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Technology Enhanced Learning

More than just a good idea?

Professor Richard Noss London Knowledge Lab | Institute of Education | University of London

Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme, UK

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What do you think of western civilisation? I think it would be a good idea!

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•  A high-quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through computational thinking. It develops and requires logical thinking and precision. It combines creativity with rigour… provides a lens through which to understand both natural and artificial systems

•  A computing education also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

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KS 4 All pupils must have the opportunity to study aspects of information technology and computer science at sufficient depth to allow them to progress to higher levels of study or to a professional career. All pupils should be taught to:

develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills.

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System Upgrade Realising the vision for UK education














Almost every field of employment now depends on technology. From radio, to television, computers and the internet, each new technological advance has changed our world and changed us too.

But there is one notable exception. Education has barely changed.Rt Hon Michael Gove, BETT conference January 2012

This document is an overview of the System Upgrade report, available in full from The report o!ers recommendations for shaping the future of technology enhanced learning.

Technology  Enhanced  Learning  Research  Programme  

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‘System upgrade’ contributors Alison Twiner Open University Andrew Manches IOE, London Charles Crook University of Nottingham Chris Dede Harvard University Diana Laurillard IOE, London Eileen Scanlon Open University Elizabeth FitzGerald Open University

Giasemi Vavoula University of Leicester Jane Seale University of Plymouth Josh Underwood IOE, London Kaska Porayska-Pomsta IOE, London Lee Ellen Friedland Library of Congress Lewis Johnson Alelo Lydia Plowman University of Edinburgh

Mike Sharples Open University Patrick Carmichael University of Stirling Richard Cox University of Edinburgh Richard Noss IOE, London Rose Luckin IOE, London Russell Beale University of Birmingham Shaaron Ainsworth University of Nottingham

Steve Higgins University of Durham Vic Lally University of Glasgow

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what does research tell us? what more do we need to know?

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HISTORICALLY… we had to build the structures we had to build the infrastructures we are at a critical moment

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what does research tell us about the bigger picture?

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Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme, UK

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how do personal/consumer devices change the relationship between formal and informal learning?

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how does technology shape new forms of collaboration and pedagogy?

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Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme, UK

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how do new learning modalities change what can realistically be taught and learned?

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Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme, UK

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build rich semantic toolsets that support teachers as designers

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Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme, UK

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exploit the potential of AI for emotional engagement

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exploit the web’s evolution: library -> social -> reusing data

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Just because technology can do it…

we  don’t  have  to  do  it!    we  have  to  do  it  too!  

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explore the complex relationship between technology, knowledge and learning

A DESIGN CHALLENGE (filling the NC void?)

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David Hockney “There are gains and losses with everything. You miss the resistance of paper a little, but you can get a marvellous flow. So much variety is possible. You can’t overwork this, because it’s not a real surface. In watercolour, for instance, about three layers are the maximum. Beyond that it starts to get muddy. Here you can put anything on anything. You can put a bright, bright blue on top of an intense yellow”.

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“We were seeing things that were 25-standard deviation

moves, several days in a row” said GS’s chief financial officer, 2007.

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The expected waiting time for this event, 25 s.d., is 6*10124 lives of the universe 3 days in a row!

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the knowledge that powers the world is less and less visible

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global warming…

all exisiting scientific data are “suppositions, allegations, predictions. Numbers prove nothing”.

Peter Hitchens

Climate Change Denier Mail on Sunday

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What do you think of technology enhanced learning? It’s harder than it looks