Download - NATIONAL ARCHIVES IRELAND - Ulster · (f/~ --1 • I.'lr ,...,alla,;;::-.:.a~; 1.:-elcosed t~~e ~aciseacL




Reference Code: 2007/116/750

Creation Date(s): 29 September 1977

Extent and medium: 8 pages

Creator(s): Department of the Taoiseach

Access Conditions: Open

Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be

reproduced with the written permission of the

Director of the National Archives.


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1 • I.'lr ,...,alla,;;::-.:.a~; 1.:-elcosed t~~e ~aciseacL a-.:; 10 Dm-m:ing Street 2.t 11 .25 2.. • .:1. :·he weet::r~0 ~o _ _:-"e!!ce~ \ a te·t~e-a-~e~e be"ti·~e n the Taoisea8h c......-:d "t:_e ::i?'::-lE.e I:i~.ict er. It ~;as at-cendec! also b~r 1<'!~ 1\a ...... :...y, De::;art:.::.ent of "the 'I'aoiseac::.. and Kr Cartledge, Cabi~et Office.

2. Af"ter some p~elimi:nar:l ~cnversation in v:-!lich. in T'.,.,..-.:cu-'"'r -"--..~ -::;.....-=..,.o- _..,.,.:co-c.-r s""-·o t'-'a.J... perhaps..-' e I"'"'J...."'h J:'C-.J,.. l.l~ --~ , t, ... __ __ ...._....- ...... __ ...__Lu-v~;;;.-, c;..~. .J...,j.. v _ _..;.. · u .J.. ..;:._

car-aged "their ?arl~affie~tary cusi~ess bettar, in that the Dail voulC. not be reassembling U..."l"til 12th October. I·ir Callag;Lan enquired as to how the Govern:nent were in. ~·he Taoiseach indicated that the Govern:1ent vlere engae::ed in a serles of discussions Kith "the Confederation of Irish Industry, the Ir~sh Ccngrees of Trade Dnio~s ~~i org21:1.t:2.::;ions. l"lr Cal..L< re:warkcd -..,nat :frc .... hJ..s meetings ·::th ~he 'Jor.:. ec. era -:lon of I'!':ist. 2:ndu~try • e ·~~as ;·rrpres eci y·itn ~be ty cf t:::.e ::.embers. He meJ:tio:::.ecl, i"l - a:-7.ic,~la.r, .E ... :P< .;r: ... tie?<) c_ ~

3 ~ In an oblique refe~ence to "the s2. " of the nev:- Fc::.~c:."t in \•iales, I•:r Callagha.n said that he thought thc."t he son:e-cime.;; gc·t too r:.ucn cred:;. t for the industry. He :tad not real~s~d That ~rel~~a were ~o~g t~e front '!'unnerE. ~ce I·;.;.oiseach said th:J.t. O!l h.:.s inforrr:.a.~ior., the competi~ion !!c.d., i.:.~ "t!'~e e_~a.. Lcluded an Iricn s::t e, up , akos-v to the ·:ery last.

4. I·~r Calla, tb en enr:_ uired as to h ovr Ir :·_::;h political parTies go~ on -v;i th tb.e Unions. v.'rLa t, for, 1-:c.s -vl:e na ~u:::-e o:f -r;~e rela tions:.i n betvreen the unions and t1le Labour .?arty - or Fianna Fail. -The Taoiseacb. said that in IS34- the late 1-:.r Sear: Le:c.ass had been responsible for 1:~e enactment of the Condit ions of E!:lployment J_ct, vrhich vias a nioneering piece of legislation on labour rel~tions. Ee~ause of this, there had developej a great a=finity between him ar1rl ":,1:-l.E Unions. Ee had, in fact, been elec.-te:i Chairman of the International Labour Organisa-r;ion in a subsequent year . In fact, relations between the Party and the Unions had always been reasonable . ::here was sorr..e further discussion a.t this point of relations be~een the Unions and the Fine Gael and Labour Parties . The Ta.o;seach reviewed the meetin5 which had ta.ken place recen-cly in Dublin bet;.;-een himself, Government 1'1inisters and Unicn representa'tives to revie-v; the econocic situation. r''Ir cg::.::.2 :-h::-r said thc.t, in his experience , a. GovernMer.:t had -r;o ::Je o.::. e;ood -verms 1:i th -che Unions.

5. The !aoiseach said that in the 1-:K t .. ere were ·c_.ic·n leader"', ou-r;, in Irela!ld. ~ these r::igh"t not be Qt:.i ::e a.s obvict:s. Tb.e IC:::·u lacked r::.uscle. There were r::2ny crol.:Il- s ::or disa :ppointment i·li tt. "the Union lead.ers:b..ip. ~:.Cere -~re ::.lso gro,_;_ncis fer disa :;.1 ointDe:::-t 1·:--.:. tl: t:te la.:-ge

- ... - _ ... T ;c.~c- "t"!o,.. e~--,......'1'"'\'e ,~c..., s ·~; C"-,..-e !:~ e .. ~ C'~ ~ .~ ...... ..._. .._ - ,·,c:;.""'-'.t'~ ' ~ ~ e C---u IJC v orga~isatio~s like CIE ~d the ES3, had a g~eat culti~~icity of un.:.ons - ann this. in i~self, led to g:-ave ind~st_i~: relatic!!s p:-·c•le'::ls . J.s :.::..I!ic:ter for ar.d. Co:-..::'c~cc and. i·l:i. ~.;h re~pc!lsibili ~.r ::o::-: Labcu.r a.t cone 1:iwe, he ' :1d. asl:ed ths U~ior:s t;c ,-~:. -:e -c;.:e=.~· o~~ le;-::.slE:: :.en 0:1 ccr-v2.:_n a~p ,etC" oi' recl.:Y.cianc:y, ir.C.' ... lS'"Cri&: :!:'e_c..-:.:.c!:S e"tc. ·:::;-c t_.c:· 'l·~c~ld ... o~ -:~:-c t e .,...e-s ::c~s.:.-.: i::.:: ~:-. In a :u:. t i_or~ -...-:- E-.... •• r-d.i~1'icultics becc...1.;4se, c...~ ~::2..~ ~=-=.e, -t!:c~e ~;c~e ~;~~:c ':::' - . c ~.... es or,o 't .... ..;.+l---: a ~,.... '"t"",....e '":J- -; 7 ic:-~ br·s Ln:..c:::: or.0 _ess - .-~ l._ ... .u ..... '--c. --- ... ~OJ-- c;;. •

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1 • 2.t 10 DO>ill::'ng Stre et 2.t 1 ~ :-~5 2..I1. :::'be I:eet':'l:G c:o ... -=e~ced i;ith 8. te"Ge-a.-te~e betKe :!. -:he a.:d t~ .. e P:-lEe :·:inister. It ... ·2.S at" also by l:~ I~ally, Depar"'t:..ent of "the 'Iaoiseach and ~r C2.rtledGe, Cabi~et Office.

2 . Aft er some pre:"';? ~cnvers2.tion in v:-nicb! in. par'Vicu2ar, t~e ?::':"7e ~:":"!li8-:; er, sa':"d tnat perhaps."t' e Iris:!:! n:ar.8.ged "tbeiT '?arl.':"ame.l. .. "ary tusi!less bet-car, in that "t __ e ~ail ~oulQ not be re2.sse~bling ~~"til 12th October. Er Callagban enquired as to how the Govern:nent were in. Tbe Tao i seach indicated that the GoverD.:lent vTere engaged in a serles of discussions Kith "the Confederation of I~ish Industry, the Iris~ Ccng~ess of Trade UnioLs ~~~ c't!.e:- org2""i E2::;iOl::'. i.:r Cal.LLFba!J remarkt=;d. "'"Lat ::rc .. h:!.s meetinl;s·::t~ ~.he 1J0!.:'ec.e:r<:.'::J.on of Iris!:. =ndu~t~/ ,,-"e vas Lpres ed l:-itl1 -b.e qy..ali ty ef t:::'e r::.embers . Ee meJ".."tio:::led, .; '1 ~ ""'; c'· , '0\ .... l.1,_ "'l'!,;: r" ,t1--,. "' •. ~ • """'- __ .l. ""_ _c..;. ..... ,.1.':..;..:l- X.c c- __ #l

3. In an obliqu.e reference to the siting of the _.ev: Fo::..~c:. PJ..ant in Y!ales , I':r Callaghan said tbat he thought "th2."t he so::r .. e~ime3 gc·t too r:.ucn crea:. t for the industry. He had. not re~lis~d That _re12~Q were ~e~g the front runnerE. The Teojseach said ~h~t. on his info~a~ion, the competition ha~,

e ... a., Lcluded an Irish s.:..-ce, up , almost to the .ery

4. Kt' Calla;::han then ennuired as to hOvT Ir:.':;h political par~ies go ~ on vii th the Unions . v;rLa t, ::or llstar:cE, \'l2.S

~b.e natu~e 0= the relations~iu between the unions and t~e Labour l-arty - or Fianna F2il. -Th e Taoiseach said th2.t in 'j 934 "the late Ix Sean Len:ass h2.d been responsi.ble for 't~:e enactment of the Conditions of :&:ployment kct, vihich was a nioneering piece of legislation on labour relations. Eec:ause of this, there had developei a great a::finity between him arlrt -:h..e Unions. Ee had, in fact, been elec-tei Chairm2.n of the International Labour Organisa"tion in a subsequent year . In fact, relations between the Farty and the Unions had always been reasonable . ;;here was son:.e further discussion at this point of relations between the Unions and the Fine Gael and Labour Parties . The Taoiseach reviewed the meeting which had taken place recently in Dublin bety;"een himseli, Government V'inisters and Unien :representa'tives to reviev; the economic situation. r\lr C?,::.::.:::: .~",:r::>r said thct ~ in his experience, a C'rovern"""e:c:t had 'to :)e c:: good 'Verms i:i th the Unions.

5. The Taoiseach s aid that in the UL there were Trade U~~ion 1 eacier "" , bU"t, in Ireland, these cigh"t not be Q..ui::e as obvic~s . T~e IC~u lac£ed Duscle. T~ere were n~y Crot:..rl" S :.or disc rpointment i·li tL "'the Trade Union leaciership . ''' ere elso gTo.;nc.s fOT dis2.p_ ointme::t v~i tr.:. t.te large

. b- _ ..... 'Y';c·'V'lC' "t"o~' e-~~'T"\"1e ,~c s ·.,....:; O-""-e _~ . t;:;'~ C'_ ~~.- ........... .... - .(.~.t'- 1 '-' ~,e e-"_- uv(;..v

orga~isatio~s like C13 ~d the ES3, had a gTeat cul~iplic·ty , ,. • • 'J' - • .L . ... .j..' 1 of un:"ons - 2.:na. -crlls.~!l li:seJ...l. ..Lea. vO grave lnd."t;..s .. ·.:.J...2.

relatior:.s pro le~s . .ks .. ·:::.. .... ister for !;r ~ an:: CO=-.r:ls::::-c and. ,.,i~ .. res "'Jc .. s:'bi2..ity for l,a'tcur at one l,:..r::e, he ' ::ld asi:ec ~.o..;.S U~=-o!:s -cc '-::·:;""L.e "'tl:e:'::4 o~;-r.. le''Ci!l 0'[1 cO!"-lI!:...i! a T)::::: oi' rE:Ci.1.!iCanc;y, ind.:; ... !: .. rial ~'e l2. tic!:s e~ c. b~-;; t_ .. E:~· ·""-"a' "'10- ~ l-r.) -! . E: ..,.,cs-nrC"": "-i-;"';"·- IY\ ~ ""' :':T·O' ":'1..'-"" "-re \·.v",_ ~ ... v "~l.\;O v •• _"- .... .. ~ _~_~ ._ .... . _ L __ 1..1._ ,,_ ~ " __

cii::i'iculties becc..", a~ ... ~a: ~:.::c, -:;:-c~s T,;crc ~HC ':rb. e UniGI: CO!:f;resses - one L~. th a :::.rge ~:~~ -::is!: bas .


