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  • 8/2/2019 Nervous vs Hormone




    Chapter 6Chapter 6

  • 8/2/2019 Nervous vs Hormone


    Learning objectivesLearning objectivesi. Identify four different types of hormone classesii. Compare the mechanism of action of hormones

    iii. Identify the endocrine glands and describe the actionsof their hormones

    iv. Describe the processes involved in neural signaling

    v. Describe the structure of neuron

    vi. Explain how a neuron transmit impulsevii. Describe several types of nervous system in animals

    viii. Identify the organization of a human nervous system

    ix. Compare endocrine with nervous system function

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    i. Fatty acid

    derivatives Prostaglandins and

    juvenile hormones of

    insects Prostaglandins are

    synthesized fromarachidonic acid a20 carbon fatty acid

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    Hormone classesHormone classesii) Steroids

    The natural steroidhormones aregenerally synthesizedfrom cholesterol in the

    gonads and adrenalglands.

    These forms ofhormones are lipids.

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    Hormone classesHormone classes

    iii) Amino acid derivatives

    Synthesized from amino acids

    Adrenaline and noradrenalline are

    derived from the amino acid thyrosine

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    Hormone classesHormone classes

    iv) Peptides and protein

    Peptide hormones are a class ofpeptides that are secreted into the blood

    stream and have endocrine functions inliving animals

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action Hormones are released by endocrine

    glands into blood

    Transported by blood, they will arrive atthe target cells where they shows differentmechanism of action

    The mechanism can be divided intosteroid and peptide hormones

    Steroid hormones are lipid soluble Peptide hormones are water soluble

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- SteroidSteroid

    Lipid soluble hormones are able to enter


    This is because the lipid portion of the

    plasma membrane does not act as abarrier to entry of lipophilic regulators.

    Steroid hormones are lipid themselves and

    thus they are lipophilic.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- SteroidSteroid Because these hormones are not water-

    soluble, they are not able to dissolve in theplasma portion of the blood.

    Therefore, they are carried in the blood

    attached to a protein carrier. When the hormones arrive at their target

    cells, they dissociate from their carriers

    and pass through the plasma membraneof the cell.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- SteroidSteroid

    Some steroid hormones will combine with

    receptors within the target cell cytoplasmand then move as a hormone receptorcomplex to the nucleus.

    Others travel into the nucleus to encountertheir receptor protein.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- SteroidSteroid The hormone-receptor complex that is activated

    may able to bind to specific regions in the DNA. This may activate or repress transcription of

    gene regions into messenger RNA.

    Translation of the mRNA transcripts thathappens outside the cell results in enzymes andother proteins that are able to carry out a

    response to the hormonal signal.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- SteroidSteroid

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- PeptidePeptide

    Peptide hormones are hydrophilic.

    Therefore, a peptide hormone cannotcross the target cell's plasma membrane

    that is lipid soluble (consist of dwilayerlipid membrane)

    The hormones include all the peptide and

    glycoprotein hormones.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- PeptidePeptide Because these hormones are not able to

    enter cells, they will bind to receptor proteinslocated on the surface of the plasmamembrane.

    Once the hormone has bound to itsreceptor, a cascade of events will occurproducing secondary messenger molecules

    that will allow the cell to properly respond tothe hormones message.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- PeptidePeptide

    Binding of a peptide hormone (first

    messenger) caused formation of a secondmessenger, the cyclic AMP (cAMP).

    These cascade of reactions are enzyme-mediated and results in a response of thecell to the hormonal action.

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    Mechanism of actionMechanism of action -- PeptidePeptide

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    Glands in the endocrine systemGlands in the endocrine system Vertebrate hormones regulate growth and

    development, reproduction, salt and fluidbalance, many aspects of metabolism andfluid behavior.

    Homeostasis depends on normalconcentrations of hormones.

    Over or under-secrection of hormones willresult in endocrine disorders.

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    Glands in theGlands in the


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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland Most endocrine activity is controlled either

    directly or indirectly by the hypothalamus.

    The pituitary glands hang by a stalk fromthe hypothalamus.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland The pituitary gland can

    be divided into two

    parts, the anterior andposterior lobes.

