Mr , . U s r - ' ^


13 C a i lment F r iday a!

arence Avenue. ii.s noir

!>EOR<iE T. KOIIRING Last ri tes for George T. Kohrin

who died Thursday , were conducte.i from his home. 2T3 Nichols Avenue

• : : " ! ! ! ; r i e Schafer M:l:er : a "sister. Mrs.

Barbara Bretzer of Sy racuse ; A brother . George Miller of Glendale. C a l i f . , and severa l nieces and

•lOHN' J . KODKN nephews . . . T h e funeral of John 3. Roden. Funera l services will be con-

who died F n d a v at his' home 111 ducted pr ivate ly at 2 P.M. Wednes-Hood Avenue, was co'ndui'ted from * V a t h i s home. The Rev. John the home at ?:">•') A.M. Mondav and H, Dtadde of St. Pau l ' s L u t h e r a n a half hour later in Ass-un'mtion Church will officiate a n d burial Church whert* a solemn high 'mass « ' ' ' h e i n Liverpool . r>i r equ iem was celebra ted bv the ~ '," i " ' ^* ' Very Rev. Enge iber t E ichcnlauh . D e a t h s O I P r O H l i n e i l t ass t ' ted by the Rev. Giles Block find the Rev. Harold Mallow Bear -m c e i e M , I : I : : I Guskc, ChTrtrrr '— — t f - A I ' D E

1:45 Road to Life

3:00'Dr, Maione Joyce Jordan pisims* *j*t**»

. . - Guid ing Light , 3:00'Mary McBrid* . 3:15 Song Treasury

3:30 XIa Perkins 3:45 News: Inter lude

: 4 00 Des ign foi Listening 4:15 We. the Abbotts-4 30 Bess J o h n s o n

: 4 45 Tea T i m e Serenade

j "sToo'-MSty M l r l i n ; 5:15 T h e Goldbergs ' 5:30 The O'Neil ls

S'45 Scat teraood Balnea


Deal at Novachord N e w s Farm . Program Program Resume^

We Are Young Edith Adams Helen Holden I'll Find a Way


Dinner Bell News News; Markets F a r m ' a n d Home Rr

Farm a n d Home Hr Ruth Chi l ton Ruth ChUton Ruth Chi l ton


News: Music Half a n d Halt Half a n d Half Just R e l a x


Mr. s n d Mrs . H o w a r d LobdeU (Alrjerta Hu tch inson ) , R. D. 1 E a s t Sy racuse , a d a u g h t e r , M a y 18. ' Mr . a n d Mrs . Dennis F l y n n (Genev ieve Nelcpovl tz) , 206 P a t -t ison S t r ee t , a son, May 19.

Mr . a n d Mrs. P e r c y Dlckerson ( B e r t h a S tee le ) , B rewer ton , New York, a daugh t e r , Mry 19.

Mr . a n d Mrs . T h o m a s L a h a n ( F a y Spence r ) , 106 Edge wood Ave­nue , a daugh t e r , May l % g > ^

Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d M. Boyle -( M a r y A. Long) , R.D. 3 Syracuse , a son, M a ; ' 20. • Mr. a n d .Mrs. Eugene B u r r o w s ( M a r g u e r i t e Hugg ins ) , R. D. 2 Mexico. New York , a son. May 20.

Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t Scot t (Ruby Chase». Delphi Fal ls , a daugh t e r , M a y 20.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Alber t B u r l i n g a m e ( M a r g u e r i t e W e n t e ) , R. D. 1 N o r t h Sy racuse , a' 'son, May 20. „ ^

Mr . and - Mrs. Raymond J. TJU»-v n a l h (E leanora Noyes, 405 High* J land P lace , a daugh te r , May 2L

Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert J . W e b b (Mar ion S lade) , 139 F a c e Avenue, 0 son, May 21.