6. !·:!' CL_lz..c::.-l::.E.:l7

c.-'... -:;!1:-s point tha "G he -v:as t;lc:..i 'tr..c -c the C.isc ·ss.:. o:r:. ..::._6. ~.sve.lopeC:. r ir:. this -..:ay, r..a·v-..u:-<:::. 2.1 ~·~ en "~ .,. ,.·h-ie c-l rf -,..-; T.a' -ir--,-.r.~.:..~ ·~ ce -r-.c 7i"1e +.1·TO Gc·V"'-.,..""~"€""'7:"'-..:;;~'""~ - _ .-. v - - ---.1:"-- v....._.__ .,... ....,_... -· ~ ..__ --- -~""

re la-"-:c·"" ·h; ~- -·;-:-~ -:r.o 'l.>..,.,o.,....~ Pe had 2.'uayc 1""0"'""" - v~ -•---.!-''-' - ..,,....... ...,__ __ ........ -~ • _.... - -- ....., ---- ~·-

~:r:-t< .;.J..o, -'\..-'- ..;...·~~~ "!" -; r .:.; o~c- r,. "'-l,-c C'Y> -'-·re -'-l,T,-, "Q''r. ..L.~ ; ~ r- r .~ (' f ~--~ c.,;.,;...,.'.,.l. !.;l....,;. '"'-,:::.-.a.v ..;~ .... - -C... \.1-. • .~,.._, ._, lt~-.14 v-- ..,, ,~ v ~4l·-- 1o..J c;;_.i..J...-'-i<Jt......_

C:-'11 c.:::-ea ;:m~~ r-~ide:r --.:!-!:",., 1:ortte:r-~ Ire :La!:· - ¥:!'..; c:~, th' i...f.J:. :l.t was imuc:r-tr.:.Yl"t L'll i -::~eli' could not oe: consid.erec.. to -r.:Ce e:r.:clu.sic:l o::: all otb.e:::- issues. ':here •·rere, fo::: e:z:a.:n]:le, fisb.::..:.g _i::i. -;;s, c.. -..·:tclc ::-cxce o::: quest.:.o_,_1s m:: .:._~:e :- rone~--!:co:..o.::.::.c Co::::.:nuni"G ... ir:.flaticr.~.; U-'1emplc·yment etc. r.•L.~ :..·ao:_c ~e c!: said ~ha-r; !"-~e \::~s in fu.-1 G.f'"l' e.u..,e!:t ac t.o, ~!.' i!!lporta ... cs o= these issues. I~1r Cs.llaghan ·'henJI.< on to r=.c:..y that if he vrere to tr~e l'Tencn Prime Kin ister there would~ be the s~e range of gene!'al issues for res olutlcn a s between the twc Governmen~s .

7. tl:en vrent on to enqui re as to the Prime !·:i.nis- r ~ .,... ..i.t· - -:: e future for t),. ... e Social Ccr.~rac-+-. 2e :L_dicated 't!:..a..:.. u::- inte .... est 'T .. s not pu!'ely acc.cier::..c !"' !?C.~.'">=-+~_ .. -> r._,... r f' --• '"' -· ~"' -nl=''~ ell . +h~ TW • . ..,l,; ..:< i · ~,., - _ 'V ~ ........ I - :.I- ,. ., .., - · - ""'-- ."-'... V - ..J' - • • :t:-<~'..r.: .... :_L--, r...: --=:::·on I_e_a!.. .....o fc...r as -. ... e \ ~e::-e (.~!:.. e::-nsd, ~t~ s:ectic= ~~--£ stc !:ad indicated 'that the Gover~ent intenu.ed t:o J.ncrec..s · e!!:.:tJloynent substantie.ll:~, reduce "Ga:r.a 'tlOn a:..d p:!:"oceed on 't.!::e bc..~is of a 5~ inc:!:" in ·:age3 v·hc __ t!:.e ·.Jr s8nt cor:. -vract e:i:pired. The p:!:" esen"'c pa., :p~c::age !'.-aC. coce 1..o.ncier so:::e c:!:":.. because some of the '[:_ion. mer..bers c:..rgued 't.b.a... the~ hac. not be en f1:ll:T coBpensa ted ::or tl:e in::rease i!l. the ccst cf li Yi!:.g during its 01:rre!!cy.

8. tr~s was 1;. poi!. t he too 1-; c-..;.ld i;rish ~o n ::act , it v'ould be the 'then:.~:: &. s pee c!: ; tich he -v~o1...l6. be givinc s:tortl;;- . had happer:ed over tbe uas~ 1e1~ ves.:r·s 1~as u. i:>.1ev2. tatle ad. :iustment "GO t!-;,.e cu.::.n~u~.:.ir_ :; a:: oil :p:!:"i ces . 3.e v.c.s glad to s ee .. that s or:..e :rembe~s of 'the '::GC l:a--=- sc:.iG. tLe s2.I!le 't!:i r..g. It was esse::::"t:ial "GO er:r!:c:.sic:-e -chat 1-."e :r::~st n or:- l ook a..head . There wa s n o wa y of :..oc::ing back. The Br itish Governmer..t~'t ended t o enfor ce thei~ recomnencied pay licits . I n an economy c f t h e size he "cs ciealinc vri '";h , i't ~>.T£.. S inevitable tba~ some t2. dc.}er-s r:::.c:-::.t get away bu\: in any case where the Government became avrare of possible settlements over the limit, they intended t o oppose them so a s to hold to a 10% earning s limit . Jl.ack ie s baa. been one ::irm to run up against this policy . It was a comparitively small firm, but the implications of a se ~~lement t here v-Tere enormous. For example , the F..arlc:..nd. and i':"c _::f shipyar d workers were only waiting to s e e vJha.t -v;ould happen to t~e I>:ackies ' s ettlement. Ha:::-lanci and \{elf:: was hes.vily subsid.ise<i. I n ::act t h e s ub s idie s v-·ere t o s·~ ch a !" EY .... er.t t!~e-,. :.a. c. got ore ers i<:r-i c!-. s h o'C..lC:. b!=>Ve p:!:"operly :r_ave gc1 ~;.; to Jc..ns..n. ~;:e ~ri~ish Gore!'r!..! ve::-e net gc:.._.c, -.;o be I"-~S .. ~c. in~o ~he p osition of pa ying s ubsidies to fi r ms to e_a.ble "Gher" to give tbei:r- KorkEr s 205" pa.y i n cr eases . Firrr.s 1:-ere not go::.'!:g to have it both Ka;ys. Lr Callag-h£...'1. intenc.e:6. ·c.o pl...t; -::..:.~e st::ro:: . .z:..:~ to the hove.::ne~"G . ':::cey :W'.,'.Et.

ei~her ba~k t~e Goverr~e~t or sac~ "Gheo, or.. tr~s pQi~~.

9 . In relatlm1 "to sor::e of 'the bigger oul. tL'1.a ticnal f::.::-!!:s ?ords ~·cr e:>:a::nle t "tl:·ere could -be cons2_C.erabl3r di::f:. cu: \.:y 1:ut the E::-itish Gc~e!'::.:::.e: . .: in-ve:::::C.ed to;;c..i:: a:::.:::-:::. . They ex~sc~ed ~r.,~, ner~2 s. the cost C.i==~cu2t o= ~:~ r:€~3 vrocld. oe .,:l[..t of :;:'' 1 :J-:::.C EEC~or e=_lo~e e.s - -y;~"!OSe }:-3.Y se-ctleme .. :ts cc. e u~ for reviev· ::.:1 -vhe 1 1.n-..:.r:.:1 .



6. It.,... c.~ -.:X:.s point s2-id t: ... a1; he vias b1f:..G. "t ... ..<T the c.J..E: l.:..s.::ioL. L:"a. ~€ve:"oped:, i:::. "tbis i:ay !:2."~-..u·cll:: c ... s..::.bjec-~ cf --i tal ':'r::;:1:~-:-tal:ce 1iO "the t1-TO Govs!'~e!l1is -rela1iic!l r";~;s -;·iLl:.. :::l'!o U~~io_s. He bad. 2.1uayc- l-r;.ovi"!1 ar:.c.. ~t.o~_~~-: -:ha-:- !' ~Et·_C!lS "0 :-i:cen t1:E: ~1.0 C01.u:..t=ie:: :-:: .. e_-::ed C'.:n. a-:- a ~uch r;:'der -;;1-;::21 Irort.::e!' • .l. Ire:'a:.:u. - v:l'-i c:, t::m .. ;;:.!,. ::!.t was. impo!' v£.Y.:.1i in. :. -:st:!l:!:' coulci not be: consic.ered. to "th8 eY-ciusion 0:: al:i.. otb.e:::- issues. There Here, :for eza.~ple, :f:"s_...i.~:g _2::":" ~s. 2. - ~cl€.' :rE:.rl{;e 0:: quest.:.ons 0 ..... ':,,::.e ~ ...... _ EC0~O':::':'C Co:::r.uni"t .. T • :"-.flatiorL, 11..YJ.8mplc·yn:Emt e·c. :::'1:e :::. a 0:'" ~ :-:: c:. ~:r!.2." Le -':.:l s in ft...:l agrt.. er..e __ t as tD. -:;:tt; :.I!lpo:r·tc:.:....c~ 0:: these issues . 1(1' Cs.llaghan l.enJl.I on to say that if ne -t·ere to the l'Tench Prime F:in ister t~ere would~ be ~ne S~e racge of general issues for res oluL~en a s between the two GoverrunenLS .

7 . then ''lent on "to enqui re as to the :rin0 ,.... 7'~e future for "!::.e Sl"'cj.2.1 COI:"trac·.

Ee • lldic£.:ted "~.:~" -;.AI' inte:---Est ""v'<::.e not pure1J £"C' ...... \; ~':!.:;-T'lt:?.-.:'!: ..:.. the LT y. ~ Cl, .; -1 ,.. ~.,

r{)~!. : ......... -rr on I:!'·6_2.2l So :far c:s .re \7€:-e .~_~e~ ;...Q., ~L ~:6C"t2 ~ ~aI:~fes+o 2aG indicaLed teat the Gover~ent intended "to incre&ss 8.!:::.p:"cyoe!"!t substantiall:r

, reduce Lz'.l:a-ciol1 a_a. p!'oceec. on 1i::e b&s':'s 0:: a 55"" inc!'ease i!1 -;age3 "7hc:'l -::!:.e ~oJ= s8nt cor.. i;rc.o.ct e :pireei.. The pr esen-"v pa~ .. :p2.c:::ar-e !:ac. COrL'S ' 50= C!'i. ~icisl!l" cause SOlLe of t __ e 'C::.':"o:-! J:"!er..oe!'s C:Xgtled t!la I.t "t!ley b£.d not been fl:ll:r cOEpensa -ed ::or tbe in~rease in t .. e cc~t cf liv~g during its c~r=e .. cy.

