Download - My own business - do I have a chance?


My own business - do I have a chance?Krzysztof Daniel

ex IBMerex Red Hatterwork @ Currency OneI like games

About me

"Go board part" by Dilaudid - Own work; modified from Image:Go_board.jpg, which was made by user:donarreiskoffer. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

So, why are you here?, CC-BY-NC

Fast forward...

Fast forward...



A word of warning

So, let’s continue

Absolutely no customer has a need to make you profitable.

First of all – user needs

Activities Practices Knowledge Data

Secondly - components

Let’s talk about ideas


Let’s talk about ideas

●printing●digital camera

Let’s talk about ideas

●printing●digital camera●mobile phone touch interface

Let’s talk about ideas

●printing●digital camera●mobile phone touch interface●cloud

Let’s talk about ideas

●printing●digital camera●mobile phone touch interface●cloud●electricity

Let’s talk about ideas

One problem with the future

One problem with the future

A bit of theory

The diffusion curve

The diffusion curve

The diffusion curve

Let’s cheat


Let’s cheat

Let’s define:

Let’s cheat!

Let’s define:●Ubiquity - how ubiquitous a thing is.

Let’s cheat!

Let’s define:●Ubiquity - how ubiquitous a thing is.●Certainty - how well understood a thing


Let’s cheat!

Let’s define:● Ubiquity - how ubiquitous a thing is.● Certainty - how well understood a thing is.

Let’s cheat!



Time removed.

Evolution vs Product

Evolution curve - idealized

The Evolution Axis

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)

Weak signals


a.k.a. Wonder - I wonder what it can do.● New● Novel● Unknown● Uncertain● Rare● Changing● Chaotic


Nobody did that before!

Are you sure?

Are you ready to fail fast?

Genesis-like idea

Microsoft Bob

● bottled water for pets

Thirsty dog

crispy beeftangy fish

Thirsty dog

15th century

And some successes, too

The Internet - 1969

Some other successes

Do I have a chance?

You will die before you make any money out of it.*

Do I have a chance?

*or at least get very old, as the evolution speed accelerates

The Evolution Axis

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)

●Measured●Stable●Predictable●Cost of doing business●Market penetration near 100%●Usually invisible to the user●Electricity, Network, Computing


●contract to fulfill●sheer price matters●no room for innovation●really large scale●nobody will see that●existing users may not be willing to switch unless you’re

significantly cheaperocan you be significantly cheaper without deep

experience in the field?

Startup problems

Do I have a chance?

New electricity provider?

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)



computing power

social network

“New” search engine?

The Evolution Axis

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)

● custom built● off-the-shelf product/rental● maturing

Transitional phase

● IBM Watson● cars● virtual personal assistants (Google Now, Apple Siri, Amazon Echo)

product-to-product startup

Canonical vs Red Hat●a number of years of really unsuccessful fight●tough competition of free, open sourced products●huge inertia proportional to the size of adopter

community●product needs to be 9x better to cause replacement*●entering still possible, time-proportional market share

product-to-product startup

* heard from one business angel, may be an approximation

No. Unless you’ve got ●a really, really good product●a really, really good sales●a lot of time

Do I have a chance?

Three types of innovation●genesis●product-to-product, utility to utility

That said...

Three types of innovation●genesis●product-to-product, utility-to-utility●there is one more...

That said...

Let’s go back to evolution

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)



Let’s go back to evolution

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)


peaceful competitionwonder

Let’s go back to evolution

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)


wall of inertia

peaceful competitionwonder

previous success is the deadliest enemy


● to increase the overall effectiveness of sales departments [...];

● to improve the effectiveness of sales to large customers [...];

● [...] more precise monitoring of the level of customer satisfaction[...];

● [...] price policy (promotional offers, packaging of services) [...];

● [...] ATMAN Private Cloud [...];

● [...] sales of services outside Poland [...].


Let’s go back to evolution

Genesis UtilityCustom Built Product(+rental)


wall of inertia

peaceful competitionwonder

companies stop here

●is a deadly threat to corporations●is the sweet spot for startups

the wall of inertia

takes product, makes “cost of doing business” utilityexamples:● Amazon EC2● Neostrada

product-to-utility startup

● effectiveness - when the price defends youo what is the cost of your own datacenter/e-mail server?o Something is so cheap, that suddenly everyone can afford it

l Ford Tl Commodore 64l Printed books

● Jevons effect


Do I have a chance?


Do I have a chance?

Open Source

Open Source

● IBM PC vs Apple Mac● Google Android vs Apple iOS● Sony Betamax vs JVC VHS

Open Approach


The Wardley Mapping is really powerful technique:l HS2l HM Governmentl Dutch Governmentl Two very large banks


About the presentation

There is time only for this...

I work on a tool designed for mapping.

The tool is open-source (ASL 2.0).

I need you to start using it.

You need to be AWARE!


certain kind of very interesting innovationsscale mattersdifferent scales requires different approachesopen source helpsbeware of inertia

Do I have a chance - summary


CreditsSimon Wardley - the technique creator