Mr . a n d Mrs . Wil l iam CahiU (Mar jo r i e I ^ o n a r d ) , J06 Ches ter S t r e e t , a daugh te r . May 21.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Randal l Downs ( M n r y H a r r i g a n ) . 141 Sou th Ed­w a r d s Avenue, a daugh t e r , May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Cull ivan ( M a r g u e r i t e M a c k ) , 1104 Fi r s t N o r t h S t ree t , a daugh t e r , May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Fe l ix C. Mar r ink i e -AVicz (Rejrina Bia lobrzeska) , 113 V a n n S t ree t , a daugh t e r , May 22.

M r . a n d Mrs. Dale F . Hal leU ( E l e a n o r Lewis) , 408 Bellevue Avenue , a son. M a y 22.

Mr. a n d Mrs . A r t h u r R. Couse ( E l e a n o r C^r r ) , 115 Tr in i ty Place, a son, M a y 22.

Mr, a n d Mrs. M a t t h e w J . Nami -sh ia (THlie Kline*. 208 Seneca S t r e e t , a daugh te r , May 22.

Mr . « n d Mrs . David Grigson ( M a r y / F io rc ) , 1619 Sou th Sal ina S t r e e t / a son, M a y 22.

M r / a n d Mrs . ' Les ter Chi rgwin ( K a t h a r i n e Ford>, 739 Os t rom Ave­n u e , a daugh te r , Mav 22.

Mr. a n d Mrs . Carl H u b b a r d (C la r a K o r t h a s ) , Liverpool, a son, M a y 22. / M r . and M r s . Rober t J e n k s

/ H e l e n Conder s ) . 126 Gere Avenue, a son, M a y 22.

Mr. a n d Mrs. George Wood (Bes­sie Hol lenbeck) . 312 Lvdell S t ree t , a d a u g h t e r , May 23.

Mr . and Mrs. Wil l iam A r m b r u s -t e r (Madel ine Lavoy) , 311 Beecher S t r ee t , a d a u g h t e r . Mav 23.

Mr . a n d Mrs. H e r b e r t Norwood ( K a t h e r i n e B r e w ) , 113 Avondale P lace , a son. M a y 23.

Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Vicare l la ( S a r a Michaels) , 218 Oak St ree t , a d a u g h t e r . May 24.

D E X T E R F A R M E R T o r E S W a t e r t o w n , May" 26.—Valent ine-

E. T immer rnan , 83, of Dexter , d i e d - , l a t e yes terday a t . the Mercy Hos­p i ta l . F o r y e a r s he opera ted a t a r m a t Pil lar Po in t .

4 I 1

Word and Music Southerna ires O'Neil ls- Your Host . Newa Deep Rivet Boys i Farm and Home Hr News; Music; Mkts Farm a n d Home Hr


News; Legion Band' Emma Otero Legion Band T i n P a n Allev' T i n P a n Alley

News: Music Words and Mus

Tune F a w i r a e s

Tune Favorites 4{Hollywood Newa

Zeke s Gang Steep lechase

Parker's Circus Cincone's Oreh. Johnson Family Organ Music

Melodic F a n t a s y Melodic F a n t a s y

To Be Announced

Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Hill John's Other Wife Just P l a i n BUI

Mother of Mine Nick a n d Red Nick a n d Red; N e w s Dental Assn.'

News Old Refrains John Sturgess Musical Platter

Home of Brav* I Portia Blake

Medical Soc ie ty I M e r c h a n t ; In Army

N e w s ; Lombardo Guy Lombardo

S v m p h o h e f t e '

News: Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard. Musical Scoreboard

