Download - New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Page 1: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

New approaches to intellectual property in

the age of web 2.0

Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa licence

Page 2: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 3: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

‘In the new economy, information is the

scarce resource’

Page 4: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

‘Downloading music for free is piracy’

Page 5: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 6: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

(1)Some basic economics of

information production and innovation

Page 7: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

a) Characteristics

Page 8: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


a) Characteristics

Page 9: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


•Both the input and output of its own production process

a) Characteristics

Page 10: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 11: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 12: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

b) information production strategies

Page 13: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 14: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 15: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Romantic maximisers

• firm sells software to a larger firm

• author sells rights to a book or film

Page 16: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 17: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


• Disney reuses inventory for derivative works;

• buy outputs of Romantic Maximizers.

Page 18: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 19: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


• companies hold blocking patents;

• create patent pools to build valuable goods.

Page 20: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 21: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Scholarly lawyers

• Write articles to get clients

• Bands that give music for free and charge money for gigs

• software companies who develop free software but charge for customization, training etc

Page 22: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 23: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


• Firms that have cheaper or better production processes because of research;

Page 24: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 25: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Learning networks

• share info with similar organisations e.g. newspapers fund wire services, professional societies for engineers etc.

Page 26: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 27: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Joe Einstein

• give away info for free in return for status, reputation, value of the innovation to themselves

• e.g. amateur choirs, academics, op-eds, mailing lists, free software developers etc.

Page 28: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 29: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Los Alamos

• share in-house information in order to get govt grants

Page 30: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 31: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Limited sharing networks

• release paper to small number of colleagues to get comment;

• share information on formal condition of reciprocity (e.g. copyleft)

Page 32: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 33: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Dramatic decline in costs of means of


Page 34: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 35: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

< nonmarket production of information

+< information centre of

advanced economies

Page 36: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

your company?

Page 37: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Public domain Intrafirm


Rights-based exclusion

Romantic maximisers Mickey RCA


Scholarly lawyers Know-How

Learning networks

Nonexclusion-Nonmarket Joe Einstein Los Alamos

Limited sharing


Page 38: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

(2)Commons-based peer


Page 39: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 40: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

200110 contributors

Page 41: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

2002472 contributors

Page 42: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

200548,721 contributors

Page 43: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

Commons-based peer production

Page 44: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 45: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 46: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age


Page 47: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 48: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 49: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

•allow commercial use?•allow derivatives?•share alike?

Page 50: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 51: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

(3)Let’s get practical


Page 52: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

How to stimulate peer production around your


Page 53: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 54: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 55: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 56: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 57: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 58: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 59: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 60: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 61: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age
Page 62: New approaches to intellectual property in the digital age

[email protected] Commons Attribution 2.5 South Africa licence