8. r,.. Calla.~~ ...,a:'d that was a poir ... t ... e too ,·;c'C.ld l;ish 1;0 eI!...:-Lasise . 1:::1 ::act , iT v:ould be the "theI!.€ Cl. speec~ .. iT~cb. he "'·01....10. be f"iviLt: ELcrtl:;- . ! cad happened over t:le pas-;; iel- u·ez..:::·s \~c:.s cL ::' __ e\'"i tal.. le adjustment to tbe <;.u:~~:tu.:-:'ir:~ 0:: oil p!'ices . ~e .as glad to see that SOLe ~e~bers of ~he ':""JC 1::8..':' said tLe S2.I!.:e tci ng . 2:t was essel:"tis.l "tc er:.r1:c.sic-e t ha t v;e I!.us-t nor:- l ook a h e ad . There was n o wa y of loc~ing back . The Br itl sh Government~"t ended t o enf orce t~eir recomr:'J.e!lded pay liti ts . I n an econorc.y e f t he size he ,,~[!S dealinc vri -";h r i L w£.s inevita ble t!)2.t; some tid e.} eT'S I!J.=.t::~~ get away but in any case ~here the Government became aware of possible settlements over the limit, they intended t o oppos e them so as to hold to a 10% earnings limit. fI.ackies MQ been one ::irrn to run up against this policy. It was a comparitively small firm, but the implications of a set~leme~t there "cere enormous. For example , the land and Kcl::f sbipyar d work ers were only waiting to s e e what would happen to the I(ad::i es f settlement. Harland and \.,rol:::: was h6cvily s ubsia.isec.. I n fact, t he s ubsidie s ,,'ere to S'~ cb. aT' extent t!.!e-- LaC. g?t ore ers i-:r..:. c!:. s h ode. have p~op6rl;;.- have gGl'le to Jap2.L . _:le B!'i-iE!l Go Te!'nrert \,e:::-e net "" o:'_-G "::0 be .... _! __ .. ~­into L:e position of paying s ubsidie s to fir ms to e_2S:e "them to g~ve t~ei!' v;o!'ker s 20~ pqy i n creases . FirE~ e~e not go':"~g ~o have it both ","ays. }11r Cc.;.lla,£"b..a..Yl in ter.d .... _ . 0 p~t ..I..;l:e poir_t stro::-_b::...~,. to the Labour hovemen u . ~'hey IT.' c-"'-;

ei"t:er ba~~ the Go~ernme~t or sack 1iheD, en "tr~s poi~~.

9 . L. relat~O!1 to so 'e of "the bigcer I:}ul tina "tional i'::..:-~!" ?ords i·cr eXa:::lple ;- "tl"~ere could be cons:"derao-:,r di:::ii cu:" -C," cu.t tl ... e E~i ~~sr ... Gcv€:---~e!. ~ in-v€::c.e':; -0 J1:[!i: -ua.i.:: a ~:"r~ ::'r..~. ~he. r 6X_ IS c, se. -.:!:~ ~, perl'..s._ s. i;1:lE:: l!.ost c.i::f': ccl" 0:: ::.:_ ,..: e~s 'oclc. be "'_;'<:"L o~ ?"cl:"c 8eCi;cr e=plo -ees - ";!lOSe p~y

8e"t1;' e!!lSl1!;S ca~e u: ~~or rev:"sv;-:.._ i;h6 l..UL;j·"""~.

c> J t" ~w."' Co·~~~

I --,


Eor;eve::', Er ':; ::::J..d. "L.:-.c.-: !:e vlo'\1::.~ s-c.icl: ±'i:-::..:..: -.1 .... _..,_e _"i0.C::::'!- ~..L-- ..;_,.,_ -~·cG • ..,... I '"'v~~.~,e~~b i '"'c1r·:..-.- ··'h or r·rc:.··-· 1."v ...

-r~._... .t, ....... -= ~c i,..L_ .._J ';:; ..... -L~v .....,~ ---.. 0 l, ... :::;; ~--

t.!:em. r:r.e ~e~::.. ~21-e ~Cl!.s~q,J.e~:ce of :r .. set-:lemcr_-:c -v.ra.s ~o::.'e :!!lempio~-::le_:1: a!li he 1:2.s no1; so ir:tc~es"ted :.:1 o::::.:c.e -:.e.:. .te KC.S [;·. tc ccn-'.:.: ~e :..-'.: 1:orlr and. see -:;L.:.::: hc:1.-:ps."'. Tb.ers ccu:...d "':: e -L:::."o'lf'l e Ywt or:ly .in :.::=.c~:ies 1:,---:; also .:.r !' ?en ;-- ~ ~ rr;s.r:.~~ o~~ei· pri "\ ... ~ tc :fi:r~c. ;i_ Ka.!:."ted the Taciseach to Ln0\-1 -rha;; if' there Has ...,!:e-- cou:d C.o. ~~ "'cl::.s ~.rea, either by 1ry o:Z.' in:fo .... ~::.:ti('n c· ct!".erY.:-ise. 1-~::.t !'le ~;-uld be .. c:Tc t·harl -,· to !.e:p ..

10. 1'L.e Taoiseach re\.-iei-H~d "iTha-v had hF!p-::ened vthe .. -:;Lcre :tad been a -.;est c _· s-'.:rength, in the early 1 ?.70s, in tht.: El.ectrici ty Board., wt.ic!: had been 'USed as the .... as:..s for c:. t:!" claim. by a Ux:ion based on Bir!Dir:.gha:J/! Tbe ... c..sis of "the ac"tior.. the1: hac been t:o establish,:.~~ ~xner~~l~ semi~~tat~ se?~o:::-, a level oi s€ttlen.:.ent t; ·ouJ.a. oe app_:..ed "to c-:..1cr sec "'..-ors. -~e Go~er-~ent ~ad ~ben to resist.

11. :-..... sa:..d "that v·hat they b::;en tall:ir.c ~be~ ~ppeare ~o e~phasi&c "tbat eacr should +ake .:nto ace 1....r"'t "the e:i'i'ect of ·v}:;.nt he on the other. It i;as ,_ .. ~ d . t- . . .... . . 1' b 'l . ...... 1 lr .... 'h !!lf;.t:l_._y es_ra •.l.O "'cD.a u -vney SnQ'l;_Q e ao e ""CO ..,a..._.. uC e2.C-J. r .-l,o ..... "'"'~0.,..,'=' 1 1-- - 'oy ~.;...o.,.,e '"'"' freoue.,...,-+-1- r ~s -nPce"'sa .... y .. v.:..L"-" -· "-~ ..... "- ... <--~-~ _b...L.- •..:.. , c-..... ...... J..;.. v J C:.. ·- - .....,. - •

11he :- aoiseach 1-re:cc. ed t! .!:'rcposi tion. He that the::·e vic..S some-:;L..i ...... ,; i'rhich I:r Cal:...aghan might be a·ole "to do • .As ::::ar as he Fas av·dre the 3ri tish Trade Ur..ion Yculd be sending c:. delegate to the Le.bcv_.r Party Con.:c-~e:!:ce in Irela1. d in the •. ear futu:::-e. vl01...' . .ld it be possible :fo:r· !:r Callag!!an to e::.!si.lre c;nat i-~~oever W"2.S sen"t could be :fu.lly inf'or.::..ed on \·;hat preciselv' "the nore respons.:cle e_er:.e:::-rts in -cne -crade l.::..:l.ion~ see c:.s r..ecessar·"' in tnc :..• . :;,~.': r.:r Ca:..lz.chan pror::.seci the fullest coopcr.o::-c:..c·~ o!: tL:?..s point . .::...nso::ar as l:e cculd ir~f.luen~e the r::2. t-u er, he KO"t;.la do so .

~l:e Taciseach then sa:..d that this brought un the question of eccr:0::ic coo})eratic~ genera:...:y . Fr ca::...Lat::han v-elcc!:.ed the ic.ea. .de tha-r it ;;as desirabJ..e 1:;oexpress .. r. e idea of' cooperation as a general principle - as behreen the t-v;o Go-ver!l!!lent s . For ex2.Iriple, there v:c:.R considerable joint interest on fishing.

The Taoiseach said that he agreed that there was a consiaerable identity of interest in this area but there vtere aJ so differe .t interests. For example, we bad an aln:.ost e:::clusively inshore fishing fleet, 1·rhose i nte::!:'est 1-ras irJ. a. 5C J:..ile liL~~... 'Ir~e had larf;e inte""'e:: .. "ts in;a!it Ka""Ger fishing. T!'ere i·:as some discussio~ c.-v "tnis poi::::t on v.There the major Irish :'ishing regior..s Yere. The T~o:..seach indicated his ~~derst~~dine of the 3ri~if~ posi"tio::. :..n r:o·\-i::.J.g fror:. a. cla~ for e limit of up to 50 r:i.les tc o~ e for a li::lit of u-r:: -ro 12 niles 1:ith cer~-:i: prefe::-s.:. ces in the 1::aters ::rc=. 12 to 50 :::::.:..:e"'. Cr_ tL.:.s E-~-ire i~·.:;ue, the Co::-!.!:lon !·:arket sigh-c v:ell ha-,re !:!ere .::.:::~a7-h-­l;i th Oti.r 1-~si tier:, in .isola-rion. than i·r::.L;h the :ri:uisl:... r·oSi t:..on' in CO!ljunc-:.: ion ·v·i "th 01.:::'5. I•:r Cc:.l:ag:tan. ""o.:a. ..:~l1at ~!i.e bce":_s o:: tteir cl&=-r: ·f:-as :a~~el:- ..... !:~~ ::~€.: .. ·,:P::"C

· ... · ro,..· o..r· t-....e ""'.;s~-·'r"'\,_ s-c .... I- o .... - o rto...,...,_.,,.,...,..:.+.,:-""" ,... .L .... -- J...!.--·€.. v -.... --.. v ___ v ~u....;. ... _ vJ • -t...

,.;ent en tostress -:;r ... e ::..:::t: c..~..~-Lnce c:f c~o~ orr... "' en · ... c :._ c:..sis 2.nd in

· s -vo ... _. -\,.·.0...-

cS" ) t" t.\JWw ~ CoI~M;~

1 ---


I (6JF~

EO'·Te-v~~:"". 1:_1" "'!,. -1",..,.~ ~-- <,"~"' .,.,.., ... - i--o ..... u'~ C"-"; ,,~~ ~.,..,...--_ T __ ~ - -:~-~b:- -... --. _.---"" -"'4- I ~- ...... ...J~V-'-\"".I .. - ---!' -",

~he ic.ea f 'th~ .Lc.~ou:: ... cve~e_.L~S nackl_ ~ t;:1'S:J or S8 c_:. ttem. :;::':-_e 2.....8--:.-1;8:..:.e ::o._ot;.(!'.lCT.ce of h:'gh se-:;:;lerrcL-t:: v:as i:.C:!,'8 ~ .. e:nu1o',~EnL ~n:' te 1;c:..S no't so L:tc:res:;ed ':'11 c:':.:'c.e ~~a:t 1:e ·Kc.S C0':'''''i.. to ccn:-~n-.;!e ~-: ;or: ana see h:..p::-c-n. ~berE: could :: e -v:r·ou'· 1 e y ot only in ~' ::: t··­alse :'L EG_' ~z. :.oal~ J~1 c..r:' LJc.r';f other' pri vc; to fir'r!JG. Rs lianted the Taoic-each to !:no\ "thai; if' there Has an't" -t--e" "'ou 0.- d.'e "n -l---";r- n..,.....c.t"::I e";"""''}-:t=lr 'oy ".,,.. ... .,. 0"'" l.·nl""'o ....... .;n,..... l .... '-' _. • _ .• ",,-. ..!..o '-__ :-':". _" •• ~ . {.,- ....... • ... --:-'~._

e:~ c'V";lse. 1.!:!3.'t !:e ~;CiJ.l.C1 De :. r re " -,- _.! "to !.e~!"e

1 o. ..!.! e .Lae:"seach reyiel· ... ed "lb.a-~ had h8.p]:sned 1- he. tl:c!'e had been a "test ~..!... strength. in the early ~ ?70s, in ._IS:

Eiectricity Su]:plr Board, whic~ had been used as the ~a8':'s for co trend- settling claim by a 'Union based on Bir.::l:'r.gha::;/ Eanc!:es-ver. Tb€; ... z.sis 0:: the ac"t':;'or.. then had been ~.;o establish,~ a ~er~ble semi-St~te sector, a level or s-ttlefuent ~hic~ vou~d be &PP:~8 to ot~,-,r sec~ors. _he Gover_~~ent ~aa t en to resist.

