Download - November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

Page 1: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 1

Bowling newsThursday November 4, 2010

Office: 562-807-3600 Fax: 562-807-2288


P.O. Box 4160, Downey, CA 90241 • Online: • Email: [email protected]

Honor RollName Score Date Center

DAvE BAtsOn 300 10-25-10 ClAssiC lAnEsjOhnniE EnglEhArt 805/300 10-25-10 CAnOgA PArk BOwljOhn PinEDA 300 10-25-10 FOuntAin BOwlCArOlyn sChErzBErg 704 10-25-10 CAnOgA PArk BOwljOn DisO 805 10-26-10 ClAssiC lAnEsmikE ChArrOn 827 10-27-10 sAnDs BOwllAurA lEE DAniEl 765 10-27-10 DEEr CrEEk lAnEsmikE DiAz 300 10-27-10 DEEr CrEEk lAnEsmiChAEl rODriguEz 300 10-27-10 COrBin BOwlEmmErsOn wAFEr 300 10-27-10 CAl BOwlBill hAll 814 10-28-10 wEstminstEr lAnEsrAy mAthEws 300 10-28-10 COrBin BOwlmikE wAgnEr 300 10-28-10 uPlAnD BOwlkAthy AllEn 781/300 10-29-10 mOrEnO vAllEy BOwlDErriCk kOtlAr 300 10-29-10 ClAssiC lAnEsDAviD FErgusOn 300 10-29-10 CAl BOwllOwEll huBEr 804 10-29-10 linBrOOk BOwljuliE mArvin 761/298 10-29-10 DEEr CrEEk lAnEsjuAn sAnDOvAl 300 10-29-10 linBrOOk BOwltim AlBin 300 11-01-10 BOwl-O-DrOmEmikE ChArrOn 300 11-01-10 sAnDs BOwljEnniFEr COOk 300 11-01-10 FOuntiAn BOwlBrEt hirsCh (16 yrs) 300 11-01-10 mirA mEsA lAnEs

ATTENTION ALL BOWLERS:BOwl An hOnOr sCOrE this wEEk & E-mAil By tuEsDAy nOOn

yOur nAmE, sCOrE, DAtE & CEntEr & yOu will BE On thE FrOnt PAgE.E-mAil tO: [email protected]: 300 Or 800 wOmEn: 298,299,300 Or 700+

Bowling news

ABT Orange County Saturday Nov. 6 Cal BowlABTA Saturday Nov. 6 Brunswick Covina BowlJ.A.T. Open & Farm Club Sunday Nov. 7 Brunswick West Covina LanesFriday No-Tap Friday Nov. 5 Cal BowlLadies 9 Pin No Tap Wednesday Nov. 10 Canoga Park BowlP.J.’s 8 Game Scratch Singles Saturday Nov. 7 Canoga Park BowlSenior No Tap Singles Tuesday Nov. 9 Canoga Park BowlUltimate Eliminator Sunday Nov. 7 BowliumW.C.S.T. Saturday Nov. 6 Canyon Lanes

Daylight Savings Time To Bowl...6 Gamer - $300.00 1st Place SUNDAY, Nov. 21st at 5PM • Entry Fee: $50check-in


Oil Pattern Used“Winding Road”

by Kegel

OpTIONAL - Sidepots $6 - Blocks $4 • Call Alan at (949)770-0055 for more info.

COVINA—The ABTA is returning to two of our popular Centers. This Saturday Nov. 6 we will visit BRC Covina Bowl in Covina, Nov. 13 BRC Upland Lanes in Upland.

New Members are wel-come up to a 209 average, and may join onsite for only $10. Men and Women qual-ify separately and the ABTA guarantees a minimum of 40 semifinalists. (32 men and 7 women with one in 4 ½ also being added to the semifinals.) Super Seniors, the three high-est who do not make the cut (2 men and 1 lady) will also be added to the semifinals.

There are many option-als in the ABTA. There is the Match Game 3 pot, The Match Series and the 3-6-9 pot. There are also Optional Doubles, Raffles drawings and plenty of Bracket fun. The Side- Pots are only $2.00 per game and will usually top $200 per game on the final Squad.

Covina Lanes is located at 1060 San Bernardino Rd. in Covina and phone there is

(626) 339-1286. To get there, take 10 freeway to Azusa, go 1 ½ miles north to San Bernar-dino Rd. left one block or take 210 Freeway to Azusa go south 2 miles to San Bernardino Rd. and go right 1 block.

The following Saturday we return to Upland Lanes and we will be done early in this one folks. There are qualifying Squads at 12:00-1:30-3:00 & 5:00 PM with a special Beat the Board Semis/Finals at 7:00 PM. We are done before 9:00 PM with everything. This is due to the popular Cosmic Program at this popular Center at 9:00 PM.

To get there, take 10 free-way, go 1½ miles north to Euclid to Foothill go left one block to San Bernardino Rd. or take 210 Freeway to Moun-tain, go south 2 miles to Foot-hill and go left.

See our ad in this paper for more info and make plans for the big Thanksgiving Event at CAL Bowl Nov. 25-26-27. $3,700 min, up to $9,000 1st with Bonuses.

ABTA to Return to BRC Covina Bowl & BRC Upland Bowl

LAS VEGAS — The Citrus Belt’s own ALAN MOJADO started fast at the PBA World Series of Bowling last week, rolling a 300 game on the first day of competition. It was his first game on the Cheetah pattern, at 7:30 AM on Mon-day morning. Alan finished the day at a plus 174, for 12 games, and a 214.5 average.

Other CITRUS BELT bowl-ers participating in the “World Series” include DAVE WOD-

ALAN MOJADO Rolls 300 In PBA World Series of Bowling

by Frank Weiler

KA (plus 234), RAY COBB (plus 91), DON MOSER (plus 83), MATT MURTISHAW (plus 83), PAUL NILSEN, Sr. and NICOLE ELLISON.

The leader of the tourney after twelve games of bowling was RICHIE ALLEN at a plus 620. He averaged a whopping 251.6 for the day!

Great bowling guys and gals. We are grateful to the BOWLING NEWS for recog-nizing your efforts.

Alan Mojado (left) & Paul Nilsen Sr. (right)

NORWALK—Some bowl-ers...Walter Ray Williams Jr., Parker Bohn III, and Norm Duke, in particular, would stake their careers on reactive urethane balls, the ultimate power equalizer

The dominance of today’s power players might lead you to believe that this has always been thus, that inflated scores and drastic hooking forever have been a major aspect of bowling. However, that’s sim-ply not the case. In fact, the hook-shot artists of yesterday may well be seen on grainy tape today as straight- ball artists. The development of reactive bowling ball technol-ogy in the early 90’s changed the landscape of bowling more dramatically than any break-through that came before it.

Reactive bowling balls have enhanced the careers of many bowlers and, in some cases penalized others. Bowl-ing ball manufacturers employ high-tech engineers in their ef-forts to “build a better mouse-trap”. This is generally referred to as progress. They have one

Reactive Urethane Bowling Balls.... Who Have They Helped? by John Jowdy

goal in mind: creating superior offensive equipment.

The scientific advance-ments of new equipment have dramatically altered perfor-mances in practically every sport. In golf, players who drove tee shots beyond 300 yards were few and far be-tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest play-ers on the PGA tour, then later John Daly, were rare excep-tions. This feat was reserved for golfers who competed in long drive contests, which featured big, muscular players who only specialized in this phase of the game. Long drive contestants seldom made PGA tournament cuts.

During the past 15 years however, golf club manufac-turers have introduced equip-ment to add greater distance to drives. The club heads on modern drivers are much larger and are designed to add anywhere from 30 to 50 yards to tee shots. These clubs have altered the golf game consider-ably and present less challenge to long hitters, particularly on

par-5 holes. For example, Ti-ger Woods is a virtual cinch to par, birdie, and quite often eagle a par-5 hole. As a matter of fact, on numerous occasions on long holes, Woods has used a 6 or 7-iron club for his sec-ond shot to the green

Although Woods is a rare phenomenon, he isn’t the only golfer who hits 300-yard drives. Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, and numerous other PGA golfers routinely hit 300 to 310 yard tee shots. Even players on the senior tour are driving 30 to 50 yards farther than they did in their prime years.

In baseball, Mark McG-wire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds were rewarded with huge contracts to send base-balls into orbit. How can anyone account for the rash of home-runs in today’s game? Although baseball moguls disavow all accusations of “juicing up” baseballs, there is also the steroid factor that has blemished the careers of McG-wire, Bonds, Sosa, Jose Con-seco, and Jason Giambi… and recently, Alex Rodriguez

And speaking of power-laden equipment isn’t it in-credible that so many modern tennis players are serving ten-nis balls at speeds that far ex-ceed 100 mph? This includes many female stars. Have tennis players improved that much? I think not. Much of it is due to scientifically improved equip-ment.

The same is even more significant on the PBA tour, where statistics prove the vast improvement of some is pri-marily due to advanced equip-ment, particularly since the advent of reactive urethane bowling balls in 1991. Young-er bowlers like Patrick Allen, Chris Barnes, Jason Couch, and Tommy Jones, all whom have at least 10 titles, have been extremely successful in the reactive urethane era. They are products of the environ-ment and have taken advan-tage of modern equipment to rise to the top of their profes-sion. Consequently, we cannot justifiably equate or measure their success against bowlers

ARLINGTON — The official website of the Unit-ed States Bowling Con-gress,, recently activated many significant enhancements to improve the user experience.

After receiving feedback following the initial rede-sign in August 2009, USBC made improvements to the navigation and functional-ity of Many of the changes came from suggestions by association leaders at the 2010 Con-vention. More keywords are now associated with pages allowing the search function to improve and help users find what they need more easily. Addition-ally, the home page load time has been cut in half since the initial re-launch and plans call for further improvement in the coming months.

“ is a key part of the USBC member experience,” USBC Man-aging Director of Media Pete Tredwell said. “We are


listening to feedback from members and are commit-ted to keep improving the site to better meet our cus-tomer’s needs.”

Developers at USBC continue to focus on mak-ing information easier for users to find. Specific tour-nament pages are now pre-sented in a more consistent way and the primary navi-gation toolbar at the top of each page across the web-site is sorted primarily by user groups, such as youth, associations and leagues. The application for “Find a Member” has also been upgraded in the past year. Bowl TV now has a search function, has been stream-lined with easier-to-under-stand titles for each video and is available on iPhone browsers.

Among the updates planned for the future is a more extensive mobile platform so that users can access more of from their

continued on page 9

continued on page 11

Page 2: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 2 November 4, 2010

Mixed Doubles Annual Event Mission Hills Bowl - Mission Hills, CA

$2,400 First Place Limited to 44 teams

Saturday & Sunday Nov. 20 & 21 , 2010

Start Time: A Squad - Roll call 7:30 AM & Bowl at 8:00 AM B Squad - Roll call 1:30 PM & Bowl at 2:00 PM Entry Fee: $350 for team $15 Late fee per person for paying on-site. Finals: 12 teams will make the finals based on 44 teams Dress Code: Name on back is required. Appropriate bowling attire required. No hats, T-shirts, Shorts or Jeans. Women may wear Skirts, Capri’s, or Slacks Format: 9 games of qualifying; Finalists will bowl round robin match play on Sunday. Total pins plus bonus will determine final standings. Lanes will be stripped and re-oiled for B Squad. All bowlers will be required to be available for Pro-Am events Pro-Am squads: Friday at 3:30 PM & Saturday at 8:00 PM

$100.00 fine to all players who do not show

Mail entries to: Pacific Coast Bowlers ATTN: Nicole Ellison 1499 E Highland Ave San Bernardino, Ca 92404 [email protected]

Bowler #1: __________________________ Phone #: __________________ Address: ___________________City: __________St: ____ Zip Code: ______ Email: ___________________________ Bowler #2: __________________________ Phone #: __________________ Address: ___________________City: __________St: ____ Zip Code: ______ Email: ___________________________ We would like to bowl: A Squad____ B Squad____

Late fee will apply after November 15 Credit Cards accepted by calling 818-921-5335

Make Checks Payable to Del Rosa Lanes

All players must be current USBC members

Mission Hills Bowl will be hosting Karaoke on Saturday night also

$40 00 / d $20 00 hip

Bracket Style Tournament ClubInfo: (909) 215-1300 or email @ [email protected]

Payout(Based on 120 Entries)

$40 00 w/ member ship and $20 00 re entry w/membership. w member ship an . re-entry w/membersOptional Side Pot & Strike Pot Available

Every Champion and Second Place Champion will also wina New Brunswick High Performance Bowling Ball of their choice

Dates: Aug. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 19Special Holiday Prize Fund

Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Nov. 7 Nov. 21

Dec. 5 Dec. 19

Check in Time is 1:00pm - Tournament Starts at 2:00pm

At the newly remodeled Bowlium.Located at 4666 Holt Blvd. Montclair, Ca 91763

Prepaid groups of 4 or more, will receive 1 free entry per groupAnd free annual membership to each bowlerp

Send Pre-registration to: 12188 Central Ave. #401 Chino, Ca 91710

Address all Envelopes to Chris Hook. Make all Checks or Money Orders Payable to Chris Hook

$40 00 / d $20 00 hip

Bracket Style Tournament ClubInfo: (909) 215-1300 or email @ [email protected]

Payout(Based on 120 Entries)

$40 00 w/ member ship and $20 00 re entry w/membership. w member ship an . re-entry w/membersOptional Side Pot & Strike Pot Available

Every Champion and Second Place Champion will also wina New Brunswick High Performance Bowling Ball of their choice

Dates: Aug. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 19Special Holiday Prize Fund

Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Nov. 7 Nov. 21

Dec. 5 Dec. 19

Check in Time is 1:00pm - Tournament Starts at 2:00pm

At the newly remodeled Bowlium.Located at 4666 Holt Blvd. Montclair, Ca 91763

Prepaid groups of 4 or more, will receive 1 free entry per groupAnd free annual membership to each bowlerp

Send Pre-registration to: 12188 Central Ave. #401 Chino, Ca 91710

Address all Envelopes to Chris Hook. Make all Checks or Money Orders Payable to Chris Hook

$40 00 / d $20 00 hip

Bracket Style Tournament ClubInfo: (909) 215-1300 or email @ [email protected]

Payout(Based on 120 Entries)

$40 00 w/ member ship and $20 00 re entry w/membership. w member ship an . re-entry w/membersOptional Side Pot & Strike Pot Available

Every Champion and Second Place Champion will also wina New Brunswick High Performance Bowling Ball of their choice

Dates: Aug. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 19Special Holiday Prize Fund

Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Nov. 7 Nov. 21

Dec. 5 Dec. 19

Check in Time is 1:00pm - Tournament Starts at 2:00pm

At the newly remodeled Bowlium.Located at 4666 Holt Blvd. Montclair, Ca 91763

Prepaid groups of 4 or more, will receive 1 free entry per groupAnd free annual membership to each bowlerp

Send Pre-registration to: 12188 Central Ave. #401 Chino, Ca 91710

Address all Envelopes to Chris Hook. Make all Checks or Money Orders Payable to Chris Hook


Check-in @ 11:30 AM Bowl @ Noon


($3 Lineage / $5 Prize Fund) INCLUDES COFFEE!!!!