    The posterior lobe of

    the pituitary glanddevelops from braintissue; therefore itcontains axons that

    originate in cell bodieswithin thehypothalamus.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland This neuroendocrine gland secretes two peptide

    hormones, oxytoxin and antidiuretic hormone

    (ADH). These hormones are enclosed within vesicles.

    They are transported down the axons into the

    posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The vesicles are stored in the axon terminals

    until the neuron is stimulated.

    Once it is stimulated, the axon content willdiffuse into the surrounding capillaries.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland Oxytoxin stimulates

    contraction of theuterus and stimulatesejection of milk by the

    mammary glands.

    ADH stimulates

    reabsorption of waterby the kidney tubules.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland Compared to the

    posterior lobe, the

    anterior lobedevelops fromepithelial cell rather

    than neural cell. The anterior lobe

    receives signal and

    releases its hormoneinto the bloodvessels.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

    secretes growth hormone, prolactin andseveral tropic hormones (hormonesproduced at the anterior gland but

    stimulates other endocrine glands).

    The other tropic hormones are ACTH,

    TSH, FSH and LH.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland ACTH and TSH control the secretions

    from the adrenal glands and thyroid glandsrespectively.

    FSH and LH have essential roles ingamete formation and hormonalsecretions required in sexual reproduction

    of animals.

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    Pituitary glandPituitary gland

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    Thyroid glandThyroid gland The thyroid gland is located in the neck region,

    in front of the trachea and below the larynx(Adams apple).

    The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones,

    thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). In vertebrates, thyroid hormones are essential

    for normal growth and development because

    they stimulate the rate of metabolism.

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    Thyroid glandThyroid gland

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    Thyroid glandThyroid gland Regulation of thyroid

    secretion depends mainly on

    the secretion of the thyroidsecreting hormone (TSH)from the anterior lobe of thepituitary hormone.

    When the concentration of thethyroid hormones in the bloodrises above normal, theanterior pituitary secretes less

    thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH).

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    Thyroid glandThyroid gland The thyroid gland also

    secretes calcitonin, a

    peptide hormone thatmaintains a properlevel of calcium in theblood.

    When blood calciumlevels rises, calcitoninis released to cause

    calcium to bedeposited in thebones.

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    Thyroid glandThyroid gland

    The parathyroid gland islocated on the surface of

    the thyroid gland. It secretes parathyroid

    hormone (PTH), which

    regulates the calciumconcentration bystimulating calcium release

    from bones and increasingcalcium reabsorption in theintestine.

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    CalcitoninCalcitonin vsvs PTHPTH

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    Adrenal glandAdrenal gland The paired adrenal

    glands are small,

    yellow masses oftissue that lie incontact with the upperends of the kidneys.

    Each gland consists ofa central portion, theadrenal medulla, and

    the outer section, theadrenal cortex.

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    Adrenal glandAdrenal gland Adrenal medulla is a neuroendocrine gland

    that is controlled by the sympathetic nervoussystem.

    The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine andnorepinephrine, the hormones help the body cope

    with stress. Epinephrine and norepinephrine help the body to

    respond to danger by increasing the heart rate,metabolic rate and the strength of musclecontraction. These hormones reroute blood toorgans needed for fight or flight.

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    Adrenal glandAdrenal gland

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    Adrenal glandAdrenal gland Adrenal cortex

    The hypothalamus controls the activity in the

    adrenal cortex by means of the ACTH (fromthe anterior lobe of the pituitary gland).

    Two other hormones secreted by the adrenal

    cortex arei. sex hormones precursors(covered in the reproductive


    ii. mineralcortisoids such as aldosteroneiii. glucocortisoids such as cortisol

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    Adrenal glandAdrenal gland Aldosterone maintains a proper

    balance of sodium and potassium ionsin the kidney tubules.

    Cortisol promotes gluconeogenesis in

    liver cells resulting in the conversion ofamino acids increasing level of glucosein the blood.

    Thus during stress, the adrenal cortexensures adequate fuel supplies for thecells.