11. -_~t wha~ they nad been tal£i_G o ~!n:ct.asi5e t.:.;.a,t each sLc" .... ~ ta..:-; iY'Lto

accour",t "the e:f::ec"t of 'v: •• at !-.. e on the other. It ,;as highly des::'rablo -that -:hey sn01.:":'d 1e able to talk to eacb. r;-r;b.e:-' - . y r-hone, as frequentl:y as necessa:::-y . The maoiseach welcc. ed t~::.s preposition. He sa::'d -r;hat t1::e::-e V'c..s Eome~1.:':"b l,hic~~ I:r Ca~_aghan r:light be a'ole to do. As far as he ~'<':'S a"· the ~r~ tish Trade Union Eove .. E:n~ ,,-cuI be send..:.:n.r;; a delegat.e to the Labo,;x Party Con=E::~ €once i. Irela.d in the _ear futu::'e. lould ~t . e possib:e for !I::r;:han to e!! tnat v·~c ever was sent could be :fully in1:oI7l.ed on ";hat precisel~T the more responsi'bi.e ele, e~lts in t.he Eri t:'~h ~rad.e ~ions see 8E: r:eeeE:sar-- :'n tlle ..J . :t~.? (r Callz.gLan :pror:isei the fullest eoopcn:..t:'o~ 0_. t!:::'8 POL.'1lJ . '::""'1so'::ar as he cculd influen~e the ~2.t-.:er, be Kould do so .

~~e Taciseach then sa:'d that this brought un the question of eccnC'::2ic coo-cerat io~ genera'::'l v . Vr v-elcO!:ed the ~Qea. ne said tha'V it Kas desirab~e ~0~xpre8s -':le idea of cooperation as a general princi'Dle - as behleen 'the t.'I·;,"0 Gove:-:r!Eents . For example, there '\0:2.8 eonsid era ble joint interest on fishing.

The Ta iseach said that he agreed that there ~as a considerab~e identity of interest in -:his area but there Y,Tere also different interests. For example, vle bad ar. akost e::clusivel"r inshore fishing fleet, ",hose i nterest "'[as irJ. a 5C I::.~..:..e liLi. -", • T!".:.e Er:' tlsn ..... d large intere:: s in dis-':2 -: Ka-r;er fishing . T ...... ere 'I-ras some discussion ~~ ' poi:r:t on ,,;-nere the major Irish ::ishing regions rere . The T~oiseac~ indicated his ~'1derstandinG of the BriT.ip~ posi t:ion :'n LC;'ing fro::: a c2.c.irr: for a lir;Ji ~ 0:: up to 50 r::'les to one for a ..... iDi t of ur:; TO 12 wi.les 1.-i th ce~J~8.i: ""''''''e-='€"l''C'nne M ; • .J.he ,··.-,.J.eT's -C'~o': 1? +0 r:-O . "., ee L~'t._ ~l.'l._.o. .......... _ _ __ \,..0 ,;:, ___ J,. l,.. ... _ \0, c..... \.' _ _... _ ~ v ~ _ ...... __ v. _ _

e .. -ire i~' .,:;ue , "the Ce::-..::lcn J·:arket r: ight "·el ..... mrre =:--::'::--2 "h-' l:-ith our }.-:Jsiticn, in isola'tion. than i";-ith the ::r: . ."vi:=!: _,osi tio!l . in cO:ljunc-:io._ 'v-i th ours. r':r C<:.l_agLan 8~:;'d. that ~hc b~ <'" ~s 0':: ~.;}:eir claiE -~-<::.s largel~- - .:.".:.. -:; -;:t.ey ',~c:-e

. ~ . 'O,..,~· + e ...c-; "r.~. Y\ -e '1- OI~ - e C rr...-".,...": ""'""1.:--~OVl(:'lJ..:; C, I'"' C-L 1,.."".. -:- _s...:_.;.[ S", _.... v__ • 1.:.U.J....\A.,j;. ... _ u~.,. .. ........ \.-ent cn 110s.L.ress -.:he =-=~ C::.~- ~c.e ef COO} €rL :;:.on en r -;: ••

a reTe _.:::.1 . 2.sis ana. ir re:':,l;ic.~ to CCC o!:!ie IT;.a~t€::::'8 .

e ... -. &S --;;0 .. ~ ~., \, ..... -

___ ~_~ .1 J

ccc ~eraticn o:-_ c:.n A..'1glo-2.r2.sl1 basis bu. t vwuld l:...!:::e -::c !:ave ;Je:.:::-ti c·u.le.:- re:'e:::·ence c2.6.e to the proble-:~::: o= l~cl~tl:c:!. .. r~ :~el~ ... a E...r.a. ~!:e ·Dorde,r eT~eas ··i.hei'e . !le -traced "t:he r~2."'cns ~OY ~1-:.e :failure o:::' t~e lJor:.hs-!·r E=.ecu:i::... ~e i!: 1S7~- c:..c. ~a.ici. t.=-.!.s.t :...::-, a-u -r;~.::..t ti:::e, "tbe::-e :t.zd been mere sustc...ined suppo:ct :fo::- the corLcept, i-: Yo1....::.a co .... e off. ::"' Ca:...le. -:::m s2:.:...d tl-2. t he ~co 1-·c.s convinced that "another rush" cou:.d -v:ell dcr..e :... t . T~e Taoisea ch said that the t:-~r:.ble -v;s.s thaii act.ic:r. r.a.d r:.ct been tal~en in the ea.rly stC!.ces o:.· t!:e anti- .:=-:ec 'tive LGVe ent. ~:hen the ro···e::: s.!~e.- · ons .!' ::'al-en to the \'Jorke.:-s Cov.ncil, i 1 ;ras too -~te fer ~~fec::7e action . =e could ap~:::-eciate tha~ .. ot even :.he ::.._ i :ish L::r:.v· could run the pm··er ~ "L ~ ... ic"ls L. t!'Le l'ort.h 1;i 'tl~out coonera t:::..c.r:. . I:::1 "!;he a:ter•·;c;. -vh of a~l ~~is , po~er-sl2ri~g had becone a ~:-ty wor~. ';he ;::2icr..i -:s said tr~"' t the:' ·,;ou.ld have Devo.Jveci Government, o!'! ih6 basis o:: 1;he Conve:"'tion ?.eport, or !l "tbr:.g. ::ie a_ prec:.a ""ed, ::..n these ci!'cu.ostancE.:s tha-c -Jircct P.ule ~c...s the o_ly snor1;- ter.::1 ­bu1; in the lon-~r te!'~, this h!ust could Lot re~a.i: ns an O:::''Vion. .:_:at -vms happe~ing no1· was tha~ tr.ere r: ...... z e. consiC.erc....ble degree c"" fru.strat io!l bui::.d.J:.g u:;. 2.C.O!lg the :::::c.jori "'C-;{ but I:O::"t.: parti cul2.r1 :~ C... CllC tl:.e r::...:r O!'l t-· gro· ;:..~gs. :'he BJ:::.P had given u::p:·eE'!:' :...c: , C.... e ,.,, ~ .... o'""' "'"'2.~- o..;.> ..L.n.; s ,....; "'Crl· ...... ~T' r--ou...-.l·n .!..'"' -"•~ J.

· - · ._, ~-..... - -"' .... " ..1.. lH ..L ........... ~" v.Y c- ; _ c.: "'-' ... ~_c..;." ::'::-1-:s~ra-:~c::. :t \·-as kportar.~ to ~ci! \;he!:l in ezis~ence. :=:- Ce.llacl::2....'1 said that he fn.lln E:.~?:-ecic:.ted ... l:~s. :'na-: was 1·:hy he l:ac asked 'to come in 'to see him some C..ays before t!:.e present meet;~g. Ee had not seen Union~8t represe~tat.:..ves.

The Taoiseach said that the Irish Governm1 . .m-r; -v.ras par'ticularly concerned about the apnearance of a oovenent towards greater integration. ~~is ha.d corr:e abo~t through the pact or understandir.g ··i tl: the Union:...sts - to nut it blurltlv. The Sneake:::-s' Ccn::::·erence v:as othe~ evidence of~ the same 1;:y-pe cf movement- not, in itself, bu't simply becuuse of i'ts timi!:g. .All this was happening at a tille ~;hen 'the:::-e was nothing to give support to tte ide~ of :9evo2.ution. E:e would s' urge tna t the::-e s~ould be sc~e initiative, c~ ~Le political level,

I . ..

cco ,"~r=:.ticn 0::' en A....'1;;lo-Ir:"sh basis but ;wuld l:..!:::e ~c b.2.'Ve arti cular refe::::ence 2.cle tc the :problE~s 0: l~O.l~thE~~r_ ::'el2I..G. aT. -:1.13 OrQE;r ~reas ~l.!W~~e. 3e traced 1:he Te2."'"O:lS ~or ~!:e :ai ure 0::: t~~e rorl,n:':::'r ::::re:"'ar:d E:: e C\1::;':' · -e i_ ) 97 -+ a.r..c. £ai<i t:!:"lL. \, i::, a:t "t:lL

t:"::-e th6~e!:.2.d been ~ore sustained suppo:L.'t. io~ the concept, i"';; YCl-~a come off. ~>. Callc_ ... ~haL :a:"d that he too ,-as convinced th2.t "another push" could "7611 have a.c:r:.e :it. Tt;.e r:'aoisea ch said that the \;:,~rble ,,:2.S -'.:;hal:; h2.d r-et been taken in the early st~£es o~ the ~n.-ti-~ecutive Le-ve ent. ";~ei1 the fOi'-er stc:.vions bLd £a~en to the :orke~s Council, it ;~s voc .... .- ~ :f ~ --.:- ~-'" ... - r"'- + . -., 1::) ,..., "".,... e c~ ~..J..t: .:........--~~'JE' C-,- "' __ E .., .e c.:.C"lon . _.e CO ... 1 a. c:.l)pr .l..o.vv .... ~v

_ot even -!.hc =~"'i :ish 1-'::0 T could run the i.JQi··cr .... -jat i.. ......... s i!. ·v:J.e l,orth l:i thout coo!..cra tlon . In the a::'ter r·,[. th of a:"'l t~is , pCier-s}~ri~r hed become a d:"rty word. ~l e :"·:..ior:is-.;s tr);i t they '\;ou~d have DevoJ.vea. Governmer-7 for.!. tLb basis of \;11e Co!:ve!'lt:'on Report, or ~uL~_~6. 5e a_prec~a~ed, in these circ'~s~ancBs ~L!::.a\; Direct P.ule 'c..E the only snor\;-terw [.,ltcrnE:.~ive -cu~ in the lon£e~ te~~, this Lust could not re~~~l ~£ an o}.'-.;icn. \:l:2.t vas happenin ..... nm<T was that ':-!-.ere yc.:: a consider~ble debree of fr"..lstrG..t io~ bui2.d.;.r!o u; aEong t e =~:ori~y cut co~e Terticul~rly ~ c~g the z:::::':ori':"-~ g~c:.:;:"::e:s. T~e ~:J:::'P ~ad given u:p:r'ecs:" ::. , Or -..,e· ",l'f' 0':- ~c:.r~- o~ k~l'S ""';norl'+,· J:"":""o"""l'n '" .:.." .:.~.,.,.l.