1499 E. Highland Ave San Bernardino, Ca 92404

(909) 886-4675


Monday Nights 50/50 Fun League - Trios First & Last Place Get Same Payout

$12 p/Week

12 Weeks of Bowling $1 Hot Dogs – League Bowlers Only

Meeting Nov 1st – 6:00PM Bowling Starts at 6:30PM

Del Rosa Lanes – (909) 886-4675

Del Rosa Lanes Presents:

(must have At least 16 Entries to receive Bowling Ball)



LAS VEGAS—Eric Forkel (Henderson, NV), continues his winning ways, as he captured his 5th WCST Title this year, at Southpoint Lanes, in Las Vegas, NV, in the Regular Division. He now has 17 WCST Titles. His qualifying score on Saturday, was outstanding, especially when the lanes were done with a Kegel Pattern, “SUNSET STRIP”. Eric rolled 2442 for the 10 games.

The WCST, normally has very high scoring tournaments, but this one was a lot different as the lanes were playable, if you executed properly. 2073, made the cut for the 10 games, and 6 bowlers went to the finals. Eric, 1314 for the 6 games, and won 4 of the 6 matches, and the tournament by 261 pins. 2nd Place finisher, John DeBenedetta, a good qualifying score on Saturday of 2249. Top 2: 1st Place, Eric Forkel, $625.00, 2nd Place, John DeBenedetta (Las Vegas), $435.00. 15 bowlers entered this division, for a pay-off of $2,255.00. 6 checks paid. For the year, 19 tourna-ments, pay-off, $143,160.00, and for 319 tournaments, a pay-off of $3,616,861.00. The WCST, would like to thank our hosting center, South Point Lanes, and their GM, Mr. Mike Monyak, and the workers of the lanes, and the $500.00 added money to the prize fund. Joe Chattin, a good job with the Brackets, Shelly Forkel, another outstanding job, gathering and posting all scores for both the qualifying and the finals. A special thank you always to our coverage sponsor, EBONITE IN-TERNATIONAL.

The PBA “World Series of Bowling” had just finished their qualifying the whole week before, and it really looked good with all of the big sponsors of the PBA on the masking units in the back ground, while we were bowling.

*****SUPER SENIOR NEWS*****Dick Baker (Henderson, NV), captured his 4th WCST Title in the Super Senior Division. Quali-

fying 7th on Saturday, with 2060 for the 10 games, he rebounded on Sunday, with a 10 game finals total of 2278, and winning 9 of his 10 matches, a runaway victory by 202 pins over a fast closing Mike Foreman, who won his match in the position round needing a double in the 10 frame to do that, and a narrow 4 pin margin for 2nd place over qualifying leader Jeff Jamison. 2193, led the qualifying, and to make the cut 10th place, 2051. Gary Coultas, a big move from 8th in the qualify-ing, and finishing 4th in the finals.

Top 4: 1st, Dick Baker, $900.00, 2nd, Mike Foreman (Las Vegas), $700.00, 3rd, Jeff Jamison (Boulder City, NV), $600.00, and 4th to Gary Coultas, (Huntington Beach), $500.00. Super Se-niors had 35 entries, with 9 checks being paid out, which included a high game out of higher cash for a bowler age 70 plus. Lou Coelho, won that with 1927, and a $175.00 check. Total Prize Fund pay-off: $5,070.00.


wEst COAsts EniOr tOur wCst EBOnitE singlEs sunday, October 31, 2010 sOuthPOint lAnEs FinAls rEgulAr DivisiOn POS BOWLEr City QuAl FinAls W L BOnus t.Pins PrizE

1 EriC FOrkEl HENDERSON, NV 2442 1314 4 2 120 3876 $6252 JOHN DEBENEDETTA LAS VEGAS 2249 1246 4 2 120 3615 $4353 RUSS DAVIES LAS VEGAS 2079 1258 4 2 120 3457 $3354 STEVE SMITH SAN DIEGO 2232 1103 3 3 90 3425 $3105 EDDIE KATZ LAKEWOOD 2154 1107 2 4 60 3321 $2856 ChuCk mOgAvErO KINGMAN, AZ 2073 1179 1 5 30 3282 $265

********************************************************************************************************************************************* suPEr sEniOrs POS BOWLEr City QuAl FinAls W L BOnus t.Pins PrizE

1 DiCk BAkEr HENDERSON, NV 2060 2278 9 1 270 4608 $9002 mikE FOrEmAn LAS VEGAS 2139 2087 6 4 180 4406 $7003 JEFF JAMISON BOULDER CITY, NV 2193 2059 5 5 150 4402 $6004 gAry COultAs HUNTINGTON BEACH 2057 2064 6 4 180 4301 $5005 jErry CAlvin 1000 OAKS 2122 2032 4 6 120 4274 $4506 BOB PERMANN HEMET 2116 2019 3 7 90 4225 $4007 ROSS ZEIGLER LAS VEGAS 2072 1939 6 4 180 4191 $3758 mikE rAusCh COSTA MESA 2051 2012 4 6 120 4183 $3509 ROD TRAMP PORTERVILLE 2091 1955 4 6 120 4166 $325

10 hAl wilBEr LAS VEGAS 2054 1982 3 7 90 4126 $300***********************************************************************************************************************************************

AgE 70 Plus Out OF highEr CAsh POS BOWLEr City sCOrE PrizE

1 lOu COElhO HENDERSON, NV 1927 $175 ********************************************************************************************************************************************* mOnEy BrEAkDOwn

inCOmE DistriButiO15 Entries X $175.00 $2,625.00 Prize Fund $2,255 rEgulAr Div.Added $200.00 lines $372

Expenses $198total: $2,825.00 total: $2,825

35 Entries X $175.00 $6,125.00 Prize Fund: $5,070 suPEr sEniOrsAdded $300.00 lines $900

Expenses $455total: $6,425.00 total: $6,425

********************************************************************************************************************************************* the wCst would like to thank our hosting center, southpoint lanes, and their general Coordinator, mr. mike monyak, and the addition of $500.00 to the prize fund, and the workers of the center. thanks to all bowlers who entered. thanks to shelly Forkel, with another outstanding job gathering scores and posting for the qualifying and the finals. thanks to joe Chattin doing the Brackets, and to our coverage sponsor EBOnitE intErnAtiOnAl CO. *********************************************************************************************************************************************

Dick Baker & Eric Forkel


Bowling Games


Bowling Games$195

Bowling Games

sunday-thursday nights8pm-MIDNIGHT


Bowling After Dark!Bowling After Dark!


Page 3: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 3

SSHC 68374 Fms R1 California Bowling News AD

Hotel & Casino Amenities:


MENTION OFFER CODE:2695Hotel offer based on availability and good until 12/30/10. Room rate(s) are subject to Clark County room tax, currently at 13%. Room tax is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Offer valid with charters requiring 10 or more rooms, per night. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Group cancellation

policy applies. Must be 21 years of age or older to participate. Management reserves all rights. ©2010 Sunset Station Hotel & Casino, Henderson, NV a Station Casinos company.


Great Sweeper Rates AvailableRooms from $2999

FridayNovember 26 @ 7:00 pm

Teams - Mix 5 (Must have one of opposite sex)

32 Teams First Come First Serve

Entry - $125.00 per Team

Handicap - 90% of 230

Optional: Side Pots, Lotto, & Shot of Gold


21615 W. Soledad Cyn Rd, Saugus, CA 91350 (661) 254-0540 fax (661) 254-7562

Name : ____________________________AVG______Phone: ______________________

Name: _____________________________AVG______Phone: ______________________

Name: _____________________________AVG______Phone: ______________________

Name: _____________________________AVG______Phone: ______________________

Name: _____________________________AVG______Phone: ______________________ Thanksgiving NoTap


For further information call:Tom Cristi or Craig Goodman

$500.00 First Place Team

A. 2009-2010 Book B. Current Summer 2010 (21 games) C. 2008-09 Book D. 175 Blind E. House has right to re-rate any


Abakumoff announced that the league Secretary Treasurer Bob Taylor was hospitalized with a heart ailment and Andy Lorenzo was asked to sub for Taylor on Taylor’s team. Also that all our prayers are for his speedy recovery and Taylor may be home on Tuesday to resume his work.

With all bowlers concerned about both Taylor’s health and the unexpected dry back ends of Bowling Square lanes, the traveling league had its first bad scoring session last Sunday as Robert Audette rolled a 735 for four games to lead the low 6 men honor roll. Also Audette’s Chino team was the only one to hit a 2000 plus series with a 2013 including the day’s high team game 561.

Audette’s series had 202-211 sandwiched with a pair of 161s, Abakumoff’s 720 had a different sandwich with 212 and 202 between 150 and 156 inside, Pablo Yoma had 706 while Paul Taffolla hit the day’s high game 224 and both Bob Bergan and Don Millwee hit a 213 each. Although no teams exchanged places in the standings with the league leader S.F. Valley losing 6-14 to 3rd place Chino, enabling Chino to move up within half point of 2nd place LA City which is now 10 points behind Valley.

With Halloween day theme, league Vice-President Sharon Caldwell treated the bowlers with her pumpkin pie squares and Pablo Yoma with lollipops. The league thanks the AMF Bowling Square management staff for hosting and moves on to Del Rio Lanes on Sunday Nov. 7 with the leader S.F. Valley against Mid City, 2nd place LA City versus Lake Elsinore and 3rd place Chino goes against Riverside.

FORMER DEAF CALIFORNIAN BOWLING GREAT DONNA LOW PASSED AT 54 LAS VEGAS—This writer regretted reporting this sad news late although he was told of her

death earlier in October during the Deaf Seniors of America tournament. He hesitated in order to get more facts about her death but got none and felt that former deaf bowling great Donna Low should be recognized with her accomplishments in deaf tournaments.

Thrice married Donna Low, a daughter of deaf senior bowler Delores McCarty of Lurcene Val-ley, CA passed away on late Monday October 11, 2010 at age of 54. Donna had bowled in deaf leagues.

When married to respected star bowler Gorman Low, Donna with 160 average joined the So. CA. Deaf Traveling League in the 1980s. As a respected competitor against the men in this scratch match play league she improved herself well enough to capture her first big title, the Pacific Coast Deaf Queens championship at South Bay Bowl in May 1982. Then later in July she made a trip to Edison, NJ to participate in the National Deaf Queens and surprisingly took that title too.

For her feats of being the first bowler to win both prestigious titles in the same year made the Southern California Bowling Writers honor her with their Connie Marchione Award for Handi-capped Bowler in their annual All-Stars Awards Banquet in 1983. She was the first deaf woman bowler to get this award. Donna proved that her winning of both titles was not a fluke by repeating as the Pacific Coast deaf Queens Champion at Reno in the following year. She also was the runner up to fabulous Lindy Decker, Dover, PA at Sacramento in 1992. Few years after that Donna stopped bowling. Our belated condolences go to her mother Delores McCarty and her family.

Last Weeks Solution 3 6 1 8 7 2 5 4 9 7 5 8 6 4 9 1 2 3 2 4 9 5 1 3 8 6 7 5 2 6 1 8 7 9 3 4 8 7 3 9 6 4 2 5 1 1 9 4 3 2 5 7 8 6 9 8 7 4 5 6 3 1 2 4 1 2 7 3 8 6 9 5 6 3 5 2 9 1 4 7 8Located Inside Rossmoor Bowl

310-533-9595owned and operated byTim and Diana Albin

Located Inside AMF Bowl-O-Drome21915 S. Western Ave, Torrance, CA 90501

Page 4: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 4 November 4, 2010

Billy Hardwick had a view from the top of the world the day he re-ceived the call that tore him to the ground.

Competing at the 1969 Japan Cup, where a year earlier he set a PBA record that stands to this day when he averaged 271 for eight games, Hardwick already had won a PBA Player of the Year award and beaten Dick Weber to win the inaugural Firestone Tournament of Champions in 1965.

He would notch another record in 1969 by winning six titles that season alone, a feat topped only twice in the 41 years since, both times by Mark Roth (1978 & ‘79). One of the six happened to be a win at the U.S. Open that earned him the coveted triple crown of major tournament titles—the Firestone, the U.S. Open, and the PBA National Champion-ship.

All this despite an inability to straighten his arms due to rheumatoid arthritis, a doctor’s assurance that he would be “crippled by the age of 28,” and a childhood injury to the ring finger on his bowling hand that left it almost totally inflexible.

“I won my first Bowler of the Year with my index and middle finger,” Hardwick said of the grip for which he became known as “the boy with the golden claw.”

Yes, Hardwick had a view from high above all that in 1969, a view from which names that loomed large at the time—Weber, Zahn, Cart-er—seemed to him no larger than pedestrians observed from the top of a hundred-story building.

“If Carter and I put our foot up on the approach at the same time, hey, I got there first. Back up,” Hardwick said of his attitude in 1963, when he first etched his name into the stone of bowling immortality.

But the person on the other end of the call that sent him scrambling for the next flight home from Japan that day in 1969 was not Weber or Carter calling to congratulate him for any of these glories. It was not some reporter looking for an interview. No; it was his wife, and the news had nothing to do with bowling.

Billy Hardwick’s first-born child, seven-month-old Billy Jr., was dead.

The infant, by all accounts a perfectly healthy baby, died suddenly in his crib in what was then termed “crib death,” more commonly known today as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

“Country music entertainer Merle Haggard hit the charts a while back with a song called ‘I’m Always on a Mountain When I Fall,’” one Bowl-ing Magazine writer put it in 1985. “Billy Hardwick knows the feeling.”

The loss proved to be too great for Hardwick’s marriage to overcome. He got married for a second time several years later. He and his new wife had a son, Christopher. Then they decided they wouldn’t mind having another.

And that’s when it happened—again.“She got pregnant again, but she had a terrible time. The baby was

about seven months along, and the doctor said she was over the rough part but wouldn’t be able to have any more kids. Five days later, the baby comes out arm first. The baby died two days later,” Hardwick explained in an interview with Bowlers Journal.

“At that point, who really gives a damn about bowling? People say they understand, but until you actually lose two children—including an infant—there is no way to describe what it is like. At the time, I was No. 1 in the world, and I said ‘So What?’ I just didn’t care. You just check my records after that, because they’re all zeroes.”