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    PancreasPancreas--An endocrine organAn endocrine organ

    Glucagon raisesblood glucose(glycogenolysis)while insulin

    lowers theconcentration ofglucose in the


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    Testes and ovariesTestes and ovaries Testes produce testosterone and ovaries

    produce estrogen and progesterone.

    Hypothalamus controls the secretion of thesehormones by means of the LH and FSHhormone.

    Testosterone allows secondary growth in maleduring puberty.

    Estrogen is necessary for egg development and

    maturation and together with progesterone theyare responsible for the menstruation cycle.

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    Thymus Thymus gland is located beneath the


    It secretes thymosin that is responsible forlymphocyte (white blood cells) maturation.

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    Pineal glandPineal gland Melatonin secreted by the pineal gland, which is

    located in the brain influence our biological clockand the onset of sexual maturity.

    We feel sleepy at night and awake in the daytime. This 24 hour cycle is called the circadianrhythm that is controlled by melatonin.

    It also helps regulate sexual development.

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    Hormones from other tissueHormones from other tissue Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), which is secreted

    by the atrium of the heart, promotes sodiumreabsorption thus lowering blood pressure.

    Gastrin is secreted by the stomach thatstimulates release of gastric juice andsomastostatin inhibits secretion of gastric juice.

    Secretin and cholecystokinin increase output ofpancreatic juice. The latter also stimulatesejection of bile salts from the gallbladder.

    M lti d t h i iM lti g d m t m h i i

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    Molting and metamorphosis inMolting and metamorphosis in

    insectsinsects In invertebrates, hormones are secreted by

    neuron rather than the endocrine glands.

    These hormones regulate

    i. Regeneration in hydras, flatworms and

    annelidsii. Color changes in crustaceans

    iii. Growth and development

    iv. Metabolic ratev. Gamete production and reproduction

    Molting nd met mor hosis inMolting and metamorphosis in

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    Molting and metamorphosis inMolting and metamorphosis in

    insectsinsects As insects grow, their hardened exoskeleton

    cannot fit them anymore.

    Therefore, insects undergo a series of moltingprocess where they shed their old exoskeletonin a process called molting.

    In an immature insect, paired endocrine glandscalled the corpora allata secrete juvenilehormone (JH).

    This hormone suppresses metamorphosis at

    each larval molt in order to ensure the larvaeincrease in size but remains in the larval(immature) state.

    Molting and metamorphosis inMolting and metamorphosis in

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    Molting and metamorphosis inMolting and metamorphosis in

    insectsinsects When the concentration of JH decreases,

    metamorphosis occurs and the larvae transformed

    into pupae. Prior to molting, neuroendocrine cells in the insect

    brain secrete brain hormone (BH). BH stimulates

    the production of the ecdysone from theprothoracic glands, which stimulates growth andmolting.

    Therefore, metamorphosis in adult form occurs

    when molting hormone acts in the absence ofjuvenile hormone.

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    Neural signalingNeural signalingSensors Sensory receptors at the end of peripheral

    nerves pick up information about the body'sinternal and external environment.

    These receptors also detect changes that

    occur. For example, when you feel pain whentouching a hot object, a sensory receptor ispicking up that information.

    All sensory information is picked up in the

    peripheral nervous system and sent to thecentral nervous system.

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    Neural signalingNeural signalingIntegration

    The integrative function takes place in the brainor spinal cord.

    These organs receive sensory information andmake decisions regarding the information.

    The decision making is the integrative function.

    For example, if you feel pain your brain might

    decide you need to move away from the painfulstimulus.

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    Neural signalingNeural signalingEffectors Once the CNS makes a decision, it then

    carries out a motor function. The motor function is the stimulation of a

    muscle (skeletal, smooth or cardiac

    muscle) or a gland. When a motor function is carried out,

    neurons in the CNS carry an impulse

    along a peripheral nerve to either a muscleor a gland; these are called effectors.

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    Neural signalingNeural signaling

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    NeuronNeuron Nervous tissue consistsof nerve cells or

    neurons. Neurons are functional

    units of the nervoussystem which arespecialized to receiveand send information ina form of electrical

    signals called nerveimpulses.