- ...., '""-'-'--...... -- _t...I ..... V __ U~~ ~~. \JJ t:.,- ...... " _ 0 u..... u __ ~ ""

:rv.2-.;rc.'ticn. It ,-as iw.'ocrtar..-:; to;[;. ir. -.;he!:l in ezis-.;ence. !':::" Call~c1:~'1 said that he fnlly a?~ ~ecieted ':"1:::'8. ':na-.; was '·~hy he 1:2.0 2.skec. Ge:::,r~ (;0 come ir:. to see him some days before t:te present meetir..g. He had not seen Union:"f;t represer...'ta't:"ves"

The Taoiseach said that the Irish Governru.\.mt "[as par~icularly concerned about the appearance of a ooveoent towards greater integration. ~bis had come abc~t through the pact or understandinc i-~i th the Unionists - to put it b1~tlv. The Speakers' Con: erence was oU ... er evidence of< the same ~:y·pe of' II!ove!!lent - not, in itself, bu't simply bec.:<..:.use of i 1: s t imi!:g • All this was happening at a tine ,·hen 'there ","as nothing to give support to tLe idea 0:: ~evo~ution. ~e ","ould s~ro~gl~ urge that the~e should be EO e init:"ati\e, O~ tl e politic&l level,


I • • •


t i= ... d:..c::..Le 2:0~uhe r" d. irsct :. -~ i r. :er·:-, ~cl:..c~~,. • .r:e C:.~ 'C:::· e cir:.:~ed t.L\2 -:e:.··,; r _al uiff:.. cul t;· oi s ucL L..~ .; .,..-~ ..... :: a- tl·--e ,,.; +'h .:s -'-~ ~~-....~- ~ i-.e ~ " ~ "' + -: o .., o,ute ___ _,_ \# ...!- v c:;;.. '-i U-- v~- tJ v '-' -- j: J v....::;.~ v-- --1 - '""

S ~~:-. W~3 ~~~~ ~~C ~e~a~~7e C~~~a~~ee 0= ~~e -;::, ..,... .: :._..: { ..,. + 1-- c T ·.,...., ~ ("n; r::--.,....,... "' .. - - · ,.- ....... "t'i 1., '""--1 .- -t.. ____ ..,_s.n " .., . . ~ ___ ....,.._ __ ..., v .!-'"!'"'--'- a vl O • • ~ec...o.. • L-~ v - -1~- - co"'a.· ..!..,·~-~ ~Y>· · - - ~ --~ -r-p -- -. .:,, ..... a.· .,.~. ic i.. ... - ... ' ........_ L c-- )t,.- (....t..-- ._Y .::> '"'--......._......._ ""----"" -.J.. .t .. ~ t \... • .......... .. '", ......, ...

c:.:.1C:. ce c.ssure ci of t h e ccr..t: i.n:::a.."lce of tl-:::.e ::::ri '"::i sh s:.1. pp o:r-'t. T' e Irish Go-v err.::- ent accepted t Le de facto :rcsi -tic:r.. o:: Yort· .ern Irelancl, at presen"t. ~~ .x Rees's tioe t h ere ~~6 leen a 6efinite cirift a'v~a:l ::frc:::1 ~he co::ce:;:; t. o:' p 01· er-sli.arir.g. I"ti v:2.s esse.::.tial t~:... - 'th e 3r _;_ -c isl'l Gov ern r-ent s ~m~.ld convinue 'to ~uppor 't t~~s concept. ~Le only ossibi~i-~--- s-ra ole Go er n:!:e!'.t i~ the rort~ i:<....r­

t::a.-:.; all e le.::.s-nts - r:a2cri t·· and r:...~nc:::-:.. t . · ""Lould. 1e re;resented .

e:... .:!.e::- bilat.~:-ally or L1 all :::::::c contc::t . :::::· •. e De!'=~/TJo .• ego.-:_ tudy n~.s a. f:OOd exan:.ple o: the d.::.rection such c ooperation cm.~J..C. t2.kc . The i··a;y ::o~~~·rard seer:!ed t o l i e in mo1.·e~e.:..t b · b et:~ Gover~e~ts to;;-ether in :fu L.. ccr.:.s"tAltatio;: 1·:-i th -i-.e "" Ol;t.: c~l -par"t-ies .;~ + 11o_· ,-cr..!.. h l·.L' t "'o ~ r 1•i "''" ·Q VL .:.. .!" - ........ '--- - - ...:.....!.- V.I. c.; - Ll ... _, ~ ·.L..;.t;;; J ',_ ....... .... ~ ...

l. C COC}1E: r'2te •

rc:r Callag!:211 then incii ca ted that i 't -vms r. ')K 12 no en a::C:. e:nq_1...irec. as to .:~~e ':::ao:.seac!::' s viev; s on the wr: ·.I : n ,,·~..icb. .:he mee~ir-€ Lli{'".:.i: r-ro ceeC.. 1~ k

tl:is pcint cer'tain mat"Ce:::-s "ir.. relation to l::r Eason's visit to the U. S . A. were mentioned by the J:aciseach to I>:= Ca2.laghan - in narticula:.r- the need not to activate sympathy vlith tl1e IRA by indiscreet references. The ~aoiseach underlined ~he ~or~ rl:ich }'l..a.C. gone into vr!e prociuctior~ of the recent C~ter s~atement - a~d also the sort of liaison v.-~c:l :tad been establishec v:-:.. th -che :fovr major Irish/P~erican pcliticie..ns en the subjec .. J. !(.,.. C::> "'l a.c:!:21 ,

I . ..


t ~d::'c~"'te L_ "t:_e~ a.irect.:..-~:. iT: _::~-":'sh c-.:'c:'" • .::e t:.-:'"C:'Gc":r-=.-ved t,:.~ -Tel'",r r_al cl.i.ff':cult- 01' cuc!. ....n .;.,.. ..... ~::..-I-:-e .,,- "'''''';s .;.:,....;' "ou'" ~j,.,p ~,,~;+-jo"" c,,';.!..e ___ ...L.v_,"""u..J..v c...v lJ__ V...o-.-.lo..., '" v ___ p",,-..,;:_u _ .. L, v--..v

-".-. "":.~a"'':v- J:""1.::"~r.,...":'ee o~--·"""" \,. __ C .......... _ _ t' t:.,.. ...... __ c.._ .. ..., - - ... ~ ~,....:-..;C".n' .... +r -"'·c '",-~,... U-"'-l"O~ e"'~T: T.l- r

---, __ ,-,_.;J 1I w ... """", ___ !. ___ l..JU ):I" .. _c;;;...L ...... t...t-... _ ""' ...

~hE-=f· co'.1.l - td".c c~y :;-:c...::.d vl"e:" 2...i..z:":.e:d, (n ~-: r .i.s " 21~ ce ~ss~eu of -vhe cc~~~~~~ce o~ the 3ri-:~s~ s-..'"Op0::'!;. '2" e 2::rish Gcvern="S!lt accepted -cLe de facto posi ~ior... of Ireland, at presen-=t: ~~ _~ Rees's ~iDe there ~~6 teen a definite urift 2.'I';ajT from ~ __ e cc!.ce::;:~u 0=' pO'l-ier -~harir.g. I't -1';2..3

esse~tial -:;!!2.T. the 3r.:..'ti.. .. h Governrcent s!1m;,ld c n-vinue -';0 c-upporl; -rrd.s concep-~. T' e only

.csibi.!i -1-:- s-rable Go e!'!1.l!.ent in ~l:e ."ort~ i'<:~ l,_.!:!' v all ele::.en~~~ - =3. -ori (;~- and !!.:"' t: sLou_d 1C =c~rescn~ed.

'!." e ~l&C: ",each \iis'.ed 'to ctress the io'Cori..s.nce :: eco!locic co €:ra'tio!::!.':"_ rC' ::"2::io~1 l 0 -:l1e :"'order

ei ""C._e:::- bilat:ieT2.11y or in an =~C conte;:t. T1:e De:!:' y/Dc_~egnl tudy "iTaS a £;ood ex;;:. pIe 0= the direc-vion s· ch coo1erat":on co~_ ~ t;ake. The -vay ::c~\'lard seeEed to lie in rr:.OI.te::. -- __ "", b r Ort •. Gove:::-~e!l"!;s together :'n :t'ull cor.sultc: .. "-io .. Ki tr! ';';""e "'°1 ;"-;0,...1 par;-_lP_'::: .;~ +le. .. ·CI1 .;. .... ;f t"-e- r ,";c:-i-. u-""~!. .!:" ___ '--- _ v _ -1..:.._..... _. v_ ... , _ ~ j .,_a..,... ...... \. ...

-:.,0 COC!)~:::'8.te.

1(1' CallaFt.~~ then indicated 'that it vrae r. 'J1-: 12 no n exc... E!lc;.uirec. as to 't!:,,_E: !s.o::s eac~ I s viev~'" on the WF:'j" :n 1<'!-.iC!l 'the mee:~_~ I:li[ .... ~""C ~roc€ec:.. . . .L.. point cer'tain mat""C€:::-s "in relation to Lr Eason's visi~ to the u . S. A. were mentioned by the Taciseach to 11::;:- Callaghan - in par:ioula:r- the neeci not to activate syopathy 'v;ith the lEA by indiscreet re=e~enoes. The ~ao;seach underlined tt-e ~ork -~ch ~~d £o!le into ",he productioL of the rece!l~ C~rter s-:;atement - ~d also -rhe sort of liaison 'K!:.iC.:1 had bee!l establishec K:"""Ch -che :four m8.j or Irisb./P..zerican politicians cn tr ... e subjec".J. I\~r C2~1cu:::b.c .. !l,

/ ...


_ ,.----···----- -----


at t~:_ ~ c.:_~.-: r~:Ee:::-:::-ed 'tG -:.!:s LC"' J..::::J.s_ i cs.n 1 ~":::2.-cc.c.. ... -:-..L.:-.;. :u!..:...:.: .. yr:.c~ h ~-&:... wc:s 've-:::l l:elpf :1." -:.-:!:.e r--u·?c~::_,...:: o:: ·v,!:~ t e - E..fert:! ... e sllotid be ir..cluaed :::_ __ t!-.e ~ir.::..l Co!:!::l'LL • ..:..a~e to ~he Cz.rte:::- statement -v;as C.isclLssed. The rr-..,o.: c:.=.~ r-'h se:ia t~ "'-;:; -..,.,. a'"'-c ec i s-.;ea· the ..:li +'.f.'-: c·ul.L.v c.D ...._c;;. -- -c -~ ..... - -- 1. _ - - l.:,. __ - _ -· u -

-.;he _::-:::-:: ..:.s:!:: ::__1 ui th -r ... e ques tio. o:: the lo .... ~ <.er::1 a c. '"'ir·-. 't:.o s o:' -t!:e 1::::-.:' s· ~eo · } e. Ee ..,-ould l:;.ke 1:2· Cal:::.c.r!-2-n to c_....EiC.e:::- r.~.o\- ~-: ~ -::.E ~ so::::e--c!:iY:t:; s.t.ou~C. be L.c:.1..4.:led in -:!:e Co::::-.u.Tliqut.. :.recogr::i s ing the;i ti=~ ·~,.e as;.irc:::io~ o:: -:he reo.~: le - or expressirlg t e Go~er~e~t's ..:.nterest in it as a legiti~~te step. Th .;s , , _., ,rl be a --~ .... ;-:l.·cul~r1 ~ V::>l, ~'o l~"' ,..,. T ; ....... _.j,:;,.,h J.o

-• "v~-. c.. - .., (..o -" ._ ~ .... ,. --- •• -"'-· """• - "'

cc"U.nt e :::-c.ct ju!'le ft-2.:!:'S o= -:he cinc!'i <.y tr..s. t 3ri _ olicy '·"25 -.1.·0·\,- """0~· n.r i,r ... -;.--, -.-rlq • ..L.· "'"'L- 0 ~-.,._ _,-+-"i( "" i a 'T!"e-·· ~er 1 ·•~ n ... 1 .._~-·At,.: ..... v _ • ......_.._. "- ~._, ....... __ ~,... ---- ~. -.L ""',Y ._ '-'"'- ,_,

~·his EO!'t o::· -nc:...2.c was not one -y·t.ich the lrish Gov:::o,...::.-:e:..t 01, l e "'n ~.::..- -.,~lrl v-i .:.u ,_ . .; +-;,t ec··:::-,...;""'"'l.·.L.--r ,.., -~~ ,...~ ·~ •• -~ --'-'. _.._....._ --n ..-._v.... ,...._ _ _ ....._____. v ... • __ ... -~-~v!