After turning himself into the PBA’s version of the human highlight reel in 1969, Hardwick would not win another title on tour for the next seven years, fumbling for some way to outlast his grief as he bowled merely to please the sponsors that paid him to be there.

“Being the best bowler in the world was the least important thing,” Hardwick said in 2005, “because I convinced myself that the better I bowled, the more disaster I would have to face.”

The ladder Hardwick climbed to reach that view from the top may have taken just the length of one terrible phone call to crumble, but it took years to ascend. The climb began at Bel Mateo Bowl in San Mateo, Calif., where he wiped tables at age 16 for $1.65 an hour as he brooded over dreams of joining the bowling gods he worshipped on TV.

“We had a bed outside, under a little overhang on the patio. I’d tell my parents I wanted to sleep out there. Then, when they’d go to bed, I’d sneak out and go to the bowling center and stay until 5 o’clock in the morning,” Hardwick revealed in a 1985 interview.

“And on weekends, it was Friday midnight straight through 6 p.m. on Sunday. You’d bowl all night, load up on No-Doz and coffee, then catch a few minutes rest with your hand bleeding, your back sore, and then get back up and grind away again.”

And if Hardwick’s victims ever saw through his act – the smell of a calculated sip of beer on his breath or the speech he slurred while taking on all comers to put on the airs of easy prey—Hardwick always knew

who to call.

“Make sure big Lenny was there so when you go to the parking lot, you could get to your car. It was great,” Hardwick said of his former high school classmate—Phantom Radio’s Len Nicholson. “He’s 6-foot-3 and 250 lbs., so I was safe with him because nobody would mess with him.”

It might be true that nobody messed with “Big Lenny” in a bowl-ing alley parking lot, but the guy that nobody messed with on the lanes was Billy Hardwick. By 1969, Hardwick would rake in a single-season’s earnings of $64,160 ($381,659.34 in 2010 dollars).

Like any young dreamer, though, Hardwick had lessons to learn and lumps to take before he found the big time.

“The first year I lost my paycheck every week bowling for money,” Hardwick recalled in 1985. “A friend used to lend me 50 cents a day to get a pack of cigarettes and a cup of coffee.”

But it wasn’t always just his money Hardwick had to protect back then—sometimes, it was his life.

Out of money and desperate after blowing his dough on a carnival game at the San Mateo County Fair, Billy struck up some talk about bowling with the fair worker that had just cleaned him out, telling him that he averaged a meager 145. Hardwick’s days of averaging 145 were as far behind him as his days of getting by on $1.65 an hour by that time. But that was for Billy to know and for the other guy to find out.

That’s how it was supposed to go, at least.

“We agreed to meet at Bel Mateo for some money matches when the fair closed at 2 a.m.,” Hardwick explained years later. “He walked in the center at exactly 2 a.m., came over to where I was putting my shoes on and took a .45 from his jacket and laid it on the table. He told me, ‘I just want to make sure your average is 145.’ I didn’t even finish putting my shoes on. I just got out of there as fast as I could and promised God I would never hustle again.”

Hardwick might have been a hotshot hustler by then, but in his first year on tour he would learn that the way most hotshot kids end up on the PBA tour is borrowing money for a trip back home with egos held together by Band-aids. Billy Hardwick would need a lot of Band-aids after his first foray on tour: He went 0-17 and didn’t have so much as a dime to show for his efforts.

Don Carter told him to go home, and go home he did—but just long enough to raise the money to go back out there and do it all over again, that is.

“When he got back home, we asked him what he was going to do,” says Nicholson, “and he said ‘I’m going to go back out there next year and beat them all.’ We all told him he was nuts.”

And maybe he was. After all, this was the Billy Hardwick who, as one Bowlers Journal story put it, “throws the ball like he’s falling out of a tree.”

Hardwick slid and hopped his way to the foul line like a doomed plane coming in for an emergency landing, hunching over at the line to deliver a full roller that spliced his target like a thread through a needle.

“When they watched me bowl for the first time they wanted to bowl me for a living,” Hardwick recalled of his first days on tour in 1961. “I was the worst they had ever seen.”

“He had more ways of getting to the foul line than U.S. Air,” Nichol-son recalls, “but he was accurate as hell.”

Today, those who doubted Hardwick in 1962 know that they were the nuts and he was the star. But in the 1970s, Hardwick’s star had vanished into the night sky of his despair, and the spectacle was as painful to watch as it was to read about.

“Even the veterans, who saw him when he was at the top of his form, thought he was just marking time, hanging on to past glories and hoping for just one more moment in the spotlight,” Jim Dressell wrote in a 1976 story for Bowlers Journal.

But somebody else remembered Billy Hardwick “at the top of his form,” too—someone by the name of Billy Hardwick.

Seven years of losing was enough to remind Hardwick what it felt like to strike out in 33 of his first 36 at bats on the Hillside High baseball team in San Mateo—and to become the team’s most valuable player the following year.

“I was so obsessed with beating my high school friends that nothing else mattered,” Hardwick recalled years later. “I just couldn’t stand hav-ing them beat me.”

It was enough to remind him of his ride back home after that 17th

week on tour in 1962, broke and beaten down—only to come back the following season as the PBA Player of the Year.

Now he had one more memory to make, one more dark hole to climb out of just when everybody else thought he had fallen for good.

“Then in 1976, it finally hit me that I had been on the verge of being the best bowler of all time, or at least considered for it, and here I was blowing it,” Hardwick said in 1979

Winning always was easy for Billy Hardwick. All he ever had to do was decide to do it. Sure, there was work and hassle in the meantime, guns to duck at Bel Mateo, that bed to leave behind on the family porch for all those endless nights of hustling, the thousands of games of practice after that rookie season from hell and the doctors who told him not to bother. But no amount of practice could do more to put him over the top than his own raw will to “beat them all.”

“He had unbelievable desire and determination,” Nicholson recalls. “It was at a level that the average guy knows nothing about.”

Hardwick found losing as unbearable in 1976 as he did all those days he went down swinging at Hillside High; he just hadn’t yet decided to win again. Then he left to catch a plane to Toledo to bowl the 1976 PBA Monro-Matic Open at Imperial Lanes. For the first time in seven years, he allowed himself to feel what it was like to head for the next tour stop without the slightest doubt that his name would be on the trophy by the end of the week. He vowed to win in Toledo.

“I had never said anything like that before,” Hardwick said years later. “But I had never wanted to do anything so badly before, either. I knew it was my tournament, and that nobody was going to take it away from me.”

He was right. Hardwick made the show in Toledo as the No. 1 seed and blasted a 236 to take his first title since those long-gone days when he enjoyed that view from the top of the world.

But Hardwick mentioned something else on his way to Toledo, too.

“I’m going to make the show at the Firestone,” he told his wife before boarding the plane. “I don’t care if they put sand on the lanes.”

They didn’t put any sand on the lanes when the Firestone returned to Akron days after his triumph in Toledo. But whatever they did to the lanes that week, it didn’t stop Hardwick from doing exactly what he said he would do.

Hardwick once again was the top qualifier and opened his title match against 21-year-old Marshall Holman by burying three perfect strikes in a row.

“Three in a row for Billy Hardwick in this final match!” exclaimed Chris Schenkel, the man after whom Hardwick named his son, Chris Hardwick.

“It’s almost unbelievable, the control and accuracy of Hardwick,” Bo Burton added. “The three strikes he’s gotten so far are perfect, packed strikes.”

As Hardwick sat and blew on his sore thumb while Holman bowled, he leered at the pins from under his brow like an angry gunslinger staring down his enemy in some spaghetti western, unsmiling and determined.

“His focus and concentration were unreal,” Nicholson says. “When he got into that zone, the other guys would recognize it and say, ‘Well, I guess we are playing for second place again this week.’”

But the man who became the youngest bowler to win a PBA title in 1963 would fall that day to the man who would become the youngest bowler to win the Firestone in 1976, as Holman edged Hardwick by a margin of just five pins, 203-198.

And that, as it turned out, was about the last the PBA would see of the boy with the golden claw.

“After the Firestone, it wasn’t important to me anymore,” Hardwick said three years later. “Maybe that’s why I’ve always felt that the Fires-tone was the last tournament I really bowled in. Sure, I bowled on the ’77 winter tour, but it was more promotional than anything else.”

In the town of Bradenton, Fla., that Hardwick calls home today, a lot of things no longer seem important. Hardwick hasn’t thrown a bowling ball in nearly 30 years; that urge he had to be the best in the world is eclipsed these days by an urge to enjoy life, and he has found in his third wife, Rebecca, a woman whom he describes as his “best friend.”

A 2007 Bowlers Journal story found a barefoot Hardwick sipping wine at the beach, sporting a suit and bowtie with a medal dangling from his hand that read “Here’s To Me, From Me.”

“Peaks and valleys, that is what life is all about,” Hardwick said at the time. “I went through a three-and-a-half year period when my oldest son and youngest son both died, and I can’t tell you one thing in between the day I turned 30 and the day I turned 40. Self-pity was my best friend. Now, I wake up with a smile on my face.”

“I’m Always on a Mountain When I Fall”: The Billy Hardwick Story

by Gianmarc Manzione USBC Communications &

Page 5: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 5

American Bowlers Tournament AssociationP.O. Box 3721, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 • 562-868-7164 • Cell: 562-228-3960 •

1 tao yang 736 $1,000.00 Cash & Carry $1,700.00 ABtA shirt $100.00 2 miriam galluzzo 655 $500.00 3 Ester licauco 715 $225.00 4 keith klagge 714 $140.00 5 Chris mcDonald 655 $140.00 6 marvin galsim, sr. 690 $127.50 7 giang huynh 684 $127.50 8 michael villareal (lh) 662 $127.50 9 Fred galvan 654 $127.50 10 louis D. Evans 684 $115.00 11 joevin Bolanos 680 $115.00 12 joenito soon 671 $115.00 13 Patricia lin 663 $115.00 14 sandy rosenblum 651 $115.00 15 robert ricketts (ss) 649 $115.00 16 glen kim 646 $115.00 17 victor Fabian 643 $110.00 18 Bennet lai 641 $109.00 19 susan Ebilane (ss) 640 $108.00 20 henry hoang 639 $107.00 21 glenn matsumoto 637 $106.00 22 kris Ordonez 635 $105.00 23 william Ele 629 $104.00 24 Chris kelly 627 $102.50 25 Ed regehr 627 $102.50 26 wendy soo hoo 625 $101.00 27 mike Bousquet (ss) 622 $100.00 28 rey Cabatbat 621 $97.50 29 gerardo ruiz 621 $97.50 30 lonzell Burnett (ss) 616 $95.00 31 Cecilia lung 615 $92.50 32 Phil magno (ss) 613 $90.00 33 willie Parawan 612 $88.75 34 marian Parish (ss) (60%) 612 $53.25 35 Chris shiroma 610 $83.75 36 jemerald soon 610 $83.75 37 mark Fisser 608 $82.50 38 leo tartamella (ss) 603 $80.00 39 william garrett 603 $80.00 40 jonathon Barraca 596 $77.50 41 julie nguyen 592 $75.00 42 sarah magno 591 $73.75 43 norbert lung 591 $73.75 44 mike Deliberto 590 $72.50 45 koo hwang 589 $70.00 46 Bryce Clifford 587 $68.75 47 Pablo Castro (ss)(60%) 587 $41.25 48 ron Everhart 584 $65.00 49 jean Colian 580 $62.50 50 scott r. johnson 580 $62.50 51 rodney Payne 577 $60.00 52 george Parker 575 $60.00 53 Alvin Francisco 574 $59.00 54 vic Paolucci (ss) 564 $59.00 55 mike moore 559 $58.00 56 greg kokanour 558 $58.00 57 stan Por 552 $57.00 58 Pilbert Colian 551 $57.00 59 walter white (ss) 547 $56.00 60 vickie maas 540 $55.50 61 Eldie Abutan 540 $55.50 62 steve Bryant 532 $54.00 63 john Feitz 531 $54.00 64 todd Cunningham 531 $54.00

Forest Lanes Oct 30, 201065 Bobbie mcCollum (ss) DnF $54.00 66 kerry lucka DnF F/E


1 Pablo Castro / michael villarreal (lh) 1390 $120.00 2 george m. Parker / michael villarreal (lh) 1389 $100.00 3 Pilbert Colian / michael villarreal (lh) 1387 $90.00 4 stan Por / michael villarreal (lh) 1374 $80.00 5 Cecilia lung / george m. Parker 1326 $70.00 6 Cecilia lung / Pilbert Colian 1324 $60.00 7 tim (vien) tran / michael villarreal (lh) 1321 $60.00 8 Dillion vargas / michael villarreal (lh) 1314 $50.00 9 Cecilia lung / giang huynh 1313 $50.00 10 Eldie Abutan / victor Fabian 1312 $40.00 11 john Feitz / Chris shiroma 1312 $40.00 12 henry hoang / giang huynh 1299 $30.00 13 Cecilia lung / henry hoang 1292 $30.00 14 jean Colian / Pilbert Colian 1285 $20.00

FinAnCiAl rEPOrtCut scores

men: +20 women +14high Qualifer (Free Entry)

men: robert ricketts + 150women: julie nguyen + 69

3 - 6 - 9: tao yangmatch game: 158 - Andrew lung, Dom

laguardia, Eldie Abutan, vic garciamatch series:548 - no winner

rAFFlE 900 global Ball - Profit mikko miller 1 night lv room Chris romero 1 night lv room wendy soo hoo 2 night lv room ryan nam 900 global Ball - Bank Fred galvan 900 global 3 Ball Bag David matuguina thanksgiving Entry michael kong regular Entry Donovan Chung regular Entry ian Carandang ABtA shirt roger Amparro ABtA shirt nghiem tran

Prize Fund 278 $7,093.00Paid Entries 22 @ 54 $1,188.00Optional sidepots $1,605.00Doubles $840.003-6-9 $50.00shirt & trophy $88.00Cash & Carry $1,700.00match game $1,615.00match series $308.00total Payout $20,067.00

Saturday November 6th

(562) 868-7164 Cell: (562) 228-3960


Covina Bowl1060 San Bernardino Road, Covina • 626-339-1286

Take 10 Fwy to Azusa go 1 1/2 miles North to San Bernardino Rd Left 1 block or Take 210 Fwy to Azusa go South 2 miles to San Bernardino Rd and go Right 1 block

Win $3,000 1st with Bonuses • $1,000 MinSquads: 12:00 - 1:00 - 2:30 - 4:00 & 6:00 PM • Semi Finals 7:45 PM

New Members Join for Only $12 up to 209 Average • No PBAEntry Fees: $54-$51-$46 • Reduced Entry Fees: $37-$35

Brackets—Match Game—Match Series—3-6-9—Doubles—Side Pots—HorsesMatch Game is $3,500 • Match Series is $700 • 3-6-9 is $2,200

Guaranteed Min of 32 Men & 7 Women (min) to Cash • Plus Super Seniors • Men & Women Qualify Separately

$3,500 Min. Prize Fund GUARANTEED Regardless of Entries Top 16 Guaranteed $100 Min. • 1 in 5 entrants advance to the Semi Finals

All Semifinalists to cash with top 16 advancing to the exciting single elim finals format (most events) 3 Women Guaranteed

Nov 13 Brunswick Upland Bowl / 12:00-1:30-3:00 & 5:00 Beat Board Semis Finals 7:00 PMNov 20 Bowlium Lanes / Montclair 12:00-1:00-2:30-4:00 & 6:00 PM Semis 7:45 PM

Handicap is FROZEN at Bowlium for the Thanksgiving Special

Annual Thanksgiving Special3 Days CAL Bowl, Lakewood Nov. 25-26-27

$3,700 min to $9,000 1st with bonuses

Bring In A New Memberand get a $15 rebate at Covina

Match Game Winners at Forest Lanes (L-R) Happy Fellows at Forest Lanes were Eddie Abutan, Andrew Lung and Vic Garcia who shared a $1,615 Match Game along with Dom LaGuardia (Not Pictured).