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    NeuronNeuron The largest/enlarged portion of the neuronis the cell body. It contains the nucleus,

    the bulk of cytoplasm and most of theorganelles.


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    There are two types of cytoplasmic extensionswhich project from the cell body

    i. Dendrites Typically short and highlybranched. Numerous of them extend from thecell body. They functions in receiving stimuliand sending signals to the cell body. Can be

    found at one end of the cell body.ii. Axon Conducts nerve impulses away from

    the cell body to another neuron, a muscle or a

    gland. Each neuron has a single axon leavingits cell body.


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    NeuronNeuron In vertebrates, the axons of many neurons are

    surrounded by a myelin sheath that is made of Schwanncells. The nucleus of the Schwann cells can clearly beseen at the myelin sheath.

    The gap between Schwann cells is known as the node ofRanvier. At this point, the axon is not insulated bymyelin.

    They serve as points along the neuron for generating asignal.


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    NeuronNeuronThere are three types of neuronsi. Sensory neurons typically have a long dendrite

    and short axon, and carry messages fromsensory receptors to the central nervoussystem.

    ii. Motor neurons have a long axon and short

    dendrites and transmit messages from thecentral nervous system to the muscles (or toglands).

    iii. Interneurons are found only in the central

    nervous system where they connect neuron toneuron.

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    NeuronNeuron Neurons are supported structurally and

    functionally by supporting cells called


    The neuroglia supplies the neurons with

    nutrients; removes waste and also provideimmune function.

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    NeuronNeuron Two of the most important kinds ofneuroglia in invertebrates are Schwann

    cells and oligodendrocytes that producemyelin sheath.

    Schwann cells produce myelin sheath inthe Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)whereas the oligodendrocytes produce

    myelin sheath for the Central NervousSystem (CNS).

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse A neuron that is not transmitting impulse is said

    to be in the resting membrane potential state The plasma membrane of neurons always had

    an unequal distribution of electrical charges

    between the two sides of the membrane.(Electrical Gradient).

    This electrical gradient is called potential

    difference that exists at every cells plasmamembrane.

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse Biologists can measure the potential across themembrane by placing one electrode inside thecell and a second electrode outside the cell, andconnecting through a very sensitive voltmeter or


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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse The fluid outside of the membrane has a positivecharge while the cytoplasm inside has a

    negative charge. Opposite charges are usually attracted to eachother, the membrane stores energy by holdingopposite charges apart.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse There are three factors that results in differences of

    charges between the extracelullar fluid and inside theneurons.

    i) These differences are due to ionic concentrations.Molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleicacids that carry net negative charge are more abundantinside the cell. This is because they are too large to

    diffuse out. These molecules are called fixed anions.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    ii) The sodium-potassium pumps (Na+ / K+) activelypumps in two K+ ions for every three Na+ ionsthat it pumps out. These helps in maintaining aconcentration gradient where there is high K+ ionand low Na+ ion inside the cell whereas high Na+ion and low K+ ion outside the cell.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulseiii) Ion leak channels are membrane proteins that

    are more numerous for K+ than Na+. Thischannels functions in allowing little (Na+) to

    diffuse in but allows more (K+) to diffuse out,leaving an excess of negative charge (from ionslike Cl-) inside themembrane.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse This charge difference is called a resting potential

    and is measured in millivolts. The voltage potentialis 65 to -70mV (millivolts) of a cell at rest (resting

    membrane potential). The negative sign indicatesthat the inside of the cell is negative compared tothe outside.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

    The cell membrane of aneuron will respond to stimulisuch as heat, pressure, andchemicals by changing the

    amount of polarization acrossits membrane.

    As a stimulus is applied,within 2-3 msec, the voltagewill rise to a voltage at about

    -50mV, which is called thethreshold potential.

    Neuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

    The stimulus triggers the opening of the Na+channel. Once the threshold is reached, the

    increasing positive charge inside the membranetriggers the opening of more and more of Na+channels.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse As more and more Na+ moves in, the voltage will

    soar to its peak to at about +35mV.

    The peak voltage triggers the closing of the Na+channels while the K+ channels opens to allowrapid diffusion of K+ ions out of the membrane.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

    The action potentials regenerate itself alongthe neuron.