News Scoreboard Musical Scoreboara Musica Scoreboard Musical Scoreboard

News: Scoreboard Xlnsical Scoreboard Is lander* Sport*

Rhymln' T im* Maste-s" Oreh. Betty and Bob

Light of World Mvstery Man

Orlmm a Daughter

Farm and Home Hr Between Book Ends Travelogues News: Music

U S Army Band V S Army Band Mummm T h e Munr. Munros


sttt Agalns i S t o r m Ma 'Perkins, Guiding Light Vic and Sade

Backs tn te Wlf* Stel la Dal las Lorenso J o n e s Wldder Brown

Home of Brav* Port ia Blake Jack Armstron* Three Sun.- Trio

Orphans of Divorce Honeymoon Hill J o h n s Other Wife Just Plain Bill

; Mother of MLo* Club Mattne* Club Matinee

1 Mat inee; News j Irene Wicker ! Bartons

News D r a m * I Gasol ine Alley

T h * l iver *mrajd p o u r 1 p la t* of bile Jole* I n t o your bowel* e v e r y day. I f thia bile ie n o t f lowing freely, y o u r food m a y not di­ges t . It m a y just decay in t h * bowel*. Then • a * bloat* up your atomach. You s e t con-at ipated . You feel t o u r , sunk a n d th* world look* p u n k .

I t take* those «ood , old Carter's Li t t l e L i v e r Pil la to get the** t p into of bile flow. i n f freely to m a k e y o u feel " u p and u p . " •'••' - package today . Tak* a* directed. Get A m f o r Carter 's Litt le A m a t i n c tn m a k i n g oil* flow freely. Ask

Liv*r Pill*. 10* and 25*.

Dr. William J. Hill's Persons in America Fun*ra* ? j™ c e s * t 0

^e-Hel4 Tiiesday



T-2403 - P H O N E S - 3-548;

N. L "Jocit" FRASIER Funeral Director'

Phone 3-2.149 • Residence 161 G r a n t B a d


ARTIIT'R ,.Wf)V> 05 OaHwood Mor,i:mrr,t.s._rnars»:s1 4-43J0

WAITER GRA'XITE T'T) 1152 Gtar.: Bi-.d Ca.' 3 - , 1 1 :

Carlisle, Leon;trd EMnger', Wil l iam WashinRton May 2f>.—Claude V. Johnson City, May 26 (rP).—Fu Mauer . John W a l t e r s and E d w a r d Parsons, #5,-a D e m o c r a t v\ ho repre - ncral services will be held Tuesday; Hhri i rh . Buria l %%as in Assump- sented the 24th Illinois Distr ict in f o r t h o R c v D r Wil l iam J Hill I

' 0 A. M. Mondav and a half hour t I O n L M * * J * ^ - iCcngress from 1930 to 1940. and r o - , ^ r e U r e f , ' M ( > i h o d i s t Episcopal! i t e r in the Church of the Blessed: % M t H A « i rTKr tNTB ^ n*mc? J,r.!;,..f>sr1f.t.ant a y . m m " ' minis ter , in Sa rah J a n e Johnson .'•.••t'p'v.ent u h e r p . . t h e , r i / . y . . R i - . r m i - l

J Duhamtd celebrated a hiah mass of vetjui 'm. The Rev. Francis Shec-fic otticiatpd at services at the grave in Assumption ,Cemete ry . Bearers were William Baird. Leonard K o e a n n g . . B e r n a r d Kirsch. Jewel! Mautz. Joseph Reinschmidt and Theodore Tierney.

cently named first ass is tant adRllni istrator in the United S t a t e s Hous-dig Authori ty .


AI Markowitz, Florist Special Attention Given, Funera l Drrlens Reduced Hates. ; :2 E F a y e t t e St, 2-031*

Floral Designs of Distinction a t Modest Pr ices

E.W. Edwards & Son PHONE M 4 1 1 OR S-2S11


Wm. P. Lynch, Florist 3<T7 S, WARREN ST P H O N I 3-3I5S

iy Rank Pfea For Chiropodists jto

Be Made at Parley A drive to "win L*. S A r m y com-

rnissions for chiropodists now eligi­ble for draft as p r iva te s will be opened by tho Podia t ry Society of the S ta te of Ne\tfc.i*ork at a 4r>th D, . annua l conventfon in the Hotel Knau

STKPHF.N S(-IIAROI N Ki'i.'i r.!'vs for Stephen Seharoun .