Yang is the ABTA Champ at Forest - (L-R) Sal Galluzzo, Miriam Galluzzo (runner-up), Cath-erine Cheung, Tao Yang (champion) $2,800, Chris McDonald 4th, Forest Lanes Manager, Allan Mac Duffee & Keith Klagge 5th.

LAKE FOREST—In our re-turn to Lake Forest Lanes they came out in droves for the Hal-loween special, a total of 278 bowlers showed up. They surely enjoyed the clean and popular Bowling center with the em-ployees’ super attitude and ser-vice, and good food also!

Cut scores were tough this week, with a +20 for the men and +14 for the women. This week our three Super Seniors added to the board were Leo “Horseman” Tartamella (+19) and Mike Bousquet (+17) for the men and Marian Parish (-9) for the women. That would give us a total of 65 cashers/ bowlers making it to the semi-finals this week, with all those not making it this week earning a bonus 2 pins if they bowled on regular entry and 1 pin if they bowled on a reduced entry.

For all qualifying squads our top qualifier for the Men was Robert Ricketts with a +150, and for the women it was Julie Nguyen with a +69. Each will get paid entries into a future regular ABTA event. Each week our top seed overall draws the Match Series, and this week it was worth $488. Mr Ricketts/ top seed drew 548 but we had no one that bowled that score. Next week at Covina Bowl we will es-timate the Match Series at $900, and for only a $2 entry fee. For the 3-6-9 qualifying this week, there were not a lot that qualified for the roll-off, but those that did saw Tao Yang be the final per-son to go for the $1800 pot. He missed on his second shot and received a $50 consolation. We will add another $100 at Covina Bowl for total of $1900.

In the doubles this week, we had 84 groups get into the dou-bles, with 14 spots being paid out. The top prize this week went to Pablo Castro and “Iron Mike” Villarreal with a 1390 for $120. In 2nd place it was George Parker and “Iron Mike”

with a 1389 for $100. The low to cash was 1285, we paid out $840 in doubles.

In the semis this week we saw Tao Yang lead the field with a +136 to sit out and bowl for the title. Ester Licauco came in second at +115 and would sit out the first round. It took a +46 for the men and women combined with 4 women making the finals this week.

This week, our top seed in semi-finals/Tao had the honor of drawing the match game worth $1615 and drew a 158. After a review of all the scores bowled, we had 4 bowlers that bowled that score. The four bowlers were Eldie Abutan, Vic Garcia, Andrew Lung (and he called that score right before the bead was drawn) and Dominador LaGuar-dia. They would each take home $603 dollars for their 158 3rd game scratch score. Next week at Covina Bowl, we will estimate the pot at $1,100. This week we had 11 new bowlers join us, and 2 returning member. Lets wel-come these new bowlers to the club, Bill Brossart, Ron Ever-hart, Anthony Cherry, Joe Pe-trella, Todd Cunningham, Mike Deliberto, David Lindsay, Keith Klagge, Alma Reyes, Channy Chy and Chris McDonald. Our returning members were Nick Benanati and Cynthia Maloney, and we would see 3 of the new bowlers make the semi-finals in their first time bowling.

This would bring us to our Match Play finals now. In the 1st round the 7 losers were Glen Kim, Patricia Lin, Robert Rick-ets, Joenito Soon, Sandy Rosen-blum, Joevin Bolanos and Louis Evans and they would receive checks of $115 each. In the sec-ond round, the losers were Mi-chael Villareal, Marvin Galsim Sr, Giang Huynh, Fred Galvan and each would get checks of $127.50, this would get us to down to the final 4 bowlers. At this point, our horses would be

paying anywhere from a low of $30 (Keith Klagge) to a high of $166 (Miriam Galluzzo) de-pending on who would win. In this round we saw Keith Klagge (3rd seed) bowling Miriam Gal-luzzo (11th seed). In this match, Miriam would get the better of Keith with a 195 to 188 finish. In the other match we saw Chris McDonald (12th seed) vs Ester Licauco (2nd seed).

In this match, Ester would get the better of Chris in this match with a 210 to 172 final score. Keith and Chris finished in 4th and 5th getting checks for $140 each. Our semi-final match was set to be bowled on 3 and 4; we had our 2nd and 11th two pretty ladies bowling each other. In our horses this week we would see Ester paying $62 and Miriam paying $166 if they win their match. In this match it started out with Ester start-ing strong and Miriam not find-ing her shot yet. Ester ran into trouble opening 9th and 10th frame leaving the door open for Miriam who struck in the 8th, 9th and needing the first in the 10th to win and getting it, a very well deserved finish to win the match. For those lucky “in-vestors” that had Miriam as a horse, she paid $166. Ester, who bowled very well, finished 3rd and received $225.

The title game is set and would be bowled on lanes 5 and 6 this week. Tao being the top seed elected to have Miriam start the match first. In this match it would go back and forth with the lead during the match. Nei-ther bowler could jump out to a big lead, nor would both leave opens during the match. Going into the final frame Tao would mark, but all that Miriam would have to do was match him to win the match. She missed the head pin on her first ball leaving the 1-3-6 fence for the mark to win, unfortunately she chopped it and making Tao the champi-

on. Their handicap was two pins difference and the game was so close (155/205 to 149/201 final score). This would be Tao’s 2nd ABTA win, he would take home $1000 for first place and another $1700 in cash and carry, plus he was wearing an ABTA shirt for another $100, giving him a total of $2,800 on this special Hal-loween night. Miriam would finish in 2nd for $500,and Ester in 3rd $225 so the ladies did it up good at Forest :)) The final match was very exciting and nerve wrecking to watch. Both bowlers tried so hard and it is a shame that there had to be a loser in this match. Both bowl with us most every week and are great ladies.

Champion Tao Yang is from Monterey Park and used a Ulti-mate Inferno drilled by Gerard at Action lanes. He is single but is taken by lovely Catherine Ch-eung, who bowls regularly with Tao and friends. He would like to thank all the Mou-Liu group, his family, and cheering squad.

Miriam Galluzo (2nd Place) is from Montebello and used a Twisted Fury drilled by Roger Kosaka out of Beverly Bowl. She is married to another ABTA bowler Sal. He is a Champion at Westminster Lanes She would like to thank her husband for all his support and the Abutan, Atangan, Fabian and O’Campo families for all their support.

Ester Licauco (3rd Place) is from North Hollywood and used a Storm drilled by Rusty Bry-ant. She is married to Thomas, and they have 1 son John/ ABTA Champion and would like to thank César Marcella for being their driver this weekend.

This week, the weekly ball sponsor winner of a 900 Global Ball was Mikko Miller and he won the popular Profit ball. Each time you bowl you get a free ticket for this prize given away by our Sponsor, 900 Global. And as an added special this week, two 1 night Las Vegas Rooms were given out of the entry drawings, and they were Chris Romero and Wendy Soo Hoo. This week we were again selling the raffle tickets for a chance at a raffle prizes. Winning a Regu-lar Entry were Donovan Chung and Ian Carandang, winning ABTA Shirts were Nghiem Tran and Roger Amparo, winning a paid entry to Thanksgiving Tournament was Michael Kong. Winner of 2 nights in Las Vegas at our January event was Ryan Nam, winner of 900 Global Ball (the Bank) was Fred Galvan and winner of 900 Global bag was David Matuguina. The rest of the results can be seen in the payoff sheet in this paper.

This Saturday, November 6th, Covina Bowl is our host for a 1 day event. Saturday squads are 12 pm, 1 pm, 2:30 pm, 4 pm and final squad at 6 pm. Please plan on showing up early for squad times. The semi-finals will start at approximately 7:45 pm. And remember if you bring in a new member you get a $15 credit on your entry. See our ad for address and directions, or check our website ( to link to address for direc-tions.

Thanks to Allen and Staff for the superb hospitality and

service. YOU make this Center so wonderful to have a tourna-ment in, and we look forward to our return. Kudos to the Forest Staff!!

It’s history folks as Tao Yang enters the archives as our latest champion. Hope to see you at Covina Bowl! If you have a new address please make sure to let us know either at the tour-nament or via the contact form on our website. If you have any comments or suggestions, use the contact page on our Website

to send comments to us. New Schedules were just mailed, so if you did not get one then please let us know so we can get your address corrected. Thank you for being an ABTA member until then! Make Plans for the Big Thanksgiving Event Nov. 25-26-27 at popular Cal Bowl. It’s a good one and $3,700 1st Min to $9,000 1st with bonuses.Get those rooms prepaid for Las Vegas soon if you want one, we have great rates at the South Point for our Jan. 2011 Event.

Tao Yang Second ABTA Win at Forest LanesCarry-Over of Match Series estimate of $900 next week

4 bowlers share Match Game of $1615 • Match Game estimated $1,100ABTA Returns to Covina Bowl this Weekend

Match Game estimated $1,100 • 3-6-9 is $1,900 at Covina Bowl

Page 6: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 6 November 4, 2010


ANAHEIM—Robert Frey won the Amateur Bowlers Tour (ABT) championship at Linbrook Bowl on Saturday, October 30, 2010 during our 3-game Beat-the-Board tournament. Robert bowled in the 5PM squad and shot games of 251, 242 and 286 with handicap for a series total of 780 and the $300 1st place prize. Jim Slatton came in second shooting a 777 with handicap. Low to cash was +152.

Our newest championship, Robert Frey lives in Westmin-ster and is married to Joan, and they have five children, Matt, Rachel, Ryan, David and John. Robert was using a Brunswick Evil Siege drilled by Butch Maxwell for the win this weekend. Robert sports a high game of 234 and a high series of 594. Rob-ert wanted to thank his wife and children for their love support. Robert also wanted to thank Butch Maxwell and Virginia Norton for helping him with his game. Robert also wanted to thank Lin-brook Bowl for hosting the tournament and the ABT directors for running an outstanding tournament.

The winner of the Senior Sweeper was Robert Frey. The win-ner of the 2-Game Sweeper was Jim Slaton.

The ABT staff and membership would like to thank the man-agement and staff at Linbrook Bowl for hosting our tournament. Our next scheduled event is November 6 at Cal Bowl. The ad-dress is 2500 E. Carson Street in the city of Lakewood. Their phone number is 562.421.8448. This tournament will be a three-game beat-the-board tournament with squads at 1, 2:30 and 4PM. First place will be $800 with 100 entries and the bonus pot. The entry fee for this event is $50.

We hope to see you at on Saturday!

Champion Robert Frey and ABT member Sophia Kim

RUSTY BRYANTLessons by Appointment

THE PRO ZONE“The Ultimate Pro Shop”

818-365-205010430 Sepulveda Blvd.Mission Hills, CA 91345Inside Mission Hills Bowl 818-361-1221

Hours:Mon. Thru Fri.11a.m. to 9 p.m.

Sat. 11 a.m to 5 p.m.

SENIORS! SENIORS! January 17-19, 2011

Sunset Strike Zone Bowling Center Sunset Station Hotel Casino

Henderson, NV50+ Seniors! No-Tap Doubles!

3 days! 3 nights! Special Sunset room rates. FREE daily ball, bag drawings.

Cash door prizes. Brackets! Sidepots!Special "Share the Wealth" drawings! Daily tournaments. Big prize funds!

Single entries welcome! Don’t miss out! Early Birds. Sunday evening blind draw Country Western motif no-tap doubles

tournament. Best dressed awards. Info, entry forms and package pricing contact: Ralph Morton (619) 647-0541

Entry deadline: Wednesday, December 31, 2010 Information & entry forms also available at:

Page 7: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 7

The BRY-LAW SuperSweeper Sidepot$10 weekly entry fee per bowler, with half of the money being paid out each week, and the other half going towards the huge payouts on sweeper night at the end of the sea-son.Larry Stephens, the sponsor of the BRY-LAW Super Sweeper Sidepot, will once again be adding $1,000 to the total collected.Win 2 Super Pots all season & be even… the rest is profit, and that is before you even get to sweeps. 100% of all money collected will be paid out for the season.

1st ROUND STANDINGS 1. Zavala’s Taqueria 29 2. Sysco 26 3. Katie Jakes Bar & Grill 25 4. Team 9 25 5. Team 3 24 6. Brylaw Accounting 22 7. Pro Approach 22 8. Team 7 20 9. Clydes Video Games 19 10. Linder Insurance 18.5 11. Team 11 18 12. Key Container 16 13. Threadworks 16 14. Team 14 15 15. A.B.T.A. 15 16. Junior Amateur Tour 11

TOP 10 LAST WEEK(On The 1st Round House Shot)

807 Kevin Valmonte 771 Jon Brandon 763 Mike Cammarata 757 Jeff Garrison 739 Carl Labayan 737 Greg Neuer 733 Vernon Adams 730 Ramiro Garcia 728 Gary Duran 725 Jon Stone

Congrats to: Kevin Valmonte 300/807 • Jeff Garrison 299 • Paul Barraco 299

Congratulations Round Winners Zavala’s Taquerias Kevin Valmonte 300/807

by Aimee GomezDOWNEY—Zavala’s Taquerias came out of the gates firing at Team 9. They took the first game

by a hundred eighty, barely lost the second, and walked away with the third, totals, and the round win. Congratulations!

Mike Cammarata led Zavala’s with his 258-247-248/763, followed by Jeff Garrison 299-232-226/757, Greg Neuer 257-245-235/737, and Paul Danforth 212-235/630. Herbert Jones 278-257/714, Juan Camarena 257-256/711 and Arnold Cheesman 270-224/687 led Team 9, but were only to pull out the second game.