    The three parts shown in the figure belowshow movements of stimulus along theneuron

    The first region shows the flow of Na+ intothe neurons membrane creating the

    action potential.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

    As the action potential moves to the next region,K+ will diffuse out of the neuron. At this time Na+

    channels are closed (Almost like domino effect). Action potential are propagated in only one

    direction along the axon due to the fact that

    action potential cannot be regenerated in theregions where K+ leaving the axon.

    The regeneration of action potential will carry the

    stimulus to our central nervous system (spinalcord and the brain).

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    transmission oftransmission of


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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    pp The process that impulses jump from node to node

    in myelinated axons is called salutatoryconduction.

    An action potential is all or none event, eachthreshold depolarization produces either a fullaction potential due to the complete opening of

    gated channels or none at all.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse


    Some stimuli causes theinside of the membranebecame more negative bythe opening of gated K+


    Usually did not generatean action potential

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

    Depolarization astimulation thatcauses the inside ofthe membrane tobecome less


    If it reached threshold it might cause an

    action potential

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    transmissionof impulse

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Whenever action potentials arrive at the endof a neurons axon, the information will be

    passed to a receiving cell across thesynapse.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    pp The neuron whose axon transmits action

    potentials to the synapse is the presynaptic cell,while the cell receiving the signal on the other

    cell is the postsynaptic neuron.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Synapses can be either electrical or chemical.

    In an electrical synapse, action potentialspossibly passed from one neuron to the otherwhere the receiving neuron is stimulated quicklyand at the same level. This is because itinvolves cytoplasmic connections formed by the

    pre and postsynaptic neuron. In human, electrical synapses are common in

    the heart and the digestive system because the

    nerve signals need to maintain steady andrhythmic muscle contractions.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Chemical synapses have a narrow gap

    called the synaptic cleft that separates thesending neuron (presynaptic) from thereceiving neuron (postsynaptic).

    The end of a presynaptic neuron isswollen and filled with numerous synapticvesicles that are packed with


    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Arriving at a synaptic cleft, the action

    potential (an electrical signal) will stimulatethe opening of gated Ca++ channels.These will lead to rapid entrance of Ca++

    via diffusion. This serves as a stimulus for the fusion of

    presynaptic neurons vesicle with its own

    outer membrane cell.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Therefore, the contents of the vesicles

    which are in a form of neurotransmitter willbe released by exocytosis to the synapticcleft.

    The released neurotransmitter moleculeswill diffuse across the cleft and bind toreceptors protein on the receiving

    postsynaptic neurons plasma membrane.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    The binding openschemical sensitive

    ion channelscausing ions todiffuse to the

    receiving cellsmembrane andtrigger new actionpotentials.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neurotransmitters arevery important inhomeostasis becausetheir precise signalingamong neurons

    enables the nervoussystem to coordinatethe activities at all part

    of the body.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neurotransmitters can be divided into two,

    i. Excitatory-They open Na+ channels, thustriggering the action potentials in the receivingcells. Excitatory neurotransmitters promotedepolarization.

    ii. Inhibitory-Open membrane channels for ionslike Cl- that decreases the receiving cellstendency to develop action potentials. Thispromotes hyperpolarization because themembrane inside the receiving neuronbecomes more negatively charged.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Neurotransmitters tend to be small molecules,some are even hormones. The time forneurotransmitter action is between 0.5 and 1millisecond.

    Neurotransmitters are either destroyed byspecific enzymes in the synaptic cleft, diffuse outof the cleft, or are reabsorbed by the cell.

    More than 30 organic molecules are thought toact as neurotransmitters.

    Neuron transmission of impulseNeuron transmission of impulse

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    Acetylcholine is an example of a neurotransmitter. AcHcrosses the synapse between a motor neuron and askeletal muscle.

    AcH causes Na+ to diffuse inside the cell causing thepostsynaptic membrane to become depolarized.

    Because the postsynaptic cell is a skeletal muscle cell,the action potential stimulates muscle contraction.

