Download - NonDoDDS Program Worldwide Newsletter - Spring 2012


In this edition….. POV Mileage Reimbursement

NDSP Transportation reimbursement is pro-

vided to sponsors for one round trip per day

(if the school does not provide transportation)

by submitting the SF 1164. Attendance re-

cords are no longer required. The form can

be found on our website along with sample


Virtual School

Families enrolled in NDSP are eligible

for enrollment in the DoDEA Virtual High

School. Contact your Area NDSP Educa-

tion ISS if your child wishes or needs to

attend summer or fall classes. Summer

classes begin 1 June.

W O R L D - W I D E D O D E A N D S P U P D A T E S



L I A I S O N , P O I N T S O F C O N T A C T A N D F A M I L I E S

N O N - D O D S C H O O L S

P R O G R A M ( N D S P )

S P R I N G 2 0 1 2

NDSP Contact Information

DoDEA HQ: Enrollments, processing payments, and questions regarding the NDSP program

Europe, Africa and Middle East: [email protected]

South and North America: [email protected]

Pacific: [email protected]

Telephone: 571-372-0591 DSN: 312-372-0591 Fax: 571-372-0591

Physical Address: 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria VA 22350-1400

Area Education Instructional Systems Specialist: Education and special education support.

Europe, Africa and Middle East: [email protected]

Sharon Gancarcik Tel: 49-611-380-7727 Kevin O’Brien Tel: 49-611-380-7359

South and North America: [email protected]

Felicia Van Heertum Tel: 678-364-8033

Pacific: [email protected]

Lisa Edge Tel: 81-611-744-5677

NDSP Updates 1

Contact Info 1

Liaison Training 2

Special Education NDSP 3

At Post Rate For Boarding


Families may use the DSSR

“At Post” rate for boarding

school. It is especially impor-

tant that sponsors realize

that any costs above the

DSSR rate is at their ex-

pense. Boarding school stu-

dents using the “At Post” rate

are not eligible for the 3

round trips per school year

from home and school.

Special Equipment


NEW: NDSP is now able to

reimburse for special equip-

ment (calculators, micro-

scopes) if the equipment is

required for a specific course

and not provided by the

school. The sponsor must sub-

mit a letter from the school on

the school letterhead indicat-

ing that the special equipment

is required for the course and

not provided by the school

along with the invoice and

Sponsor Claim for Reimburse-

ment worksheet.


If a school recommends tutoring,

an evaluation or special education

services, the NDSP Education

Instructional Systems Specialist

should be contacted immediately

via email prior to agreeing to any

services or payment of services.

Payment will not be authorized

without prior approval by the NDSP

Education ISS. See contact information listed below:

Page 2 N D S P W O R L D W I D E N E W S L E T T E R

The Non-DoD Schools Program now has an online

process for new registrations. The registration link

can be found on the NDSP website:


Choose “ NDSP Registration” either on the left navi-

gation section or above the contact information. The

online registration process is only for new student

registrations. Parents may use the online registra-

tion process instead of sending the DoDEA Form

610, orders, and other documentation through the

NDSP Liaison or directly to the NDSP HQ email ad-

dress. Please only use one method of registration.

For example, if you start the online registration proc-

ess, continue this process until completed.

N D S P L I A I S O N T R A I N I N G :

A P R I L - N O V E M B E R

NDSP Headquarters continues to offer

monthly NDSP Liaison Training Sessions

utilizing teleconferencing for new NDSP

Liaisons/POCs. Email or call Maggie

Howland and let her know when you would

like to attend. Phone: Comm.571-372-

1897 DSN: 312-372-1897

Email:[email protected]

15 May 2012 0800 to 0900 ES

12 Jun 2012 1900 to 2000 EST

17 Jul 2012 0800 to 0900 EST

14 Aug 2012 0800 to 0900 EST

16 Sep 2012 1900 to 2000 EST

16 Oct 2012 0800 to 0900 EST

NDSP Online Registration Process

N E W / R E V I S E D N D S P


N D S P h a s r e v i s e d / a d d e d t h e

f o l l o w i n g w o r k s h e e t s .

E F T W o r k s h e e t

N D S P L i a i s o n I n f o W o r k s h e e t

N D S P L i a i s o n T r a i n i n g P o w e r P o i n t

S l i d e s

N D S P 6 2 0 P r e S c r e e n i n g

Q u e s t i o n n a i r e

P l e a s e c h e c k t h e w e b s i t e f o r t h e

m o s t u p - t o - d a t e d o c u m e n t s /

f o r m s / w o r k s h e e t s .

h t t p : / / w w w . d o d e a . e d u / p a r e n t s /

N D S P W O R L D W I D E N E W S L E T T E R Page 3

Special Education through NDSP

(Includes Speech Therapy)

NDSP provides for special education services when a student meets eligibility according to DoDEA Special

Education Policies and Procedures; not the local school criteria. When a school recommends an assess-

ment for any special education service including learning support, resource class, speech therapy, occu-

pational therapy and/or physical therapy, the NDSP Education ISS must be involved in the process. If

DoDEA eligibility is determined, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed to meet the identified

needs. This IEP will be a DoDEA IEP and it is the document that allows for specific authorization of ser-

vices to NDSP students and reimbursement to providers/sponsor. Additionally, this IEP is in compliance

with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA.

What is the difference between a DoDEA IEP and a school Learning Support Plan?

Many schools in NDSP offer a Learning Support Program. Often they will write a Learning Support Plan

(there are many names for this document) identifying goals and objectives. Many of these plans are well

developed and do have individual needs addressed. The plans serve a good purpose in that school. The

school IEP may not meet any guidelines under US laws such as IDEA and thus will not guarantee services

in the schools at the new duty location. NDSP views the local plan as incoming information that may sup-

port the need for an assessment. NDSP does not provide special education funding based on these local

school plans.

When must I enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)?

EFMP is mandatory for active duty military and needed for civilians if DoD funds will be used to provide

special education services. A sponsor is required to enroll when a child receives early intervention ser-

vices, is on a 504 plan, in the assessment process, or determined eligible and receiving special educa-

tion services. NDSP conducts EFMP screenings based on the needs identified on the current IEP.

What records are necessary to keep?

Sponsors should keep school records in their personal belongings when traveling between duty stations.

They should not be in a household goods shipment. Schools need copies of the current IEP at minimum

to begin services. Assessment reports and eligibility reports are necessary to determine eligibility at a new

location. Having these records may prevent a student from participating in individual assessments that

are not necessary and expedite the process of special education eligibility at the new location.