Sysco got four from Team 3 to move into second overall. Vernon Adams 207-279-247/733, Paul Barraco 299-222/707 and Charlie Kinstler 222-224/626 led the winning team, as Paul Varela 246-211/637, Leonard Ruiz 231/612, Chris Porter 248/604 of Team 3 had an off night. Ramon Torres did not want to get left out of the article, so he converted the 7-10.

Katie Jake’s Bar and Grill swept Clyde’s Video Game using Kevin Valmonte 259-248-300/807, Jon Brandon 257-268-246/771 and Matt Cormack 257-223/679. Ramiro Garcia 247-256-227/730, Mike Villareal 234-224/646 and Clyde Lumpford 217-265/641 bowled well for the gamers, but only got close the second game.

In the Team 7 v. Brylaw Accounting match, the scorekeeper failed to give me anything to work with on game 3, so please make sure all of your scores are written down before you hand in your recap. Looks like Brylaw may have gotten four wins. The only notable game from Team 7 was Steve Gur-rieri’s first game, 295, which earned him the first pot.

Pro Approach faced Key Container this week, and came out of the evening with four wins. Jon Stone 226-267-232/725, Alex Garcia 200-266-248/714 and Ernie Juarez 223-215-232/670 led Pro Approach to the wins, while Darrion Tipton 227-235-252/714, Brandon Grant 238-237-219/694, Joe Torre 222-243-216/681 and Ondra Lucas 240/616 pulled out the first game win.

Linder Insurance also got four, from Threadworks. Gary Duran 259-242-227/728, Keith Klagge 232-257/688, Shane Soper 221-231/634 and Aaron Hodges 233-221/633 led Linders. Anthony Smith 243-212-265/720, Eric Snow 257-238/684 and Jon Reyes 204-218/620 bowled well for Threadworks and nabbed the last game.

Team 11 is on a roll now, taking four from Team 14. Phil Lebaquin 248-214-224/686, Danielle Schilling 246-227-205/678, Lee Liu 201-237-237/675 and Derek Schilling 242-205/644 all did well for Team 11. On Team 14, Devron Lindsey had a nice third game for 200-232-290/722, while Tom Jackson 227-204-234/665 and Phillip Sujo 256-239/650 also contributed.

ABTA and Junior Amateur Tour split 3-2, with ABTA getting the first game and totals. For ABTA, Carl Labayan 246-237-256/739 and David Cogswell 222-203/606 led, as Aimee Gomez 249-218/655, David Yamauchi 217-234/629 and Jared Lawrence 205-212-204/621 broke six.

Thankfully, round one is in the books. Next week, we start the new Cheetah pattern, so pack your bags accordingly. Have a great week and see you soon.

Page 8: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 8 November 4, 2010

CAL BOWL BOWLING REpORT2500 E. Carson St., Lakewood, CA 90712 • (562) 421-8448

GARDEN GROVE — Monday’s league session at Valley View opened with a brief meeting regarding the Vegas optional singles and doubles dates being changed from March 21 to Monday, March 28 and it passed unani-mously. Team sweeps and awards luncheon remain the same on March 14.

Scoring was super this week with a couple of new season high marks, registered by Cal Bowl #1, 823 high team game and Nancy Soto bettered her 208 season high game for “unders” from 208 to 212.

Doris Lewis topped the honor roll with 223-585, fol-lowed by Roberta McNaught 202-585, Vi Wilson 212-572, Tracy Koolmees 211-541, Cyndie Martin 222-541, Mary Dixon and Ana Fukuchi tied on 537 series, Charron McK-night 213-536, Virginia Gray and Dee Phipps tied on 518 clusters, Theresa Jackson 510, Nancy Soto 505 and Sue McGill 202. Also, the strike pot hit $131 and Sue had to call 15 names before it was claimed by Ana Fukuchi.

Fountain Bowl maintains league leadership with 18 wins but is followed closely by Cal #1, 18, Keystone #2, 16, Bowling News 14, Valley View #2 tied with Del Rio at 12 wins, and the rest of the league features standings at two at 11, 10, two at 8 and cel-lar team at 7.

POT POURRI: Nan McGill celebrated a birthday Mon-day and was serenaded by the league. She enjoyed a surprise birthday party by family and special friends after bowling at Polly’s Pies.

NEXT WEEK: Monday 10:30 a.m. at Keystone Lanes. Also, deposit is due for the charter bus trip to Vegas, March 26-27-28 NOW!

MERLENE EASH OCT. 9, 1927--OCT. 27. 2010

Merlene Eash passed away peacefully at her home, sur-rounded by members of her family. She had six children and she often joked about how she scheduled their arrivals between bowling seasons. Her husband, Sam, bowled with her until she beat him so of-ten, he gave it up. Sam passed away in 1997 and she also lost her sister and long time bowl-ing team mate, Carol Hilliard.

Her dedication to bowl-ing and service to the game is legend. She did everything to better women’s bowling and served more than 50 years to do whatever was needed on the level of service to local, state and national bowling organizations. She rose from the ranks of Director to the LBWBA to it’s President and represented the local WBA for many years at State and Na-tional conventions and often served on committees.

She was a helleva bowler too, shooting averages in the 180’s for years with countless trophies and championships to prove it. She was also a devot-ed member of the Las Vegas Travel league for more than 40 years and secretary-treasurer for 35 years. She was also in-ducted into the Long Beach WBA and Southern Califor-nia Bowling Writers Halls of Fame. Unfortunately, ill health contributed to her retirement from the game, however, she often visited the lanes to watch friends bowl until this past year. As her health deteriorat-ed she was limited to activity, however, this writer called her weekly, until this past month.

Don’t grieve for her, be-cause she’s now free from pain and suffering. She’s now with her beloved Sam, and sister Carol, for a great reunuion. If there’s bowling in heaven, and I hope so, Merlene will be un-doubtably be signing up for a league.

MISSION HILLS BOWL10430 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345 • 818-361-1221

OPEN TO ALL MEN & WOMENBowl with the Pacific Coast Bowlers


SATURDAY • NOVEMBER 20th • 8PM 4 ENTRY PACKAGES TO CHOOSE FROM INCLUDINGThe Ebonite Curve BallBowling Ball &Ebonite TRANSPORT2-Ball Roller Bag

(Based on 100 Entries)

Package #1$50.00


Package #2$85.00

Pro-Am EntryEbonite

Transport2-Ball Roller Bag

Package #3$115.00

Pro-Am EntryEbonite

Curve Ball Bowling Ball

Package #4$150.00

Pro-Am EntryEbonite Transport

2-Ball Roller Bag & Ebonite Curve Ball


FOR MORE INFO 818-361-1221







Package #1$20.00


Package #2$55.00

Pro-Am EntryEbonite

Transport2-Ball Roller Bag

Package #3$85.00

Pro-Am EntryEbonite

Curve BallBowling Ball

Package #4$120.00

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2-Ball Roller Bag & Ebonite Curve Ball








DEFENDING CHAMPS2009 - Tina Stickney & Brett Wolfe

2008 - Scott Norton & Missy Bellinder2007 - Tina Stickney & Brett Wolfe

2006 - Ben Laughlin & Leanne Barrette2005 - Dave Wodka & Wendy MacPherson2004 - Dave Wodka & Wendy MacPherson2003 - Dave Wodka & Wendy MacPherson

2002 - Missy Bellinder & Jon Brandon2001 - Tennelle Grijalva & Vince Wood

2000 - Tennelle Grijalva & Ricky Corona1999 & 1998 - Dede Davidson1997 - Carolyn Dorin-Ballard

LAKEWOOD — Just when you thought it was time to take out your electric blanket, the weather takes a turn and says that summer is still here. Not to worry because the cold weather will be here soon.

Remember to turn your clock back this weekend. It’s that time to Fall Back. Now for a look at the scores for our Cal Bowl Bowling Report.

Funsters: B.J. 276-268, Bong Cayton 245/682, Steve Ralph 232/665, Doug Johnson 249/639, Danne VanHorn 244/563, Vancie Keith 232/556, Divina Buhay 523. Cal stars: Aida Macabuhay 198-198/541, Adela Santos 530, B.J. Jemison 520, Pat Orr 194. wednesday mixed Five: Juan Camarena 278-267/717, Shorty Ramos 246-231-230/707, Tommy Stockberger 279/673, Tobie Wynn 256/661, R.J. Perkins 270/653. C.A.u.l.: Jaime Perez 244-232/678, Andy Clark 642, David Tegul 247/641, Kittie Doswell 158/443. marcus lemons vegas Outlaws: Congratulations to Emmerson Wafer on his “300”and 245/757, Eddie Williams 235-232/670, Jello Gray 257-242/665, Tommy Newman 255/655, Crystal Barker 223/625, Gwin Tillman 263/622. l.B.s. Employees: Fred Faniel 223/581, Billy Williams 204/587, Dan Ewasky 218/584, Merrie Slagley 202/551. Captain & Crew: Shirley Dohrman 217/549, Joyce Rob-ertson 192/522, Shizuko Barcelon 481, Jean Grant 184. senior men’s trio: Andrey Gibson 290/727, Walter Millsap 258/716, Rick Moore 257-255/715, Al Williams 290, B.J. 278. sierra Bugs: Kelle Falbo 237/576, Rose Belton 519, Darlene Waken 516, Donna Yeske 201. mega vegas: Art Diemert 255/681, Armondo Ramos 246, Rose Solis 200/528, Janet Yates 214/479, Ernest King 608. ramona ladies: Julie Grabinski 184-179/528, Darlene Waken 180/496, Becky Carroll 181. Cal Bowleros: Mary Smyth 216-213/620, Karen Witt 226/598, Margo McClain 209/563. Pin heads: B.J. 236-235-230/701, Greg Kelly 226/605, Barbara Crawford 169/475, Robin Fuller 172/440. Corona ladies: JoAnne Mount 526, Betty Green 502, Shirley Dohrman 195, Cheryl Pesci 192. C-17 sunset: Jamal Stamps 248-245/705, Rick Hanley 259/613. Dan Torres 230, Tina Cheung 187-183/514, Pau-lette Delgado 512. gobs and gals: Vern Adams 278/746, Emmerson Wafer 265-256/742, Jerry Cant Jr. 279, Eric Snow 278/717, Reg-gie Smith 258/705, Fred Catamisan 286/683, Dee Phipps 226-222/618, Michelle Criswell 605, Marife Catalasan 230/600. recycled teens: Jim Burke 268/747, Dominic Antonio 267/716, Jim Plante 248-247/675, Clark VandenBerg 259/626, Norma Myers 256/588, Adela Santos 215/555. young At heart: Charles Gleason 257-223/679, Pre Collier 233-231/666, Wayne Moon 255/653, Al Williams 226/633, Cathy Anderson 183-168/478. laughlin Bowler Bears: Jonathan Gale 268-267-226/761, Jamal Stamps 248/622, Tracey Jackson 185/529, Dee Turner480. graduates: Welcome to Cal Bowl! This is their first week of scores. Jerome Camerino 183/530, Joe Sabino 186/453, Dustin Bautista 407, Karyl Jefferson 164-131/414. First timers: This is a new league for beginners. Here are the results of week one. Dale Carey 184/494, De Chu 473, VIvian Ragadio 159/398, Grace Reyes 130/323, John Brown 178/470. laughlin sunset: Jonathan Gale 256-229/700, LaMart Jenkins 238-224/655, Ellis Spikes Jr. 226-/631, Michelle Al-len 552, Jessica Sanchez 543, Kim Allen 204/534, Tomieka Johnson 223, Ladrena Boyd 206. vegas Crackpots: Gary Nelson 278/705, Ondra Lucas Jr. 254-235/682, Bobby Shaw 255/668, Billy Foster 257/657, E.J. Meyers 226/585, Jade London 223, Sandra Sanchez 212/569, Bacoorian Family & Friends: Victor Santos 278-268-231/777, Lawrence Austria 256-233/712, Freddie Catamisan 247-234/704, Susan Ebilane 234-224/626, Faye Josafat 244/567, Josette Atangan 526. long Beach City Employees: Miguel Lopez 289-257/752, Rob Anderson 243-237-230/710, Armondo Ramos 269-234/667, Rose Solis 190/531, Chasity Jones 197. grandma’s & grandpa’s: Boylee Inocente 256/687, Billy Williams 259/673, Jim Plante 651, B.J. 245, Ray Sanchez 258, Pat Erwin 227/545, Dorothy Ruggiero 209/521. Big Bear: Greg Nardo 267-258/740, Jimmy Hamilton 256-232/683, Emmerson Wafer 241-239/680, John Golston 259, Joyce Charles 209-205/560, MIchelle Criswell 570, Annie Yonemura 560, Teya Burks 238, Evette Franklin 221. Pick A Ball: Leroy Bowen 168-161, Sean Downey 152/435, Bonnie Jones 120/342, Staci Baker 122/332. v.A.: Art Diemert 276-223/708, Ladell Benjamin 604, Leon Rudolph Jr. 233, Renay Allen 203/558, Sue Somes 188/556, Bobby Shaw 600. juniOrs Adult/jr’s: Michael Savoiskis 226/612, Paul Mehl Jr. 222/604, Matt Mesa 227/603, Joyce Charles 246-223/673, Daniel Martinez 242-236/656, Darian Jackson 168/465, Tracy Jackson 214/509, Larrell Woods 181/464, Kaitlynn Soto 175/443. Bobcats: Victor Jackson 189/402, Tyler Newton 148/373, Jawaun Jackson 136/359, Emily Jenkins 80-80-77/237. mini Bees: Makaih Williams 97-93/190, Chayse Erkel-ens 48/94, Darius Williams 58, Maggie Jenkins 79-63/142, Kayleigh Reeves 32/63.