who ::• : Sa tu rday , were conducted at §;30 A. M Monday at his home. 313 P.T. k St ree t , and a half hour inter in Assumption Church, whe re -s- c - t u " s is ter^ Mrs a solemn h:gh mass of requ iem was }y i l k i s l ? . . n . f . L v n n . ' ^ I a s s -celeb:ated by the Rev. Roger Neli-pewi'tz, assisted by the Rev. Alban Mass Bartosch and the Rev. E d m u n d : Schaumann . B e a r e r s were Mer­rill, William, R u p e r t and F r a n k Seharoun, Ceorge Young and John l.ischak. Buria l was in Assump-

naVt ' i l fes For Michael Cyronis of 202 South Center S t ree t , Eas t Syr­acuse, who died suddenly S a t u r d a y a t his home, will be conduc ted at 9 A.M. Tuesday a t the h o m e and a t 9:30 A.M. a t Sa in t -Matthew's Church . Eas t Syracuse , w i th burial in St . Mary ' s Cemete ry , Dewi t t . Mr. Syronis leaves his wife. Mrs . Mar -c l l a Cyronis : two sons-. P \ t . P a u l Cyronis of the Mar ine Corp - ser­vice s ta t ion at Pa r i s Island, S. C . and P M . Michael Cvronis of ihe Eigh th . Signal Corps. F o r t J ackson ,

A n a s t a and Mrs . McCormick, the f a rm r e a p e r mag Norwood, nate.

A. C. CARSON Front Royal , Va., May 26 OP).—

Judge A. C. Carson, 72,. former associate jus t ice of t h e Phi l ippines Supreme Cour t and special counsel for Virginia d u r i n g t he acquisit ion of the Shenandoah Na t iona l P a r k

MARY v. MCCORMICK Santa Monica. Calif., May 26

••• r . -Mary Virgrnia MeCormiek. 80. a daughter of the la te Cyrus Hali

Mary Wilkes of South

in Sarah J a n e Chur-eh-which he helped;

to found. Pas to r emer i tu s of the church,

the fa ther of William H. Hill.j B inghamton Sun publisher andi former Congressman, died Sa tu r ­day n ight . His active minis ter ia l ca reer extended from 1873 to 1911.

He served in England, a t J e r -myn, Forfforf, Prains, Pcckvi l le . ! North Abington. Nant icoke , Tt ink-! bannock. Pit tstoh," - ' Les tershi re , | WilkeK-Barre, Alderson and Oak- ' land, Pa., and Binghamtor i ' and Sidney, before Johnson City. *v

Besides his son, Dr. Hill leaves bis u i d o w , th ree other sons, and a daugh te r .

Tonight's Features 7:00 P . M. W3Z-

fhe Show," va r i e ty 'This Is p r o g r a m

wi th Gordon J e n k i n s a n d his orches t ra , from Hollywood.

7:00 P . M. WSYR —"Infor­mal ion Please ," quiz p ro ­gram.

8:00 P . M. W E A F — Sym-phpnic p rogram wi th Helen Jepson , soprano, and J a m e s Melton, tenor.

8:30 P. M. W E A F — Con­cert o rches t ra u n d e r direc­tion of Alfred Wal lens te in , wi th Richard Crooks, t enor .

10:30 P . M. W J Z — " N a ­tional Nut r i t iona l Confer­ence tot Defense." fo rum, wi th address by Vice Pres i ­dent H e n r y A. Wal lace .


How you can borrow $100 without. endorsers or guarantors if you can pay back $6.41 a month—A quick,

simple way to borrow the I 8

Cemetery .



SIIANAHAN anahan,. .69. of 101 a ret-tred thea t r ica l

MRS. CAROLYN SCOTT Ri tes for Mrs. Carolvn Scot t of ,, , . . . ._ , , , Wes t Monroe, who died T h u r s d a y , - W i H o n Collins. 47 p laywr igh t w e r e conducted a t 11 A.M. Mondav ," n

h . ° . ^ J | ' S i ^ r rt.^d a t t h e Carl E. W e l t e r f u n o r a y r " « ^ " ' " e Ger t i e s Gar t e r , ' and

home. 2649 J a m r s S t ree t , b y the D° s c r c e n P l a > s ' Rev. Wil l iam M o n t g o m e r v of F i r s t


p.' veriy Hiiis, caiif., May 26 (/PI.!Funeral Services

Services will be held at rooms of Fairchi ld & Meech P.M. Tuesday and it is expec ted the body will be sen t to China,, where

, Dr . Nien is survived by a Wife and I th ree-year -o ld d a u g h t e r .