..:_t y,-e. e ~:.v ... '2.-.y sort o-:: =c:-"'r ... e::r--,e~s::.o!! it ;·o"..ll~

i::..5~::.. tc...b_y :f'o:::-c..e '-'oth the Gov-e:-nment c:.n::l the -L1c:::-i t~ ~rourJir..£ to TL7.rds ': :1c::--e 2- ~essi.--;re stc.nce :_n r ele..t_:_on t"\ 1 c!'~:-c!'_ -!'elc.~ C:.~ I1; -v;a::; e~'..!::ll:.- i!n.,ortc-_nt not to }r:;t t:b..e

1 ... .L. • "T'" ,... 1· + · al -+- • e · n .._.., e ·,To._..:...,_ p,...ese::.--c ::2. c.;;;. ~se sel· ;n • .LI po_~ .. J.c ..... par~~ s ?- .... ~ 1. _- 1.r •• 1

c_l2.c:.':)sE.-: . "t.:J.-::·e ;.<c.Ul.d. be no 2..!..tern.:..~,J..v-e .!. Or 'tne ::::1.1-.:.or:::.:ty W" - · ~ -.:.. ~r.e ~-:.1 '~'he -rr ec:-e")t .,...,.. ,")..., e"' c. ... e ·"' .J. ~- ... ,c.,._a.,...-1:r E 0 ... 0 ~ • .1. ..!...1.. • • - !·' ~ .... "~. <:J U..., _ ... • i ~· .._ n G u ~ " t -:· "' - -

-c· e:;.cme_,_o_., lh..:..c~ uo ... :ld eo a ·CJy, t:hrou_u. the appllc:::-::..c:::. o:.: ~hor .... -t :r.c ~ A2.l c. e he: d. to do 1-:as to _ooY" c. t "t:...e h:.stor:r o-f -.;ne posi t:.or. [::.r..ce, say, -.;!'e 1800s. ~l:.ter e he.d beer. viole_.c.o -- ..;er :. .... :._cs~ verc-r decade s:-.r:ce i;.he:·.. :2::.i.s -v;ras a rci2:--;; 1-:~:ici tLe ~acisecch ;· ::" she:l -:o "'~::::-es s :-a:-::ic~.:l::._:..:- in rel:::.-:::."::1 to Bri~is.!_ J: l:.c.:,r c:-1 l~o:::--..:_"-'~~n =~E-a!l.C..

! ~:::- c~.J.:::.c:..--:ha!: said he 2:;-'}"'!'ECiZ.. ted "the 'DOf'i ~:.on. Ee sz.:.:.. ~! !:.e '1'-:-.....:.. r ..!..i.t:e ir. -r;:.e plenar ... - session v."!:.ic~ 1.·as d.ue to ; .. to:.:-t sLc:::--t:.Tr to the E:::-i i:ist. pos:. t::..on 0:1 ..:-::.. ':: c.r:.C.

V"'.,""'- t -- +n 1 ;...+ t'hpt T'\,..~:i_ ""•· C' h· T"-.QY'!.: ~~ r ..l... or.. e_,_, __ f"er::en • .t::.e "· ou.g .... ~, --- -v . .~. ... c..t. ~.c:.. ... • c. J_., ~ .. -r .. ~ ._u

nrese:::-."';; Y~~ ,;l:r.t -r;tere ~~as £"ree:"t f!'us-trctio:. :-.::1r'":~ -::.e :Po ... i ~::..:::.;.:...::s :.r .. Nor-v:1ern Ireland. There v:a.s not a'ny-­sin~~ar sense of frustration among the people the!'e. Th c-.;.L..;O...., _._,..,_ -,.:~ec.L. n,Q,P ,-~~ ""'0+ co-.;r - -" .... -·- 4-l- 6 ec ., .~.e op.! o ..!.'-' ..... _.._ <L .-.~_... ., ~ -- ·c..- ... _ .., --r.:.:. ..:_u ........... - .!. ~-

but ~::::-oc the uoliticians. ~he neonle see less ~o:..e~ce c.nd see S o::::e SO!'t- o:: ret~rn to norr'l_E_2.i t r 2.."1d they lil:ed this. Bu1; t!1e ou-;:;- o:f _,,Tcrk poli tici::..ns a it. ~-ot The!'e wc:s !lc--:; a sc:.n~illa o= ~ove~en1; towarcs integration. The Tao::.seach could ·o e ::u11~- aEsu:::-ed. on -:his cir:-;::.

I • " •


:::t 1;~:' = D~=-_ -: ~:fe~~ed "to ""G~£. ... 2\~ j~e~=-C3..n ...t ... .:_:-:·_SSCc..\..-:::"' n .j .. .:: ~. ;., - - •• ~ ,.~~ C" VP.~ .... ·r ~1 "'f"I" -"." P ~'u.c...Q-" ,,-_~ ____ ,,_.(.._ ~~ ;:'0_ ,."c.~ ..... / •• 0;::.... v. v __ . \. "". ~ __ •

0:: -.... !':.::. 1,-=: rf..::ere-,-_" e sllou2.d be i~cluced. i._ the ::':'r_~l Co~tl!'l::"a"Ue to ~.1:e C""rter state:L!ent vies discw3sed. T:18 T2.C':'~ef'c.1 saie t'l:2~ :t.e a;'!.'rec':'sted -the c.ifficuJ..t c:: ~t .~.: .: c:h -1: 11 ri.Q'" -;; r . "'; =- '" - ...... e c"pstl' on 0.0 tv- a. ~ 0"")-_ ~_~ ... e 1:. __ . ~ _ .... -'. __ .... -~ ...... --_:> 1._ v. •• • ..... - ...L. - ~ J.o.c: __ a~Tir~-::'o s of' "t:te- .eo.,::e. ne 'ould l:ire !:r Cc...;._c.f, •• an to cCnEic:.c:' now -:,-: -:-;-::.e:-:- ~o~e"t __ i!1t: z.:lould - e inclt:..:..ed i.n t!le 00!:::::::U!1..iqUt;; !'!'l..g the :e[":' -ti::.:.·~e aspir&~io!!S 0:: -: ... e Ir:"sh peo.,t-':e - or eX'pressing tte Go~er~2entts i.n~e!'est in it as a legitim2te step. This wculd be a ""a:::'"ticulerl ~ valuz.ble VB i.!: ,· to cc;unterect -t~e :fea~s 0:: "the ~ cinori ty t.b~ t British policy W2S nOl·· =.ov":'n l;OV-2r-ds in:;e",-!'2.tlcn 1'1. a ""-"e"'~'" "'"'e2,.' l:<..V This sort 0':: po.:...i... was not one y.-' "":"ch the Iri~h GO"-ier:":e::t Cl' ~h "'n .... ..::..,..- .... -'.11 V-it=>, ,.--i+-:-, ec"~""i-:':..I..-- 1- _~~,",J_ ..;.;:-.... _" __ olJiI.. "" _ _ - ,..._v__ t .... ~_""'"---....t.. "... _'* __ -:.... 4".; lIoo': _ • .J.. ·c ~ ~- ~r€ r .... y ~ ,",1"-'- of' f'c-.,." 1 e--~~o ~ C' -' n .:.l.. .,... . 1~ _u , ..... "- ~ 0 ....... 11 -. ,--,"- ;,...; ... ~- U ..... - - .......... .;:;.._ __-. -",.....,_0 .. __ '" _ v_ .....

iLt::~~-i .ably :force ..,C)1;h tbe Go;re:-r.mer:t and. tr..e ci . .:.c!'it7 --.!'ou-)ir:'-- to","'.:" S -:. :::Jc:::'e cir-:::-e"S::V'9 s-t&nce in r e12t::'o!l ': .. 0 For-v:e.!'D. ::;:::-91.;;.;'::'. It: -v;as ec:~ll,- i.r::.por-tE:.nt nc ..... to :e;t he

. +. ..,. ~ I' ., cl t· , .J... ·"0~':"1. p:r€ser~ I::2.1c.lse SE ,. In. .LI po ~1:1C par- les In ... ne l.\ .:. !.d .

cOl2.&.'JSE.:. t!l€_ e "v,rcLld be no z..2 ter-n2.tive for "the I:linori ty 6,..J­t r ' go· to the IPJ.. ~. e preser:t roubles 1l~re net a tt;: .. c.!'a!,,-r

P:l~!1c::J.e __ o::, v-b.:_c~ i,ol:.ld go B.wny, througJ...:. the ap~lic~ -::",T_ 0": ~ho:::'--t€:::.':C o..Lic:"es~ All o. e h2d to do \\'as ~"o ~c ... y <:.t "t' e h:'story of' ~he posi. t:'c·n 5:'nce, say, "t!1e 1800s. ~he~ e had' ee r violencA ~L ~~s~€r :._ ~:mos+ e ery decade 8~~ce -,;he:.. ?! ,,;-25 a. reinu d:ic·. tl.e ':'aoise _ch 'y': E~8::: ::0

. . ., ,- -; n Y'e' ~.l.': 1""'"1 tc "":)rl" ... i.,..t 0'': c"r C"" lTr~";' ~,~ Et~ece =-a~"!..::::' _:- _... - ...:-- -- ~....... ..LJ \,1 ____ k _.L .) ...... _\ v .... · --- __ ,;..t


I·~r Ca} 2..2..:""l:.a.1:. said he arrreciated "the pOFi tion. Ee sz:'::' :!: ~ like iI! -the plenary session rr-.....ich 'I.-as due to ['"t>:-t

SLO~~~ to discUBS a~so t~e E:::,ivis~ pos~t~on on Z:T ~nd 0:2 e!ll::"re;ement. He thout;ht that vrhat V;5.S ha'J}'e:J.:'n.::. c:.t precer · .... "~S ",;"a+ "''''ArA "'''''S .... .,..e~+ .., ..... us.l.~ t-i 0" ~,",,""1"~ -'-l e _ .... _. v )' ~ v.&.- ~ '" 1I........... _ ,~ e. - c v J.. _ v..!.. C. ...... .. .- --.\. ~ :..:.:-

po2..i Tic2.........-::2s i.n No:::'t~ern Ireland. There v·6.S not an:y s~~la.r sense o~ ~rustration among the people there. The op_ osi tio~ to :J:"rec: Ru2..e ,·"as not co::'~:lc ::::'0:1 tr6 ~ eCp:e but ~:::,ow the pol..:.ticians. The people see less ~o:e~ce G-~d see so~e sort·o~ ret~rn to noroalit r ~~d they liked this. But tbe cut- o:f -work poli ticic...ns die. _.ot There ·".ras !'2..0.J.:; a scin~i~la. o~ movereen"t towarQs integration. T~e Taoi2e~ch could be ~ull~ assu::-ed on ~his pcin~.

~ n - 1- -""": - ~ ~ ....:: v _.&.... .... ~ .". ......... "'_ l .C .

I • lit •


( l_,




~!:.:!.s ··:::..s ~ ~=-c:~::-•. _: i --=-~:.: Y: ..... t...:.c. b6 cc:..:;:l(;· ... c-: "-:!.:.eel...; tc the :~:~~~~ :ec~:eo

C·~ t .. € ::_'L:Se. 1 = --:5_:::;j i" 9 82 i d ~:b.:. -'._ ~-;l.e!'! !: e ::::..~: -:.!':e ~-~te i-.e i·€'n.,. tc 0':: jt- c.... J.. ~ ,..


l.e FC ::_ i, .!:'£ .:~~£c, fc~ t!-... e -or-~ C"':...- ..L.o 72-t·~=: r ='-" ct::. 2 t t1· .. -..: ... i:::J.e. :::ut, at ·1.~ :?-::.lace ~.hty s:.:.a t:_av t'.c.y .· "" al\:e:.. i~. ~= b.c~ se::1t the l._c-:,c~:a2. bee ..... ~,r_:_ce -=.u-r ~c··: '-\..-~ "in+~~~ e_-_a, "'6"''u-o o-~ .,..}.{:! '"'uE-e '"" 01.'"' .... .:.~----.r::~=-·r ts "".,.. _ _. • - 4.1--- -- a... · -c.:.... C '-' ~ '-"--- "'\.. • ~...,; ----~~ v--:::.- v-·•-"tre..,..e iust -.. P.s nc 1 c.. L r:nicr "the date cc1.:.1.: be c:.~ !:f -c.. ~~e-~--e~on ~;c.- be-~ ~~ll·~+J.-~ h"~~ ~~ Ge..,..ry ~~~t'c:: ac+.~~ --• lrcto.A- _.,~:::,. t;;:;_. Cl. 'VV t";. ~V ..__u ...4. -..._._"' - ...,_ -•