    To stop muscle contraction, an enzyme in thepostsynaptic membrane called acetylcholinesterasecleaves AcH into an inactive fragment.

    Glycine and GABA are inhibitory neurotransmitters that

    produce hyperpolarization at the postsynapticmembrane.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    Some animals lack a nervous system;such as the sponges that do not have any

    cell specialized for generating andtransmitting nervous signals.

    Hydra is an animal that has the simplesttype of nervous system. Their nervoussystem is what we referred as a nerve net.

    The nerve net is a web-like system ofneurons that extends throughout the body.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    This adaptation is adequate for the hydrabecause they are headless and have a radialsymmetry. Besides, their activity is limited where

    they are usually stationary, attached tosubmerged plant stems or rocks.

    Their nerve net is responsive to signals aboutfood or danger.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    Another animal with radial symmetry, theechinoderms have radial nerves that

    extend through each arm from a centralnerve ring.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    Radially symmetricalnervous systems are

    uncentralized unlike thebilaterally symmetricalanimals. These animals

    have a head and a tailand have a tendency tomove head-first through

    the environment.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    Two evolutionary hallmarks of bilateral

    symmetricali. Cephalization Concentration of the

    nervous system at the head end.

    ii. Centralization The presence of acentral nervous system (CNS) distinctfrom the peripheral nervous system(PNS)

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    The flatworm has a small brain composedof ganglia (masses of nerve cell bodies)

    and two parallel nerve cords (bundles ofaxons and dendrites).

    These elements are the worms CNS whilethe smaller nerves are the PNS.

    The high degree of cephalization and

    centralization in the squids nervoussystem give them a degree of intelligence.

    Nervous system in animalsNervous system in animals

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    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

    Th h

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    The humannervoussystem can

    be dividedinto theCentral

    NervousSystem andthePeripheral


    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

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    The centralnervous system

    (CNS) consists ofthe brain and thespinal cord

    The peripheralnervous system isthe part outside thecentral nervous

    system (PNS).

    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system The PNS can be divided into

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    The PNS can be divided intotwo subdivision, sensory(afferent) and motor (efferent)

    pathways. Sensory divisions are nerve

    fibers that carry informationfrom sensory receptors all overthe body to the CNS.

    Sensory division keeps theCNS constantly informed of

    events going on both inside andoutside the body.

    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

    The motor (efferent)

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    The motor (efferent)division carries impulsesfrom the CNS to effector

    organs, the muscles andthe glands that responsesto the stimulus sensed bythe sensory division.

    The motor division can befurther subdivided into twosubdivisions, the

    autonomic and somaticsystems.

    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system The somatic nervous

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    The somatic nervoussystem primarily allowsus to control and

    coordinate, usuallyvoluntarily the skeletalmuscles, so it is mostinvolved with physical

    activity. The autonomic nervoussystem control eventsinvoluntarily the blood

    vessels, glands andinternal organs.

    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

    It i di id d i t t t th

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    It is divided into two parts - theparasympathetic nervous system which

    slows body functions, thus conservingenergy and the sympathetic nervoussystem which speeds body functions, thus

    increasing energy use. These two divisions has opposing effect,

    when one stimulate, the other inhibits.

    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

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    Organization of the nervous systemOrganization of the nervous system

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    EndocrineEndocrine vsvs NervousNervous Both are systems of internal communication and

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    Both are systems of internal communication andalso regulation

    However the nature of the messages in the

    endocrine system are in a form of chemicalsignal whereas the messages in the nervoussystem are electrical signal.

    The speed of message in the endocrine systemis quite slow because it needs to be transportedby blood to specific target sites whereas in thenervous system the speed is really past due tosalutatory conduction

    EndocrineEndocrine vsvs NervousNervous

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    Eventhough message can arrive really fastto target sites in the nervous system, the

    duration of effect is very short and promptas compared to the duration of effect inthe endocrine system

    The speed of response in the nervoussystem is rapid whereas the speed ofresponse in the endocrine system is


    EndocrineEndocrine vsvs NervousNervous

    The accuracy of message in the nervous system

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    The accuracy of message in the nervous systemis precise but the accuracy of message in theendocrine system is more diffused