Page 9: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 9

Canogapark Bowl

www.canogaparkbowl.comE-mail:[email protected]

20122 Vanowen St. • Winnetka, CA 91306818-340-5190 • FAX: 818-883-1202 • OPEN 24 HOURS


WINNETKA — We’re happy to announce some of the events that are going on here at Canoga Park Bowl. We have Family Night Bowling Specials on Saturday from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Then on Sunday morning from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon it’s Practice Special at $2 a game. Now for our tournament schedule: Saturday, November 6 at 1:00 p.m. it’s PJ’s 8-Game Scratch Singles. The seniors will like this: Senior No-Tap Singles, Tuesday, November 9 at 12:30 p.m. And the ladies have their own tournament. It’s the Ladies 9-Pin No-Tap on Wednesday, November 10 at 12:30 p.m. Please see our ad in this issue of the Bowling News for complete details. river maniacs: Congratulations to Johnnie Englehart on his 300/805 on October 25. Barry Simon 268/728, Robert Galbraith 723, Ruben Sarkissian 279/717, Russ Gothrick 715, Lucy Tralla 215/594, Sharon Weger 202/581, Sandie Crawford 211/565, Jennifer Pyka 204/531, Jayme Taylor 204/518, Vicky Colburn 518, Vince Koeller 279, Marc Loshin 278. short ‘n sweet: Congratulations to the league cham-pions, Team #4, Unpredictables, Nicole Anguiano, Chris Anguiano and Casimir Nunez. Chris Anguiano 247/692, Casimir Nunez 585, Elaine Bishop 157/424, Travis Williams 234/575, Aaron 234. Our next short “n sweet 8-week league starts on November 18th at 7:00 p.m. Good luck on sweepers this Thursday! vegas 4 Fun: Robert Spengeman 596, Al Thoburn 230/593, Pam Fountain 462, Gayle Spengeman 163/455. the Classic: Michael Witt 223/638, Darren Hernandez 228, Gayle Kirby 214/614, Rean Luttrell 234/592, Jerry Lovell 223/615, Bo Fogel 548, Becky Hernandez 218/519. Phil-Am: Raul Ventenilla 213/590, Josemari Zafra 236. Socorro King 216/513. viva las vegas: Daniel Clebanoff 246/663, Stephen Mendez 256/662, Steve Herndon 252/655, Mike Wilson 645, Ron Vargas 254/624, Kathy Litzenberger 179/483, James Smith Jr. 254. monday nite madness: Jerome Hampton 247/650, Helene Wilcox 476, Kristi Magnussen 200, Rick Godin 247/642. Comedians: Jesse Chastain 250/692, Mary Becker 233/581, Kevin McBride 687, Michael Pollack 687, David Feinberg 243/661, Robert Battle 245/658, Judy Valazza 223/571, Jan Sandman 502, Edward Birt 248. Copper Bucket: Rusty Yearger Jr. 265/688, Amy Sobuta 190/494, KC Robinson 258/600. have A Ball: (4-games) Ricardo Rosete 279/901, Chris Plueger 235/873, Allan Nathan 249/828, James Hannah 249, Linda Mannheim 200. 500 Classic: Petra Kaun 222/615, Mary Lauer 209/598, Patti McVicker 216/578, Robyn Willis 525, Rosie Duran 520. sFvCC nikkei: Eiji Fukumoto 278/606, Pei Eto 230/596, Tami Shiotani 504, Stan Date 231, Kirk Sasaki 225. saturday PBA Experience: Mxmlln Montgomery 178/517, Gerry Manuel 179/501.

sEniOrs 49’Ers: Congratulations to Carolyn Scherzberg on her 258/704. Al Reiswig 228/670, Tom Tucker 233/607, Bob Jones 596, Maxwell Cooper 243/588, Richard Greenweight 214/585, Keith Hazard 231, Bev Zietz 217/536, Helen Layfield 182/509, Sylvia Kesilis 193/477, Carole Peire 474, Doris Simmons 180. Funtimers: Bob Jones 254/721, Ron Doll 244/641, Mel Neiditch 233/624, Marv Baker 231/613, John Rosen 608, Carolyn Scherzberg 220/595, Jean Bomar 202/523, Delia Lowe 183/497, Marcia Votava 205/485, Karen McDonald 471, Al Reiswig 226, Bertha Willard 169. 39’Ers: Ron Doll 245/701, Jose Blanco 256/687, Mary Lauer 204/578, Al Reiswig 640, Bob Jones 639, Steven Herndon 244/627, Lucy Tralla 202/567, Candy Adams 182/527, Darlene Redman 198/522, Carole Peire 496, Bernhardt Roth 253, Hung-Lay Quon 246, Carolyn Scher-zberg 196.

juniOrs junior royals: Keith Nelson 221/627, Julia Frias 196/546, Justin Pluchino 194/508, Justin Nguyen151/412, Allen Minot 148/401, Jerad Brett 378, Ashley Brett 151/385, Emily Haworth 106/290, Angela Zanotti 100/258, Isabell Torres 80/197, Aiden Marks 147. Remember Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend.

Canoga Park Bowl (818) 340-519020122 Van Owen., Winnetka

P.J.’s 8 Game Scratch SinglesSaturday Nov. 6 2010

Check in Noon Bowl at 1pmEntry Fee: $90 included sidepots

$500 1st Place (based on 20 entries)Contact P.J.Yarns at 818-389-2449

PBA Chameleon Pattern

55& OverSenior No-TapTuesday Nov. 9, 2010Check in Noon • Bowl at 12:30pmEntry Fee: $8 • Sidepots optionalHandicap 90 % of 210Optional “300” Jackpot $207.00

Ladies Only No-TapWednesday Nov. 10, 2010Bowl at 12:30pm Entry: $10.00300 Jackpot: $29.00 • 3-6-9 Jackpot: $29.00Only $1.00 Each to Enter Jackpots

300 scratch game rolled in game 3 will win the current jackpot. Bowlers who have participated in 3 of the last 5 tournaments are eligible for 100% of the jackpot. All others may only win 50%.

of the pre-reactive urethane era. Nonetheless, the remarkable records of Parker Bohn, Norm Duke,

and Walter Ray Williams clearly demonstrate the incredible contrast in their performances since the advent of reactive bowling balls. Duke and Williams practically dominated the tour since 1991. Through the 2010 season, Duke and Williams have garnered 80 titles. Prior to the 1991 reactive urethane era, they only had six titles between them.

Duke is generally acknowledged as the most versatile player on tour today and is regarded by his peers as one of the toughest competi-tors in the game. However, from his initial year on tour in 1982 until 1990, he had only one title. Since reactive bowling balls were intro-duced, he amassed 32 titles in 18 years.

Williams had five titles in his first 7 years on tour. Using reactive urethane equipment from 1991 until 2010, a period of 19 years, Walter Ray won 42 titles,

Parker Bohn had five titles prior to the reactive urethane era. Since then, he has annexed 27 additional wins, despite the fact that he has slowed down considerably during the past few years.

Ryan Shafer is another player has also benefited from reactive equipment Although Ryan hasn’t had the overall success of the three aforementioned bowlers on the PBA tour, reactive balls have certainly enhanced his career. In his first 13 years on tour, until the year 2000, he was winless. Since then, he has a total of four titles. More important however, he has taken his place among the more elite players on tour.

Do these statistics indicate all PBA players have benefited from reactive urethane balls?

Absolutely not! Overall, it was a detriment to bowlers like Mar-shall Holman, Amleto Monacelli, Wayne Webb, and players who had the ability to generate enough revolutions on the ball to separate them-selves from players who relied solely on deadly accuracy.

On the other hand, it certainly prolonged the career of Tommy Baker, and, of course, the incredible success enjoyed by Norm Duke and Walter Ray Williams. Additionally, reactive urethane balls have played an important role in the recent success of Michael Haugen, a truly “straight shooter”.

Pete Weber, possibly the best raw talent in the game and one of the greatest players ever, was “somewhat” victimized by reactive equip-ment. Weber, whose fluid release and devastating strike ball used to be the envy of his peers, won 15 titles in his first 11 years on tour before

Reactive Urethane continued from page 1reactives were introduced. Pete amassed 20 more championships in his next 15 years, further establishing his incredible talent and versatility. Pete Weber has notched EIGHT major titles, including four BPAA US Open championships, two PBA World titles, and one Tournament of Champions title.

Although Weber hasn’t been seriously hampered by urethane equipment, he has been unable to separate himself from those who rely on the modern missiles. Simply put, reactive urethane equipment has supplied other PBA players with enough firepower to equalize We-ber’s natural ability. Weber’s talent has not diminished. He continues to score admirably as one of the most elite players on tour. His inabil-ity to continue to dominate as he did in the pre-urethane era cannot be attributed to any deficiency in his game. Weber’s loss of supremacy is solely due to modern equipment that has elevated lesser players to his standards of performance.

While Weber’s record doesn’t indicate the overwhelming discrep-ancy in titles and earnings between the pre and post urethane period, as is the case with Bohn, Duke and Williams, it is a testimony to his outstanding skills. More important, if not for the numerous suspen-sions Weber had sustained, he could have well added to his substantial earnings and titles in the post-urethane era.

Additionally, Weber has been extremely unlucky in the USBC Masters tournaments, due principally to the TV format that deprived him of two Masters championships in this prestigious event…the most recent in 2000, when Weber led all bowlers and entered the TV show UNDEFEATED, only to lose in the one-game match on TV to Mika Koivuniemi, 236-235.

Mike Aulby, never considered a power bowler, epitomized the pure stroker. Statistics clearly indicate that urethanes did nothing to enhance his career. Consider these facts: Aulby, had 27 titles to his credit, with 19 of his victories earned prior to the advent of reactive urethane balls, almost the opposite of Duke’s and Williams’ track records.

Earl Anthony, arguably the greatest bowler ever, won all but two of his 41 regular tour titles and seven senior titles without reactive urethane balls. Anthony, whose forte

was effortless accuracy, was never totally comfortable with the hard-hooking reactives. Players who took advantage of powerful equipment were suddenly able to bowl at Anthony’s superior level.

Wayne Webb is among a select few bowlers with 20 or more titles. Webb joined the tour in 1977, and in a span of 13 years, from 1977 to 1990, he won 17 titles. In the ensuing 11 years since the introduc-

tion of reactive urethanes, Webb won only three titles. However, Webb has resurrected his career on the Senior Tour and recently emerged as the Senior Bowler of the Year.

David Husted, who retired from the tour to take over his family business, annexed 14 titles in his career, including the US Open three times. All but five titles were recorded prior to the reactive urethane era.

Ron Palombi Jr. captured six titles, including the PBA National and the US Open. Palombi, pos-sessor of one of the most potent strike balls of his era, had such difficulty with reactive equip-ment that he not only quit the tour; he gave up the game com-pletely.

Del Ballard has 12 titles to his credit, including a US Open, a Firestone Tournament of Cham-pions, and a USBC Masters crown. Nine of these titles were recorded prior to the reactive ure-thane era.

Rick Steelsmith, who entered the pro ranks as one of the most promising talents since Marshall Holman, made a sensational de-but in 1987, winning $38,745 in just 15 tournaments. Sadly, Rick sustained a disastrous shoulder injury in his 15th tournament, an injury that altered his entire ca-reer. Steelsmith’s greatest asset prior to his injury was a was a smooth, effortless arm-swing that unleashed one of the most pow-erful strike shots ever thrown on the PBA tour. He was sidelined for over two years and never ful-ly recovered from the shoulder injury, which made him overly cautious in releasing in his

in his natural manner and forced him to alter his delivery. Although his scoring ability wasn’t totally hampered, Steel-smith, like Weber, was victim-ized by reactive urethanes that enabled his opponents to match his powerful delivery and his scores; so much in fact, he was demoralized and eventually gave up the tour

In view of all these statistics, which players have benefited the most from reactive urethane balls? The numbers don’t lie! They are etched in stone. Coin-cidentally or otherwise, Norm Duke and Walter Ray Williams have substantially enhanced their careers with reactive urethane equipment.

Below are figures showing certain player’s records prior to and after reactive balls hit the tour in the 1991 season.

Bowler Titles Prior to Reactives Titles since Reactives

Walter Ray Williams 5…… … 38Norm Duke……… 1……… 32Parker Bohn lll…… 5……… 27Pete Weber…… …15……… 20Ryan Shafer…… 0……… 4

Page 10: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 10 November 4, 2010

ACTION LANES (32)10534 Lower Azusa Road, El Monte, CA 91731

(626) 350-8831 FAX (626) 350-8852

CAL BOWL (68)2500 E. Carson Street, Lakewood, CA 90712

(562) 421-8448 Fax: (562)

CANOGA pARK BOWL (32)20122 Vanowen St., Winnetka, CA 91306

(818) 340-5190 Fax (818) 883-1202 (24 HRS) email: [email protected]

CORBIN BOWL (26)19616 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91354

(818) 996-BOWL (2695)

CHAPARRAL LANES (48)400 W. Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773

(909) 592-2772 Fax: (909) 592-5978

DEL RIO LANES (32)7502 E. Florence, Downey, CA 90240


GABLE HOUSE BOWL (40)22501 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505

(310) 378-2265

GAGE BOWL (22)3477E Gage Ave., Huntington Park, CA 90255

(323) 587-3211 – OPEN 24

GARDENA BOWLING CENTER (16)15707 S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA 90247

(310) 324-1244

JEWEL CITY BOWL (24)135 S. Glendale Ave., Glendale, CA 91205

(818) 243-1188 Fax: (818)

KEYSTONE LANES (48)11459 E. Imperial Hwy., Norwalk, CA 90650


MISSION HILLS BOWL (24)10430 Sepulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345

(818) 361-1221

OAK TREE LANES (36)990 N. Diamond Bar Blvd., Diamond Bar, CA 91765

(909) 860-3558

pINZ BOWLING CENTER (32)12655 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604

(818) 769-7600website:

SANTA CLARITA LANES (32)21615 W. Soledad Canyon Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 91350

(661) 254-0540 Fax (661)

VALENCIA LANES (24)23700 Lyons Ave., Santa Clarita, CA 91321

(661) 222-9080

FOREST LANES (40)22771 Centre Drive, Lake Forest CA 92630


FOUNTAIN BOWL (60)17110 Brookhurst, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

(714) 963-7888 Fax: (714)

SADDLEBACK LANES (32)25402 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

(949) 586-5300 •

YORBA LINDA BOWL (30)18171 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda, CA 92868

(714) 777-3818

DEL ROSA LANES (32)1499 E. Highland Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92404

(909) 886-4675 Fax: (909) 883-4665Email: [email protected]

EMpIRE BOWL (24)940 W. Colton Ave., Redlands, CA 92374(909) 793-2525 •

BUENA LANES (42)1788 S. Mesa Verde, Ventura, CA 93003

(805) 656-0666

AMF VALLEY VIEW ( 32)12141 Valley View St., Garden Grove, CA 92845

(714) 898-2507 • (714) 893-1563Email: [email protected]

TEXAS STATION (60)Gambling Hall, Hotel, & Bowling Center

2101 Texas Star Lane, N. Las Vegas, NV 89032(800) 654-8804 – (702) 631-8388 FAX: (702) 631-8281

email: [email protected]

SUNCOAST (64)Hotel, Casino, & Bowling Center

9090 Alta Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89145(702) 636-7400

SANTA FE STATION (60)Hotel, Casino & Bowling Center

4949 N. Rancho Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89130(702) 658-4995

SAM’S TOWN (56)Hotel, Gambling Hall, & Bowling Center

5111 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89122(800) 634-6371

THE ORLEANS (70)Hotel, Casino, & Bowling Center

4500 West Tropicana, Las Vegas, NV 89103(888) 365-7111

GOLD COAST (70)Hotel, Casino, & Bowling Center

4000 W. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103(800) 331-5334

HARLEY’S SIMI BOWL (24)480 E. Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley CA 93065

(805) 526-4212 Fax: (805)

MIRA MESA BOWL (44)8210 Mira Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92126

(858) 578-0500

KEARNY MESA BOWL (40)7585 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92111

(858) 279-1501SAN GABRIEL VALLEYAssociation Manager - Linda Johnson

1061 West Badillo, Covina 91722 (626) 859-6216E-Mail: [email protected]

CITRUS BELTAssociation Manager - Elise M. Hamner

711 “B” West 2nd Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410 (909) [email protected]

ORANGE COUNTYAssociation Manager - Cheryl Huntington

13896 Harbor Blvd., #5A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) [email protected]

NORTH L.A. COUNTYAssociation Manager - Tom Leigh

15600 Devonshire St., Suite 212, Granada Hills, CA 91344 (818) 810-6263email: [email protected] website:

SOUTH L.A. COUNTYAssociation Manager - Judy Nielsen

17057 Bellflower Blvd. Suite 210, Bellflower, CA 90706 (562)[email protected]

RIVERSIDE LANES (34)1650 S. Casino Drive, Laughlin, NV 89029

(888) 590-2695 • Fax: 702-298-2687email: [email protected]

SOUTH pOINT (64)64 Lanes, Snack Bar, Pro Shop

9777 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89123(866) 796-7111 Fax: 702-797-8081

Los Angeles County

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CANYON LANES (24)49750 Seminole Dr., Cabazon, CA 92230

(951) 572-6120 Fax: (951) 922-2385Located next to Morongo Casino

THE BOWLIUM (32)4666 E. Holt Blvd., Montclair, CA 91763

(909) 626-3528 Fax: (909)

AMF FRIENDLY HILLS LANES (32)15545 Whittier Blvd., Whittier, CA 90603

(562) 947-3815 Fax (562) 947-6448Email: [email protected]

San Diego County



The nation’s leading bowling newspaper,published Thursdays 52 weeks per year.