To Be Held Tuesday For Dr. Peter Nien

'AVE you a money profilem which a personal loan will help you

solve? Here is a simple way to borrow withoutendorsers or guarantors—and at rates substantially below the law-

j ful maximum. If you have a job and jean make monthly payments you

Is Found at HomeUr? snvitcd to come m m<s *e m Missing Boy, 4,


Wes leyan Methodist C h u r c h . Bear ­ers w e r e Wil l iam W. Smi th . F r a n k

' c l i cd-Sundav -n ight - a t . . F o u n t a i n , X n cs . t e r CoKveU. -Lee rig Hospital . ' Mr. Shan- John . J a m e s P a r k e r and E d w a r d lorn in Syracuse , a s o n , ' r u P P c r ' Bur ia l was in Onondaga

i an

He sit i i l e ; . \ Oln

Syracuse May 30 to J u n e 1. H a r r y G. Levy, c h a i r m a n of t h e '

Onondaga Division of t h e SocLe!>, Said a number of podia t r i s t s al­r eady had received professional recognit ion from the Navy and were being awarded Nava l com- ' missions as second l i eu tenan t s .

Deaths in Syracuse Area F r a n k W. B t o w n . ' s i . A u b u r n . Will is John Burns. 3fi. Osceola.

• M r s . Bessie H S'.-tfford. MetJraw. F ranc i s E Singleton, 20, Wa­

te r town . Miss Mnry Bucian, 18, Wate r -

town. Rober t W. S t t e e u , 29 Clayton. M r s . ' B e t t h n M>ers. 3Z ' HdoirViitP." Alvin Scnven, 77 Lowvil le, Va len t ine E. T i m m e r r n a n , " 8.1'

Dex te r . Mrs. Evelyn W. Miller, 79, Dry-

tlep. Ceorge Carl Grndel. 41. Oneida. Freder ick M. Wrigh t , 81, 'Lock-

por t . Mrs. Mary Conway Burns , I thaca. Edwin Pa lmer C h a p m a n . Oneida. Cha r l e s Weismore, 72, C'ockville. Amos Henry Alden, 63, Hamil­

ton. B u r t Aker, 73, Oneida. C h a r l e s H, Taylor , 5<1. Oswego. Joseph Donovan, 67, Fu l ton . Mrs . Elizabeth G. Kenyon , 64,

F u l t o n . H a r v e y Reives, 44, Oneida.

. M r s . Harvey Relyea. Oneida. Mrs . E m m a Cook, 48, S a r a n a r

L a k e .

l e d . e.i :

hortias and Mary Fogar t> ban. He a t tended Sa in t John vangei.-t Church and was a er of the Holy N a m e Society, as also affiliated with T h e -I Woike r s ' Union. No. 9. He

a daughte r . Mrs. Roscoe S. ed; two sisterse, Mrs. Elrza-Killard and Mrs. John F

i; a grandson, Pa t r ick A. Olm-and


Valley Cemetery .

about getting a loan u p to $300.

T v ! r * « t 2 £ ff^^'iA!1! Suppose tha t you need SW0. Find l y i e r S t r e e t got ready to leave a . . . KK^ .- ../ - • , . . . downtown t h e a t e r y e s t e r d a v after- this amount in the first column of the noon, she couldn ' t find he r four- *Wfe Then read across pickjng out year-old son. John , who had gone the monthly payments convenient for wi th her. She notified police and you to make. Twelve monthly install-

, , n , , , . „ f i ,>,,, ..„.„„., „ , f t o m , f „ : ' ! l , t ' i t u o K h e r - h o m e , w h e r e shr m e n t o r S3.75 eacri. for iiaiariue, will r dean of the n u a