Ee si::.d. -r;:_:l7, sl-.:: "..:-'"ld.e::-s-tocd. "the c.s~:..rc:..tio::..:: o:· -:;_.e I:::-_c-:_ ""'"'"'I.,""' !>'l"":i ~~"' - ,.._+ ,.,"',.,.,.,.,..a· -r-hc.. .,.,.;s.;~ a<"' '"'Ci:'~J_·e+e ;T' -it U· \,.: •-- t..4-J. \.A.-.~ .... V\1 - -f c.,.._ v~-"" ~ .-~o,. _.... l.· - .. _ v -- -

·c__·e :.i=li .... E:i cn::y tc, con-:ects ,·it;h the r::.c.~:c::-it;··· ::e r~,,,,:; ~; ·.;:. , ·--_.,,,~ ~..:.-=-e'l"'\t"'o- ~0 be ,...,.·d...:. _ ...... <:" rc"'-.;·

\..L.l..~ --·- - _....,'-"'--:..-- C!.l: v _ ... -- ~- }:1<- " .., __ '-J ... -·- •

~~ ~~e Taoi~eacL'~ ~o~~~ 2E ~,.. th8 n&ed for~ rc-~~~-..:...,..;..L.;.-..:..;~p ...,c·.T ;r~ f":r-l1~--r~v ,.-.,' ~ ....... T _, ;c:~ _.,'"' ....... ___ v...,<;.A. _._ ~• '"• .... - ---'---E --C• ~t.., - v.o._(,., ""• _..,.. :-- .._. -

gre2~.; "if:=icul-:ies. 3c-ch s::.d.e~ in 1\orthern 1;:-e::..U ... d !:. .,..e h"'"rQ.er_ed "their & t~..: · · . The E::-i tish Gove:-rj]jj.e •. t C.-= · .• C'-L·

-;g::.:or-e -the c:;:_•r. 7 r·--s J..·.,.... ...... or..:.--nt ~o .,;c:e ...... c:-o .... '~- ..... __ _ V ,._, <- J..~,J._t) vc.;... U ...;.. 6--- c;..,_~ l.-J.C.. •

Uls~;e!' l".::i c:list.s -..·o:.:lc. r!ot be C.rc..€_"oc!:..eC.. TLE.y e;c-: -to 'be ·coeC:.. Ee .... esi tat:ed. to "'J.s e ~;he r·or.J. o-v·e!'- s!.G.!':___ ..... ·ou+ t--_e c.-oc-rl __,,,,~-- ·c-- ;nr:: -n· e .,....:n · Je -· ,..::.. ..,...,~- .:::-,., c · ~ ~ v ..... ..:.o.-...;...1..) ...: __ ...... l P-..:. Clp . 1..-L-. v =J,.;.~ .J..l -- -

C:.€Yc,::! G-cverr.=e::r ... t in rcr~hern Irela __ d cot...lC.. or.Ll:; cc..;: e·-:; ..:..:f all sections par--"-icipatcd. :..:1 it. Z:e :ull:· S'.;.bsc::-:.bea. to "tl- e the. "t there could be De·rol:ved. Gc\E ::'!"..= e:::.~ c . ..l:· if i-'-- v~ere acce:-table -:;o b01:b s:..cls-c c.:f -c!.e cc==.-.:::....:. --:-- tnt.::-E:. Es r.:. .... d ir: r:i:::d inc2.'C.::::'...: ~ ::. -.;: (._ Co!!L.t....:..::.~u~ a s"ta~e- er .. :t ol! -cr...:.s subjec-c o: be l.:C just co~ple"ted a cra~t. Ee hanced tLis ~~a=~ tc t1~ Ta..cisea.c:t.. !::e ~:tat v.'ht.t he in ci .. ci v:~s t_ e confe::-!'irlb or.. an :::!.zecut:ve body in No::-therr.. Irel~r...., o:-

oy.yers v·t.ich -v:ere at nresent discharged t~T certaJ.n Exec-..;.ti ve boards lj ire-, for exar:ple , the Eos_?i ta2 :!:cc...: d.s.

He was fully agreeable to a move towards cooperation on cross-border pro· ects. The- \·:ould be vlilli::l..:_: to lco1

- ~ "t it, through a- group of senior officials, or in a!'ly o~b.·:.r way as necessary. It was, however, important to get "the stud~ ir:"to a broader context. The group should. neet ~o discuss economic cooperation, projects ~d studi~s. especially in reference to cross-border arec:~. T~e Prime ~·~inister s aid t!lat he noted the Ta.oisee ch' s cint in :-e:.a .. :.en -r;c !..:::- 1-l£ sc:::. . Or.. 7he Cc..rter In:. tit ~:. \e, h' .--that t!leir line was the: t thev not y,-~nt to Y."&i t ;:'c::- 2.:!:"'!.

acceptabJ.e form of in 1\ortherr.. Irela::r~c. be:c:-e go:r.g ahead v:-i t~ in restmen-:; • !\_::" T:ason v;OU_C bE: Dl" '"[:. ...... ::: -'h-i C' "l .:•ne .,._.-...6_ ~C. --.; c-' -"-e-' the TT.-..: ~ea." ~, 7t:><:;. _-' ': -:-:- e ::.:.e-VA---U _ _._J. ............. ......._ .._- \ ~ ..... ....;... l.· \.or.. \...J..-- l - ..., - J~

fu-::v:e. Ee ,-oUJ..i ::..ri"Te .....;.n _:_ J. -es-::r::£=:;.- stc-·.---..___

t;at.e ;::.£..ce ncv:- - !"Ct:1e~ t~-.. :..n 1:. -ter.

Cn ~~e cuestic~ c,~ irrl~ding a ::-sfe~e~c . ~o ~~-~r-..,~~~--a--=·,. co 1.·~ ...___ ~"' , .. , _..,. .• ,1-;-uo 1·e s~;,:; th--..L. .... ,.. .. _ ,. --~~ c......._ ;.J-- .., __ ._ •• ...., -- '-'~•'-' vO•- v... - -- - -· -·-·- -·-~ - ~ ·-~- ~ "'"-• to .. s co-::iC.ere j_ ~e:r- csre::u:l-T ir~d. ed. ...'. ~~:fc=-c::.~ T"''\; ,....-.. - --e-· • h. .c.. c·"'"', ....... -L':::"~ ..... .,....oa.··· c+~ --~ ;_·t::l ~..,... ~-"' ·- 'i .... ::c . ~r.- ... ..,; ' -- -~ ......_i.U\:.--J:.,. .,.;.. ,.._ • - ·- ...... _ .... \.4_ .. .,

""'"r." e .-.r ,...~,._or '"'l· , __ , • ~ ~ .. ·-; ·-·. - -,. [~=-·- - ---· • ..: ··p -t IJ • C \. -.• ._.._""'" ~ --...!w\,4 ~..;- \ ----- -'""\,. Vt....l I -=._.,.,. ~ -

- - i . '"""' - ""'-- ....

ccns~- ~.:....:..r::s ~-:..-:!: -:-::-J.e ... :::..c ... ::..E-::~. t:e s id. .J,.~···~-- · ~ .. ,

-~-t .L.c....,,,. ~ ~:_s ... ...,' :t ;.."'r...S €P~e--::...:.....l tc 1::--i~.: !""-c··-:

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1'_.:..(.':.. 1-\ ... 1....: .... bE cc:". lc",(.'::"~ ..... .1-' c~<...; r - ~-.:.:,t..i 0

0'~ t r :;'!' , = -~j N; , , . .: ..... CaJl"'"hc:n s2:'d .... !:,~" {;!~e!'! ._e 11::- -... !.E..; =~._rce tc C::~t"C-=. ,', J

r.e Fe:. :"i. ~£.~s-r-C', fc:-- t:!".o ~--; c:" + -0 72~~1:;; ~~. C'e [It - ! ~ .L.

-.;i::lE:. ~Ut,;:-1; -1. :?<-~ce t .. t-J s:id tha"t ThE:. c,C .... -..l.: _ j.

-::':":-ce::' i~. ::E- _a':' S€~t the ro-c~:~2. bE-ck tOTice -::ut ::e-:--': ~;:."'t in ib·2 e::d, b€~a.u:;.e 0:: "the :'uee ... 's ot::er e._f:=:SE....<... • .;..s -r;re:r-e 2US1: v'RE no i-:":.r i. i-t~icL 'the date co~ld. be c1:.:;:.!'" 0 .....

T~e (~een ~~d bee~ a littlp. bU:!:'~ 2t Gerry F~~t's acti~~. Ee s~~d. -r;':"~- s:.:. '..:."1c:.e:-sTOCc. 'the 5S ~rc:..tio!"..s o~· t .. e 1:::-_"":. """,r\T)""" !:>7-) c..-~~ , -+- ""e"'''''''''o.' +~.6 .,.,,;<,.;-t BC" "'C'-L.""-Le·e ;-f' -it ~-' '- __ '""""~_ _ __ ... v ~ f c.... v .. _~ .. _ ... -- -.. -- -

". _.; :'.i!::li. tE: c~ - t cor,""C£ cts Fi th the r::::..c~i t '. Ee " ..... 1l~ ~i_:-5 :.2--:':'c1)_1:;r attentic::. to be cid t 1::-.1s roi:.-:.

0:1 : •. e '1:ao:":sec-.c!':'-=- !:join\; a~ ~c -:hc n~ed fv!" L :r:cc:'~:"~-' ::-2 t..:..a ~i~e !lC1 • !.r C:::l::.';:!:2..:1 a -ree'" t:b."" T -resi.?r."t:-'" ,....,..0::, __ ..... C.-l·7'-"":;c"i--:e"" ~O~h s·j.:lp.;'" ';n 170r.L., ern .,...~.!"-'" r 'T-c. .......... ~v _-L_ ~""-.. • _ t... .. L _\....____ _ _1I ... _ ___ --.1'04 ...

hc:r-Q6Led 'their ;0: -;\;i - '~:. es • ~he E::-i tish Govt:;:::-r...we~t c.:..d ~."'1··e t. e SDTI. .-;:"S iI:l'DO r7E..nt to :-eco:-:-.:"se E.lco "t_~'":: thE: Uls-ce::- LT.!ll C:Lsts :b-_:ld not - e C:raeoc!:e~. :~ .. € n;.ci. be-: to be ·CQ€c... Ee :"esi tated 'to ,," ~he Ford. o,,~e~-s~.c...~:'_­but t.e s-r;ocd. :::u.lly cGLind the p::'inciple 't:~2. 1: an:- ::c ... G_ c..€-"vl,,·e - Gove:r-~E~t _ ...... rcrthern Irela .. d ccit..ld onl:" cc..=ie E..bou~ iI ~ll sect~ons par~icipav£d ~. it. te ~~~y s".lbsc:::-':"beQ. to -the iiec::. 'the. t tnere cow.d be De- o2.:vei GcvE ~!"';....e""-:; 0_2:- i.f i -:; v~ere acce::table to CO!; ... · s:"de ~ c:! -l e c,.. .... ---r-' ~ .L. ..... €~'" ,t--:-,,, 1.. ,:; ; "" T"'.;.,.,a ';nc' ,-,.:. ..... -.; - ' r ",. __ ~_ """, U~ __ • ._ ~\,,4 _"'-- ____ .J.... _L.r.. __ ........ _-..10 u __

Corr~ , ,'~- c·,~ !:l C<'T'<:o.L.e .... c. ........ 0 ........ '1-,,, ("0 ""'-01' ec+ 0'" •. ~.: C ... n' '" :,. ~~ __ u_ c:. ~\I~U _.O;;;' ... .:. \.1",---,,-....., "-"""'- v V _ \w",_-,- J,. .... c; .. __

just co~ple~ed R cr~~~. lie hanc..ed tLis Q=E..=""C to tls Taeiseac!:. ~e sc.~d ~:tat 'Vin[.\; i:..e h2.d in ci.!:Q. ,·:2..S 1:':'le confe:::'!'ing on an Executive boO. in No::-therr: Irele..n':; 0::

o -eY's "lich vr€:r-e at present discharged bv certain ~xec-..:..-ti V € bORrds }j ye ~ f or eXc..r:lp_e, the Eos,?i:a2 Eec..: d .... .