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CHARLES KINSTLER ...............................publisherCAROL MANCINI .......................... Editor/publisherDEAN LOpEZ ............. Assistant Editor/TypesetterLILLIAN OAK .........................Advertising ManagerHERBERT JONES .......Transportation/DistributionDOUG HOSKINS .................. Computer Consultant

Page 11: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSNovember 4, 2010 Page 11

JAT Farm Clubby David Gordon

FOUNTAIN VALLEY/TORRANCE – This will be a double article of the JAT Farm Club, updating you for the month of Oc-tober. On the tenth of October, we had our first of the season Adult/Jr. tournament at Fountain Bowl. This article covers the handicap division and with twenty teams and high scoring, it made for a very good day.

The qualifying round found all 40 bowlers throwing 5 games. Leading the juniors in high scoring we have Kirk Chui with 268-223-266. Other super high scores came in from Brandon Turner 258-243, Eric Torrence 255, and Jason Tilden 251-237. That’s the way to put it up. Other reportable scores were posted by John Struckman 226-221-245, Luke Holley 234-243, Jacob Moore 220-242, Danny Martinez 224-222-240, Valerie Riggin 226-236, Matt Miller 236-223, Jordan Kraye 226-235, Andrew Svoren 234-224, and Gabriella Mayfield 220.

Not to be outdone by “kids”, our adult bowler put up some decent scores themselves. Taking tournament high game honors was Paul Phounsavath with 234-226-278 in his mix. Other high scores were from Wishtoyo Vasquez 227-254-235, Will Hubner 248, Mitchell Caldwell 247-233-224, Gabriel Martinez 239-231, Michael Stewart 225-236, Dave Turner 226, Tim Holley 224, and John Thierolf 224. Whew, I’m sure glad I didn’t have to bowl.

And it just so happened that the two leaders were also paired together (Phounsavath/Chui) and ended the qualifying round at plus 401. The tenth spot to advance came in at plus 60.

We then cut the field in half for the match play round of 5 games baker. The high scores from this round were by Phounsa-vath/Chui 268, Turner/Turner 255-235, Vasquez/Kraye 251-247, Martinez/Martinez 247-223-223, and Lawrence Merriweather/Torrence 223.

Now we took the top four teams for a TV-style roll-off (still Baker format), starting with the 4th seed team of Martinez/Martinez (+326) taking on the 3rd seed Vasquez/Kraye (+327). Vasquez/Kraye captured this first game 220-193 and now had to face off against the 2nd seed team of Danielle Arriola/Moore (+384). Arriola/Moore took advantage of their handicap differ-ence to take this match 236-218 and have the honor of meeting the top seed. That team (as if you hadn’t guessed) was Phounsa-vath/Chui, coming in at a ridiculous (+613). However, with only one game for the title, Arriola/Moore put it all together when needed for a 277-188 victory and their first JAT title, congratula-tions!

Then it was on to Palos Verdes Bowl on October 24th, and back to a regular tournament. Here we had a very small turnout due to tournament conflictions. However, the scoring was great and the accommodations were even better, as the field of 15 en-joyed a very good day.

In the qualifying round we found Christian Borao leading the way at plus 164 and taking the tournament high game honors, behind supporting games of 269-259-244. Right on his heels we had Adam Dubia with 265-228. Way to shoot gentlemen. Additional high scores came in from John Struckman 226-246, Ryan Hutchison 239, Kirk Chui 236-233-237, Jordan Kraye 222-234, Gabriella Mayfield 233-232, Keith Tilden 221-232, Jason Tilden 225, Danny Martinez 224, Oscar Chan 223, and Michael Ma 223. It should be noted that Borao was bowling even though he was noticeably ill. Although I don’t recommend this, his sick-ness may have been just enough to take a little something off his throw and keep him calm throughout the day. The eighth place to advance in to match play, came in at plus 1.

Another lesson I’d like you bowlers to take away from this is the cost of dress code. Chui did not have a bowling shirt with him and could have taken the veteran dress code penalty for the first game (actual score OR a 150, whichever is lower). Luckily, he was able to borrow a bowling shirt from the bowling center and was able to escape the penalty, which would have kept him out of match play. Lesson – bowlers, always have an extra uni-form stored (neatly) in your vehicle or with your bowling equip-ment. You never know.

In match play, we had some more great scoring. Here we found Hutchison posting big with games of 239-232-235-257, Chan 249-228-222, K. Tilden 249, Borao 237-248, and Dubia 237. Hutchison and Chan both jump three positions, with Chan needing the jump to get into the finals.

Those finals then started with the 5th seed K. Tilden (+166) and making his debut to the final round, matching up against the 4th seed Chan (+186). Keith made the best of a string of strikes to take this game 262-183. Now he had to meet the 3rd seed Dubia (+255), with the veteran Dubia capturing this match 244-215. Now Dubia had to face another newcomer to finals play in Hutchison (+293). Here Dubia marked where he needed to for a 201-178 win and the opportunity to meet the top seed Borao (+356). Here again, you had supreme experience (Dubia) against a newcomer (Borao) to both match play and finals play in the best of three games for the title. Dubia jumped out quick with an intimidating game of 254-218. Not impressed, Borao fought back to take the second game 196-186. But in the third and de-ciding game, it was too much veteran and too much bowling, as Dubia captured the last game 201-159 and claim to his second JAT Farm Club title. Congratulations Adam!

Our next tournament will be this Sunday at Brunswick West Covina Bowl. Our check-in will begin about 8:15 and the action starts around 9:00. All of you “MIA”s out there, need to get up and get your “gluteus maximus” out here. The season is going by real fast.

Scheduling note: The December 5th tournament has been cancelled because of a scheduling conflict. Therefore, following West Covina we have November 21st at Bowlium and December 19th at Cal Bowl to end out the calendar year. Pass the word, have a great week and I hope to see EVERYONE at Brunswick West Covina.

Palos Verdes Bowl - October 24, 2010 (L-R): Adam Dubia – 1st; Christian Borao - 2nd.

Open/Farm ClubSunday, November 7

BrunswickWest Covina Lanes675 S. Glendora Ave.,

W. Covina (626) 960-3636

Check in at 8:30 a.m.Entry Fee:

$40 Farm/$45 Open$2 Scholarship Brackets

Next Event:November 21 - BowliumLog on to

Name +/- Game #1 Game #2 Game #3 1st Block Game #4 Game #5 Game #6 2nd Block TotalGreg Neuer $300 10 1556 243 236 298 777 233 268 278 779 1556

Jim Harvey $120 12 1388 208 202 276 686 248 196 258 702 1388

Chris Moore 5 1387 226 246 240 712 258 212 205 675 1387

Robert Young 6 1362 191 210 226 627 255 225 255 735 1362

Vernon Adams 9 1356 206 300 185 691 244 216 205 665 1356

Michelle Silver 11 1327 255 202 195 652 235 226 214 675 1327

Will Kolbow 2 1315 234 233 205 672 184 267 192 643 1315

Ruben Gonalez 8 1293 279 248 178 705 192 161 235 588 1293

Mark Fisser 7 1263 256 205 187 648 203 187 225 615 1263

Lyle Rollins 1 1214 224 187 257 668 215 163 168 546 1214

Arturo Garcia 4 1205 191 209 149 549 182 219 255 656

Mitchell Caldwell 3 1055 213 167 165 545 167 194 149 510

Bowlium 6 Gamer Results

Hello ICSD Bowlers and fans.

I always welcome with a warm heart the Bowlers of the world. I have been reminiscing about the 1997 World Games for the Deaf and the 2001 to 2009 Summer Deaflympics. I have experienced and recorded the results from them as well as the 2003 World Deaf Bowling Championships. Thank you to Connie Marchionne. I have learned a lot about Bowling and the world from Connie.

I went to Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14-18 August 2010. I inspected the bowling alleys for the 2011 World Deaf Bowling Championships. The Organizing Committee showed me two different bowling venues. Dragon is in the middle of South of Buenos Aires and Bowling Co. is North of Buenos Aires. Both bowling venue are good places and both includes access to the mall area.

Dragon Bowling, with 20 lanes, was chosen to host the 2011 World Deaf Bowling Championships. The building includes a shopping mall with food outlets and cinemas. It is only 30 min to the centrum (4 hotels). More information can be found at:

World Deaf Bowling is now on Facebook! The link to the page is - official date for the 2011 World Deaf Bowling Championships is 23 August to 03 September and will follow the

Regulations of Deaf World Championships.

Pre 1 21 August Arrival/TrainingPre 2 22 August Ball weight/TrainingDay 01 23 August Technical Meeting in the morning/Ball Weight/Training/Opening Ceremony in eveningDay 02 24 August Singles MenDay 03 25 August Singles WomenDay 04 26 August Doubles MenDay 05 27 August Doubles WomenDay 06 28 August Trios Men/Women (1st 3 game block)Day 07 29 August Trios Men/Women (2nd 3 game block)Day 08 30 August Team Men/Women (1st 3 game block)Day 09 31 August Team Men/Women ( 2nd 3 game block)Day 10 01 September DAY OFFDay 11 02 September Masters Men/WomenDay 12 03 September Masters Men/Women (Closing Ceremony in the evening)Post 1 04 September Departure Best Regards, Kazimierz CHODAK ICSD Technical Director - Bowling


Ventura County Bowlers Tour Presented by

Class Seven Clothing Co.USBC Sanctioned

Wagon Wheel Bowl 2801 Wagon Wheel Rd.

Oxnard, California Sunday November 14th, 2010 Check in starts at 9:00 A.M.

Bowl at 10:00 A.M.

Entry Fee: $75.00 Prize Fund: $45.00

Squad is limited to 50 bowlers Lineage: $20.00 Expense Fee: $10.00

Prize Ratio at least 1:6 (Based on 30 entries)

1st: $660 2nd: $410 3rd: $280 4th: $200 5th: $175 6th:$125

Brackets: $5 (Games 2-3-4, 5-6-7, 8-9-10) Sidepots: $20 (Covers all 10 Games)

300 Game Sidepot: $5 300 Sidepot stands at $845

For more information or to reserve a spot call Andre Good at (805) 415-7018 or Chris Shusta at (805) 889-0024.

Check out our website:

hOmE OF thE BACh thumB

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mobile phones.“I hope bowling fans will spend a few minutes explor-

ing the new features on,” said Chem Swift, USBC Director of Interactive. “The recent changes make the site a lot more user friendly and you will find exclusive stories and videos that only appear on”

Independent analytics show had more than 357,000 unique users in the most recently analyzed 30-day period, a 15-percent increase over the same dates in 2008. USBC live video coverage of events has attracted more than half a million viewers since the new launched.

“The new has more fresh content that makes people want to come back, and we believe that’s a key reason for the growth,” Tredwell said. “Our goal is to build on that momentum and continue working to make the website a great resource for everyone.”

NOTICEHi fellow bowlers: The San Gabriel Valley USBC will be holding their Fall Open Meeting on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at Action Lanes - 10534 Lower Azusa Rd., El Monte - Meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. All SGV certified bowlers are welcome. We will be recognizing the bowlers of the year, league secretary of the year and board member of the year at this meeting. Please attend, this meeting is for all of you. Linda Johnson, Association ManagerSan Gabriel Valley USBC #[email protected] • (626) 859-6216

BOWL.COM continued from page 1

Page 12: November 4, 2010 Thursday November 4, 2010 California owling … · tween. George Bayer and Jim Dent, two of the biggest

BOWLING NEWSPage 12 November 4, 2010

saturdays • Check-in 8:30pm • Bowl at 9:00pm • $15 Per Person

sundays at 7:30-11 Am • 3 games & Breakfast • $10 Per Person

tuesday & Fridays at 1 Pm • Entry Fee: $10




Linbrook Bowling Center201 S. Brookhurst • Anaheim • (714) 774-2253


12655 vEnturA BlvD.stuDiO City

818-769-7600 or 877-2380when you have time to spare

Excluding Holidays

WE NEVER CLOSE • OPEN 24 HOURS 201 s. BrOOkhurst • AnAhEim • (714) 774-2253


}Monday & Friday 9am - 5pmMonday & Tuesday 8pm - 1am

Special$2.25 per game


Ozzie’s Senior Scotch Doubles Sat. November 20th at 12:30pMCheck in at 11:30am - Bowl at 12:30pm Limited to the first 50 paid couples

Day After Thanksgiving Scratch 5 Gamer Friday November 26 at 9:30am Check in 8:30am Cost: $50 prepaid by Nov. 24 at 7pm or $55 after prepaid date closes.