1u o n ™ " T ° « « c h e m i ( f 1 found her boy s a f & a n d sound. An - r » - - «inolr»t» in f..l» Or a* little

Univers i ty School B t f * » K ! 5 ot t h e W « « W t ° | unidentified m a n . ^ t was learned, I * " • * " , 1 0 ° ' ^ m M l * • " , ! - «

50 screen j A r r a n g e m e n t s w e r e being com-;

DR. R. BOYD BOGLE i p M c d today for the funeral of Dr. Nashville, Tenn. , Mav 26 W\— p ' , , o r N ' i r " o f Chungking . China.

Dr. R. Bovd Bogle, fo rmer presi- a n in te rne at University Hospital . ; Ttrnt-of the Anu ' i l can D r n t a l A s s o - ' w h l l ° - -€orow>r - H. -Efnes't Cnk , ciation ahd fo rmer dean of t hp , awa i t ed the repor t of chemica l '

:,Vandqrbilt Dentistry,

E D W I N P. C H A P M A N Services for Edwin P. C h a p m a n ,

fo rmer president of the Sherwood Screen and Metal W o r k s of Syra ­cuse, who died Sunday at his home 222 Broad Stree t , Oneida, wi conducted a t the home a t 2 P.M. Tuesday . The P.ev. H a r r y L. Wil-

Several nieces and hams . ' pas tor of F i r s t Methodis t The funeral will be a t Church , Ofceida. will officinale a n d

DR. MONOT S I M O N S .New York, May 26 (/P,.—The Rev.i

Dr. Minot Simons , 72, min is te r of the Uni tar ian C h u r c h of AJ1 Souls

be and a u t h o r of re l ig ious bodRs.

de te rmine cause of d e a t h . _ | h a d t a k e n J o h n h o m e a f l e r h e w

Dr. Nien was found dead in b e d ! d e P e d o u t o t t h e t h e a t e r . S a t u r d a y in Colonial Hall , in te rnes res idence of Universi ty Hospi ta l a t 106 Marshal l St reet .

as $6 41 a month for twenty months. I will also repay a $100 loan.

All you do

M. tutors' funeral

John 11 be

»y at Burns & burai l will be in Mornings ide CemC-bome, nfio E a s t . t c r y , t h a t village. Born a t P e r r y -

and at 9:30 A . M. ville. a son of ^ h e la te Or lando be Baplist Church, and Har r i e t t Goff C h a p m a n . Mr. i St. Mary 's Ceme- C h a p m a n was a m e m b e r of E u -

menia Lodge, I. O.- O. F . ; Oneida -•- — Lodge. B P . 6'. E

MRS. C A T H E R I N E S . B E R T R A M ) Club of Syracuse and w a s The funeral of Mr

§m d *

9 A Gavnor 's Jff'ferson at Saint Burial w tery .

F R A N K R E E D TaylorN'tHe, Hi., M a y 26 (#).-

Frank Reed, 69, ed i tor and pub , . , l.iiht;r' of t he Tay lorv i l l e Breeze- j S 1 ^ y ' f o r m e r l y of Syracuse- in-China. Courier. *

• C L A R E N C E D. TAYLOR Buffalo, Ma[y 26 ( U P ) . — Clar­

ence D. Tay lo r , 77, f o r m e r Indus* the Cit izens ' j t r ial ist and^ spo r t sman , of a h e a r t

v i ce 'A t t ack in" his h o m e h e r e . Before Cather ine pres ident of the ' .Chapman Guild of his r e t i r e m e n t in 1929, Tay lo r was

h Bj;;-,trand. who died T h u r s - Oneida. W h i l e , l i v i n g in S y r a c u s e president of t h e Buffalo C a r t i n g was • conducted a t 9 A. M. he attendorl F i r s t Bapt i s t C h u r c h ' C o m p a n y , and d i r ec to r of City Ice

Monday „from her home, 310 East and inQsfeida he w a s a m e m b e r of and Fue l C o m p a n y a n d B i n g h a m ind a half F i rs t Methodist Church . and Taylor Corpo ra t i on , a foundry .