He was fully agreeable to a move towards cooperation on cross-border pro' ects. They "'ould be vTi1li~ to 1cc:~ ~ +. it, through a - group of senior o:'ficials, or in any 0""C~':~ way as necessary. It was, however, important to get ~be stud~ i~~o a broader context. The group should neet L\

diSCUSS economic cooperation, projects and studi~s, especiRlly in refe:::-ence to c:r-oss-border aY'ec:.<::. T1..e Prime I(inis"ter s eid that he no~eo. the Taoise8ch's e':"I1t in ~ c, r .! on ..,.c l..,... 1"~~ c::o~ 0 Lnp rr~ .,....ter Tn': +" ...,--= - , (" _~ __ G."'_ u __ ~~ ....... ~ __ O.J'-'''' _ _ OJ _ _ "",_,e, _ c

.L.hat t~ei= line was th~ t the- did not w~nt to fc::- ~~ .L. '" ~ J> ~ G '. . 1-' .... 1 -......r. acce~va~~e ~o~ OI -over~er.~ In \or~nern ~re_a~Cl ue~cre

go~:r..£ ahead vii t~ in restmen~. I,_r r-:ason. ·KOU_G. be '01 ' ~[~ ...... .;s 1·ne T,·;"e- l-c: -- ' " er< .L.het~""'''''''eCl- _---PC''' -t.o ~. lu._...!... _-'- .... _.....:.. .... 1._ ·lS..:.. 1; \........ ___ l .... c-:: \.. ~ _.. \,: ........ _.L..L __

fu""Cv..:- e. 1:e 1"01:1:1 :.:.=""€ tbat _:.._er:"c~;:.n .:. l.yes-:;J::f::::1~ src-'.: -- ,-co 1~Cp "'o~.- - .,....,+11'; ... tl-~n _li7er. LG..-'-"!:'I - l.';" ". _c:: 0.1. _.... .. .1.._ . -...,-

Gn the q ~e5~~cn o~ i~Gludi~g a ~efe:r-encs ~o ~:~~~~ 8.~:t:i:-2.-.;:'C.-, G in tte Cm:..:::c 1i~ue !~e s;:.iQ t_.:'_ -: .L.~_:'~ i-'c-,;,::"~ to . e co~:::idere:: ~"'er-' i eed.. :. ::,s~E::-e_ce ~..; ,..... ... .. e- he C ,,,,;. -- €~ ...... Tt O~ "-""''''''''''''-~ ~."e e!:~ll:_~ ~ ,. 2 -;':0 II ...--.. .-: -- "" V _ _ '\,;. _ t.....:.- ... v - l- ... ;.Ay ... - -. -

tr!e ~G ice:cl: ; ..... u:c. ~_ \"~lli~ -~O £et i:.-"': -'::~e'"'''''' cc-ne""":"· L. ~ ':'c::.S v~i -:l~ ~-!:~ ~T:.::..C!'l::':' -.t" 0 !:E: S ':'6 ~ ~~~ ~ "--;'

:t ". 2.8 cf'. e-:-:i:...l t

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h ~ -.··e

_ -.. '"l'" - "".. ...

. '. •

a erf..Ler.:.r.: c:"! · ... E.e:-~t t:::~: .. t .. ·Jes ::..i "tl:' •. --·=~. ~ .. -T' c.~:n ~1 . ..-t ~ i~ ..... COl c =~ ... _:: .. ,. ~cr::::-i.:...:·:· ~r:~ .~~ :!u.:_ __ y i~tt::C.~~ t.o .. :'-.:.~_. th....., 1:~:·:..:-.E.. : __ r:iz-..;t:-r ~ c:-:-,.. n-:.J- - ..; o ; ,.... _...: ,"'~ P"e -, ..; c. -..... ... ..:... -~ e'"r"'P "'""ere ~+ "-''•_ <;...'-· - "'-- •• -•L --·-~• "-• -'- ...._ •• 0./ -· - ~ '' • '· '-'"~ .

p::'e _er~t. c..e~~·::.:!: ::o_ -.;c :;ts ;-i :::" :---.:.c:--.. :...::ts J...n l or-c:1cr:r. Irelz..r:.:.. !1e ".:v 2 <::.. ;:~:!.·e ~h:-:. t -:he :prev:..ou.s Gover!'lDE::r."t "h::-~ -'"'.-.,.. ,-..~~-p-e c.-.:..r~~-: .. ;-..c...c.' ~-·-,.,. .... ,. ..... .:.."'e h-i!"'· ecoot ___ ...._, -- v- 'CI- .... ~ - 1 -~ ..,.c,..L,.. ___ ._ ...... "'"" -L. ... t..c;;..;\ c ... u v_ .. - - c- .._

le··,re2.. !le ~:2.s a1:c__ f:. cf ,,.;!: .. :~ 3-~r~et ~i i;sGe~:a]_d ll:."d C.:! ... E­in-:-.:_:; :i~:E: ·- =-~ ,.... ~--c :,.,..:_-~· :·: ~t:..---r:.~--t....:t ... :e !:sr~ .::> ..... ,...,_,...._.: n-= -r.,.. i·r ~+'-', ..... ,... -.1 -rc'L .:..0 be ,.....:-.,n :: ,.,· ::-.c.c - • P--- _____ _.: ---- V.L. ~ ... ______ o:;._c;..... (, b- ~·~ -· ._ __

t r. cere. torL"!C-~··r ,..,:1-,_ .• - 1..--·c· .• -~o.,.,,.,... -r·o ... ,...ct-"~~-· ..• ._, .._.- t;,... '\;;o .. -....- • ..... - t::.... "'-- ............ .... l._ """"' (...,;;;.. ~ ~ - .. .._ - v -

~e ._c..:id., i'c!' c::c..:-~:.c R<.:..:r:f:.:.. _-'., '\\t-:'..:;. ._::.l.d J.L.'e ir.. Er·11.~se::..s so atl:.:!:' "T•e e.G to =:.e:..d !'.ir:. "tc £o:...~t; u..v a:-frcL _ ... c::'-!;t.~.Sr!: I~e2::..::C. CC-:t:lE-'~~-:-. '!__ e C:u.~if'e: -h \ r ~ a,·a=e t~'--t Currie '~s becc::-~i.w..g L~c.r·e t:nd. r.:.o~e d.isenc: ... a::--::e,.. -vr:.. 't~l ;J02.i'. Ei s :.'inc:.!! :..e.l . osition Ka.s by no I:Ie~ns t~e beo t. -=· th-se .. e ·e:-e J ost id.--.o ·vtcu::..d !'epl~_ce t~ :::? There l··as on::..y o~.e -c:·re o:: oli t::.c::.::.. ecti v.:;. "".;:· ·v:!:.ich t ... e :.tiY.lO!'i y t:rc:--..:.:r;::...~...,:.:::!-.t i·rell ::o::..lo-.; ~f -... :,. preser:t se ~-up i.:.. "he 1\or-vh Tb.e ~e.c:= c c.:ch then ·sa;d th~t it was t::.~e to eo into rlen~:-y

' 1? ... 5 at •~·c.

A separate note is attached on the Plenary Session.


J j September 1977 .

LCopy to Tanaiste, Minister for Industry and Commerce, 1 inister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Economic Planning and Development: also to Irish Ambassador in London7

~ , . •

a er:'tenir:F 0:'" r..-t...c~~l; ~ .. t.-=-1'".l~e:. i_" ~!:2~ _C~. 'I":f r.:"',,",,'::re~c~ 0::..' ,- ::'~,..~ ~';C" •• t:" ,.. ~ ..... ,. ... ~-,.J..,.- r .... c .. ,.... .. ·~~-· .• _..... _ ... __ c _ v ... _ l ., ..... _ ...... .... _ _... _ -. v __ ..... '-

G._1o. :1., :::u=-l:r i:}t !::"e:r to l:c:3l-/ tr.LS F:!.":'~c : __ !_':'z-ue~'~ s1~.'ge:~ic_~ i~ =-i!~,.:'. Ee S~':''2.. ::!~t -Lere ,·.ere, r..t

P- c-C'e-.';'- r~F.Y'_ ~!,_-_. _Y': ~~~-l-:- :;t~ ".'_~..!-~ -- .: ~-; _.L.c ...: Y'" r·,..,.,.......:...h{:.,.....,. __ "::- ... _~. ___ .... _ _ __ ...... _ ... _ _ ..... ~u_ ... _o.Jl:,;;;;) _~,;, ___ v ...... _06-_'T'e!;:r:u ... ;::: '-" "" "'?Y'e _;"'~.J.. -I.- e .,....,...e ~ r.:.o"<"' Gover 1"'r' .... '.-... _ _ .... __ ~.I_.~.... Go. "_-: ... _...;-._ .... t..I :1.;.. ...... \i -.. ~~ • '- .:- J. • .J.;....;.~_". + h£.d, fer G::c:.::.~_e 1 t~~:....C.!-l:.tB\,4 cc:;~~c:t £.. ~ ""C!1e !12g!:eE'" t.;

leve~ . :l€ 1:2S a, c..._ _ ef 1';!:'"i -- GCl:,=et ~ . t~GE.!'·ald ~ d d :! ... c

in -=--~:..s li~_e * :..::~. ~:"'r: '::r-s:''- , CO :.::.-.c"'_ ~ -re !. ... e;c~ ':or p()l':;-'':;~;'''''''<:" i·'\~+'h~ ..... - -~ ... 7 n ( +0 be- """"'-en:: c:'::.c:e __ _ __ -"L.____ _ ___ ....,~ .......... __ ..... ____ c..... ........ v ~ ~.,,_ -

t r , ccr e tc~,...-··.... --).- -. ~,. - 1 r -'c. r "'c""""- ·~OJ., "'et.:_··· -_ ~ f_\;... _ ..... _ ... t:. ... ' """_ ... _ '""" (. .. - """-- - .. ""'" - .. "". ::e ,. .: r-' .;:!>c"" c-... -:::.- ... C. p..... . - ",J ~. s.... ., - .. .; r" 1 -1 -~r ... .; ~ ._ Le.. _, .:.. _ ~ __ .L: •• l.O......t. _ ," Tt'-_ .__ -- .. ~'" _ ...

B::'il.sse_s so a.t~:::·c..C1;':' '"e c.3 to 2.E:::d Lir!l tu gO.:. .... E c:Y&:-cc ~~ t:>-,c- -, '1 e .., c-; C' pr ell' ,

-,t-'_ ... .,J-_... -- -""'" - - ... · '"" . a\'a::-e t~_c... t Cur::-le ,·.:;..8 becc_iu-: l.CJOI·c t::.!ld £o::,e c.iser:c .. ::n 'wc'" v,::' i,;ll pclit::.cs . Eis ::in::.!:c:'2.l position -.. ;as Do. nc !:"e::..:J.s ':;b.- be';:; t. =~ the""e L.Len 1':'2:-6 ]. ost vinO v ould. rep_Lee 't' he~? The-a ~.'''' co: enl y o·e - · ·~o o-C' Oll' - . c r - r c~': .~.: .: .•• _ ......... .J.. ~ t c;.;;._ __ ... ..,~" ..... _..... \,,: _ o...A._ c::. v..t.. .... u,

v.h.ich t .• e :..rjno~ . fro~:r.:'.!.23 ~':'€!:.t 1'18-1 ::c:"loi-; if. ~~ p

nreser:+- set-up J..!.! --;:r:.e Lo::'";jh dJ.sG... The _C:.o::. c €"c t'" .. en sa-ia th;:t i"t va.s t:.. e to go i ... :to ~lcno.::,:., at 12 . 25 p . :r: .

A sep e note is attached on the Plenary Session.

.1 i September 1977 .

Lf:opy to Tanaiste, Minister for Industry and Commerce, r inister for Foreign Affairs and rtinister for Economic Planning and Development: also to Irish Ambassador in London?