Entry Fee includes Sidepots. Open to first 60 bowlers. Call Stacy Rider Tournament Director to reserve your spot today!! We will accept Cash, Visa or Mastercard!


7 8 4 5 8 9 3 6 2 5 9 2 2 5 6 7 8 1 5 8 9 7 7 9 5 4 2 8


ANAHEIM—Last Friday in the 590 Classic, Juan Sandoval pulled out all of his tricks and earned the perfect treat of a 300 game. Juan’s special trick was his Hammer Hawg. He would like to thank former team mate Shig Shozi for giving him that great ball. Just as a side note, Shig has given Juan two of the balls that he has rolled his three 300’s with. Got anymore you want to get rid of Shig? Along with his 300, Juan had 216, 202 and 197 for a 915 series.

Others joining the 900 Club were: Terry Brent 249/917, John Conway 247/900, Dora Miller 270/905 (Great bowling Dora).

More great scores were: E.J. Rogers 266/886, Jerry Roddam 247/884, Jerry Knight 236/884, Tom Stearns 233/872, Willy Bordenave 231/866, Tony Chaco 236/862, Larry Green 226/845, Gino Vassallo 204/838, Shawn StAndre 225/832, John Velasquez 230/830, Martin Angulo 232/815, Norm Walker 267/801, Jong Lee 241/801, Steve Basdakis 233/801, James Blythe 255, Tony Hale 235, Miguel Rosales 235, Bob Gosnell 234, Anderson Al-caraz 233, Karen Bagnall 232, Al Lara 232, Kantral Williams 232, Debbie Barrette 226, Carl Adinolfi 224, Melissa Fan 223, Marie Barbush 222, Rose Williams 222, Janet Anderson 218, Ed Hermance 214, Alan Bloom 213, John Phillips 213, Shig Shozi 213, Cora Bussey 211, Cheryl Munson 208, Fred Voysey 208, Drew Parkin 205, Ron Douglass 204, Joy McGregor 204, Da-hana Miller Klerer 204, Dick McKenzie 202, Roberta McNaught 201 and Rod Cantrell 200.

By the time you read this article, Frank Bellinder will have undergone heart surgery. He will be sidelined for a few weeks, but we know you will all keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Take care Frank.

stewart 702, Albrecht 696 and matsumo-to 681 star in linbrook juniors

by Stacy Rider ANAHEIM — In the thursDAy linBrOOk juniOrs, Andrew Stewart slugged 234-245-223 for a superb 702 series. Valerie Matsumoto was right on his heels with awesome scores of 226-242-213 for an incredible 681 series. Other great games were rolled by Matt Nickeson 200, Jonah Lopez 153-154, Cara Myers 135 and Kelsey Myers 160. In the juniOr ADult sCrAtCh DOuBlEs, Rober Albrecht aced the lane for fabulous scores of 240-224-232 for a super 696 series. Manny Magno mastered 236 and Andrew Stewart smashed 212. Our wonderful BumPEr BustErs were all decked out in their costumes for Halloween. We had a terrific time of bowling with Khamron”Bakugan” Gardner scoring a dazzling 129-87, Chance Batalon 92-76-89, Amber Sanderson 89-84-87, Shai Gardner 88-82 and Izel Cruz 74-86. Great bowl-ing and super costumes! In the sAturDAy linBrOOk juniOrs, Andrew Stewart strung a string of strikes for 278-211 finishing with 655 series. Valerie Matsumoto finished the day strong with 222-208 for 605. We had 200+ scores bowled by Garrett Weiss 208, Nick Gallant 208, Daniel Robbins a new season high game of 200 and Jeff Hunt 200-209. More terrific scores were turned in by Corey Fisheli with a new season high game of 193, Michelle Matsumoto 191, Austin Waller 186, Ryan Gal-lant 111, Christian Cruze 101, Domynyc Gardner 153, Joshua Villegas 175, Janine Uyanga 154, Paul Uyanga 151, Matthew Crocker 134, Nick Sanderson 147-134, Chris M. Rinner 132, Aleara Vrabel 162 and Destini Gardner 173. Thank you to all the juniors for dressing up this week. We had a fun filled day with lots of candy of prizes! A reminder to all our junior bowlers that the first Pepsi Qualifier is November 6-November 19. Please try to be here for your league as prebowls and make ups do not count toward your Pepsi Qualifier. Good luck to everyone!

STUDIO CITY — No one has been birched due to a poor score at Pinz! From a low 23 to a perfect score - we welcome all bowlers to our humble center! What it iiiiiiiiis? A center that has leagues for the serious bowler as well as the beginner, a fun packed experi-ence for children’s parties or a grand night out with friends, family or a special loved one! So what are you waiting for, come on down and get your bowl on! ADult: willow or willow not have the high score and series of the week? the only way to find out is to read the following scores! As you look at these scores ask yourself: “wood you do better next week?” tavern guild: Tony Annibale 278/658, Sue Purdie 227/639, Tom Whitaker 622, Michael Perez 243/612, James Tan 602, Eric Michaels 235, David Quam 228. twilighters: Berry Cohanim 564, Dan Coffelt 222. kings and Queens: Kevin Collins 258/661, Joe Commins 228, Andrew Van Dorn 226, Jon Schell 221. sCBl: Tom Sardo 242/681, Micheal Gurrieri 661, Jaime Perez 251/654, Will Petrasich 247/638, Neil Inman 601, Dave Postal 237, Stephen Santay 234. Funseekers: Tony Annibale 266/715, Terry Wainscott 696, Zoran Jacimovic 255/664, Nancy Kato 654, Eric Maize 649, Isabelle Vincent 278, Mark Mason 256, Tom Wigmore 255. juniOrs: no need to PinE over these scores! the juniors have shown many a seasoned bowler how to score high on their games! And it fills our hearts to see them root for each other! how can anyone fir-get these great scores? junior stars: Ian Hamrick 133/369, Angelo Costa 128/353, Nicholas Martinez 135/349, Nicole Martinez 128/339, Alex Lemus 145/339. Pee wee Bumpers: Andrew Parker 100/181. Adult junior: Adam Lander 227/632, Treven Goldsmith 223/583, Max Korn 200/511, Brad Lander 181/505, Martin Korn 196/470. DAytimE BOwlErs: no pulp fiction here! i wooden expect these amazing scores from anyone one less than our own day leagues! you can’t leaf these scores alone; you need to show the world our bowlers aren’t saps! Pin Pals: Shelly Djergian 212/492, Karen Collier 175/465, Bar-bara Murphey 151/399, Diana Bassi 145/409, Judy Kautz 145/361, Ellen Engel 145. happy timers: Gary Olsen 165/487, Vicky Minceff 136/355, Sam Marion 164/443. Coffee & Donuts: Donna Hickox 220/491, Elayne Klein 178/484, Annie Block 190/482, Charlene Gaffney 471, Pauline Lipin 456, Alba Donohue 176, Sandy Feder 177. senior social: Arthur Harris 207/614, Gary Olsen 160/453, Michael Gralla 154/4412, Allan Lotta 186/406, Pat Olsen 390, Teri Bonato 162. Breakfast Club: Charlene Gaffney 202/511, Christine Stark 168/460, Donna Klein 159/453, Jackie Davis 156/390, Pam Vaughan 145/390. joslyn seniors: Don Thorner 191/489, Gary Olsen 180/530, Kathy George 440, Rita Frischer 189/440, Teri Bonato 169. Bowler of the week: The Halloween costume pageant was a disguised success with many limbs, I mean himbs dressing great. Cameron Wormly, must have a evergreen halo of success because he was the best dressed, wood. Great job Cam, how bout the ham on Thanksgiving. sweetness Quote of the week: “A pun is the lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it yourself.” - Doug Larson

ANAHEIM — It’s November and that means it’s time for Linbrook Bowl’s Day After Thanksgiving Scratch 5-Gamer. All the fun is planned for Friday, Novermber 26 at 9:30 a.m. Cost is $50 prepaid by November 24 at 7:00 p.m. or $55 after prepaid date closes. So reserve your spot early. See our ad on this page for more information. Here are the high scores from October 26 thru November 1. santa guys & gals: Bruce Gober 211-225/628, Chris Akinson 247, Carl Adinolfi 244, Mike Robbins 208, Mike Blankenship 207. swinging trios: Robert Skank 213, Mike Warr 210-201. lunch Bunch: Jim Grove 200-237/622, Walter Michalski 254, Gerald Lichtenheld 239, Mike Blankenship 211, Ozzie Randolph 205. monday Cypress College: Anthony Cabading 231-209/629, Lucas Parckys 200. monday nite Football: Jakob Imbrogno 210. ten Pins: Brian Peterson 244-246/688, Josh Boisoneau 218-217-205/640, Tony Toliver 218-220/30, David Taga 234-212/615, Jack McQuown 212-203/605. vegas nonsense: Tim Butler Sr. 264/606, Jim Johnstone 268, Michael Byrd 223, Steven Branch 207-206, Scott Coo-per 205, Cathy Ware 203. r.C.r.C.: Lou Cruz 236-219/648, Kay Ladbury 214. Executive Doubles: Bob Mendoza 267-205/644, Stan Evans 247-202/643, Tom Gonzales 244-208/640, Mike Keogh 215-214-205/634, Steve Domon 225-205/625, Lisa Somma 247-236-208/691. B.s.m.: Young Park 236/628, Donghoon Choi 227/6713, Youngsun Shin 237-206/609, Duke Lee 237-203/607, Glen Kim 236/601. just Desserts: Rick Sproul 256-212-209/677, Mike Blodgett 227-225-201/653, Ken Reser 225-222-203/650, Dan Perreira 286/630, Bob Awalt 235-203/618. golden nuggets: Roland Mutzenberger 205, Art Gutier-rez 205. go For nine: Lloyd Carter 254-252-236/742, Norm McLeod 238-218-276/732, William Brown 228-252-231/711, Walt Hooper 242-234-231/707, Clay Howard 236-251/679, Sandy Durkin 217-200-200/617, Diane Johnson 255, Pat Nichols 218, Carol Johnson 216, Joyce Short 204. Party timers: Robert Thompson 269-247-213/729, Terry Jensen 227-235/652, Mark McLeod 235-223/648, Pat Sangenito 243-210/645, Andy Wozny 265/644, Nicole Evans 221, Denise Bayne 213. Anaheim nisei: Yuki Tomono 209-200-237/646, Rick Bargayo 216, Richard Iseri 212-202, Warren Honjiyo 212, Bob Mendoza 211. nikkei: Dave Lautherboren 202-200-221/623, Ken Kawado 222, Gil Barcoma 218, Vern Lastimado 214, Ken Kurihara 206-209. 525 ladies Classic: MaryLou Platte 201. santa super savers: Joe Molina 235-212-225/672, Jerry Roddam 205-236/623, Tony Chaco 209-208/606, Mike Rob-bins 236, Dallas Liebenow 213. thursday mixed seniors: Norm McLeod 221, Jim Grove 200-208. magnolia teachers: (No-Tap) Bill McFeggan 244-223/641, Brenda Hill 263-217/607, Chrys Shields 228, Debi Andreff 222, Melissa Valentine 213, Pam Odiorne 212. st. Pius: Paul Uyanga Sr. 212. 7-11 vegas: Jasen Henderson 247-266/690, Miguel Rosales 235-235-200/670, Joe Dantas 211-244-212/647, Luis Damian 247-213/640, Frank Trummell 255/631, Cheryl Munson 213-211/600, Christina Garcia 209. grey Panthers: John Hillion 202. vegas Party: Lowell Huber 279-268-258/805, John Con-way 258-248-215/721, Matt Ontiveros 258-258/701, Stan

Evans 247-235/663, Andy Jansta 234-234/655, Eva Martus 228, Pam Weiland 210, June Interrante 203. tgiF: Brian Blake 259-209/608, Tony Banks 256/605, Richard Carr 201. kamaaina Bowling Club: Kevin Fujinami 235-234-233/702, Frank Jones 236-231-213/680, Kalani Akui 232/717, Walter Fujinami 231-221/616, Guy Matsubara 207-205/602, Pam Jones 211-201. 4-4 vegas: Norm Walker 216-204/619, Dino Chavez 214, Jimmy Herrera 201, Sandy Batalon 204, Kathy Greenwood 204. Family & Friends: Dave Kelly 212-222/612, Pete Quinata 235/600, Ray Pangelinan 236, Justin Sanchez 204, Ron Aguon 202, Lydia Farley 206. Double Daters: Troy Sucatre 225, Ron Zettelmier 212, Kasey Greek 205, Tim McConaha 201. Final Coffee Club results: 34 entries. 1st place: Miguel Rosales & Robert Thompson 1992 $200, 2nd Mike Sargent & Tony Hale 1921 $160, 3rd Luis Damian & Lowell Huber 1901 $140. Sidepots: Paid $34 per game. Game 1: Miguel Rosales 293, game 2 Tony Hale 280, game 3 Jeff Sargent 295, game 4 Evan Mostowa 276. Doubles: Paid $152 per game. Game 1: Miguel Rosales & Rick Sargent 552, game 2 Tony Hale & Luis Damian 563, game 3 Jeff Sargent & Ron Sargent 578, game 4 Evan Mostowa & Mark O’Donnell 578. Handicap series: Miguel Rosales 1076 $62. Scratch Series: Tony Hale 973 $46. Super Pot: Evan Mostowa 276 $120. Clean 40 Pot: Lowell Huber & Rick Sargent $374 split. Match Game: Jeff Sargent 188 & John Conway Jr. $406 split. High Game Banks: Game 1: Miguel Rosales 269 $48, game 2: Tony Hale 280 $53, Game 3: Ron Sargent 278 $63, game 4: Evan Mostowa 276 $40. senior no-tap results: (October 26th.) 36 entries @ $10=$360. 36 lineage @ $5.25=$189. 36 prize fund @ $4.75=$171. 33 3-6-9 @ $1=$33. Place Money—1st Victor DeLaCruz 893 $33, 2nd Vern Temple 875 $25, 3rd Mike Pizzarro 866 $19, 4th Mike Robbins 842 $14, 5th John Hendricks 832 $10, 6th Carl Adinolfi 822 $7. Sidepots—Game 1, hdcp.: 1st Vern Temple 335 $8, 2nd Mike Pizzarro 324 $6, 3rd Mike Robbins 323 $5. Game 2, scr: 1st Victor DeLaCruz 297 $11, 2nd Jumbo Sulit 290 $8, 3rd Tony Chaco 287 $6. Game 3, hdcp.: 1st Bob Zentner 310 $8, 2nd Vern Temple 303 $6, 3rd Henry Urada 286 $5. 3-6-9 Carryover: $85. Added: $33. New Total: $118. Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK this weekend, Daylight Saving Time Ends.