MARRIAGE L I C E N S E S Nicola Ne t t i , 202 E a s t Belden; . „ . , . . . .

Tenta t ive a r r a n g e m e n t s for the Avenue a n d Virginia De Angelo; All you do to apply for your loan is to funera l have been made by Dr . ! Diriaoio, 202 E a s t Belden Avcmie acquaint us with your problem. Loans Nien ' s associates, Including D r . ' . , J o , n n . ^ w a r d _ . B r e n n a n , „ _ 1 0 7 tte made on furniture, car or note, lou'rs M Hic-kernali' - « u n p r i n » p n - l M a r k Avenue, arjd K a t h l e e n May

M n i tKcrnai i . ^ u p e r . n t e n - ! K u h n 3 2 0 R o c k l a n d A v e n u e . Sidney W a r r e n W a t k i n s , 100

Davis S t r ee t , and B a r b a r a Claire S t an ton , 638 Sod th S t a t e S t r ee t .

dent of the hospital and Prof, J . T h e r o h Illick of Syracuse Unlver-

But we attach far more importance to character and regular income than to the value of security. I t it unneces- , sary to ask outsiders to sign the loan paper* with you. And at no time do we question friends or relatives about your credit

Gat your loan for loss The payments in the table include all charges. These charges are calculated a t Household's rate of 2yi% per month on that part of a balance not exceeding 1100 and 2 % per month on tha t part-of a balance in esca t t of $100. The Small Loan Law permits us to charge a substantially higher rata than this. Some finance'companies do charge a higher rate . We publish our payment* and ra te of charge so tha t you may amputcottnbtfortyw borrou.

Phone or visit u* for full informa-, t ton without obligation.



Fust Syracuse,

"1 * "" W y^S^mBBmxmmussm

I 1936 FRI6IM1RES! eFind out howybtfean extend your original 5-Year protection until 1945!

se, R. Y.


APPEARANCE IS IMPORTANT Keep your Summer clerhos fresh, neet oRtJ seerhlino clean fhe-^W.CW.

You're safe sending them to Wilkihs, CosHe & Wilkins . . . cleonerLof long exfierience, whert cleaning and dying. Is on art and *he results ore beautiful . . . You'll bt surprised ot the low cost, too.

• Spotless Cleaning • Careful Pressing • Sklllfsl Pleating • Prompt Service • Can and Deliver

517 Oneida &


ptfmtnli » IS

112.97 25.94 38.91

51.SS 64.79 77.76

103.51 129.26 155.02

I 6.6S J3.29 19.94

26.58 33.20 39.79

52^7 66.11 79.26

»4.54 9.08


18.15 22.67 27.16

36.13 45.08 54.02

13 .49 6.97


13.95 17.41 20.85

27.72 34.57

8 286 5.71 8.57

11.43 14.26 17.07

22.68 28.27 33.85

9 2,44 4.87 741

f.7B 12.16 1456


0 m je ft

tee I3S m •m a t



7.66 9.56


19,33 15.15 24.08 18.85 2852 I 22.54

S 4.81

6.41 8.00 9.66

12.65 15.73 18.80

i n

S S I t M I A S U N T C t the total amount Acurad by wstnetM* u b s * t o b t th* rwU aitiewnt T O * will t o y , wh*o ptyaHtoi* t r t matf* on tcheoul* ymt wSf faSy s t t t If y tw t o y y o w

c, -«v.«r£rm\^t-s-r^^ naj SIO0 and 4% par aaonth ^—^. 4 9 ^ > on that port of a 1

Thairat* it (ottthon i r a t t l i b y t h t "

i t h o n t h t i ». s — sHr*.i*e ^ ^ V Y t »s*M**e*.Mijij>i«l.

• itsoNAt toaffs fse ro l i f t


3rd Floor, Loew Theatre Bldg., 108 V. Jfierson St Jt W. Mufin. Mtmmgtr Telephone: 2-6143


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