Download - North Yorkshire School Games Road Show. David Ellis – Co-Chair of LOC and Headteacher at York High School Andrew Bayston - Co Chair of LOC and Headteacher.


North Yorkshire School Games Road Show

• David Ellis – Co-Chair of LOC and Headteacher at York High School• Andrew Bayston - Co Chair of LOC and Headteacher at Harrogate High School• Jonathan Tearle - Headteacher at Mowbray School• David Watson - Executive Director at North Yorkshire Sport• George Cull - Delivery Manager at North Yorkshire Sport• Ben Grady - Development Manager at Youth Sport Trust

North Yorks LOC

• To gain an overview of the School Games in North Yorkshire• To position the School Games as an educational strategy. • To maximise the potential of wider learning for pupils• To share learning across cluster of schools and the county from current practice and pilot events.• To ensure schools are aware of how to sign up to and register for School Games.

School Games Road ShowOutcomes of the session

What is the School Games?• The Government’s policy for School Sport

• A strategic priority for the coalition government

•Funded by the DfE, DH, DCMS and Sport England Lottery Funding with outcomes across School, Health and Sport

School Games: Summary



Year round, multi-sport programme of intra school competition

Culminating in a School Games Day


(L2 – L3)

Year round, multi-sport programme of inter

school competition (L2)

Culminating in a School Games Festival (L3)



Single national level multi-sport event for the

most talented young people of school age

Competition programme limited to a number of

sports (12 in 2012)

North Yorkshire and York School

Games - 2011 Pilot

The ‘WOW’Factor!!!

Golden 3 Weeks of


Golden 3 Weeks of Sport

13,500 Level 2 Participants

in 2010/11

15,000 Level 2 Participants

in 2011/12

Golden 3 Weeks of Sport

1,100 Level 3 Participants in 2010/11

2,500 Level 3 Participants in 2011/12

Golden 3 Weeks of Sport

Over 100 Participants

with a disability in 2010/11

Over 200 Participants

with a disability in 2011/12

Golden 3 Weeks of Sport

100 + Young Leaders in 2010/11

150 + Young Leaders in 2011/12

Golden 3 Weeks of Sport

North Yorkshire School Games


23 Competitions in 12 Sports in


38 Competitions in 20 Sports in



School Outcomes•School Ethos – sense of belonging and pride

•School profile and engagement with parents and within its community

•Behaviour, Attendance and Positive Values

•Attainment & Achievement through cross-curricular learning

•Leadership through volunteering

Young People Outcomes

•Every young person achieving their personal best in and through sport

•Raising aspirations, self confidence, teamwork, winning with grace and losing with pride

•Developing important life skills such as determination and perseverance etc

A School Games for all

• Enable participation• Develop opportunities• Raise confidence• Change perceptions

Ambition for Disability Sport

• Project Ability• Lead by Mowbray in NY+Y• Specialist support to SGO’s and

the School Games

Making it Happen

• Innovation with NGB’s• Training for SGO’s• Equipment (Top Sportsability)

• Level 3 Disability events• 4 Inclusive Disability clubs

Project Ability will support

• Aireville• Eskdale• Carlton Holy

Family• Bedale High• York High

• Joseph Rowntree• Mowbray• King James• The Allertonshire• Graham School

Your Hub School

• Deliver bespoke training• Drive increased opportunity• Sustain participation through

school club activities

Project Ability Hub Schools will……

For 2012…….CulturalOlympiad

For 2012…….CulturalOlympiad

North Yorkshire School Games Cultural Vision

• Static Arts• Performing Arts• Sonic Arts• Social Arts• Digital Arts• Narrative Arts

6 Categories

• 10 Hub Schools• Arts/Media specialist visit• Catalyst/Cascade workshop

Offer to Schools

• Local Competition• County Competition• The chance to present or exhibit

your work at the School Games events.

Mirroring the Sports Format


Vision for Student


Leadership Context

• National aspiration 50% of workforce should be young leaders

• Last year was approx 66-75%!!

Potential Roles…..

• Team Manager/Assistant• Sports Officials/Scorers/Umpires• VIP Section• Event Support• Reporting/Interviewing/Feedback

Not Just Level 3….

• Leaders can support level 1 and 2

• Example – Scarborough Swimming Gala

‘School Games Makers’

• Links to Olympic Volunteer programme

• Volunteer Conference -18th April at Queen Margarets

• Training opportunities

• Register your School on

• Contact your SGO to enter your local competitions

• Share and discuss your ideas

What Next