Download - Multispecies Cytograms

  • Cat WBCThis area includes nonlysed MNs that are included in the MN count. Samples should be run at room temp to minimize nonlysis.Eoss average 2%-12% but may be as high as 35%Eoss not counted hereEoss are counted in the retic channel (even without ordering a retic). Retic reagent must be available on the analyzer at all times when running cats.

  • Cat with Large Platelets

  • Cat with Platelet ClumpsPlatelet clumps appear herePlatelet clump count located here

  • Cat HGB, Platelet and RBCHigh MPV (cat MPV value can be up to 25)Platelets can be larger than RBCsPlatelet cytogram is very diffuse due to platelet activation.

  • Cat ReticEoss are counted in the retic channel. Three times as much sample is pushed through the flowcell when running cat. Throughput for CBC/Diff on cat is 74 samples/hour.Low Retic count normal for cat

  • Cattle WBCElongated MN population

    Cattle can have 0-25% EOSsMonoLUC

  • Cattle HGB, Platelet, and RBCLow MCV

  • Cattle ReticCattle have a very low retic count or no retics at all therefore retics do not need to be run on cattle.

  • Dog WBCBaso positioned lower

  • Dog HGB, RBC and PlateletPlatelets look very diffuse - activatedLarge platelets commonMPV can be 15LPlatelet activation may be a function of the draw technique

  • Dog Platelet (with less platelet activation)Platelets less diffuse

  • Dog Retic%Retic low on dogs (but can be 5%)

  • Goat WBC

  • Goat HGB, Platelet and RBCGoats can have 1,000,000 plateletsRBC count very high and MCV very low2D platelet analysis used to obtain RBC countLower threshold set at zero

  • Goat ReticLow retic resultsNo Retic parameters

  • Guinea Pig WBC

  • Guinea Pig HGB, Platelet and RBCSmall Platelets

  • Guinea Pig Retic

  • Horse WBCEoss are located out to the side and are giant in sizeMonosLUCsUnlysed MN - can warm the blood but non-lysis may not be eliminated

  • Horse HGB, Platelet and RBCLow MCV

  • Horse ReticHorses do not have retics

  • Monkey-Cyno WBCPerox cytogram looks like a weak staining human

  • Monkey-Cyno HGB, Platelet and RBC

  • Monkey-Cyno Retic

  • Monkey-Rhesus WBC

  • Monkey-Rhesus HGB, Platelet and RBC

  • Monkey-Rhesus Retic
  • Mouse WBCMice do not have many monosInverted DiffLipids common for mice

  • Mouse with Platelet ClumpsPlatelet clumps

  • Mouse HGB, Platelet and RBCRBCMCVPlateletMPVPlatelet count about 5% higher (on samples with platelet clumps) than H1E due to difference in mixing between analyzers

  • Mouse ReticCommon pattern

  • Pig WBC

  • Pig HGB, Platelet and RBC

  • Pig Retic

  • Rabbit WBCMany BasosVery little noiseLymph threshold is low due to small size of lymphsBasos can equal 4-10%

  • Rabbit HGB, Platelet and RBCSmall Platelets

  • Rabbit ReticRabbits can have 5%-6% Retics

  • Rat WBCInverted diffPlatelet clumps common (see next Run Screen)

  • Rat-LE with Platelet ClumpsPlatelet Clumps common due to draw technique

  • Rat-LE HGB, Platelet and RBCPlatelet count usually higher on the ADVIA 120 (for samples with platelet clumps than H1E due to differences in mixing between analyzers Platelet Clumps common

  • Rat ReticRat Retic >2%

  • Sheep WBCLUCsMonosLymphsInverted Diff

  • Sheep HGB, Platelet and RBCVolume Threshold set to zeroRBCMCV

  • Sheep ReticLow %Retic